The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, August 01, 1929, Image 4

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In the I’m-uit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Mario«,
| lKp-irUiv.-nt N$. *•
| Mato of Oregon I. I- Patterson,
Governor; Hal E. Ho**, Secretary
of State, and Thomas R Kay. State
Treasurer, comprising the State
l and Uoaid ot .the State o f Ore-
! gon. Plaintiffs.
Notice i* hereby given that tn « un-1
deraignod admiitirtrotor of the estate
(touier K.trl l‘otk, d s ir s n il, hiv
1 filed hi* filial account a* »uch niuiiiii-
| ¡it rat or with th# County Court of
Marion County, Oregon, and said j
court has, by an order thereof duly
j made and entered, sot Monday, the
SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 pFR EAR. Entered Atibe Portome#
Stfth day of Itiftu L I t t t , ut the hour
| Edw. C. Judd and Geo. F. Judd, a* of IO:io. o'clock A. M. a* the tutm nnd |
at Turner, Oregon; ;:j...«v>oAd-class matter, under the
AUGUST 7 and 8
i executor* o f the Estate of Carrie I the to d ll room o f said court in the j
A ct o l M arch 8 . 1 8 7 9 .
1 Judd, deceased. Defendant*
i ourt ,Nbu«o In'Salei*, Marion County,
T q J'd w C. Judd a»'d Cieo. 1'. Judd, * State of yregon, a* the place <yr
ns executors of the estate o f Carrie | hearing of said filial account.
L. Judd, deceased, the above named ,
All persons having oh lections to the
frvm 10.-00 A. M. to iiOO P. M
defer an'.-:
] allowance Af >xid final account and
. » 1
In the name of 'he State o f Oregon, settlement of said estate ms notified Evening» 1 y Telephone Appoi ityi*t\l
• you are required to appear and an-1 to appear and file written on factions
Only the Firal Day
.wer the complaint filed against v«u : on or befori the day set foe-hearing
i in the above entitled court and cause o f ai>/iiial account «and tin» ssttb r
en or l><'ore four weeks from the ment Of suiq estate,
No Charge for Cvntolta'ior
date of the first publication o f this
Jt)llN K. I'(;l K,
I jmmons. and if ytiu fad to answer, i Administrator of the Es.ate of 11, liter
Me. C. F. Pedlleh, the successful
for want thereof the plaintiff* will
Karl T\lk.
expert saw :
apple to the court fter the relief pray- j R. H. B A SSE T T ,
The "P erfect
..! for in their complaint; namely,
AtlotfiVy fof Administrator.
, tenth n Shield
that they have udgmer.t again-t you j 503 1 -ink of Comm tie bldg., Salem Kohl the rupture perfectly, no matter
i for th s1 m of four thousand dollar*
* '
what position the M p assume» nr
" i y I . 1 . m il, to ether with i n t e r e s t ______- -
■ -
I bow heavy a weight you lift. They
‘ give hislapt relief, contract the open
“ I p le d g e a lle g ia n c e to th e F la g o f th e U n it e d S la te s ' thefwoi fI on th»s foul h '• o f Sep
i,'U tvW iv V92x, at the rate o f «ix nor In the Circuit Court o f the
Stale o f mg in a remarkably «her* time i«'d
I cent v. mum. until pacu, amt fo r *he | Oregi a |oi tno Counts ot Marion, j stren gth *^tile wreak tissues (the rattl
a r .il t£ e c o u n try f o r w h ic h it s ta n d s . O n * n a tio n ,,
| fwwlu . s un o f th ru nuudred dollars ( Department No. 2. Case No 20tft'\‘ ¡cause o f ruptureV so that they fro
I ijnently recover their previous natural
* 'in d iv is ib le , v i t i , lib e r t y a n d ju ^ jic e ‘‘o r all.*'.
i 1 $300700 1 ns special tfornoy’* fees. Mary M. (ole1, lU.intrtl.
• t j ------
rt turn
• 1 1 ■ “ ‘ >. i'* —■"■■■■" i « i
••1 ■
■ ■■
to js ^ la ia tif /* ’ coab* and disburse-
— i tig
_ . power, no«.ling
_ no further
» T »
incurred in this suit; that plnitr- Robert
I ale, Defendant.
j outside support w Btomach troublo.
Expert Coitiins: To
Volunteer Cossacks
One ot the regkoa* co**acki*njlihiU i'i*he» a * it tf»re* * ’noi,g iigiiv Ol-
Scientific Method Need in Government
Perils to Democracy Pointed Out by Noted Statesm an
in Address to G raduate» o f .University of Oregon ’
on-itt *s » • n J ' i l ; Mb tor»*-
r».* j* '* * « i*« »*"<•* it * «-«••«■,i • ' "
•/ M*i.» i*a
m i (•*
¿•to »C., ... es ‘ Si. *1
f i >• ’ •<
-■ L ••■J tiM
» Is»»
*! •*« L'l» «/
p'm* #lrtic«r«t/ 4>* (»Vmwir I nk iirn
IM jr*Ju*l**é
Mi «r
t'r,0om •* lAf J nn M
m I
(*<« ¥«Mf.
