The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, September 12, 1929, Image 4

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    "• —’-W
— —1
Turneh' Oregon
SKIT , 19É5 lì*
$1. K itir lr it. E ù i t o r .
liisuoü Every Thursday at Turner, klaxon County, Oregon
>N O ilC E IO tR E O lY o N S
— iwtieVV* h*»r* by « v » « t hut tho un-
.lors;«i«Hl\lty mi erticr of thè County
Court of U tarion Oountv, S tato' of
j O iv | mu \ dkly mSde ami vitN-rrd ori
. th*> I tili iliy of Augu»t, I92V* wtgt
M r. a m i lil r s . 'J o h n I t i t t a n d !
I « dimmi Usi 4«lmioislntlor o f Iho crtatv
o f, liruij . i * tiro,it «mi that ho hss (J m ily o f W iid o r Itiftho 'a n d Mi f
C flJ M D
------- —
cooi>«<riiil»e«. Ilio tiutlvlilimf or linei
gmilieit tarm ar wlll «Uo prodi liy Ih#
aelh llli.i of ¡ila oi'K»nli»il (ollowa. U
a stabiliteli program of nnnvhaniilHlng
U al>lo lo olimluato tho surpluaea thal
e ssrt »ini» ilrpruMltig Influoneo on
— - - -—*•
prlee» Ilio generai prlro relation
l ’iit .'ie il -it th o P im to rtìc e h»v'>i;: cl i «** attuili««* •*ai.l r
R h 'llin o n d of ..aio li) S| « it «houli! I h * tmprovini, ff thl» oeeur» thè
^ ..
W tiin w k iiy w ilh | t 1rs,
h a l t 's tnillvhliial farmar rhouhl almi honeAt.
a t 'lyu'ucr, Oregon, as &K«:id-cUss matter, under the
*!ol> vorifioi1 a.* iV(|UÌrv<l hy I hw , «t
"It la hero (he gOrvrnmeiil le pio.
tho offic ■*
ft. M. Kmlìcott
______ '
Act of JV!arch #. 1879.
— in II k * c - h im „ i ). Mi°. Raymond T ib ia and
poeing « hovel attempi In economie».
City of SaVi*'. Marion Con inly. Q»o ¡family
Vii rotta li •Idiiillenlloti corporation» for
io " , v uni ' --it nionthi Troni
M is s T ild a J o h n s o n o f S e le n i . sui li
of tìiiì noti.**», to-w it: ACf-ii't
li U
' •
\ isu « d se v e ra ! liu y s itis i v. ook a l hiav« po i Iblc Ilio humlllua Of Ihp
\V. I. CìtANT.
itilo l{. O. W itic i hort)C.
surplus so n« lo le»*en II» iliatu’bliig
A * !iv i*,. il rat or . f t' ■ *•'« ale o Imo-
ir .. „„ i ■> «.• «»•„._ . .. .
. InUuenee on priee*. Witti non.perluti
„ m e U rani. I» c. a
V " * K ln ‘^ u ‘l > l‘,ul alilo pro.lUn» »urli « yroniapu I». ef
c a g g lg e « 4 a th it ì r c r i e V a i *?~K~
‘ ‘8 h t ii- .n U w w o ro
blinda}* eours*. ( nnoetvahly t,,*i,ltiie, bui our
» V , i F'KOPER I V H*i,
i n u s f s a t th e !*. K T h m n a so n wonuer» e h a t wo»i4 ¡.«ppc.
if « » u
hllisatluu toriKtrailon had to handt« r.
perlatiablc crop in «roil uiumllis».
.R y virtue Cf an ^ i IM ytfon N eoi-
“1« 11 going to he po««IUIu for a «lu-
tl V IM * U it r m m i "o
u of
01 Ile
, P . p an ; p io lin if is a h . u t o o n ip le t-
f Xhe IR
a ir
Oregon T q m 1.,
<xl in th l is c o m m u n ity . T h o c ru p ! biuaathm M raoratloa to lU M ilasf U
tv of
o T MàVioi,
»out.l bu ouo ih lu i If l( bad merely J»>
• i th. iMh Vii* fl^ B k u y .
hi h m t„ ,n
« gv od.
