THE TRIBUNE. TURNER. OREGON Groat Painter’s Work RavaaUd by Accident A t Oras, Austria, lax-tor lllmiwi that. govern uteot art «apart, looking ovar an aat exhibition, stopped bafur« ■ large ralivaa depleting Ilia uamialnii o f tha Virgin Mnry Into heaven. Houietlilng Ini him to alumina It cloeoly, ami ha discovered that tha canvaa horn two con I a o f pnlnt. Tha oulahla coal wua removed ami beneath It was ravanlail a goimlna Tlntoralto valued at *50l),<)U). Tha govarntnant ordered tha complete raalornllon af tha canvaa, 12 hy 1» fact, which wua tha properly o f a church. Tha dle- qpvrry la Ilka many that hava haaa mail« hafora. When Invaders want Into Holy many o f thu 1 1 a Him master- placaa were palnlad o rarw llh ordinary plrluraa, and when tha foreign armlet had withdrawn they wrra reattired. Ilut aometlmca Ilia foreign art roh tiara could not tall tha dllferenca be twaan a duub nnd a maalar|ilara, on tha ramouflagad art treaaurea war« carried olf. Many o f them hava been alnc« dlacovored. but doubt lean there era other« atlll concealed hy com monplaca picture«.—I'alhflnger king a tin«. Practically tha Sana Hilly, thv amall aon o f a prominent doctor, waa playing at hla father's profaatlon. walking up and down the »tract with a "pretend" medicine caaa In hla hand and a very acrloua etpma alon upon hla faea. Much Imprcaaed, n eit door Lillian Impilred of her mother: ” 1« Hilly a doctor, mothorT" “ Ile a a quack doctor," «aid her mother, jokingly. Tha nett day on« o f l.ll!lau'a doll« developed tuumpa. “ Mother," auiigcated the llttla girt, Importantly, "I'm going to call In !> «* tor Dock." Man’» W ill M yttifi»» Why John Humphrey» Hummer of flouthport. England, ehould leave prae I (catty all of Ida catate o f appresi tuately 11,"NI,(gal In tru»t for tha an dowmrnt o f choira for modern «cien title reaearch at Canilirldge unlveralty la myatlfylng hi» old friendo. Hum mer had been In the real eatnte linai neaa at Southport for more than fifty years. Ho waa never at Cambridge unlvertlty; never took particularly keen Interrai In educational matterà, and had never been a arlentHt. lita only other hequeat waa an nnnultjr of *1,000 to Ida only aurrlvlng aon. Tracad ta Crwtadar» The ««-orti «aiuta orlglnntrd In thè tinta o f tha ('manderà when fhe Itili n f thè «word waa made In tho form o f a eros* Kvery ('mandar klnaed thè croaa aa a acni o f hla purpoae and falth and «wora hy tIte hllt o f (he «word, ralnlng tt to hla III* fnr that purpoae. Another cuatont paaaed down to tha agee from thè ('m u d erà, and ona that haa been a cuatom In all Christian aavlea »luce then, la that o f piacine an ofltcer*« cap and «word on hla eoltln durlng burini aervlcaa. T h e Crusndcr'a ahleld and arma eoe «rad bini In drath. Cypay Pattaraa What le a puttrranT It la usuall) composed o f (wo amall sticks, seldom longer thnn six Inches apiece, and placed crosswise one on top o f the other. The open triangles which these atlcka form tell tha tale which caravan will leave camp or puas a croon roads, without leaving a patternn behind. Thla oerret language nf tha road da ▼eloped during thnueands o f year«. No white man was ever abto to rend It.— American Mngnztn«. Settled H »w time« hava changed. Rome years ago. In a foreign country, a young man borrowed «om « money. A week ngn the an me young man had oc­ casion lo take part tn a radio pro­ gram. Today he ha« n letter from a radio hound several thousand miles nwny. «»k in g him for the money. “ Thnt'a «tire remote control," rw marked the atlngee aa ha made out a check to send by air mall to the stinger SUFFERING ELIMINATED 15-yean «uecraa In treating Kectal and Colon trouble» by the l»r C I Dean ** N O N .X fR c.K A I net ho« m able. u. to at«» W RITTEN AS- StRAN CK at f t I K.X EIJMI NA TED a> EKE KKEUNOEl) Semi I ih I av lor KRKF I nn#r KM»k c I cm rihing causes «ltd prop- n (rratnient nl such illment» '¿cotBST i'iNR s m v ^ O h ÿ h t S . j I f . W f J i Maa Marriat Grandmother Marriage of a grandson and hla grandmother hn* Just been reported from a village near Bwole, In the Province of OverIJssel, Holland. This te how It happened: A man married a girl of twenty, whose mother was fop. ty-flve. Hy hla first marriage this man hnd had n aon and this aon mar­ ried Hie mother of hla fulher'e second wife. Relatives figure out that tbs youth not only married hie atcpinnlti­ er. hul became stepfather to hla owe father. Solitude In nor modern day, with the pace that our civilization trie» to establish nnd to maintain, n great ninny people nre mad* nervous by peace* nnd anil tilde. Our aperd o f life Is such that usually, when wo seek repose, we make n mad dnah for It. Rut aolliude ha» a hand tn still the pulse's leap, a voice to calm and reassure. Solitude Is a room Into which we ran retire whenever we need a change from pres- ent company. It Is a bourne of aolnea and reflection.