THE TURNER TRIRUN! N O T IC C O F F IN A L A C C O U N T Notice i hereby jfivcji that tho final account of M. H. Hayden ami lion T a m .t r , C h vco n . T h s )ra d «y SEPT 2 6 .1 0 2 » IsNic Maxwell. Mint adiniiiistiu'.or.-« o f the « state o f VV. O. Hayden, , 1 .*, .-v.l, 3-: . p. Surtlftr. €Mu>r bu* I m o fil d in tne County fo u t t t.f Marion County. Oregon, and tinit the I s s u e d r .\ , y T h u i r d a y a t T d r u o r , M a r i o n C o u n t y , O r e g o n fSth day o f October, 1 9 2 9 , at the hour o f ton o'clock A. M., in the room of the Couit!.. Court of Mitrioti t'otin- S U B S f R fT ; IO N $ 1 .2 0 P E R T E A R . E n t e r e d ,-.t th e P o s t o f l k a t.v. O il gnu, fcaa b v ti Uxod by the a t 'i u r i . a r , O f o g o n , a * s e i ; o w d r l « s s m a t t e r , u n d e r th e court is the time and place fo r the ____________• A « t e f .M arch 8 . 1S 79 . hcariti,; ej o b .e c to rj to sucii Anal ac­ count nufi the -etth-ment oi raid re­ late, at which time any person inter- • ■¡ted in sum u o U U may appear and nlo obJt'Cttofia thereto and conte. t the tank1. int A -.miri Ut ret on- ' f the F W . O: lia i i . n, Dccc.u od. * a ■. • » 11 , ; - < ■ i • ■ » • « • ; i V l t, i. i . « ^ -. till' deraigned, by nn enter o f the County : Court of Marion County, State of Oregon, duly made arid entered on 1 pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States the 1 7th lie.» of August, H‘29, w!»s and the country for which it stands. One nation, »! p de. I ;id i.ii’i-nrater o f tito e.-tuty> of [megere Grant and yíial he hot« indivisible, with liberty and justice forali.” duly 1 , 1 1 0 . 111 «! a-- íirrh. An persimi ha» i . d a i . a said estate ate by nofifft- I te i»r» ¡ent the same, i ... -i ed .i- r. ■ ,:in-«i by law, at t- «>:: f S. M. Knificott, in Uie C ry o f Salem, Marion County, Ore- 1 he c g i la li o a ¡a {t i ll on to ¡»»k follerai.go v^rq tueu i fur aid in ’II, »».th e s.\ ir.euths fro;u tl . «lata knittiing Hi «C h a m p o «-g meD.-or.a1. T h a Telegram hu» beeil tig M in g t ;r e f tii - notice, to-wit: Augu.-l 22 Id.':'. a meoeorial bu ilt from futios rai-ed at he m e. T h i ; cun b * d o e r. Ih r W I GRANT. liniior h -lo n g* to tl-e a*-*t affd to ih^t p a il i f the that cotto prise* A :r.;:i’strstor e f the Fatate o f Imo- gene Grunt. Deccas«>»l. • •« tne original Oregon T erritory which is O regon. W a sh in g to n an d .Id ah o SUM M O NS 'I n the Circuit Court o f the State of i Or put. let Va-ion C< unty, D e­ partment No. -, L o t a Clough, rialti tiff, va. Herbert O. K. Clough, Defendant, i'o Hi-ih-.-rt O. K. Clough, the »bove tuu.u’d y fendant: In th> name of the State o f Oregon, >’ u ato hereby iw )u ih 'J to ¡Hipear und allst er the complaint o f the plaintiff h* nein, filed against you in the above entitled court, on or before the lint day o f the timo prese-died in the order for publication o f this sttm- • ion upon you, which p rio,I of Cn.e four in cka from the fith day of b.'l^leiabet, I . 1«!*, being- the time of the fifst pdWÜeat on hereof, and if ■ i i apn< . im , i an.