THE TURNER TRIBUNE AUG. 22. 1929 Turner, Oregon. Thursday 9 . y . K o tu lr g , E d i t o r , SUMMONS I In the Circuit Court of the S u to of Oregon for the County of Marion, IV,» t:> . hi No, 2. Co • No. 20« I Kterenc»' K. Walsh, Ptaiutiff. ! Oeorgo B. Walsh. Defendant. To lio o n t; B. WuUh, defendant I above named: In the name o f the State o f Oiv- p U B S C I U P T I Q N $ 1 .2 5 P E R Y E A R . E n t e r e d a t t h e P o e to ffic o r.on, you are hereby aummoneil uml | a t T u r n c i , Q r o g o n , a s s . h e n d - c la s s n* ( t o r , u n d e r th e | ie»ieired to appear and unsWer the __________________ A ct o f M arch 3 , 18Y 9. | complaint of the (Mintin' in Uie above 1 entitled -uil now on file with the l e n t , o f the Ulio'e entilnsi fa u lt on I or he fore the last day of ihe time prv- 1 cribed in the or.lur fo r pubiieution Jo t this luinnuni, namely, on or be lore the e\ p iu t on o lour ( It week. . irom tno uate o f the Prat publication ' of this summons which is me 1st dm I of August, l !>»!», and which last d\te j ; of publication and the lust date for I jo u r appearance is. the SPth ilny ol August, 1929, and if you fail -a to 1 1 answer ihe riiid c 'mpatint or olher- f a a p p e a r , then tor want thereof 1 the plaintiff will apply lo said court ] fo r toe relief demanded in her said _ | complaint, v ir: For a decree dissolving the ‘I p l e d g e a l l e g i a n c e t o t h e H a g o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s biuuls o f .matrimony now «\ist- ing between plaintiff and d. femt- a n d tir e c o u n t r y f o r w h i c h it s t a n d s . O n e n a tio n , a iu ; fo r the re torntiun o f her form er nam e; f< r her costs ard in d iv is ib le , w ith lib e r t y a n d ju s t ic e f o r a l l . ” lii. burscmcnta and for such other r mi further relief ns may seem meet, equitable utt«l proper in the pni.uses and the jdiunt.tT will soever pray. Il i# cmml i'nt in iw<* w.-.'t, tu look ujon -,ur «viU-rpow«) r.'jource» This tumtnnos is directed to tv , sorted upon you by publication therv- *• ,‘al no« t limi tifi ■ 111 -1 a ittici i 'U> i tate i f ti. icii tur any d> «• purs aunt lo an order o f t ie Hen. In Ih« tasi, N«-w York alnaJy i# l-.king st«*i»s to prò.-, rvo evviv ' of L. H. M . Mahan, judge of the thirti drop ot watt? in tfce («rea? Lak -, f«»r '( *#r production ut N tgsr» judicial district at Salem, Marion ouiuy, O h fo n , r.udc and cnioreU on Fall# and ou thè St. L itu nce rìv« r Oilcr thickly tiUUd parte ci tho t me botn day ot Ju ly, 1929, by pob- est are hunfiog atout (or hot power .-ile». (;ihing tiie same in '»nc Turner d rib- ano, a ticwsp..|Hr of general circula- The story o: thè cari t. day is Ih? et rv of thè wo#t tonsorrow. 1( t'en , printed ami published in Turner. , ve lei power ritte n< t oat of public bandi iato prirate owmrabip, re Marion County, Oregon, net Ic ., than one 1 a we, k te • fetal' I d l e ns.wali' niu.