T M E T R IB U N E , T U R N E R , O H E G U N Mexicans Thronging to Reopened Churches i HOW TO LIVE i LONGER ü « > < * JO H N C LAR EN C E A twater K ent : •> < ' FUNK BACK TO THE WOODS Been* In Mexico City ns ths people were gladly thronging to the church** that have been reopened (or services follow ing the conclusion o f s pence agreement between the government and the Roman Catholic church. Richmond Debutantes Entertain the Navy Boys When the V. 8. 8. Richmond was at Hampton Ronda, Va., recently a visited the vessel and entertained the men with a series o f pretty dances. Dressmakers Work on Airplanes group of debutantes from Richmond TO CROSS ATL ANTIC ' T 'O SEE hundreds o f children romp- * Ing In the sun, their little brown bodies, except for loin cloths, exposed to Its rays. Is to see something mag­ nificent. Added to the sheer Joy o f viewing such an appealing and aborig­ inal sight Is the knowledge that a few months prior to that time this very company o f rare-free and happy chil­ dren were pale, thin and marked for tuberculosis. It Is a sight not easily forgotten. For those who rely too much on cosmetb-s fo r color and on stimu­ lants for vitality, such an experience Is Indeed a derided rebuke. The lea son Is unmistakably powerful. Ooe cannot but be Impressed with the po­ tency o f regular sleeping hours, good food, outdoor air, recreation and the sun’s rays H owever, It Is scarcely to be ex­ pected that the averuge adult, no matter how much Impressed by the sanatorium regime, will In conse­ quence rush to tho mountains divest himself o f clothing, tan himself a chocolate color, sleep and eat regu­ larly and otherwise seriously go In for the best that nature has to o f­ fer. That would be asking too moeh. One does not engage In such luxuries unless perchance one happens to be tuberculous I Re that as tt may, wblle the nation wldo movement for better children has been in progress for some years there have sprung up during the same period hundreds o f camps all over the country In vacation localities where the well child, girl or boy, can safely and profitably, »pend a few weeks or a few months living on the back to-aature plan. And a great Idea It Is) More and more, parents as well as healtb authorities, are realizing the tremendous possibilities for robust energy and the development o f re­ serve power that are offered by tbe summer camp. There la little excuse. If any. to deprive your child o f tbe advantages o f such an Institution.. Camps exist for all pocketbooks, and even for children whose parents lack them. Whether the camp Is a highly restrict­ ed one In the northern woods or whether It Is beside the small brook Just outside o f town, really makes little difference provided that the ele­ ments o f sanitary, physical and moral safety are present. Pills and tonics sre all very well In their place bnt a systematic outdoor life fo r the children daring the sum mer months will do much to make them unnecessary. Oet the camp fever. I f yon c a n t go don’t keep the children home on that account. Let nature make friends with them. Rack to the woods for the youngsters! You. too, If you can arrange It • • a A USELESS ANTIQ UE It haa been found by an airplane manufacturing firm In St. Louts that dressmakers are more adept than men nt covering the wings nml fuselages o f planes. T w o o f the girls thus employed are shown above at their work. Down on the Farm With Marion Talley David O. Turner In the 16-foot boat In which he w ill attempt to cross the Atlantic from Uoston to Paris, France. He w ill carry 80 gallons o f gasoline nnd oil, a few food supplies and a compass as his only Instrument o f guidance. Like Ltndy he will make the trip alone, and he has no doubt that he w ill reach the other side. A V IA T IO N F A N A T 104 V T O T so many years ago many ^ " homes, more especially In the farm and village districts, could al­ ways be counted upon to possess at least two reference books—the dic­ tionary and the “ doctor book." The possession o f reference works and other volnmes Is usually a