■Hiitilllto th« Amerieau altuallun, but
-IO . e; V. J I MVW* •*>. i I aim iff,
K ------
issv's - 1 le k a a n d H c lo n a " i t ­ often that altuatlon U lompllcatod
nini np iin*i j B l . 111
tu ■
kom am i - Mrs.
.» i . ih iv firn.
%i rji. il.U
((««, fo t th • r e i s p e n t th e w e e k om i a t th è with world condltlou». P.rlm p, ttvr
,j ‘ I pletiffe a llejn a n ce . . ih e F la g o f th è U n ite d S ta to i
-lyn of lary; ..liumUie-l and no UH) ;
very fact that »uch a atahUliattou eor-
dollars, l . S g aid coin, with iUierv.-t
and thè country f o r w n ich it stan d s. O ne r.ation,
per.itlon 1« In roatlloa to function mut
at the rate or s IH-r Cent per Annuii,.
\ l r . a ild M r j.
F lîu lv a n have n «t. inlying effect on the market
in d iv isib le , w ith lib erty a n d ju stic e for a ll.”
I f r e n " "O r' f.i\ o f t hru are, l!>2s,
i ,
ami ; e t ,rti e, - ,m oT
no nft
a n « iR im lv o f •'•« n u n S p e n t i>un- ! "Market* respond to p«yehologlcal
•H*\, ami * 1 « 'fu rth e r sum óf lia y e v o n in ij a ' tfco K a y m .a d T i- stimuli a* do Individual». The very
tact that th» government he a now def
i l l . 'U co-i , s i i accrue K Cos*«, I .
tnltcly stepped Into tb*. breach *H,i
i have le lied U(> op and n'Hl rell «i l u '
¡uililir auction, on Saturday. tHe N ili
A'va R I >. W iig cl WS* a d in - «11 of It* rckoiirrea «vail’Me to mnk<
o .... i ... , -i. i. . . ,• ihe new plan work wlll exert uq
T he »bove i> ri.« c a p rin a » f sn iftte r.'» 'iin 'i >ditoY‘.*l a p n o a rh ijt rii n iy of S. (dem tur. 1 ¡*2i*. ut I I 'o'clock
\ M.. ut ihe ci n. t house deer in Mur-
r 1 ‘A;,t
a ilio dOUlO C»t doubted)/ n »trong atablllxlug effect.
Ihe O regon J . u rn a l r f S* pterebey ," r ig ir .iin ^ Ilio use of C »rei » e» ion County o il S tate of 0 ; c . >n, all ^ Irs- G W . F a r r i t
"It would bo preauutptiKuu to for«
rnei t in Or* pon i roj •* tf T he *; i tori » I givo« Ih* in fo rm atici! th a l o u l the "rieht, title ’idiul interest which the
Mrs Harvev Wilson visito-! p.t cn»t what tho ultimate effect* of the
siid A. !.. Hirsekorn and Mrs. A. L.
of 0 ‘>,671 imrrole of com ent c-*»u in P o rl'a i.d p av in g in th o .fir.-t sev rn Hirsekorn, defendants, had on or tho P. E. Thomason home .Mon­ «**«• set will b». It cun, however, bu
dr Anilely rtated that In the present j
ro< iiths of IV29, 58.5S7 b .rr« ls ivss cerne:.t m arie i n f d i h r n i i i lì-gsrd after the lltn day of May, 1 !) 2 H. in day.
plan much of tho phl'.oaopby that had ■
or to th? following described prcm-
ing ih« « irid a n e h a n g a r tn L j causi* u te ri hy i^ e l'u ri ■*( P o rtla n d th è
Jhjeu to drastically rrt'.lcliod a» eco. |
«- »..... .
nomleully unsound (u. i been ellml 1
ed ito ria! quote« th è epeciAcatioi:« follow s. " K ir .d OK O O N C R E l R*
it '.giniiiiig at the Northeast cor- ;
nalcd. * The rxlRtlng plan ta worth L of a tract of InnJ cenvcyei! sy )
F o u n d atio n » , Wall t, piei? footing«, «rubi e t boi!» r, sh a ll he p ia in ccn»
trying. It will tin.lonbtedt> ro»t llm
ere! m ix c j J p a r | ' i n t a C rc. ‘ [C ,ijifo ri)ia] e c n ie n l th r e e p a r ta d o ari
.Federal ttvam ry no lnron»ldcrablr
hy ¡tee.! dale .\,iunib r 2i>, tsk7.
