,Y. ---- --- T --------------------------:Z i> a - • - - t i inssi;: \ v i l o j î i r Y 11 m i n nx>uc ' A g u i — B LO C H S G O LD E N R U LE S TO R E £20 N. * i Liberty St. •’ 5» i Salpm, Oregon. s ; i i f e g ü ' THE BANK'S PART IN THE FARM PROBLEM í ¿ v * í Py H. LANK VOLINO tf«mb*r American n»ok»r* A»nocla. lion Agricultural Cuixmlaalon g y - I ..f |!i in -hi 41 "'ll* . I Hint L i«I ?-* i h ,r i •. II ■ r IU hi . rm-.r.lln» tini farmi r*» prob i*»« I» Ih* |f«rt ih* Phone KiO<> * • Open Saturday Mîtes Until 9 P.M. — SAVE A S U B S T A N T I A L DIFFERENCE l.rttlK li * I l'Uiir I. ^ ñ , ¿ jK JJjJg AeCJ fCA»t!J C\V?5 A V A V b S \ ,k*dV%\1. S % N S V . % % S % S , V - . W . W A W W . % W A W S V / i \ V . 1 . W . V . W . V . V . W . A W . V . V . \ A i W . % W A V . W V A ' W ^ V A V » ' ’. V A W \ V . W , % \ \ V M . ,A S V T h e S c h o o l C lo t h e s P r o b l e m is a l w a y s r. b i g o r », b u t w e h a v e c lo n e o u r h o s t t o h e lp m o t h e r s s o lv e t h is p r o b le m , b y a s s e m b lin g t :;e m o s t c o m p l e t e a s s o t In t e n t o f S c h o o l C lo t h e ? t o . C h i l d r e n ¡-n d J u n io r t :o > s ivnd G i r l » , t h a t w e h a v e c \ e r t h o w n . G IR L S ’ S C H O O L A P P A R E L Sweaters in both Slipnn and Coat style, all sizes 9 8 c t o $ 3 .9 8 Washable Dresses for School, long sleeve and ha it* sleeve, i to 14 ....... 9 8 c to $3.98 Clever Felt Hats and Tams for Fall wear, all shape'- 9 8 c t o $ 2 9 3 Fine quality Hamsters and Raincoats, priced f •••>*» $?4S to $3.93 Rayo*. Lfuiv-Connunatoms, ¡»izcs ■’ to 11 ' 93: Cotton Hose. t ‘ **rl)T Ribbed, l i g h t shade? 15c to 3 3 : Missy Fall and Winter Coats, sizes 7 to Id $5 -48 to $9.93 Hats. Helmets, Caps, sizes 6' •_ to 7 Flannel and Wool Blazers, si "s 1 to 16 5 Belts and Suspenders, strong and durable Ties in at-rumivecolors an ! combinations Serviceable H .inc ur., for lioys sizes 6 to 16 Boys M i l and all wool 1-piec »Suits 2 Long Far a-— sh >i t and long 1 ants 2 Short FanU, \uii| Choice, 6 to IS ! > 49: to $1 23 $1.98 to $2.98 23c to 49c 33c to 4 $2.48 to $4 43 $ 4 .9 8 t o $ 1 4 .9 8 ••***•» tyVy*«: f o & l ¿XCJ r îifî fA fl r> £ 3 ( pr H lu play. 'n fiim uiiiiH III» tumor. Thv tuuU* o f co operai Ion bot» .-en lliv two, however, la u very «Imple mi*. Halli » ‘.lira aro .abject to etili V lam for Ihe cult- (lit loll I hut «I*lala Thi major nharoullhô blanio H. Laño Young rwjat* on tlioao Imnha Hint lmvo fiillril i li f ni. Ii 4l»rc«urilln« fund» liuti'.'I ptlmlpl. - In loan in* at lor i- >p[. > mon. y Il a! ham .-nctxirm *4 |ij(> [m i,i r lo r ii' ■! bank l»ana win* out lii-.t pattimi hl» bualuoaa m III» onrnlnit ha il» which would Ju»llfy a ha: to land him tinnì"» Dun of Un un.l*tlyln* j-caaona for tin talliti « f t. n njr cottnlr* bank* hr.» bann the «Vietane« of loo many ! ■,kH With Ilia llrolled httiin«»* of 11 vrA? t V t i , f.v,v:3 , ,W:. f RVÇS fji»i t i . ha i II ».a» lmtC'i*lb!* for i ha tit ti» mah» enough money In Jtiallfy th* r [indovini lit of Officera with Ihr prop-'t 1 Illy tu umua«i th* bank «ucce*» fai.i n . i i l n ai rimi»!» for burina»! «ra .-t Jiar.I that g'.'