* V + • • •*- • * t~X— m — • 4 » f ^ U k M ' ? T he T urner T ribune os= roi., xiji. wo &;• TURNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. •----- T I- - 1 XLQUGH-HUSTON CO. T^F iinfrai . numerous '' •" 205 S.CMUHCH 57 -ATAN/ HOUU Sew- P h o n e i lo ^ i V V V / A Y V V W ^ / / W W W M * M V W . V ^ W / i « W ^ « / i ^ C. F. BREITHAUPT 512 St#t* Htraut New Bligh Building Locals Dr nnd Mrs. J. Vf. Hansom notored to Jefferson Sunday nnd «pent the day with relative*. A. L. bone* was buay at the fair last week He was in charge o f the Belcrest Memorial Park booth in the exposition building. H ave lo o m aoy tool* *o will («11 .»lowrr, an vil, visa, harnmir, longs, pinchsis, la r d s n tools, pick, mmltock, bars, ale.— H. P. Jei.sei). FLORIST Mr. and Mrs. H. VV, Smith •I § .t a couple of days at the fair G O L D F IS H • C A N A R IE S • L O V E f IR D S - P A R R O T S Jaut week fu ll Ijrts of Bjrd and Fish Food and Kfnwdiei I»ec Barber operated a refresh­ • I*liono MHO - Oregon. ment stand at the fair last w ti k Wednesday the store was closed and Mrs. Barber and the chil­ dren attended the fair. ^ A W . W V V V V W < V i % W A W W i W V V W A V A V ^ V ii V A V ^ H. P Jensen is getting his hardware stock in shape nnd now has his blacksmith shop in opern- lion at the new location. Bplcm’a Square Deal Jewelers & Opticians. Mearl Ensley, o f the Ettsley Diamonds Watches Clcoks Jewelry & Silverware. Transfer, is hauling prunes from 379 State, S t Salem, Oregon. :j Carleton to Dallas. Pomeroy and Keene ^ ^ M W W / / W W / A V «M W W W W W «W A *A V W W . JAY DENHEM f i n i r a i C o itra c to r an d B uilder C e n c i t W o rk a i d P lu a b ia g Route j . Turner, Oregon DRUGS New Statinery 50c and 75c 75c Stacomb-Special 50c Reliable Druggist E. S. PR A T H E R TURNER : OR EG O N G. F. KORINEK, V.S., B.V.Sc V E T E R IN A R IA N Y H. P. Jenseo Has moved lo hi« new location across the strost from tho old .hop. T b s shop is located near the Methodist church at lha raar o f tha d o r # building. Ha is sbla to taka jrour work again. Ha lias a nica lina o f hardw are which he w ill be glad to show you and tell you all about. Com e in and look it orcr. Mr. Jcnsan »ays " I f I do not bava what you want can get it fo r you on ih o rt n o tice." Albert Given is working in a prune dryer at Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bear went to Portland 'i hursday. Mr. Bear was a delegate to the laymen’s session o f the Methodist Oregon c inference. M u » Laura Cammack returned to her .home in Rosedale a fttr teaching the intermediate room two weeks in the absence o f the regular teacher. Mrs. Crystal Ed­ wards who has been detained i t home on account o f illness. W E H A V E CONNECTIONS with the liansen-Bcnnett m ag­ azine agency, one o f the larg­ est in the country, which en­ ables us to give you the best prices and service fo r yoar magazine needs. See F. P. Row- ley at the Tribune O ffice. Mrs. F. C. Gunning had th i misfortune to sprain her ankle which was injured in a fall in Ju­ OCT, RUÛ0CR1PTION « 1.26 I’ Wl YEAR 3.192». J! ■ ................. Mr. and Mrs. f j T. Smith, of cific International this year. Tun> Tacoma, visited on« day last week t-r and thia section o f Marion with his cousin U. S. Talbott and County have long been known as the home o f prize winning Jersey wife nnd attended the fair. and a showing p ‘ the the Portland S. H. Baker spent a couple o f show wjuld speak well for this days in CorvallU superintending i ction. some changes ia the flour mill th.