«wi r • »id ( intpiainl, i.() o Daily and Sunday $7.00 With the Tribune *ó.00 tÿ $8.00 » ,w Champoeg* Memorial It a i.- the prouver* of tli » .ec'.ò t. tiia: afterw a rd s breante three of most pro H»-ruas t u h - j c i the Pacific fo r t h nest the in gto n fur l t d « ra l a m ‘> \5 hy cut r»i* c the tec»«?/ at knm r aud bui? 1 a rerriiorie! typrcal t’l the west a t it ou? in tho l u ilt r r cnr’ y tfuv’ No sh irt tire il V r i o f bu ild in g it to repris e t t. c:c i t t a j U ’lv of tfirttnats SUM M ONS the C.icuit Court of the S’ itc of Oregon f«-r t!.r County o f Marion, Department No. 1 . No. 1S415. • nri-t W. Smith . nd George G. Van Natta. partners doing business on lor the assumed firm name and stele o f S.dem Collection A;-..icy. Plaintiffs, W b v ap|i*:il to W a s h ­ y tou riten, wljeu it is b a i.t, ttîo it t j Itju^e the O.«-"»» r historical h fv e ;h r W regtu iM Sionail Sictety lort o i every cit reo of the Etate In mid W j-h in g t o u there is n o r a lr ,«7 p ro U ib ilm g tt.. plaeeiug cf ti ir-g *itn s alo n g the h ig h w a y «, th e idea Oreguu udver- a v dots n*t iu t t r fe :: w ith sigt s le w is MEhler, Defendant. To Lewcsh MUhlcr, the above name«! defendant: In the name of the State o f Oregon, you are h ¡eby required to appear and answer the ccmptainv f»le«i a;c« you in the above entitled action with­ in fo u r |4) weeks from tne itate o f the first publiratron o f tins summons, to-wit: frem tne 2 dth uuy o f Septem­ ber, 19211, and ii you fail to so appear plaintiff will take juiigment against you as fallows to-wit: t l) For the rum o f $250.00, to- getner with inter. . t there*).» th- rate o f eight ytt-r cent Dor annum from July - I. »924, until iqiuii io r tne aur- t icr >u:n o f $75.00 :$ special attor- m-yV * .« s ; ar-f !>.»■ pUunliiis cost-« a;.1! n.-tbiar.-ciihi&fs incuired in this . U v e A % V A \ \ \ % U V A y » W . V ' , V \ V A W \ ‘, V V V A V ; V V A ,‘. W M l , V < j ‘A \ Y y ^ W i N % W . V Mr. r.rd M .i. J..y C A w er. n Su lem Saturday on business. Lottie Hennies and Ikm W ipper at vended »be l.iidietim roundup fo : tove/al eh,.,.. * Mr. u«! Mrs. Oli’.'er Stephen and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Stephen of P re l­ um. were dinner guests at the home e f Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schiffervr. Sunday. Mrs. Ivan Hadley shopper Friday. was a It is left tu p u blic seuti uent to T u r n e r T r ib u n e Subscription Agent Magazines arrd Pevioilicak Salem Oscar Kliflet is drying prunes for Ivan Hadley. { Mr. and Mrs. C. R. -Beamer amt '• s. E. C. Dye, all of Portland, were \ 's’fo :« at the hom e-oCM E and V p Fred Sch iffe«;-, Satuida/ and Sun- «lay. Mrs. Beamer ard M rj. 'Dye gr.< sisters o f M r«. Schifferer. A ll prune dryers in this comrr.u- (21 That the u.usl proceeding-« ity have cp^ued A.r the season’s run I fo r tl- • sa!-.’ o f tii ? follow.» u Mrs. N elly lit:, tit >«» v.a* a Sahiu l beauty of the h ig h w a y but they are c m enace to c a r tfu l d riv in g as, .