SH Ettlf f '3 NOTICE OK SAl.E d THE TURNER TRIBUNE ' th* m> , ‘/p ^ « I » :■ ;t c . i . r o f th C'«u..t> %. »O R K Court ot Morien County, SU» e o f Notice i» herebv rj'»-ii, * u ' *') Tumor, Oregon. Thursday JjEPT 19. 1&»\) O i,;t,ü, nutila and ent. r,-d »n vlrtu« of nn •* jriitfon dulv i«*»ie«l out Ith«' 170 .1.»» « f A u *u t. 192t), u.«. th* l »>•«.» Cour« o f th. Ststo « f if. $1. ftdflilht. Ebilur ! a i'P ’lnt« d »•>.’».’ i.Urotor o f th.- «■:!.».*■ Oi» »on, tor tho toui.ty <>i Marion, *? Imog. nr «7rt>- t sn.l t «.«t h h i . nn.l t.» n.' »li c«t*d an tki 10t.» dar Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Mmion County’ , Oregon'v , . ,*«/.. ,i o.« » uch. All t» r»oiw ' f • ••ten<‘v r. 192», upoit «tJu»l,r«**eiit ¡»•»rin* >•’. inv. uinin.t »ai.l ««t..t*end.'rv«i, .'«•loa.-.l ot BUBSCRIFTiON f l . R i l ’ER YEAR. Entcrod at the Pos'.ofdco !,i :vln rout'vii \ -«.il th«> property in k »¡«I -eeution ‘ an I hervlnaftir . «' enbed »«> p.'v th ■ sum du« th« plpinlitf of f H'.v , I th-' furll’ iT sum of $».'«.09 .«ItoTney’s fee* togethe»' with th i i . i . urd .!■: ui . :v:»ts of »aid D ..VÍ sail taxed ut l l f .OO adii cost i nil ! » exjH'i:' s o f ««»hi execution. I will on S .. .»,;.».. I .« 15th d ». e f October. I u p. . .. ¡.our o f 10 o'clin k \.M. » W A f k M W k V S W M h W V W I A A k k k A i W U V W i « * , A 1 v v m t V . w t w W A V S ’. W .’A V d / A o« v»;'<* day at the west door o f the count/ <«>. 't house In klurion Coitnty, OreC'ln, ... \l nt puldlc auction to the hig.;. »t liWt.ieKfaacash il* hnml on thr dry o ' «-«le, all the right, till», n»t,-r- «'•» '.ad e : ;e »hielt said defeiidAn* and all ik *. sous claiming uml«.r « .i o*e»yi. i»t -to tho exi.cufeu of linin' tiff’s ine rtg i:«i' 'U, o f and to uniti {UvKtisea hervinlu'ACO' n»« nli..Ulf 1 ami «!v»:ribrd it. s»-»'»! execution a> fol Lu Vs j. ta-Vjjt: «! t «vu in M’ .ck 4 in lo t » cno lbo Town o i .M.uion, M;tnon ^ oun- ty. Or g.'«■.. :.cc7>^b: g to the plat ¿ ^ • W A h W m k V W u h ’ A x V . V . W i W A W . V A A V / . V ' W A A ' A V A ' ' . W . W A V . ' . W A W . thereof «-:» fii." und of record . 1 « the oflie ' o f the Recotd.'r of Ctsvcy- ■■'.¡’.ce'; for ...ti l Cout ty. Said sale being mi'»l»' subject to rt>- W e .Are »h o v ’ ing now tv c o n »;)!«^ lin e o i Full nnd W in te r D i p *#»** au*l demption in the iDInncr provldod by Save a sub^timtial difference IWi lÌHhP.lKc S NOTICE OT SALE O t R F A L PRO PhRTY ON EXECUTION l>v vitine o f r.n » xceutioi isaued of t.-e Circuit Court e f th.i St t. ! c f Or>’\ 'n tur thu C.m »t» t>f .Marion Ì rn the tlrh »lay e f May, l'.'fb, in . favor of W. W. MeKiintvy, pluintiff. and atCiinat A. 1- Hirt, k o n end M n A. L. Hirsekorn, «leXci.dcni.-, Í .r the “I plcdne allegianco to the Flag uf the L iiitcti Suites >ii ni U. turn h it (Virivi «ml r.o'lOO «lolla' ., U. S. gold foin, witll int>’.’ and lite country for vhich it stands. One nation, ,«t the rSto of d j or cent p. r e.nn.m, from i*.e ¿Otb day e f FVhrv.ary, 10d$, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ail. ’ ; r.nd th.' fuithcr ; um »'f $75.00 atte»' - f . . s, and lhe further sum o f SEN ATOR lì A LL FOK GOVERNOR* c.wtJ, ami Rceruin,' c» sU, I h*vu Tovit t upoi « ik I will sell at t'has. Hall, o f Coos cooaty, ha? tr-.neunoad h;s intentions of coming out for publie anelici'., on S’tturdny, tho 1 Ith governor. Mr. Halt ran one.* I k ;fore t»;h fa.Std to » . a.h tho nomii'itvu. da;. o»‘ September, 19Ù3, *’t IQ o'clock While h.* will ho c candiate for the Republican nonr.u.f n »or governor he A. M . nt th«; court nous«' door in Mar­ ion County :ui«l State of Orc'tcn, all not ss yet announced h:s platform. Ito will trike th;s announcement th ' ught, t :'«■ and interest which th« about the fieri of ‘.he year. •’ cd'iis.g from his past records it v ill to of a .avi A 1 H rs» kam and Mr:. A. L. coi»; true ti ve chaiavter. Senator Hall " * j a candidate tor the office in 192? Hits kon», «Iefmdants, had » n or and lost by a handfuli c i votes. At that time tie was vp * »a.nst tho oj '-' m - after th" n th day o f Mr.v. lp'3S. in or to the W.llow¡; t dcscribe.1 prom­ t , ; i ol throe tar.aidatos for the noaai nation, ex-Gov cm or Otcotl, Governor isi.!, to-wit: Patterson and the iato Public Sonico fo r .m i" loner Bean. Bejcinnirg at the Northeast cor- » He ha., served as president of the tlooj River a d Mar-hfieU Chamber ot ner of a tract of Ian»! conveyed by Commcrew juvt in 1919 organi’.ed the sta». Chamber of Commerce of which .1 1 . Pin-ish t«> t'atterlin and Hlek- IV-' by deesI dut» November 56, Je>7., orjcriiation be serviti ns prendin for tvo v V - - . O. U. BOWER, an t recorded in nook H4, pege o b e,. Sh'iiíT o' Mirioti Couniv, Orci;»>n. What pianK » Hail will ioeorptmte in his platferm is » f vurs* »»loblemati of ti.e M .non County U< »»I Kievi’g ( 1 - ; !» ” \ >N, 'a! but wo ihrtain t will cor’ rdn a plant dedicai«?’! t’u tho lcv*lcmft»h:’.t Of U . . ;t >.• V w . o tk" c> r- _________ 1 j>V2 tho a;atri* re ourccs. Otinr p!r:'.ks that may appear rie ili.aper power, potato liuiiv, or the City cf S«le,i>. -!---— * -y- ...» d 'V’.n'vted on plat c f TarrlahV irw er tdtph'ine rates and a fo; u c : u.o yovr r.nent. lie was a Addition ” b " t . the City el Salem SUMMONS ■ '.rrr.Sar of lite special oosaasittcc that e u fu i ti.e cabinet for»« c f state pov- recorded in book !, pajjC M), of | of errment ccnsfitutional a m a u d m ,w h ich v.:ll be subruitrteu to the p. pie the Town Piat Record* of snnl In the Crcuit Court o f th«; for Marien CountV, Dc- '.t ,he n.xt «renerai election. t is said that ;Us form v f j..» .v w.U Marlon County. Lhi are S juthcr’ y « O.