THE TRIBUNE. TURNER. OREGON « Colonial Home An Adventure of the Scarlet Modified Dutch Well Arranged and Attractive Pimpernel By the BARONESS ORCZY C o p y r ig h t R v o i u w i WNU B+r> lc# O rar STORY FROM THE START X T O S T people depend on Bayer Aspirin to make short work o f headaches, but did you know it's just as effective in the worse pain* from neuralgia or neuritis? Rheu­ matic pains, too. D on't suffer when Bayer Aspirin can brin(f complete comfort without delay, and without harm; it does not affect the heart. In every package o f genuine Bayer Aspirin are proven directions with which everyone should be familiar, for they can spare much needles* suffering. ^A S P IR IN 4L*pinn is the trad* mark of Bayer Manafartwi Of MoooocgfacocAdwUr of ¡U lirybcocad P A R K E R 'S H A IR B A L S A M K msow «Handraff 8t«p*H*irK a UI us RMtorM Color and B eeoty to Gray and Faded Hair t •tc. and f l oo a t I»nurr‘»ts- iTicm. W fca P atcho«»«' N T. FLORES TON S H AM P O O -t-W al » « » ta MBMcUon with V u k n 'l ll»:r B » M m . M ifcntfcl bur «oft u>d «n#T. 64* c u l l by m ul or at drnf- rtata U u ooi Chemical Work*. P uchoju*, N. T . Fast Traveling The speediest Ice toboggan run In the world Is claimed by S t Morita. It la three-quarters o f a mile long, has a drop o f SlIYeet, and permits a max­ imum speed o f 80 miles an hour. O pen to Inducnm euta Mother— Will you please keep quiet •on? My head Is just about to sp lit Small Boy—If I keep quiet can I aee It split? Th at’ s Th at -Bather short skirts you are wear­ ing, girlie.” "These are kilts." The largest concrete span In the west will be bnllt at Los Angeles. It win be 254 feet long, the entire bridge measuring 2,700 fe e t Who collects the most personal anecdotes In a lifetime? A newspaper man or an actor? A hobby la anything In which you don't care whether the public la Inter­ ested or not, if you are. When your friend gets rich, the hardest thing to resist Is his deter initiation to glTe yon money. Buss Ball Bine, I want. Insist, don't accept substitutes. Grocers sell coast to coa st—Adv. Every man must do a certain amouDt of whining to some woman. If yon wish to please yonr friends quit talking so that they can begin. War to the knife is sometimes de­ clared by rival cutlery manufacturers. Character is a perfectly educated w ill. A s k fo r “ T A C K -U P ” AEROXON F ly Catcher Leading R ibbon Fly Catcher U ption aB y a A dvertised par ra*. ,« t t if Gel rid o f peaty flies Hang up ordinal AEROXON pronounced A -R oek -S on j Fly Catcher, with rhomb-Tack Attached. No fuss— no trouble They till catch thousands of flies for a nidde. Insist ipoo getting AEROXON Fly Catcher, from your iealer. Sole Importers and Distributor* for U S. A. GRAEF a 1 % SANDKNOP, Edina, M o. G lEN N ’S S ulphur S o a p 8*1» eruption«. exeessir« I X ; \ C o o t e ia E 3 3 ^ r P u r« S u lp h u r p e n p lr a t io n . I n i e d b ite « . polievetl a t o n e « b y thl« re- freeh in g , b e a a t lf y ln f t o i l « ! a n d b atb y .s p . B est f o r Soft, Clear Skin B cjb U n d a StypCIe O oU on . Vx S U F F E R IN G ELIM INATED 15-years sucres* In (resting Rectal and Colon troubles by the Dr. C J. Dean NON-9URCICAL method en­ able» ua to Rive WRITTEN AS. SURA S c F. o f PILES ELIMI­ NATED oe FEE REFUNDED. Send today foe FREE Ion ra m . book deatrthfnRceuaei and prop- t er treatment of a a h alimenta. U m ¥ r U rs> SAP«* TH T h o S c a r le t know n d u r in g tha F r e n c h r e v o l u t io n as th e m o s t I n tr e p id a d v e n t u r e r In K u ro p e , Is a n E n g lis h m a n . A t a h o u s e p a r t y r i v e n b y S ir P e r c y B la k e n e y th e la te s t a d v e n t u r e o f th e S c a r le t P im p e r n e l, th e re s cu e o f th e T o u r n o n - d ' A g e n a y e . la b e ­ in g r e la te d by S ir A n d re w K f o u lk e s T h e S c a r le t P h n p e r r e l la r e a lly S ir P e r c y B la k e n e y . p o p u la r L o n d o n d a n d y T h e f a i l ­ u re of L a u s e t, r e v o lu t io n a r y c h i e f <^f t h e s e c t io n in w h ic h th e S c a r le t P im p e r n e l hAs b e e n o p e r ­ a t in g . t o p r e v e n t th e escape o f th e T o u r n o n - d ’ A g e n a v e b r in g s th e c o n d e m n a t io n o f th e g o v e