• 1 prem s^.--, ine mute bsv-~p sbnpper T'scrdfly -.n if - toic», -wa t> pla nvilfi u .a r y t ic e s they hide d angerous c^rv-.-s uinl a r ) a a. ire or l.-es *inui M # Schuntpier »o..! A l­ thU «ciibii, Ai-vm : reel cause of accidents alo n g the highw ays, not cijly by b id in g a d in vin G am er ere hnth artending T ur­ Beginning at tiie North line o f ner High schocL * gerous curve but by attracting this d river's attention oil the road. O z e t'le Donation ¡.¡i::.l C..-. of I. N. t.abcit and wife 15.225 ihains w ealth y »a=tt-rn tcuri»t rem aihed d u rin g bis trip that if tbuy r.i.ulJ re- South 89 degree» .«nd 45 mhiut- tur.velfce large g a la rin g bill boards frem the h igh w ay s the w onderfu l IVe.t from the Southeast corner of the Donation Lund Claim o f John )cetiic Lcautlcs could be eirjoy;»! The tourist (lotos not d K t e ever the Savage in Township 7 Sooth, uar^e wrsUwn h igh w ay s to reiv? sign's ad?crUs i..g '7 varieties of «• :n-i invn- 2 Went o f the Wiliam« tte M> - id an tifacture’.l p?citiCl but to seu the’d ?a it ties cf «he co uj’. try th ro c^h w hitfi in Marion Goui-ty, Oregon; tbtnco South 99 degree» i.nd 4 3 minutes he travels. • • West 7 .2 5 cliainj alun-.r the North A timely ed itorial in a rtce: l issue of the Po rtlan d D a ily N ew s line o f ««id cb-i.n of I. N. Gilbert i ho am»u 1 teachcrr. roccp- and w ife; ilu-tice Soath b.t'O c f lin ; d ealing with the ssue of biM b o e r js er cs w ith-this p a ra g ra p h ; “ There Uience Nor-tn ‘■9 «! ^ :us and 45 tion was given Friday evening is a place for the sign board in Iho^fioootcic : ,.ec:e o f tfiic"?, but it « ' mfnut».; Lart 7.25 chain.« parallel to ‘ «t fi o’clock in tho Tumor high the North Hue c f sal ! claim of place is cot o.i the h ig h w a y .’ ’ i. N. (j«!bi;rt an I w ife ; Tlienee school to welcdmo the teachers No-th 6.90 chains to ii • place o f .and proved .a d*;lighlful affair. I)« "inning, and containing 5 acres •*f land, more or less, in Marion Decorations vere of asters, cle­ County, Onaron, matis vines and other autumn by the S.iorifr o f Marion County, Ore­ gon, r.-icortline to law anil the practice flowers arranged in tall baskets la lk in g pictures for the d e a f ['his the latest, trick of t r i n r o f the afco» • i»Dtilli-«t court; that the and I a rye bOv/ls about the audi­ proceeds' Of said sale be applied to that hss cotne from ti. ele«;tiicil I j 'u r a t o i y . T lw aters of the fui A large attendance ch-.- amount-due plaintiff and that you, torium. .Till offer this addition:'.! tere.-.-e t«> patron * -o ff-r ii-g fr in «.«-»{;» and a!! peraens claiming under or ,'athered for the enjoyable eve­ through you, he forever barred o f a1! Fjw cial seat« >.quipp ed tvilh earphone* v.hich w ill en able the c e i f right, tit!'- and interest in an I to the ning. b ear will be provided. A rpet. i! panel to fu rrii«b tha words and mi above described premises, and every The program was as follow s: part thereof. _ diiectiy fruoi th m ain aniplifi-ratlrn m .itin 'lh e tlieatr;* v.