—American Magaalns. 7 tim Hw iw N m m w > Six Parachute Jumpers Take Off at Once b a ll jumpers taking fllx parar pnrarhnu off at tha same tint« during tha Hoyal A ir Forra pageant staged at Hendon, England : U; By With ■t • ' MIMI Humor Program for th* Buay Girl HKIIH are Iwo little line« of worry In Ilia rather pretty forehead of one Amelia and they're growing deep t t , dny by day Hlte'a a nice kid with a pretty gmtd face on the whole and tha Iwo aforementioned line* aren't doing anything for her eheneee o f an external schoolgirl rornpleilon. Hul ehe can't help them. Kite le In a atate o f mah. o f nervous activity wltlcb produces the llttla frown, and produces with It a certain shortness o f temper, and acidity o f disposition which ara nol endearing. Hhe'e actually a busy girt. Bbe worka. aha tine a certain amount to do with taking cara of her own d o lh rs —ahe goes out In the evenings quite a lot, ahe dances, plays bridge, writes letter* tn an ever Increasing circle of friends— In short she lives the full busy life o f e normal girl. Hul she lias no pleasure In I t The needless tanks which ere pert o f every day life pile up In front of her Into a big black shadow from which aha canuol escape. Iler'e la nor an ruay golng tempera ment. She does not meet each minute with a serene confidence, she wor rlee In advance o f e situation worrlee all I he way through It about some­ thing atlll further ahead—and won darn why she Isn't getting enough out o f Ufa. T f ir n ; S T IL L W A IT IN G - •> An elderly lady visiting New York asked a policeman what bns she should take to get to s certain place. He told her to taka tha “ 412" bus that paaaed her comer. A few hours later the policeman re­ turned to And the lady still ataodlng on the corner. "W hat, haven't you got yonr bus yet?” he asked. " I t ’s all right," she said. “Th is la the 223d, so It will only be 180 busses from now.’’— Pathfinder. MADE OF ICE - San Diego’s Beautiful Mission Style Museum SPIRIN Juat 1A0 years after Fra. Junípero Berra formed a new settlement on a hill overlooking Ban Diego hay and started a mission there, this beauti­ ful mission style museum waa presented to the San Diego H istorical society by George W. Maratón. It standa on tha Identical alte o f Fra. Berra’s first mission. Aapirtn it th» tr%M mart of tUjm Mannfac of Mrumpcotloodd—Ur of SoUcylkoett l h "H o w much did your In the Ice business?" " A cool million." dad makt From Sky to Eartk U fa's like an airplane flig h t aa vow In earnestness or mirth: And everything depends on how We're getting back to earth. Vatican Doors A re Opened Again N’GI TAKES A STROLL You see wlial I mean. Thru kind of frail little thing mttai have a program o f some sort If ahe'e to keep nut of sanitariums the real o f her life. Otherwise ahe will spend her days In worrying over wtml ahe has to do — and tha lime will slip past and she will And at the end o f the day eh* has twice as much to d a Coat*!** *M g Par» *slq— A t P r is m » Women Join Club* to Escape From Husbands T With their Increasing leisure Amer­ ican women are, like the men folk, be­ coming a nation o f Joiners. Feminine organization la growing by leapa and bounds. Not only do social, civic, business and fraternal groups number many women, but women are becom­ ing more exclusive as a sex organizing their own movements. No leas a person than Gertrude Atherton, novelist, declares It Is hus­ Asks HU Advice “ W e have the counsel o f Polonlus tc bands, not wives, who are responsible his son, and the letters o f Chesterfield fo r the growing number o f women’s clubs. She explains: to bis son." “ Women o f recent generations have “ W e ll? " • been driven Into banding together to “ Haven't we any wise men today? "P len ty o f them. So wise they find an outlet fo r their mental energy wouldn't dare try to advise their because the American husband, en­ grossed In business. Insists on regard­ sons." ing them aa ornamental, useless and his mental Inferior." GONE WRONG Accidentally an Arkansas lady cured fits In a valuable dog with Russ Ball Blue. Many others now use 1L N ev­ er falls, she says.