PRUJif GK0WPP.8--Write Bybcrg, Brothers, Silverton. Ore­ gon, for l.i form at ion on the im­ * (j 5 i r D 'N l UAL D i ' ■ r O R S \ FOR fcAI E-Djry Ash wool. proved Prune Washer anti Tray- • ¿OD $> CHURCH Vi - Al AMV HOUR Uobt Given, Route 3, Turner. or. Best 0 iklity harness made in H. S. Bond, local 3. P. agen h o n e mmum* * •>*■% » * • j TI----- -------- - »-• our own shop. Satisfaction g tar- nnd wife t njoved a visit with his anteed. Prices from $-10.00 to brother and wife, of Sutherlin. IWi.OO F. E. Shafpr, 170 S. Com­ Oregon. Mr. Bond is S. P. ag^nt r . v .v .v .V A V .v .v /. '.v .v .v w . v . v A * . v mercial St Salem, Oregon. at Sutherlin. Hunday school at 10 o’ clock. The Turner W C. T- U. will Ivan Hinjey is to be substitute Morning service at 11. Subject 1C7 No. Commercial St. Sileni, Ora. meet with Mrs. Kuth Riches, carrier for F. C Ganning on * Scattering and Increasing” . < Wednesday afterroon. Septem­ route 1. Proverbs 11:21. Epworth League r / A V . w / . v . v / A v . v . w . w / r v . s w A W . v w / v . v ^ A W / Salem m Square Deal JewelorH & Optician#. ber 11. Members please be pres­ The first the series of old in the evening at 7 o’clock. It is sent as it is an imi>ortant meeting. time danoe*to be given by Bail Diamond* Wait-lien Hooka Jewelry «Sc Silverware. the .second lesson on “ Finding Georg- Given and daughter, Brothers > a s held _ ______________ Saturday ¡Time for Living” . Luke _____ 11:28-30. 379 State, St. Salem, Oregon. Gladys are moving into the rooms nj^ht It was well attended and a Sunday evening subject “ Had n the reur of the Cower build good time was reported r « i 6 f i . v . v ^ / . , .v . ’., . v . v . v . v . , .v . V A V . v // /.-. v . v . v . ,. v . v but a set time to Live.” Jog. Mr. given has runted hjs Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexan­ The. Ladies Aid and friends farm to Tom Webb and is moy- der, Mr«. N. V. Brown and eon were entertained 1 hursday with |ing into town. Charley were in Turr.c-r Sunday a covered dish luncheon. I FOB UENT-Two 2 room apart- evening. iments and Two 1 room apart- Mrs. Emma Brasher and Mr?. imentc. Enquire Tribune office. O. A. Hoppes of Salem, visited (haeraj Untraclor cad HtiHdtr Mip. Melinda CJ’.,jmLers has Sunday ^'ith t)r. and Mr«. J. — - — - ~ H ------------ ~ r - i | taken rooms in the Baker hotel j Hanso*4. tfHiïnl Work pud Wambiug We carry in Rough and Dressed LumCcv, W. F. Harris, oldest son of V £ building, i^he expects to visit rcl-1 Sam Wright, of Route 1, joined O regon goute J. Shingles (highest quality) five grades to seUct | i alive in Eaatejm Oregon in the the family of Trib’T.a readers H and E Harm died at the I ■>. Ye trans hospital at i'ortlarid at £ near future. this week- from, r.Iso Wall Boerd, Paint, Doors, Windows, the »ge of 55 yea-s after an ill­ J. S. McKinney is assisting J. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. HjlJ were ness of seven days Being a £pan- Ced^r Posts, Brick, Planter, Tile and Siabwood }n G. Greenlee in the painting of among the J ..mentes in attend- American war vetran he was the Odd JYRpwa building. The four foot lengths. ,rnce at thO circus, laid week- given a military burial in River new coat of paint will add great- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Peetz View cemetery, in Portland. His jly to the attractiveness of its ap­ We decire to serve the public with Promptness are occuoylr.g their home which father and mother and all of his pearance. and Efficiency. , has bee*entirely remodk ,. brothe s. Walter. Joseph. ». i w . « *•*•'* l- • t: . S. Richey assumed charge in-straw for J. M. Bones aud J.l | the Portland-Damascus milk it. Davis this week. « station last Thursday in place pf | G. W. Hey. iti. who resigned. Mr Hollis !.. Bone* is nmy at i » Riches acted in the capacity of [Sacroineoto. Wtiils at Fola Alto PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X-RAY W O RK Last Tuesday night several Nuuiager several years ago for he was hint during the huidlp All Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices J , the aame romnany. Me. Hew:. : 1 rac>9 an<4 to ride any members of l he Security Benefit Uo* Y®ur Credit Come in and talk it pver VETERINARIAN Association, of Salem, gathered «who has been manager for sever-j more at the Rowley home and spent Osy and Night Syivivs ! al years will be greatly missed M A S O N IC T E M P L E . S A l EM a very enjoyable evening. Re­ Ptirtlc 4 1 0 many patrons of the Residence 758- OREGON iby the STAYTON U B U » cl . siEzer aeeaeas freshments consisting of punch, i plant jee cream, cake, salad and sand­ Albert Phvn a t j ^Ivrvir -r wiches were served. Those pres­ Pearson has taken to chopping ent were A. A. Englebart, Mr. wood for a bring. They arc cutt­ and Mrs. Hagadorn, Mrs. JMur- fHLNNirs-STANLEY) ing on the Pearson ranch near “No Collection. No Charge’’ Marion. ^ pretty heme wedding toch |1 !K • 13‘ Ac^ Delinquent account* collected on ^ ' ' 1u“ ™ Mr. Mrs- ¿h B- Parka and place at the home ef Mr aaä and Mrs. L. J Rowley and son contingent has». We do the work, Chiropractor ! ! family left Friday for a few days Mrs L. E Hennies, Sunday Sep­ shoulder the expense and make no N<’Urocalometer Service Paul. charjre unless collection is made.’ tember 1, at three o’ck>ck v. her lay at the Newport beaches $250,(H|Q Bad A cco u n t* tu rn ed into Phape 87. Residence 2104J The board of stewards of the their daughter Mary Ann Hen­ Cash Since W e S tarted. Jot down a trial list'of |>ad ones andge that has W.*.MiV.'.W .*.SV.VA^SSVVW SiVy.%W AW JVW VVVW W ^ Die Portland-Damascus Milk Go. home to their many friends. yeast, which Joe also paid for. Turner on business Friday night been in use for several months. came up from Portland Thursday Crptain LeJbtt er from Lis h ; might have been sick the «ext! Mrs. L. E. Petersen and chil- s in general have been l«*tn, cousins of the Ledbetters, —1 Savage, Sav— who lias ------ Albert apent cation. WE HAVE CONNECTIONS good in this section this year and also Mis Hattie Busick and son the sumhior hi.sgrandfather c r with 1 with the Hansen-Bennett mag­ Edwin, of t'alem; were guests ot Willie Pearsoji nnd Herbert prospects are good for a bummer in the \tal»lo r.lo hill, returned to nis azine agency, one of the larg­ Mrs Nellie Hamilton. £at- prune crop this fall. home at Bremerton, Wasfiington, BrigRs were Salem Miss Mildred bchifTerer, Mrs. est in the country, which en­ M iss Eleanor Moore, of Salem, ^rdry afternoon. Monday. ' \V. Anderson and daughter Ger­ ables us to give you the best */,ent Sunday ut the F. C. Gun­ S. Talbi'tt left tor SeaUle Sun- Have saveral trailers on hand trude are picking hoi s near In­ prices and service for your ning homy, d a j. Hereturi'vl M uiKNay night magazine needs. See F. P. Row- at prices $< »my $1 up If I do rot dependence. bringing Mrs. Tslbott back with ley at the Tribune 6ffice. Harold Briggs spent Sunday at have wj>»t you wani have the Mrs. Caroline Draper, daugh­ material on hand and can build him. Mrs. Talbott has rcecnt’y home. ter nnd son-in-law Julius Ling- returned from a vacation trip to it to j’our ord *r in a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Seott, of Salem, lev \yere at Newport Saturday Alaska. H. I* Jenec i, General Black .risiteil Sunday afternoon with fUid Sunday. .V .V .W .V .V .Y .V V V .S V A W A V .W /A V W A W /A W smithing. * Mr. and Mrs James Given, of Mrs Scowl’s mother, A^rs. C. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Miss Mary Bergivan of Port­ Portland, a punt the past week .Bones. Mrs. L E. Hinnies. September land i-eturne»! home with Mr. visiting his father George Given Mrs, M O. Knight nnd bon 6. and Mrs. E. C Bear (or a sh< \\ of Turner and his wife’ s pirenfs Dick nnd family left last \yeek Farl Nccr sold his »arm last visit. She is employed in the civ­ at M irion for Grass Valley to visit Mrs. week. il service department of the Live Mrs. Ltaele n id Mrs. J V, Knight’s daughter, Mrs. Lester Mr. aid Mrr, Joe Ramseyier, stock Review Bones visited in Eugene Sun­ Smith and family. • f daughter Ijena and Fred Hersch, Harrison's General Store Mist Carol Itisor mbs brought day, Mrs. Stacie attended t lie Pratum, were dinner guezts at The Tribune »hop e»n print yout of r m the Deaconess hospital to wedding of hor nephew Omar butter wrap», letter hoatls and en- the J. W. N’chilTerer home Fun- flic F. C. Gunning home where Esles. day. ' !rs. Nell Steavens and talopas. i.V .W ^.V .V .V .V .*.V .'.W .V .% % V A *e% W d,A W ^ .W W A d V /^ she will be cared for wh'le con- daughter Margaret, of 8 lem j O u g h - h u s t o n c o . j P I2fì y Pomeroy and Keene i of yy, Turner Lumber & JAY DENHEM W. F. Harris Turner, M fg , Co, .i £)RUÇr§ Party At Rowley Home f G. F. MIRINO. Ï.S.. B.V.Sc Dr. O. A. Olsoiij Dentist CLOME 4- % Paid on six months ^ L ^ r*‘ ol Dr. O. L. Scott Can You Beat This Record j ime Deposits Fire and Automobile insurance Written P. P. ROWLEY Turner Statç Bank Health, Accident Liability ANP Fij»C INSURANCE Turner, Oregon. A NEW STOCK of school supplies Boy's Cord Pants, Polo Shirts, c\c and a r\ew shipment of Hap­ py Home dresses for the girls. complete lineofschoql sta­ tionery priced right, 1 Highest prices for farm pro­ duce Turner, \ Oregon