• did cisobi-rva lista in the Kir noli chamber of «leput'e» To «¿ ir F. i iTr. êô~ i the radio silo in und k;t; Ilio .name oí, THE TURNER TRIBUNE : a Lad c re d ito r Turner, Oregon. Thura 1 »> if. |l. July - 5. 1020 SUMMONS Unmlnf. £ditur In the Circuit Court o f th Suit* of Orvgon fo r I h* Cootily ot Marion, I ’ iw tm . nt N<>. 2. Stato in' Oregon— I. L. PattrnoR, CoM'i no» ; Hui R H o m , Sicrotnry o f Stute. ar,d Thom;-.* B. Kay, St.Ve Treasurer, compri«. ;>* the State Ì ami Rasarsi o f the State o f Or. Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon NOTICE TO CREDITORS N’ et'cr is hereby CtlTII givrti that the un* d. -.iguc.l, by mi o rilvr » I Uie t'ou n tv : r\ Rupture Shield Expert Cowing To ^ 1 5 i SALEM to San Francisco na©w good on Cow t o f M:Hnn County, Sude « f l \V i' ONE.IDA\ AND THURSDAY Oregan. duly made and entervif on the t u li dui e f tulli'. !!>2t>, was ap- . at T u r n e r , O ie ^ o u , as s e ro a d -c la > 3 m a tte r , u n d e r th e A U G U S T 7 and a m iiitcd itdihn i*t rut hr o f the estate ef1 A c t o f March 2, 1#7!>. K ir* Ju.lson . boli, derenaed. amt that Plaintifi * •t .'.e li .* lidi , iati! i .1 i.» ,ueh All p. i* I M ARIÓN HOTEL I Edvv.' C. Joilii and t»eo. +'. Juild, ns ..||S Inkling claim* ucaie-t said Ogtate j executor* o f the K>tate o f Currie aiv t 'rehy notified to present the from 11):(10 A. M. to (iflw P. M. - no* duty verified us required by k c c iii il, IV !.. Ju hi. *i*'C < f* * nii.int . r. i '' i»'1 o f 0 :. O. S ; '.h. Evening* by TalepKon# Ap|Hjii»lment To ! *liv. Judd j ;:1 tiro, K. Juihl, IV I ÿ I. .., . >.r <■ v e If.,»;.. O nly lh~ K irtl Day r.s ex.-eutors o f to., est •*' o f Uniri* m the C 1 1 n t'f ^ M in »n i ounty, t I . J milt, dt-ceasc-1, the «h o v e naini-d 0 » , wi: \ tS c m T W O D A Y S ONI Y d e fe e . ianta: d i ; CO..IO-1 it: Jm • 2p, j N„ Char«« foe Cou.uJlntion in die name o f th Stiite o f On-jn'ii. 1 ; + * ? you are n .|iinv.t to appear ami an W IL L IA M K. It VI I., ¡ Mr. »■'. l.Vdlieh, the .nieces ful nor the complaint fd.-»l ng.unst you J' .J .,»iii«liJy )i>w tsiej. I I 7 G» ivin l u n ii’ >. J.’ M in the above entitl. il cour> ami cause Admii'i trr.tor o f the li-tate o f Klli* * xjn rt .ava: io Lot An ». sic tv i.hblc cv ttj »lay I V u bave on or te fo re four weeks front t!ie Jadsoti Kail, Dec The “ Perfect LVU-ntion Shield»” t!'r .haue r i 1 i t »l ily ti...tr., . date > t! fiipt puldii-a on uj‘ this ...mint*« and if you fait to answer, N O T IC E C'h N E A R IN G O K F I N A L j hold ti. ' ruptttVt' perfectly, m* matter | '.t rliix low cost y i . iqfy all tlic comfort* of train * hai I H ) , It ion the body u -un*.-I o r . for want thereof the plaintiffs will ACCODN P u l u l . i v !i i be uJJiJ idva/^ace of kicatci .(■» J. , how h ivy a weicht you lift. They ..pi’ lv to the court for tin! r -lief nr.iy- In the t v . . i. > Court o f th* State i»1riitv of f-s'Oi to tes* i".J rrl'x o f walk ..bout 1 i.l.ctt ‘‘I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Tinted States .1 fo r in their compL-int; namaly. o f Oi -¡ to a lo r Hit t o u r ii et Ai .n or. 1 ; ». t: '..ut ridi. f. contract tl open ing in i remarkably short time and that they have ’ u.lgn e n f uyninst you r«c I'.'