-t p.»y toll in lire future eery *.iun> wo tura ou an o’e.uric lamp. ' weeks, five i 3) issues, in the maimer lhe w mi hti pleutr of power>.'c-\OW. 1; »boni! tucurc prescribed by the Is m and statutes i ole..tial po« - (or tho pgblic g«ol, to he deve! >p»d whsn n- .-.-e of the S tate of Oregon. The first publication i» the l.-t dav t> ariate Lvcrv $>u Elici vcwutij¡power ut-.' ii iasuranco a * lini* bìih o f August, 1929, and the pubii- catior, a pr-serd' d in -aid order, ratte :n t t «1 Tea»1.“ to coxe and the leu: day for your appearance I is the 29t!i day of August. 1929, ami j the service o f this summons shad be * I«: fN**«»’,* et IH b mrttfh •« • e **»• f\t« J 7» ». t g.i.n !*•«*•# M# fftfm l.ftj íiJd» W 4Ä# f «l«c!»a.i. |».il il t » i-« toh^Mnilr Imn?ferr nf t it».n * baà ■' : ' ' • ' ' i : U ’ - : 1 unJ fa m ily Kimnt "'” '1 *l “'v a J f . m id M rg. J a y Cook and ila n a h le r G e rtru d e w oro Suloin •hop pers S a tu rd a y . M r. J o h n Sc’h ill'o ro r and M r. K ie I S ih it f o t v r w ent to H alo n t on M in im . a ilo n d a y . Tho rocont »ii.'ro «fui offnrt of Ih# F iltl'h to tulli,; ali ut rou ,il¡i¡«.tiin of A ir. A n d e n o n r e lo lir a le d his It'idr raid# s u l r d'.i lit .i.'.i# I* a serloiu eli.ill» igo to ili# radi.» *upi. m t'Ol’i h irth d .iy A u g u s t i s . A bou t Bey of thè F -.1 H a u l, i .i t ro la tiv o s warti u r c iu n t a t H k * n' >:o Ituiiort.ini • • • r . i ■ ■ t . , A n d o r m h .m e. \ num hor o f i o «i l < or » i 'iih.iul litui Ine ni (lila i 1 tin n wt :o from California an I r. ut. Si . oi n n ; to Uci i'n i J et. Hnr h ed. v.ho v.ut rhlef ot l.irt of Ih- A. d iif. rv n t p a r ts o f O ro g o n . E F sud ima i» Pro td -it of tb ' 'l l . " Mi ' c s f tf liiia n d U ir r a ln e Radio t H a rn rtt v is in d w ith Min.lo and t. Iith H chifTcrer E ii - tl : il F uI irr.l i di.y nntl b 'afu rd ay. tiiiall'di • Itero of cable# 1.11U i.nllu liti VB,mntt-| era - * Î, . 9 I»C ftf%» I 'll by t»*« AlivrrtUon "S-*^ » , . ! 1 ! • t ’■ i U- K unkv l -iHO IN DfiN?SR Z 2 ? & Gen. i . G. M trn h id S c ; j a T h reat Of^Cd rr~ *va B ill U n w y e n d fa m ily o f K la m - it“*t F a lla and M r. a n d M ra. A j . * Will# fU * j or » »I* f t iuerme of out i l i ■ 1 ’ I -nt h » I 30'\ »o fnr «s w« tii» ,iu tti^ i#w ««nil rrt olga 1/ ft’tthH •• Uiojj. Aii't' f r 1 } produ't of tK« n»n«,hifio nya all tt»o r o iij it mpMIr tievoilng Intuitr«oli*c I. lUnoromcufi nn mu:.» onj inory liiteiv'tinjf Ihom^rlvf« I» fi»»*l «'ic • t i \ _ ‘ ' ' ’ • \ I ' ! nrt* f.v ¡j the rvvrrv'ti itritjf£ta in Mitorv ft*r donrn.i| ij »« trn !o. t’ ndiT mo. U rn t •u«IU u>ni it * IsV i *VA .f t : coin r» : i nrtl nvoynirc-i fact that thu It«) tu»Jnrly rt* ibtW! Äi m i' «if w ir At>' cc.'ttfimic iu lite r naturo. XVil*» Itiu t. j a - ,i. a cn*rv o.t< j'rc î ’ itou for w*»i?h |h;» in chiro r ;o in rtp .V"H.'lMr, to \ «’•.:!! wc e. itr t» t » | il» a iturva.i.rtg rivalry for lonrHctj itaci c m ." f lr.:o g c*. 'S of r rvt. V.’iih It g t r • ' ■ ! < t. • 'V.' n t Ihnt hu ho*'H put uj> n tbc product »’a of r. » t.’