r n ­ m e n t u p o n him . l i e c a u s e s th e a rre a t o f th e D e s e a e f a m i l y o n a c h a r g e o f trea son . Chapter III— Continued The following day‘ was market day in Motsson. and at first Laurel had been doubtful whether It would not be best to wait another twenty-four hours before carrying through hi* friend Chauvelin'» project. The dawn, uowever. broke with Ideal conditions for It; a leaden sky, a tearing wind, and torrents o f rain alternating with a thin drizzle. On the whole, nature bad ranged herself on the side of all those who worked their nefarious deeds under cover of semi darkness. Lauret. gating out on the mournful autumnful aspect of weather and sky. felt that If the Scarlet Pimpernel did Indeed meditate mischief be would choose such a day as this. Thus It was that tn the early dawn of this market day the citizens ot Motsson had a sad scene to witness Soon after seven o'clock a small crowd collected round the big. old-fashioned diligence which had drawn up outside the Desere house in the Rue des Plpots. To right and left of the vehl cle were soidlera on horseback, two on each side, mounting guard, and the man who held the reins was also In the uniform of the rural gendarmerie. Every one In the city knew this maa Charles Marie was bis name, and be had begnn life as a baker’s assistant —a weak, anemic looking youth, who had been sent out of the army because he was no ase as ■ fighting m aa so timorous.and slow wltted was be. Lately be had obtained a position at hostler at the posting Inn In Mantes, because. It seems, he did know some­ thing about horses; but why be .nould have been chosen to drive the dill gence to Paris today nobody could conjecture, lie must have had a friend In high places to be so exalted above hit capabilities. Anyway, there be sat on the box. looking neither to right nor left but straight between the ears of his off leader, and not a word would be say In response to the questions the jeers, and the taunts which came to Mm from his many friends In the crowd. Soon, however, excitement centered round the porte-cochere of the Desexe bouse. It bad suddenly been thrown wide open, and In the doorway ap­ peared poor Citizenesa Deseze. es­ corted by two officer» of gendarmerie, and closely followed by Madeleine, her little daughter, also under guard. It was pitiable to see the poor Invalid who could scarcely stand on her half paralyzed limbs, thus being dragged away from the home where she had lived as a happy wife and mother for close on a quarter of a century. A murmur of sympathy for these two women, and of execratloo for the brutality of this arrest, rose from the crowd. But It was quickly enough suppressed. Who would dare murmur openly these days, when spies o f the revolutionary government lurked at every corner? Hostile glances, however, were shot at Citizen Lauzet, who bad come over that morning from Mantes and now stood by. somewhat detached from the crowd, watching the proceedings In the company o f his friend Chauvelin. -la this In accordance with your Idea?” be asked In a whisper when, presently. Chauvelin completed a quick and comprehensive examination of the diligence. Chauvelln’a only reply was a curt and peremptory "H ush!” and a furtive glance about him to see that there were no likely eavesdroppers within bearing He knew from experience that the famous League of the Scarlet Pimpernel also had splea lurking In every corner; spies not so oumerona, perhaps, ai those In the pay of the commute of public safety, but a great deal more astute, and be atao knew— none better—that the case o f the Deseze family was just one that would appeal to the sporting or chivalrous Instincts of that band of English ad venturer». But he was satisfied with the mlse- enscene organized, under his super vision, by Chief of Section l.auzet Prominence bad been given aU over the department to the arreat ot the Posses fatuity, to the worth and in tegrity o f Us head, the sickness o f the wife, the charm and modesty of the daughter. Hull a dozen picked men of the gendarmerie of Mantes, armed to the teeth, would join the diligence at Mantes, hut they would rlih Inside disguised as passengers, whilst It was left for anybody to see that the coach was