« r s r )•<>!,. XIII. ÿO. TURNER, OREOOf, THU Hi* DAY, 10 AUG. 13 i»2 »; S U B S C R IP T IO N #1,25 P E R Y E A R ». * ■•„■tixrvx-r".r AUCTIO N SAGE j W . V W W W W V / A V A V W W . ’A W W . W A V J V / W seashn will start in about two , C I / i l M ' l i - » T ' ' : ■ weeks and the outlook for sales Save -v P A IN T •* Save $ this fall are the best since 1920. unchal FGH SALE- Dry Ash uood. A I oh of newcomers are going We will eontjnue our Paint Sale during July 2 0 a 5. enu n ci » c i -' i / N : ¡'■ un. . i , s » »Í* Kobt Givpn, RouteS, Turner. ' U K ! V » l « i ô . to stock farms this fall and The Editor of the Tribune, :v.~ . 100 % Public Service Paint, per Gallon $3.35 Miss llaz -1 Hones, of the Pacif with good prices for all kinds Kenneth Petersen, of the office V h o n e S'lo i * • - i ■ i< r vi' ic Christian hospital at Eugene, of livestock, the sales this fall and Gerald Given motored Hlue Valley llouae Paint per Gallon $2.17 was home Monday to attend the should be above the average. Waldi>ort, on the Alsea Hay, la3t1 funerul of her cousin Evelyn ■ ir If you wane want to io buy ouy st mock , (Thursday night, and remained AV.VAVAW .VV//A'.V.V.V.,.V W ,V .V .‘.V.',V.V.,.V-V/.ViV Bones. farm machinery, etc., send in 1 until Sunday night. The time was S P O R T G O O D S - P A IN T S Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin spent your address to Ben T. Sudtell spent enjoying the fine fishing 167 No. Commercial Si. a few days recently visiting at Albany, Ore., and a sale bill that prevails on the bay. The i Pomeroy and Keene Salem, Ore. friends and relatives in Turner of every sale listed will be sent tom-cod were running and morc| W . V A V ,V/.V//.V.V.V.*//.V/,V/AV.VAV.V////JV.' «; Baiem’i Square I)q|l Jewelers & Opticians. Owing to the press of private to y o l. laist year buyers who' than a hundred were caught in business F. P. Rowley has resign­ availed themselves of this serv­ less than an hour. Flounders and I; Diamonds Watches Clcoks Jewelry & Silverware, ed as constable of the Turner dis­ ice bought over $50,000 worth other bay fish were numbered a- jj 379 Stule, St. Saltm, Oregon. trict His successor has not yet of sto«k, etc., at sales conduct­ mor.g the catch. The tripinto'the ed by! Ben T. Sudtell, which Alsea bay country is very enjoy­ f A V . W A ,W . Y . ,A Y W A V / J W / W / / A W .V ,V .V .V A V .V been unpointed w r s ? i * i i ßassustt .*■ sa Best Quality harness made its was of material benefit to the able one with the fine roads. From the junction (with the Newport our own shop. Satisfaction guar­ seller as well as to the buyer. Quib* a number of .sides have highway to the Alsea highway anteed. Prices from $40.00 to $05.00 F. E. Shafer, 170.S. Com­ been Hated for September and is surfaced and oiled to Alsea W . JAY D E N N KM ! mercial St Salem, Oregon. October, and if you are looking and oiling operating are in pro­ for corftpleto auction service gress from there to Waidport Î Practically every family from R ia v ra i C a ilr a ^ o c an d B u ild e r J Turner there ia no one better able to They are being carried on in such was represented at the cry yf»ur sale than B.ui T. a manner as to cause no diflicul- Evelyn Hopes funeral, in Salem, C sn e aJ W o rk nud P lu m b in g f'udttll, livestock auctioner of W to motorists. W e carry in stock kougb and Dressed L**mi«i*, Monday afternoon. Albany, who for 20 years has I Construction work on the R ou te T u rn e r, O regon Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gunning been crying the h ot sales in Roosevelt highway is in progress through Waidport at the present jV,t:c ( ailed to S.dcm reccnt y o.i the stale. from, also WaH Board, Faint, Doors, Windowj, account of the illness of Mrs. No sale too big, ^ badly Kllit sorts along the beach, ihe high- PAINLESS DENTISTRY A N D X -R A Y W O R K ly Mra. R. Lee. Thersscn and f: ay coupled with the fine drive A ll Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices ,, _ , . . w while riding a motorcycle............... ï . It will : * 'a ^ , _,, .. VETERINARIAN Use Y ear Credit Come ia and talk ii oyer iy Sunday evening and Monday ^ ^ 0me before he w ill ^ down the heach past San Marine ! afternoon. . , I the new resort beimr fternoon being aevelooed developed Day nnJ Night Serrici able to work. M A S O N IC T E M P L E . SAi_EM by Dr. Linton, of Waidport. will Gloves, Curses, Hand Bag*. STAY PON Pturfl» 4 M) George Bergoin and Chas New draw hundreds of tourists to the OREGON R*’íid ,8ran« ° Plcni« at Riverton. «■—■ T — ,*" : nturdav, h:!W M. Gents 5Uc| Mr. and M i«. G W. Farris want to oui ° v 3 pleasant outing F. P. R T u rn e r S tate B a n k took advantage of the Southern on b3>’ a,ld beach go to Walrf- Ladies 25c. tf. port, on the Alsea bay. Paaific excursion Iasi, i-'unday Mr. F„ ( ’. Baker celebrated and spent the day at Odell Lake hi* 80th birthday with a reunion TURNER RESIDENT PASSES of the Baker family in Laurel AFTER FIVE MONTHS ILLNESS ^ ^ j Hurst » Park, in Portland, hast ^•V.’