The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, September 26, 1929, Image 3

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Where Manchurian War Clouds Are Heavy
B is h o p A l l R ig h t, b u t
Oh, You Cannibal King!
Th« 1st« Avery llopwood, th« bril­
liant playwright, believed In tb«
younger generation. He said on* day
at a luncheon tn bis New York apart­
ment •
“ The younger generation Is Inno­
cent. It talks rough, but It Is Inno­
cent at heart. It reminds m« o f th*
two lift!« girl*.
The first UttS# girt was on b«r way
to school w icn sba met th« old
“ ‘Haven't yon got a kiss for me.
my cblld r be said.
“ So aha pursed up her llttl« mouth
and stood on tiptoe and th« old blab-
op kissed her.
“ When she got to school she
bragged to her schoolmates:
“ T Just kissed a bishop.'
“ ■Oh. pshaw, that ain’t nothin’ ,*
said s second little girt. 'Why, at tb«
masquerade ball at the Ocean hotel I
kissed a black cannibal king.’ "
4 ,
By T. T
f f
4* *f ~ 4
**Th# Golden Bridge”
N 1878 the I'eimsylvunla railroad
lull I • a IK apuli, single lra< It bridge
acruaa the Huequehanne river at Mavra
de Grace, Maryland. In 11**4 Hie rail
road bull! a double track bridge U> re
place Ilia old oua and offered to pre
vent (he original bridge to the coun
lira, which II ronnerta ae a highway
bridge elnre It la on one o f the main
routea between Philadelphia and Waah
Htrunge to aay. Ilia count lee turned
up their noaea. ao to apeak, and de
dined to aecegt the gift. The railroad
then offered the bridge to a group ot
rlllzena of ttioae two counties, who ac­
cepted It promptly, had a romantic
vlalon, “pul up” IKK) each at a work­
ing fund and began to o|ierate It aa a
toll bridge. Auto lraffle developed “ by
len|>e and bounds," and tha owners
made money “ hand over Bet" From
III UJ to 11*23 It la said to have netted
them more than $I,UUU,UUU, having been
nicknamed “The Golden Bridge."
In 11*28 the «tale road commlaslon
purchased the structure, under legis­
lative authority, -for IWMMI. and con
tlnued the lolls until It wna paid for
and Improvemenla were added.
The old span was narrow. Two
truck* could not pass To overcome
this handicap and double It* capacity,
th* annual traffic having grown to
about 27f\.tm« veil Idea, an Ingenious
plan was worked out, whereby anoth­
er deck »a a anchored to the super-
•trurtnre. Now. all north bound traf­
fic moves via tha upper deck, and all
south bound traffic vja the lower or
original deck end the tolls have been
e a a
I T S folly to suffer long from net»*
*ritij, neuralgia, or headaches when
relief is swift and sure, with Bayer
Aspirin. For 28 years the medical
profession hat recommended i t It
does not affect the heart. Take it
for colds, rheumatism, sciatica,
lumbago. Gargle it for a tore throat
or tonsilitis. Proven directions for
its many uses, in every package;
AH drug stores have genuine Bayer
Aspirin which it readily identified
by the name on the box and the
Bayer cross on every tablet.
Seamen's Phrat« That
Might Puzzle Landsmen
View o f the etty of I’ogranlchlyana, Manchuria, on the Chinee« Eastern railway, s central spot In the trujblea
that have been threatening to bring war between Chlnaand Russia.
Swedes Return to Homeland From Russia
“ Yes, I Ilka the Bowdoln. She
Sleeps eleven,” said Commander Mac­
Millan to a reporter who greeted
him when the ship docked.
“ She sleeps eleven?” tbe reporter
“ Yes,” the commander answered
“ ’She sleep* Is a term used by sail­
or men and obviously means the
limit o f the ship’s accommodations.
I waa walking through a cemetery In
Provlncetown, Mass, not very long
ago when I saw two old sea captains
admiring the tombstone o f a prom­
inent ex-resident.
“ T h at's quite a tombstone,’ I re­
marked to one o f them.
