The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, August 29, 1929, Image 1

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    T urner T ribune
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y o l..
no .
■H «'
loca ls
F uneral D irectors
2 0 9 S. C H U R O I S T -A T ANY HOUR
P h on f .
Pomeroy and Keene
Halem’ti Square Deal Jewelers & Opticians.
Diamonds Watches Clcoks Jewelry & Silverware.
379 Stale, St.
Salem, Oregon,
Qaocral Coi tract *r ail Builder
Cement Work «od Piombile
Route j .
Turner, Oregon
K-R-0 Kills Rat* and mice only, targe can 75c
Reliable Druggist
'D a y and Night Servie«
4 % P aid on
six m onths
Fire and
The two houses and all the
outbuildings at the C. A. Beer
farm are being painted. D B.
Parkes and Willard Bear are do.
ing the work.
an d com fort
by train
San Francisco
$18 Los Angeles
These exceptionally low fare»
arc available every Jay and you
have the choice of four daily
At this low cost you enjoy
all the comfort» of train travel,
with (he added advantage of
greater speed. Plenty of room
to rest and relax or walk about.
Mrs. D S. Riches is back after
spending the summer with her
parents at Weiser, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Funston,
Miss Grace Funston and Mrs.
Fred Morris all of Portland, drove
up to the A. S Funrtton home for
the day. Mr. Funston remained
for an indefinite stay.
There*s greater speed
Takers are ^ood for travel in
roomy, ail artel roachca and in
Tourist Sleepers
on "W e « Coast'*; "Klamath",
"Oregonian", and "Shasta"
(no tone r on "Shasta").
Ash thou! summer exi union
fa, j to other Pacific Coast
points un.l to the East,
(S o u th e r n P a c ific
H. S . B O N D ' A G E N T .
The W. C. T. U. Sponsored an
jee cream social Friday night in
the parlors and dining room of
ths Christian church. Mrs. A.
8. Funsthn, Mrs. G. ,W. Farris.
Mrs, R. 0 . Witze] and Mrs. C.
Standloy were members o f the
committee in charge and they
and ths union wish to all who
helped to make the eyening a
Hans Friedrich
We take this means to express
our heartfelt thanks and sincere
appreciation for the many acts
of kindness tendered us during
the long illness and for the
many beautiful floral offerings at
the death o f our beloved hus­
band and father,
Mrs. Christina Gath and
. family.
Bom August 27, 1929 to Mr.
and Mr*. Wallace T. ltiches, of
Gaston, a son, weighing nine
pound*. Mother and son are do­
ing well.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Delzell
Gardens every Wednesday and
spent Sunday with relatives at
aturday. 8:30 P. M. Gents 5 0o
Stayton. The girls went with a
Ladies 25c. tf,
party of friends to picnic at De­
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Whitta­ troit.
ker and four children have gone
to^Callfornia, where Mr. Whitta. I Thelma Delzell and her sister
ker has a teaching position. They Mrs. Fehiinau experienced their
returned from India a year ago first aeroplane ride, Saturday.
and spent the past year in Cor­
vallis. They visited Mrs. Whitta­
Mias Gladys [Morgan accom­
ker’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. panied her mother to Newberg
William Salisbury, before they Tuesday to spend the second
left for their new home.
week of her vacation.
George Given and daughter
Byberg, Brothers, Silverton. Ore­
Gladys were guests at the J. M-
gon. for information on the im­
proved Prune Washer and Tray- Bones home Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker
Raymond Titus fractured his are the parents of a baby girl.
arm last week. Cecil Funston is
Fred N, Andrews, of Route 1,
with the dairy while Mr. Titus is
is the latest to enroll as member
laid up.
of the Tribune family.