.V .V A W A V .V / .V .V .W .'.’.’.V .’.V .V .V .V .V .V .'.’/.’ .'.V .’.V Sunday. The Tribune hearty ron- Hans Friederieh Gath, resident of 5; n gratulations and best wishes that the Turner district for a number of I he may pass many more of life’s years, died at the family residence ! milestones. Un-re Tuesday nijrbt, aft r an illness 4 % Paid on E r e and [Kiddies w an t you make y o u r camp at S S > Salem, Oregon Around the corner from “ Doc’ ’ Lewi#, Drug Store i } > > fW '.V A V 2 W l\ Y A V m V V W tV A W M \ W W .W .m W ."A V l : •! +.Vv+n-t ; *+♦ !->%'++ » n ! •: +>+*< m C. F. B R E IT H A U P T 512 Hiato .Street New F-ligh Duilding FLORIST Salem, Phone 330 - Oregon. if* Business Men’s Adjustment Company 415-16 Masonic B!Jg. Phone 911 SALEM. QREGQN OW LEY Oregon, Gath \\a.< born in Holstein, Ger­ Turner and the entire com munity were saddened Saturday many, October 13, 1 m ,1, and bud li\cd afternoon bv the Tragic death of in America since 1881. Besides his ,,u , r, , r> , , , . widow Christina, he is survived by little Evelyn Bones, daughter o f : tlsree ehlW„ n; Arthnr, 0lga and Ed- AVA%V.V,V,W.VAS\Y,%%V,V,V.\VAV,W.=,V.VW,VAVW Mr. and Mrs. y . N. Hones, rile ward, all of Turner; a brother and little girl was playing aceross the »‘iter in Germany; and two other sU street from the house to hen she *?r« ^ J«hn Ahren. of Tu^er amt . . . . j Mrs. Mary iiuft t»f Council Itluiiri, started for home. According to h owa. PRUNE GROWERS-Write for Byborg, Brothers, Silvcrton, Ore- j reports, sl|e dodged another car Funeral services have not yet been Remains are at the 1! s- gon. for information on the im- ard ran in front of a heavily load- arranged. don mortuary here.—^Statesman. proved Prune Washer and Tray-1 ed wood truck which knocked her or. | to the ground and crushed her i AVAV.V.V.VAV.’.W .V.ViV.V.V.V.VAW .’AWV.V.' Cucumbers for pickling.. In-’ ¡ ° death’. ’rhe ^ ^ e n t was said quire at blacksmith. H. P. Jen- by O'ow.tnesses to be unavo.da b!p. Funeral services were held ren. Glassware, H ardw are Monday afternoon from the Rig- Jfva. Eatinger left last week don mortuary with the interment for her homo in Dundee. Ilk fol­ in Bell Crest Memorial cemetery. Boots and Shoes lowing a visit of several weeks Conducted b} Rev. Earl Coch­ with her mother, Mrs. Louise rane, of Calvary Baptist church. A group of friends and rela- .V W A m V A W . AW .VAV.’AV.VAWWVVWi.WW Kunke and her sister and brother Lee! lives surprised Airs. R The little girl was a frier,d o? Mrs. J. E. Whitehead and everyone and a ray of sunshine Theissen on her birthday Wednes­ Arthur Kunke. Highest prices for farm pro­ to every one she met and the day the fourteenth. Mrs. Theis­ Mrs. N. W. Hutchason and son bereaved parents have the sym- sen was the recipient of a large cake and many lovely present. duce Willard, of McMinnville motored pathy of the entire community. The evening was spent delight­ over Tuesday for a visit with her ,".V W ,V .V ,W V V W A V S .S V .W / .W I V .V A W W W / A V daughter Mrs. E. S. Prather and i Dive 111« Trillin« credit for what fully with visaing, games and music. fnmilv. Mrs. Hutchens remained you buy from our advertiser«. Harrison’s General Store for a week to care for her daugh­ Have your envelopes printed with Turner, Oregon ter who has been sick for over your return address. The Tribua« Give The Tribun« er.ntlt for wh»t j «j¡ i H arrison’s G eneral Store Drygoods-Oroceries Bloch’s Golden Rule Store 220 bj. Liberty St Turner, of nearly five months duration. | Mrs. O. P. Given made a trip I to Seattle rorenllv. Her sister-in- ! law, Mrs. Albert Savage ae- I companied her to Turner where I she will spend some time visiting I friends and relatives before re- 11'turning home. Ddir.qaent account* collected on a contingent basis. We df the work, shoulder the expense and make no charge unless collection is made. ¿260,000 Bad Account» turned into Ca*h Since We Sfartod. Jot down a trial list of bad ones and L-t us turn them into actual money. Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Turner Girl Rilled By Truck We W elcome you to Salem “No Collection. No Charge’’ ^ :- m Mrs. R. L.Theissen >. Celeprates Birth- ¿i clay ^.vo weeks. can do the wirlt. vou buy í . o » our advertir*. j v .V r V A V A V .V V W A U V W V Y / .W / A V .V ^ .V .'.V A '.V ^