I > ; ç r argy.aa.'.'aac ì* * VDb. VUI. TURNF.lt, OHgUOX, THURSDAY. NO. AUG. 16. 11>20.JJ SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR ;-----*T ——;--- .r—5C----- :------------- Th« ’h/ipti'in Endeavor of t h o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OLD TIME DAKCK Salem w . \ v . v / / . v . v , v . v , / . v , v . ,. v , v . v . v , v . v , v . v . v , v . v . ,. v . w Clm -liuii church goes to the I armory Every W^lnesday and Í $ Saturday night. Lftdfea 2 'k ’ Gen­ Peterson ranci), l'ribuy night! Save $ „ PAINT - Save $ for n lawn j»aity. tlemen 60c If. FOU S/)LK Dry Aah wood. We will continue our Paint Sale during July Mr. and Mrs. J, M Bgrjes anti ¡Koht Given, Route 8, Turner. 100 f7 Public Service Paint, per Gallon $3.35 ;î F. P. Rowjpy, Kenneth Peter­ family attended the Home Com-, inif at Aumavilh», Inst Sunday. sen, ilarian Bones, Mrs. L. K. J Blue Valley Home Paint per Gallon $2.17 Petersen and family, Mrs-James! Miss Jane Robinson, of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were Noah and children, 1) S. Riches, j spent a weekend recently with Anderson's | , v . \ m w w . v w / , w w A v v v w A W W / w w » ,> \ w ; J. S. McKinney were amotiK, her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs, in Lebanon on business Mon­ day. those attending tho dedication of Nicnes. S P O R T G O O D S - P A IN T S Î «C Mr. am) Mr* Geasy, Mr. and the Salem airport, air circus and Turner Indies who attend _Jhe 167 N o. C om m ercial St. Svieni, Ore. Barbecue, at Salem. Thursday af- CjoverdttÎè W. G. T- Ü. were Mrs. Walter Geasy, of Pratuui Saloni’s Square Deal Jeweler* & Opticjans. temoon The barbecue "a s in Mesdames G. VV. Farris. S A. and Mrs. Giger and eon Martin* ir/ / .W / /d '. V j V .W A V W A V W A W V W ,V V / /A W . W r t V I charge of She-iff Cy Bingham, of Funston, S. Girardi», A. E. Rob­ of Halem were dinner guests at Diamonds Watches Clcoks Jewelry & Silverware. ^'Giljium county who is known ertson, W. T- Riches, C: A. Bear the home of Mr. and Mrs. John 379 State, St. Salem, Oregon. ¡g j over Oregon for his qualifications K. 0. .Witzel, I. H. Small, G. Schifferer .Sr. Sunday. along that line. A crowd of sever- Barnett, L Harrison and Miss . Mrs. Aithur Kuoke and cbil- /A A W V W # W /W /A A W A ’A W J ,J,W A V / / A W « V A , .W .V .V »1 thousand people were present ¡Driver, |dren rpeut several dais with to witness the program. PRUNE GROWI,JlS-\Vrite her mother, Mrs. Flillet in Sa­ plotter Howe and son. o/N ew - Byberg, Brothers, Siiverton, Ore­ lem. l>ort were in Tumer Thursday gon. for information on tiie im­ Mr. and Mis. flenuies and '•ailing on old friends and advtr- proved Prune Washer and Trsy- ! W . J A Y D E N H F '/n Miss Mary Hen tiles spent Sun­ «} j tisftig’ some ¡»fruy stock a notice er, day in the Cascades above Elk •of which appears in the Tribune tJ 3 ¿r^! Çoatiact«i ¿.cJ Huüdâr Ben Studell. the Albany /Vue ILirn where the JJridgo cu w , this waelf. f li-.neer, was I in Turher Tuesday liaij 'be^n worki, g Çofnoiii \Y#rft ri(! Pliinbjiig i lb J Nyal was jn Tyrner looking the prospects for auction1 W e c&jry in ¡tcclf Rough and Dressed Lv.-nUr, Mrs. Katinger left for lur Turner, Oregon* ?1 Thursday. Mr. Neal is a former sales in this territory. While here R o u te Shingles (highest quahty) five grades to select * Turner resident and is at pres­ he left an advertisement with the ll0,n*’ il* Du“ ,,et-’ Ill,,,OIS Mon ent with Bslfour-Guthrie and Tribune, appearing in this issue. day. .'hr*. Cam jibe) I and chi!