.T* f r iru .ì a: r I »' cl t w l i o anJ ir Is*, tin- maller o f t ie e*i..lo of-Rue- tt. Ii'rthen the weak ti.silo.i (the ioni | anti the country for v, ukh it stands. One nation, for th - Suva o f four thou*.ml dollar* j cauri* >.f ru p tor.- 1 so that tin ) fiv | t $,OO.i.o() I, to. elder with irle n s t No’.,ice is hereby c.v. i that tfv indivisible, with libferty and justice fo r a li” i. error, ' vr r; »• i.tuith day ot Sep final account o f Grace Ha. ting* /*>. .«I, j quenth recover their previous n a tu rili t. mhor, 102-, at t’ *e rat** o f six per admit i.-;iairtx ot W e ..-» it > o f Reuben . twining power, needing no flirtiv i • . tii W\ < c**4xi'. “Kfanwth'’, ‘ Ouyionian” ami Stomach trouble, j cent" at num. vn til vaio.hm d fo r th.e \ I!:- i'.^s, il.v. as U. bn boon filial outside support. Mu«.i'', (n»> t.Hinxf vl'x-pf-r on Sha ra'j l •' • !> backache and constipation often , further sun* o f three l»ui tired dollar; n the County Court o f Mariofi t'nun- cm ■ !>v Ruf.turv promjuljf .lì-'«»»- : fire ami tiuifitt >lerpcf ticket —ves nc«fly hilf tht l$4t'0,0b) a.. s|i.. ,.d „tiprto y’s fees, Orey >n. and that the 2 itti day o f 1 pear, • « .1 régulât travel «o W h en Ivatfesay M c U n ra M i.< < n p :u l to p! i d l e G n a t I V t t s n to a.nl fo'.- »da!at 11 fs ' c**rts ard dr burse* laly. I'.K 'M , :>t the l-ciur o f 10 o'clock . t*t •.--.*>ed i tb . i;t; that p!..it» \ M.. h . been nppo nteil by said Only remarkable and prompt r. A t ..S >-./ < * « r« r n n . i i « f.tr«< lo other ob?ervo the rul. on frr doro of t!i - u f i r all neutri.) enturantes in t if;* ’ m b it ; » « « described in the com urt ,er he.’ fin^ ob; .-r.ons tu nd , hnie boon olitain. .1 noi old. tv it I' i i » .«aif priiMi 4>«tl fa Ih» Vetri 1 :;V. .mt, at v hlch time any per- r, .,t and no' roily fully dott-lupctl rup lim a o f w » r , tht- t nii*i< S ta 'i-s v-.l! ...» (jiv e tla •.....? J'l F roit: i.lanyt in said suit b. Oecjeed to L>e a first Hon upon the folii>\vi;-,it describiil o I in sai !-sta»o may np- t urv. la:' . i o with old, Ion;; neglected that moment the «is* of the lirilti-h u v * .. n; arid with the i*i- ;ux mi? -i, i ■-w u. a.-.d fi! obj“ etion* thereto in ones, llaRtmihtg* at the qu it* r : -ction ig and contest same. ■ . • of the Amrhoni nary wtlf !>»■ an a d • nie q:: i •>! i. > |>rartiea! im ­ covhce on t io a,-. ■ between Sections Inrenìou», ix*crntly p >rfccte.| do G RAC K H A S T IN G S 7 0 S K I . portance Each government oi'l provide •<_•. it- need*, vitlirut .'rf.-'liccr1 2't :i*> ' 2t>, Township s South. * vice? ara noiv bnldìtnr rupturo., firm i) _____________ Admintrtratru. Iw'nyo.2 W e t o f t'e* W.ll-imotte ■ w 1 which hcrt't; foro nover ti.nl been u; ' II. S. I l u s o , A g 'U l to other’« need«, and neither will menace the nth» r I I.of can readly Meridian; runnimr the nee South l>0 N O T IL E O F H E A R IN G C F l iN A L agree to reduce there fleet* an 1 t-ave uni li mi:.« *. chain»*:, ti.et.vi* W. • 3-'>.SJ rhe.e ACCOUNT to the com, r o f Frank l ewis’ land; N i elo.it c helt* i or filthy lcK*lra|K U n til ru.:h tim** a* the rccu iity r.f A m erican c ul.