By KH t h K O. I.OtVHEN
ina th* rulo vt trl»l «nd erra», tbaa Ih tb# uuDnal
¡ s J.^TSB» ¿ 5
; sulTs have V - n obtained noVonTw ith
r, ccllt , H.| „„t fully developed rup-
tores but also wit*i old, long neglected
Ingenious, recently perfected de-
. vice* arc now holding ruptures fUrmlv
I which heretofore never i,ad been r-i
No «da.,ti« helM t.or filthy Hrt«r*»t*
. are «tee.
- *
I guarantee the dural ility o f my
ilutely sweat ami n oi ture pinol,
¡sanitary amplia vv-."
7 ô ' < o f rupjurexj childre i
complet -ty thro .gh expert im-ch:init*l
treatic.eM accórrili.g U> »tatistie*.
I w**!t' >our I lie ■ - wiue
1) advertised mail order contraption«.
V ou taniiot fit vourself.
I ”
kmnin '»»li»re.''
i f f '
W'e once showed a B ittsb
o tg b m an a picture (if the
tn i* City. He looked a t it for a iniiMite
m ain
in Un-r-
l ;.
■ ordi'V ot
o / ti'e
IwuiiU '
ti e s.ounvx
Court ot llaridn L o u ¡-r x ,-S ta te -o f
■ ■ •
h ♦ A
Th’n eoncfpi nat pnknotvu lo t V «nnciifi. ft «»«»•
lo »««{»oval
lim n, l ’or Ih# flrtt timo in
Ih«. Wen
*[ n . i » mon * b «nin fa
that ttier#
bt continuai progi«** Ai» lifipltcnti»a ci tUin «loncrpt
that tucb propre «4 #Hout«i j*o po far » 1 to rtnbra** ali manli<u«k «t
In »kl |mn«nful in [ni laa that h.Ail tiara aft lo motín« afa mat tin l4ea of tW
ne«:.I in »oeJetjr of elamr« or of »lava am| free. Krom ita tabfntht »her# cnm«
liirjx'lv t De iv\olu?tOR in America ar«l tha rrtotulioa io Fiaoea. Il ia«ptre«T
Ui« ur^» t«m»f.l Jamocmey. Il hn« baeoma the nnjcrtjr.of a h j «till but
hr If rctVMjnlirU principia of the i - c a l ack a^ ci li ia tlaa abaoiulc eon«lltl»d
Opon wh eh
the fcrpatulty of the mcKlern •Inte.* Tb« haptuoraa nn«f
o«!t beiii^ nf tbe averag«* man no t « onimi mani ba atan'lil/ ii«lraner4 t^
o if eit iiataiion t< n > ra«torr. The MRRetint majr atjtlnia, <1he *t*itr»mau
mny e\c»«e, our failun- \c Betuatflidi tb»e, l»ut tha fact immiti* that ao
fmffotMMjt can rn*lnra if tbe writ icip t
the men aoJ nomee and ehti«lre^
unire iitif fo te rta i'iit 1 * not caotimitM^lj improra),
Am) whe *hou!«i u« tieRpatr c f iba inirfinita prrgresa of |ha human
laeef Wa ara colti b? Uv«
that mm ha ! Ikon apon the aerfh for at
le.ut fifteen «tun lrru flrouJOn.] y t * f t»af"r« ha lertae«! ta tnaba tha rrinleat la«
•»rimunt *>f atone. An«^ thni c^ ’nt'
«jai/ «»ßbl ÜMMiaam) jeora a^o
One anJ a hnlf miltlun lenm to invent bie fin i ermi«* tool! And only ai gh«
thi'ini'id y««r* from that primltD* tnrVntton to tha » « m i l i f tndml
'»’hO wc.-d ». iii ■ .
in. ig to apply th« um « M.ihixi which n.i*
(The bevi »rticlu wilt fallu» iu an aurly i.u c .y
iam Hall, Deceased.
Attorney for Estati'.
L ad d & Bush U.»ilk B id p ., S alem ,
' u(j
U aie'of -.rnl
.ir. publication August f.
i j-Jate 0 f |nr,t uun'icatioi ‘ uvum 2 J,
I io - ' l
far miiUled thr uiwt
Th# general eastern idea of the w*»t is a land of deserts, itiloricct-'
| p ^ ¿ i o ^ w U l ' be, A ^ * f S. f e “
| of t ^ l a n d a ^ ^ r ^ u h h c a U o n 'u i e re-
m in u te* a troop - of wild cbwboys gallop * by, caro lin g * R oll on, !i:tle
CARL 1 . P p P t ,
of. anq unles* yoa niakc ilefer.-o on
AuBo'e» roll n i l ' ' "
A lton,ey fo r Plaintiffs.