.i ! tv o m l r c to u .: «oro life t:i untcriil tort;» ». Wo r\j»U sn i hetet i’. ■ i t.i > n '« l.; 1 : ,>f #11 the t, *>>at'-,i i »li rh Ih# «vieni.^t ha* B'B'i' t:J br.d-l, for 1. u r li a h'.g* fortuno, and «r forget eie» tin» name of t u ' e > • ’ i I I i r •• lr all ltd# po ».Me. lieu «lull ».i iC’ lere IN - i e of.I rojvrtfo.i tu:# •> tit# aehi>«meats e l the t t II * rhail >** Seep ovr » n o of »uir'nal anj MOrr.l valor» fr»u b.’’ng *w,*|>t • way l'y tlii» a g T avrtrnehc of r geodif I h.H. - ■ . •. nud oi t a f««v, of the •i'iefti.cia th >t artw »» a re.»It " f t ,< i m . h ■ » ■ . '» ■ l.'int n mu r If » • ,.ut,o:i i» ti endure, l i r e oe.-stioua ’t to do u Mi hun nn retell.'luhp*. A Waec l.crr d Î ,-w to hnahand it» raturnl ronume«. \ S IIS 1 by the eco# ‘ V »' -.I all wealtb CIUM i l*r-' it Ihj e h. tt f f. J ai l tariicut and »heller for aruAind. It »;|»pl • -S »», m trelo'.n in.b 'r at *y • • •» i» k:»,|. «‘ ! :i r..' : l’v « ' '.i! i.Kth«,!» I f ah h «o i o nur r .1, tar fail Ji. »g r of eof rr an I Ir.»», 11 e mpM depletion . ( our forv»t’. rn.l ah. e all, the dlmiu »hint fertility of o ir Soil», «* iao»t, 1 II» ni, rh i'lno» ihe r • “ ite i f »vt iisliouat .revlth tit 'eli ile ern * gm1». >r. ,r noti .;i« la I « | i t r , nMy h vc Kin.».., tl irn.i l»»« a» to th.-.f ^ -f »..'tlN. t ‘ frit t it .« e , I’ » , ':rr. »rt.-.- ill. Vladimir «f. - p r o > if of . n .» I. . i f in .'i l mi'.'a ''i..ic. te n i » UO Cf this: .■ - 9 w h ST S WtLGOME NEW TUSES • • *'H^dvj "V" . f.iW* T* ì f ' ' 5 : ;• fíe i i »he -o :» of .î: ont and ii, h eivlU-aitlck« ti A»;a Motor, r.'-t* »rc Afr.-.i *‘r . 1 - 1 , ry. 1.. A i.t th. an .«;»!«., »»tlpya, it th# dr- ,1 .m I t’lir o I cilii't, r# I on ria »loc.uh.'T there the prom .o a*i t prop I er y tl: t Ihr I \: i t »*it vii.-.i.i » he’d » »tore f.-r nil . f «>. It i» but fir »1 rr of a» t.r.ndo»e»t firm on a gigantic inte. Po* rioted of hi no* by c -i •»»! rnp|n g. Ir n l enntd o > longer n «nr I ¡aber ant *upp"rj life: »o t!u* people alerilme.l it. iK vil.d , i| bm aie a 'le-crl; the I ’ • v»d «.:» ivarbo*! by tho rrrii aid tdowa arena 1 by »liiftrrg ulnla.” R dia i mal vira tisvo 'borea s quirk r .' .'irò tu tlu n. w r i v d rectifier Itadlnlron e liti n I >w nnJ ron»tant ro tisi« drop wtil i» J» it lu i hi en put u Ih r u I li,- Iti • Radio Corpora. C i < f Am tri.s Ttu» n .v tuba, li», dlofroii t'X X,16, li of tho Imi ratliodo, rt.rr'iry rapir type, nml tbo matura a i ri II i.< oatahlin'itiiR a nere itami- Sid of parfoncinr# far tho nmatnir tinti»» liter opr itliig n lli a roiiltled (dati apppl-. • i r K ♦ . * •— L-’-s»- CKNERAL j . c . M ir tr o n o _ 1 ' " p li» American jen.'i r hip moro ili W ith 5 0 0 .0 0 0 c o 'to n m ill em ployes ; n s u ik o iu E n g l.iu d , the gov Dated this 25th dav o f Ju ly. lJ2i>. . "V t! .l'I t! . t of r ny other I »U01 I'R E D A. W ILLIA M S, e in x -tn t U presented with a p robitiu ol til- à rsi m ag n itad e. S in ce un- T o' iy it i» .-içriT ' oa every han.I that rar farm p |.