*re.; Gloves, P ui ' sm , Hand Bags Suit Cases and pinny other arti­ cles made o f leather suitable for gifts for all occasions. Tell us your H AR NE SS'needs. F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Commercial SL 8i- Nellie M. Gilbert a a« born at lem, Oregon- Kankakee, Iilnois, May 5, 1861 Fred R. ^mijth. step-father of December 12, 1883 she was mar­ F. C. Gunning met with a near ried to John C. Brinkman at serious accident while coming Lamed, Kansas. They came to from Willamina, where he had Oregon from Newton, Kansas been visiting to attend the fair. and have made their home in While approaching the crossing Aumsville since 1911- Mrs. fc rinkman suffe.ed an at Derry station the car ahead attact o f flu about a year ago stopped and the car in which I e and had been under the doctor’s was riding rar^ into i t Mr. Smith; was badlv scratched nnd bruised care since that time and w: s but not otherwise seriously in­ thought to be improving n health. She k i t for North Rc.id jured. on the 21 o f July to visit her G. W Hunsaktr and l i i daughter Mia. Ruth Ryan ai d daughter fr m Ca ifornia made family The change sremed o a visit to the okl home place in help her for a time but about | the Pleasant view district recent­ the first o f September she le - ly- came seriously ill and v as Best Quality harness made in brought to her heme here on our own shop. Satisfaction guar­ September 17 where she died anteed. Prices from $40.00 to September 21. $05.00 F. E. Shafer. 170 S. Com­ Besides her husband, John C- mercial St Salem. Oregon. Brinkman, she is survived by .wo Miss Thelma Delzell returns! daughters, Mrs. Hazel Morris o f n ix t Sunday to California. She Turner and Mrs. Ruth Ryan, o f goes to Portland and then to North Bend; one son Phil Brink- San Francisco by boat. She is man o f Portland and eight gra id teaching in a private home. children Two children died in Mrs. Vester Bones called on infancy. The many beautiful floral offer­ Mrs. Delzell this week. ings were mute testimonials o f Thelma Delzell and Alvin Schir- the high esteem in which she was man were in Dallas this week. held, among them being floral Mr Schirtnan was one o f a pieces from The Brotherhood o f quartette who sang there. Locomotive Firemen and Engine- The birth o f a baby girl is men No 167, The Ladies Society reported from the John Schirman o f B. o f L. F and E. Portland; home. C ws Chapter 0. E. S., North Ray Harris and small daugh­ Bind. ter of Portland visited Saturday j Rev. Earl Cocknn preached with his parents, Mr. and Mrs the funeral services which «e re h ‘id from the Rigdon Montuary, W. H. Harris. Tuesday mo.ningat 10:30. Inter­ George Morell. field man for ment was made in Twin Oak tha Portland-Damascus Milk ¡Co. cemteery at Turner.-- Aumsville accompanied by the machinist Star. who installed the machinery in the lacal plant returned to Turn­ er Monday. Nellie Gilbert Brinltman Delzells Entertains Visitors Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Matthews and daughters Irene and Nina, of ly. STAYTON — OREGON Tygh Valley. Oregon and Mrs Hollis Bones, who is a groom Richard Carlson, o f Salem, were ~e with Bridgeford Brothers who the guests o f Mr. and Mrs. C. Clare Richardson, Miss Grace showed horses at the Oregon state H. Riches Friday and Saturday. - j Hann and Gordon Hann, o f Day-' fair, visited at the home o f his! Mrs. Carlson and Mi’s. Matthews ton, were visitors at the Delzell parents one evening la'.t week.' » « » » ♦ » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ fr« 4 » » » « ♦ * ♦ « ♦ » » » ♦ » » < - » ♦ ♦ ■ » » » ♦ « • ♦ » » < > » » > ♦ ❖ » » » » * are sisters o f Mrs. Riches- home over the week end. Sunday They will have a two weeks lay­ afternoon all were visiting Mr. over in Salem when they will go Mra. Artila Steele left Tuesday on to Seattle for the show there. for McMinnville to spend the and Mrs. Ivan Hadley. The Had­ D. B Parkes drovo tho s:hool remainde-of tho week visiting ley farm is the old home o f the Hann family- Mr. Richardson bus to the fair grounds Saturday relatives. works in the Alaska cannery part merning. taking about a dozen of Another nuptial Knot that w: s o f the year and at Grand Island, the intermediate school children tied in this community was that near Dayton the rest o f the year. who were scheduled to take part o f Alfred S. Drager and Betty in a health demonstration as a Beatrice Davenport Both young s ocial feature at the fair Mrs. people are residents o f the Clov- Clara Parkes, teacher, accompan­ erdale community. Y a <8 ’ ^ T • ied them. Day and Night Sorvic« Turner Lumber & Mfg. Co. s W e carry in stock Rough and Dressad Lumber, Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select from, also W all Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, Cedar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and Slabwood an four foot lengths. W e desire to serve the public with Promptness and Efficiency. PHONE STS LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL s Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist PAINLESS DENTISTRY A N D X-RAY WORK A ll W ork Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices U m Your Credit Come in and talk it over M A S O N IC T E M P L E . SAi_EM Residence 7S8-R Phone 440 Dr. O. L. Scott Chiropractor Neurocalooietcr Berrlco Phon« 67. Residence 2104J K fi N. High Street Salem. Oregon “No Collection. No Charge’* Ddin charge unless collection is made. 8250,000 Bad Accounts turned ink« Cub 3 usee We Started. Jot down a trial list of had one« and let us turn them into actual money.' Business Men’s Adjustment Company 418-16 Masonic Bldg. Phono 811 SALEM. OREGON F. P. R O W L E Y Health, Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Turner, Oregon. 4 % Paid on six months A NEW STOCK of school supplies Time Deposits B o y ’s Cord Pants, Polo Shirts, etc and a new shipment of Hap­ py Home dresses for the girls. Fire and Automobile Insurance Written WOodsaws Busy OLD TIM E D ANCE Chrysta The hum o f the w odsaw is in Gardens every Wednesday and the air throughout the land- Ves­ aturday, 8:30 P. M. Gents 50c ter Bones cut 10 cord ol wood for Ladies 25c. tf. “ Dad” Delzell lastTueskay. Spud Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Tunnell and digging comes next and then the family, o f near Weiser, Idaho, h irs es tw ill be over. In most Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis were sre.it the past week with Mrr, lines it has been a good year for ! among the lucky exhibtors at the T inneU’s mother Mrs. R J. W at­ the busy farmer. ^ Afl^'AAW VW AAAVW W W VVVVVW AAAVl>W AVW \AA/VVVVW y son. They attended the state f sir state fair. They showed some young registered Jerseys that while here. W A W ^ V S V W W W A *A V V W W W W iW W V W V V W / were in the prise winning class. A number o f dair\ men have They also wen second on a tom their silos filled and others are t irkey. Other entries fr.m th s pieparing to do so ' 1 scallity were Stanley Riches, of A comptote stock of Recleaned Grains, Grass Turner, Oregon Signs o f light frost were seen Turner and Ovid Pickard, of Seeds, Pasture Mi*turs, Burn Mixtures, Clovers, Marion who exhited some fine Friday morning. W .W A W W W .W iW A W W A W W W M W W W V V V V A ' stock which was also in the prize- A lfalfa, etc, II W. Smith, o f Turner, has A winning class.| the record o f attending every The Tidulcdywink herd of prije A ll recleaned in tho best possible m anner state fair held in Oregon but or.e winning Jerseys owned by Mrs. He missed the first one which and sold a t the low est poSalbio prices, quality Florence E. Gale Neal and sons was held in Oregon City. o f Oregon City, formerly o f t ie considered. Mrs. Jennie Burnett ai d Meadow view farm, o f Turner, daughter Mary, o f Portland and headed by the grand chan p un Also Common ane H u n garian Vetches, Fall Mrs. Pitney and daughter Made­ bull. This herd is always a prue Rye, F all Earley Cheat Seed etc. line, o f Minneapolis, spent the winner and has several ribbons week end with Mr. and Mrs. U. to their credit this year. The S. Talbott and S. II. Baker. Mrs. owners are planning to take a Burnett is a cousin o f Mrs. Tal­ representative selection o f thia bott. P H O N E ISO. 261 S T A T E ST. S A LE M . O R E G O N herd to Salt Lake City at the U- Tli* Tribune shop fan print you» Unc’e George Burnett, o f Sa tah fair? butter wraps, kttar h#ada and t » Some o f the local breeders Are lem, spent Sunday at tho S. H. valopa* ,W A V A V V % \ V A % W W A V W V U W ,V h iker home. figuering on showing at the Pa- Turner State Bank A complete line of school sta­ tionery priced right. Local Breeders Win Prizes Highest prices for farm pro­ duce * FALL SEEDS W HEN Buying from our Advertisers mention their ad in This Paper D. A. White & Sons They will appre­ ciate it and so wi 1 We Harrison’s General Store i,