1 TI IK TRIBUNE, TURNER, OREGON Electric Gardening Succeeds in Sweden et Tim : AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA* But It-.fr* t was no longer In a mind to listen. T li* corporal had sent oas Delinquent Jap Youth* o f the men to And the length o f rope Trained to Ba Sailor* which was Inside the diligence and A floating prison for the sole ru* was to bava served for binding up the English spies and cow It would be flnemeni o f Japanese Juvenile delin­ used on a lot o f Jarkana|>es on theli quent« has Juni I«een opened, the In homeward Journey to Mantee. Pro- auguratlon ceremony being attended tests uod curses were Indeed in vain, | * » Minister Juatlce Ham and other and the soldiers whose tempers had high Judicial officials II Is anchored not yet «a ile d down were non* toe off (he « « s i o f Tokyo, near Toko hama. and from time to time will go gerdle with the rope. out on short cruise*. This prison ship, formerly the warship Musasbt. was CHAPTER V II remodeled with a view to providing some practical method o f curing yod?ig lawbreakers by giving thetr Tha Catcher* Caught minds and bodies bealtby occupations Baffet, In the meanwhile, had called T b e crew will be selected from vari­ on* o f the men o f the gendarmerie to ous Juvenlla detention bouses Each him. "B id *, citizen soldier I" be eoae- boy taken on the ship will be kept for manded, "aa fast aa you enn to Upon*. six months and given the training o f You will And the citizen commissary a regular seaman. About f lf t j boys and hla friend from Pari* at the post­ are to be kept on the ship at a time ing Inn. T ell them Jnst whet has oc­ H a lf o f them w ill range from four­ WNIJ Service curred and that I am sending the pack teen to eighteen years o f age and tbe o f miscreants back to Mantea for pun CHAPTER V I — C o n t i n u e d rest from eighteen to twenty-three lahroent T e ll them also that thla — 11— y ea rs When they have served tbelr senseless piece o f folly has not left "N o us* lying to us, Baffet," on* o f terms the boys will be able to get ua unprepared for attack by lb * Eng­ the others retorted, somewhat Inco­ work on merchant ships and thus lish sptea though we bav* not much herently. It was Francois who spoke earn an honest living. It Is pointed out more hope In that direction now. We this time, the mercer from the Hue by tbe Judicial authoritli shall be on the road agn'n In a quar­ Grande, end he bad alwayg been ter o f an hour, hut art:: have to walk always noted for his eloquence. "Y ou tba horses practically ail the « a y , so School Observatory Is raised yonr bands against us citizens do not aspect to be In E(«one for an­ o f the republic, who came bere to New Idea in Education other two bourn at the least." avenge an unpardonabla wrong. And T h e city o f Oakland, Calif., main­ Comparative «Pence fell npon the let iue tell yon that Tla yon who will scene, where a b rief while ago d eaf­ tain* a unique Institution a* ■ part o f •ufTer for this nlght’a work— “ ening shouts and tumultuous melee It* public school system. It Is Cbabot "Ah, c at” flatlet broke In savagely, had roused the woodland echoes. Only observatory, a modern astronomical for bla temper waa still up. “ How tbe prisoner* now. were beard groan­ and m eteorological observatory situated long are you going to talk lo riddles! on Leona heights In the suburbs of In truth. It’s the devil that has de­ ing and carsing. T b e courier bad that city. It Is maintained for popular prived you o f your senses. What’a ridden away bearing the unwelcome news to Lauzet and hla friend from Instruction In the sciences relating to all this talk about the English s p y ! Parts; the men who were not busy weather, climate, and tbe stars It Is Who told you we were after him? with tbe prisoners were looking to also affiliated with the United States And why should you hinder us from their horses or their accoutrements, W eather bureau and with the college doing our duty?” “ W e know," Francois retorted, striv­ w h llt Baffet stood by. observant and It has a large telescope through which grim. And suddenly, right out o f U»t visiters are permitted to view - the ing to appear calm and full o f dignity, darkness, there came tbe sound ei wonders o f tbe heavens, and it Is free “ that not only were you after the Eng- and open to the public day and night agonizing calls for help. llsh spy, but we kuow you captured “ What waa that?” Baffet aueried, In addition to the school children ot him In our district and you have got