.«aid Inst date and /lay', plaintiff wdl
Place o f nesliffnce and postoffice take judgment and decree againtt you
Lis.-. A td see! In vour c a b ’. o door tta n d * B essie, t?:o P ra irie Klovrer, in aridrer-, ^aJem, i^rv, oi.
fas prayed fo r in her complaint on file
~ i herein.
her ginharn ¿ow n, robbing w!i:le the eaglein schoOlinr-’ a 'c vam ps Bron
■■ —
Untisi this 3 !s t rtay of Ju ly , I
cho Ned, the best co w -b u *tero n th e o'd C'hisliului t r a i l .
.. f
e In the aildst of Ihr Intelhrt»»: ert!»itie» which *urg*d up
with liierenilng power a* the eighlJenth »kuturjr kdixnerd wir
di :. :on ic m en I tllcerjr *«er »h»peit io Ih* him
tore of thhugh
ih* jilr* o f pr*grr«r or th* continual tinprjicwirnl
in the lot of ntahkiud on tint earth bjr the attc'nment of fthiwlmlg»
Wad lb* tidijagnliuu of th* »»tilia’ noild tb Ihe requirrnt; uti cf
C. F . R F D L IC H , R u p fu r* Appliaiice
E x p e r t, H om e o ff ic e , 0 3 5 D o ric*
Block , M taaenpoUe, M inoe* *i*.
equitv o f redemption in or to said Turner. Marion County, Oregon, not M iithe ha* duly qualified iu *ueh ad
mortgaged prcm l«es,'and every part le*u than once a week for four ( O nim strntor. All persons having claim«
thereof; and that plaintiff* have such con-ecutive weeks, five ( i ) issue*, ill against said estate are hereby notirle.l
other and fu rth -r relief ii the prein- the manner preacribeq l^y the luw* 10 pr -ient the same to pirn, duly vcri-
laLut '- o of
r the
Ule Stale
ötuw of
oi vrregon.
a« required
n quireu by
uy law,
mw. a « t hi*
111« re*l-
and il tubule-
Oregon. 11 Jieu,
in i, a*
S »me of the tourist* fcota live east th *. snta jqbt * i e ixyrc-smg dir- i*—s a* may be equitable.
Tub fir.-t puL'livatjoii Is the 1st day denrt. in the Citv of Turner, in Mar-
apprvn.tment over the lack of cowboys, rattlesnake*, ata^e cont-he*. P1* * 1 by uublieatiSiTin ih-Turner'TLbur.e o f* Augé.-t,
'* 192A, aril the last public»- ion County, Oregon, wiinia mx
tol batiles anti rampaging Indians in our fa ir [anti warmer J city.
i by ord.
feathered brave* take potshots at them from the hi! fw around. Every
V ,,
Wby tkl» not* of dcafxindmey cpeatnl rdth o vi muti» fr*qa*a*r from
tim« tu I tnrf I» It not hseiuM tk*M reienfCr Iknt knv* Imd to du »il^
1,ungili re lat ion «hip» limo out kept IV «e with tkf nirr» material »rl»»e»»l
The »e ieri ill» tell li» that III* fir-t nJllíviM * prägte»» Upward K g » *
when man bee»mr n »acini an nini, 9o long ni h* w»» not renreiou* «f bemg
n number of n »nelrtT, howrvrr prUnillre, |.r««^ie»» »»« lmpo»»itil» to huni
It nn» only when »«»einl eonieiouaneu lame t i litui th»t br began hi» upyjrd
climb to th« htight* upun whirl) ku »Und. tudny.
IVrhoi«» in thl» ««r find th» du» la a h «her el«ill«»IU,B than »»» wd
hnve je t nltnined. Jto t'a n the muterinl »eietifi*« hm* i»»tly tiiipror*il ib*
conditior of innukind, io th* »orlai »«lene«» »«'ili nuw to h*v* eutered upo^
U new eerier uf toefidnrm to the world,
It «a» in th« rceognKie« ot thr pamib'dille« of th* material *elr».e*
that 111 » ».vini » n ei reei-nrd Itirir gri lle»! irn|*tu«> I ijixte from Ik»;
g r.a t work cn'!-.l "T h * Itlj* uf Amrn in ClvlUtnllun," by Henrdi
Out Where The West Never Changes
The ... . __________ ____________
• ‘ Throughout ilio «la*teenlli e»atnr» 111*
o|rlHlri| n illuni, llk* chlldfea >»Uh ne«» forni.I
♦ojrs, rejolee.l In «neh arm «M»kr o f matrrml
-jr -gre.. Huddialy Wo «tre m»il# tn renili*
hnir far mnlorl»! pregre»* had bolatrlpped
Or». LoniuUt
» gronth.
