TU UN K R, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPT. Jí». WW. SUBSCRIPTION #1.25 I’ fcll YEAR '.V ^ A \ W W A V .V * V .V V /.V .V W .,.V « 'A V /A ,A V A '.W /r t V WE HAVE CONNECTIONS with the Hanrcn-Bennett mag­ azine Agency, one of the Urg­ A T H L E T IC E Q U IP M E N T SPOR ent in tiiu country, jrhich en- Foot Hall Goods Mrs. Olive Faker accompanied u n A new blackberry has recently J abl<»:i u* to give you the best 2 0 0 S. CHU ACH i> r - .Y by her duughtcr-in-lnw. Mr*. A. been put on the irasket here for i price* nml service for yoar C Faker, motored to Turner last W m . E, Anderson’s mngnainc needs. See F. P. Flow- the first time. It is an improved hone Tuesday. Mr*. A. C- Maker went variety and is the creation of Dell 12 ley At the Tribune Office. The Sporting Good Store on to Brownsville to yjsit her Harrington, who lives ea3t o f l i inothcrand took her to Portland town. Mr. Harrington has b een v Gums & Amunitioij with her t}ie luttsr part of last working on this fcc-rry for eight ? .V /.'A V .V A V -V .'.V .’ .V .V .V .V W .V /.V /.V /.V .V .V A V A V .'A V week Mr*. Oliva Baker remain­ G. A. McKay and It. LccTheis- years and has fourteen plants of;.* ! ÿ sen wont to the moutain3 Friday the old siock. He ha* registered > ed till Friday. Svieni, Ore. in search of huckleberries his berry as the “ Del-Sweet.” t Trof John M. Watsoii was in Turner last waafc. Mr. Watson, Through oversight v:c left out The berry is 10 to 20 per cent Salem h Square Deal Jeweler* & Opticians. began hio school weak in Koroct tljo uames of those who gave the sweeter than other JJackberrscs — J DiamondM WatchfH (’look* Jewelry & Silverware. m m Grove. Monday He will coach shower for Miss Lucile Riches and tests 10 45 sugar. They are j STD State, S*. Salem, Oregon. £ and teach engitah a»d have a| Those giving the shower were fine fresh for the tab!*». They principgl'ihip. Mrs. V/atSon be­ Mr*. McKay, Muriel Salis­ have no core, but few seeds and # . V A V . V A V . V gan her school *tt Banks a week bury, Mabel Walker ar.d Mrs. these are small. The berries make ^ '.W W W A V /J '.'.V .W .V M V .V .V /, excellant jam and Jelly. Donald ltichea. ago Mr. Harrington has 1100 of j 1 he wurk o f painting the I 0. Wr y/ould request our patron* the plants set out, so before long O. K. Hail is nearly completed to hav* ail items in not later The new paint adds greatly to that Tuesday noon owing to tre will have an abur.dancsof berrie; ; f sale.--Stay ton Mail. ; the apiiearenc? of the building Glove*. Purses, Hind Bag*. tjjniiai Couliactoi and Builder Suit Caaea and many other arti­ CiBirnl Work «*ad Plumbing W e carry in stcck Rough and Dressed Lumber, cles made of leather suitable for gifts for all occasions. Tell u? Turner Shingles -'highest quality) five grades to select Route J your HARNESS needs. F. L. from, also Wall Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, Shafer, 170 3. Commercial St. to- Tne annual teachers reception *> < • <**X * %• V * •»<» «X* < • V > • > *> v*> lem. Oregon. will be given Friday evening in Cedar Poets, Brick, Plaster, Tile and Slabwocd in Bur incss has increased at the the Turner high school at 8 o\- four foot lengthy. local Hax plant until it was neces­ clock. The affair is under the aus­ A Jh sary to erect a ;itw building to Atov* 8<) friend» gathered at pices of the W. C. T- U. A pro­ W c decire to serve the public with Promptness care for the business. the I. C O F. hall last Thurs­ gram and a welcome to the teach­ and Effjc’ cncy. Dr Mery Stai lea and M»*s. day nit bland gav\. a shower for ers will be given. Every or.e I neije Ricne*. After the Childs a couiln of Mrs. II. W- l’:iintx. KnameJn, Varnishes, Floor Finishes, L E T US FIGURE YOU R BILL l*HONE 07 3 Smith returned to Turner last 'fauesta