The Tribune credit tor whet with the Hansen-Bennett mag­
you buy from our advertuer*.
azine agency, one o f the larg­
est in the country, which en­
ables us to give you the Best
Have your envelope* printed with prices and service for your
your return addren. The Tribua«
magazine needs. See F. P. Row-
can do the w ort
ley at the Tribune O ffice.
yw w w vyw w vw vyw vuvyvu
Save $ - PAINT -
Save $
We will continue our Paint Sale during July
Hans Friedrich Gath was born
Bent Quality harness made in
October 13, 1861 in Wilstadt,
our own shop. Satisfaction guar­
Holstine, Germany. In 1888 at
anteed. Price« from $40.00 to
the age o f 27 he came to Ameri­
$05.00 F. E. Shafer. 170 S. Com­
ca and settled in Nebraska where
mercial i>t- Salem. Oregon.
on march 15, 1900 he was united
Mrs. E C. Baker and daugh­
J, R, Willis who spent some in marriage to Mise Christina
ter Barbara, of Portland, «pent
tims at the coast and in Idaho, Schutt. To this union were born
Thursday and Friday in Turner
pn hil vacation returned to his three children, Arthur, Olga and
looking after business and .visit­
work at the S. P. Depot Friday Edward. Sixteen years ago Mr
ing friends,
and Mrs. Gath and family came
west and located on a farm near
Ralph Moore, formerly editor
H. W. Smith has returned
Turner where they have sjneed
o f the Sjuslaw News, at Florence,
from several days spent at Css-
lived. Fred Gath was an indus­
Oregon, dropped into the Tribune
trious, hardworking and success­
office Thursday. He shed his
Mrs. C. W. Sloan, who has ful farmer. He was a devoted
coat and helped us clean house
after the weeks issue was out. been spending her vacation at husband, a loving father, a real
Ralph and the Tribune editor Kings Valley, was in Turner a friend and a good neighbor.
worked together orj the Sheridan few days this week visiting
He is survived by his beloved
friends. Her daughter Gladys, wife and three children, Arthur,
Sun nearly twenty years ago.
who is a nurse at the Pacific Olga and Edward. Two sisters
Mrs. L. E. Petersen and chil­
Christian hospital at Eugene, is in America, Mrs. John Ahrens,
dren were business visitors in
sen d in g her vacation with her o f Turner. Mr». Mary Huff, of
Salem Thursday o f last week.
mother, Mrs. Sloan will teach in
Mrs. Melinda Chambers is vis­ the Turner schools again this Council Bluffs. Iowa. One sister
and two brothers in Germany.
iting with Herman Lewis and year.
Mrs. Gath*8 sister Mrs. Ed
family at Aumsville.
Mrs. Stella Miller has been Stapleman, and Mrs, Willie Shutt
George Given has leased his quite ill for the past several days,
a neice o f Mr. Gath came from
was in >1 1
¡s at the home of her nephew Nebraska to attend the funeral,
urner Thursday looking for a Walter Miller.
Hans Friedrich Gath died at
lace to live.
Mias Mariam Grimes, of Salem his home August 20 at 6 P. M .
FOR RENT-Two 2 room apart- s visiting at^.he H. W. Smith following a prolonged illness.
lents and Two 1 room apart- home for a few days. The Grimes Funeral services were held from
family are former residents of .the American Luthem church,
Herman Peetz has thoroughly the Turner .community, being o f which he is a member, Mon-
-built his home since the fire former owners of the J P. Nad- day August 26 at 2 P. M.
erman farm.
Have several trailers on hand
Mervin at prices from $12 up. If I do
Albert ¡Given and
Pearson spent a few days last'not have what you want. have
week at Newport They brought! the material on hand and can
build it to your order in a few
home a good catch of fish.
Sunkay morning service 11 :Q0
Plumbers were busy Jast week days-
am. Message: T h e Compuliam
installing water in ihe’house re­ The Turner Lumber and Manu­ of the Cross.” Matt. 16:24.
cently occupied hy .Ted White- facturing Co. loaded out a car o f worth League 7:00 pm. Topic.
lumber for Southern Oregon this ’ ’Finding Time for Living.” Ec-
cleseastes 3;1.8 Evening Service.
Willie Pearson has purchased week.
g new Ford roadster.
Jajt Baker started work in a 8:00 pm. Messcge ’ The Call from
Rail Brothers received a new logging camp near Corvallis this the Tombs.” Lee 8:28.