-Rl e r a b le -Music by Mi s Mary Miller, in­ That thi.« - n’T’nni i p ’lbliylieii deaf patson* * f the theitro 1 b e a r every w o ;d Epjk a l y the ^cr nur.-vant to rA -»rrlc-r duly mSd. find vocation, Rev. Grace DiifOr; i>!ave»e •’te n d by the Honorable L. H. Mc- talk, “representing the Par- '•iaii. i. jud^i- of tlie Circuit-Court of * T h t neat ¡Atp? Tc m ake it p n «tib lf f- r t!i- fclln-J to ttp . ;!- f- tv o f 0 , i ; o u _ f o f tr.e County . ‘ nts,” C. H. Jessie; two num­ • InifK>aiil!e L isi? n : T h e n ir-.-ocH *\ jle ra rrai-t.s 1 } ce.tain vih - i, on U p 2 |th day c f ScpLeilV- bers by Christian church or­ ‘. ion«’ now iittl-J un dersl- xl The o p i i o i«’ in iy eoni- ilav react placed o n p rivate property P o H ïa n d D a ily N e w s Unuil November KS One Year $3.00 With The Tribune One Year $4.00 j -• * cliaaicA t« tliise. In in sn y pieces the large g a « '!y s 'g n h o »rd 9 to t on ly aiar scenic \ W u \ l 4 m o n «: H e re fo rd M TEACHERS GIVEN R E C E P T I O N AT TURNER SCHOOL , c n « inrli-.'r invìi .’cJ 1 !« o itu. i * m ) \ McrrG.n 'K’ob-.rcf, » ./ v\»K»'s .Äe t fr .-H U . M Í H ; V *” * d'l. h.:KllL1, I ’W w r / ' f * * ' ’*■ I'- Ac. A. t t j/ New nsmet sod pktx»»»^ ll»U’J>L*h U Cttbtr, j, .c - Ltiuuuuly uap tun J cad Dpt 4 p \ (V ^ eiism ’i new (u «Die. m T B !(N A ’» l o w Seience May Make The Blind See r««l|’* so that i t * K in d m sy i- e W e tr ay » -.-er, ir.:«te n i l rn’i el! hy dio. Ecittica is opr-tting * treioeudous t . - l j ¿ 3 » yet tcarco.'y Ic u c b t d .- içnce ci I - C U A W F O C D , V t y r - - y fo r Plait ÿ i t f . •1 po-ItofT-ec- addix’.«ÿ: I'o rtlan d D a ily tie toe. OP.DFR SU M M O N S In the County Ccurt of the State o f •cuit Court o f the Oregon for Marion County. for Marion Cijlinty In the Muller o f the Estate o f Jo'nhnie • ar-vell, a Minor. , Th J ’tosu e catoe on to be heard li:. day upon the petition o f Hart Farwell, Fred W. Hotho, Def<-n«lant. i.uar-lian c f the estate and person o f ,T-- e1,-,« V/. Hotho, Defendant: Johnnie Fnrwell, a minor, praj ing for In Hu- n-jiii. oj iii.- State o f Ore.eon, Sn oi’.ier o f sale o f certain real prop­ erty bclor.f.inr; to said minor, de- you :».-« Iii-r« rer|uir«l to .v.r^ai- r tii.- complaint f i b -1 rcribel in said petition, end it ap- ’«nd^ •nr'. pea.iug to the court from said petition ’ *’ a in tb-- above er^tiffed that it is n- oes.ary and will be bene­ const r.rni caus- on or before four ficial to the inteiesta o f said Johnnie wt. Is.-: from th.j dal.- o f tb: fir> i puu- Fai-well that all of said ret-l pi o[»-rty • «• .lion or tnia iiiiaimor’i«, and if y«ti« • Ii mid be «obi; hr b «'«>.■« -aid dele, for v ant ibereof, It i hen I > or.l. . a:,-i lif-crc » x.-it: for a de cree of S’ >-a. Grace Perkins, aunt of said a -1 c r y . ; <* ;o,’.in ; the marria--«; m oor, all other person* inter- «■«»ntraet ami th«- OOr-i« o f matrimony est«’il in the estate o f tie j minor, «hall no*- -ubsi-'.ing bittw-’en you ar,f I utlier Hotho. i,’clock A. M., in tlis ec-.i t room c f ! 