superficial Indication at least o f culture. But the “ medicine book" Is an outstanding exception. It Is an Indication o f Ig­ norance and egotism. I f nsed It may even develop Into a calamity. There ts o f course some excuse for people who live miles remote from medical aid to have something nearby upon which they feel they can rely In case o f an unexpected emergency. And It must even be admitted that printed Information detailing first-aid treatment fo r accidents and other un­ toward happenings o f unmistakable character is not ont o f place. As a m atter o f fact, to know what to do for a burn, a scratch, a cut, a fatnt, and many other minor emergen­ cies Is almost one’s duty, even I f sur­ rounded by members o f the medical profession. But that Is one thing. And the treatment o f disease by a doctor book quite another. It therefore follows that when you or a member o f your fam ily has a pain you should not consult page 23 o f the valued “ doctor," but you should consult the telephone direc­ tory for your favorite or nearest phy­ sician. Doctor books are out o f date. They have always Invited presumption and guess work. They have made, and still can make, ninny a funeral. T here­ fore, If you are so behind the times as to own one o f them, he ashamed of yourself, wnlt for the first dark night, sneak It out o f the house and bury It before It buries you or some other member of the family. Exit, Doctor Book— Enter, Doctor t (A IM * Marlon Talley, retired prlmn donna o f the Metropolitan Opera company, rlt'lhg a tractor with Purcell who runs her many-acred farm for her. The farm Is near Colby, Kan. FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS Nothing makes a man so sad as to have a girl Jolly him. Th e squirrel naca his tal! as a blanket In cold weather. A mother’s praise o f her children ■*Ter Interests any other woman. W est A frica's Cold coast ha* a na­ tiv e population o f more than 2,000,000. T h e United State* has more than one-third o f the world’s railroad mile­ age. Only husbands can sue for divorce In Japan. Woman Is the fairest creature on earth— also the unfalrest. Von w ill never he accused o f cheat­ ing nt cards as long as you lose. During a single hailstorm In India, In 1888, about 250 persons were killed. Crows Include In their diet spiders, snails, wild birds, carrion, small ir.nm- nulls, und many Insect pests. Patrick Vlzanrd o f Cleveland, Ohio, Is one hundred and four years old, but Is still an ardent horticulturist and aviator. Mr. Vlzzard expeota to live until he's one hundred and fifty. lie takes a drink whenever he gets a chance, he says frnnkly, and Is a lover o f cigarettes. NEW BATTER Y Bs.kot Ball In response to the demand for indoor s|K>rt for the winter season, game o f basket ball was Invented lames Nalsmlth. In 18112, where was Inal m otor In a gymnasium Springfield Mass. Greatest Improvement in Years! HEAR IT— SEE IT—READY NOW! C ity M an’» Viaw The Pullniun car traveler watched a tractor turning over the soil In a field along the railroad track. “ N o wonder farmers nowadays sre always growl­ ing," he grouched. “T hey don’t get enough exercise.” — Farm SDd Fireside. W hen your Children Ciy for It Baby has little upsets at times. All r o w care cannot prevent them. But yon oan be prepared. Then you can do what iny experienced nurse would do— what most physicians would tell you to do— give a few drops o f plain Castoria. Xc sooner done than Baby is soothed; re lie f Is Just a m atter o f moments. Yet you have eased your child without use o f a single doubtful dru g; Castoria Is vegetable. So It's safe to use as often as an Infant haa any little pain yon cannot pat away. And It’s alway* ready fo r the crneler pangs o f colic, ot constipation or d iarrh ea; effective, too for older children. Ticenty./lve million Australia Pictured as ‘‘Land of Opportunity” An American aaleaman, who haa •pent several years In Australia, say* that It Is no uncommon thing fo r a man by farming to accumulate suffi­ cient money to warrant his retirement In that conntry In ten years. T b