THE TRIBUNE. TURNER, OREGON This Is Going to Be a Sizable Gas Tank “ I Never m>rry when they’re in the W h ip p et D ID N ’ T A D V E R T IS E IT This low-priced car has every modem feature for driving safety and dependable performance "Isn't It queer that Methuselah lived to bo nine hundred «lily nine years old. and many oilier men lived to be very aged In Itlhl» time», with out ■ woman living to be that old?" "It l«n’t a bit queer. It merely shows i hal women were the aa me then as now. Wbat woman would ever con­ fess to belag a thousand years oldT* T b e e Ha Raa Tha wedding cerauiuny was over at last I "I’ liew. that was an experi­ ence," said the bridegroom. “ Didn't I look Ilk* a fool at lb* a lu r rail?" "N o,” said the best man, "but^ any­ one could see that you were not your­ self." H ad Little F aitb ie Him Mora than on» liiimlrt-d workman lowering Ih» hug» lx*»a o f ■ 10,000,000 cubic-foot gn» tank for the Pacific Goe A Electric company Into i>o»ltl«ii In Hnn Frendaco. Th» tank will be 228 feet high and 270 feet In diameter. It will ha of the teleacoplc type, having live collapslbla sections. . • - - - u -, ~ - Navy’s A ir Fighters Ready for Maneuvers Th* 8oo— Well, dad. I’m going after a Job. Going to try to sell myself to the First National bank. The 8!re— Mebb» you'll do It, all right, but the chances are you'll only give yourself away. HEARD OF WASHINGTON W H IPPET 6 SEDAN Small Down Payment ADVANCED, modern engineering through- Balance in 12 eacy monthly payment» SEE Y O U R N E ARE ST l \ . out the entire chassis of the new Superior DEALER Whippet is responsible for smoothness and relia­ ix k d i bility of performance, consummate ease of han­ /» > . 04 m , dling, and maximum driving safety. saner, Whippet’s big four-wheel brakes are of the posi­ V V V tive, mechanical type— acting quickly and surely. Both the Whippet Four and Whippet Six have considerably greater braking area than any of their W H IPPET 4 SEDAN Small Down Payment competitors. Other important Whippet advan­ Balance in 12 eajy monthly payment! tages include extra long wheelbase, oversize balloon SEE Y O U R N E ARE ST tires, full force-feed lubrication, silent timing chain, D E A LE R “ Finger-Tip Control,” higher compression engine, invar-strut pistons, and, in the Six, a heavy seven- bearing crankshaft. Lhu Crack, Cam fa, Da Lana Sedan, Reedaer. A ll m U j,-O v erla n d fr itm Telede, mad 1 faapcaataai m i* 11 fi ^ fmet te tksnga w nkant "8ay, you don’t know a thing about history. Did you ever bear of Wash IngtonT" "Sure 1 have— It's the Capital o f the United State*.” U m imcludti Ceaek, Can fa, Dm Loon Sedan, Readner, »-fa m n g er Readner, Celleguee Readner, Tearing, Commercial Cm,an WILLYS - OVERLAND, Inc. Easy F alliag O at ller* are 10 trim craft tielonging to Fighting Squadron 2 o f the Aircraft battl» fleet went beach of the Naval Air atatlon at Sun Diego fur maneuver*. When It’s Warm in the Capital City They were lined op on the th a ham m ock know s no discipline Of lova and tbua in sp ire, our doubt; F o r th o u g h an aid to falling In, It still m ay causa a falling out. A N sigk b or o f tha F issa LAST SURVIVORS The Immigration no friends and no land? I see you. The Prospective lence, not Finnish. Ofllcer—No money, Job and expect to finish. d tlse n —No, excel Lettish. The Jab* That Failed She— 1 told your latest Joke to mother last night and she pretty near laughed herself to death. He (Impatiently)— Well, why didn't the? WEALTHY INDEED Two pretty glrla from one o f Uncle Sam'a big office* at Washington atole away from their work to go wndlng In the cool watera o f the Potomac, where they were caught In the act by a vigilant cameraman. New Secretaries o f the Senate Thomas O. Edgar o f Washington, who became the sol* survivor of the gallant bust which marched across the Hlo Grande In 184«, when his last comrade died at the age o f one hun­ dred and one In Missouri. Mr. Ed­ gar Is nlnety-elgbt. He served In the navy during the Mexican war but does not remember the name o f his ship and discourages efforts to make a hero o f him. RULES VATICAN CITY “ Is your friend wealthy?” “ Wealthy? Why. man. he has three daughters at boarding school and doesn’t have to give It the least thought" Lias O a t o f ll T ha laay m an w ho lies abed T rlaa to tnsplra som e doubt of I t Ha w on’t adm it tha tru th Instead Ha g a ts up and Ilea out of I t H »tp W anted Mistress—Do we want anything from tha town? Maid—Yes, madam, tha china will not last over Sunday Possibly S o Instructor— Your son does not seem Interested during class hours. He wears a sleepy expression continually. Father—Ah. bnt Isn't It possible that It'a the talent slumbering with­ in? __________________ N ot la tba S a n a Class The