' . 4- - j Æ, 'i » k.-.r •H TITKNICK, OIIKGON, THL’ KHDAY. *T7T At’ ü. 1929. SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PEU YEAR ■ ■ —— --— ----- W E HAVE CONNECTIONS from he secretary. C. F. Ran % f l < r « 5» 7 •* ^ with the Hansen-Bcnnett mag­ sorn. of CorvaJJls. All arange- Æ L O W O H ^ U S fÔ N ^ ). azine agency, one of the larg­ mentsha ’e been made toward est in the rount-y, which en­ matting fhjs event £hc biggest F ü n f m a l D ir e c t o r s < ^ - E Y E 8 and EYESIGHT- able* us to give you the best ever. ^Jiere will L h > f*xv coffee > We will conspue our Paint Sale tU>hng July <187 Tnqre i;i aMlifferencfi. gO‘-> 5 . CMUÄCM’SV -Al ANY HOUK : Qr. A .C . Kfton. Oph. D . 29 prices mid teryfej for your seats, program and room for all. £ 100 r c ' Public Service Paint, rç*r Gallon $3.35 hons year* experience in Eye examina­ magazine needs. Sec F. P. How- All former Ncbraskans’are urged Blue Valifj Houhc Paint per Gallon $2.17 to attend. tion and’ prescribing of glassc; ley at tHe Tribune Office. g U ) TIME DANCE Salem Heat of references furnished ih Í difficult cases.''Office over Fry’s armory Every Wednesday and ^ . a d e r s o n 's • I V drug alore. 28-1 tj. Commercial, Saturday night. Indies 25c’ Gen­ / 5 PORT GOODJp - PAINT^ Salem, trices reasonable. Phone tlemen 50c tf. 167 No. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. 1468-J. " v ' Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Hear and Miss Hazel Hones came in from sons Kenneth (and Willard mo­ Mrn. Helen Butzke entertained W W W J 'A f/ W V ,‘.V .V ,V A W V / / A V W / J W ,,, W « , p^Jemrs ¿iquspc IVal Jeweler« £ Op^ici^np Eugene and stuid from Thursday tored to Eugene Saturday to take the Woman’s Club of 'Supriao Diamond» Wntche* Clcok» Jewelry & Silverware. night ¡until Saturday mnpiing in the parent at the “ Sun Set Grange, of Turner for an aj! day t . « * i • .• *>»*« w * / -J , * • ‘ • meetiug, Tuesday July “23. Most with home folks, returned Satur­ Trail*’ cefebration. 379 Sl*ite, S| Sjilem, Oregon. *- ■». Mrs. Henry Bamstt ipep£ the of the ladje? brought 'wofk of day to her work at Pacific Chris / A W W W / / A W / W / W / - W W W / . V A ,.V A ,W / W W W tian hospital, a} Eugene. woek from Wednesday till Sun­ their o^n lo erg. Brothers, Sllverton. Ore­ but is nowconvaiecing nicely. Cement WorK and Pium ini; gon, for information on the im­ Gloves, Purses. Hand Hags. home, to which (he ' g^ritlcihen W e carry in stock Hough and Dressed Lumber, proved Prune Washer and Tray- Suit Casés and many other arti­ wilt be invitedf. Tnose present ; Route .1. J'urner, Oreg^p Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select cles made of leather suitable 'for were Mesdames Thomas Little, 6 r. Alice Fun^ton, W. F. Gul'vinj gifts for all occasions. Tell us Mm. E McKay attended the from, also W all Board, Paint, Doorf, Windows, Birdie “Denyer, A.’ E. ‘Robertson, • v • - ***+*<*+< Grange Work Club at the Hutzke your HARNESS, needs. F. E. (•. >V. Karri', '. :i Girardin, E. Cedar Posts, Brick, Elgst^y, Tile and Slabwocd in home, last Tuesday and re- Shafer 170 S. Commercial St. Pa McKay, “Hester Chime*. Pearl mained there for n few days visit, deni, Oregon. four foot lengths. t z : Witzel, Mrs. Ben IJqbertson and Turner’s population was on th»| I*eo Demytt, of the state flax neice, of Salem, Mrs. Gulvin, of increase. Wednesday, by reason department was grading flax’ in Washington, and the hostess W e desire to serv£ tLw public with Promptness of twelve free riders being dU- the Turner district last week. The Mrs. Butzke. and Efficiency. lodged from