-.dation I» In dl»- "Ttie m iA ir to Ih'.' rtialieria n n Attorney for Plaintiff. Irei- And nM eroe, mil.!» r»e of a »:rg!o min.I that unprofi a! !c •at s a p l o f W T i l i i 0 3 » of E i g a u i ’s g -c a t is-d ?*, th is *»rike presente a d .f - Residence and P. 1). address Salem, ; c..'»“* rs; ¡J in I 2i 1er ihtui. der our i «' tir i lar.» It 1« for our f ;u i t y m ore extrem e th an m ig h t o tlcrw isu t r the ea^e. Oregon. Tho pr ;r»a. a ri »< r..i ¡y of a n itriq de; •? ! tir;; ly uf on the 10 duel*!g rii li'xrr lh ry F »înh 1 Aug 1-8-15-22-29-1920 of (e«i lo abo tie in tie count n Tbs l I may bo more »plendid and T h e C onservative governm ent r e a th red tha e n t r a ! s lr ik e o f ih r ie it H »V«:ir(si ma k!nc. r.lid !f #•». l«i n .ilo bulhint. They a r e n-.-re Hi ly t«i alti, et Ihe noi1.-# of vl-ùlor. fi un f n en Jt 309f(bio . It Is a Vher# nn y ^ tie a jo , but th e L abor govern m e a t‘a«taa:i i? m u.e thorn v. T i e D; “i. Tbey n.iy tare a mor. r napa-:m:» place in th# t. d.-.-iei «h.rli n.» on. or 1 i*ct 1t»r itur li SN O w w ns wr ;r. Hr, hoo-ier, »ho « r I niM*ur# the so.iadneas of n n i m and p-e d 1* car* trillare of a Latsyr ca b in et to han d V lib o r problem #s a tis ia c ta rily would il et il» fi-li re r 'I go ort ini » tho o;<» eounlry to I .ira «tint ooe.ner if t It r. rr e tc ìi wor re. a!i2 *115J c»*»- In the Circuit Court o f the State of provide the p a r ty ’ # opponent# with a cam paign » r g u x ' ut tea power n-.-i I ■ th.-e r.Il' f ui. A r'ly r.ny t t», a.ho» tr.J a »¡l-.i.l l o.-a Oregon for the County of Marion, { t rl lo for’•¡<0 te d ) Mt AU.Dfiv. U 1» ari».’ «poi e» ra.n». I ; i il * « • t frin ,. ¡t of i»l:l h the ra'e, . ’if : DJp.irtment No. 2. Case No 20r.2«. tu l to be liorne. illilltry.* " ' ' - . . i ■ • , ' i ! > , Ott-?r Couotrft 3 Alert Upoa ihe eo'u tion of th is cotton s trik e the fa ts of lla c D o n a ld ’a ! Murv M. Cole, FluintiiT. pc ire. ■!•« rfy »:| u .i ,! . f. ri the leap of the »orli. Ilul >ry r»«e.u I» vs. a l-mg lire of : ’ . »• . 1 r T olî'r.n renier* tl;.! m .. ■! t’uir brief Tlis etici i nf i'll» advine«.! lyctcm g u v trn n ien t nj.iy re.-t.---------- P ortlan d i>aiiy Nrwi i Robert J . Co!e, Defendant. Òsy I r e i .>5 i::.:.»ry Eu»s:rri tii:,«— and »lien il.»n;*f• ared fr.rrror lf-iu»o c f Intertiitlor.'.l romnninlcalioa '» n To Robert J . Cole, defendant above ; they cc,'< . i■ d ti c e. mir. vi I« -'l.t h h. d i ii .! -d tlie“,. Th i n *» Im e »■ t>J#et nt i|:«c*.i3"‘i>i l;t thd chsitreb i named: ' « « aloni by tho e»l sli.-u ut th« v.d. It iv.y bai,. I n h . the ¿r. I al 1 r * nf ih« » i|t|. p .'j n t i i ., ; ,,|’.erúhmvi.t of tlo-e who lid t • . I. It il.c» m.| r» it:.—. P f Ih» NOTICE TO CREDITO RS In the name o f the State of Ore­ S H E R IF F ’S NOTICE OF SALE n r « , and I« not vi.r.eil r i h Indlgrr >»« “'on lace ©f ih» jad ani tic w.!|!,.ng of di..c uh« cali taltt It er# gon, you are hereby summoned ur.d ( REA L PR O PER TY ON Notic*. is hereby given that the un- e :r> by any rr#nl natici) r-o irl-« to c| a Hy vilaj te a-.y aaton thaï jriuill e litre . I required to apjKar and answer the EXECUTION tersigned, by en order of the Countv 1 :. «n . '.ri i ce, uni. .