V , : u * - jr î T urner T ribune Vfíf.. J » XljJ. NO. TURNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, I» ^ X L íiL fOf‘FH US IV >N Oí > Wl'J. 8UBàORIPTIGN 91.25 PER YEAR ■T ».■. - —:----- - .. * ■ i — ■ . n r - •*. ' ' l KEPT, 12. CLDVEBDAIE ■ 1 ' t w ;—■ 1 •Yj,Y W W Y / Y W A ,Y . Y W . % V W / W « r t W , Mrs. Beatrice Ott and daugh­ ter Marjodi*. o f Roseburg were house guests of Mr. and Mrs 5! Mrs. Joan Pefircy. of Salem, Bert McKay during the last week Mr. and Mrs. John SchifTerer 205 S.CHURCH E T -AT ANY HCUH was in Tumor Thursday calling of August. Margaret McKay re- celebrated their golden, wedding 1 , y I turned home with her aunt where •mold frjends accompanied by ------- Jf anniversary, which was Septem­ ( rjll ytalt atte** h e r mother Mrs. Mclnturff, ofjshc will vM» until September 15 ber 9, at their country home. The >:r. Mrs Spokqne. Mi^j Driver and Mr», ¡or later. Jins. Ott was entertain- yoorns were attractively decorated ed extensively while in Turner. Mdnturir are old friends and en­ Miss Grace Driver was honor with late summer flowers and|J? joyed a fine visi*. V V W , V . V A V A ,.V A V A V /J‘/ . Y W / / W W A V A V ^ j " gold streamers Sunday all the 5» Mr. uqd Mrs. D. B. I’arkes guest at a lovely dinner, on ........ .... £ relatives were present including ¡5 -• and family returned from New­ bor Day, at the R. Lee Theissen Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Schiffereri3» port last week. Mr. ’ Parkes be­ home. The roams werp attractive­ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo £ , ly decorated with golden glow ing much improved in health. Sakm’H Square Deal Jewelers Opticians. Stadelman and daughter, of Port and Pink aster?. Miss Driver, FOB SAl,K--pry Ash wood. land, Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. e*chif- Diunumds Wqtehei» Clcokp Jev, elry <& Silverware. Mr. nnd Sirs. Janus Harrison RobtGiven, Routed, Turner. fsrur and family. Misses Freida and children and Mr. and Mrs. Best Quality harness made in R. Lee TJieissen and family were and Emma Fchifferer and Willie .r . * Schifferer. M m V . V W A V . V . W W A V A V . V / W . V / / A V our own shop. Satisfaction guar­ present at the Jinner. Monday evening over 50 mem­ anteed. Price? from $40.00 to Fir# broke out again with re­ bers of the fiaptist church of Sa­ $65.00. F. K. Shafer, 170*S. Com­ newed fireceness in the Silver lem gathered at their home. mercial St Salem, Oregon. Creek district last week and at Elunjng the evening songs and Two large brush fires burned last report Was out of control on readings were enjoyed. Mjmv freely near Turner during the the Silver Fails Timber Com-i present« were reeejved Icecream past week. Qno the latter part of pany’8 holdings. and cake were served later in the fin ir a i Cuutraclnr and Builder last week near the J. E White For SçlcL— fjood grade 81irqp-j evening after which evc yor.e head place and the other started Cement Work and Plumbiijg shirts buck. Ivan Dudley. Rt 2 ¡departed wishing there more an- Saturday night rqjar the Geo. Mr. aiid Mrs. C. W. Hcwjtt niversaries T u rn e », O regon Route j . Morris place. Mrs. Fred Schifferer rpd Mrs. . .. . .. and family moved to Sulem Lhi AIberf. Given is forking in t h e ! • Anderron visited the Irvine hoj> Miles Linon Milütt Salem Wanted— Night drverman & yardjiear Bun"» Vi-ta, Friday, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Newman Iv- where Mrs. An lerson and daugh "7 i" u . i 7 Jean, ‘ ' of t o l ' I teamster and i "j daughter t{clen Sa-i f for * prune harvest, ter Gertrude and Mildred Schiffer- lent nnd Mr. and Mr». G. D. al> Gi'Jloy. er were picking. Miidrci returned Born- To My. and Mrs. Lawsr- witj) ihr-n). 