I THE TRIBUNE TURNER. OREGON An Adventure o f the Scarlet Pimpernel What a Royal Garden Party Looks Like Ï f 1 By the BARONESS ORCZY Copyright II mronnum Oretf W*U Bvrvlo« CHAPTER V— Continued Tlio mynl garden parties urn rntlinr fr«y Queen Mnry at which membsr* o f the new Lubor cabinet and many other notable* were gm-sts. America’s Most Exclusive Bathing Place He spoke ■ great many more equally eloquent words, for he liud the gift of speech, had lids drover from Alncourt. A rough fellow, It Is true, but one with his heart In the right place, and born In the district, too; anyone could tell that by the contemptuous way with which be spoke of any stranger born outside this corner o f Hein* et Oise. He was listened to with great alien tlon, was the driver. And hi* words presently carried all the more weight because something very strange came to ligh t It appeared that the dili­ gence from Molsson with prisoner* and escort had made a halt of several hours In Mantes. The party only made s fresh start In the late afternoon. \ That was strange enough. I d all con­ science I Wbat did It mean but that Lauxet was courting th* darkness for his achemes? But there was some­ thing more mysterious still. While the diligence stood before the posting Inn ready to sta rt horses pawing and champing, tha driver on his box, whip In band, the four troopers who wera on guard to right and left o f the vehicle would not allow anyone to come within measurable distance of tt Be It noted that all the blinds of the coach were drawn so that It was Impossible to get ■ peep at the In­ side. But two young men, strangers to the neighborhood, who had since come forward, eager to tell their story, more venturesome than others, had crept onder th* horses' bellies and | tried to peer Into the Interior o f th« coach. They were almost Immediately driven away with blows and curses j by the troopers, hut not before they had vaguely perceived that there were | more than Just the prisoners Inside j the diligence. The prisoners were all huddled up In the farthest corner o f the vehicle, but thers were others. The young men who had had a peep, despite the blows from the troopers, had seen three or four men at least. They might have been ordinary traveler* who hnd picked up tbs diligence at Mantes. But In that case, why all this secrecy? Why the drawn blinds, the start I d the tote afternoon so that the shades o f evening would actually be drawing In when the diligence and ; Its escort plowed Its way through the muddy road of the forest between Mexleres end Epone? Why s feeble escort of only four men when of late as many as eight or ten picked troop­ ers of the national guard had ridden beside the diligence? Indeed, the drover from Alncourt was right. Indubitably right Cltlxen Lauxc-t and his friend from Paris had entered Into a plot, a dastardly, cow ardly plot, to cheat the cltlxen* ot Molsson o f their Jnst share In the cap­ ture o f the Scarlet Pimpernel. There was no doubt that the Scarlet Pim­ pernel was already captured, and that I^uset was having him conveyed In secret to Paris. The escort might ap pear feeble, but there were men In side the diligence who held the Eng­ lish spy, bound hand and foot, be tweeD them with a cocked pistol at hi* head. Why I The two young stran gers who bad succeeded In getting a | peep at the Inside of the diligence quite thought, from the description every one had of him, that one o f the men whom they glimpsed was In very truth the Scarlet Pimpernel. “ He was so tall." they said, “ so tall that he had to sit almost bent double, otherwise tils bead would have knocked against the roof of the coach !* They were almost prepared to swear also that this tall man's hands were tied together with ropes. After that, as th# driver from Aln­ court very properly said, any man would be s fool who doubted 1-auxet's treachery and cupidity. It wns re­ solved to proceed Immediately In his wake, to seize him wherever be might be, him and any man who had helped him In bis treachery. Aye, If be had an army to protect him. be would And that the men of M o I ssod and Mantes were not to be flouted and cheated with Impunity. The drover from Aln­ court wns bribed to take the party I d his cart ss far as Mexleres. He de­ murred a little at first; seemed to turn crusty nnd was Impervious to threats. Eventually be was offered one bun dred livres out of every man's share If the English spy was captured and one tlvre If he was n ot “ Eh blenl“ he satd at last In token o f consent and they all scrambled back Into the cart busied himself with examining tbs fetlock of th* mar* who hail gone lame. The wind had gone down and the torrential rain had ceased, but there w iis a thin mlst-llke drixxle that