- ■■■ ’ « • THE TURNER TRIBUNE Deputy, i Turner Man in Auto Accident SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Turner. Oregon. Thursday A U G C9. 192^) j Qrxtton for the t'uunty of Marion. • Department No. 2. Case No. ¡JOtilti. JF. If. üyuilrji. Eihtur | Florence E. Walsh, Plaintiff, va. issued Eve «y Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon The newFord truck belonging Georg« B. Walsh, Defenilant. to the Turner Lumber and Man- r, . , ... „ , a ,.. To George B Wahh, «1« fi ii.tuni Entered at the Poatoflk« above name* : ufaeturtng Company «m l a sedan M Turner ,‘ Orcgon, as second-class matter, under the In the name of the State of Ore driven by M r . Compton * f Salem gon, you are hereby sumuioueil auj , . . . . . . . . . - A e l of March 3, 1879. S U B S C R IP T IO N $1.25 P£Ji > T A R — —— CEHTRAUZFO RADIO HELPS IN TEACHING The Now 0 ^ m ^ 0Q ^coms a,,d 1° Hotel Guests, Rodgers farm in front of ‘^ ‘r Aagu. t. 1929. and if you fad so to M artin when he w ig going about 1 r n,>" 0* “»• •< «*• <* wort n i'M*llu* ru,,,<, j answer trie said om pU int or other- ___ . .. ... , _ ileretnpnienta. "I'eUlmllteJ radio" ' wisi appear, then tor want thereof >w W ilts p s r IKUt tow ard tu rn er sprang Into wIdo nso Immedlatoly with the plaintiff will apply to said court M artin applied the brake* as OOOn Its recent liltri»Itii-tlon by the ltadlo . “ I p l e d g e a lle g in n c e t o t ^ e F l a g o f th e U n i t e d S ta t e s tlo,,nHud 'vu 'acnir'1' ' '1 m >*’r '** as he saw Compton hat wo* un- «**■*«»■• of, Amcrttn. «boas engi- | . compiauu, x u .. . . .... peers (K'l (acted it. . i! For a «here.« dissolving the able to avoid a COlllSlOn. the Th, roc,.p,|t>n of on# of |our , u » d th e c o u n t r y f o r w h ic h it s ta n d s . O n e n a t io n , j bonds of mtfrimony now exist 11‘n.int end p f the truck was badlv programs lu room» of hotel», school*, I mjt between plaintiff anil defend- lint , .. . „i..,.. i . .......... ! indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” damaged tvnd the drivers side of “ hrarie*. clubs, hospital« or other ant; for the restoration of her ,, , . , , . . , buildings |s supplied through wall former name; for her costs and tlu sedan was considerably darn- (|H>a)t*r* no mors conspicuous than a disbursements and for such other aged with a large amount of I won hung picture. Ths programs and further relief as may seem meet, equit-ibl«* and propi-r in the gla.ts scatterv'd oyer the road. may ba heard also through separata preijnses and the plamtilT will loud speaker« easily c~spuocte»|*er adverlisetcenlt and ali (he hair in at least one Italian nenr.-;ia- 0 when It Is not desired that they be y J hi'ard tbrougbuut the room. The de» p e t’ s business olltcb is standing on V eil like quills upon the Itelful * 7 pukuan" t o ^ n ' « r u"-'Hon. v x U e e r L A W V. i l c i n f i r 0 C i v,’ l0PnK'i'* I* eguall» interesting to hedgehog. * 1- U. McMahan, judge o f the third 0 i the pampered guest i f a huge metro- ~ ! polltan hotel and to pupils In Isolated W hat mad* Benito mad, in this in s ta ll», was (ha picture in the o ^ ‘ ■,ti™ n tiw ! oa , , schoolhouses, who now can listen to advertisement of an flMWiUilJo that sbdwi ,1 at. Ils lis o soldier, in full the 25th day of July. 1929, by pub- W h ile the opening of deer I educational feature« hithertb available unlfortu, undergoing treatment for •••*•- -•> •. ----- liriiin* the same in fhe Turin r l rib insect.. Il s sn offe no t . the pres- 'j’ " 1'* ^ ‘w ^ T p er'o f general cirvula- minting season on September 15 only to pupils in the largest cities. tigs’ and dignity nf the Ittlia U sold cr Cut ;» o u i.” úrdeos the d, C a lo r |sporUmen will be called to ob- Takes Another Job Vsottt. once a week for four ( ( i consecutivo serve a change in the limit laws. It shows tha Ile.:solini .;ill h »r gkanB» oi democracy. A com itcn j Wlt.ks, five (M ussues. in the manner h im ter-w ill be alloweti but one mule depr. He n»ay kill one , of the Stati of Oref --------- ............................. ..... r u b ’ ictfv v.f th. p'.c-uro of a s e n io r, or a judge, cr * - n c J la-mg do - f The first publication « the 1st daj mule deer M d one Wack tail or 1 o u .d cc;«aFplf wobld raisV a bowl. w. uldn t UT Portland , U „ y ^ Ä i^icaÎe New». Dumping Laws on Them J 'I y-?Sst4 Bnä AtiKIt IT .Tt'K R (II. S.. M 8. degrees) Agricultural Kennomii'S, A gri­ cultural Education, Amnml Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Farm Cropa, Farm Manage­ ment, Hortk'uHurw (Pomol­ ogy, Vegetable Gardening), Poultry Husbandry, Soil»; (g - rieultuml Fngineei mg ll«rti. lultural Products. Laiio»e«i>e Architecture, Sciences Basic to Agriculture (it majors). CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (BS., M S. «teyrge») COMMERC E < U S. degree; M. S. in Agricultural Eooiu.tines, Rural Sociology) Accounting and Management. Advertising and Selling. Bank­ ing and Finance. General Busi­ ness, Real Estate, Secretarial Training. Marketing, etc, ENGINEERING (B.8., M S. de Civil (Structural, Highway Sanitary, Hydraulic, Railroad. Construction); E l e c t r leal (Power, Railways, lighting. High \ uitagc TeUl’hrtny', M echaniral (Machine Denign, Heat Power Ventilation pol•>« d« ' r .»w 1 » w « rioiu'Ki the service of this summons shall be in all sections of the state than S t a t e ’7 A Nallonnl apij Minio College maintalninl, a» described iiy Senator Morrill, founder of the Land Urani Colledges, "to offsr opportunity , ' , for u liberal and practical education. fut thy world's hganigag, for the In. duitrlal pin anils ani prof«»t(óna of Takos proflrams requirt'U to appear ami answer the OoJIlUMT in front Of the 1 P. lliu'at» In bolola today ara turning eompiuij’t of tju' plaintiff in the above Rcnigefs home on the Priliu le aii a radio program lu their roonu aa 5uit now on file wath tlu* 7 -,. . . | cu*rk of ttiv above ontiiied court on 1 hur$u8!y uftornoon. There easily as they switch ou Uia vlectrla • or before the last o-»> of the tune pro no paAsengors in e itiie r car. light. pupils In schools ate llatenlng .oriheii in the order for publication .. . . . . , pf this summons, namely; on or bo tOInptOH iUIStttilHHl slight In to valuable lectures glveu far away, fore the expiration of four (41 weeks juries, * a'ud lanaula In tborouaAiy modern j tnun the date of the first publication ' •nf this Mimmoru. which is me i.-t d;u i «h e colhssion occuped when apartmenu ara eonnsctlng thalr re- .»f August. 1929. and which last date Compton shot O&t into the road t'* ,7,u* *®<* «* «»«Hy » « they conuect ^ u ^ p ^ a r ^ c o "t ‘rife ^ita'tay ^ “O re g o n Uregon'a (.and Grant College, now In its Hind year, affords training in 10 deg)»«-grantmg *|iu>nU and d>* partinsnla. Heating, Gas, Refrigeration, Aeronautical) ; Industrial Sfioj, Adniinl»! ration. T ra in s . MS. ^o- groe«) I.ogging Riigiiieering, Lumber Manufacture, Tee|iiiical Kofi- Hairy. fores HOME ECONOMIC? - (B.B., M S, degrees) Clothing. Textiles, snd Related Arts; L'0.^* and Nutrition; Household Administration; la- ■titutional Management. M IL IT A R Y HCIRNt E AND TACTICS -1 S**l brand new California laws. There is little risk last date and day, plaintiff will take I jn nQ smaj| dejfrt,e been res|Kinsi- in saying that ncl 10 |*r cent of Caldon » have any idea as (o what hTrTom ^a'nt on“ f ili \ ble tor this increase of deer, JO per cent of th is » r.ew laws are Vet, ignorance of law is not a good herein. hxctiee for violation thereof. Dated this 25th day of July, 1929 h>, The teultiplicity cf law accounts for the Dot that, frequently, it is FUFD A. WILLIAMS'. Attorney for Plaiptiff. impcaeiblt' to get a direct answer, à ves or no, on a point of law from Residence and P. O. address baleni. P rin c ip a l ef O yster Day, Long Island, lawyers. Oltfen your lawver has ta consult h ' 1 books for his artswor. and Oregon. school operating so ntrallscd radio, ___L , j t , i «■ « . ,. * CORVALLIS gets one that you could hay-procured, y o c r s e l H i « aiivantags lies Th!« type of centralised radio, (Authorised hy the Stale Board of Higher Educatiog) largely, in k t:o »iu g where to h>'->k fur it. Al.»o too many laws may uc as audio frequency, Is not lo SNOWWDS A spiali worin has taken a known bs confused with tse conventional haunt for fQtne of the disrespect of law. 1 In the Circuit Court o f the State of heavy toll of fish in Elk Lake, radio receiver and amplifier connected ’/ A V V S N N A A V V V V V iV V V A W A A iV W W V A A 'A V A V W w V A W * However, 891 new laitt ought to promote in m a te iu t h e ia » busi Orvgon for the County of Marion, Dear Benil rvnd caused the state w't,, »mattered londspeaker» «>r hcad- Department No. 2. Case No. nr s i'------ ^Portland Daily Nett a. A V V V V V V A V A V V V W W .