« d bn the (ia .. neat »rt..le aiti fellow ia «n' lu:i".) con.plaiat of the plaintiff in the ubove * .urt of Marion County. Stut<. r>ç By virtue o f nn execution issued J, i -1 ! « d Suii'r entitled suit new on file with th e ; *»regon, duty' made ar. 1 entered or. o ." o f die Circuit Court 8 f th» St court on Cleik o f the above entitl ’'CoramuolectioDs p!. y ea In.por- o . O n c .n fo r t i e County o f Marion the 17th day o f August, 19ill, was or b fore the last day o f t! time pre- n-oriul pork is in reuUme’ 3 to teeciv, lf.i t paît la dei n-i»” li# con- tppointed administrator o f the estate oa the J l t h day of May, iC 2 -, in M rs. A (lain 3 r.n d R ranti- fina««. the fo r publication , h#d also In ape«dii d i »„In a« a Jstcrln r or aq an audio fr« 'jiionry amplifier. T!¡0 i'otirili nlictrnd«'. ilio rrrern, la tlio r. •«» UY-224 r.inkéi | »» •Itolo the st- lalaui nt of very high ouJ statole nut- pllfllcailon per stsgo. A. M., c i the court hou-e door in Mar- , cor"!J-a n > '**• ntlnz rabies, and tho Iran, on the Portland Morning Ore ion County and State of Oregon, ail * 'J r a ' cr e ' U- n a tiv e O re g o n ia n s A tten d in g th e i-t»-conf m npa radio, anuoiicred y bon L of mtnrimony now existing goniun Spcciel. NOTICE TO CR ED ÍTC R 3 the right, tit’e and interest which the morr r I» t!:o fim i uf a holding cani between p laintiff and f t fen t; b irth d a y p a r ty jriv en th o s e n io r Notice is hereby given that the ur.- said A. L. Hirrekorn ar.d Mrs. A. L. > Tli«V>rcrn.Tcnt wili hai# r#p- fo r the restoration o f her form er lerrigncd by cn order c f the County- Hirsekorn, defendants, had on or m em ber o f th o L jp m a n -W o lf foliotatlnn en i!u li u r j ut dlrertora, name; for her coats an«; disburte- Court o f Marion County, State o f ' ft? r the 11th day of _ _ . 192«, in May, r.. ;it.\ and fo r such ether relief C o m p a n y , o f P o rtla n d . S h e w as v Ilici) wlth die t • c f i !thrr tlu cabl« Oregon, duly made and entered on or the following describeJ pnr.i- as to the court may seem me t, Ihe lf t h day o f Ju ly , A. D. 1929, was isc», to-wit: b o rn on th e & tn tia i:i riv o r, r e a r or r .iJli In’crcit, wlil bo controllici. Just and cquitabia in the prem- Th<* prea» ap| :orri| (Idi meri« r. ckpoiated a^nidM trator of the estate I Beginning at the Northeast cer- hjos. T u r n e r a n d sj>ent mostt o f h e r “Tl l no* • : • | Crltlsb c s m m Vc A - :, H o ff ma n , d c-ce used, and nor of a tr»et of land convoyed by This« is d ir eted to 1> • pl-atlrn# lu lc i.-t «vili «rr.irt American I jf e in th is v ic in ity . *n L V .d J f S à w I The community was shooked Mon­ i Irti i iiàtlp# |„ #v ry p .rt 0f Ih# laid estate are hereby notified t o ! s t d recorded .14. pa recoruea in book t>oo.«c ;;4. page 5«t>, t o rili,- C enarsi H arb erd a s s e rti. Sicgmun !, County Judge of day morning by the sudden death of pufignt the same, duly verified as re- j o f the Marion fount/ Dc- d R.