a freight trflin a- quality of flax is not so good this Burma-Shave Tjte n|?wnhavinK creanjíScanjl 50c bout six o’ clock in the evening. year although there is some good LET US FICUttE YCUR ^ILjU lit - They hung around town for' a flax. E. S. PRATHER while and then caught a ride on Annoucement was received Roliuble Druggist * a truck going to Sai£m. here recently of the election of of TURNER : -OREGON C. L. Stand lev is reported to be Mrs. Arthur Birmingham, Nampa. Idaho, as county school quite aick' this week. Otto K. Paulus, Salem attorney snperihtondant. Mr», Birming was a business visitor in Tu'fi'er ham waa well known in Turner and vicinity, where she spent her last week. ♦ - — girlhood days, as Miss I «na W’ip- OLD TIME DANCE ChrytU] per. Gardens every Wednesday and PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND £-R A Y WORK Mr». L. KunVe had fho mis­ Saturday. 8:80 P. M. (ients 50c A ll Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices fortune to fall accidently, at her A notable career was brought I adies 25c. tf. Uae Your Credit Come in and talk it over VETERINARIAN home, Thursday morning [and to a close at 1:30 a. m. July 22nd * t.. W. Robertson and Mervin suffered some painful bruises and by the passing o f Linnie Idella n .y and Night Service MASONIC TEMPLE. Pearson are working at the' Sa- • 4 f» * i shock. She is being cared for by Hewitt. 44if leln Airport on the building oper­ S T A Y T O 4 J OREGQJÍ her daughters, Mrs. Eatinger SMOK. ïwmvrr Mèo She was born in Ottumwa Io­ ations which thiy are rushing to and MrS. Nesbit. She was con­ wa. December ^7, 1862. She, with get ready for the American l e ­ fined ^ to her room several days. her parents, as a child .of s»veii •«». , .* • j gion which sill be held in Salem moved to Oregon £pd yas privi- FOR REMT-Twq 2 room apart­ this month. ledged to travel on the first traps, » » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » » » » ♦ » + » ♦ — oeee » w ments and T w o 1 room apart­ The Oregon Feed and Flour continental train into San Fran­ “No Collection. No Charge”, Co., tore a'piston out of their ments. Enquire Tribune office. ► ♦ i light at 8 Monday. W’illiam Hall have cempleted m., Wednesday. July 24, and at ^ y / A V B V -V .V .W .V .V .V s V W A W .V .V ^ iS V A W .- Admission: Ladies 25c; Gentlemen, 50c. J. M. Bonos is making prepara­ their work and M. O. Pearson Hopewell, Oregon, at 2 p. m .%1 Frqe parking *puce id our Nursery for the baby. You tions to install considerable fenc­ has been appointed administrator w‘ifh the Reverenéd Messrs. A . ! brint^ a pillow and bliniket. W e furnish a cot aud ing on his Turner ranch, in the o'f tHe estate. Mr. Hall was the P. Layton and C. C. Poling o f­ nurse to enre for him. fathéf pf Mrs. Pears'o^i. near future. ' • -•» > ficiating Grain bags »treasonable prices L(iSY--Roll of flax puller helt- ing between Turner and North Drop in and get your require­ ments while they last. i-’antiam. Ball Brothers. Oregon Feed and Flour Co. Mrs. L. J. Rowley spent Satur­ BEam,-FOR SALE. J. M. day and Sunday with Mr. and The Tribune *ho|> can print your Bones, Turner, Qregon Mrs. Geo. D. Thomas, at ’Amity. ; . « . .. ¿ - f ••••- j ' ■ . * butter wraps, letter hoaJr and en- ♦ 1 % ,**■ - • nc( brought haclj a new car. Have your envelopes printed with Annqucempnt of the six^h ann­ your return address. The Tribun« ual Nebraska picnic which is to Oregon Turner, enn do th« work. he held in the Corvallis auto park Sunday August 4th, was received .V.,.SW .V% W W /A5ftW .W .W .W JY/.VVW SN,r t V W W A A W t - Harrison’s General Store