traveling under a feeble guard of four meu. an officer, and three troop­ ers, and was driven by a lout who eras kuown to have no fight In him. u. U The Road to Death By W. A RADFORD Mr. W illia m A R a d f o r d w ill a n « w « r q u e s t io n s a n d g t v a a d v lc a F U E R O F C O S T o n a lt s u b je c t s p e r t a in in g t o p r a c t i c a l h o m e b u i l d in g , f o r tha r e a d - ara o f th la p a p e r On a c c o u n t o f hla w ld a a z p s r la n c a aa e d it o r , a u t h o r a n d m a n u f a c t u r e r , ha la, w it h o u t d o u b t , th a h lg h a a t a u t h o r it y o n a ll th e s e s-*b- Jects. A d d r e s s a ll I n q u ir í* * to W illia m A . R a d f o r d , N o. 1SIT P ra trla a v e n u e . C h ic a g o , 111., a n d o n l y In cloa a t w o - e » n t a ta m p f o r r a p lr . There I* no excuse for nnyone who plans to build or la bulldlug a new home to have other than tin attrac­ tive house. Designs for modem homes bare been brought to a point o f ex­ cellence where exactly the right num­ ber o f rooms to meet the family needs and their arrangement can he had In a home that la good to look at and one of which the owner ntny be proud. Take, for example, the modified Dutch colonial home shown In the ac­ companying Illustration. Added to this rectangular house are an enclosed vestibule, an open terrace and n sun room. These give the exterior of the home an appearance of size much greater than its dimensions and add to Its comfort and attractiveness. This house Is designed for the farm family or a family living In town that requires three fairly large bed­ rooms. It Is 20 feel wide and '22 feet deep, exclusive o f the sun room at the end aniLthe terrace at the front. The . When your Children Ciy for It T ti-L cT CASTORI A To Cool a Burn Cp Hostile Glance* Ware Shot at Citizen Lauzet. First Floor Plan. home contains six rooms. The Ihrlng room la 13 feet 6 Inches wide and 17 feet 6 Inches deep and In the center af the wall which separates it from the sun room Is an open fireplace. The s o f friends, but did ' gors rabbit, which wns operated on for not realize that equally artistic and | entropion, or Inverted eyelids, a con­ practical effects could he secured In dition which cnns4»s eyelashes to be your own home at comparatively llttls continually ruhhlng the eyes A chow cost. was also relieved of Iwo years' suffer­ ing o f this kind. House Need Repair? Fix It, Advice of Experts It might he difficult to convince some people that bad architecture Is a significant violation of housing standards. There are few. however, who would deny that, other things be­ ing equal, a house I* better when It Is pleasing to look at from the outside, and that whntever the architecture. It should lie nmlntalned In a state of good repair. Tank Fittings Tank fittings may low he had that Insure noiseless water closet opera­ tion. (T O B E C O N T IN U E D ) JOOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OO Never Take Medicine, Pharmacist, 84, Urges In one of the oldest parts of Rome (one o f the oldest cities In the world) Is to be found the oldest pharmacy In Italy, presided over by the oldest pharmacist o f Italy. Founded In the Sixteenth century by monks. It was operated under religious auspices an til 1730, when It came Into the pos­ session of the Prato family, which has conducted the pharmacy from that day to this—200 years In a single family. The store furniture and all the equip­ ment are centuries old. Presiding over this venerable establishment In the Piazza della Maddalena la Dr. Recole Scaletta, who at eighty-four year» of age Is rounding out bis sixty-second year of service there. Doctor Scalet- ta works 14 hours dally, as he has for three score years. So vigorous is Doc­ tor Scaletta that one would think him twenty years younger than his actual age. A s k e d for Ms formula for long evlty a n d g o o d h e a lth , Doctor Scaletta g e n ia lly r e p lie d th a t h is first principle Is (le v e l to tuke m e d ic in e 1 He drinks Although both cuckoo and quail are worth cultivating for their inaect eat­ ing propensities, the grosbeak la the moat valuable of the lot where the j farmer Is concerned and aliould be I given every chance to pmpngnle throughout