e land U the asset o f Australia. Farmers can start with little or no capital and In ten years can amasa sufficient com­ petence to retire, he said. He can take np 2,000 acres at 50 cents to S5 per acre, and can get advances from the National Agricultural bank wltb which to make tbe Improvements. T h e farmer has 30 years to pay off his farm, and the Interest ts only 5 per cent. T b e first five years he ts not required to pay any Interest at alL No man can take out more .than 2.000 acres tn bis own name, but be Is allowed to take out that much for each o f his sons. The great problem o f tbe country, however. Is labor. The native labor Is o f a very Indifferent character, bar this la largely overcome by the use o f agricultural machinery, and tbe machinery from the United States ts the most favored by the farmers o f Australia. Goodbye to Good Coffae Max Steuer, tbe well known New York lawyer, said on the Berengaria: “ Goodbye to good coffee till we get back to God’s own country again. “ Every time I drink English or French or German coffee I think o f the Oxford headwatter who muttered to his assistant: “ T h a t finicky American customer at the window table has ordered spe­ cial, fresh made coffee. Keep him watt­ ing 20 minutes.’ " H i» Nam * I» Logioo Natura Faking We have long suspected Mr. Aesop'» reputation as a fulfils! dated from the time he said s fox liked grupea —Kansas I'lty Star. O m o f P O R T LA N D ’S Namar Hauls HOTEL W ILTSHIRE, S m Francaci M l Stockton St., near Union Sanar«, r nr Man flow161050 p«r c«nt p»id whn« IIA U K T BOYLR. Manacer QtfUlda rooms with bath.---- Court rooms with bath. Break fa « ta He. She tbe; , f i l - . 1 A J _ .„ E A R N • ,,W fl B IG M O N E Y lea rn in g. Po sition secured. L*ctur*a w tckl* B e o ti«* * * . W r ii« 1 or catalog M O I F P SYSTEM o r m U L C n COLLEOE1 M S I ....fill Rraat.FirtIaaS.Sr* P ip e V a lv e s , Fittings Pum p Engines Farm Tools & Supplies A L A S K A J U N K CO. T rat aad Taylor Sta, Portland, Oregon HOTEL ROOSEVELT SAN FRANCISCO'S NEW FINE MOTEL Every room with bath or «bower. 12.00 to 9LM . J a w at Eddy. G a n * « naît door. trw saam m Business Training Pays Last year 1000 in can place W h en w e placed more than good positions. W e you when competent. w ill you be ready! Send for Suchst Catalog BehRke-Waiker Business CoBege llth and Salmon Street« Portland, Oregon t ------- ------B BM BB M b** ~ 7 ------- TYB ’totlie* icere bought lost year. " H . r W eigh t in Gold” Betsy Holt ts the heroine o f a nar­ rative o f Colonial times which relates the fact that her father placed her In the container on one side o f a large pair o f scales and balanced tbe scales by pouring Into the corresponding con­ From the darkest, dreariest, dirti­ tainer shining gold pieces. est, llttlest depot yon can atari on a Journey around the world. Uaiag tba Sua POISON IVY Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh mmm a * *•» •**« a m tt «n » « « d s i s„iw,. Just the Pedestrian Constable— Here, who are you? Man Under Anto— Me? Oh, I'm on­ ly the pedestrian. In the past few years the sun's true value to the health and well-being o f the human race has been understood by scientists bnt even now these rays are not being utilized to their fullest e x te n t— Woman's Home Companion. P L A I N M A C H IN E S E W IN G , steady Is x ttl- m t c « w ork, w h o l« o r p a rt tim e ; w eek ly pay. N o oelltn*. W r ite tod ay. Enctoaa «tam p. Tem po Houoedrese C o r p , 15J W . J5th S t..N .T . Essence ot a vacation's Joy Is that you don’t have to think about any­ thing Important. Making Angling Easier A recently Invented fishing reel au­ Men never get too old to acquire tomatically retrieves the line after a experience. cast by means o f a spring wound as the plug on the line travels through tbe air. The tension produced Is suf­ ficient to wind the reel after casts of 60 f e e t Pardon Mn "A in 't that cow got a lovely c oat T ed?” “ Yes, It's a Jersey." “ There, now I And I thought It was Its skint” — London Passing Show. Can It Bn Dona? T h e bard part about teaching young­ s te r! good mannera Is to tell them how without showing them.