soaked through the men's dom ing and chilled them to the bone. The tension hnd become acute. With nerves on edge the men, those who were In the open as well as those who were cooped up Inside the diligence, could do noth­ ing hut wait whlls th* time dragged on and the shades o f evening drew In ground them. The silence In the woods was full ot sounds; o f the cracking o f twigs, the full o f rnln-laden leaves, the scrunch­ ing o f earth under tiny, furtive feet srorrylng away through the under­ growth. The great, awkward diligence loomed out o f the mist like some gigantic, spectral erection, peopled by forms that breathed and lived and hardly emitted a sound. Only very oc­ casionally from the Interior there came the painful moan, quickly sup­ pressed. from th# poor Invalid's parched throat. And all at once something more tangible, a patter o f feet, a call, a voice half drowned In the gathering rnUL It came way down the road, from the direction o f Mexleres. The men sat up, alert, quivering with ex­ citement, their eyes straining to pierce the thicket, since the sharp bend In the road hid the oncomera from vlace In the country—Halley's beach nt N e w p o r t . Note tha «munificent mnnalont and ealatea aurroundlng. The beach I* at the little Isthmus In the center. Pope Emerging From the Vatican HEADS THEOSOPHISTS j I'npe Plus being curried from the Vatican to celebrate tunas at S t reter'a und to observe the feast day o f S t Janies the Apostle. This was the first time since 1870 that a Homan Catholic pontiff had left tha Tati can. Perry Homestead Will Be a Museum Dr. Gottfried de Purucker who ha* t>een appointed official head of the Universal Brotherhood nnd Theosoph- Ical society to succeed the late Kath­ erine Tlngley, who died recently In Europe. Doctor de Purucker, fifty-five, I* a bachelor and native o f the United States. Headquarter* o f the society are at Point Lomo, near San Diego. Calif. OLDEST CLERGYMAN CHAPTER VI - 0 S u r p r is e Captain Rnffet had given the order to dismount and the troopers sat hy the roadside nnder the trees, making s pretense to rest Each man, how­ ever, had his saber ready to his hand, and each had seen to the priming of his pistol, while the captain ostensibly Note o f TKankfuInosa Just a Bit Premature As th* circus performance was drawing to s close the two girls looked uneasily at th* crowds around them, tycd th* distant tent opening, and wondered hew they would ever get there. Heelng no other exit possible, they finally pushed sod squirmed their way “ turtle fashion” out Into the open. Not knowing where to go for the u ¡¡'ey car, they followed the crowds ■nd trusted to lock that they would get there. Just as they reached th# sidewalk ■ circus team stalled and though the driver yelled and the horses pushed, they polled dangerously near the walk, sad tha crowd with one Impulse moved backward. The girls divided their time praying for the team to depart Next time a coated tongas, fetid and mourning over their trampled toes. Finally, though, the girls were per­ breath, or acrid skin gives evidence o f sour stomach— try Phillips Milk Ot mitted to cross th* road. “Thank Magnesia 1 goodness." said one, “ We don’t have Get acquainted with this perfect aa- ‘ o go through that again." t)-*cld that helps the system keep Her friend looked at her for a mo­ ■»and and sweet. That every stomach ment and then mournfully replied, needs at times. Take It whenever g “ I've Just remembered that I left my hearty meal brings any discomfort. coat on the back o f the circus sea t”— Phillips Milk o f Magnesia has won Springfield Union. medical endorsement And convinced millions o f men and women they didn't have “Indigestion.” Don't diet, and Much More Than Half don't suffer; Just remember Phillips. o f People Illiterate Pleasant to take, and always effective. The name Phillips Is Important; tt Slxty-two per cent o f the population of the world, ten years o f age and Identifies the gennlne product “ Milk over, are Illiterate. C f a total popu­ o f Magnesia” has been the U. S. regis­ lation of 1,363.900,000, the number of tered trade mark o f the Charles H. Illiterates Is 8fi0.300.000. These re­ Phillips Chemical Co. and Its pre­ markable figures were obtained through decessor Charles II. Phillips since 1871 MakesLÿè Sweeter a comprehensive study o f Illiteracy In the various countries o f the world, conducted by James F. Abel, specialist In foreign education. United States bureau o f education. In this work Mr. Abel was assisted by Norman J. Bond, statistical assistant While only 18 countries report an Il­ literacy rate o f more than 50 per cent, the population of these countries Is approximately 618,000,000. Con­ trasted with this Is the total