— Adv. T a tto o Tu rkey* in Taaaa Cattle brands have given way to turkey brands in Gonzales county, the center o f Texas’ famous turkey rais­ ing region, notes the Farm Journal. The turkey-growers’ association. In Its campaign against thieves, has de­ vised a tattoo mark by which each member can brand his birds harm­ lessly but Indelibly. N'QI, three-year-old baby gorll's at the Washington too, snapped while out fo r his dally stroll with Head K eeper W illiam Blackburn. N’Gl 1* one o f only three baby gorillas that have survived a fter being removed from their native haunts. He la treated Just like a baby— petted, fed and taken on a dally walk by hla keeper. Bwlsa guards swinging wide the huge bronze doors o f the Vatlenn In Rome, after the signing o f the pact with the Italian governm ent These doors had not been opened fo r 59 years. CHAM PION WHISKERS Young Pacifists Jeer Boy Scouts " I see old man Bangs la taking up g o lf." "W ell, well, now Isn't that too bad and he used to be Just as honest and straight as any man could be." Fireworks The firefly has a splendid glow. HI* charm anew we're telling. You welcome him because you know He won't burn up your dwelling. A Slim Chanca Bride— My husband had a hope chest, too, before we were married. Neighbor— F or mercy sakes! What was In It? Bride— Old socks; he hoped that some one would darn 'em. T ota l Los* “ Yes, I studied eight languages lu college," admitted the henpecked man. “ Been any help to you?” asked tha other. “ N o," he sighed. “ 1 have to do all my U s tc L ig In one.” N o amount o f ridicule ever ob­ structed a fashion. That’s because fashion is entirely without In tellect The vampire ray o f West Indian waters has a width o f about 25 feet across the wings. Tested Friend W ife— Don't misunderstand me, my d ear; I weigh my words be- I speak. Friend Hubby (scale Inspector)— W ell, nobody can accuse you o f giv­ ing short weight. Fluctuation» The Summer Visitor— Do the tides ever vary here? The Old Inhabitant— Not generally hut when them fut dames op the hotel veranda goes In It rises a little extra. Gunner Albert Nelson, torpedoman on the destroyer U. S. S. Noa, with his lush crop o f whiskers. He claims the hatr-ralslng championship o f the Asiatic fle et His home la at Malden* Mass. As the American Hoy Scouts were sailing from New York to take part In the International scout Jnmtxiree In England they were Jeered and almost mobbed hy members o f the "Young Pioneers," a pacifist organisation. The police suppressed the demonstration. (£ ) by tha Roll Syndicate, Inc.) Early A m erica * W ork The first elementary sc h o o l book by *n American author and printed In English In this country w as: "A rllh metlc, Vulgar and PariUMl,” which np peared 200 years ago. >— Glenn’i S u lp h u r S o a p Prograee "W h at are you smiling about?" the trolley rider asked his neighbor. “ W ell," said bis friend, as be sur­ veyed the young ladles across th« aisle, "1 wonder wbat the author of ‘ He* little feet, like mice, peeped In and o u t" would find to say In these days.” —Cincinnati Enquirer. Luxury of Cattiness W ill U a r n From Export Jnd Tunklns says he has made money enough to give him a hanker Ing for social position. So he's going fnr away from home for a while and get n Job ns a butler, so's to learn what good mnnners are really like.— Washington Stnr. ■ Beautiful Skin That causes more worry and tha work she thrreu|x>n proceeds to do Is faulty and Inaccurate because her mind le too crowded with doubt end worry to permit Its working dearly. f > R K A T IIK S there a damsel with LJ soul bo dead w ho bus never mur­ mured lo n hoaoin gossip. "N ow for a really good low-down on onr frlenda." and therewith plunged Into a nice cat­ ty discussion nf acquaintances, loti male and dlatnntl There are very few gals In the world who won't own up. uuder proa sure, to a perfectly nutural human do «Ire, ever ao often, to criticize what In their friends they llnd unpleasant — and to do It thoroughly. It doesn't seem exactly a vicious practice—this H ills pastime o f ruk Ing all one's neighbors over the coals, but honestly It's the most costly tux ury any little maiden can afford. The girl who settles herself down comfortably to tell an Interested audl aiice exactly why Ihirolhy Isn't aa nice as she's supposed to he— Is Indulging herself—and at what an expense. For the sake o f a few preclou* mo menta nf tongue-wagging over a delect­ able piece o f gossip— she's endanger­ ing her own good reputation and friendship with her henrers. Oh, yes, she la! Not that ttiey'rs all silently despising her fnr gossip­ ing—aa they eagerly listen and press for more details. Not that at all. But somewhere Inside them they're mnklng a mental note: “ This girl Anne C AN he darned entty If she chixises. I wonder what she'd say shout me If she got half a chance." O f course. Hint Isn't s really con sclous thought with them at all. Hut the Impression sticks, all the same, snd tt breeds distrust o f Anne. There nreu't many high minded young things In the crowd loday who will actunlly refuse to listen to the low-down on somebody else. So that Anne will never rerelve o|ien nnd via lent rebuff for her