« from, also W all Beard, Paint, Doors, Windows, 4 & > >>*>$❖ • » ■> • »• V »' <*%• C* V'X * •> •> Company and fho Crown Milling Cucumber* l ; r pickling Inquire dren also left fur Spokane. Mrs. Cedar Fosta, Briclc, Pia3toir, Tile and Slabwood in Company, in charge of the dairy s bitckscji.li »bop. H 1’. Ji-nrco Compel! is Mrs. Louie Kunk’s four foot lengths. g and daughter. Mrs. Louise Albert Gwen left Tuesday Best finality harness made in ivunko is milking licr home for Seattle. He expects to be nr own chop. Satisfaction guar- D R U G S with her daughter Mrs. le d W e de sire to serve tije public wich Promptness gone for come time. nteed. Prices from $4d.0l) to and Efficiency. Whitehead Sr. of Turner. Dr. J w. Ransom will cele­ do .U) F. E. Shafer. 170.S. Com- Vibro-Shave Lllectilc Kazcrs. Tl;e New est $5:C0 A number of jiiojile in this) brate bis 87th birthday next Sun­ icrcuil St ,Salem, Oregon. LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL PHONE 87* E. S PRATHER day with a family reunion at the! -oimnunjty wept to the Ai;j»ort Dean .Morris. 21 ss I .aura Peter- jqid Gulvin f^rm, near JefTersqn. J dedication, lhursday. Rciinhle Dinggjst •n, (Albeit Given and Mtrvin The Tribune extends congratula-| Mrs. Jay Cook and Mrs. Nelly lions to the Doctor that lie may Hamilton ure picking bsuns at ORKGON 1 TURNER : . puss several more mile stones c_- the Jay Den be in fii i in now. . . . j ; I long the road o f life. Miss Thelma Barnett of Sa- C. L Standley, who has been I« iii mui 1 ncx Bartiilt visited ijuitu sick for several weeks, iaj AUCTION SALE risacî; S uuij^j.> reported to be improving •season \vTTT start in about two* with MtUlied Mr. and Mrs. \yleehasr of Dr. O. A, Olson, Dentist Mr. and Mrs. john SchifTerer weeks and the outlook for s?.ies ♦ jaro enjoying their fine . r.ew tins fall are the best since 1920. Paspburg visited with Mr. and P A IN L E SS D E N T IS T R Y A N D X -R A Y W O R K j'house. I t.is situate! on a hill ; A lot of newcomers are going Mrs. Wipper last week. Mrs All W ork Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices t which commands a fine view i f to stock farms this fail and Wicshauf is Mrs. Wijijier’s VETERIN^RIAN U»« Y o u r Credit Cotjie in and talk it oyer | the beautiful Santiam valley, I with good prices for all kinds daughter. Huy mid Ni^ht Servies M A S O N IC T E M P L E . Mrs. Carl Booth is in Portland j* BEans-FOR 8ALE. Mrs J. M.j o f livestock, the sales this fail SAuEM % STAYTON Phone 4to OREGON should be above the average. RcriUeoco 758-R | visiting with tier mother at jires- f t ones, Turner, Oregon. ^SÄÄ E.. Jsjjt rssm ea cm *«». w n M M x .A If you want to buy stock, ent. Mrs. C. W. Hewitt served din- '♦ - <•*-- *■ 4* i ner recently in honor of her has- larm machinery, etc., send in (To jate for last week) ¡band’ s ,, birthday anniversary, j-vour address to P m T. Sudtell Mro. M. E. Garner has been St'verai relatives were guests for Albany, Ore., and a sale bill ¡o f every sale listed will be sent 'over to Independence helping the occasion. Dr. O. L. Scott “ No Collection. No Charge’7 Miss Grace Driver was a b isl- 10 y ° u- Last year buyers who c u « for her sister, Mrs. James I , ................ - i l Deh'nrioent accounts collected on a Ki ss visitor in Alhanv WednaaJ ava*,e(i themselves o f this sore- Craig, who has been quite ill. Chiropractor contingent basis. We do the work", ,]ay 0f jiojt W(iek. ' ^ , ice bought over $50,000 worth j Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hadley shoulder the expense and rru-ke no Nf'Urocalometer Service charge unless collection is made. , , . u>f stock, etc., at sales conduct- s lent the week end over at the 4250,00Q Bsd A crcin ti turned into t t .ll. Purdy who has been cd by Ben T Sodtel, ( w hich cjast. Phone 87. Residence ’J104.J Cash Since We Started. quite sick for some time is again o v, f iu material benefit to the Jot down a trial list o f bad ones and « ,c ..o . w w.