-al '.rr.a i? In t» County C >urt ut th ■ Siale o f uro u*ed. li, ace North .iO.l 1 chain* to ihe jn ter fbt* <'eu n 'y o f M rifoi . »ithvrwie? assure»), it ».II la* ?.i! g:i.rdr»i I ; t vr. h‘ « a 'J Ilia navy Soutn lire o f t'lia-. Van Keys land; In t I” it r uf f . est; • > o f J. E. I uuarante«* thè dumhility « f my » ■ lice 1-i.ut 7.2,1 chain* to the w ill bs iticrua-e 1 to a rise c^ual to that o f uny otfcer G ary, w liati . i f ij ab ioHitely «a . al and n.outurc p ieof, : Üpwtla- r.it cornier o f Rhus. NTui Mein. .i, deceased. rosy be — — — Waihirgton 1’ost Not <* is hereby given that the ss aitar) apidiauco». • ^ : * land; thenr-* North ’ 0 27 | U> the South hne o f Cha*. final i c viat o f u !r.v t_ ivlego, ............o------------- 7V o f reptured chihjn n nwover Lunation U n .i Clair.:; rainiftn »rix ot U i« e ».ate o f J. I ’. Me- ! C raft's thence South S:> itejvtTC; t . nlou t * Inline, dec t t i il, ha* h-sia filmi in the cbnipl"te|y t'uocgh .Xpert m.-cluinical , K;, t 2‘ 1 20chain aVup » i d C n ft ’r C lui.'y t'ourbwt .vt.iri.'a Cou'ny, Un*- beatei il' U(V*>rdin;r to statistica. l>o noi wok I o your money dii wid -• , te .il to -i (mint 2.72 chain* North « 11 . ami that i'*e ginn b iy vt J u lj,, R id ic a i attack* on Larin A m erican iri'u*iriesb r :n w ith a dubious o f th; North, a t corner o f Claim I:)2'd, atlthe bone o f 10 o’clock A. M., I advertiscsl mail ord. r contmption*. N o . ! t (Reuben L e w is ); thence ha* I" :i appointed by .»iid rourt to r i You cannot fit youruclf. tticorv and attem pt to prove their point l>v contestât)'«* •fact*.’ ’ in Address to Gi.-.duutcr, of University of Oregon Cptitn SD.dO chains to the Section hearing objections ty ».aid final uc-j »»••*<*<* ;imy <. .*'-s>h-» <•< I n a c is t in g coultast to this is the real contribution made by p r i­ line between S e'ion? ■.‘ .'1 and 2. ; count., C. F. r . P L I C ; i , Ruptur« Applianre t h e y • East 7.J'l> eh uni to the plac. t reit I in .x.iid estât»: may ap,: .u E x p r r t . M o r a * e f l » * s , r»‘*3 ll .»*to n v â t» in d u 't r y to the u"c:a! and econom ic progress ul every' citiren . Ti . .Flu’. . |V* -Mt » 1 4 »"'»• ‘t or ■» •» »«« !■"« S»M.’ *'4 I» •»■• lOM’e and file cbjcitiotis thervtd in’ wt^rin* B.qck, M in r.op III, M n i'ciu U . o f^ ic g ir.n in g , coctainii.y 2*4.7 and vanta r amt*. B asin rat pay* billion? of-J» Ilarb a year texe.- that goto support acre*! more or 1. * , £ r ,v .s 4 t * h j # f# rf»««f-» C’t t 9 * 4 *t O L IV E L. S EEGF.. i>.v£v.* %.! t.St * n « m «4 ***• n*-r- . ! povern m ei,t c; d the s« h , ds. eharit.sL e qrg in itions, * oih i rr ids and , Fit u-ual «lier. mao f for the • tiy FE W . ; o. LOW DEN t ' J. K. .'ie- , , .... ale cf . ai*l pr. ro..-.<•? lx«i it. ;crila?.l A d ’ninistratriic o f Estate o 1 perf.vrn: a multitude cf n'.li«*. ee-vicc? It dis Fermer tlovereot e f llliwuis lisDihute? o ’. ner bil.iort* of (>., t;.,. sis-riff of Maiio* C oui tv\ Inti re, Ucceaseil. 'tflSegliu, • accorair.p to lave nr.d « i*> SM ITH £ SH U L i'S . dollar* in dividends t.i radii...v; of citisen* in all walL' -ii l»f*. F /M O U S SOLDIER, IN In sil «tk'-r fi-'d i «J b *.. n »»llv lty Ib.