atnonnls of money, but If it produce*
u l t i ' fife | •.i* .T uhed jr*v< v,'' F cr sl o brtck worL Mi , 'b » 1 io ( '*ii-
riel ri -or*!e*f ii, tiofik 34. page oSH, I
the hoped-fot result It will hare beet
ot tiie Marion County Deed Records i
fc rn ia r r n i a o t ) pr ap u rrjv td t^ n a l in o rig in ai ; k n je s
ssi.l linei bi'injr within the coy- ;
Avail worth while "
W t.f i< '.b'a c .” mìì ! ìoq •iniva’. n t in O n ^ u n J O ro^on hr.s ih r .* ce -
porate limits óf tne City of cititi!*,
ns delineated on plat of Parruh’s . \ hrg-> n u m b e r >f th e /r i e n d s
ra e u l faotciies a n d 'i t is said t h i l the», u i^ r s tu iiltlc a o-c th a n h a lf
M.ii-on -b • to the Ciy of Sol-m
Mr. find Mrs. 0. W. Hewitt :
tim e .« in g tu la c ’d of orde.'S. Tl»i-i work is lo he di n s i:t O •»goti for the
r.'cor.!* >l I-I book 1. puce i»0. of f .
, * ,
f-e Town i’iat Ri» of
and tuii'.uy Kathci»etl at the tJeth-.
benefit of Orey h i y et th ey I a t r e ti:/ j \J ih iuri i* i o t c .'t i b
T de u tlic lb
Marion County, thence Southerly odist p:j-sonuire and tendered I
^Jo^ts j i t h l h c folluMrinp fe .'tjiie n t p ir.ijra p J j.
r.lorur ti e W. t line of Fifteenth , c
.. __ ... ..
(1 5 th ) S*ree* extetiued si.xty-fouP th e m ,1 I.He U til lVc't‘pt»on. A
“ C a lifc rn ia a u th o ritie s do n o t o llo n O rrg i n - x u lv c. m en t to le
t è l i fee t: thenc.» W esterly at rig h t s h o r t p ro g ra m w a s - p r e s e n t e d '
ttied on public w orks in L'alif..ri i a .
-ny'.'i with, ah! Fift r.h Street
nrd j. iraliel with said scurii him o f c o n s ts u n g o t a p o em b y K.
"lA a sb in g to u autbori'.ies do c o t a'lo sr O re g o u -u iiife cv tce n t to t e
“B" Str- . t re hundred ixty feet; L eo T h e is s e n w h ic h w a s h e r o w n
used on public w oiks in th e s ta te of W ashingim ».”
thence North riy parallel with the „ .rr>rw,-i*.h»r. \l»-
ioiat line of Fifteenth (i5t,,i «^Position. Mrs. Witjtehpave M
T h is beicg th e case why ei c it'd O regon allow C alifo rn ia or W a?b-
street extended sixty-four f—’t to reacting entitled “Tho Ship-
iiigt«i) c .o ie u t to be used cu O r.g o n p u l.lie w orks P a iro n s of C ililu r a
th,.> South .:«.» of «.Hi ''II" Street, Wreck” Wilh a few well ehos-
j . i re sta u ra n ts rtfiise U '» l w here can n ed good* o th e r th a n tli jse b ear­
tHence ba^u-rly ;»icn< sani South'
lino on' humircti sixty
fe<t on remarks M. > * onu express* •
in g tb e C a lifo rn ia label i r e used, y e t O regon all ws 'a lifo rn ia e-u ie r.t
to the p!.fc- of 1 r
i r
eri th*' regret of tho?e present
in Inttriitl Mciltetn« for th«
to g o 'in lo th ? s a il» ef her p u b li- b u i l d i n g e n d C a lifo rn ia c a n n e d gccds
lorms of sale, cash, unless but in ; ,
, * ; .