% W f lM V W .A W A '.'.V .'/.V W /A ’ .W pan-.c commission to close the tfout* n*Ctf‘'t,0B wlth «• » Mary M. Cok\ Plaintiff, retjaency U t » period In «Tory room *•' ------ — 0----------- v*. 1 ,-ik e to fishermen. This is the J IT S (H R HOME TOWN IS ttlC M If an excellent radio receiving set Robert J. Cole. Defendant. Î AND WE LIK E IT first time in the history’ of the • * cr® p 1 *” «* there, To Robert J. Cole, defendant above named: commission that w h , worm has A great Deigbborhood meeting was held eaceiitlv at Cham;>oeg< • n the name of the State of Ore- ¡ummoned gnd been discovered, According to units mounted in standard switch. IOMF.ONM «iii«*e »aid something b I miu I his loan i\hi< h w* think park-for the »urpfce of tfither town tnoual In dependant of the Bntionnl government. \\ hat wopld be m .re of August. 1929. and which last date (h e lake and the commission has from the usual electric lighting cir­ after nil. cuit. The receiver for each channel ti ting than lot Oregon to honor her founders by erecting a memorial % \ h % o t collected and burned them. E v c rv Is tuned to a given station and the "It may be that the street« am’t long, they're not wnfe and to the pioneets who had all to do wlih «Iccding the fate i f Oregon nnd August; 1920. an«l if you fail ,'o to ^ ¡ b l e e ffo rt w ill be made to tuning dials locked In position to pre­ maybe not straight, but the neighbors you kaow In your little (own all vent tinkering. A tlm» clock switch bolding It for a territory in the United inate« jn place of a province of answer the ^lid complaint or other- ; , ___. . __„ r * . . * y F wise appear, then fQ'r want thereof keep the parasite from spreading may be set to start the programs at welpome a fellow—It's great- 4 ^ . ' re,_ . rl, an , t . „ . . . . the plaintiff will apply tp said court l0 0(h er lakes or streams, any designated hour and to turn them The Portland Teh-gram offers the following suggestion—-“ It might, for the relief demanded in her said ( ___ o____ "In the glittering street» of the glittering towns wi(h palaces off. The centralised equipment may complaint, via. be placed beside the telephone switch. pavemi'iit and thrnll, in the midst of the throng you will frequently long be a reproduction of some frontier fort or block house, a replica ol a For a decree dissolving (he rP - T. j „ T> T T boart1' •»«lihid the desk In a hotel, la for your own town after all. bonds of mtarimony now existing fiioneer crttlement, or of tile curious community dw ellin g« that were i. Vv 111 AV, U • i l i l l l / i I C O the olBoo of a hospital superintend«'»!, between plaintiff and defendant; built and Deed by the Indians before the white man enm e.” “ If you live and you work in your own little town. In spite of in the office of a school’* principal or for the restoration of her former any place that U convenient. Phono­ the fart that it’s small, you’ll find It a fact that our own home town Is name; for her costs and disburse­ There are many decendants of these pioneer makers of history graph record« may be played In the ments, and for such other relief the beset little town after s«!l.** still livin g in Oregon and Washington which was then a part of Ore­ absence of programs. as to the court may seem meet, gon territory One man, Francis X:vvi«r U itth ieu , who died a few year* just and equitable in the prem- We bcliev? in our town and have a lot of faith In our fellow ... _ , , i Th® other (TP« of centra!1*ed radio Albany, Oregon, August 00 rofeU the ainerent problem of per. ises. townsmen. We want our paper to be your horn« town paper und nil ago. in Pordand, was «aid to be the man whose vote decided Oregon for I__-u:!. __ _c_ ._ _ _ ___ __ This summons is ciirected j (Special), Entripfi jl) tfiiS city’s ions who desire to use their own r<* that it implies, the Union. D ie faocoua meeting was iu*t as important for the State ol served upon you buildings, Lf L w annual twin round-up, il-hieb ap>,tm of pursuant to an order of Judge annual which arill will °e‘ vlng .