« U the f t l W >' *b Iw* A tt '. n » i i A-In’.ir.istmtrix. * nrr.rt * f f tr'e above entitled court: l.ec i rmployed »urr.-wifülly, \Uiy »I. «1.1 U « *-f lp)v«rlmKtt tr «B The h'gJi Wi.ges »1,1 living star. Jard* we enj >y in ti»i; country are •»hat the proceeo* o f ai i sale may be AdmHiistmtrix. OFFICE, STI’-L RIDES the direct resuit of li e modern spirit e l progress ard Service of oir 1 applied toward the payment of. the 1 « S ,|«*|. 1 .1 ' •» *it In on» form or snottu-r .\-votr»l to Ihn i'lttln- all day loti. 7 . ever* ct .jr at amount due plaintiff*, and ti.nt the tinman i.Iulo.i'« mv.df.’d io »njr gront entetprlie. Jo»t great industries Ir.d.vidual waaith is d epeat on corporate vrcidth ntd i abovff l amed defem unt.; and each o f N O T IC E OK H I AR IN C . O N I I N A L a «iesk—one cT th? M art Important I « buxlmws ha« grown ,tnny ffian Ibe “ iiito of tbnn.b'' ACCOUNT .them , and all per.-ons rlam)in;j und^r dost.* In Eio t'nUeit Ctwte* -U un a stable economic system. • - nn.l »nipb.vr I «rirnfifi? mribo«Wi Inoft sn.l mor«’, *•• ll*e Notice i ; hereby given that th - un J or through them o r any ur cither ot active man whose plcturo, »iicw lu« ££ I r ,,ro « ni Ii».»l o» .U ilarif of nil ll.o kn.inlcjgo nl..«k Accoruipg to a recent report l i Billion dollars have he?n invested j theta subsequent to th.; execution of dersigned adm ini'trnlop o f the eat itc ,îl< 4 , um mu i. nog to tho probli-uit of coverameat. him slttioi; crccljm 3 h .r«jt v * oh I I o f Homer Earl fo lk , deceased. Ita* by Iris-phot e electric light and power, gas and street rail* y c**in- .aid md any filed his final account a* inch udmin- rl.nngv’ if ;••«• D<* of Ufo. ‘Even langnngo .I.«-« not be rcosn ircil Inatrntly by thou i foreclosed o f all right, claim, and atfnui t|v ti.nl f,.r*i| unid it i* drn I. Tbo Invfitul.nn no sands of American*, lie Is General imnies to provide tbs facilities for their servi.-e. T h is is three t id e s It. equity o f redemption in or to said i’ trator with th. County Covya o f »•ii .««Mwnuit'nt I» i» pp.’ S«* of roastanl ebungo to J..0. Ilarbord, now Prosldant of ;he I mortgaged prennse.«, and n e r y part Marion C o m a ,. Or* .rou, and .aid amount of actual money in circulation. ni.vt r U n g n « n«x-l« If .1 I« to rn.lure. Tho prahtna I t . Ma t’erpora!!?-! of Amsrtca. II* 1 tiv reoft ar. i that p b m 'iff* t.avw ,je h court ha.«, by aj, or«l»*r thereof duly n'.u’ V» u • . 1 « f t to tb* ".'.’ I «t I '•'*» Tins is a good illustration of what industry has Jot e for America „t;, ; nd further Veli. . in th. jiro.-^ maihp and < ntered, set Monday, the w*s .'hlcf o« StaiT of the A. E. F. - .. and «viti .ut «lotrasl.nii fr un lUo » ffir «ovy » f Ito 2fitH day o f August. 1 'J2i'. at tpc hour conicundcd the ktarfno E rljiJ o of Rtdica! theorists can think of no argument to off*et tte L ro v facts — . ‘ is* - us =■ ay be equitHoie. •t,vÿitm- as n whole. Thix is oflrntlmv* n d.fllrult o f 10rOI) o'clock A. M. n* the time and ■ ■ the Sccund Dlrlslon In Itcl : au t o i nî.'