: *
fih ii n Venn
a t, tho lle\vitt family were
to g o o n to tb e ta b le s of Le-r r e j u a f a n t s . P ro d u ce e s n ie d iu O regon
"'»nnerii.j sre allow ed lo leave Or gen w ith C a lifo rn ia lube!-’ .a d o rn
day of August. 192«.. ^
in Salem and as a token estoem;
¿ng th e cam: a n d b a ttle s . \Vh»r. is tb e p*ablio e p ir’t cf ik e O: g o n ian
Sheriff of Marion Coiu ty, Oregon. 1 rcsentc'ii t.lCIh 'A'.th an i electric
k e trit
U hl be ■<
co m pared w ith th e citiaep.s of C alifo rn i < 7 W hoa th ■ O reg o n ian l e a a u r 1
to use Oregon Food p red u c ts s t d Oregon in d u s try le a rn s *.j use O regon By 'lie p ity *
coffee. Mr. Hewitt responded in
n ia te ris! far hom e cu n etru ciio n . th e n and n u t tiji t t e u w ill Q reg an io -
_________ ___________
Hour»* 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
f e w w o rd s 9 x p r e s s in g th ? fn m -
d u slry bu pro tected - W hen th is ii done o u r sc m en t m i l s an d o th e r in '
p a s trie s w ill be operat.& g S nd la b o r w id.lie em p lo y ed r r .J ev ery b o d y !
In the (.ircult Court of the State of s»'d that they CGllId never f o r - j
*vi:l be proet>erot:c .
t Oregon fo; Majiou Cqqi -y. D . part- q o t th o f r ie n d s th e y h a d mad*»
No Cti*r(o for Con«oltalion
r*.---nt No. 5».
. _
: Oliva A. Hotho. Haintitf,
| jn Turner-.
Dr. Mchcnthiw i n regular gradu
Lnter in the evening 1 ght re
- —-
‘ *
fiere irf The Record
Farewell Party
At Parsonage
C om ing T o
The Chamiioeg Memorial
. Fred Vi. .iciho, Dcfcudan
freshmcnts weri served after !ntc in m,'di«»hc ami surffcry gn i w
,T o Fred V. . Ho'.ho, Defendant:
liccnaed by the
of Oregon. H.'
Iu the name of the titate of Oiegon
c partinif,
for chronic appen-
Since th e-ed ito rial r?jarilft!P th e C harn|iceg m ensortaf a{'t’?a r-u i*i'
:t.T r u ,u „ ,.k,i„ M o -i.i P l . „ p „ , a, l
g» -
: ; - .y
»». t j
t*» be worth paeeing on. \1 by nol every utate that is iotc-rested, everrl
1 ol ■ or >“len 1 ls»
>uU 1 .d the above eMitled*-
fv e ry Against >«u
},¡3 credit wonderful re-
i _ i , court ai.d cuuso on c r pefor«: rour s e s s in t n e ir n c .v ho m o .
: :u n ty an d every t u r f a m is h a sto n e su it blv e n g ra v ed to be . U-»c*d
W t , from ttie date of the first »pub­
A in o n ff th o s e p r e s e n t w e r e : ¡.ulta in disean?« ot the »tomnch, liver,
in a (ui'.able tp o p u m e u l to com m em o rate tUe live» of th e pioneer* who lication oi thiTj summor.g, end if you
Vr. and Mrs C. W- Hewitt son bounds, blood, skin, nerves, (ii'art,
inaile (hie c o u n try r, p a r t ol th e U n ited S ta le r. Thi* » lu u id in c lu d e the | fail to answ er or appear herein on
. ,,
. , , .
or before said date, rbr w ant th
Myron and daughter Laverne, kidney, blander, bed wetting, catarrh,
•late« cf O regon, W u-n in g to n ant* h o w hich compc*. ii l lie o r i j . c a l plaintiff will apply to the court for
weak h in g ., re e -n a p ^ n i, sciatica, leg
Mr. nnd Mrs. , , C. , A- Bear and uh-.r anq rvctni ailments.