*d Judsrn- at nn*> **• thlf rc .tlfMfut f C?t * r ik* »* in* lUation* 1 lu Vr pi fur« l>..nk* - i> not n.dng S C H O O L S U P P L IE S to1 1 . an ih" money uf lb»il flep -»llor* ¡í * • * ^ » without the kin I cf »■•••arliy ih«t e »" BOYS’ SCHOOL APPAR E L Extra Heavy School Tablets 4c l A t - j l,.i immi . i . p - ' ! ni- n In . M* ij.,. i,- hi , u net paid, or uu’ei« tu» »p- School Pencils Ic Lon trees in Tweed and Corduroy, sizes 0 to 16 $ 1 .9 8 to $ 2 .4 3 pilrant prv»«HU a aoutl.1 ami «urro»». History Paper 4c ful record of tin vine»» operation — Tweed anq Corduroy Knickers and Golf Pants, £■**3 wbelli. r»ilial biialne«« ho niin*la. lur- Composition Paper 4c 6 to 13............................. $ 1 .4 8 to $ 2 .4 3 tmr, nierchamlUIn*. or farming. 4: ' Leaf Fillers Sweaters in Slipons and Coat styles, sizes 28 to 36 9 3 c i o 8 4 .4 3 P*rmlnj-Uanhlng InUrdepcndcnt 29c Pencil Boxes, fully equipped Blouses and Shins, sizes 6 to 14 and 12-14' neck 5 9 c t o $ 1 .3 3 Thl» 1» a perfectly obrlou» aitltttd», I fa c i tr-cuu-a louniry banking cannot b* l '. V . W . W . V V W . S V A W . V . S V e A f . W A ’A V . S W A Y V W A V A V » . W W A W A V . V . V i V . W W A ' . W §3 $ k.irretiif.illy and prodtiibly iarfled oil unle»* lartnlun la »u.-r*»«fully »ml 5&\‘3 ^irofltably op.'Valed Ih* two bu«l- n»»»aa arc depeudenl upon earl, oilier Sai Th re It no loa -,-r »ny gbr»!l*n that the time ha* trrlred for Ih- '" Inlrr* depend, nt bn*!ne«K » lo r -*.'h » rom- mon around of undBretandln-i of i!;» - the form rr bill-« gad an altt^ethar m « hill will prt.hil.’ y I h * «1 ra*.>*n NOTICE TO CltEQ IlO RY SUMMONS rrqnlrenient* that belli mu»l u»e.t for In l a. Cirruit Court o f t!ie Sint* of tar the next ec-t-ion o ' (be ¡epir n il! | ,-tsent a bili lor llivir i.wn i.raf :-ia Ihm Cuj.t o f Marion •' mtv, ; . t. of n't ¡it No. tnra pro«p«'rily e.f the farmer and tlia i bi I « ¡ I I be rri*cn t*.T to the vr.rK'.m o.-jan iialioo H ut are in f i v .i 1 rnn and m ir .1 o n 'o i • A. Hotho. rialnUff, JL Homlr:;. ui'.Lir Iwt-il» of cooperullou betwi,rn bankrr , , . i tl." I7lh d tv of I'JJl*. . . . * ........................... v i. -a ** * * this ni07i.njrcl. A bill th-.t is fifrin;.!?it er.»'.;,-h t bar niiy rh .» a n nul ..p|„ .inte(1 » r Uic c, u to . I'rntl V, Ii -tho. I>. f.-mlunt. end farmer I* Che Into’ llfen! dire ml- Issu ed E verj- T h u rs d a y a t T u rn e r , S i; rion C o y n ty , O re g o n flratlon of i^op* It U nce.-aasry, how- ntitled to pension nnv . inet t l ut llltte : .-.l tu pr. «. --t trt" .- um The tnl»'ak# that many farmer* a t T u rn e r, O re g o n , as srcb n d -cla ss n ia tte r, u n d er th e duly ' eri f iid n< i..|'jir..l by luw/ n a i-l an«*y. r the csmplaint fi!e»l, buy» mad* In attempting to diversify erati-'.n it id f.-und that (be c •! i? In».» lh*.u i-'r Ihr u pto-p of liier.n 'i.- A c t o f M a rc h 3. 1879. l i-- oflirc-i. ci’ H. M. Un-neolt, in th.- j .: : n. t you in th<* nbove in'tiled ly farms Th • Tribune b.-L-ive it, an h'»n. :t efft.rt fob tbi r- »« f t l III» City of ¡.tarioii liouti!;-, Orr. I | court -nil enure on or before six ba» been to Invent loo ninth money g 'u i. within .»it month i from .L ■ date- | we ': j fruni t*. ■ dr to e f tin flrn* pub- lini* and lirnd la « n»w and untried i r»J an ! will lend it* M ippirt to any bill f r fili.» | i: that w ii) | o.-ition o f tl;io aummona, and if you c r ■ 11 » sometime* a hrtardou» irbp, or , ro' *h s notic'. to-wit: Anv-u*V A j 111 - befr.r klld dale, ler want thereof, rr.e ba t been developed, TtsuPIns In a lo» W I GRANT, I plaintiff will apply to the eourt for of t ho luti tal . Iforf and UU.enrage Administmtor c f th.