-iva t «Irllvais pr.,tdvoi. Tu tul.o It e*)fr«Tlls M «- ( C.ura the c o trt room o f K»;d court in the . . | by publicuuc i in The Turner TribubC rv«|.iirts iiU htj uf a h'.gk arder, n Ihon.ugb unilrrxtan.k Woods aid Bjurcschi’ when the court bou.-..* in h.dem. Mai ion County, I tiy order c f the HonoranlA L. M. Me- I ; o f lb - f . and an »»fe r a l« knowledge of Ibr |«dU division stopped t!io German ad- State o f Or.-gon, a* the place for rdehpn, juih-e o f TSte above entitled tir. I |.riael| l ,. B al »vivero *».l ci|Hri»n.o »bow to t^ vauca ct Chateau Thierry, is d In hearing i>( aid fin d account. court, b**ariii5t date ot June 24. !.<2i*. invuEcl. the SotSiono Offensive In the bat- All persons having objoctio..o to the j The first'p u b b eation *of this sum­ W o w j - i ’J he blind if ««• did not rre> j« w tbo fort that sn ninniti Is ties of July IS mxl July l ‘J he com- mons it-July 11, t.tJd. anil-the last allowance o f «aid f;na! account and t ,i * tr. •.*.’«• jp. a «»'(»miratati»** gwvfrninent nil along tb© l.ue. *ett!..ment o f said istA t« are notified mr.ndc*d ihe division. A Chicago irih u n c leased wire dispatch to the O regonian, Jane I ' . j publication will bo Au;.-net i. i:»2u. i.'. '.ntlt. in nn a.lur. » » » f..r - »b«- A M-rirnn Bar Auoelntio», Jnmvo U« to appear an.t file written oojcctionj There Is Interest fur tho average L â î , lato »oliellor g.-ncral of tho l*n»t»d B'.ateo, n id ; says: ‘ I gotta d ra g ” means in W te h ir g lo n than a n 7 where els? in the - . * A H l: on or b.Tor» th. day act f » r hearing T . , „ , . . . , Attorney fo r Piaintitfa. American, who always ha* tho best o f «aid final account aim th? syttje- •‘ No pr«»«nt f :.’ t (.) moro slgnifi'int thon th© rvftrtmn I n»any cou n try. Im m u n ity from traih crogu latin n ii, the principal a lira o tio r Place o f r. sidentye and poxfofli. l.itontionj of keeping fit, !u bow nation. ..gai.i >t .teiin><'r.'.*'y an I in t.*»«»r <>f one man |K)Otr. It nini- ment of said es'.ate. in '1 g . i ! « L'.-ngg clubs elsewhere, is the 1 v-'. ■ ' the to st!v p riviie :ge- ■'*■'" ■ ' - - ' j 11 ' _____ _ _ _ _ General H3rbord lias managed to |©rv not whether ll.e ‘■PO nnn Ila rail© I n ©tir, emperor, kuig n| J O H N It. P U I K. be so successful at It ¡.Inca his out- a.rlator—ih* »»«. ntnl fnfl it bn |«>>.»r T im I. iv n.nny uf lit© ©Ideai Administrator o i the Lrtatc o f Homer to which the favored o flk ia U u m , ih t ir liie u d e a r d th e irfrie n d e ’ are en . n - r , r c »'#» .. , , „ N O T IC E I O C i r . 1:1 i OK j door roullca vss changed suddenly Ostión« u t linroj*) nr© in the gnivp o f dictators........... E. t I Folk. • ill, ( j 19 " A t no lino wíihiB li.e im-mory uf iving nun hn< Mneuln's N e tio is hereby given timt the un- |J. H. B A SSE TT, by hi* now position. Ideal o f » (",,n.rnnvnt o f nnd l y an i far the people been iiure The article cites etrikings ir c 'd c n U Io show that th? rervan ta of dersiyi.ed, by an order o f the County A ttirn . y f - Administ.: ir»r. Co accomplish i that by cdhsls- iC o u r t ’ o f Marion County, S t a t e 'o f 707 Dunk o f Commerce UM?., Salem o, bly d»>»:»'»! nnd floulrtl.1' tent exercise. Including as a prin­ tne {*coplet tem p orarily clothed with cCiciciai a o th o ritv , use cfEciai use o is c ia i ^ Oregon, duly sr.ade ar.d entered on the Orokan. cipal Item a dally horseback ride. ti— » Ia>r»l l'r ifr , «inur.r * fai. p, i f ih - 1 u: ucrot. prlavipl© In go*«rn. pew rr to obtain m any p riv ile d g e « which would be denied to th eir etu- dav o f July, lf 2 * v ».