TIIK TRIBUNE, TURNER, OREGON Yes, Germany Still Has Quite an Army » » ##»##»##»»#»»»##» » » » ^ Jin Adventure of the Scarlet Pim pernel l ' WKÎJ farvi'-* Copyright lier BARONESS BlÌ THE «r I ORCV1J New life for old leather Clear, ^w och color restored. ScuA concealed uutantly. Th e luatre of leather revived, yo wonderful ihlo so cent». C olon for black, brown, tan and whit« i — a neutral poiuh for other*. B A R T O N *« And all the while blows were rain­ ing fast and furious. There waa no A groan o f disappointment and Im­ lust to kill, only wild enthusiasm foi S H O E P O L IS H patience lose from the parched throats a fight, a desire to tie avenged on o f the men. The pase^-e o f old I’lnnte friends who hud aided that rascal Lao- Red Tape Involved in Traviar Mille sad up and Ills sheep had exasperated their zet to cheat the men of the district I* 2 9 M c a n trsds m Lease of Public Lands nerves. A moment ago th e, had felt out o f the golden prize. Ç ñUU U Í C P f l I M t wiH h o ld n * “ Give op the English spies or I’ll chilled and cram ped; now their blood Uncle 8am has a quantity of per OH fl l/U A tMlk.llMltlllUlMd was up, their bodies were In a sweat squeeze the breath out of thy throat I" pectly good grazing land going to BfMUN BIS J Cat h m ' é m a m é On with the violence of their disappoint­ This from Gaspard'a the butcher’s son, wests and wants to do something i mumm i* f 4 a <*«» t*# •»*•» L(yV raiuen nur tnpanaa m ent Already Plante and hla sheep who had felled bis friend Raffet to the j al-out It. It seems that the answer to s v ' ■ ~ * a | lv « r « « r tarns* were far away. That alienee, b o full of ground and rolled over and over In the tha question would be to lease It out. sounds had once more descended upon mud with him, the two men snarling This sounds simple, but before any­ the forest Again the men waited with at one another and biting and scratch­ thing can bs done about It tour bu­ eyes and ears strained, their nerves ing like • couple o f engry dog*. reaus of the Department of Agricul­ atlngle, their breuthlng hard and ster- Had they all gone mad, these men ture will have a hand In making the orous. And there fell upon their strain­ of Molsson! The issue o f the strug­ arrangements. ing ears the sound o f human life com­ gle might bare remained longer In the First off, the Forest service, under ing from the direction o f Mezleres. Thla balance had not Raffet Just then freed whose Jurisdiction the land comes, time It was the-sound o f cartwheels bis right hand from the Iron grip of must take action. Primarily the areas ir a * « * » « * creaking through the mud. and o f 111- Gaspard and discharged hla pistol into Involved are forest reservation*.or vi­ sdjosted harness Jingling with the hla whilom comrade's leg. Gaspard tal watershed sections. These must movement of w oarll, plodding horses. rolled over onto bis hack with a groan be protected In their first Intent abova There was also from time to time the and a cures. everything else. Eroalon and overgras- sound o f distant voices, s harsh call “ Traitor I Thou baa murdered roeP Ing must he guarded against as well or uproarious laugh suddenly stilled he cried, while the blood flowed freely as types o f plant Ilfs which might ss If In response to a peremptory out o f hla thigh. poison stock. warning. Nothing In truth to sug­ T bs bureau o f animal Industry, the But the one plato! shot bod the gest the furtive methods of the Eng­ effect o f sobering the combatants. The forest service, the bureau o f plant In­ lish adventurers; It seemed more like aggressors bad pistols, too, and sabers, dustry and the bnreao of agricultural • party o f farmers coming borne from hut In tbeir excitement bad forgotten economics will combine In tha work. m arket how to use them. The sudden report, The troopers were on the elert of however, brought the soldiers to a B i r d S te d y SUFFERING ELIMINATED course, but not quite so keenly per­ sense o f discipline; wakened them, as There are now nearly 1,200 band­ haps as they were before their disap­ It were, from their surprise, and' In pointment over cltlxen Plante’s pas­ a moment gave them a decided ad­ ing stations in all parts o f tha United 8tates, operated for the study of bird sage across the scene, nut ■ minute vantage over the undisciplined attack­ or two later s quick word from ibelr ing party. This wild flstlcnffa could migrations snd habits. Operators send captain brought them sharply up to not go on. It waa unworthy o f the the data regarding each Individual attention. The cart had obviously soldiers of the republic. They were bird handed to the United States bu­ reau o f biological survey, which has come to s b a it but a lost, shout now being attacked by a band o f Irre­ rang through the stillness of the night, sponsible young jackanspes. whom the established an Indexed card file of and there was a general sound of devil hlmaelf must for the nonce have such records. Widespread Interest la scampering and o f running, mingled deprived o f reason, but tt remained expressed In reports o f the capture of banded birds, of which 13,794, repre­ with calls