the country, aaya Howard T. Middleton tn an article In Ihe Karin Journal. Thla little member ol the finch fatnl ty. with Its iveralsed mouth, la par tl'Ularly fond of potato hug«, It la found and. If unmolested. will build I Ita nest at Hie edge of potato fields : and guard them throughout the grow­ ing aeuson. ..V "It la a conservative estimate that [ one-tenth o f (he grosbeak's diet la ■unde up of potato hug«," says Mr. Middleton, "hut lie also prey« with relish upon cucumber beetle«, canker- | worm«, caterpillars, army worms, cul worm« and chinch bug*." Examination o f the cuckoo's stom­ out of the back of the living room to ach reveals that he «t*eel 'lies In cater the second Moor. pillars and other crawling creatures, There la hardly n household that The dining room la connected with while the quail finds the potato bus hasn’t heard o f t’astorla I At least fiva the living room hy a double cased hla favorite Item of diet lu «oneon million homes ore never wl.hout It. It opening which gives the effect of two there are children In your family, rooma being one «parlous room. The Seek Royal Treasure* there's almost dally need of Its com­ dining room Is at the front and on Hie Century Under Water fort. And any night may find you very corner which permit« windows on iwo thankful there's a bottle In the house. sides for light and ventllntlon. Be­ The romance of recovering sunken Just s few drops, and that rollc ot tween the dining room, which U 11 treasure Is again being enacted off the constlpatl»n Is relieved; or diarrhea coast of Elba, where a ship, after a checked. A vegetable product; a bsby century nt the bottom of the tea. Is remedy meant for young folks. Castorla being salvaged. One hjindred and twen­ Is about the only thing you have ever ty years «go the Polluc* left Naples heard doctors advlae giving to Infants. for Spain, her cargo consisting mainly Stronger medicines are dangerous to a of valuables and treasure« belonging tiny baby, however harmless they may to Ferdinand IV. who had been do- be to grown ups. Good old Cast oris I posed by Napoleon. Orders bad been Remember the name, and remember given the captain o f tha Polina* to buy IL It may spare you a sleep­ to «tick closely to the shore of Elba less. anxious night. It Is always ready, In case of Interference by the French. always safe to uae; In emergencies, or Despite the secrecy with which Ihe for everyday aliments. Any hour o f tbs trip was made. Hie French heard ol It dny or night that Baby become« fret­ and, rather than surrender, the enptaln ful. or rest less, f ’aatorl« was never scuttled his ship. When Ferdinand re more popular with mothers than It 1* Second Floor Plan. turned to Naples, he made efforts to today. Every druggist has IL feet by 10 f»-et fl Inches la a break­ recover the treasure, but the machin­ fast nook where (lie less formal meals ery o f the time proved Ineffectual and may he served and the work of Hie the twu brigs sent to salvage Hie ship Recently a fisherman homemaker made easier. The kitchen nearly «nnk. brought up part o f a mast In a net Is 8 feet by 11 feet. Stairs to the basement are under the cast near the acm e o f the wreck and stairs to the second floor nod are proceedings were again undertaken. reached through the kitchen. C o e ld e 't Sae It Thee Rada la Oflfcca aa Asa The sun room Is n good feature ot Grandmother— When I was s girt Mouuted on an usa. M. Henri C*s we used to keep our umney In our this house. It Is 7 feet 0 Inches wide tagne triumphantly rode to the malrie stocking tops. and 21 feet long and has a door lead­ o f I’esaac, near Bordeaux, France, re­ ing Into It from the terrace as well Grnnddnughter— But how risky to cently. to take hla aeat as (lie newly put It Just where It could he seen.