— Capper’s Weekly. ( - Blinks— T h e thing. Isn't It? Jinks— Y e a It has given us a “ mike” without the Irish brogue. an the by he at Tho Grant N eed I f you were as thoughtful o f peo­ ple while In your car as you are when you are In your store, office, shop or home, your style o f motoring would not be so much at fault. What the world needs Is more well mannered motorists.— Atchison Global Hotel Roosevelt All room» shower or tub, B.OO up FlUFtOOf. S I W. Pmtk Ht. Coffee Shop. O arage opposite. A Crying Need Oh, where Is there a shady tree, a really ahady tree, where I can hide from all this sun, the whole scorched length o f me? Oh where ts th e r e 's sunless spot, a .¿ally sunless spot, where I shall not find everything un­ comfortably h o t! Oh where Is there a swimming hole, where one can swim snd prance without the formal nui­ sance o f a pair o f swimming pants?— E. A. In Farm and Fireside. Static radio Is a wonderful Shakespeare la Japan*»« A Tokyo professor haa recently com­ pleted a translation o f nil o f Shake­ speare's writings, having spent 45 years upon the work, which Is report ed to be a brilliant achievement. SET! Screen-Grid Electro-Dynamic W estern N ew sp a p er Union.* Labor and Play "D a r aln’ so much danger o f oven- work," said Uncle Ebon, “ as dar Is of overplay. W e stops de day's labor when de whistle blow s; but quiltin' time foh s card game kin be anything up to four o’clock In de morn In '."-* Washington Star. lie '* the kind o f mnn, we said ad­ miringly, who would never gel ttenmed up over cinnamon toast.— Fort Wayne New a Sentinel. radio OLD FOLKS SAY DR. CALDWELL WAS RIGHT . ■ . ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■a » — T M 'H E N damp days, s u d d e n ” ” changes in weather, or expos* ure to a draft makes joints ache, there is always quick relief in Bayer Aspirin. It makqs short work o f headaches or any little pain. Just as effective in the more serious suffering from neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism or lumbago. N o ache or pain is ever too deep-seated for Bayer Aspirin to relieve, and it does not affect the heart A ll druggists, with proven directions for various uses which many people have found invaluable in the relief o f pain. £ kSPIRIN AsplHn t* th* trad« mark of Bam Manufactura Of MonoacaUcacKiaa^c of Saltcy Ucaci4 The basis of treating sickness haa not changed since Dr. Caldwell left Medical College in 1875, aor since he placed on the market the laxative prescription ha bad used in hi* practice. He treated constipatioa, biliousness, headaches, mental depression, indigestion, Use Russ Ball Blue In yonr laundry. ■our stomach aad other indispositions T in y rust spots may come from Inte­ entirely by mean* of simple vegetable rior Bluing. Ask Grocers.— Adv. laxatives, herb* and roots. These are still the basis of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Soma D ay— Parhap* Pepsin, a combination of senna aad “ D o you live tn the city?" other mild herbs, with pepsin. The simpler the remedy for constipa­ “ No, Just outside the city limits— tion, the safer for the child and for yon. we've moved to the 350th floor." And as you can get résulta in a mild and safe way by using Dr. Caldwell’s Do not yourself do the things which Syrup Pepsin, why tacs chances with yon are In the habit o f blaming; It It strong drags? an evil thing when the fault o f tbe A bottle will last several months, and all can use i t It is pleasant to the teacher refutes him.— Cato. taste, gentle in action, and free from But few men are disappointed In narcotics. Elderly people find H ideal. All drug stores have the generous bottles, love until after they face the parson. or writo “ Syrup Pepsin,” Dept. BB, Mont ire llo, Illinois, for free trial bottle. W orse than an enemy Is a blab ------- ~-r —, ■ ..g.- . j i b __ f hing friend. W . N. U , P O R T L A N D . NO. Merry-Go-Round “ You r girl friend goes around good deal, doesn’t she?" “ Yes, In social circles." a