1-0 1 -■;«• ilotbo, AnVliuV H itho, Nolnof) thii court, ftf tie- cottrt house' in the! H'^llio. an.I E/nexi -H it.ho. minor cliil- fir y o f Salem, Mai ion County, O n - j Jr-n o f plaintiff; and defeudaot, and •; n, tn< n and there to sliow cause j Ior .’-■j'-h otlter an«J further relief &g why r.ft order should not be fnamt . it j .0 tlio court may app. i.r u.,d for the gale o f «oid real pn-peYty. «4 ’rjjitab!,. It is forth -r order« d that a copy o f | this onler be published fo r three suc­ Thi. furamons io *r;ive upon you by cessive weeks in The Turner Tribune, j publication thereof otice each we«rk t newspaper o f general circulation ■ or f - u r consecutive week* in The printed and published ip said county, Turma- Tribune, n weekly ««»-wan.-rm-r which fully con - j lies with the statutes | of »«n ç ri’l rirculation Jiubliihed at tiie repardfug the publication o f’lei-al ed- town d t Turner in Marion County, vcrtiremerrii. » lurjunnt to an ortler o f the • iMted i ’us 2 pth day of Septeml« i, Honorabl«« I . H. McMahan. ju«!"e of tb«- (.’«»urt o f the Stale o f O re­ 1929. tri for ilarion County, made and - ’ -1 on tff .31 ,1 'i . ; o f A ■ i . 1929. Yon n r’ further p«t:f«d that the • ieta of the first publication of litis si” ’m ¡ - , the bth day of S»-pt< ni- " c chit Court o f the Stat- of yclop«. / A. Eear; Mr. 'inti Mrs. Arthur ; . t S t t S i n t S •l«t-i«W < > »4 « * o . ' .; pu-.T.ber, 1929, upon a judgment tumes, presented' a skit and duly I- . : red, entered o f * _ _ _ ««C, r)«iv n ” • in ti-n iliir- r "■ un-l «lo c k - ■ in a: i bv siM So n K» u ‘l» s • HHIOCIUC- «• . on v. 2 .. 85 *«m A L 'Ü t V n O N i i K ï 1 C e t T lip D c ,f WS ' i n On« of tha prominent «ires of America, “ Rclmont’, C»rand Champion 1923 Paciile International. Herbert Chr.ndUr, Oakcr, Crtgon, ow.ior and Ralph Freeman, hero»,-nan. With tho winning of tha Grnr l Chn:n|iionship award at the llifs Bacillc Intoriiutlonar, HerboW Chandler npin-Ul the best Jradl’.I.’UJ of the Chandler name. (!*>on; Chandler, father of Herbert, form or owner and operator of the f.imhBs Hereford crlabll.-hinent nt Baker, Oregon, was known us the “Grand Old Man” of tbo llventoeli lndiutry In tho West. Hereford-« from the Chandler farm »» ill he « x hi hi ted nt tho 19:1» Annual I’aclfk Internation d L IVl - tork EipoalUon, I'ortland, Oregon, OctaLcr 2U- Novcmher 2 . Among the outstanding events ennouncul for the 132# Exposition are: i ’uro Bred Lfvc-stoil» Show; Dairy, Manufacturer»’ and l.uud products Shows; Slioep Show; - 1 Huy nnd Graft Show; Oregon Fish i.nd Gamo CoeimlssloA Wild Lite Exhibit tlnrludlrg mlhlnturo llah hatchery In full fipotnllon) ; Junior A«frl> ulturnl adhrlliej In tho new ! J. C. Penney Hull; uud world-re- oownod Morse Show nffcriag ««•ven evening nnd thro* afternoon programs, featuring spectacular Sia-Horse Team driving conlóala end» evening. Total preraluma [or tho Eit«> It loti will nggreunla » 10 ). 