«U In apartment lour Country Weekly is of, by Washington as for Or?gop. from an historical standpoint. Why not of W ily cot "* A ” ” _Countv Judge of . . , , . . T. * ’ ' It ts known as radio frequency and nnd for Yonr Home Community joint me- Marion c fT t y . ’ Orego^f made and be held on Labor Bay, are com- do.. .way with the naccelty for un, come Jo an agreement with our sister «tate and establish I the i.on- «ptered on the 3 ist day of July. 1929, • inj? in rapjdly. I hey have already sightly roof antenae and lead lns on tco ru l at 1 he biittuic site of this famous convention and bold the hon- eptered -r — - ...... - » . - - - - - 4, - • - ---------- - , . .... „ , 1 by ppblisliipg the .«ame in The Turner (fig number thht were ^ walls of modern buildings. It Is TIIK TURNER TRIBUNE òr3 oh !h* Taciñc coast pfhere they belong. Tribune, a Rcw.-pap.-r o f general fir- a d u ,t u numB€r lnaj^ * ere not a mero lead In. but Is strictly a TURNER, OREGON culation, pr r^ted ami published in registered a ye a r ago and m ore radio frequency transmission line Turner, .Marion County, Oregon, not thepi are corping in ddjly. which does not pick up additional *lg- »^ W »V »W V V V V % V V S A V «V »V V V V W V W »V »W V V W V V V V V V V V V V V V V NOTICE TÇ CREDITORS | SHERIFF'S NOTICE CF S/.L^ OF less ( ¿ ' T than I uh W e s a week Z k fe four’ (4 (4 ) ) or-ce for r four , ,. pals or Interference. One efficient REAL PROPERTY ON consecutive week- five (5 ) im u m , in Coos Bay district has the dis- , omo 50 tq T5 fqP, gbove the Notice is hereby given that the un­ EXECUTION the manner pressribed by the laws - - - - - - - J dersigned, by an order of the County- tioction of furnishing t|)e most root takes care of all, so that tenant» Ey virtue of an execution issued and statutes of the State of Oregon, Court of Marion County, State of |y were visitor* a( tfie Jay Cook fner*!y The first publication Is thp 1st day entries of any one conimunity. Oregon, du!y made and entered on out of the Circuit Court of the State 7 * It rnei.l »• I rx r* tav® wrxta to Ait p ,u a * «1 ,n lhelr radto »o'*® 1- A the 17th day of August, 1929, v a i of Oregon for the County of Marion of August, 1929, and th.- last public«- ( entered 31 Dairs o f tw ins in one f cce,Tlnsr *ct* 0D * home Kunday. nppo,„tm. «., f tn. «-,«.«• « " the 1 1 th day of May, 1928, in tion. a, prescribed in sa.d order, and entered d l pairs Ol tw ins Ifl one Urg. percentage of the beat type of appointe«! .ununietnatwr a«iministrator o the estate Mr. find Mr* Arthur Kunkp of lmop.-ne Grant ard that he ha favor of W. W. McKinney, plaintiff, the la.-t -lay for sour appearance is day and Since then Several Other big apartment» now are being equipped |n this way. jl an: the W.- t line o f Fifteenth I^ebanon and Brownsville and projected 2,600 miles across tho Pa­ Admin . • f the Estate o l W ill-' Obtained. Sen«l m l o r vkuch (13th) Street extended sixty-four several more are expected in a cific Ocean by the Radio Corporation iarri FL it, Deceased, and wc wiM p.r«jinp*Iy • en/1 you a (C4) feet, thence Westerly at right 1 pf America. '*• <1 „. .. I scpVL Our bookon Patents and i. . ( ...1 1 r ORD, angles with said Fifteenth Street j few days. Mr. and Mrs. Miekcy, of Kn- Trade marks wifi be setit tp f on Attorney for Estate. ai d parallel with raid South line of j oh request. Besides the motor boat races Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg., Balers. “ B” Street one hundred sixty feet; j lem, visited with Mr. and Mrs' Oregon. thence Northerly parallel with the and inter-twins competitions, f Date of first publication August 1, Ivan Hadley last week. Ka.-t line of Fifteenth (la t h )! there will be a bathing beauty Street extended sixt« four feet to 1929. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hennico Date of last publication August 2P, — . PATENT LA W Y E R S ____ the South line of said “ B” Street; ( contest, an amatuer horseshoe thence f -.rterly along &anl South 1 1929. 30S Seventh St„ Waxhmgton. D. C- were dinner guests at the home tournament and other sports. line one hundred sixty (160) feet > O ver 34 Y r » r » * E»srrieTicr> of Mr. and Mr*. L, E. Donnies to the place of beginning. .... ...... . n i l — w — T Term« of rale, cash, unless bid in ! Sunday. by plaintiff. The Tribune shop ran print yout Mr. and Mr*. J. W. Bchifferer Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 13th ] Have your envelope* printed with butter wraps, letter heads and en- day of Augu*t, 1929. ami family nnd Hutb Htadlcman your return addrees. Tha Tribune O. P. BOWER, fejopaa. can do th