- I'.. tato of I . the relief p . i j m for In her complaint Kmc Grunt. L'ecea; .-il. on fib- herein, to-wit: for a deerre of ment of futuro • (Torta on a mory cor aid CoUlt di»iolvin>r thn marriage tervatlve 1<««I» lò iit.H iM 5 n o t i c e o k s a l e o |)l»re*artllng tiie primary nnd e'«en v i nti et and t b ndi of mi trimony REAL PROPERTY ON now KuP.-atinsr between you mid the ilal prlnelplo of farming— n*Mtly, lu EXECU» ION Uncle Sa:«i won’ t r.cogn: ;s Rus-ia, but K -, * , L plaintiff; /..1 ill t • i i i « r.war-linz n ,u *u ii« i a . « » rare. •»«* , i ren>lng oarn»rtg» by deereaalng tho to h.-r the Hy virtue o f M execution -ed > vl.,to<1 ronfr„| llf Luth, r II .tho, enal of prodnetloii through Ih# prae igniting l -itele, j j r t the tib ie , out of the Circuit Court of thy SbU* |. „ „ w 4Hotho, Arthur Hotho. Nel-nn tic# o! building tip «oil by crop rola t'nrues noir the Zerno{re*t or st »in ry-r nU of Or iron for Hi. lou ât y of Murion : ,oth„, llll(l Moth... minor cidi- tlon and Intensivo cultivation. I* r* «pnnalblc for n large sbnro of !l|C larmer*' (rouble today. I P THE TURNER TR IB U N E I Well, They Recognize Us f j jriedge allc?giance to the F !ag of the United States and the country for which it stands. One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” I SUMMONS tbo Circuit C.-urt of ti Slat« of Or yon. fur Murion County, De­ partment No. 2. Not of mu h in!er.-«t lo the rea. . r t It ; m rcciygnilion oi Ameriou by ,h.ivt- levied upon and will a< Il ’ ni *Jr,‘Äcn* to «J« ' ^ 1 » • « ‘ Lcota Clough, Plaintiff, T i c |-r->p<»*al of President Hoover *..y turn all an«|iprop: i i t e j atd ‘ •" ' ' ' ‘ ■ vs. linn served public Ifr.ds over to tho d iff -rent stit-s in which this lar.d China at American i trtnmg and ro a r I j fur Am. ric in f:.rnr A? ft., àt tue c.?. « hòii ^ «foot it. Mi.e- f0‘ M-»«®»» »’«»•*»>•. "»*•»•* *"«• Ilertx rt O. K. Clouph, PefendanL ■ ntereq on tho 3 U t day of August, To Herb, rt O. K. Clough, the ;>b >ve ,* located : t th? io i’.fce r t oiuvl: cosm cr.t ami discus lion by th.* pree- reieii won’ t a n ’ w T, Ì fe , eral . . . . . . nr. Ln üii.i 1 i . tui.il r.-s... f er, ’ ion ( .um.y Bild Stete o ( Or.-gò.i, i.u I the rii.lit, titl KtHte o f Oregon, i Hi*.sckoru, d. femrants. hod r,a or ; dn*w Cf Tbo ftP*t pul. Irnt.on o f this [ i r l i : . nil i»a ily N rr;j. . of Imoetii la the d ifle im t ‘dates in ro i' i- t . In lh i* Oreg n had 170 rtliou r th rea t— ¡a f; r i!- - 1 I ih d-y ef 4t;.y, I J J t¡. ' 1 ° v1'1 ' * *'•’* 111 jou are hi r. by rcqniri.il (,> appear d ii'ih'Ver th<- rote plaint o ( tho tiitl acres of pdblic land while i!,> eta tv c ' 9' nhuigtM i lied o / er.'t mil- I A* S' c-l ; tori : t - -. Í villi lb B.irtl i r ¡ I ?a ■ ' ' N WS cer.l < 'l j f.r to Un lulle j . . , • rii" • i i r ii. ' • ' ‘ .- . ... ti. \V. f! At Y. I idhintlff hi-r. ifi. fib-I a. aii^t )yu in linn acne. I f this lanJ Is hat. Med through (.ulitical graft a . the vast some perline ,;t ita ti tn-.nt> tiirt shoo'd' ic tk - lh<> A m e r ic o people sit up isc;r, to-wii ; I Attorney f> r riniiir'ff. t’»' nbov. n titl- d court, ee or Uforn Doirbinuig at the Northeast e o r-, R^ Idencc Iinil p ^ r r i c c a.IUrt««, lit* la tart t dny nay !»f tlie time W I'Ve leribed in auinioui t of public domain that wre allcted to ' e rtate as ecluul laud and j o h.