® Mrs. L E. Henniesand daugh 25G N. High Sjrcet Y able to be out. let us turn them into actual money. seller as well as to the buyer. Iter Mary celled on Mrs. Kenneth Salem, Oregon Business Men’s Adjustment Grain bags st reasonable prices CJuite a number o f sales hnva I uve ¡Russell the other evening to ooe Company Drop in and get your requi e been listed for September and their new baby girl .that arrived 415-16 Masonic Bldg. Phone monta while they last. October, and if you are looking a short time ago. SALEM. OREGON Oregon Feed and Flour Co. for complete auction service i Miss Olga Garner is lea\ing the D B. Parks spent three days there is no one bejler able t o , ]ast of AuRllst for Yakhna, Autgmobiîe Insurance Written last week at the American Legion ¡cry your sale than Ben T. where she will he employed lor Sudtell, livestock auctionor o f same time. convention in Salem. Mrs. Muyro Mckinney has as Albany, who for 20 years hi;: Mr. and M vs. George Sherman F. P. R O W L R Y house guest. Mr. M. Barry of been crying the best sales in were rpcent v in tors with her the state. Portland. folks ar Lebanon. vvv :-->s'v<-vv-:-$y v-J-.-v si-'-}-:-:-:. c-e-.* >-:-v Xi No sale loo big, too small or Mias Grace Funston motored up John Garner is expecting his Wednesday, o f lest week, stop­ too far away to merit his best two granddaughters fn m Idaho ping to see her siiter, Miss Alice efforts. Write, wir«i, phone or call on this week. Funston. jyW «'.% V .W A 'A V .V A W i,\W A % Ben T. Sudtell o f Albany, Ore., a • W » .V < AW * .W W A ,.VAV.V Sirs. O. P. Given returned S 5: for auction information. from atrip to Beattie. Hersister- i in law Mrs. Albert Savage Tho Delicti family aro rejoic­ W e W elcom e you to Salem returned with her for a short ing over tho return of Miss Thel­ Turner, Oregon. ■: visit. ma Delzell and Mrs. Donah) I; 1*\)R RENT-Twq 2 room apart Fchliunn (Avalyti Delzell) for a Buddies ¡¡¡! ments and Two 1 room r.purt- months visit. They missed tlieiy The tenth au 11 al state meeting' a v w a w .’ A W a v w / v , w j v , w a ,. v a v a v a \,.\ w / , w a v t ments. Enquire Tribune office. stage ill Methfurd and had B > I of the Christian Endeavor will rj j * want you make your camp Gloves, Purses, Hand Bags. stay over. They had a nice visit be held at the Turner Memorial Harrison’s General Store C Suit Cases and many other arti-' with xir. and xirs. Earl Pearcy ¡Tabernacle from August 20 to ^¡cles made o f leather suitable for who were spending a few days September 2- There w ill be good ,§ for S' gifts for all occasions. Tell us i. ,, .. speakers and leaders throughout ,h ' ,o ,,“ ‘ 0r,, ° " « 0“ ' “ >• your HAKNESS needs. F. E. ihe entire session. Every one wr and Mrs. Delzell aid 5 Shafer, 17t) S. Commercial St. 8a- should plan to attend. The regis­ Bloch's Qolden Rule Store daughters Faustina and Sheila tration fee is $2:(>D and should be hin, Oregon. attended tho carnival at Salem sent to the Oregon Christian En­ 5 2? ) N. Liberty St AVAV.VYA%V.r.W .V A ,AV,V,W.V.V.V.V,VAVi,.V,* Lars T^trson is spendnig some Salem, Orcgop several times last weak, deavor Union, 303 Abbington time this summer at the C. A. Mrs. Delzell sjr 34 Yeur»’ Experirw* Turner, Oregon t + H H »»»♦♦♦♦»»»» fr fff * o f Turner. can do tho went. Locals % Pomeroy and Keene i Turner Lumber «& M fg, Co, G. F. KORINEK, V.S., B.V.Sç I 4 % PaM on six months ^ I line Deposits j Fire and Turner State Bank H ealth, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Christian Endeavor Summer Confer­ ence I D rygoods-G roceries C. F. BREITHAUPT I F L O R IS T j D. SWIFT St CO. .V /.V ,^V /A S V A ,AWAV.VAV,VAV.VAWANWAWWA'VV \