-i .. . -t No. >. rove ] hè peep’e SI.»XiO.OiXj ai aueily. along tbe W "rt lino o f Fifteenth (15th) Street extended sixty-four L« . 1 . 1 ’Clough, HrJndif, Fiotu tho above it will be sect, that Mr. Hall wiil do all in his power for vs. (6 4 ) feet; thence Westerly et right the benefit cf *he stato if r.ominstvd or.d c!t ted. Cheap p< wer ar.d lower Herbert O. F. Clough, IH f. nd .nt. angles with sani Fifteenth S treet, telephone rat:-, ore semthing that the pec el u need. If the cabinet form of and pandi d with skid Sou«;. Ene oi ^ To Herbei*. O. !.. ( »on.«.«, the sbovo date giverrh'ent will ave the pccnle $1,000,000 it is ¡-ometliing worth hav­ “ B'’ Str«'«>t one hundred sixty fe«'t;| ( v.’-.i'd defendant: ing’. Lturrig h;S tern» as senator Mr. Hail haa eurrec ! •' in getting thing’s theoci' Horthvrly parali»'! with tb. lu tb i ai '.<• of tho Elate «,1 O i«i' ’ i*. »••;.♦ Ur. of Fifteenth ( l 't n ) at. «re I. ril/v requavJ to ui>| !./ r . - j done. Street eyp-r.-le.l ..xty-tour f- ■ ’ t”. >•. 1 •’* 1 . 1 ' ' • * i t 1 answer 1 the t rampini«»' th« Sonori l:r.c of said 4*B% ‘ S-i 'ot: . ... ^ P r.*rtt cu d ?ain t you tn —o- th ne»' !•' *b- aioi'if •** ' « uti J, . .,»» », court, vu or l îWS/i í Open Saturday nite until 9 P. M. ü -' •i •{ P hotic H » 4 $ 220 N . L ib erty 'jSaletji O regon . ■f iM During: Fair week we refund you your gas kïfÿ &.Vi bill to and from Salem back home, with each ^ Eirl $‘"0.90 purchase at thi» store. i I bm t'*»at:i, r.M.lm-.v and Shoe* fo r W om en , M in e i m*d Children. ¿¿r* 4 m 4 Nwtr.Uei* fo i W om en , M i i i c » , C h ild ri n, M en atid Boy* Sh«>es ( i r W om en , M I h m , C hildren M en and B oy* Sui'.t fo r Boy*, Pants, Shirtr, G loves, H ost, m rjm tistâ « Hat*, Blankets and U n detw car M AKE T H IS S T O R E Y O U R H E A D Q U A R T E R S D U R IN G F A IR W E E K B lo c h ’s m G olden R u lo S to re Oregon. Baleni. On Lumini islam] I d-.» ¿er« ¡o ‘ ■ H « b i 1 jtlrpUnv. 1 hr job, nrpi T L «i place i l i « kt D-iO.i hX) pound« oi su d . A Ui-tEfcuocs stunt I .» »i«! piaintu f her ioriner name c. a tn e.cia l end tran ipu tatíob po ñ h iiiü ta fu t , vitien :.... V>«i. in, and for such other I airplauet i 1 , the Cm t Court o f th.' i ’ " ’ « of u r i » r r« ii* i - •’ ail agr- »oble to Four a n-. on the c!d f.trai: * Hir.'.tn, s-vn, get up Gas plan« N \ Or. iron tor Marion County, Depart- j ti.e principles uf e « r *~ You r.r.' further r.otiii* I th..t thi« ^il«*m OttOdncV 3D'.l (*h o if » 'f I’d- lr.ent No. 2. *» sad sow the 5’X) acre ¡ >t d next the wood. H u rry, boy! You ’ ve Olivo A. Ilotto, Plaintiff, » « k sau-m r«««-, two hours to do it i r . ” r i «« wiuUtv iii■ '.*.»j» r puijlist.. d at w ent to the n'tOjinLuttsin udvanc» Th ey are disiofixtin g end teedipg firm s by airplar«' P lo w in g ,. pr,.,| w . HotVn, pi'fon.lant. Turi.