iad assembled Mis3 Rich- Kilsominf, Glas», Brushes 15 and 20c week from nn extensive eastern c? was escorted in by Mabel Wal- Reliable Drujrgist trip. Mrs. Child’s will visit at the Smith home a few days bt- E. S. PRATHER ; fore returning to her heme in TURNER : OREGON California. J. It. Willis, second trick op­ erator, Isas moved back to Turn­ Salem, Oregon, topt. 18 En-: er and is occupying the house re­ tries for the Oregon State Fair * Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist cently vacated by C. W. llewitt are pouring into the office of the ’ tecreiary, Mr*. Ella Wilson, 1 and family. PA1NLESVDENTISTRY a n d x - r a y w o r k plans for the horse show and the Ball Brothors have changed All Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Fricea races are rapidly nearing com-' their dunces from Saturday night Use Your Credit Como in and talk it over VETERINARIAN pletion. and the new grandstand; to Friday night. M A S O N IC T E M P L E S A t-E M Day and Night N p'ki* is all finished except for the elec-1 Mr. and Ms«. John J. Gale of KesMenca 758 -B Phone 410 trial fixtures which a ill be added OREGON Oregon City, anounce ihu birth STAYTON this week. Just the last finishing touches remain before the open­ ing. September 24. The wealth of Oregon's agri­ Mr*. Meiinda Chambers has cultural products and livestock, returned to Turner from Aums- ( and tiie finest racing and show Dr. O. L. Scott ville gnd is occupying her apart- - horses in the country will bo here menta in the Baker building. ^ Chiropractor for the week of the fair, every Mr. and Mrs. S. TalbottandS. ; Nturoca loin cter Service day packed to the limit with en­ H. Baker motorjd to Portland, , Phone 87. Residence 2104J tertaining and educational fea- Cash Since W o Started. Sunday. I;aonel K.ches. assisted in tne tlires Runnin, and harness races Jot down a trial list o f bad ones ami 256 N. High Street let us turn them into actual money. care of the children by leading every afternoon, interspered with Mra. S. Talbott enjoyed a fir.e 1 Salem,* Oregon Business Men’s Adjustment hsr next youngest sister. Betue V .autjeville and acrobatic acts, and Time Deposits visit from an old friend from Ta- 1 Company Peetz, v; ho refused to ride in h e r i ^ j,orae ¿how every night prom- copra oyer the weekend. 415-16 Jlasor.ic Bldg. Phone 911 egrt. The bal^y Alice Roberts was ise lhriils in pienty. Owing to the closing down of SALEM. OREGON wheeled in a buggy now much The Oiegon counties will U I the Stay ton Cheese factory most the worse for wear being al>out wejj represented in the agrieul- ¡of the milk which had been go­ :]5 years old, and the two nau#h- taraj booths and in the livestock Automobile Insurance Written ing to tho Stayton plant is com­ tv toys, .lack Naderman according to those in ing ta the Portland-Damascui. ¡Milk Company's plant at Turner P. P. R O W L E Y I This makes a substantial increase j in the amount of mijlc by the I ' local plant. With this extra and; fruits | the natural inert?*} of the route1 ------ r, , s ... . , '-*• —■ — -- toi' and nuts, wnichdueto the fine "Rusty” King and family, of Have several trailers on hanu:?,re yJ u'|>1,e” e’ fo louna;tionally L. K. Petersen family. ' j many old friends at the fair and For those who prefer to be in have what you want, have the Meaare Herbs ter, Conolly, and had many friendly chats with the outdoors there will be a large Mrs. Fred Mitchell and Mm material on hand and can build Brandt, of Marion Post V. F. W. (them. camping space available in the V. Bones were Salem shippers it to your order in a few days. The many useful and b e a u ti-l^ gTOVe on ^ Krounds. with U IV Jensen, Generai black- of Salem, were calling ou Frida:*. of ^ho local members one day last ful gifts were brought in, in Albert Tozier. superintendent of smithing. Best ( ) utility harness made in week. ’ ¡othos baskets and wagons cover- j nieraorial pavilion at Cham- our own shop. Satisfaction guar­ The Oregon Feed and Flour Co. l'h^ now St Mary’s parochial cre?