of 468,- 000,000 Inhabitants o f all the 43 coun­ tries reporting less than 50 per cent Illiteracy. The United States Is Included In the group having under 10 per cent o f Il­ literacy. Porto Rico aDd the Philip­ pine Islands, however, have a much larger percentage. Porto Rico reports fifi per cent, and the Philippines 50.8 per cen t PHILLIPS r Milk . NO.N-SLRCICAL ahle. u . to give WRITTEN AS- SURANGE ot PILES ELIMI­ NATED or FEE REFUNDED. % Send toda, toe FREE 100-tmsa \ book deacitfatascauaes and proe , . f T T | \ e treatment at tuch ailments H ad Him G uessing Splvvlns was attending bis first opera and was puzzled. "Is she singing !n English?” he whispered to bis neighbor. "H ow do yon expect me to tell?" demanded the old-timer. “ She's a so­ prano."— American Legion Monthly. for Th* Tension Had Become Acuta. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Fishermen's Mittens A strange custom o f New England coast winter fishermen Is to soak their thick, woolen mittens In the sea and wring them out as dry as possible be­ fore putting them on. They say tbelr hands keep much wanner than If they don tbs mittens when dry. colon clinic Oregon & California Directory C h ild r e n Q y desultory conversation with the driver abont the mare's Injured fetlock. Vague forms began to detach them­ selves out o f the mist, coming round the bend, soon they gained volume and substance. The voice stilt call­ ing gained power and clarity. It was mdeh as Captain Itaffet could do, by muttered word and glance o f eye, to keep those human greyhounds ot his In check. With the Scarlet Pimper­ nel perhaps In sight they were strain­ ing on the leash to Its breaking poin t It was at the very moment th at throwing all prudence to the wind, the men suddenly raised themselves upon their knees and were on the point of springing to their fe e t unable to con­ tain their excitement any longer, that Charles-Mnrie, the loony driver, who had once been a baker's assistant ex­ claimed Joyfully, “ P ardl! If It Isn’t citizen Plante home from market al­ ready !" And the next !iist«nt the on­ coming figure revealed Itself as that o f an old man. walking along with the aid o f a tall stick, and calling at times to his dog or to the half dosen sheep he was driving before him. Cltlxen D ante was not or a gre­ garious disposition, nor o f an Inquisi­ tive one apparently, for he passed by without a word or glance o f curiosity directed at the troopers or at the vehicle. All that he did was to nod to the driver as he went by, while the men gaxed at him wide eyed open mouthed, as If be had been a fleeter. And like a specter he seemed to glide past them and out o f sigh t A minute or two later the twllght and the mist had swallowed him up with his sheep and his dog, and had smothered his monotonous calls to the veils o f the night R ectal ^ Hotel Roosevelt One a / P O R T L A N D 'S N— r Hotml, All room# ban »b ow er o r tub, ILIW up. MIUSNf. Iti W. Park 8 L Coffee Shop. O a r » « « oppoaita. CASTOPIA H O T E L W IL T S H IR E , S m Francisco 140 Stockton St., near Union Sonar«? Satter ttlü FRANKLYS K SMITH. Manager A B A B Y REMEDY APPROVED BY DOCTOR« Qatslde rooms wttk bath. O k ) »ingle. * 50 doable C' 8 n rooms with bath. Cm) single. B k doable Breakfasts 25c. 36c. 50c. düe; Dinners 66c; Sunday ego SOS OOUC CONSTMSXOL O U M M A , E A R N B IG M O N E Y Ask for to 60 per cen t paid while Start Now *5 learning Position secured. “ T A C K -U P ” Lecture« weekly Ö college« W rite for catalog. M AI r p «"V L L H AEROXON Pipe V a lv e s, Fittings Pump Engines Farm Tools & Supplies A L A S K A JUNK CO. Fly Catcher Leading R ibbon Fly Catcher First and T aylor Sts^ Portland, O ra fo * HO TEL RO O SEV ELT ‘Hatiomatty ^Advertised SYSTEM OF COLLEGE! 304 Benwide Street. Portland.0r% GAN FRANCISCO'S NEW FINE MOTEL Every room with bath or »bower. 12.00 to tUQL Jonee et Eddy. Garage next door. par. n « . « « i s Get rid o f peaty file*. Han« op original AEROXON (pronounced A -R o c k -S o n ) Fly Catchers with Thumb-Tack Attached No fuss no trouble. They will catch thousands of flies for a ruckle. Insist upon getting AEROXON F ir Catchers from your dealer. Sole Importers and Distributors for U.S.A. MITSIC A M U SIC AL IN STR U M EN TS W rite for our musical catalogue and one sheet of m usic FR EE . Everything In mualo. F R A N K L IN MUSIC HOUSE SS New Street - - - - - Newark. N. Jo 6 RAEF A SANDKNOP, Edina, Mo. W . N. U., PO RTLAN D . NO. 34-1929. Prnyor la Thought Certain thoughts are prayers; It mat­ ters not what the attitude o f the body may be. There are times when the soul Is kneeling.