'Thomas, of Amity called at the Rowley home Saturday evening. ence Edgard« a 9J pound girl. Mr and tar». Ivan Hadley and FUR REN'T-Two 2 room apart­ Mother u u d baby uro doijig hue. faintly were in Salem ditur. ay on ments nnd Two 1 room apart - • jus i DCS). | menls. Enquire Tribune office. The W. C. T. U. met at the Prof. John R. Cox nnd a mem- home of Mrs. L E. Heaties Sep­ l>er of the school board drove ov. tember 6. The day was spent work ¡inga buttcifiy (joilt. A bridal ehow- i or the bus route last Thursday. TURNER |They report a numbor of young 'er was given ir. honor of Mi*s 8-rs- people preparing fqr high school. \ tip Davenport, by the members. Hie next meeting will to held at VV. A. Mprtin caught his hand) lhe home of Mrr, Arthur Kur.ke, P in the planer at his mill, last' October 16. week, cutting off the cijds of two |ft*ny of tl*» men in th;a com- ! fingers. The hand is on the men««; Mrs. U. J- 'Talbott and Miss , hut still unite sore * Lucile Riches have returned from m’iniiy nrer» cai'ei cut to fight 1 Mrs. E. C. Bear. Mr». B. a *«*7 enjoyable and Interesting gre jn the Battle Creek districi V E T E R IN A R IA N i Hurling and Mrs. Piscr with praise to {\ias!;p t>n board the Ttc firs would have done much , ' „ ' Day and Night IjyrvU; their young children attended the ¡S. S- Dorothy Alexander. The dsniage if they hadn’t got it under county health clinic at Salem, ! points of interest visited after cootfol. OREGON ; sailing from Seattle, Wash, were Mrs. Ted IVhiteliead and mc- last Thursday. 1 Yictoria B- C, Sitka. Skagaway. Iher Mrs. Ixiuise Kunko visited Gloves, Pursoa. Hand Rags, Jypeau. The Taku Glacier, Wran- ia this (.emmunity Mcrdsy Suit Cases and many other arti-| and Kctchican Alaska. Sitka 1 Mr. Julius Made?, of Portland. cles made q( leather suitable for js the raQ3t picturesque of all the ♦ ♦ » » ♦ ♦ • » ♦ » a ac a Mrs, Fred Schifferei's father visited » T e n s io n s . Tell gifts for all ( tensions. j Alaskan towns visited with its _______ 'f j f I the Scbiffsrer l.ome Tuesday and your HARNESS needs. F. beautiful open harbqr, imruyt, patiyc (;ou\v Wedncíd.v, Mr¿ E. C Dye, also Shafer, 170 S. Commercial St, Sg.l pulction i^d many Indian To- of FprtIand vi, Ued wit, th Mr acd lem. Oregon. item poles. Juneau is the seat of Mrs. Fred Schifferer, Mrs. D ie i* Mi's. George ^adorninn and Lhe territorial Government and Mrs. Schifferer*» sister. ¡daughter, of Salem, attended the the most modern city with a pop­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Booth’s eon ! Ladies Aid at the parsonage last ulation of some six thousand peo­ Herbert was verv «ick last Satur 1 week. ple. mostly white. *, . . . . . I he trip from bkagaway up the f. Mrs. Ruth Riche? entertained P ru n e p ick in g will start about the W. C. T. U. Wednesday of old Yukon trqil over a narrow F rid a y o r S atu rd ay in this cou»- gauge railroad to White Pass the I this week m u n ily. ! Mrs. H. S. Bond returned last'summit of the mountains and • Wednesday from a few days also the Boundary line between spent in Portland. ¡Canada and Alaska was reached OLD TIME DANCE Chrysta ! then on to Lake Bennett, Cana- Gardens cyerv Wednesday and where a delicious Moose meat