' Itnor, blulngia qnalilv, human ptVehuIogr Ore thè fnumlMlo»*
timi «u hai ritrtu re» un «hirh aity stvlltart ll'tn I» bili IL Art lhe»e prò»-
» il foiiiulnttona atmng rnougii -to atnuil lite Ineronaing pretaur» uf
thè eaormMM au|trr»lrn«ture of'our murrini arhiairmrntaf Many
Suen »re ntklng uhethrr indee I rlrllliatlon baa aot alremly togun
Hi draeent tati» lh« tw.light of ih» gu.l». Tksru Ja au luiigrr iWaUl
in nny thoughtful mind that th* dunurr that lkr»*(rn» tne world
n «m uf KÎvnrr, and ail
ran b* nvsricd uni» by draftlr.j all 11..-'
!» t on*
tko finer piiulhilitic» ot bnuiuii »»tu n , ¡»tu tk* »»rvic» of • nnt
A a y p n a w h u 'w a n t r to tu r.k e tfce W orld b e t t e r - « - i d
t h a t f o c l u d r a t aru'rle''; r'Jw * fti"th e p a y m e n t 'o f '’the served upon you by p ub lication th e re
. .
i . , ■
, .
, ,
, ,
i , L » „ ,,
.in, t i f f ,
th a , he o f p ursuan t to nn o rd e r o f Ju d g e
N otice i.« heft liv •• ven th a t the u. -
n e a r ly
d ru co ^ r
t h i n g , o f th e * c r U a u d
J . C w < umi. v * . C ^ u m y J uc J kv o f a e m i g n ^ . by mn o rd e r o t th e C o u n g
io lr n d u o e *h e
t5 th e r t. #
lth.^ni nnd all tn ‘ b r^ laM H in sr u n d er M arion C o u n iy , Oreiroft, made nnd l U u u ot ihv S U te ox O n*gon, fo r tm.*
•# ' •• r 5 vr‘ t ‘' ,‘
day o f J u ly ,
t . of M n .o
Heillff cu.ti everything n eierg t truynce actw h ere It nev-r will,
th» m ¿ab ieq u eiit to U « ex e cu tio n o f . by publishing th e M ine in T h e T u rn e r e n te re d on the 2 9 th d sv o f J u l y , l - - J .
>n*id ivortiragi T m »> t*> b a r M ad d T rib u n e, a rtew snap cr o f g e n e ra l c ir- w as ap pointed ««imir is tra io r o y .lh e
rorllatid daily N.-w*.
fo n ciowa d o f all riiiht. claim , a t n i ! ctilatio n , printe<l and published in J x u t t
a j» ila m H iH ,
ed by gulches :n which red-»birled m iner* pan xiiemalir for gold, while'
Ilerplle m»n'» NlUlnpb» J<»r »rre mailer, H W
llngnieki-d »a aulkiirity a» l’ rofenahi Felle', ot Prluew
.t o t , r«cently «aldi
In Xhe name of the ¿ la te o f Or»- ‘
ficialdoui is t!ial th e *- official* are egged or. bv a h a lUttd: *d th.-.i**nd (
sv^hin" D 'q u ir^ 1 tT ap p i'-ar^ m l VnVwer "the
‘ iT Towiuiuu ’s Xiutiw i comphunt of the in the show
Voluti leer cfs m c k s . e n tire l i r i . tveiu to on n r - , ed u; I d Ihe
s- - •» West nf flie Will, mette entitled suit Jiow ou file with the
"i *
. — I ^ I . 1. .. f I li rt 1«. \ V'.V .till lfl.1.1 . » i » I I 1*1 lilt
regulation oi th e ir neighbors
' b
r t .n .. r i g thcwi-'^'uVh
BO | o r b i-fo
9* r c ‘,' lh
e la s td a y o fth o tim c p r e -
Illu s tra tiv * of this fram e of m ind ¡ j * letter w rittea to c*w »i»a^9i*
rv ^ l» rtM.iJe o f blank I^wis land* i scribed in the onlel fur publication
by M r* P ra tt Ju rg e n * Here it is:
btoiier of b ank U w is lai I .
. summons, Vidni.dy: on or be-
l l ' nii l ^
l i i t s V ^ u v s Und* ! » ^ 'he expiration of four ( t ) week.