Oregon T e rriu ry. If the sta te s co n trib u te d th e ir p ro p o rtio n a te sh a re * tht‘ r«'!*«»f pr.*y«<t for in her compluiut
„ ,, , ,
; on file hcrcii*, to-w it: for a decree of sons K ^ n n e tn !\nd Willard
Below a re the namc% of n few of
fouj,led with the co u n tries, cities an d tow ns it cun bo re a d ily fQere taid court rii».«olving the
j,jg m any joiti«rie<l patients in Oregon
‘t h a t ; w onderful m em orial c o fid be er.-uP d w ith o u t aid f.»om th e Fed- contract and th»» bond* of matrimony
. - now . ub- .-t:ng between \>’U and th* 'I r s A S. Fllh^tO ll, M r. a n d '^Irs. *»|,o have been treated for one or thi
era! G overnm ent, ai.d the !; inor wopld belong, unspoiled by
p la in tiff; aw arding to her tho cara, ■ TV. T . Riches'. " M r . a i ld M r s . I . : otlmr o f tho above named causes:
aid, to ihe original Oregon T erritory: I ; ccu!d be boil il in th e form cf a custody and control of L u tlv r Hoiiio, #f
Loui • Hotho, A rthur Hotho, N. Uur H. Small, Mr. a n d Mrs. F. C.
Mrs. H. H. Blak ». Marshfield, Or*».
m o n u m en t. iuor.e?r block house or uny o tb e r stru c tu re re p re se n tin g
. .
. .. ..
u ll, fc Hotho, and L rn e it k,otno. m inor ehu- (Ju n n in tr
A lfred Clt inmv.n, (,'q. .all,. . Oro.
Mr. and Mrs Ivan
setae bu ild in g of pioneer d ay s. I l would th o n be our m em o rial lo th e dr n of plaint.f( nod defendant, and
Oia» lA-seh, l*»ftland, Ore*
Hadley and three children. H. 8.
ttcç.iraphriim enteof Ihe pioneers wh > mou! l e i th e O regon T e rrito ry
^j r sach ,4ÌÌ‘™ *n<* »urther relief n*
k(.s. J. C. llu n tru ck ar, Toledo, Ore.
I to the to u t, may appear ju st nJ Bond, .M»i(lamet Maitha ha n-
John I.uCian, Echo, Or*».
; equitable.
M r be1 MarLw,
R O.
B. rt Lamp i, St. Helen», Ore.
j 1 bis summons is serve upon you by ....
NfL). MayKelle Snyder, AD*'n, Ore.
¡publication th ereo f once eacn w eet M ll’ i h I). B. Parks. R Let*
In th. Circuit. Com%.«*f the State
'f o r four coiiM-cutive week» iu T,!ie Theissen, L. J. Rowley, Misses
Mi*.» Emma T urner, Mikkalo, Ore
Oregon, frir Marlon -County, I/e’- T u rn e r Tribun
Mr«. John Van Felt, Harbor, Ore.
N rticp i |K;?*ebv- given, -that by
r.i! ci ul.atior. published at the • "-d 1 arnett, Mildred Martin nnd
parim ent N» 2 .
J. H. Wood, Eugene, Ore.
a*» * xeentKm duly t'. ued out 1 eota CJoueh,' Plairitiff,
town of T u rh er In Marion County, Cero! K M c h rrr, F. P. Rowley
of tlie Ci,-cuit Court of I’ve S late of
Mr». Jen n ie W ool-ry, Sab-m, Ore.
Orogou, Mbr-uant to an order of the
U,. ».,-. for the Ciu-I A- of Marion. H cr, . ^ o v n e u g n , Dcfemlnr*.
Honorable L. H. McMahan, judge of tnd C^cil Martin find the hostess
Kcmenib*:! abovu tluve, loot constil-
and to n»e directed on tr.'» 10tb.:la>
. ,
th? C ircu't C ourt ot the Stave of O re­ Rev. Gr£.5*e Driver.
lation on tn*.* tr ip will be free and
of September, )!'2^, upon a judgm ent j 0
’ b- rt O. K. -L.ough, the above gon fo r M arion County, made and
th a t hi* treatm en t is different.
ami decree dulv r nder. d, . nUSed of I
•“ •^ 'td u n t:
entered on the 3 1 :t day of August,
record and dock^Ud in an.i by . ; j M f ' n
nam» of the .State o f Oregon,
M arried women m ust be accom­
court on the k!»th day of A ugur., | >ou a r'' hereby rv(|uired to appear
You a-e fu rth e r notified th at the A s A n A g i ’i c u l t u r a l Ì B ? :
panied by th e ir husband*.