-« as the double doors from the living elected councillor. He wore the tra­ Karikaturen, Oslo. room. There are a window at the front, flve windows at the end and two ditional gray lop hat decorated wltb windows at the bark which In sum­ ribbons, and carried the picador's My, Ye* I mer are screened and make the aim lance with wblcb lie paraded tha vil­ "I hear that saxophonist paid «100 room a very attractive seml-Indoor til­ lage atreeta during the election cam­ for hla Instrument." ting room. In (he winter these win­ paign. Uaatagne styled himself "the "That's s U8 o f money to blow In." laughing candidate," and one of hla dows arc dosed, and by extending the election pledge« waa that within three heating plant so that this room will months all drinks would be free In be heated It makes a warm, sunny the local cafes. Castagne won hla aeat place In the cold weather. Use Hanford’s B ab aa of Myrrh by 00 votes, and so far haa been the Upstairs there are three bedrooms Mw n bmk tm Arvt N i k If M M l M L i moat popular candidate ever In the and a bathroom. All these rooms open off a center hnll. Each o f the village. F r ie n d sh ip 's O b ligatio n bedrooms Is a com er room and each Unless you bear with (he faults o f a has a good sized closet Take Vacal to a great many pros­ who go abroad each lenr. It Is shown, ers ar* going to lean on you—and pective home builders who want a however, that In the fiscal year 1927 heavily. pretty house that contain* plenty of 28, 430,955 American cltlxens came room for a family o f six persons or Into this country from abroad. Be­ Tliers Is « type that hungers for less and Is arranged so that Hie home­ fore 1880, Ihe number o f citizens go­ publicity, hut shrinks from personally maker can take care of It with a mini­ ing abroad wns leas than 50.000 year­ facing IL mum of labor. ly. By 1914, the number had risen to shout 300.000. This tourist travel Rounding out s career la anything now pours about «1.000.000,000 Into but becoming obese. linoleum, composition flooring, etc. European cotfrr* yearly. Both cement concrete and gypsum concrete are Incombustible. Dignity gone wrong Is what makes Prise far P ra k oJ , M u,«um However, the later Is the hy feuds In backwoods regions. about 50 per cent, and If a floor or The skeleton o f s moros« orus, a type roof slab o f gypsum concrete Is speci­ of dinosaur, which had been on hand It must be s i hard to tie a tyrant fied while the plans for structure since 1880. recently was put together as It Is to bear bit tyranny. are being drawn. It often make* possi­ and mounted at Peabody museum, ble a considerable saving In steeL i Yale university. The wnlt of more You can't think up snappy come- thnn forty years was hardly a watch hooka. They pop op—If any. I tick In the history o f this giant bessf. j for It lived at a period estimated at ! 120,000,000 years ago. It came from Wyoming, the first o f Its species to T oo often. In plnnnlng a home. Hie bathroom and kitchen are negle(*ted. be discovered. \ f| I; CHAPTER IV Lauzet had been Inspired when he chose this day; a typical day In late October, with that pitiless rain lashed by a southeasterly wind that would score the roads and fret the horses. Down In the forest the diligence would have to go almost at Biot pace, for the outline of every tree on the road­ side would be blurred, and objects would loom like ghosts out o f the mist. Yes I The scene was set for the comedy Invented hy Chauvelin for the capture of his arch enemy. It only re­ mained for the principal actors to play their roles to his satisfaction. AI ready the female prisoners had been hustled Into the diligence amidst the sight and tears of their sympathizers In the crowd. Poor Madam Deseze had sunk half fainting with exhaua tlon Into the arms of her young daugb ter, and the two women sat huddled In the extreme corner of the vehicle, more dead than alive. And now. amidst much jolting and creaking, some shooting and cursing, too, with cracking of whip and jingling of spurs, the awkward, lumbering diligence was started on Its way. Some two bun dred meters farther on It came to a halt once more, outside the commit sari at. and here the male prisoner. Birds That Qualify a* Farmer’s Good Frionds a half liter o f wine and smokes two cigars dally. "Eat heartily and take a hath dally” Is another o f the coun­ sels of this veteran pill dispenser In an establishment which might wp II b* one o f the sights of the Eternal cltv Just s Detail In battle the duke ot Wellington overlooked nothing. Baron von Neu­ mann o f the Austrian embassy at Lon­ don In 1840 In his recently pub­ lished diary o f an account given by the Iron Duke of the Battle o f Vlt- torts: That “ after the whole