«s appoint, d Ho keeps a horse In Central I'irk. • "Mtslern -Sto ' to n i t ns bu nos, n eltrr.l in I» » lajd grimi work, Ueio.oTicir»,* p lover*, or, in other words, the man on th.; »treat. . odr.uniirtratonof the estate o f Aman- N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Every morning, while the aver- if self gov ©rament wui to ©mi» io. r . ♦ »© ».© nut impr»- .»d «siili th© solemn warn ng o f sge man Is lying In bed, ho li Notice is her by give«, that the un- T h ere i? con sia n i p iee*u .e lo x ’ *»nd I pt>«*crs ?\nd tu n e tb e s cf hav * dulv qualified a.- -uch. All fK*r- Pryra nn I .lirr afliulnts of our l.rne, \V* n.» iin» that wbntfur may h»|i|,rn I raigned by an order o f the County up and dressed. At 6: to o'clock be t »»liivr n. 'n’..«, •■© «re w n r «. I . n re be u r «. hiuvefrr, even in Amer.©», g ovt rnznerd, thereby ’.Airidin^- op e hureatftratic t j i t « n which lives o ff' ‘io t Court o f Marion C*'uniy, State o f I* riding briskly through tbo wood­ f.s t n i l « lu l l ur unrirnt faith In llie enu © of «otgrvrrnniral 1 Visiti r* ed park with bis frjend«;. the people through tex*4 ii. ' f are re q r.fB il to Dratr'.a^. f b * struggle of imc, odiy v rifi*^} r tttp p r'd by Oregon, duly made and entered on r< tirnirt'i fV.im Europe fiel eonqwlled to n(>(dsuil tb* aehlevtments of Mus­ the lKth «lay o f July. A 1). !'i29, wai so: vi. t! i .h L- h.n I.ivr lir-dvn the . pr«'. ‘Motive system o f n gr»at «mentry. the ta x p a yer ¡*\ v kee$ go .’em in en t dc-s-o to the f raction c f govern in g * Sal.'m B ^ k ^ f Commer?'. b ^ v ’ .’ appointed administrator o f the estate It in irttv Hint self (p>v« rnmvnt bid failed in Italy when Mus .unit Oiiici-.Jisin a l s a y j hedges itself about with *p :e !a l pri iledg*** which in the Cti> o f Sal m, Marion Couiak 'ot Kiziah H o fim a n . dticea "•!, ami setreJ tha reigaa of givernment and »b«* s-iined on Pi» vergo of nnnrvliy. that he has duly qualified r * ;:uch._ • • ■ to a private ci.izen , n the Citj w-Cos In * lur eoonfriis of the n rid «livre iiivtol. r .hips huvs supplnnlcl are denied All p* r>on* having claim? ¡ »ain-t Ort gon, with.n ¿¿x m oriin from ' i . e mvtitutional government thi.e wrs tho »nroe Immiovnro ©f d -astvr. i , t .... ar«* hereby n otifiid to -o — — l ‘J29. 1 ie «: virnfnl fort rrnnins that ». If g»vrrf,mrnt bad proven ■nrqunl to Iti» Y O U N G O F F IC IA L S I N pr . . i t th • rar.ie, duly verified r.a re- »'.mil thr.t .vas plaeml n| in tt. The le»«on from all this is tli.-t |iopulnr II. E. K IN G a id R O V .L . K I N G * . ' •.• iir?• ■ I by law, to Otto h. ■Baulus, 40'» Y O U TH FU L IN D U S T R Y governai.nt, If It is to endurv, n u t «©«jiiiro nnd maintain an efficirury in Administrators i t 'tK? ' fc«ta te" .-1 i ir.