Oaklnnd. many thousands o f tourists grain in g bis enrs to listen. him In tbe diligence yonder and are “ H elp ! Help I" came from tbe dis­ call at the observatory every year. conveying him to Paris, where you It Is perhaps the only Institution of and your friends will share ten thou­ tance. And then again, “ Help I H U ” Ua kind In the United States main and “ Curse you, why don't you come?" sand Hires, which by rights should have belonged to us men o f the dis­ And with It all the now fam iliar sound talned as part o f the municipal pub­ lic school system. o f men fighting and shouting. Not to trict where the spies were captured." very far away, either. A couple o f "W hat gibberish Is this? I tell you hundred meters perhaps, Just the oth­ Whan Authors Ara Rich not only hsve we not got the English er side o f the bend. W ere It not for Upton Sinclair, the novelist and rad­ spy, but owing to yonr senseless folly ical, waa complaining abont tbe poor we are not likely to get him now." pay accorded to authors " I say that tbe English spy ts In “ When 1 bear that an author Is your d iligen ce!" Francois exclaimed rich.” he said. " I always think o f Sin- and pointed dramatically at the old nlckson. vehicle, which etood like a huge, solid mass, heavier and darker than the “ 1 met Slnnlckson, tbe famous nor •urroundlng gloom. "Some o f ua have ellst. In my youth. aeen him, I tell 7 0 0 1" And hla com- “ W e s oh. y e s I am a rich man. ponlnna, even those who were In the be told me. sorriest plight, nodded In assent. “ ‘ How did yon acquire yonr fo r­ tune, Mr. Slnnlckson, i f I may ask?” But Baffet swallowed hla temper oow. What waa the use o f arguing “ ‘At a single stroke,’ said Slnnlck­ with these fools? H e would have son. thought It beneath his dignity to give “ •Of your penT said L them ocular demonstration that the " ‘N o ; o f my paralytic aunt,’ said llllgen ce now only held the three mis­ he." erable aristoa. nut the trouble was what to do with this crowd. KafTet H um s* Mineral rounted them over. There were eight A large deposit o f verraicultte, a Df them, and four o f these were help­ recently discovered mineral, has been less with wounds In the le g s Some­ found near Llhby, Mont., by a pros­ how, at the flrat rush. R sffet thought pector. T ills substance, flaky and ml- there had been more like a dozen ca-like In appearance. Is unique In roung ruffians and he had a distinct that It exhibits human characteristics recollection o f a big, clumsy fellow when brooght Into contact wKb heat who seemed the prime mover In this Upon Introduction to a flame tbe min­ senseless escapade. But no doubt he, eral commences to twist and writhe is well as one or two others, had had as If making an agonized attempt to the good sense to take to their heels escape the burn, meanwhile giving tnd ItafTet had certainly no Intention o ff drop* o f water apparently per­ >f scouring the woods for them. On spiration caused by Its Ttolent effort the other hand, he hnd every Inten­ and tbe beat. tion o f seeing those that remained well The Courier Had Ridden Away. punished fo r their folly. He did not Treasure Finder wish to drag them along with him to tbe thicket aDd the darkness a man P. D ouglas an English naval Elaine. It was another four kilometers could cut hla way through to where officer, has by means o f a contriv­ and more and the first part o f the those shouts came from In a couple ance known as the sonic depth finder, tourney would still be through the o f minutes devised a way to locate sunken treas­ | fo re s t; with the gathering darkness "H e lp ! H elp !“ ure. The Instrument, by sending out the coach horses wonld have to be led One o f the prisoners broke Into a sound waves and recording the by men carrying lighted lanterns. harsh langh. “ I t ’s Citizen Lauzet, I ’ll elaiwed time before the echo returns, Pondering a moment over the future wager,” he said, “ and his friend from calculates the distance between itself o f hla prisoners, Baffet had a sudden P a r is " and the reflecting surface on tbe Inspiration. "C itizen Lauzet?" Raffet exclaimed. ocean floor. “ Who d rovt the cart that brought “ What In h— I do you raeaD?” you all hither?" he demanded. “ W ell I" Paul, the washerwoman's Wedding Note Long on W a y "A man from Lannoy" Paul, the son. replied, still laughing and forget­ A letter congratulating him on bis washerwoman's son, replied. ting his sorry plight In the excellence “ Then he shall take you back to o f the Joke, “ W e found those two am­ marriage and mailed 21 years ago has Just been received by Mark Hoinbourg. Mantes the way you came." bling on the bridle path, on their way a well-known pianist o f London. It "Y ou would not d a re !" One o f the to Epone, ready, no doubt, to seize was dispatched from the Savage club others protested. the largest share o f reward for the o f that city on March 19, 1908, and Itaffet, however, had already turned capture o f the Scarlet Pimpernel." was recently readdressed to him at to h's corporal o f gendarmerie. “ Great G o d !" the same club from which II had beer« "C itizen Corporal," be said, “ take "And so we seized them both," sent. these rascals as far aa the cart which Francois the mercer rejoined, “ and did brought them hither. It must have to them what you are doing now to T regie come to a halt somewhere near the us; gave them a good hiding, then Picnicker (to officer)— What a cal­ bottom o f the hill. Let tw o o f your hound them together with ropes and My poems have been blown men go with them to Mantes and threw them In the bottom o f the c a r t“ am ity! over the c liff! there hand them over to the deputy “ Name o f a d o g !" Officer— W ell, I suppose you can commissary. Order the owner o f the “ And no doubt," came a high-pitched cart to drive them on pain o f severe voice from among the group o f pris­ w rite 'em again, can't you? “ Oh, y e s but my sandwiches were punishment If he refuses. Take one on ers “ the English spies have found wrapped up In them.” — Humorist. of the lanthoms with you. It w ill be them and— needed, as tbe road will be pitch dark (TO BE CONTINUED.) Pleat before they are well on their way Less Majesta And s ta rt You have some stout cord “ W hat Is that Immense building?” In Yugo-Sluvla one must he careful Inside the diligence. We were going "A n electric light p lan t T h e man o f hla speech or be Is likely to find who owns It deserves great credit. He to use It on the English spy. Now It will serve to hind these rogues to­ himself behind bars with tbe Informa­ started In a very small way." tion that he ts guilty o f lese m ajesta gether two by two, lest they try some “ Don't tell me he raised that plant A woman o f Sarajevo wna sentenced from a bulb." more o f their tricks on you. Those to one year In prison for making “ In­ who are hart can lie In the bottom of sulting remarks” about the king’s the cart." Light at the Poles “ Cltlxen Baffet I" Francois the mer­ parents A man at Novi Sad got a In speaking o f the period o f dark­ sentence o f three years for “ Insdltlng ger raised hla vole* In Anal Impotent ness at the poles, complete darkness ts remarks” about King Alexander blm protest "Y ou will answer to the state not Implied, but rather a sort o f tw i­ ■elf. for this outrage on her cttlsens." light. T here ts sufficient light for or­ dinary activities to be carried on. A n A dventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel By Tke Barones* Orcry Hwedcn has adopted electric gardening with n ir o H i. These workers are laying brlrk pl|«os through which tha w ire« ara |«nseed. Tha wires, whan electrified, wann tha aoll and crops o f vegetables flourlali ttmt ordinarily grow only In holhousua Longest Locomotive in the World V Tha longaat locomotive In tha world, built at tha Hill yard shops at ftpokane, Waah , by the Great Northern roll- road. It la 110 feet long and walglia 1.070.24» pounds. It la the Drat o f live auch "Iron horses" to be built exclu­ sively for tronacoritlnetilnl aervlca. Each engine when completed w ill coat $200,000. President Hoover's Fishing Camp HELPS EDUCATE LO Miss Mary Stewart o f Denver, C olo, and Washington, who has been ap­ pointed assistant director o f educa­ tion fo r the United States Indian service. In announcing her appoint­ ment Secretary Wilbur stated she would develop plans emphasizing vo­ cational features In Indian schools SON OF THE W IZAR D Newapaper rorreapondenta along with photographers finally have been admitted to i ’ realdent lloovar'a flatting camp In the lllue Hldge mountalna o f Virginia, and thla la one o f the flrat plctttrea they made there. It ahowa the Tum m er White Houae" Itaelf In Ita plctureaqua aettlng. Most Beautiful Mother and Son An especially posed portrait study o f W. I . Edison o f Wilmington, D e l. son o f the great Inventor, Thomaa A Edison. Mr. Edison has recently per­ fected a new and radical Improve­ ment In radio receiving seta, employ­ ing a liquid In certain parts o f the apparatus. Thla le the first portrait o f