I am happy to say I am doing niy part to help reform lliis sin —
1 K , , : * 5 \?' to tlw I fr-ju.Um date of the t i m publication
ridden world 1 aid a m em ber of :he Anti S aioon league
the Aut:
Light W ine? and B eer league, the A n ti-C ig a ret league, the Anti to b a c ­
W- l M h i i - o K a r tk 4 * 7 o f August, rtcis*. ami which last dale
chains to the So6th line o f (lias. ' uf pubiication and the li Inst date for
co IesgCe, the A nti N üd itV -'A -Art league^ the A n ti P cofN v ta *'
(ra ft
Donation ! mid C la im ;' vour apprnr*ng. „ the - « I t .ay 01
an d the A nti ft-juday Ainu«» n tn l ibag n e.
thmice South : degree* I minute. Au. u«t. VJ2. , a ( d i> j ou fad. *0 to
Hist dO.'Jf + h«:in* jMouy i#id C raft’* « « » v r the said comrtAlu « r o-h r
Mr* Ju rg ? u * seeiu . tu' held
rtirt o f a j *'.m ti ' record
>' -
land to a ’ pomt
c l '.n s North w.*o « P M r . then Wr « a n t thcreoi
m ust tu » J a guod d ia l of her tim e hu ntin g up new le e -u e * to joi'i
of the Northeast corner of Claim ! the wdl nppl, U%, »id uohrf
N o. U (R .u ben L ew is); thence , for tli •^ relief deuiamu umn iu r- toi
Her basic m islakt—and it is th - m istake of a good m any ■iroilar
South 3 9 ..¡O chain to the Section complaint, vt/.
•* -
' *
' “
p eop le-i* th a t she b* lieve* iLis Co be a “è in -rh ld e n world. From
l i f line between Sections 23 and 2 6 ;!
For a decree uioioivii g. the
basis she iiiveu t* lite idea th a t it Is her m ission to ft form it
thence Last 7.90 chains to the place '
of beginning, containing 2S4.79 j between ptainliU an.i ifsfmulankl
K.ven il J|rs Ju rg e n s succeed« in alxilishing t»eer and w ire, ito -
acres, more or les*;
’ | for tii^ j’estoralioti.oi ner iofm cr
people sm oking, gi ts rid of a ll the ‘ nudity iu « r t ,¡) close* all the t»ool- ! tha' the usual decree be made for the ; name; for hi r «.osi- amt disb .t%i
nielits, and fo r such other rv liit
id* pf -aid pr-inises last described
room s and sh u t* up »H the Beoríes, park? and p .cb ic ground* on t ì u n - l ^ * * ^ » s h e r '^ 'S ^ a H o h County,
as to the court may seem meet,
just and equitable in ihe pftiit-
flay *— what g9.-J will
have acèonoplisbtd 5“
' * \S hat d -e* sLa arid her I Oregon, according to law ar.d the
! practice of the above .n ti.le i court;
k!nd pu: jH-sê peo’i'e slval! do/ih iearl*
d irect'd to be
.-.lie luay-he
Tnf* summon*
* that-tge- pr.«eeeii* of said s;
F o r a r r llwvrrnof of Illiaui»
Tl.r me.hrn iinlvcr»lty I» »«'• maklafl It* fall reatrlbutlog to Ik* tom
III» »ch Uneme»'« o* Ihr material MbarM, H a» tb* «» «alimi »"••••
e.rr. kept taco with their ai«terl»l «t.t*r» la the progteM *r Ito
itln icn.tow
N ii
ngét Tt
H aa»
«¡1« l«tit
lait patina!
natuia] la
in tko
Un irrrtvpmont
i»»*lvpm»iit «f
«r 'to
III» method wtuh M
had l tranrformed
.uXal g ifiiM thai.Ili*
iw d w to
tlta aiatrrlnl retea«e* »ho
cly with Utuwthh fatto* laVuMnk
tiOcaro» dr»l »a l»rg»ly
I hr»« »oh
lini«»* nature, thnt II i
ictkail of
o tto - n ili . r fhrt*. . of »pply*
rmsi-1 to appljr thè milhail
. . ----
for l, lHint;'r.
P.O. addre«*:
Sealed bida will be r e ived by the ¡
■ H « c« r» . ,u j;
» . I . .......................
> s . i - - i m »
i »
______________ undersigned until Che hour of h
o’cloxit P. M. on the 9th nay ot Au-
* Oh, Je a h ,* ’ we ta id , “ a n J e h c lr ic lig h ts, telephone, and old Doc administrators o f the estate of Ama,i-
ig u it, 19 2 9 ,, and immediately there-i
H o lild a , ’* th in k in g of im porting o r e of (b eer «uiini-yhue : if he can gel
i,oi,n'"'11^i^ r;"1‘ ’l'!’ ,‘ l " l ^ f n
In th * Circuit Court o f the State o f a ft,.r publicly opened by the Board
... . ,,
liuvi. duly quahfi. i. as . uch. All yr r- Oregon for the L o ’.mtv of Marion, nf School Dfxtrict 79, Marion County,
a je rk iin e outfit to snake it over (be Kocklea for b iu i.’
«on« having claim- again*! said e-tat.- u f.p.lrtmpnt No. 2. Case No. 2061*;. q ™ ,,, at the »chool house in Turner,
W b at tbe west ought to do. in stea d of blu sh ing .it eastern concep ar*l ” rt’?£ notin.xi 2 ° ' ( ' r'' 1,1 thl' Florence E . Walsh, P laintiff,
i for the nainting of the school house.