«-r, n county, Orejt<»m pur- 0 f tjjo hmitlntr 5 ’ Ahon to aw ait ¡T o Fred W. Hetho. D 'fen.l.'.nt: rtum p-pciling arid m iik irg o > k i by uirp! m e to ccme? n't to t ■ or.l.r » f t • Monoraoi , ,, , . A il of tsan’ « a Sr. its, including -'«•ps, depend upon tbe farces. The * In the n;::n- of th £-t».t.- of Oregon, r H Mc.Muia.», ju-ij,..- of th- above 1 the rt»!oa^t* o f the g o v e r n o r » you are hereby reqottx I to ap,>•'«.’ . r.t det c< u:t, ' on the r ih ■ « .mplaii.t t !«*d and a a in the 'above entitled : 0 ,io u l^ ^ e r ' notified that the .‘ <>n until tl;e fire m en tn ee is o ver court an»l cause on or before f ‘»ur ’ ■.,« , r *c-■ t • ■ j> niic.ition o f t h » i. W ord w e n t fo rw a rd to tr.e fire a - lo from t:.e date o f the flr.-t pub-j ;; J f>«; f’th «..»:; Of I*, ward ns o f tho d istrict to d r a ft 1 ¡iertion o f thi stuslmons, ar.«l if you • ] !*’.••. and the In: t publication thereof . ” * . . , ' i.-.11 to answir or rnpe-.r her. :n rn 3rd a s e t Judge It On Its Merits ,i«, »«> ^ u» r^«........ -, , L'rvsjdetit Ilc o v e r’s suyjes'.ion that tbe varioas f-tete* take over the ' w aP''d’ V’ ' the I .',U) j , A) a« ft ; uf public ards n o « by ti.e (tderai govern- 0 , ». «, ; f„ r a «Irci of [said court dÎMclving the rrtarr»r«ß.: t e e n l i e * pri’ posi.ion t la t neoda E.-riooa consideration. contr :cf and the bonds of matrimony 1 1: is rather unfortunate that net« and dry», in noanv cr.?*«, are now sub. :.»tin¿ between you and the, r c c , . tvin g ii « tiling cp with prohifotion. I : ha» tvt-n eurg-stul that ll. • pl iinC if; aw,»rdirg t-. • custody : r.j control o f Luth .r Hotho, j may be a “ ;«w!er’ ' a prelude to sUggc-ling that the individu al e'.atts I..,;,is. Hotho. Arthur Hotho, BV'-oo t .»• oyer, in tbs saiae way, the matter of prohibition enforcement. * Hothà, and E:ne-*. Hotho, iriimr c'iil- Ti.c e who ete it in thi« light, cf course, judge the pubüc lacùs ' ^ n^ 1P^ r^ r 'u r t h ^ 7 ndl^f ‘ a ' 1 proposal by their prohibition Mntim vnU. I i they are Wets, they n il. to t’.;.- court may appear just ar«l i favor it; if they are dry?, they wi«' oppose it- : equitable. », . .» . . . . . A . - , , . . . . . . . i Th > surnmnni« is serve upon yon bv But tho qaesltoQis so important That it sbou .1 be conudercd strict- r ¿,)f ,tion thfcrc^? c .,c, V:,ch ......: lv on iu own meri»l3 It will bj difaetr^n* if a mujer policy like liiis for four consecutive v.. •.».< in Th. c-hould h-; desidtd on becac t of »ap^etioh with an niter-! j Tlirn*r o f '.«. M. rul cireiu',v.un pun i • •»•«'. v«c lv unrrlaled i.tu e .- 1’urilac.d id iittve. ( .uv.n of Turr..-.* ir. Manon. C<> ut;'. 0/ purcusiit to au orliti o f iiiv oiviplo !.. H. MeMaban. judr*' of ¡the Circuit Court oi t«.*: Stile of Or - i gcu for Marion Coiriity, n.ade hr , I entered o:i th* Slat day j f August, It) T9. further notified that «he W-5 a'.