1929, in a certain suit then in said i *|* ( answ er th>- . complaint of the «late o f th e fi.-.t publication of this
A ddress: 4221 W est Third S^r. ,.t,
court pending, wherein Rachel A«• »■ plu'ntiff
fih-d a: aitirt /c u in summons is the oth day of S*-pt'-m-
S e e s F a r m B o a r d ’s J o b Lou A nisic*, California.
Patton w:e- plaintiff and L-.u
^ . | the abov* entitled co irt,~“on or before ber,’ I N I ,
Pet. i-.'it ami Kathleen Fetcrm n were 'h e h u t day of th • time pre.-urribed in .
The r.ev Agricultural Marketing Act
b. W. MACY.
defendants tn favor of plaintiff and | -l»e o w e for publication of this sum- I
A ttorney fo r i ’laintfff.^ approache* farm relief fr«>i.i a materl-
Agaiit»t .si i'l defendants and each of , non.i ufron you, which |H-riod of lime
Iiesi<|enc? ami postoffic" address, 4 lly different point of view from that
1 hem 'by which execution I am com-
f,,ur weeks from the .'.th day ot
of funner >dll.* before Conrre»«, in re­
fu n d e d to v-11 tie- proper! in saitl
being the time of 202 Gray li'oek, Salem, Or* gon.
cent y .«r», ear* L)enn H. L RlU*cll ot
execution nnd hereinefter described the fir-’ publication her« .if, and if
Wlscupila Ualverslty C'odegc of Agrl*
to pay the sum due the plaintiff ot >oii i a 'j
to appear and answ er «did
t305.29 ami ti-* fu rth er -urn o f 1 complaint, the plaintiff will apply to
uultnre In the American Bankers A.i-
<65.00 attoftiey’a fees top* l.h. r with
' court for the reii* f prayed for in
Soclatioq Journal.
the casts nnd disbursements of sue!
r com plaint, to-w it: to dir. olve the
"It contains t> nop Idea, fraught with
&uit taxed a t $19.00 and corts end
tno greatest possibilities— the organ!»
expense.» of said execution. I will on ! the plaintiff ami defendant, «»store to
gallon of a Federal Farm Board," he
Saturday the 12th day of October, , -m! plaintiff her form er name of
Kay».. ‘ ft has been' possible for farirf
1929, a t the hour of 10 o’clock A M. 1 1.' ota W ¡¡.-on, and for *uch othe r .-».«ul
.-»operative.» tu
fmtn Fcdorali
hall be at
ah!c to
of said day at the west door of the 1 further relief
pitied instil;itio!i i before, and at a ma. Model A Tuiioi-
county court house in Marion Count*«, ¡the principles of •quitV.
The writer heard of the "Cir- (erially lower rate than city buslne»* Model A S p o tt Loapc, new
Oregon, sell at cublic auction to the
You aro furthi r notifi* d th at thi*
tiria t....................................... 550 00
highest bidder for cash in hand on the unnnon“ L served upon you by pub- cu>. ' so c u r io s ity a n d n ,y p e n n e y a " ' u ha“ *>» w for working capital,
_ t _ * i
b u t'th is Is tbe first set-up ma«lo b j Model A P h a e to n .................
«lay of sale, sll the right, title, inter­ bration thereof in Th T urner Tribune t«/oU m e in . it
,h government
■ was located down I tho
In which a o commlir- 192ft Tailor
est and estat«« which said defendant!: a weeklv ' newspaper nubi ¡«lii. d at
Alt i a p - emu has b<‘ n carefully cltbsin ta giro
and all perron, claiming under tlnar. ; Turne.-, Marion Count- Oregon, pur-- l*y M c lv ay .t p*»<
950 00
subs* quent to the ere ri iinn of plain­ su
V* V ’ ®,'9‘ r
*-'•• Hoii'.rablv p ro a c h e d i Will* nii?t o y a ilUilineSH undivided attention to an effort to
1926 Ri)««l*t*-r
..... 175 (.0
tiff's mortgage in, of e.n«l to said I. «1. !c Mahan, . >d
of tl a« ov*- ¡p,, | a,, n -;*V, . „ At ( '
solve the problem? bf a farm group.