Credit Man—I dont doubt that you have a thrifty, helpful wife, but It’a money that talks. The Delinquent Customer— Money talks, boh? I'll back my wife against a million dollars. Her W ishes Commentdatore Beraflnl, flrst gover­ nor of the city o f ti e Vatican that Is practically a small self-governing na­ tion created by treaty between Mus sottnt, representing the king o f Italy and Cardinal Gasparrl, representing Pope Plus XI. Carl A. I.oeffler, left, and Edwin A. Halsey, right, who have been elected gecretnrlea o f the majority and minority o f the senate. These offices were created by the new legislative personnel act and their duties will consist o f assisting the party leader* In the general supervision o f legislation. Us* f o r E yebrow s Eyebrows serve to prevent peraplra tlon from falling Into the eyes. T h » Pastor S s y n O F INTEREST T O E V E R Y B O D Y A retti n il la one o f the most rapidly novlng o f the "fixed" atnrs. There are about 48,000,000 aerea of irable landa undeveloped In North ilnnehuria. Moat of the ashestoa used In the rorld Is being shipped front mines of >n stern Quebec. An onyx qunrry has been opened ienr Custer, 8. I). It Is believed tobe hç largest deposit on the coutlncuL An eagle returns to Its nest year after year. It would take 213 states the size of Rhode Island to make one state as large ns Texas. Young men o f France are called to the colors at twenty-one now In­ stead o f twenty. So ninny Horllners ride to work on bicycles that the police arc hard pul to solve the bike trnfllc problem. Some people, like locomotives, pull whole trains: others, like automobiles, propel themselves alone; while still others ere mere cars, which have to he hauled.—John Andrew Holmes. Know H er? There Is n certain type o f woman to whom It Is always quite safe to keep on saying, "Dear dear. Isn’t that terrible I” regardless o f whether you hear anything she eays.—Detroit News. She—I wish that we two nlone could live always on some lonely Island In a great ocean. He— Darling, haven't yon a wish that could he fulfilled more easily? She—Oh. yes I I’m Just dying for a strawberry Ice cream soda. Surprise Customer— I want to pay cash for this car. Salesman—Yes, sir. But It's so un­ usual that I’ m afraid you'll have to give us a reference or two. H alpieg Him O at The Boss—I’ m Just going to help you heat a part of this unjust and burdensome Income tax. The Salesman—Thanka. chief. How do we do It? Th* Boss— We redne* your salary 29 per cen t TO LE D O , OHIO Desert Area Believed N ew W om an Raally New The “ new woman," who is neither to Hold Mineral Riches yonng nor old, neither a girl nor a The San Rafael Swell, a wild waste married woman, neither a bad nor a spinster. Is something new under the o f buttes, mesas and deep steep-elded canyons, heretofore considered o f little sun.—Woman's Home Companion. vaine save as a rather poor grade of Ruse Ball Blue delights the house­ pasture land for a few herds of sheep, wife. Makes clothes whiter than snow. may be about to step forward to claim Its share In the progress o f the world. At your Grocer’s.— Adv. This section o f the desert area of Utah has been visited by experts of W a rn in g F rom Upstairs Voice From Upstairs.— Wbat time Is the Geological survey, and nearly two- thirds o f Its area has been carefully It. Barbara? Barbara— I don’t know—Jim's watch Investigated. There seems to be prom­ ise that a valuable find o f helium, Isn't going. Voice— Oh. and how about Jim?— that boon to lighter-than-alr craft, has been made and there are hopes that Vancouver Province. deposits o f petroleum will also be developed. Distance o f tba Sun The Swell yielded a fair quantity A new method of determining the distance of the sun suggested at the o f radium and uranium daring the Dominion observatory. Ottawa, de­ World war. The rocks contained In pends on three accurately known the Swell embrace representatives o f measurements; the velocity of flight, til the geological periods from the the wave lengths o f spectrum lines, Permian to the Upper Cretaceous. and the shape o f the earth's orb it Dally observations o f the spectrum o f Easy to Sever Marital the sun’s center with a constant com­ Knot in Soviet Russia parison spectrum have been made for years and preliminary measurements The matter c f marriage and di­ Indicate promising results. vorce are very simply disposed o f by the Soviet laws. All legal for­ malities are practically dispensed with and. tiring o f matrimony, eith­ er party to the arrangement has sim­ ply to leave the other and advertise the fact, which may be done at a cost o f about $1.50. The christening o f children has gone to the discard as an Institu­ tion along with other religious rites. A Communist father