«ri73 Uks du'i jlitin r;;>>rti.i!: a t / a«l U‘ io * ti our fair dry ar.d dai You of ere tiie first nubileution o f this {cel it :ui asset to our co:nnjur,iiy; but last wetk an aildi(i:n was irut- f,t..n«monn is the ûtii day of Sept’ An Addition -t ,«.«« NCtfstil «•1 **«.j.iirt,|. * • '. * ’ • , f • I r - , '.«»* •• tAs - , ( t i t * u . » i t * « • - I »Ü-« • • __ - •i/»«* I hrsttMrl » m i II»« ti«* M w*#w 0 sr4»k i*i «r K . iumi •< r?'.sD».. •* m mm ti < Melate d Itlal sfj ft * l t # f • ‘S I» « 1 *I * _. ,k.n.,laiiat « ’ r* « a » ~ » ; » ^ ; . 1 . .4 Ï..,.e..«ftir,n««ï*!'*r . w, ft»*»**»-•«•••* • • n . w, « j -« hr »k^r .««•*■^•11 Ikft .itouSM, «», ,-•«;« w»>l «.i« I, «xi» »«.«»«• *»«•*. . , n t . . . «I... • • • A-e«fc> « Tl»c n:».«* OastteastiB# I’artloo »»i^tnnty « » » ..« u « i cî u»»lvtccr«*;lYft i t « « Ct f| c r r r f««»» r*o*or«« I* v/:.r i-rr Ik * rut«.»1» « tA in t«r»J l,«'i r l m i r a r s i » in , und r * »c i'i»o « •» « « SS lM I I * n « a t cA «.»«tonal outlay lu U r lr intatta«.» w l:k ua* «satkee. Aliali » T!«; in «!. C u t r it 'J r j Fart»*« ogre* «Pat *iie »«ta>.A*îr **r »o«»*l«»uct ait 0!«*».«•* r.r coninoti! «*» » l w i « t » r nature or «4 them t-> ii«htinjr fire. The men C. A. SWOPE, Attorney for Plaintiff. w.rc were located an»i immedi­ ately re iu?st.xl t'» take up their ntw duties Tiic plmdcd urgent husires» at hotne and were ro­ le \sed after one drty of hard i work. Mr. Winslow has been in ti.e limelight before in the de- ; fence t‘> the povurnor’sorders re- 1 yarding the ¡»»''tponemertt of the ! hunting season on account of fire conditiora. Coming To SALEH w H » - .t« v « r * r l * » a thftjr * n » y h r , w M o t i mar «rite »utnAff «ísftm, k.HeJ| nevar bo ■w-ntfit uvaryv l«/ pseif's ra. .r:»- — »— SB. I i S P E C IA LIS T hW'.VV' («Of-'kP» io Infernal I.t.iJl’-*»« for ib* p»»t fifteen ,v»ri &d:iy rch.'.ii nr..l church serv-l Sued Were well att«-iidr'l hint S,;,i i ices w DOEÍ» NOT OPERATE day. Tho (>e»t..r delivered two £<»o»l acntmtie which was tU joycd by all Will be at 1929 . ; i in t' south part cf town west of the main highway that wo class n* *' MARION HOTEL who heard them. B. W. MACV. tn mfigiitly ctslruclion. IS very« I ere cities and civ'c organizations FRIDAY SEPTE..13ER 27 K « x t Sunday w ill lw ilia ls»t _ , . . , , . . . •«« Attorney for I’l.ii'itVf. i,ro wo.. 1 :% au dstrivin g to tnaks their eili.S aa attractive as noseibii Ue-hlerce end addr- -, Otti .-o Hour»! 10 û.m. to t p.m Sunday before ths con fm n ee, A ll ? w i r r r ^ 'L r r r i i i i s J end w iil ; '. tvier.»*.'. a ry huy,e ¿i;;r. board“ !o mar ihe »■: r.e.ry, but i.jj* 20- : u ; Bloc!-’, Sa n , Or -or. | member.’! and friends o f tbe church ] ONE DAY ONLY ; ntly sols« in otir city ioel otbu ’ w:..« Tbcv allow tbeir p.oiairty l o j __________________L _ _ — ---------- j~**;~jpri:. 