“ 'It is,’ he answered, ’a wonderful
tombstone. 8he sleeps six.’ *
Tbs price o f liberty is eternal rig
llance, byt the cost of repairs Is extra,
Amtr\n to th«
c i iítmomooüeoddmtm ot I
Use Hanford’*
Balsam of Myrrh
AM ern iari ira satksHiaS ta rati*« raer a w ar
lar tka tirai kottia II oat mMaS
“ The World's Greatest Organ”
L'ILT In 1.0« Angelee and exhibited
at tha 8L l-ouls World's fair In
ERE’S more value
11*04. where It waa played by the great
than you can buy in organists of tha world, this mammoth
any other make of radio
Instrument was subsequently dlarnan
set! Only Majcatic’i pre- tied and remained muta In a 8 l Loula
cUion-workmanship and warehouse for several years.
And then on* day Its myriad parte
giant production makes were
loaded Into thirteen bos r a n
possible such amazing and It waa treated to a ride to Phil
quality at such an un­ adelphla. where It waa enlarged—by
80 per rent, and Installed In a great
heard-of price.
“ In the center o f (ha largest
No other instrument court
building In tha world devoted to re
in any price field com* tall merchandising." Now. every week
mands the services o f day. tha paaalng throngs are prlv
such eminent engineers. Urged to enjoy tha melody which
paala forth from that which la aald to
N o other guarantees your bo both tha largest and Bneet. If It la
satisfaction with 1000 not the very latest Improved, musical
exacting inspections of Instrument on earth.
This king o f Instruments has five
•very Majestic produced.
manuals, 232 stops and a forest of
No wonder Majestic pipes—
17,834. to he esact—ranging tn
adorns a million homes length from three-fourths o f an Inch
—with 5000 new owners to upwards of S7 feet, weighs 373.000
pounds, and Including Its several
added every day! They blowers
o f more than 100 boras pow­
know what they’ re sav* er—capable o f supplying approxlmat*
ing in real money. They ly 21,000 cubic feet o f atr per minute,
know what they’re get* occupies a space o f 118,003 cubic feet.
largest pipe ta o f wood, 82 feet
ting in superlative, re­ The
long, weighs 1,788 pounds and. ‘tla
liable performance all said, two men can crawl through It
car round. You can’t side by side on their hands and knees.
The Instrument la played from two
uy a better radio than consoles—one
for ordinary playing
Majestic at any price! See and the other for mechanical playing.
the Majestic dealer today. Needless to aay. the organ Is majestic
What Is believed to be the largest wholesale return o f “ prodigal sons" ever recorded took place recently In
Eurtqie. About two hundred years ago a group o f dissatisfied Swede* left their homeland and trekked to South
Russia to make their future homes Here the colony thrived and flourlahed to more than a thousand. However,
since Russia turned Red the colonists, who had kept their Identity without mixing a drop o f Russian blood In
tlielr veins began to get disgusted with the way things were going In their adopted land, ao recently they decided
to return to the land of their fathers and they went back In one huge train, whose arrival In Sweden Is here shown
with Red Cross nurses meeting It
Crowning th« “King of the Dahlia”
CHICAOO. U. 8 . A .
Mighty Monarch of the Air
91 ZrL'ZTSi
pi a# fou r tu n ed stage« o f rad io
usney. A b so lu te ly n o hum or oscil-
_ Ml St a n y w ave length. A u tom atic
•enaitivtty co n tro l give* u m lie m rang«
xmrtr «11 o ve r th e dial. Im p ro v e d
•tic fluper D yn a m ic Speaker
y , S ta n ly M a je stic p o w e r unit
With | -aitiva voltn g# ballaat liwurfS
lo n g Id* and m fe t y T lU r t y English d*-
•ig* C*bin«t o f A met an W aln u t. In*
gtlam en t pan el ov e rU td w ith genuine
b n p orted A u stralian L a ce w o o d . Km-
$i 4 9 5^
A ia jm tlc T h a a tr« o at f th
th* « A ir arm
bia and A m erican
lean Hroadcaattng
C olu
m bu
System s •very I
lay n iih t , 9 t o 10
M a tern D
1 a y lig h t Sa vtng Tim a. Head*
M oan o f tha S tag* and
T r a r f p r M ill« « n il u p
t i n tra ct* in
/ J .H
■ U tftM MM
v C O l f M l i » 1 f -V
'« - V
t h a lr o ld « « w utt a D a w
Off* t h a t w i l l h o l d it*
t # # t b . > \tn l ig h t # » m d
c u t H e r it w o o d
t r i a l, if n o t t h # h # « t
ra tw rn o u r a a p a n s a l
- W # g lv # e a s y terrvtk
ll| M
"Pappa, vat la sclencst”
* U j, how could you be ao atupldl
Science la doae things vat aays ‘no
amoklng.' "— Everybody'« Weekly.