of excitement and enroor- for the picked men o f the rural agement. A few mlnntea o f tense ex­ gendarmerie to teach them that aucb senting a boat 200 species, have been Sera Enough pectation. then suddenly round the madness could not remain unpunished, retaken, either alive or dead. bend a band o f ten or g dozen men and, friend or foe, be who attacks a “ These chickens were batched In an Why N ot? came Into view, armed with miscel­ soldier o f the republic must suffer Incubator I” The yonng naval officer was show­ laneous weapon«. At sight o f the dili­ for his wantooneas. Far be It from “ My goodness I They look Just like ing the pretty girt over the ship. gence they gave e wild shout o f tri­ the chronicler o f theae event« to pre­ real ones." “ Awfully Interesting," was her ver­ umph. brandished their weapons and tend that all theae thoughts did surge dict, “ and tell me, do they close the rushed to the attack. clearly In the beads of the troopers. “ Attention, citizen soldiers!“ RnfTet What Is a fact Is that from the mo­ portholes when the tide rises?"—Pear­ commanded hastily. “ Do not shoot un­ ment their captain .discharged a pistol son’s. less you are obliged. Dot If you must, Into Gaspard’» thigh they became shoot low. We must have some of N e t S e M a ch masters of the sltoatlon. The fight those English spies alive If we can.* -n o w was the bride’e linen show­ between soldier* and civilian* e-sumed Hardly were the words oot of bis Its Just proportions; there were a few er?” month than, with s renewed shout of FO R . Q U IC K . “ Just a light sprinkle."— Louisville pistol shots, some saber thrusts, a triumph, Ihe band of young ruffians good deal of groaning and cursing, Courier-Journal. IS S COMPORT COMEO HARMLES H ARM LES threw themselves like a pack of en while more than one stalwart besides raged puppies on the soldiers, while Gaspard rolled over In the mud. Russ Ban Blue goes farther, makes others made straight for the dili­ The light had lasted less than ten clothes whiter than liquid Blue. Large gence. But before they bad got within package at Grocers.—Adv. Nogativo Virtue twenty meters o f It the captain gave minutes. When the first rush on the diligence was made the twilight was “ Some people don’t like Freddy, bat the quick word o f command thot Champion in Her Cl*»« I do. He always says what he thinks." brought the men o f the gendarmerie already fading Into dusk. Now. when the last shot had been fired and the “ H u h!" was the scornful answer, "I Wife— There’s one thing about my ont o f the coach, pistols In hand, ready last of the hotheads had cried for mother: she’s outspoken. don’t like them that q u iet”—Boston for the light. Transcript Husband— Not by anyone I know. The attacking party, however, held mercy, dusk was slowly yielding to the darkness o f the night Raffet no laggards either. Egged on by the Irover from Alncoort and still shout- called the soldiers to attention. They M ig h t y M o n a r c h were still panting with excitement lag wildly, they rushed on the men of of t h e Ain some of them were dizzy from blows the gendarmerie as they scrambled dealt freely on their skulls; one or out of the coach. Numbers being about equal on either aide, the men two showed a banged eye or a bleed­ ing Up. but none o f them was serious­ mining out one by one were at a great disadvantage. Almost as s<>on as they ly hurt The hotheads from Molsson had set foot to the ground they were and Mantes bad not fared quite to welL Some o f them had received a fallen on with fist or »alter, and soon charge o f shot In leg, arm or shoulder the confusion was complete. and were lying groaning or half un­ "What the devil's game Is this?* RnfTet shouted hoursely. for In an In­ conscious on the ground; those who bad escaped with minor hurts were stant be bad found himself at grt;«. on their knees, held down by the oot with the mysterious Scarlet Plm- heavy hand of a trooper. They did Itemel, but with Gaspard, the son of the butcher of Molsson, whom be had not In truth present an edifying spec­ tacle. with their faces streaming with known ever since they had been raga muffins together. And Gaspard was as blood and perspiration, their clothes strong as some o f the bullocks his torn, their shirtsleeves hanging In rags, fsther was wont to kill. Before RsITet their hair wet and lank banging be­ fore their eyes. Raffet ordered them could recover from the surprise of this wholly unexpected turn o f events Gas­ to he mustered up, bis sharp glance pard bad brought his heavy fist crash­ ran over them as they stood or crouched together In a line. ing down on hla whilom friend's skull. — V ' v L m “ 1 ought to nave the lot of yon sum­ “ It means," Gaspard shouted, mod marily shot," Raffet said sternly to irlth fury, “ that tbou’rt a traitor and them after he had Inspected his men that I’ll teach thee to help cheat thy friends!" and seen that victory had not cost them dear. “ Tea, shot r he reiterated, Nor could Raffet argue after that. He bad need o f all his faculties to de­ “ for Interfering with these soldiers of the republic In the exercise of their fend himself against this young ox. duty: and I will do It, too.