......I ..
p «am«, duly w n l'e rl •* rvqatttoi o y ,
Specification* on tile with the D.s
lion« of
1« give the cast what it want* a: l vtiilfi' the service* of la«’, f ..tU - offices of Guy (.*• S m '^ - George B. Walsh, r - ' - ndac».
trict Clerk.
To George B. ' V alsh, defendent
The ilounl reserve» the rig lt to rr-
citizen« to im perrobato tbe o l j hatoe* ol the Iro n lirr, around th-; depot. 103 has in B ail* o f C om m ent buig..
■n H” £i,iy ° t oa ,l' m’
As°jrtiil>, above named:
\ >ect any or all bio»,
W hen thwt bappen'c we wa- t the pleasure of *huuting the sp a tl* in the ( ity of Sal. m, M;.nou C od nty,, (p th>. namP c f the State of Ore- 1 1
>p |>i('HKS
dff a N w York dtide. D a rn ’ l l trip a in ’t wante-J to'd o th a t for y ea rs— Oregon, within «i* mfinths Trom the pon( v0l, ara hereby : i*mmonad xpd
il^te o t Utie notice, low it: Ju ly H> I retiuircd, to appear and an**'iir the
and h e re '* a ch a n ce!
P ortland D aily XeVu
1 complaint o f the pluii ydT in th*-above ______
H. E. KINti ami HOY E . KING,
entitled .suit n(/Vi on li;.- jvith the
-------------o —----------
J'Adirf'nistratora o f the KsUite cl clerk of the a6ove entitled cdurt o n ,
''Amanda K. King, Deceased.
or befor'- the la*t day of the time pre-
-cribed in the order fo r publication j
of thin summon», nan.elv: ort or b«--
Attoni ^ fó i^ Administrator;;
fore the expiration of four ( 4 ) weeks
The airplane ia live, first mode-of tranepoitalûm tb ftCngniz} no
from the «¡ate of the first publication
physical or geographioal barrier to il* ultimate use.
1 of this summons, which is the 1 st day | M r . a n d M r s . Tod W h ite h e a d j
The foundation ol aviation fins L'•«•rt laid through year» of hazard
Notu e i hereby given that the 9 .1- ^ August, Î S 23, and which last d jte JJr# w e re d in n e r ¿ u e : Î.8 a t th e •
» ¿ ¡tr w a s r s ix s :
Air Transportation Growing
ous e 1 fieri men lin g
Souse f . W Onü.lfA» h a* gone iuto its vaiioaa
bran- C o u n 'V f" M andr^Couniy! .sut- " m y^u^ap^ar^ncV ’ts
'“j t h ^ y ^ i
hom e o f M rs. L o u isa ¿ U n ite .
c b .'i d u t i n , i t , U , I iwo v i . f s .
îfiS S Ît-m . n i o i& M
A S -
M r . a n d M r» . D a n S c h irm a n ,
1 . t* probu It necessary to lool forward n.y s few y ea .? to see ,a<inuni tr.u -r of the h. -ate of Johr, ' *.¡«1 nppe3 r, then for want ther< <-.t o f f^alem, w e re v is ito rs a t th e
alrop lan e noat office?, #itH tha m ail picked up, rprted a:.d - diacharged 1 /- i-'ai ,T ,
uan<1 th« t he ha t h • pUintiff will apply to «aid cowrt h
,\tr a n d M lS .
F re d
t o
. » . » t o t a l ............. ,,v t o i t o * ..........................................
• i service* iu aircra ft provided with con afortalle Sleeping uccommcir,»« >a,<1 c-m t.
% rtrtto t o d i a
are hereby notified to
tio n *; ro d io-p hone Com m unication f o r V v e n g w r * » . 'v i l l a , crew, and j
a servie* so conapreheiiaive th a t practical) y every irnpr.rtsnt in d u strial B a « t t . I Off Haleni B aak o f Com-
Ccnler in tbe Untied B ta l.e will be indent fied W iih t h ii newest agency ! Mario.,*' I'-o u X ,'V ft-« ^ m tyw°ithffi,'.ux
ul freight atid p a w rig e r t ra importa tip n.
1 month.« from the date of this nette..
;■ I
On the P acifié Coast, the P aciflc Air T ra n sp o rt -arries foail ' ar.d
passengers north and aouth f-o b i'^ ¿ a tile to Lo.< Angele^. * d ist^ ;.ce of
1,10U m ,ies, the second lo n g e si'a ir m ail line ,t| ‘ lha cou n try '.*'D u rin g
May this ccrh p in y *1i m every m ile on lim e and new rebel'.lies re?*n tly
inaugurated shorten fhe trip irCrth hy one bo tr and 4-* ¡n in u t'* and
the trip south by or.e hour and I f m inute i. 'Southbou 11 d plane» arrive
:rt L u j A tijelv« iu ti n-i to m tk^ nigu t train, o jr jn e c tij;i* fur P h o a n ix ,
E l fa g o , y i n A ntonio, D allas and S ou th w est p o in ts ,'iffe -iin g v savir.';
ol from 1*2 to ‘2 1 h ittrs. F a fe J bave alsu been redne
. « » » , «I
35 per ce n t.