Statuary Hall
o f M agnesia
TATUAHY HALL, ao called, ta a
great semicircular, hlgh-celllnged
room, with a Qreclao theater effect
In our National Capitol In Washington.
Formerly used hy the house of repre­
sentative*—Its walls have echoed the
volree of Webeter, Clay, Calhoun and
other personages famous tn congress
In their time— ll wna set aside In 1804
aa a national atatuary hall, to which
each state mlgM contribute a etntue
of two of Its moat distinguished d ll
Ia the new law going to make the
farmera all ao rich they can pay an
Income tax?
Maryland la typified by Charles Car-
roll, a signer o f the l>erlaratlon o f In­
Dr. Luther Michael, city health officer o f San Leandro, Calif., and famous
dependence ; Massachusetts hy 8am-
grower o f dahlias who waa crowned “ King o f the Dahlia” by Miss Mary
uel Adams who helped promote the Ragusn, to reign at the San Leandro fall flower festival.
devolution; New York by George
Clinton, Ita Brat governor and I'enn
•ylvanla hy Robert Fulton, the Brat
Inventor to practically apply steam
power; Virginia by George Washing
ton. In the military costume of the
devolution and Robert K. I-ee, who
commanded the army o f North Vlr
glnla during the Civil war. In the uni
form of the Confederate service. 8 *
quota—a Cherokee Indian half-breed—
after whom the big trees of California
are aald to have been named, who de­
velop'd a written and printed Ian
guaga for hla tribe, represents Okla­
homa, while that great woman. Fran !
ces E. Willard, the founder o f I he Wom­
en's chrlatlan Temperance Union, sym- :
hollses Illinois Itohed In the huckakln
of pioneer days, Sam Houston, who
wna President o f the republic of Texns j
when annexed by the United States, !
depicts the Lone Star stats
prohibits mention o f all. Suffice to j
aay the entire ensemble la an Impos­
ing gathering of Images o f the nntlon’i
outstanding characters of their day
and generation.
Power o f Journalist
E m barrassing M om ents
“Billie the Kid,“ Secretary o f
State Stlmson's nine-month-old goat,
seems quite contented tn the arms o f
Kitty Brown o f Washington. The
goat arrived In Washington addressed
to the secretary o f state and the dip­
lomatic powers-that-be turned “ Rlllle"
over to the National Zoological park
In the Capital city.
Among life's perplexing situations
la that of being In a position where
you're expected to say something and
have nothing to say.—Toledo Bloda
U tai o f Iodine
The addition o f Iodine In the food
o f animals will prolong tbe useful life
o f • cow by two or three years, and
the productive life o f a ben by at least
a year.
Brought Home a Relic
“ Did you see any o f the. ruins while
you were in Rome?”
“ S— h—h ! Not so loud I Look I I
married one o f ’em."
Approximately 6,000.000 trees are
cut annually for telegraph and tele­
phone poles.
Types of the hundred* o f “ White" Russian cavalrymen who have Joined
th« Chinese along the Mnnchurlan border to light their “ Red" countrymen.
Vienna, the capital o f Austria, has
1 flO,000 more women than men.
Manchuria, with a population o f
T M I W , smoked 8.300,000,000 cig­
arettes last year.
One o f the famous glacier« Is the
Mer de Glace In the Alps. It la about
5,700 feet above sea level.
Huge handcuffs more than one
hundred years old, were found In th«
tall o f I’ erquinmna county, N. O.
More than 03 per cent o f the farm­
ers In Denmark own their own farm s
In Japnn automobiles have to be Il­
luminated Inside aa well as outside at
Enough telephone wires are need In
New York city to reach 35 times to
the moon.
Twenty-ftve new buildings ara erect-
ed tn New York city every day and
six are demolished,
The centenary o f the hand organ
occurs this year, but there is some
dispute In Italy as to whether notice
should be taken o f the event.