000.00. Tuesday, October 231 h ha.» heeq designated •'OoVertior«’ Pay”. Gov­ ernor P.ltcraon of Oregon nnd Governor nuldrldgil of Idaho expect to attend, ns *l.»o do other Guv- ernors o f ot Ighhorln-j «tatua. Tlio Hon. S. I'. Tolrnl", Primo Minisi« b of D rill-h Columbia‘i* alno expect­ Amerimn National Fox Show; Na ed lo aftf-nd iH-companlod by a tiotifil \Vo«>l Show; luduslriul 1.x number of tils officiai «teff. position; Roys’ nod Girls’ Club All lending transporte!luci lines Work Exhibit*; Oregon Poultry In this territory cflur reduced fares and i ’et Stock Show; North wool to the Exposition. 4 »J.OOOcr.nir-, ¡nrl.i.l.nj- t (i¡)fi i»- -tu.', ij renn », / m b;- 1 't*, !?.l«t> fcmpbttf i , i / i í é ; ; tat./.'. ;,_ .j (j ibj ¡¡.Uni»! j ,*/ G . 6 v C . M t r.-iutn C o m p a n y Ef iiugt c I Jl, h'.tui. I ‘«S’itWMg AUTHOR [ ........... . -h «.lay erf August, lion of Principal John R. Cox r.-.tti-n wa p’aintifr ant l.oui* K. responses. M im . Earl Bear play- n ;'nl "i- 4rweri; ff| the piano during ' the greet- d , '.th.nt.- ,r. Javor o f p:ijin*.Mr an«l 1 1 a H e re S h e C o m e s t aid « and each o f • inU give (bva he a -y Ir. to. le­ nient '•f. All Stvcs tl,~t have nj- pted a large dierb-naov 1.1 ihiruiird have sci \'-. ir-.-s topeth--r with I '1 he Women s Gliristian fem- ’ cr>: ■ ■ '* 5 on*'orient o f raid ; perance I ’nion gportsored the \ * o f s a i ! rxitcution. I will on nH ceptton, w it h ivlra. G . V r. r a r - : . (’uy t I2iii «lay o f O ctob e r,; r j. aa g e n e r a l c h a lr m a r i ; M i s . 1929, at th hour of 10 oYIock A.M. .. 1 • . , - if .a d at tne wv.-t door o f the r l e n r y c h a irm a n of county court I- ir. Manor, County, p r o g r a m ' c o m m it t e e , a n d a «- Or< R,ou, r-.J x t-p jb lic auction tn th e' . . ,, ^ i, . ■ n U w e r e M rs. E a r l B e *? , >! - tdl».-, inter- Mrs. 4 . L. M ’e l b , Mrs. C. L. rid ! alf %4rzo pf claiming uiiclor them * ^ D m * ) ', M r s . »Mlflan G l l ’iVrdin | ru b / ^ y .m it to ih- execution of plain- and Mrs. IC. Lee YhieBsen. inort^aje in, o f an«i to 1 p rai - h< r«5nb' f- r mentioned end pM«FWi' i»w*» « ■ « »^ri'r'ir^gaitolTm— r1 ■hi i ■ fdiio .i,^ , the Town o f Marion, Marion Coun- ty. O on, according to the pint B * 7® . * 7 B 9 ■^-««-wfm,tTiT-‘-ww--rwr -1 n w ------- ! '■ ■ - ' ’ uur iy. O. J). BOV/Eit, ion County, O rigon The Tribune ahop can print your butter wraps, letter beads and an* chestra; reading, “ The Teach­ ers’ Dream” by \Vilk ue J- « ic; song, “ Bring -My School days,” Lorraine Barnett, Marjorie -Mc­ Kay, jJiidred Bono«, Stelia Barnett, Eleanor Parks, and ! Leta May Bones; “ Welcome ' ) S to e fe '" X ‘I S lW — A l á ^w/ ....... \. : ........... 1 1 , i- 1 ... . .1 -------P A T E N T E A W Y E rtS — 305 Seventh bi.,Wa»bingion. D. C- Over 34 Y■ «■«ri’ F.«pi rienc« / - Jhe Stboolboolca of the Country iar.cie to the Mcrriam-Wcb»er system of diacritical snarl«. Tbir OoveiOH mtTrinting Q(beg at Wuhlngtojl u»es it as auil^rnty. tt^RTTt! U r m canille rasa tl i«.- I'tw A» A. II«.-. 1 « « i ol Ri-irUaf , ,71 laJu Pap««, I RtL, o. ft c. M cilam /. a'iGJy y g /b ! «; u- Ih u c your envelope» printed with your r;!u rn ad,|rCaa. The Tribune» can do the worfc.