ntarday, $:30p. N? Gents 50c d,nner WV served to all the pas tengers of the train at noon-; Sunday Moruiug Service 11:00 Indies 26c. I •/ t f F rom Skagawav to Lake Bennett a . in.'Message for Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. Japies Given, of Ì * Portland, returned^homcSunday a d,s^ nce of for^ ^ ny nJd»es '®and young people A Reminder Mr. and Mrs. John R Cox, of Jim Bones sold 15 fine young after spending thp week with traveled and an altitude of from i of heavenly Blue»» mini 15:3$- two to three thousand feet above!;?9 E orlh Le ,7:0o P m . Albany are moving to Turner ftdder hogs last Saturday. relatives in Turner and Marion. Sea level is reached. The rail-1 this week »Mr. Cox is the new Topic: “ W'hnt Do We Menu bv G*th Brothers finished tillin, Jiru js driving truck for the Frig- road is built along the mountain?,., . . . . „ school principal. idair Company. ihetr silo Monda». wfth a five to seven jv r cent . , .. . .. . c ) Mr. and Mr». Neal Edwards, T. B. Funstan returned last grade and is a very scenic route; Sunda-V Kvemn« SerVK0 i' :G0 Mervin Pearson ha? been help of Salem, are looking for a suita­ week from an extended visit with with its rugged mountains and l* 111 Mes8*K'‘ : "tollow in g the ble location before school opens. ing fill silos the past few days. relatives at various Wash points. deep canyons.! rowd- » ^ x- 23:2. Mrs Edwards will teach in the While on his trip he visited Un­ In the encounter with After carrying for eleven years grades next year, on route two, qu I of Tumor, Bert cle Perry Cornelius at Colfax. He champion. Sea Bickness, Miss i ■> has been gone since May and re­ Riches v,»ent down on two |counts Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W Hewitt McKay was transferee! to Salem ports a fine time. and the fish had two extra meals and family are moving to Salem His many patrons deeply regret his going Mr. McKay is much A generous portion of Mother Have several trailers on hand ior the winter. Mis.: Lavern pleased with his work The fami­ -ill’ s Seasick Roniedy was pro­ at prices from $1^ up If I do not Hewitt is a student in Willametl Obtained. Send model or sketch have whgt you want, have the cured for the return trip which University. They will be missed ly will remain in Turner. and we will proin^-iy sand y*u 1 material on hand and can build acted like a charm. It was report. Our book on P atents and from this community which has U. A. Tbeis.sen ws& in Turnot it to your order ih a few days, Trai|e-m arks will bo scut tct&uu brought in Seattle un-opened. been' tl,ejr hbrqef for sc v era! year? oil l^qucsf. Monday and Tuesday looking af­ H. P. Jensen, General ffiack- After reaching port they were attacked with th 9 malady known j E, B Stroud and family, u£ ter business interest ? and visit­ smithtag. as sea legs and had trouble keep-1 Roseburg, ‘vMtted> recently at the ing at the home of his brother PATENT LAWYERS Mrs. R, M. Kiser spent Sun- ing their balance on the room (iom of Mr. Stroud’s sistov, Mrs. R L. Theisscn. 