SUBSCRIPTION 11.¿ó TKR Y RAR '»pr r IJÜJU 6 HHUSTON CO. F ünfmal D íh ~cro p s' E l wh#ìVi' ROr» 5 CHUB.CH sr-A V /N Y MOCA rrt , , Glove*, Puni», Hand Bax«. with Mis» Mary Calavan as teach­ W W /W ,V ,,W .V .V .,A ,.V //.V .V A ', Hujt Cases end many other arti­ er. cles made of leather suitable for Miss Claudine Rowland of Mar­ ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT &POR gifts for all occasions. Tell us1 ion sp^nt Sunday a t“ the P- E. Fopt BnH Goods your HARNESS needs. F. E. Thomason home. Shafer, 170 Commercial St. Ha. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson lorn, Oregon. have leased thejr farm and ex­ Feller were irrrripd las} yieek. Miss (¡race P r ÿjer lo/t Monday pect to move to Portland soon, The Sporting Good Store Mrj. Feller is tho daughter of to gttenc] the annual cohîceen the ttyrd attem pt at the fair grounds Sunday. ' *■ charivari party. The third t 'm« The Delzeli cawily, of Turr,^, . is always a charni. The couple t ie Nichols family, of Stayton, thv farmers and »rain raisers of have the beat wishes of tjieir It is a patent binder and and the Harm family, of Dayton, Ore»o«i. ccimbinr draper. It is so made that many friends. enjoy picnic dinner to gethef it is absolutely solid and prevents weed or other trash accumulating Mr. and Mrs."Dick Monroe, of at the t a;r, Wcdacaday. between the canvas and strips.; Mr. Fall Creek, Oregon and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. F C. De.zeli and Bartyz also has anothv exhibit in 1 Mrs. Bert Bye, of near Hlverton. daughters went to Grand Island, the shape of a fulcrum hammer. were Turner visitors Sunday. Sunday They also visited with This hammer has a block built in lh t head which is forced out by Mrs. Alice Harm, of Dayton- W e c a /ry in sto ck R qugh a n d LuzniUiu-, means of a screw which forms a ful­ M n. E. C. Bakej, who spent crum to pry ovet when pulUnc nails. S hingle* (h ig h e s t q u a lity ) fiv e g ja d e s to select several d^ya in Terna? on Busi­ TfcL cxu.bit will he found at the west li * - er.d of the automobile building. Nr ness returned to Prjrt/apd'. Tues­ Bartoz, president and D. F. Eastba’rr. from , also W a ll B o ard , P ain t, D oors, W in d o w s, manager of the company, are both day. C e d a r P osts, B rick, P la ste r, T ile a n d S la b w o o J in well known in Turner, having for­ S. H, Baker was a business vis­ merly lived in this tomjnunity.' fo u r fo o t length«. itor in Salem, Friday. ClifTord Ensley has purchased HUNSAKERS ORSFRVE THF.IR W e d e sire to serv e th e p u b lic w ith P ro m p tn e ss a new Fargo truck. and Efficiency. FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Mr^. K. t |!aker retim ed Turner last week to look after L E T V s F IG U R E YOUR B ILL PHONE 575 busiuess interests. While Mr. and Mrs. G. V». Hansake” will she attended the state fair, observe their 50th wedding anniver­ a] so had some remotileing sary at their home in Turner on Oct­ ober 1st, with u family reunion. davg arc welcomed by every one They will keep open house in the af­ except’ the prunp growers. If thev ter rcon from 2 to 4 when all their don’t hang on too long they will friends will be welcome. Mrs. Marie Darrah and Mr?. Ethel do but little damage to the prunes. Dickey, of Los Angeles, arrived in OLD TIME DANCE Chrysta Turner Tuesday jnorniog for a vinit Gardens every Wednesday and Mrs. Dickey Is a daughter of M-. ami Mss. Hansaker and Mrs. Darrah aturday, 8:30 P. M. Gents 50c is a cousin of Mrs. Hur.raker. Both PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X-RAY WORK Mrs. J. W. Mills** a&d Mrs. came Indies ¡¿5c. tf. to attend the reunion. All W ork G uaranteed and a t M oderate Prices fh e r,mount o( grapes that are Howard Masters and their ncice Miss Mary Miller, of Centerville Us« Your Credit Come in and talk it over hanging on the I E. Putnam Washington, visited at the home grape arbor is ft sight worjh see- b M A S O N IC T E M P L E S A l EM of Mrs. L. W. Robertson, last ing. g Phone 4 40 Residence 758-R Mrs. II. W. Smith was a Salem Tuesday. « I .Vr.v Waldo R*chcs left Saturday for vwaSMa&GftK S5väß3fcr Nick Welter, the local barbgr, Monmouth where he will enroll r t visitor] Saturday. is the father of a baby girl born the normal college. Riches is the Harvgy wilsqn, of Route 2, is only member of tija 1929 Turner high Tuesday o f last week. planning to move to Portland in school graduating class of 13 stu­ Mr. and Mrs. James hjoah and dents who is going to college this the near future- fall. Kenneth Bear and Lillian Pet­ “No Collection, No Charge” 1‘anl Walker, wife and (family famiiy have moved into the Bak­ erson are both taking home exten­ drove through Turner, Sunday, er hotel building. sion courses in business training. Delinquent accounts collected on a contingent basis. We do the work; Chiropractor RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL enronte to the home of Mrs. Wal­ We received a nice letter from shoulder the expense and make nq It has been learned here that Mrs. N* Urcculorpe(j»r Service ker’s Jeer s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Our ole} friend O. H. P. Cornel­ Kenneth charge unless collection is made: Lortez (Miss Hi’da Larson $250,000 B ad A ccounts tu rn ed into Phnqe 87. Residence 210-1J K. Thomason. ius, of Colfax, Washington in­ of Salem, is improved enough to bo Cash Since We S tarted . to her home in Salem. Mrs. Jot down a trial list of bad ones and Best Quality harness made in closing renewal to the Tribune removed 2ÓG N. H igh Street Loretz has been in a Eugene hospital let us turn them into actual money.’ our own shop. Satisfaction guar­ for himself and Miss Hal lie for nearly two months following an Salem, Oregon Business Men’s Adjustment anteed. Prices from $10.00 to Thomas. Uncle Perry still enju.vs operation and relapse. Both Mr. Coinpany and Mrs. Lortez were former resi­ $65.PQ F. E. Slmfer, 170 S. Com­ the home news. dents of Turner before their mar­ 1 415-16 Masonic Bldg. Phone 911 mercial ibt Salem, Oregon. riage. SA LEM . O REG O N Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaefer are moving te the McKay farm LAST RITES FOR JOSEPH west o f T«rnpr.| BESSE HELD MONDAY Rev. A Gilstrap and family have moved to Turner fropi Eu­ The serviues are growing into gene. and are living in the Chris­ interest under the leadership of Funeral were held Monday tian church property near the our new minister, Mr. Gilstrap. afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Higdon tabernacle Gilstrap is fhe ant} t^epe u promise of revival in chap pel in Salem for Joseph Wan­ da! ph Besse. new pjrstor* of the Christian the church and Bible school. Jo»«ph Randolph Besse was born churph. All hours of service will be as August 25, 1843, at Dupage, 111., Will county, and died September 19, 1928 Mrs. Thomas Little entertained usual. at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. the ladies work club of Surprise L. Bones in Turner, at the age of 88 grange last Tuesday. years and 25 day», after a lingering illness. He was united in marriage Mrs. L A. Edwards and young December 2. 1868, to Ca'lie Munson, daughter. Ethel Geraldine came who died in November, 1927. To this union was born seven ohilt from a Salem hospital last Sun­ dr on, of which four a.e living. Mr. day and will spend some time at Besse had been a resident of Tumpr the home of her parents Mr.’ami for 36 years. Surviving are twe daughter,: Mis. A. L. Bones of ; .VW u NV i W A W .Y Y W .V .V .’ i V i V .V .V A V ^ W W W M Y W i V Mrs. O. P. Given. Turner and Mrs. T. M. (look of WE HAVE CONNECTIONS Helix; two sons, Clarence R. Besse with the Hansen-Bennett m ag­ and George A. Bess*! of Portland; two grandchild. Interment was in azine agency, one of the larg­ Lincoln Memorial park in Poiptland est in the country, whiph en­ ables us to ’give you the best prices and service for your magazine needs. See F. P. Row- qt ley at the Tribune Office. Drpger-Feller â. W m , E. A nderson’s I JAY DJHNHEM w , (huerai Can traci w and ßhildjir Cement Work sad Plumbing Turner, Oregon H o u le 3 Paints, Enamel#. Varnfshç«, Fluor F in ish ^ Kalbumine, (Husk, Brushes 15 and £0c Reliable Dniojigist E. S. PRATHER OREGON TURNER j Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist VETERINARIAN Day and Night Scfy^O QBPfiQN ST^VTQN 4 Dr. O. L. Scott % P a id op s ix m o n th s Time Deposits F ire a n d Automobile Insurance W ritten Turner State Hank A complete block of Rcclcan^d Grains, Giasa Seeds, Pasture Mixturs, Burn Mixtures, Clovers, Alfalfa, etc. All rcckancd in the hfst possible manner and sold at the lowest possible prices, quality c o n s id e re d . Also Common anc Hungarian Vetches, Fall Hxe. Farley Client Seed etc. D. A, W hite A Sons P H O N E ICO. 261 S T A T E S T F. P. ROWLEY Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Turner, | A NEW STOCK j I of school supplies ;j Mrs. W. T- Riches has been on tl.psick list fv>T several days. Miss Faustina Delzell, a Turn­ er high sclioul graduate pf last / m W W V W A V V W V A V .V . 'A W .W V W W W W 1.*.VV .*.’ ■*.*.v . v May, is attending tho university in Salem. Ç. F. BREITHAUPT Nc\v Bligh Building FLORIST Salem, - 1’hono 380 • Orriron. ■: B oy’s C 4' Pants, Polo Shirts, ■: etc anct a new shipm ent of Hap- j; Buying from our py Honje dresses for the girls Advertisers A complete, line of school st«-* mentiop their ad in tionery priced right. This Paper M W .V .V /.V .'.W .-.V A A V W /A N W M W A W A V W W HEN SALEM . O R EG O N 512 Stato Street Oregon. i House guests at the C. A. Bear home last week were Mrs. John Blair and young son of Muiins. Miss Carol Kiser, of Salem and 'Miss Laura Cnmmack, of Rose- dale. E. S. Prather proprietor of the ,local drug store handled the sphool book sale this year. He was as­ sisted on the opening by Mrs. E. G. Bear. They will appre­ ciate it and so will We H ighest prices for farm pro­ duce H arrison's Genera! Store Turner, Give The Tribune er;dit for what you buy from our edvertiw.ra. Oregon * M V .W .m V A V .W A W W .V A V W JW /A M M W A