*nis ttritiU'. th.nk. g. »* l.y bar iho I oiled hellos rccogrjite J i f-r o a i ic o f land conveyed b ^ lüocSc, ' m, y n K"n. the ord. r for publication q, tfiia ßmtm~ was hadd'en it will l.e a loss to the elate it; place bi benefit Th e •'c.'i.ioi the Russian republic/ Are they afraid the red irffuinci- will become ■' 1 1 ’ • ' ” • ------ --------------------— ^ -------- .non« ti i...... I»-., which perii» I o f UHM by drnd date Novoinb -r L’ fi, 1 H.H7, land war handled in ruch a manlier that there is scar ely m income greater if they ree ino i : them a having a ¡.' ice among the nn'ior.a o ' i.- four wcoldFfrom the i>th day of and recorded >it book .‘14, page uftb, M r. and M rs. H htvcv W ilson September, IU2U, being tho lim« of fer (K'hoci v»uipoets derivitl from if. I i the proposition ii c o p i e d a the world? I f (hwUni'.t I .'d-ites recognizes arti (reals her nr n sig lfr na-i oi Un: i l . -.rion County Deed Record.« th« fir-t publication hereof, and if salci trai i t n*.eg within the cor- q id fa m ily spent révéra i days at i ,Vi .-.o f to appearand an«w.-r «aid certain amount'of the U< st land phou’ d b - pet apart to rep'aoe the li m they r io c rue ne .re. ¡in r fi clivo *up[ *r i*io.-rof Soviet tc-r.ching* potato limit nt. th - plaintiff v.ill apply to u L i ^ ' i i ^ ' i S i : — ' I . tunpinint, rchool land that has been exploited and divirted to j ri’.a ! use. r.s delineate by trest/ sgiee.i.ent between the two gr-..t nations than they can if nL Fri- Fri- 1 cour'- Addition “ B” to th.- City o f Salem M iss Fran kie P o rter stH’ spent ™ fN for the r.-lii f prayed for in • The' com aiiiion that has lie :i rpi-o’ -ited I" coneid r ( u j r and meant will) h »ld their official recognition and say by that they refuso to w el­ .................. „ „ „ „ , I, page , **“ ' r n ‘ er i im', to-witt -td .I i . mi I v »- tho record'll in book K0, o f th- Town l ’ìat Reéon'.H of ’: aid d W vis itin g at the R. (). W itze! bond« Of matrimony « ifi.tingbctwr'c'n of ariving at the best solution of handling the-i public land" w ill have come them in fo the great «¡«terhood of nvtior.s. Marion County, thence Soutberlv home. the pirn " t iff and defendant, reatoro to a man-rise- job on their hands. Or.e thit.f; they should keep in mir.d The above ► litori.>| hint at the effect on this country when thin veri along th. w. it l ie o f Fifteenth M l. ..n f, M rs r „ l ¡ F “ i! " l,f '"ir former name of is that tiiei-e lands a e property of tin jiabfi ■ aryl cot t ie prvate in l.r - acaeageof cheap land i« I r'.ught u ndir ru ltivalion with cheap labor (la th ) -Str -t ext. r,led sixty four F fa K n ,^t r ° l ; I o t a Wd.on, nml for such oth.-rand DM I f. t ; th a-' W<-rt--rly at right P iiy a luf» W ítíhmKton a re visitin g further relief aa «hull he agreeable to est«. They should see to it that tbc6e lands are admieisterod fir the ar i ir.odtrn mtthods of cultivation. Russia haj fori.aw.-n the prim itive «tiplea with » i d l ift , nth Stre 'l M |h ,t-feir jnc| c an(. the principle» o f equit^. benefit of the mu purity and r.ot the m inority. P: < s’ d »n t Hoover has a i c llio.is of the cr -oked stick plow hand l. irv e -lio g and threshing that and porallel with said South lin - o f . . . ' ,, ' are further notified that this "11” Str -.t on* hundred sixty feet; M r. and MfB. 1 . r . Iitom asop. umnions i< lerved upon you by pub- string attached to ti.ootffer that l* that ail 1 and mineral rights s h ill was c inamor. :■) year* ago. They I n v i adopt-.] medern methods i f thenc- Northerly parallel with the ; JJr. And M m . 