* Tby th:‘ !poeg Park, in charge as mayor anteed. P rie- M'' » to ' received » carload of Barley Frf- .■ A V .V V A V U W A V V .W V V V V .V .W .W .W V .W A U W ', F. L. Si school at Stay ton wai «ludkaUd if.1. v,s ilton .Route 1. Turner. Miss Mabel Archibald plans to Mi-B , Mrs. L. ,T. Rowley accompan­ (era and will enstall a hardware Ungiae trouble. T!:e beautiful a no incei *t a rvocpticu to — ----- Ibrimttfast set given by many of Colvin givin in the Colvin ho:i e ¡£ stay at the IV 0, Gunning hom», ied Mr. and Mi a. Arthur Ed­ store in the front. this winter to attend Turner | wards t > Salon, Monday nirht to He will romodle the old store her friends was uncovered by i i Auniaville. Mr. Hurley is a room in the rear for a shop LaVeme Whitehead ar.d Oleta graduate of tho Turner high sshcol > High sch ool. attend a meeting of the White Bones. Mrs. A, L. Pones and Mr.ipid acd i’ now in Iho irnnrivr buai- S OLD TIME DANCE Chrysta Shrine. V. N. tJone* attended the Yec-J Lucile was exhausted by so ners in Turne r. Mis* Colvin is a J Gardens every Wednesday and The Turner Masonic fraternity aturduy, 8:20 I . M * Gouts 50c resumed their regular meeting ¡man jubilee meeting and banquet muon wrapping and over come popular yotinj lady of ths Aunos-jrJ with surprise, joy and Grateful- vdlo district. .. . . . . , at Salem, Saturday night, |ij //rVVVAVVVWAV.V.Y.V.V,’.V.*AWAVW/WVVAW Ladies 25c. if. Saturday night following their , 1 '»», She seemed v.ordh s, a:- A co'or plan of piuk *rd while l- i The prt,n (Iryemof the. sec- 1 FOR SALE-Dry Ash w-oed. ■ummer vacation. ut ist. but from the way she hrs wan u«ed cn tin* dining room table ¡5 Robt Given, Route 3. Turner. Highest prices for farm pro­ Mmda ’ *-'on nrc ^usy wee^ w'^b been thanking the people the Inst School com: enccd and the ne*s of the engagement!^ ■ prospect* for a good crop.- Jay Bakor whi is em;'1 . with Proffessor John Co few days makes us 1 eleive her sks foand on a liny rcrrIl imbed- ,«J duce Mrs. Childs, who h^s spent ^peach has liecn regained. >rin,d¡Mil. D. il. Parkes ar.d u logging camp rn eJ in tho heart of a pink rcre to be retained | several days visiting her cousin. if ;. i ’ *rrv ';re A V/A r.V\V.V.VAV W V.V. W /iV A ’/A W W .’W W iW apeat Sunday at hom •. Kcfrcshmenta consisting of ivhieh«marked oath covrr. • teacher staff - 'Mrs. H. W. Smith, left Sunday psach ice cream covered with Fred R. Smith came in Tues Hi li - ' ioti Cecil Mu.; G«orge Nad- tel* San Francisco. Jay afternoon to spend a few fresh poaches and wafers were Harrison’s General Store Rail >h Chaves came up from served by Mrs. McKay, Frankie day -3 at the F. C Gunning home. erman are in Ashland assisting Turner, Oregon J. M. Bones is working in the (Charles Martin in the erectiyn of Portland Sunday and spent the and Reva Porter, Muriel Sniis- Give The Triban* er?dit for what ‘¡£ dav. ,cu b v f. » our a.I crtkt-T3. | a V .V V A ,.V .,A V ,V .V A V A \ W A ’.W A ’A V W .,A V /A V /^ | | | bury aitd Mrs.' Pearson. a new* house Ahrens prune dryer. Locals C LOUGH • ft ÜS 1 Y )i * ! t R M D m < i'.'i At At _P .* 13 < Pomeroy and Keçnc £ QfK, ' W. JAY DENHEM >r Teacher,s Recep tion Shower For Lucile Riches DRUGS Albert Tozier May or Of Tent City <4 % P a id 021 sis: months Fire and Turner State Bank Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Turner, Oregon, fa Engagement An- aounced A NEW STOCK of school supplies Boy’s Cord Pant«, Polo Shirts, etc and a new shipment of Hap­ py Home dresses for the girls. A complete line of school sta-i tionery priced right.