-coid.i J . •TI k ii « «vili liardly ha n r«tt or prlq- huired by law, to Otto K. Pauius, 406 1 said tract boia a within the cor­ Marion County," Oregon, made and John Ru!mcr, who fell dead from entere«d on the 31st «lay o f Ju ly, 1529, heart failure as he was beginning r I Ciri- coi Ilio p!v t!« h atti n«>t wn F irst National Bank Bigg., Salem, porate limits o f the City c f Salem, 1 • renebed |¡j i;rl«»h cjDiiuanlrs- Gregor, within s x months o f tlie date« a.- delineated on idat of Parrish’s by publishing the same in The Turner his day’s work in the field. Mr. BaJ t ■ In' b f ¿,ie Jir ,t pu^IicatiaA of t;n> o^-ice, | Advilion ‘’B ’’ té tre City o f Salem Tribune, a new pap r o f general c.r- ^pj. has made his horn# for the pasSi cf tlin gljlie canrct hut ho profilami- -lam.-ly J » ! 2ft, lw2». j ----------- reip ried iu oook 1, pane cu, c f aU^ 1CJ " ’ » / ri"# ronni-- ’ o r e ^ T not tcn V**»« at the P. E. Thomason home ! ’ ’ DUS R. HOSFMAN. the’ To-.n« Plat Records o f said V 1 K, a i i i ! : ’ V«y L'.’ir < t) Funeral arran«em ents havp n*t beo.i ■ S u n d a y S t?rv » ct?-ll: a m . Mo333- 1» a.'facted. Ths njt!otial difeiui» of tbo ts lte d Etite» must rrrkon wlih Administrator oi ti # »i B-i.jah j Marion County, tueace Southerly coaiecutive v.«..ks, f . e ( 5 ) : ioh , in -ompleted. a ; e : “ C o n ic a n d ¿¡po.” rfoffngiTt, O ew iotj,. thè p’nnetiry «lomtnatlon -r c«­ alcr.^ the iiuo oa Fifteenth lb." manner f.r p c __ rb «1 bv _the laws I)r orj(, Mr% v. itzler of P ortland ,! Jo h n . 1 :«:’>. li Ica il >ns fy tho Brillali. Sorto I» Mie □ ’f l u K. i A U LCS. ( lb ih ) Street extended E xty-fou r ÌV ì i ¡itati'trs of thè State o? Oregon. V i V i f Oi l \ f ■* «1 n . I Af » « f' .... Tl - U . I ! . I (M I fe e t: thence W esterly at right Z :’ilt of tho arllon of tho f-.racclng Attorney fo r Administrator. angles with rulu Fifteenth Street Brlllnii raro under tha luti wlilrti and parallel v/itn«l South line of / inorici n pri gn » in r ;.:i0 li.'j ap­ NOTICE TO CRED ITO RS ‘ li" Street one htusdred sixty fe e t; p i d—a v c ’ i p-uplo v.hli h -rii Notic«1 is hereby given the un­ thence Northerly parallel with the tu rie» asti under vent t!i« ili • •:» n nf designed, by an or dvr o f «he County East line o f Fifteenth (lo th ) service adote.-.ei'iire t'iroich «»lilcli Cctsrt t f Marion County, State of O. Witxcl. Street extended sixty-four feet to ,| cou.p'et.-'l at the expiration Oregon7d a!v made and entered on the v • stili aro punlng. Iler polltlelan# !ro, o f f 3" 1 “ B ” S tre e t; 0 f the last <:at : for publication there- y is Eelty \ a ft>Ker of Salem, sp-i.t 3rd duy of Ju ly , 1929, were appoint- ! 1 iiCn* “ j ou! K i ia ' tcrlj r. i n mio cr.otbcr. - « ai-atout III» rii. Ilo world llrllaln's line one hund-. fi sixty (ICO) feet , ,' | Hst ,* visf’- raid e—tate are hereby notified to pre­ «! at .'«■!