'• "»'»■' r..,.rt, m««la
.¡,h ,,ay ¡¡kc'lad vmh an Al. G. Barnes. ,,t >g h#rd t0 ,.oncUro of H hM„., 1 926 Tourtmc
premises hereinbefore mentjone'l -and
- .............. 175.60
described in said execution *s follow*,' -.1 -;-pt. n..«T. i'*.-'*.
hat >s bo took fny jx-nny. ’W m ” I degree of respeasiMllty thaa miut W 1926 Coupe— '26 motor
y ou *ro f u r th tr n o tifies th at tii*' 'h it-h a t, s " ‘ bow -w ow «)'’ ’’m o- «-»uiitedhy this commission. No hoard 1926 T o u rin g ...........................
Lot.-i t ny und two iu Blo.-k 4 in I «late of the firxt publication of
nf thi
.* „
« ever created by congressional actio»
O i l |E R MAKES
the Tow it of 5iar*o!,, M hjioi , Conn- ! •«•e-mons «s O h - .‘ t
cm s
a d d m a n y g ro w ls Cam e 2 s ben. Uotli«4 with as ivbte plenary
ty, O rigan, according tu tfi«« plat
ami ttu la t put .¡ th* leo f fro m th e Wild a n im a ls tie d in pewer*. I is authorized not only to Overland h C'oa.h
2-14 00
tlien of on fli* and o f record in the j be’r , ii)29;
age s and pens whica consisted advise but to execute, to plan anu pic. K*;cx 0 Coach ....................... 185.60
ofllce of the Recorder of Convey-
effective action, to buy S tar 6 Touring
apees for »aid County.
/ A tto r. v fo r Plaintiff, of “Rowdy” the tiger cat, Bat* Ur plans into
to dump, to dip Into
W y'lin-Knight .Sedan .............. 283 Ob
Said sale being made .«ubj*ct to re-
tllC h e n t h a t la ^ J th e g o ld e n Federal treasury to hccompllsh it* S ta r Coupe ..
| t y ..........................
iemption in the m anner piovided U,
... .................. 239.00
•tirgs, “Snowball” the rabit, euila v/lth wbat would be alraoat un­ Dodge R o a d ste r....................... 350.00
1 Dated Ibi» 16th d8' ’
<¡«-pterrber, ;
'Billy” the goat, PollyandJohn- limited r«:iOtirca* to any private Qoni- Dodge I t p a d r i . r ........... ......
Msrclal Concern. The bourd'e only
„ ■
! riy” champion trailer ai.d trail Juh D to KMccsed, and no govern­
Sheriff of Alarion Cc«inty. Oregon. : Have your cnvc-lop?s prlrded v/itn breakers ” “Chub” the pip* from mental axenc, even during tbo wa;
time emergency bad a wider lalltudr
• our retu ¡ii nddrvaa.
The Tribun« Borneo, “Nipper nad Cornelius” i '‘Many wlll «01iik the farm relief
C enter al 1 ibi riy
can do the work.
the hunter dogs amt last but not program will bo universally applicable Phon« 1 tilth
'east of the annimalal wore twin t< the Imlivldiisl land owner or eper.
boys in khaki suits and pig shav-| aior. Such procedure Is far from the
trtfto. Al*l Is lo be extended through
I O * " Tbs T ribuns credit fo r what
T r iU n „ ib o || fan
f r t youf id head: who acted as bears.
cooperative organizations by making
Beside» this there were two It poaalble foi such group* to obtain
you buy freni our an v e rtisira
butWr wrap», letter hea*U and en-
Have your envelopes printed with
dancing girl».' ahoy who did stunts cash advances io hold crops so tu to
volo pas,
permit of more orderly marketing.
your return address.