* he went He had drawn his pistol, trne. hut G as on after a moment’s pause, “ unles* paid's Ironllke hand hnd closed around you tell me now the meaning of this his wrist and the fight soon degener ated Into fisticuffs. The troopers abominable escapade." fared no better, either. Thongh they “ You know It well, Cltlxen Buffet!" bad been prepared for an attack, they Paul, the washerwoman's son. said, IRE U Majestic’* challenge to the were not prepared for this furious on­ still breathless with excitement and slaught made upon them by their whole world o f radio: go to your radio with a savage onth, “ when you Joined friends. Name o f a dog I Whut did It hands with that traitor l-nuzet to cheat dealer today and have him put a Majestic til mean! For they were all friends, us all of what was our due." set side-by-side with any other radio no Power Detection and the these madmen, every one o f them ; "Joined hands with Lauzet! What matter how costly. Have him connect both nmw -4 5 tube« plus four young men from Molsson and Lanny the devil do you mean?" Raffet tu n e d s ta g e « o f r a d io to the same aerial with a switch to operate frequency. Absolutely no and Mantes. There waa Francois, the queried, frowning. “ In what did I them alternately. N ow , make this side-by- hum and no oscillation at mercer of the Rue Gftinde, and Jacques, Join hands with Lauzet?" any wave length. Auto- side test under precisely the same condi­ whose father kept the tavern at the “ I d capturing the English spy and tions, considering each o f these seven es­ sign o f the Rlnck Swan, and Paul, getting the reward for yourselves when sential points: whoae mother was the best washer­ It rightly belonged to us." X. T oo«— st every degree o f volume. woman In Mantes. And words flew “The reward.” Raffet retorted dryly, 2. Sensitivity— ability to bring in distant sta­ round to the accompaniment o f thump­ “will be for whosoever may be lucky tions clearly at good volume. unit. with positive volt­ ing blows. to get the English spy. For the mo­ a ge b a lla st. J a co b e a n 3. Selectivity—tcet each for sharp separation “ Jacques, art Ihou mad or drunk?’ ment I Imagine that If he meant to period cabinet o f Ameri­ o f station*. “ Achillel Thy father will beat thee attack us tonight your folly has scared can Walnut. Door« o f 4- Ease o f control—Judge and compare (or m a tch e d b u t t w a ln u t for this escapade I” him. The noise you made would keep simplicity. with overlays on door* “ Name o f a name, hut you’ll all get any brigand out of the way." and interior panel o f 3. Beauty— o f design, o f woods, o f finish. something for this night’s work." genuine imported Aus­ (TO BE CONTINUED.) Watch details. Run your hand over each. tralian lacewood. Escutch­ eo n p la t e , k n o b s an d 6 . Reliability— look Inside and compare for d o o r p u l l « fin is h e d extra power, size and strength. 7 -Q ilit Operation— free from A C hum, Evergreens Found in W arm and Cold Zones •putter and all background noise. s s -..* i7 9 £ . CHAPTER V I— Continued D y a n $ h jn £ J For Galled Horses Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh With much o f nn nrmy ■< la permitted by the peace treat,, German, keeps well up to date In militar, mnltere, Aliove are aeon tnotuliers o f a gun crew, equipped with gua masks, Bring their gun during recent mnneurera •t Dobertla. Lieutenant Williams in His Mercury Seaplane e i s iw » ¿i& Jxh& C L Lieut. A. J. Wllllama, Ü. It. N., In hla 1,100 U. P. Mercury aeaplane that waa built (or competition In the Sctmel- dcr cup rare« at Cowea, England. Omnibus College Girls at K. P. Duty M EXICAN BE A U T Y Señorita Aurelia Colomo, one o f tin moat beautiful Mexican girls ever re aiding In Waahlngton, la to be pro aented to society In the National Cap Ital thla autumn. Theae Nrbraaka girl», members o f an omnlbua college that atopped at a tourist camp In Waahlngton, were caught whtla doing their turn at kitchen police. Their achoolroom la a motor car. N AM ED FOR GOVERNOR Children Cry for It iketh SIDE by SIDE test —letjour own ears decide H Calf Triplets, and All Doing Well Model 92 John Garland Pollard o f Williams burg, Vn., who was nominated fot governor o f Virginia b , the regula! Democrats to oppose William U. Drown, Republican and antl-Smlth Democratic nominee. Not Road "Thla letter la marked Tdetated but not read.'" “ Well, If he didn't consider It worth reading, w h , should II" G r o w i n g C itio * Here are the three health, rnlf triplet« that wore bom recently on the 7,wlaslg Ilrothere' ranch near Decoto, Calif. Farmers are surprised that all three sliould survive and be so health,. FROM HERE AND THERE Tea planting Is being tried In Ethi­ opia. indinne of the Amnion region nloep In hammocks made of strings of palm fiber. Overnight lodging coat 12H cents In Chicago's tlrat hotel, built In 18.’KI b , Elijah Wentworth. Merger negotiations under way would piare nil French aviation linos unde? nne management. Argentine nntlves fimi skunk meni pnlatnhle. Jnpnn has two mllllonnlres whoae holding» are eatlumted nt $200,000,