Florence the musical newspaper, Le
Stafflle, has come out strongly tn fa­
vor o f a fitting celebration, bat in
Rome La Trlbuna Is against i t The
former believes that the hurdy-
gurdy represents the lowly, and
popularises the Italian opera. La
Tribnna wishes to banish forever the
“ organetto” and the outstretched palm
Of the attendant monkey.
Rich From “ Hot Doga“
The making and selling of “hot
dogs" is fast becoming one o f Arne*
lea's big Industries. This year, it Is
estimated, 400,000,000 pounds o f these
toothsome sausages will be fed to the
American public in sandwiches. One
stand at Coney Island last year aver­
aged $15.000 every week-end through
the season. Then the proprietor,
known as “ Hot Dog Joe,” took his
family to Italy, where they lived In
affluence through the winter.
Many find Russ Ball Blue good tonic
for chickens. Large package at Gro­
cers.— Adv.
Making Gulf Stream Useful
A well known scit. 1st hopes to ob­
tain power from the gnlf stream. He is
IL Georges Claude, whose experiment*
at Havana have been so successful
that he Intends to continue bis re­
search off the Cuban coast.
sive silliinanite insulator ia
practically i La pervious to
carbon and oily deposits.
Special analysis electrodes re­
sist pitting and burning to
th e u t m o s t . T h a t is why
Champions excel in service.
All Depend*
(th t i l l W aatare Nowapapor Union.»
Cemet’ a Transit
The Naval observatory aays that
Jlalloy's cornet croeaed the face o f the
Vun May 18, RHO. Thla la known only
hy the computed positions o f the corn­
et In Ita orhlt na no evtdence whatever
o f the transit waa onserved on tbe
tun'a disk.
“ A c tin f” Caaarias
Training canaries to “ act“ tn talk­
ing pictures la ooe o f tbe vocations
o f Mrs. Jean P. Kosbt o f Glendale,
Calif. She has 100 song birds, one of
which. Tinker Bell, has been taught
to help her feed the fledglings. Tinker
Bell mothers fourteen young ones.
Dispute Over Hand Organ
A Journalist la a grumbler, ■ cen-
aurer, a giver o f advice, a regent of
sovereigns a tutor o f nations Four
hostile newspapers are more to be
feared than ■ thousand bayonets —
Lots o f folks who think they have
“Indigestion“ have only an acid condi­
tion which could be corrected in five
or ten mlnntea An effective antl-acld
Uke Phillips Milk o f Magnesia soon
restores digestion to normal.
Phillips uOC£ . » a y with all that
sourness and gas right after meals It
prevents the distress so apt to occur
two hours after eating. What a plea*
ant preparation to take I And how
good It is for the system! Unlike a
burning dose o f soda—which Is but
temporary relief at best—Phillips
Milk o f Magnesia neutralises many
times Its volume In add.
Next time a hearty meal, or too rich
a diet has brought on the least d l*
comfort, try—
1 M ilk
—Its music, superb.
s e e
White Russians With the Chinese
H , r U ’,
When Food
Miss Martha Norellua of New York
who won the 10-mll« Wrlgley marathon
swim and first prise o f $10.000. Shs
covered the distance In record time—
5 :24:22. Over 100,000 persons watched
th« race.
Oae Peiat ef View
If we mutt focus on miseries, ws
shall do better to chooee the miseries
o f somebody else.
Depressing People
The drier a man's mind the more
likely he Is to provs a wet blanket—
Farm and Fireside.
Some Few Year* Ago
The hippopotamus once roamed the
prehistoric forests which flourished
near where London now stands
Mix—Is he deaf?
Fix—That all depend» on whether
you offer him money or ask for It.
T oo often bad motives are attached
to good acts.
C h a m p io n
s p a r k
Watch acuffi disappear at the touch of the
dauher. Clean, «north color cornea bock to
faded »hoes. More than 50 marvelous dune*
— jo cento. Colors for black, brown, tan and
white thoce— a neutral pokah for other*.
D y a n S h j n C
W . N. u., P O R TL A N D . NO. 37 -1929.
Keep school shoes
B A R T O N ’S
T O L A D O . O H IO