■ -n. Oregon, this 13th Dated this 31st day o f Ju ly , 1929. sent th» Earn?, ou!y verified as re­ day frit M n . Seawart ar.d Mrs. Hall nf HarJ to L'r.darvtind c f A’.igUit, 1929. F R E D A. W ILLIA M S, quired by iaw. a t the offices o f R. If. Sunday School at 10.-00 A. M. Oregon City, \¡sitcd their ncii-e Van- • • t ; io tir.;«» Whr.n Crei t Brltiln. A ttorrry fo r Plaintiff. O. D. BOW ER. Bassett. 603 .Salem Er.nk o f Com- c ita BrJm cr, Sfonday. C h u r c h ~ ‘ ‘A t E a - t c i n Z io n .” I I r. I*a!y ll rmn'iy «re u»l’ lng ! of Marion County, Oregon. R i lerce arri P.O. r. ¡dr. .-.s: Sak-.n, maree Bui'ding In the City o f Salem, Tallio nini t:'!i!i« ie;m s to bo tho 1 Oregon. i. ar.«i -ir» Raymond Titui n»d ChristianEndeavor-7 :0O I*. M. Morion County, O regon,’ within six j By W. RICHARDSON, - - - . 4 Deputy. Aug. 1-8-15-22-29-1929 t '„ e tr iti by o;:r cuuuliy t) tdep months from the date of this n o tic e .! fam ily spent Sunday with Mrs. T itu i’ C h u r c h -8 ;0 0 P . M * C h r is t « t t'. m apart. Whst otlicra cnlia to c#- A striking ijluairntlon of tho rapid to-w it: Ju lv IS . 1929. parent* in .Sali m. y o u r d o o r.” a «. i c e m in n t l B a n c r o f t , i i. It»der3'ilr-l.i cominuiilc.illor... « growth In the radio Hold In aorn In the NOTICE OF HEARING ON FIN AL dr. and M is. E . J . Harrison of CH ARLES \7. I.N EPER. «Iri'lil . Tite loit;; il 'llb u . iloni wli!t || rorent nnnonnrrment by tlm Radio ACCOUNT Executors o f the Estate u i Pauline Turner, were Sunday callers nt the T 'ceeded ilio conscraimtlon of tho I Corporation of America of tlireo ful'- Notice i., hereby given that the un- - L* eper. ft. O. Witzel home. . r ta Ot ..i Orltita towalilps of $1,600 inch at Colnmblip |der« gneil adminrilrat-ar «-f the c tste R. H. B A S S E T T , I'nlvrrdty l,a«v flrtioiit to provld* fof t w In o ir ;riuntry l*:o enactnient of I o f Homer Ear! Polk, deceased, ha:; Attorney for Exect’tor s. H"»' A« t <.f 1327, «vide!) In piali) nn nddlllnnnl year 1 f study of tho In- p03 Bank o f Commerce Bldg., Salem. filed his final account a.« such admin­ istrator with the County Court of tin n i torbidi nry parchi..«) of radio trlciiiies of Fi'd«r;tl law», rape«dally Oregon. -I t on County, Oregon, end said tliom prrtnlnlng to radio rrohlrrtia. }>;* cal le* tir vico voraj. Whlla tlda court has, bj an ortl -r thereof duly #< >?<. r M is« Olsra G a r n e r l e f t S u n d a y frovlalon U linde.itood to bave b. «m Tim toon id of trurtera ut tbo uni- " caland i a fo r Y u k a m a , W a s h . W h e re «ho f/teerted lindi r tlu mlnóiliy la: li In V'-ully tons approved and Ilia fidlown ADM INISTRATOR’S NOTICE v . • 19 • ; t 1 « ■»* ,n fh * fa!1 ' rodeo r " .•» I R 1 ’a 3 1 m 1 1 1 t l 1 v V T 1 i U m i l u l G t p l V i 1.9** ««■III to. choi.rn aonn to »tart «\iirk next tlu li t d.iy# of thi drnfliiig of H ip Notice ts hereby given that the U’j- the Peud . w ill he enoployed fo r a n in«lefi- hall. Tho awards aro offered for 01m J.r.T, Ila purpom m «loubt v.aa to pio .tersigntd, by an oruct of the County ■ c«.i:rt i of ,'i-l court i t !,- 18, 19, 20 and 21. Always a itclla» 1 LOTS n ite liintt. C «.urt o f th f State o f Or« gon, for t):<- court hou • in S ales,, Marion County, event ot world-wide importance, th ii I In forni st I ani, } ir only ra nn OApertoicnt. ► » : -, I County of Marion, n(i M rs. C liffo rd H ad le y o f f/)njf- that he has duly qualified as such ad­ |h» r.rlt!»