7 Ä b H»3brFf’ *~1 uni counseled elaswhers should at- J n ... ii:: »J t i s»y nothing ..haul obstructing their neighbor’ « view W e j NOTICE OE F IN A L ACCOUNi , lead an»i g«vs tho pastor a good f!o C ln r j« far Coni’.'.’.ta'.ion Mot'co io hereby priver, that the final I always ?trod for the beauty of nature and have fenght vigorously ! heuriug at what in:.y be her :i:«l recount of M. FL Hryd -n r.nd Hen j nr«: of nature by huge ?ign hoar»!?, to u v nothing of a lo to f t!i^ I v.;»c -Maxwell, joint adroir¡«tutors of j MEW IMTERHAÏÎOHAL Dr. MeilcnthiB n r»js . ar *■ «''> 40,vic>. wit 1> us in the lilt !’ church tho < state o f W. O. Hayden, daceaietl, ate in medicine an») surgery iheri-pig.i beards. Atr»it 7 S tan dard. «..irEi-ry on«! nnd i* , ,, DECT!ONARV h:'.. (e'en filed in ti,.- County Court of Ii. • - I by the ttale c f Oregon. He around the c«irner. er .f this wiil net at piy to F- of the Or. god towi. • Ofi'i ^n, uT\' that the* Marion Cour -T » ’. MbUtUM WntSTVn dor? pot operat ; for chronic epp- n- ^rv.ition thu c .iin lldng ren in m»irt c f t h e e towns ia 1 »‘ h ciay of Octobor, at tho i olir of ton o’clock V *f.. fn Ih'* rr/jm dicitii, pall »to rn , ulcers of stomach, Tíceme ce t*f tl »* County ( ourt Marion Cour»- t o r . o r adenoid*.« o f Supr.-me Comt Un »1 by tnn ty. Oregon, h:*H J cm cut in hlghcic pralw He r.ns to hi» credit wonderful n r'iu»^ aa tho t;rr.e and placo for \ht ».f i!»c v.oik us their Anthoittj, lu-Vrinjf of ohjrctloni lo *ach fin'jl re** ’ id*, in diseases of the »tom ch, livtr, t Ini- » C /iat an»i tho scttkment of taùl bowels, bloo«l, »kin, nerve», lunrt, i • n ve.iiil.,-, I >h tJm« ;> .:>• p«*r»on int<*r- kidney, bladder, h^d wetlfnk, catarrh, if..,».. K f t':hoola ftiv s thc.t h:*rty fadsne- t IWA P All iiisr.-s thu h‘ •«: ' *« P'rd * B Urge 1 •«• WCBSTCP’S t" .... rr* S i k I uo V I in rho ..i M en ln n VTt .1 r, f ^ \ « J . h ai an r p ‘ ftdjh \ Xi«. U " iJ i /.ir • fw ^/iÍ * tffth I», / ' .If/’, *■■■* • .'.etc pv y'V / * Tr.« Í ’!« ! - f >!.’ Ci. - : r 'ly cdhcri io t Morrlam-V/cbucr lyctetn of diccrirtcjl mail«. The O e.ernmrnf Prirrli > Oftice ;l Warhirston u ^ t it ,■» auiharit-j. Y/f.fTE f«*r a tBtri’» r*s* t.f th«* f/ft? \K'n 1 . tp .’,* 1 C t I *<*4 ir ...»J l.h+it p j - l placcsar* li;i , etc. ConMar.d, i.i.;.rovoi ar..1 f.p« aa Co «late. WEBSTER'S NVW ONTEBNATiON^ DICTIONARY G et T i i e B a t ■ VCvbAter’i Mew Interno« ItcnoL New niiuci J f 1 T/ uj "Supreme Aut?u,»f(y' Ir e.rrii, r/.'.;.’». itfhtfi, and pr.ioi-v ij f," .Jir.l 1,-lh IntnjJ 41 .J J il..’/«. * * ,000 cm rie» int ludi, s 4 (’ H,O í ::> neji-.Urj t. rois, /'.üiiy.-.' -rj;Í ,../ s.’bjcco, 12,C00 tingray.rj « Over ö.CCOi U x t l i oui iùü iaJ- i u l k ta ifa . S’ r J f r pu. r.n /-/"• r/VA/, iHmir.iU / .,* * ; . « . / U t Piev/ b/nu ta u/ 1