The Tribe nr
on a bike and a w hole bunch of
''While llio primary relation I* with can do the wcrla
Miniature Circus
In Turner
Fares to Salem
Greatly Reduced
For only a ilurd more ( flu- regular otu way Lite
y*)u fhay buy a roniiJlnp tkket to Salnn ditrinp the Ottt-
^ou Scare Fair.
Tick« t< arc on sale froiii September 2J tu 23 inuiusivc.
y. tth reuirti l:mtr of September AO.
S T A R T E A S T B E F O R T S J iP T -
O n b a ft.y «Jc>s left to buy iu n n tc r excursion fsies to
the Hast. Arvl ..-m anhir. jvu gel more lor you money
on Somhem Pacific f'ltile T ops, K0inK , , t i r (• - J , fc-
lutning snochtr, visiting California vh route Y ^ j
luv* until ( ht* **cr j ! to complete i^uq, jtauinry.
.... ........... ■" '■ ^
V *
■ a i
l o r oil travel ¡n¡í,rmaiiou, fflxona or cali vn \o u \
local 'Soutbarn i ’tu ific agei’i
il. S. HON I), A gent
T V S Y W V ir T C 'n e p m
' r t ñ r WV S S S Wf
F f /f
* , 0
£ï N8ÍSC - w l Ä §3« nal a
3*2 y , í s S uni ja.«*; | » 3<-id*«>>
W i th o u t ii nlttpli* fV 'i p t i a u , i h r lY iiitiu r
b i g N |\ in t h o f:i« lr, t , m o s t |Mis»i-r^u[ } i\ o f
II«* p r i r ç u v a iU b lo l«»«Uy. It* g tu r iiy , 2C()
« 'iL jo çli' lt, L -! m - u »I c u g i n e «levrlop. np
f io r - r jn 'tn r r u l m o d e r a t e e n g in « r ^ . «t.
I ta n{iee<i a n d u i x - l c r a l l o n nr<» i h r fi*.fe».t tu |,r
in iitiy lo s v - p r i.i.l «ix, u«»<ordbig tu th o * tif ili w h e n ”
— th e must der iira tc n p e e x i in c u lilir lq g d e » l« e k n u w ii f j
¡it | l n i n o I iv o c m i i i e c r s . I n * |iie .« * tio n u l» ly , t o d i i y 'q
l ‘ n tiu e lü g Six I s t h e |> e rfo riitu tie c le a d e r o f it«> p r ie o
fic h i—m u l I h e s l j t c a n d v a lu e le a d e r n* w e ll.
* •
P O N T IA C 5 !® »•*
l'r u j.i | ni h t c t i n l M p fn ri
If on tiro inlrre«l«<] In j
r .-iMllnR «.ny.
w hrrr tifa r .......................................................................................
Potnia-»» j>ri *■. j „ c ro m i lin e r.
* *1) «I* iti.noi liuti j , . ii ».-r ,iti*J tirivi* t «i.hiy u
•*> f». Priftilir, M i t i ,
Po iUcn M i ri*. A««*l w hrn yo*i tom e lo,
ÿ-t)oatr ,‘ ,*J, .(,
l»*ina your p-****»til p f fo t oiu' o p p m lu i.
W**r#r fcr
Ita »alili* svili pfob.'lilv r o i r r - t b r dotili
F o n t i n e M g M m . Ì7%\ t o
pavincili, Ir.ivln«; on|y a f.«,« Jaljar» jj ,
$ i ? f , / . o. b. r(M»»,y»,
■uontli t-j pny, Auil, n* yoti p«jr, you wlll
M ith .,
tU l^ tvy’
I m - r n j o y l n Ilio flnryt , *r * f II* |,rice Ilio
• borgen. Myrnps-i «, tpr.'/r/f
m arket r ff ir***.
• w rs tinti
»Htu h
«UarUrg rmm, il 9 f trè. l p .
THrnf C-'f *îi,/|f I Àl/rn f a i t ,
Imna-Cn •'«•<- «irto , r,-,F Pr,rek (,,r(„a„
i : murre, I M $ 7 im*.
F a r t u r n i P l * n nrmi’ablm
/ o r ,, k , m, M H t a p rl
« « .„ a o r ) n o n c l n g O rt i, :J .
a t i^.ntnvM.j.% Mf^
" (m