-t National Bank Bldg.. ¿Jul'-m, govcrnm.’iit superior to that of any mitoeml. I f the peopio cannot them- An-.amia E. K'ng, Deceased. 0 r ron, within six monta* o f tht «tat«- avive» naintnin nn crlrrly goivrnnient snd eennnt throng Ii eonititnt innsl 1 ii ;: h ;: iu:'.'c.'.'..'r:t thp Ah-" rtuy of t';.- first pal ic.e'. on ot thio notice, Thp grow th of m ilitarism in the Urnited State* ha? grown in leaf;« G U Y 0. SM ITH , Dirán» «".ir » s ,v »l justice to the g:ent body of • lie people, nutovrncy in of tiie list of ofiicors for the Radio- Attorney fo r Administrator*. rjimely Julv 2b. li)2tl. ..... » form is i.tiuoil to mine. , and bounds in the fe-r years .'n lloTiag the V. Grid W a r It i ' L e ic g ir.- Victor Corporation of America«Just OitUi R. HOFFM AN. I s i| ti 'lv. that r. pr. " illative government v.lil-h onr falliere sought N O TIC E TO CRED ITO RS forme I ta handle ttui saies m il «11*- A.imir. str.itor of the Estate ot Kitiah culouted into our scooola a m tc o lls s e * tl.r inghnnt the land. It is bring ta r ;.ibl A Is tlo Iiv.l liu;.© of earth. 1 ein n-d el.ne my eyes, though, to ihn trtbmion oT tha products of tho Hoffman. D'<»asc«l. . Notice is hereby given that the un* la I that Is n w on |l i .Iv'm iv . I ha— ..n ulinllr.g failli that It «Ally i f . , nr,' wv .loll makt it I'unvtinn hotter nnd Attom « i 'oi A«lniini*’.rator. r;zrd by the eK ctio u of high school and eolic^e g ir l* a* c.tiaer* in the ] Court o f Marion Cottn'y, State of ! 1er all tm tl.iie; an i t>> » r;,.i I, nrrnmpllnliv l i nly when v.a have applied Talking Macbtna Company, shov.s Un su .o seiintific invi I--I to guvernii.vnt li cb v ■ bum a(>plii’d etsvwlu’ro a prepaadcranca o f youthful odicial v Reserve Training Corps. T h ey hold ranks from Ç sp ia in lo tjilo rrel cr.d . Oregon, duly made and entered on the ■ith nay o f June, t y2V. wj;< appointr-i •iiil «iioli has rovolutiuiii.»• I tin: ».uri :. N O I ICE .O CKEDE.OF.3 iu this company which combine* are spotors for ih e various trataiog u n it* They are used a* dtc iya to ad’uir.ijtrator o f tha E.-tate o f John Notte* U hrr b'y t,ivon ilint thè un- the- Interests of two of ths biggest m ak e the service in these train in g corps unite a ttra ctive for the v e u n j i '; ' i-irson, dec-as o f Ju'y, 1!I2U, w ere appoint- who Is chairman of the Hoard of prto- ut tre s 3 me, W7' iP oiT ^ *;

A01 HêF J. W. G ILM O U K , L ¡ », it. oOt .talem Bank et Goni- dent: t H. Lambert. Vlec-Presldent m an E m p ire and if nqt cut bed in the ye.-r* to corno w ill b* the down M rT VOiS AN? AiRt’tAME AN? fL,( Administrutor moie? liui»«lirig’ In tho C ity o f ,S*d.;n», rl pAO du «A ton o and Gereial Ju’jr.*eE A. K Itvoch, A30UNP Wh frttn hop mt ;j : :..n C o .n ’ r. O r :on. within aia fa ll o f ihis great lat.J of our*. Freparedrwaw at- 1 niilit.iri.-ni are ro t R. H. BAàSK U ', VAtATiO/t MO ('O Vice Pri ildont in charge of Prodno WGRUD . rcaiN o, f. n r «I ... c f thi? notic'g Attorney /or Adminlstrator. fw.es ANP JtElHlHOS it n n t fç it v .. . . _ tlon. Service and Trade; II. C. svnonoiBou*. W e are for preparedness. TheTe is n-'t a n d blooded A - ■0'; Sank o t Conimele.' I«!d g , to-.vit: J ’.ly IH, l!'2u. G r u b ')* , Vice President of tho A t.H ì: m i n n i e d a n o n o n , a erk -a n on fins co n ttre n t that would not bs rta d y to oibjr him e.f a n y ­ Sii* in, Oregon. Vtrtor Talking Mr.