—Exchange. W ould Rula Him Two young prospective aviators were discussing the subject o f avia­ tion, and a certain famous flyer, when the smaller, age eight, remarked to the other: "What If the tall o f the plane would get caught as he started u p ; It would cut a gash In his head, wouldn’t It?” His brother answered: "Yes, it would Just mash him down and break his back.” And the little fellow said: “Yes, tt would break his general cord.” Nearly 50,000,000 gallons o f alcohol Is used each year In the radiators o f automobiles to prevent freezing In cold weather. Millions now nse Russ Bali Blue. Makes clothes snowy white. Get the genuine.— Adv. The ninn who boasts o f the wonders he is going to work never amounts to much as a worker. The trouble with the man who doesn't know anything Is that be Is always telling others about It Don’t look backward—except to last week's wages, when yon spend money. Profitable Knowledge "Frttx. have you ever seen Mr. Smith kiss sister Annie?” “ Dad, I won't tell a lie. That Is how I got my lovely new box of mec­ cano."—Buen Humor, Madrid. A true friend wouldn't hurt your feelings; therefore, he doesn't always tell you the truth. » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦A Thin Film of Metal New Scientific Wonder The Commodore Perry homestead at Wakefield, It L, which will be a museum cominomorntlng tho live* and deeds o f Commodoro Oliver llaxard Terry, hero o f the tintilo o f ta k e Erie, nnd Commodore Matthew Q. Terry, who opened Japan to American commerce. Mr*. Perry Tiffany, widow of Mntthew's grandson. Is standing In tho doorway. FROM HERE AND THERE Wisconsin'* lending grain crop Is «at*. Coni can now he rendered dustless by tine o f certnln chemicals sprayed en It. (Seventy year* ago It took mnll twenty-four days to go from const to coast. Itnudnn .8-ruble coins minted nhout ]8 ‘M are now worth twenty time* their fixe value. A train traveling forty miles on hour requires 1..820 feet to stop. Alaska hns eighteen co-operative ■tore* owned nnd operated by native*. Towboat* equipped with Mosel en­ gines have lately been put Into service. Only two specie* of flowering plants have been found In Antarctic regions. !.eas than 5 per cent o f the land In flrent Itrltnln nnd Irclund Is cov­ ered by forests. Rev. Ebenexer Bean o f Crbana, III, who recently celebrated hie one hun­ dredth birthday, la anld to be the old­ est clergyman In the United States. He Is also the oldest living graduate o f Bowdoln university and the oldest member of the Theta Delta Chi fra­ ternity. He Is a Congregationalism Evading Responsibility A pocket veto Is the act of a chief executive who, when the legislative session will end within the period al­ lowed for returning a measure with his signature or veto, simply retains It nnd causes It to fall without s d> rect veto. This Old Age It Is difficult to get people on their knees In an age when they even re sent being on their fe e t- -Capper's Weekly. Films of metal so thin that they are utterly Invisible to the human eye have not only been produced, hut also measured to tbs Bell laboratories In New York city. In experiments to Improve th* design o f photo-electric cells for television, layers o f light- sensitive metal known as rubidium, of various thicknesses, were deposited Inside glass tubes. When best results were obtained with ons particular film, snys Popular Science Monthly, the task remained to measure It. Ordinary methods were out of the question, for the metal particles were beyond the range o f the most power­ ful mlcroscoiies. An entirely new ! method was devised. Polarized light, which Is ordinary light shot through a grating that change* a "round” beam Into a flat one. like lonthpaste Issuing from a tube. Is twisted In pass Ing through the metal rubidium; and j the amount of twist depend* upon the I metal's thickness. By using polarized I light the experimenters found the thickness o f their best metal film to be Just one atom, or shout 1-500.0U0- 000 o f an Inch. BUI for Baby Little Grace lived In a district where scarcely a day passed when an agent or canvasser did not coll at the door. One day when Grace was called Into her mother’s room to see a baby brother who had Just arrived, she ex- dnlmed, "W hy, where did be corns from?” “ The doctor brought him In," re­ plied the father. “ Oh. 1 didn't know he wns the agent for battles,” responded Grace. "What did you have to pay down?” Judicial Error Judge—“ Bailiff, tell that man he must remove his hat In court." Bailiff —"But. sir, that man Is a woman."— I’ st, Constantinople. Comfort is yours if you use C u ticn ra TALCUM SMOOTH, pure, fragrant and delicately medi­ cated, it absorbs excessive p e n p nation end keeps your skin cool and refreshed. Talcum I k Soap 25c. Ointment Me. and JOe. Semple each free. A J J r t t u "Curicura,” Dept. B7. Maiden. Meek