of the French Infantry had been routed, all the ar tlllery, consisting of 300 pieces of can- non, and all Hie baggage had been abandoned, the English army consld ered the battle ended, when the duke stopped the forward movement of the troops and said; "The buttle Is not yet won. Tliere Is a corps of 10,000 cavalry still Intact,’ and they there­ upon disposed of them.” "set” Is required; a plas­ First Plaster Was Mud; ' s ter two-hour that "sets” In four hours Is shipped Now It’s Delicate Item where a four-hour "set” Is required, Mankind. In all probabilities, used mud as Its first plastic material, ap­ plying the mud over a framework o f woven reeds. Then, further along In the world’s history, the burning of lime and the calclmlnlng of gypsum were discovered. Up until about 30 years ago Mine was the standard plastering material. But lime plaster, because of Its chem leal composition, takes a long time to reach Its ultimate hardness. And It Is dangerous to apply a decorative ma­ terial over a lime-plastered wall until the plaster has completed the chem­ ical process known as Ihe “ s e t” Here's why: While still In the proc­ ess o f “ setting” lime Is liable to blis­ j ter or to barn through a decorative 1 material. j Gypsum p'sster, on the other hand, "sets” so rapidly that retarder—ma­ 1 terial to slow up the process o f “ set­ ting” —has to tie Introduced. Thus the j "setting lime” Is actually controlled I and gypsum plaster that "sets" In two hours Is shipped to those cities where etc. Roth gypsum and lime plasters are Incombustible, and thus add tn the fire safety of a structure In which they are used. Often a lime-putty finish- cont Is used over base-coats o f gypsum plaster. In this case, the lime la “ gnuged” with gypsum gauging plas­ ter to prevent shrinkage and to give the lime an Initial net Such a lime finish coat Is thinly ap­ plied. Because o f thla thinness the lime-coat can get enough carbon diox­ ide out of the air to complete Its "set” within a reasonable length of time. Makes Life Sweeter Raligiees Statiatics The number o f rellgloua denomina­ tions tn Hie Cnlled States listed In the 192(1 census Is 213. Churches re­ porting number 231,983 with sn active Children’s stomachs sour, and need membership of 54.fl24.97fl. The ex­ an antl-acld. Keep their systems penditure'for the year 192« ts »814,- sweet with Phillips Milk o f M ngnesls! 371,529 and the value o f church edi­ When tonrue or breath tells o f arid fices listed Is «3,842,577,133. condition—correct It with a spoonful o f Phillips. Moat men and women have On Hortshack I been comforted by thla universal Voice Over I’hone—"Gimme the pro­ sweetener—more mothers should In­ prietor, plense." 8oda Jerker (absent voke Us aid for their children. It ls a mlndedly)—"On white bread or r y « r pleasant thing to take, yet neutralises more arid than the harsher things too Competition Is the life o f trade; often employed for the purpoee. No and It also reduces some o f the com household should be without IL petltora to starvation. It has faults Phillips ls the genuine, prescrip­ tions! product physicians endorse for Bus« Rnll Blue goes -farther, makes general uae; the name Is Important. clothes whiter than liquid Bine. I.arf» "Milk o f Magnesia” has been the U. S. registered trade mark o f the Charles package at Grocers.—Adv. II. Phillips Chemical Co. and Us pre­ One likes s frank person pretty decessor Charles II. Phillips since 1875 well, but Is always a little afraid o f him. Statistics were used pretty stead­ ily, too, to bolster up slavery. Those who develop personality by a reell« have the artificial kind. P * h il l ip s Milk of Magnesia AD castles should be cool, at least. ' W . N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 30 1929. People who realize the importance of a Clear, Healthy Skin use Concerning Zinc 7.lnr cannot rust. Therefore, It can­ not deteriorate from this cause. Long life Is the natural result. Upon age­ ing, zinc oxidizes, producing n coating wh'-h automatically protects the metal against deterioration. Durability, then. Is an Import:m| characteristic o f zinc spouting. C l e a n s in g S o o t h i n g A n t is e p t ic Sm p kfew . A -I.l,,..; "L -llm r » ," D .p(, R7, Maldra, Mu*. 4