!i I103 «vitto tho of Hiat | v ie w s e v e r a l d a y s la s t w eek . ministrator. All persons having claim on-t M r. a n d N . C r. «LI# benat v r.ipp -| nround hi» ucck ngnin. t said estate are hereby notified ci or befon the day «#t fo r hear I *"s of this cotnunity c-nterpnro . . . - - __ , M rs. I.e o S to d le m a n an d 1» .1 p-.or p .rii fnr (ho Amerlcin n « s n p o e n n t t th e k en d in to present the same to him, duly veri­ of ■ ¡1 On-I a rro .n t ¿nd the r*itlo- which was firrt. „.om-ored by - • A A lle llen th e e w W e Cfk e .id fied , as rcquir.-tl by law, at his resi­ ment of *;uu estate. b u f- p h i e r R u th o f P o rtla n d a re ( irle fiori) r.-tilcli to r-rnvrr Inai |»r.J I people ««lile ■ #o year; ago a-d wiiirh hr. T u r n e r v is it in e frie n d « a n d r t l a - J'te fc. ilp in world comtauntc.1t.Ln3." P A T E N i l lience, ii. the Citv o f T u n e r, ir. Alar- JO H N R. POI-X. r.e r '* ck '.a‘ ‘ ? '' tivc# . M r . T h e is .c n w h o is a t th e • v«:-itinK w ith h e r | a r e n ts M r and ion County, Oregon, w.thin A-!r.; .’ r e . E -’.it«. ci II ..m r port. It ernt'y a ?2b,i«*0 b-md ^ j< months o f the date of this no* ce. I M rs S c h iffo r e r a n d o t h e r re la - Earl 1’ Obtained. Send r.n.d* | (,r »kctcll was voted for the improvement of the iica*! o f th e O reiron G ra in Co. Dated this 1st day c f Afgu *, 1929. R. H. BASL'ETT, t i - e a fo r -ovor.-ti d a y s . R u th lid wr v itt f.r.o tp'dy «#n.| you .1 m afic h ia h e ad < :u arte rs in T u r n e r Round-Cp park, grand, lands, bleach­ Attorney f<;r Administrator. M. O. PEARSON , f port. Onrbor.kOfi P a(cn U sn d ers, etc. Fitting, indeed, it is that or« S la d lc m a n w ill re m a in l i t r e fo r Mr. John Gamer left for so v -: fo r s<: v era) y e a r s is now lo ta .e d , Adm inistrator o f the E tta le of \V.i!- 50.3 Bank of Comm- rce Bidg., Salem . . . I r.idr in irlti tv ill be m nt to fwu Oregon. this amversary cn Wednesday, the toovera! d a y s . • iam Hail, Deceased. oil rqijticst. eral months visit in Idaho with ________ _ . first day of the Round-Up, a i«tatut-a in P o r tla n d . E . I . CRA W FO RD , Mr.*. Nelly Hamilton had his son. to th - late Tdmnn f). Taylor, sheriff ! Attorney fo r Estate. of Umatilla co'jnty and second prcsi-l Ladd & Bu. h Bank Biilg., Saiem, friends from Salem visit!;»g- with Mi.* a Emma SchifTercr has left dent of the H>>u:td-Up, who in 19i'i | Oregon. -----P a t e n t l a w y e r s -™ » her Thusrday evening. for Twin R«x'ks where she will The Tribune ihop ran print your lo-t i n life at lh'- hn;-ds of outlaw.«, j ’ P ate o f fir-rt publication August 1, 305 Seventh Si., Wsililnglon. D. C- j butter wraps, le tter kea