desiring to show his party loyalty and to dedi­ cate his offspring to the Communist cause will carry his infant to his o f­ flce. shop or factory and there in the presence of his comrades declare his predilection In the matter o f a name “ Mai or Oktyabr," perhaps. In com­ memoration of revolutionary dates or that o f some revered party leader. “ Ninel,” the reverse o f “ Lenin,” Is a DR. CA LD W E LL’S favorite for the girls. T H R E E RULES U nusual M ineral D eposit Dr. Caldwell watched the results of constipation for 47 years, and believed that no matter how careful people are of their health, diet and exercise, con­ stipation will occur from time to time. Of next importance, then, is how to treat it when it cornea Dr. Chlilwell always was in favor of getting as close to nature u possible, hence his remedy for consti­ pation is a mild vegetable compound. It can not harm the most delicate system and it not habit forming. The Doctor never did approve of dras­ tic physics and purges. He did not believe they were good few human beings to put into their system. Uee Syrup Pepsin for yourself and members of the family in constipation, biliousness, sour and ci ampv stomach, bad breath, no appetite, head­ aches, and to break up fevers and colds. Get a bottle today, at any drugstore and shaerve these three rules of health: Keep the head cool, the feet warm, th* bowels ■»pen. For a free trial bottle, just writ» ‘Syrup Pepain,” Dept. BB, Monticello, Iltnois. For Barbed Wire Cuts Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh b a c k fo rS n tb o ttk lfM li P ard onable M istake Irving Berlin said at a reception at the Ritz tn New York: "Melody Is coming back. Jazs la stUl popular, yes, but we have melo­ dic Jazz now, whereas In the past—" Mr. Berlin laughed and went o n ! “ A young man and a girl were feasting on lobster and champagne at a sapper club. “ "Oh, what heavenly Jazz!’ said tbq glrL ‘Let's dance.’ “ T h at wasn't Jazz,’ said the young man. *MaJor Lush upset his table.” * For Foot Com fort N D quick relief o f hot. tired, *• aching, smarting feet shake Allen’ s Foot*B*ae, the antiseptic healing powder, into your shoes. It takes the friction from the shoes and makes walking or dancing a delight. Sold everywhere. A ‘"‘Allen’s Foot= Ease IV **£V£fi DAY** . For Fraa Trim! pack mg* and a] i FootaEasa Walking Doll, Add rasa» lAlM n'a Foot • Earn, La R oy, N *• From Youth to Age There are three trying periods in a woman’s life: when the girl matures to womanhood, when a woman gives birth to her first child, when a woman reaches middle age. A t these times Lydia E . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound helps to re­ store normal health and vigor. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VI GL T A B I F C 0 M P 0 L M l 1 I k Ul \ . PINKH VM Ml D- CO. L Y W M Css Who, then. Is free? The wise man who can govern himself.—Horace. In D aily Use over all the trorlel THOUSANDS o f women have come to regard Cuticura a* the true natural aid to a lovely skin and attractive hands and hair. Regular daily use of Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment when required, purifies and beautifies the skin, cleanses the scalp and keeps the hair live and glossy. Evan Tails His W ife Parson Tenthly—In order to be happy In married life, there must be no hose, my dear brother. Deacon Duttons—Yea, that’s wha» 1 keep telling my wife, parson. During the World war a prospector searching an old tunnel near Libby, Mont., noticed flakes o f a coarse mica- like mineral that writhed and swelled enormously when touched by the flame o f hla candle. The flaky min­ eral proved to be verntlcullte, which further examination showed to be present In great quantities. Vermi­ culite Is applied to a group o f min­ erals that expand and give off water upon heating. The name arises from the fact that some members o f the group open Into long, wormllke threads. The heated and expanded material Is very light, exhibits a golden or silvery luster, and appears to have very low heat conductivity. These properties suggest possible Im­ portant usee, says Geological Survey. H ow Fast L ife Changes An airplane honeymoon recalls the time that has elapsed since the lad a » sured his “ Daisy," "Ton’ll look sweet upon the «eat o f a bicycle built for two." A tandem bicycle wa* rather prosaic. Sky transportation has In­ tensified romance.—Washington Star. Soap 25c. Ointment 2Sc and 50c. Talcum 25c. Sample each free. AJJrtu: "Cuticura,” Dept. B6. Malden. Maaa. F C u t ic u r a R h a r t s f S t i c k SAe. 1 FLORESTON SH A M F O O -Id ea l er ose » connection with father's llslr B» aera If ekrato» hair sott sn.l Snffr. sn eents by mail of at tra f­ elata. Hiecoi Chemical Works, Fstchogus, a . T.