1 ° • U'
* ' J . W. ijiL M U tn ,
R. H. B A S S E T T ,
Attorney for Administrator.
503 'Hank of Commerce Bld g,
Bah nr, Creguii.
r y
,n h ir
■ S c r h iffe
- r e r , M - ond ay.
F oi ’a decree dissolving the
M rs, F,arl N e i'r w as a S a le m
■ 0 1 y
,i c f " i;‘,rim
° 'jr ufr.1
^ rfefe x U d '
sh o p p er F r id a y
ing bi-tween
a ia ; fo r the restoration of h"g
former n a n " ; for her costs and
difbur-emi at.- and for such other
w ith M rs. J , W . S e h if fe r e r , A u g ­
and further relief as may seem
u st 7th
meet, equitable and proper in tije
premise* and the plaintiff wilj
* Mr.-,. A r th u r K u n k e and C h il­
soever pray
TTtia anmiitnoa J*. cl i i-.-c *« d to be d re n s f e n t s e v e r a l d a y s w ith h e r
iD 'jta*’'in there-
S a le m ,
œ  V ï ï n t i jrothcr. Mrs. Fliflet. in
I H. McMahan, judge o f the third l a s t w e t k .
judicial » (listri. ♦ at Halen-, M »non
E a r l N e e r a . i d h is b r o t h c r in -
County, O reg )#, maik wiia ei.t- fa « on
the 2 6 th d ay''i? Ju ly, T »2», by pub- ;a w, R a lp h M o rto n ,- w e n t • on a
irm - * . . .
. .
Nu ice ¡:- h< rebj give-, tliat tf.c un - li/hiig the «am* in
in The
The Turner
Turner Tr.b-
f . _in
n p ;ir Mt
- by
, - an -------
,n B n p n e a r
., •' as
d* rsiiiyicd,
order o f the Gotti,- ufle a nev.«pap*-r of generai circula-
8 ^
‘A ’M ^ S S . S S r t Ì S M
Ì ^ S ^ t o S ji S S S
“'r W r , '
I7th day of .lune, 1929, war, appwiht- oec • a'wt-ek foi fouY (-» »-consecutive
M r. ,'UUl M TS,
H e n n i?1
thè estate
ol Ja
m ei - | week-,
> x< f i t o r o
of f the
<-t.-ii- ot
week.-, five
fiv - (5
1 ,) ) iisueg,
-- t*-«, |
in tue m.-inner J,Jigg MaTV H e r n ie s WtTC in
Trav el by air is b o le n je r Coneidcr< I g.uuble with d e a th . A? we « <1 1 executor
R ‘I, /It r -a < d, ami 'hat i. m i , , ,dy p r. -tib'- l ¡ y th- lew:- and statutes
u •
bYcoins b etter educated to it* ad van tag e*, achedule* will he improved • lualti n il a. . uch. All |H-r.-oii:i h av --o f t!- j S tifd 'o f Oregon: *
l(tm , DH «*U3irtO¿S, rric la y .
b*g otarmi- against ::aid /-state are
Th# fir-it publication it; the 1 st lay
nnd rate* will continu e to go dow n.
hefeiiy notified to toe an, of August, 1929, aii<f the Inst publi- , M rs. Iv a n H ad ley w a3 in F a-
11 ly V; rifietl, a toqui red hy law, at cation, aa pr- cribad in aid or'ler, 1cm F r id a y ,
th ■ ottici of H. H. Ba ■>•«, 50.3 Bunk an<l th<- la ;t day for your app»-fir:*iice
,o t Commerce Building, in the City of 1- the 29th day of Au go A, 1929. ami
, , ,
Sulen,, Marion Cou; ty, (Jr/ grn;, with- the i-'-rvice of (hi summons »hull pe
Notice is hereby given that the un­
Notice i« hereby given that
dersigned by an order of the Uquntv deriigned, by an order of rut tr,/ tin- ,n six month* from the «late of tr,js nei m- -t completed at tbe expiration of
t'-te . !,*
t date for publi-
publication th-roof,
Ceun of Marion County, State 9 Í J < ourt o f ’ Marion F o u i v Stato
to f ¡ notice, '
^ ' ¡ î June 20, !9 2 9 . '
Oiegoa, duly made and entered on Oregon, ,1 duly
,i„ made . and
„ . 1 ep|ered
. • . T on . r the
.r 1
AND BUSH T R U ST COM. an«l unless you mak«- /,effn?e on sat
last date and d y, “plaintiff will take
the 1 8 th day o f Ju ly , A. D. 1929, was 3rd day of July, 1929, wyre appoint-]
;jdgni« nt and decree ifgninst you a*
appoint-, d edmimstrrtor of the t «tat/-
Egee' tor.