story-telling pro cllvltles. She will always lie listened to with flattering Interest Hut she will not he trusted ns a loyal friend nnd confidante, no matter how well her gossip Is received. Even the Dumbest Dora la hound to get wise to the fnct that If Anne tells such Interesting and dirty detnlls about Dorothy, Anne will be able In furnish Just the same amount o f Interesting data, on any girl to whom she lakes a sudden dislike. Therefore even the Dumbest Dora la careful not to give Anne food for conversation. She doesn’t exactly avoid the little story teller, hut she avoids being conspicuously friendly or unfriendly. ave — soft, smooth, clear, “ pink and w h ite"—tba matchlaaa co -np.a*iuu uf youth. Sulphur punfiea, cl M rs and r d i n h * the skin. For beautifying tha face and arms uaa T here'* only one cure for the nerv ous fidgety t y i* who have s certain amount o f work lo do avery day which cannot be avoided—that le to form a program and to stick lo IL The girl who calmly nnd elttclently does each day whet mtiel be done Is never faced with glgunllc p r o b le m s all o f a audden. Il l the nervoua hurried Amelia typa which la constantly hnv lug nervous breakdowns from over­ work. Amelia rushes through one task only to paua« for a good hard worry over what she's going to do to tha old black d re u when she gets home. She alts puutllng over this problem end bewailing ber lack o f money un­ til some precious lime line speeded past and she's horrltled to discover that she has not even completed the work before her. let clone solved the problem yel walling for her. A 'D O Z E N d ifferent things max * * cause a headache, but there4* Just one thing you need ever do to get relief. B ayer Asp irin is aa absolute antidote fo r such pain. K eep it at the office. H a v e it handy in the home. Those subject to fre­ quent or sudden headaches should carry Bayer Aspirin in the pocket- tin. Until you have used it fo r head­ aches, colds, neuralgia, etc., you’v * no idea how Bayer Aspirin can help. I t means auiclc, complete relief ta millions o f men ana women who use it every year. A n d it docs not depress the heart. O F INTEREST T O E V E R Y B O D Y Airplane* can now he equipped with refrigerators cooled by dry Ice. About 2 per rent o f the population o f llie United States Is mentnlly de­ fective. A geologist points out that the Flor­ ida Everglades are really' a gigantic spring. . A clock which served the village o f Curslnck, Germany, 308 years, has been retired. Oermnny produces 90,000,000 felt and wool hats In a year. Large deposits o f sulphur have Just been discovered at the Pulnna volcano, near Clnma. Chile. The monthly catch o f halibut deliv­ ered at Seattle from the North Pacific Is worth from *1,500,000 to $2,000,000. In the pnst five years the United States hns exported a yearly average o f *53,000,000 worth o f coarse grains. Optim ist T o he an optimist, you have to think you hava arrived before you s ta rt S etting the Stage “ Tour secretary told me you are very busy.” "T h a t's right." answered Senator Sorghum. “ She has a lot o f relations who control votes and I want to keep her Impressed with nty Importance as much as I can.” — Washington Star. B ella o f tha Ball Jack— Do you know who that sweet little girl Is I've been dancing with? Gwendoline—Oh. yes, that's mother. —Humorist. Happy Thoaght Philippa I f men would only take the chances Her Mother— I saw you deliberately o f doing right because It la rig h t In­ stead o f the Immediate certainty of put your arms about Mr. Shymnn’s th* advantage o f doing wrong, how neck and kiss him. Why did you do much happier would their lives be.— It? I’hlllppa— Because he's too honest to B. R. Haydoti. steal and too proud to beg and be lust bad to have It somehow. Machine Pluck* Chickens Machinery Is being employed In This Explain, a Le t fanning to a greater extent every year, “ I wonder Doris doesn't feel cold In one o f the latest Inventions being an that skimpy dress." appliance which plucks chickens In “ Oh. she’s all righ t; she's wrapped the course o f s few seconds. un In b eiself." Makes Life Sweeter T o o much to eat— too rich a diet— or too much smoking. Lots o f things cans« sour stomach, but one thing can correct It quickly. Phillips M ilk o f Magnesia w ill alkallnlze the acid. Take a spoonful o f this pleasant preparation, and the system Is soon sweetened. Phillips Is always ready to relieve distress from over-eating; to check all a cid ity; or neutralize nicotine. Re­ member thla for your own com fort; fo r the snke o f those around you. Endorsed by physicians, but they al­ ways say P h illip ». Don't buy some­ thing else and expect the same re­ sults! P hillips r Miik . o f Magnesia