Mrs. Pearcy entertains the aid
lot o f Chevrolet cars recently.
the Turner Methodist church
Pat Randall, of Salem, called
Charles V. Brown, formerly of
her home in Salem. Thursday
St Helena, and now living in Sa­ on F. P. Rowley Monday.
afternoon, Aug. 29th
Last week we said S- H. Ba­
lem, spent the week end with F.
Aid and Friend» invited to the
P. Rowley.
ker accompanied his daughter,
parsonage for an all day meeting
Gloves. Purses. Hand Bags. Mrs. Talbott on her vacation Thursday Sept- 5, covered dish
Suit Cases and many other arti­ trip. He only .went to Portland dinner; work.
cles made o f leather suitable for and then ^returned to Corvallis
gifts for all occasions. Tell us where he is grinding flour in the
your HARNESS needs. F. E mill there.
Shafer, 170 S. Commercial St. 8a.
lem, Oregon*
Turner State Bank
U . •» »
FOR SALE-Dry Aih wovd.
Robt Given, Route 8, Turner.
Time Deposits
Automobile Insurance Written
îm g
-r r -!
-y-rvyr v
IU.- I 1 -
ALO. ‘J *.
100 % Public Service Paint,
per Gallon $3.35
B lu e Valley H ouse Paint
per Gallon $2.)7
167 Ne. Commercial $L
Salem, Ore.
T urner Lum ber &
Jfffif. Co.
We carry in Rock Rough and Dm > H Lumber,
Shingles (highest quality) five grade» to a elect
from, alw Wall Board, Paint, Doors, Windowj,
Cedar Posts, Brick, Piaster, Tile and Slabwood ip
four foot lengths.
W e desire to serve the public with Promptness
and Efficiency.
Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist
All W ork Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices
Come in and talk it over
U*e Your Credit
Pboüe 440
It is important that the Bor­
deaux mixture used for peach
blight control be of the best
quality, so that it will adhere
throughout the entire fall period,
and that it be applied as soon as
possible after the crop is removed
from the trees, says the Oregon
Experiment station. Printed in­
structions for making this spray
may be secured from county a-
gents, or from Oregon State col­
Eetidcnce 758-R
Dr. O. L. Scott
Neurocalomcter Service
Phone 8?. Residence 2104J
256 N. High Street
Salem, Oregon
The condition known as blos­
som end rot or point rot of to-
matoes is not due to any kind of
fungus or bacterial parasite, but
rather to excessive evaporation
from the foliage, reports the Ore­
gon Experiment station- It is es-
pee:s.! y troublesome where a-
bundant foliage development due
to rich soil and plenty of moisture,
is followed by hot dry ' weather.
This may be avoided to some ex­
tent by moderate watering early
in the season, and providing for
adequate moisture, supply right
through the season.
“ No Collection. No Charge’'
Delinquent accounts collected on a
con tin en t basis. We do the work,
shoulder the expenae and make no
charge unless collection is mado.
$250,000 Bad Account* turned into
Cash Since We Started.
Jot down a trial list o f bad ones and
let us turn them into actual money.
Business Men’s Adjustment
415-16 Masonic Bldg.
Phone 911
H ealth, A ccid en t
Liability AND Fire
»¥■ »?«■ ?
Harrison's General Store
A V .Y A W Y k W IiW JV W .S S W A V W A V S W A W .Y A V .'
That age and health of the
annimal affect both the weight
and strength of the fleece, as
well as mutton production, is a
fact carefully considered by the
wool grower in culling his flock,
d W W V W W W W W W W W W W A V W V W W A JW W W A A P
says the Oregon Experiment sta-
tion.tlt is believed that length
and density mean less shrinkage
after clipping. Fineness of fiber
is also an important considera­
— — ■■—
Cyst formation of chicken is a
condition which occurs occasion­
ally in most any flock, and is
not ef an infectious nature, says
^ V A Y V W V W W W JV S W .W iY W JV W A V W / A W A V W JV 'A
the Oregon Experiment station.
Glassware, Hardware
Boots and Shoes
Highest prices for farm pro­
Harrison’s General Store