8 R Ila lo H tid hcatlon thereof in The Turner Tribune remain the property of the government f irm ing and modern machinery. The value of ti;i modern tnach’ r.ery F? t line or hift -nth (i 'th ) ’ , -, ... , a weekly .newspaper publiahed at ded ixl four i i ! i —It. 1,. ( , ■. h ......... i.oeuty, - .......... ■ 1 — r. and M rs. L. K tow e w s ard r d a»....... Tumor, .timion vaia gun.'ptir- The whole .-akc and r.ot the fra s lirg alone- -Irnuld go loge'.her. the imported trom th« iiitt.l Slates will probably m oei.t in ‘.La m illions. the Mouth line of sait! " B ” Stree U arid dau gh ter Florence S h irley o f *1 V j".or' 1* r ,,r th* Honorable d a te » rhouid be placed under bonds w ith the Uderai go-, .'rntnrnt t<> Would it I A he better to lay aside «orno of our pred'dice nm| rfcognire pre T’ llice and thence Ka-terlv along raid South uth . . . . . . i . !.. rt. McMahan, juc'ge of the above line one hundred rixtv (DIO) fi • i *.t t j I r,‘ ,l'in s p in i runttay evt'llin -uri mad-: on un the 4th dny * *'I'*tn Spent ru n day e ve n in g entitled c court develop« the oil and niicer.il rigiils f >r the benefit of th institution* ci tlieir a b ility ;:nd progress rlaoe the rvvoluiim i? W kwh would wouhi he the to thè pince of brginninsr. w ith Mrs. H alo’ s niece Mrs. Ray- ,,f B< pt< mh-r, t!*29 the state that are at present draining the po- k*ts of the tvxpayeis to m->st dangerOOs lo tliiu country, rseogr.izat'or, and cooperation or fac­ T» rms o f saie, ta*h, anice* bid In You are further notified that the mond Titu s and fam ily. . rupport. This does not mesn that the »talc should go into the bu-in-j* ing the p ro b a b ility cf n il lions A bushels of eh: p gta'n com ing info by pialntiff. .’at-- of the fimt publication of thij O w en Thom ason m otored to the » I'rnmon ¡« the fith dav of Beptrmbjr, Dated at Salem, Oregon, thi» 13th C‘ mining or drilling for oil. (hi c<;untry in the not distant fu'ure? d.ny of August, ÌU2». : UN’ lilaced in the irreJumble school fund of the slate with tho re-ult that Sunday w ith M rs. K.inj?sburys bister. M r ». I*, t ] Thom ason. very little money for th* operating of sch^oia and bu iidicg r.ew or.ei vi itor in Falom last Friday. lias to be raised by taxation M r ». Paul W a lk e r o i Portland Mrs. R. 0. Wftze! witli a ¿roup! M r. R. 0 . W ltz e ln n d d a u g h ter I ’o-sibly there is not a great r.mount of t rn eral dejio-its in the -p en t several days last v;eek v is ­ c f Tu rnu - ¡adieu m otored to F a - ; Have your envelopes pr'ntad w!tl; public lund of Oregon but the sainc rule cou!d b? applied to other pro­ itin g her parents, M r. and M r s .. It-rn last Th u rsday to a tten d a H d o n v iiit e d M r. W itz e ls sister your return ctblrosu. The Tribunj1 in W’ocKlburn Sunday aftern oon . ducts such as grktir.g rental* an i reyer.U' fre; timber told . Which- P. E. Thoaiason. j .silver tea a t the hom e of I^rs. can ent Tuesday at the R aym on d R a j mond Titu s broke his ri^ h t and M ias H elen E arn o f W ild er, T h - fv h t frr th® f>M Are P> n»i->n I« b“ing revived- The mcent Titua home. arm- re cen tly . The fractu red . Idaho »p e n t Tuesday w ith M rs lieve your envelope* printed with j , : ig ol ' N« A.r* e ; r n bT-t r .u .. i f LtV.ar, ) at Tillam ook,