proved Tor in her comp'aint cn file
o f Kiziajt Hoffman, ilereased, .ami irPepoi, ♦!eci?a.«#2 d, and that they have I K* I ;
Pun J o y fr o n tin g m r f r s g e " N o
that he has dulv qualified a* such. 1 , ituty nuatified as so
v- * Attorrt/y for —
K*c i
Dat- d tins 25th nay of Ju ly, 1929. N o t n J s i a e l , ” M a tth e w 8 :1 0 .
All persons having claim* acainst
All persons havmg claim/ against i •nOi Hank of Comninrcç LI ‘•X
FRED A. W ild IA«yi.S,
said estate are hereby . notified to :«/id / ,«ti.te v . th hi r*-b»' notif-iml to pre- ! •, Oregon.
The s u b je c t fo r th a Fum fci? c v e -
Attorney for Plaintiff
present the r.dnie, dulv verified ns re­ s/nt the same, duly verified as re­
R/ii/knea a’n-i P. 6 . a/ldkcs* Fah m, n in g m e s s a g e is, " 0 1 1 W ine in
quired by Inw, t* Otto K. Paulns,- 10C quired by law, a i Ih/ office»-af K. B.
i Dregori.
First National Bank Bldg., Salem, Ba; ett, 503 Salem Bank of Corn- J
a N ew F o t tio . ” L u k e 5 :. t 7. ’
, A ug. 1 -K -l5 - 2 2 -2 9 - 1 9 2 9
Oregon, within six months o f the date mercc Building in lp<. City o f S alem
of the first publication of thir no'ticg. Mariorv Coujity, Ogegqn, within six
I T h e I n d ie s A id m e e ts T h u rs ­
namely July 25, 1929. ’ »
months from th, dat/- of notice, I
d ay F . M - a t th a hom e o f ‘M rs.
to-wit: Ju ly 18, 192!>.
i bond fo r w o r k .1
Administrator q/ the E-ta(o of Ki7 i«h
Hoffman, D ecea'ed ."
P r a y e r m e e tin g T h u rs d a y c v c -
OTTO K B A l f.U.H, '
Executors o f the E tale o f J'auline
, n in g and ch t ir p ra c tic e , F a tu r J:iy
• Attorney f o r ^dminiytra^or.
I c t p -r.
- *
■ c
1 e y e n in g , a t th e hoi
Give The Tribune cr.-dlt for wfcat
Attorney for Executor«.
>ir and M rs. F . C G u n n in g .
603 Back o f Commerce Bldg., Kalem,
yen fcyy from our advertiser*.
T h e Halom D is tr ic t I n s titu te o f
i h e E p w o rth L e a g u e co n v e in e a
M rs H u tch a so n and M rs
a t F a lIs C ity . A u g u s t 5 th
lop l e f t M onday fo r a fe w
m a n y * * ca n a re
^ a tte n d .
s ta y in F e a t tie .
H y s-
d ays
R ic h a rd W a lk e r v isite d h is s is ­
! C o n fe r e m o w ill hy e le c te d a t th e
\ Ji*3 M ary W a lk e r o f W e st
m o rn in g s e t v ice, hvxv B u nd ay
_«_ . x u_' I. .
S ta y ton on e d ay la s t w e e k .
M r . a n d M r s . p K ’» T h o m a so n
nccom iiauio/l th e ir h ou se g u e s ts
M rs H u tch a so n and M rs. H y s - .
!op on pi tr ip aro u n d th e M t H otl
. "
M r». J . P .
ffu tc p a s o ii ilin .n o - loot». F u jiJ g y .
^ ittlc
1 g e n X h o m R so n / a n d W rs W ytM óp
and *on Doppie o f ^ to c to n , C a li- w e re
sh o p p e rs, F r s l a y
S ( « » < • è » v w t t i n , »Ir... H u tch e
so n s p a re n ts , M r. a Irti M r j. p
: E
T h o .iiasd n
r * * **
Mrs a.'t L itt le and M rs.
R oy Wit/.el a tU 'm L d a m e e tin g
o f th e W o m an ’s W ork C lu b a t th e
hom e o f I^rs W m L u lz k c w e s t
T u rn e r.
C rop s a r e lo o k in g pood w ith
flax a b o u t le a d y to p u llin g , and
m an y fa r m «r:i a r c
bind th e ir g r a i n .
b e g in n in g
O^ir. .%».*/
/ Aurora
-j« 1.1*
.JJ..J noni toe
m -
■ ■