Mr. Edison to be made during the past fifteen years. Mrs. Itlchnrd O 't’onnor, twenty-two, o f Dover, N. J„ and her flve-year- eld aon, Jnmca Itlchnrd, who were nclected by unnnlmoua vote aa being the *in*t beautiful American mother and von. Jmlgca In thla content, which waa nationwide, were John Barrymore, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Comellua Van­ derbilt, Jr. OF INTEREST TO EVERYBODY Tne giant tortoise may live to be Ih reo centuries old. A alxteen-year-old girl o f Atlanta driven a truck and bosses a moving gang. The world's largest wooden shoe fhetory la not In Holland, hut In Dav­ enport, Iowa, Colombia Is the only South Ameri­ can country that touches both ,h* A t­ lantic and the Parlile ooenus. Between 1S70 and 187.8 ahont 2,000, 000 buffalo were killer! annually. Amerlcnn men are said to spend $60,000,000 yearly for cosmetic prep­ arations. I,lve stock aid In eradicating poison Ivy because they can eat the plants without hnrm. Thje flrat patent for a dynamo In this country was granted Moses G. Farmer In 187\ Protecting Oysters A New Jersey law specifies that only boats under sail power may en- gnge In the hunt for “ seed" oysters. They are obtained tn the stretch o f bay from Fortescue, N. J „ to nearly opposite Delaware City, Del. The "seed" oysters are transplanted, then allowed to grow to marketable slse, which requires from two to three years. Here Yea Have It One explanation of Einstein’* rein tlvlty theory: When yon sit with e pretty girl for two hour* yon think It's only a minute, but when you alt on a hot stove for a minute you think It'a two hour*. That's relativity. Comfort for Dobbia Human sentiment nmy recoil from the thought of horseless eitles, hut one suspects that the horses them selves are Just as well pleased.— Woman's Home Compnnloo. n. aoqoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Natural Law Provide« Inlet in Coral Reef« Ceral reefs surrounded many o f the slands In the Pacific. They protect the lowlands from the washing o f the w aves and the still waters Inclosed oy them are the only harbor* o f refuge for ships The reefs themselves fur nlsh the greatest peril to navigators and If there were no Inlet through which a vessel could enter their pro­ tected circle l hey would be a danger and nothing e ls s But almost every reef has inch an In le t It ts a necea sary result o f the laws under which the forces o f nature work. T o under stand this we must see how these reefs are formed. Chemlonlly, the reef corale are al most pure carbonate o f lime, the sub- «lance of ordinary limestone and murhle. The reef grows as the shell of the oyster or o f any other shellfish g ro w s It It Itself the comuioo and undivided shell of Innumerable polypi, or minute Insects which are l«elng re­ produced and ere dying In successive generations These tiny beings all gel their living from the water* o f the sea. It la from this source also that they derive the salts o f lime from which they secrete the bony structure that remains after the animal la dead The coral polypi live In fresh water. Thetr food supply Is brought to them by the waves and currents o f the s e s As a result It Is found that directly opposite the mouth o f a stream from the Island the reef does not grow. There will be the outlet to the Inclosed w a tera — Washington Star. Like Mother Makes M ra Black, Just married, wrote home to her met her down In D ixie to send her the recipe for hot cakea A fter much labor the following recipe wna mailed back to the daughter: “ Tak e aa much flour as you need, cording to how many folks they Is to e a t ; put In some salt— anybody knows how much; put In all the rest o f the Ingredients, an’ he sure to have you* griddle hot."— E xth an g* D ainty w hite dresses fo r baby or daughter made beautiful by Russ Ball Blue. Your Grocer has It.— Adv. Sheep owners o f Monroe, N. CL, complain that wild dogs are playing havoc with their flocks*. The dogs are domestic pets which have gone astray \ / f O S T people depend on Baye# A spirin to m ake short w ork o f headaches, but d M you know it’a just as effective in the w orse pain* from neuralgia o r neuritis? Rheu­ matic pains, too* D o n ’t suffer when B ay er A spirin can b rin g complete comfort without delay, and without harm ; it doe* not affect the h e art In every package o f genuine B ay er A spirin are proven directions with which everyone should be fam iliar, fo r they can spare much needles* suffering. \SPIRIN Alpina ti tb* tn d i mark of B&m M«nuf«etWt Ot Mnao