«hlne Division; (T IA IU .E 3 W. L B K P ì IK, tim e this cou n try waa i:iv.id( cou n try. A nation xvioe surgK o f m litsr.sn* «ncorjsira'.ed in 'o our dev-Urticd,'by an ord- r o f t !*• Codr.- Attorney for Kxecutor». the Rttdlotroi D!vi;icn, E. A. ■y Court o l Marion Cou/ ty, Siati- • ;! .707 ! Sanie if C cw tìocce Bb'g., Salem, scbools and coliege« is not preparedness in th? true ? m : s - of the word N i c h o l a s , Vice-P/haident of the Or f in , duli maiia and er.terj 1 oi/th*- Oregon. I f we must have these training corps in uhr «ch eti'« Jor/t • gir! ( . I7 ’ b day o f Jur.f, 1 wa • ppo 1 ed oreeutor o f thè < >i ite t-f James our land a* bait to draw th ; men in to the«*, tra in in g uni s Ite .l, ^ric»a.ied, aro I at il finn «luiy ----------- o-------- --- < «(uadfied a» such. / I per?OH hav- irig » daini? agai tu t r.ùil estate ai. SUBSCRIPTIQN $1.25 PER YEAR. Entered at the Poetoftice Tour/st ÇJcefji The Situation In A Nutshell S o ts îîfe e r iw P a c ific Scientific Licúo J Need in Government Facts And Fancy Perils to Dciiiü! i. cy Pointai Out l»v Noted St.itcsiv in ' Special Privi ledges A . Menance Militarism In The United States Fi anace Comes Thi ougì i A iip r I h r ^ e ' o f qm n b in g anti p jjrln n ^ m g not* a hYt#,.en Fran- ■ hci'.by noGfied to pi -nt tue sani, duly ve ri tic. I, as rx-quirerl by law, tt ihe (tifico of li. II. Ita: tt, ■ 0,'J {tank o f (Jommerre B uilding in tbf? fJity ol re ami (be United States, /ranee has finally or me thraugb ah 1 has «le i,‘*: m* '>larl.on f ount>;' O r * * * » , with- • i j » fw i * . , CBlfn t. p * v the lown granted her ilnring tlie war ' Ji fnofrttis ‘ rora xhr j lave a i tin-, 'I bis proposition has ‘ nbtipi, to-wit: Jun .- 2tf, 192.). " © been in the air for several year* i her. has been a r«OT in KrAr.ce to I Al l) AND BLK.f J KUST COM­ PANY, - try to gel out of «dying this l«,in. Th-y h v r.-p itediy aitemptej tit? ' fcteo'i'or. United Rtst.-s to esneei the loan \Tc always tj'd V l s i v * that th-ir w n H. H. BA.SBEI'T, » eniugh honor it, old Fr.uoe to M y their j't.tdeU*. I’.ohib-r «. tyrnmd • t o Attornay ^ V o i for ' C o Executor. ^ ,m ™ B l« .y F.iinuarw and forn;< r Niim-t r Aristif • liH.ind led th? fl;hi in cb «m« er of deputies for the rlebt psvaMnt- Il won f>v ei^ht votes the1 the — Orerie««. “ •* ’ :;Iem, vbte s«»n ling, 509 for and 2D2 ogiin*’ I; is to be psid in the baisis of. f i « sgreetcent concluded at Washington. Ju'y Li) 1!»2. and is to be Have your cnyelop?* pri. i. d wit. pti.I iu G2 ann'iftres. Mr. B . i m i appjaUJ ta th) g n Iftu 1 1 ol tb»«J.— ' your return mi ircds. The T fib u o ; putfes for tb« treuemduoug assistance rsndered the ar»n!.;i of t r .t n n . i can Jo the wort;. during th« war He .ai i tbit thi nrmievof th» United State» r-icd. l tb» shorea barely .n time to prevent her dwtrualion Th» radical ele Give The Tribune cr: 'it for inent desired to »dock the payment cf this loin bat Ih.-rC rj ctiil en >utb * ycu buy from oor «d ’/orihers.