305 Seventh St, Washington. ru D C- Over 34 Years’ Experi C. A. Bear. For Side— 1 good work mure day with her daughter Carol, fioor. Take it all in all the trip) « ■ r n w r “ ' r who is convalescing at the home was a wonderful exprrience. E T. Picrco M r». M. J. Winkler, of Vancou­ of Mr. and Mrs. F. C- Gunning. ver, Washington, stopped it; Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay en­ Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Hurling and Turner Sunday enroute home tertained delightfully at Dinner from Eugene where she h;w been on September 1st for Mrs. Jen­ baby daughter left Monday for 3ntkW m the guest of her daughter Mis3 nie Hobbs, of Eugene. Those Maupin to vis»t Mrs. Hurling’» W E H AV E CONNECTIONS /tunas Vera Winkler and neiceMis» Ila- present were the honor guests, parents' with the Hansen-Bennett mag­ ».el Bones, of Pficitic Christian Mrs Hobbs, of Eugene, Mr. and azine agency, one of the larg­ VêoJtLm ^ % l fUbM Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnet» hospital, for the past week est in the country, which en­ Mrs. Chas Brasher, of Salem, visited Mrs. Barnett’s mother Mrs. G. A. McKay was calling Mrs. E. McKay and the host, Mrs. F. M. Bear, at Crawfords ables us to give you the best on Mrs. R. J. \Vatsot\ Monday. M\ nnd Mrs. McKay and fam­ ville, last week. prioea and service for yoar IVuB rWrK « fW N O r W C . magazine needs. See F. P. Row- ily- v3»W Mrs. Susan Girardan has been Miss Gladys Given left Ha^ur ley at the Tribune Office. C^ive The Tribune er-fiit fo r wha' Rtaying at- thé Howard Baker d ty for Lyons to spend ¡the wen- you buy from our aiivertirtr* ^ >me for the past ten days. Z '" Locals F uneral D irecto rs \ Foot Bull Good* Wm. E. Anderson',s The Sportiçg Gbod Store Guns & Amunition Pomeroy and Keene fc ¿79 State, St. SPORT GOODS ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT a i i i / w e .2» ...... 167 No. Commercial St. Salem, Ora. Salem, Oregon. T u rn er L um ber m g . Co, W. JAY DENMKM W « catr> in %tcck Rou^li and from, also W all Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, Cedar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and Slabwood in four foot lengths. % Paid o y pix months W e desire to s«rve the public with Promptness and Efficiency. LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL PHONE 875 “ Return from Va­ cation trip to Alas? ka” %. f. kOWNEK, V.S., B.V.Sc 4 s?d Lumbar, Shin$Us (Eighest quality) five grades lo select DRUGS Turner IVnnajit lamse Leaf Filiera willi Felt IVnnpntH $1:10 do/ Iîoliable Druggist E. S. PRATHER OREGON fa 1 " Pr. O, A. Olson, Dentist u m is* :ftk./i-■:€. vu.>;Jsia. -rvfti i v PAINLESS DENTISTRY AN D X -R AY W O RK A ll Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices L»*e Your Credit Come in and talk ii tiyer M A S O N IC TE M P L E . Residence 75J-R Dr. O, L. Scott C hiropractor Neurocalomcter Service Phone 87. Residence 2104J 256 N. High Street Salem, O regon Fire and*. Automobile insurance Written D. SWIFT k CO. »»J 3 f nic>tr “No Coileetion. No Charge^ Delinquent, account» collected on a contingent basis. W? do the work, shoulder the expen&e and mcke no charge unless coileetion is made. $250,000 Bad Account* turned ini* Cash Since We Started. Jot down a trial -list o f bad ones an<{ 1st us turn them into actual money. Business Men’s Adjustment Company 415-1G Masonic Bldg. Phone 911 SALEM. OREGON 1ST Turner Statg Dqnk SAt-EM Thone 440 Time Deposits^ ! F. P. ROWLEY H ealth, A ccident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Turner, Oregon. * <* r»ye / A A W A V A Y V W W A V W iW A NEW STOCK of school supplies Boy’s Cord Pants, Polo Shirts, etc and a new shipment of Hap­ py Home dresses for the girls. A complete line of school sta­ tionery priced right, Highest prices for farm pro­ duce Harrison’s General Store W W V . ,.W V .S W .,.’ .V .W A V / / A V W V W .'A V V W Turner, Oregon