* i*. .V e T urner T ribune it è »;. XIII. no . *) r '**' j ~ ’ftJ&N KIt, Oil KO ON, THUHBDAY. JULY 24. ri ■ ■ ■ ï 19'^9. SUBSCRIPTION I I . iS PER YEAR ----- ! W E H AV E CONNECTIONS Minnesota Picnic iw a v a v . v . v . w a v / w . v w . v . v w j w w V ; J W M W A W with the Hanren-Dcnnfctt mag CLOOOi )W GO. azine agency r, on- of the iarg-' Sunday August 4th S Save * - PAJNT - S ■ av e $ * ouiitry, which cn _____ ebt in the cou F u n c h a l D m c c n m s — EYES and EYESIGHT * aides un to give you the best 5 We will continue our Paint Sale during July & 205 S.CHtMCH SV-AT ANY HC s i ! * There in a Difference. Idtt« »wv«j «• »# t( I ¡i Dr. A. C. Eaten, Qph. I>., 20 prices and service for youi ({The annual Minnesota picnic jl 100 % Public Service Paint, per Gallon $3.35 year* experience in Eye examina­ magazine neefl.;. See F. P. Row- will be held at Hagar’s Grove, on . . >?'m N K j l 2 the Mill City road .between Sa­ £ Blue Valiev House Paint per Gallon $2.17 tion and prescribing of glass* k ley at the Tribune o ffice. lem and Turner, Sun-day. Au#- Heat of references furnished in Mot. P S. iis will be aerved at j: difficult cartes. Office over Fry’s- Anna Jafco Halt left, by auto.]« * 1 A n d e rso n 's .V A lÄ W W .V W .V /.V .V .V .V W .V .V .V /.V W rV .V A ’W /; drug Ktore, 28-1 N. Commercial, Monday morning for Weiser, I- onc ° cb>cdi in the afternoon. This £ SFORT CCODf. - PAINTS ¿ Salem. Prices reasonable. Phone dahs. Miss Hale came down this ’ ^ o ye is iooated on the bank of l f 7 No. Commercial St. Salem, Or«. rn ing with Mrs. Riches for a Mi!! Creek and air° rd3 B(xxl £ PoiVioroy anil Keene Ï 1 H 68-J. V vacation trip and is returning toi ‘¡wimming anil bathing as an ad- />.*A V /.% V V ^V A V .V .V /.V .V /A 'Z W W A V A V /JI.W OLD TIME DANCE Chrystnl her home. Mrs. Riches will visit d,tion Salem's Square Deal Jeweler* & Optician*. the program. Bring well Gardens every \ycdnesday and w ith her parents before returning if,!led baskel9> l,lat« 3- cups and Diam onds Watches C’lroks Jewelry & Silverware. Saturday, H;?J P. M. Genti, 50c j,0|yit. Silverware. Coffee sugar and Salem, Oregon. Ladies 25c. tf. 379 State. St. !cream will he furnished by the Marion Tost Vetrano of For. elub. This is art annual affair and ^ • i ? irfW i^ V A ,/.V>AY.V.V.V.W.,.\V.V.,.,AV.V.V.V.V.V.Vr.V Mrs. C. George is spending the iegn'Wars, of which there are la rare opportunity is offered for w wm m m w n K m nwi • » r #**. summer witii Mrs. Kirkpatrick, ¡S(»vcra| meifibers around Turner,, . , . , . ■ ■ " • " ......... ...... I. , . , i . renewing of old acquaintances J n^ar Aumseillc. have launched a campam to raise . . i _ ■ it.., . . i .. . « and making new ones. Tell every L* e Barber, pirifit'jr of Bar- monev to enhance their finances, , .• Aerv • in . ... .. , former resident ol Minnesota you grocery and P Mervin I ear- the coming year by selling tiek- see. Lets make this gathering the spent several days, last week (.‘„s to a dance to be given at largest yet. Good speakers and ! on a business trip at peints in's >me future date. Valuable i rizes , other numbers will be on the pro- # fiancai Conlrador and Uiildfir j Washington. jkuch as blankets, silk shawl i, etc ‘ .7 !gram. Lets Go. — «---- I Quality harness m.uH jn are given With ctrtain numbers.: Cement Work and i’ luntfring W e carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, •Several books are already out a- own Turner. O rego n r iou ie j . i.ai¿n is Cigarette Blamed Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select f I an teed. PrSs 'fram w». 5 .<>d F. E. Shafer, 170 b. Com­ off for «flying start. from, also W all B eard, Paint, Doors, Windows, For Grass Fire Mrs. ft. O. Knight and Mis3 mercial St Salem, Dregon. Cedar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and Slabwood in Albert Given and Hollis Bones Alice Riches accompanied Mr. O. L>. D. Kniy Knight and A grass fire, supposed to have are working on the Ball Broth- and ilia . U. four foot lengths. its ’ ffiw puller. AlbeKis running '¡aughter MarjoHe .to Portland started from a cigarette tossed the tractor and Hollis is k ickin g'f»'? 14f- artdJ ^ ih* w R*1 from a passing car burned fiercely W e desire to serve the public with Promptness . bundles. _ l t heir sister, Mis* M L* Irma rma Riches. forSome time Sunday afternoon. and Efficiency. H. R. Peetz and Willie Pear- along the C. II. Riches field, on Chas Bones is laid up with a. . , , __ . . . , . „. , . . Compart, Kong carni U p Stick sets. Special, S9c . . , . . , „ . • „-,,,,„,1 -on took charge of the cream sta- the highway just north of Turn- LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL PHONE *7* but not able to do much »¡on Sunday. while C; W H ewittjer. The firewasdiscovered by -f \ Y -Ti. E. S. PR ATH ER i was at the bedside of his mother, ¡jassing motorist who stopped in work. R eliab le Druggist In Salem. Turner and gave the alarm. Sev- C. II o a i H and family were The icecream social in the tab-¡eral of the town people went to OREGON TURNER ( callctl to bnlem, Sunday morning ern£icle grounds, Saturday eve- the scene of the fire and with — by phone, on account of the un njngt «»3 well attendi*d and all the use of rhovels ami backfires _ j favorable condition of l-u mother jiaj a ROOj time. the blaze was soon corroded and | who has been sick at her home The’young people of Mrs. Del- extinguished with practically no HPtTBannws i1 A1 a m m m < i n - ^ . « ^ s c a s i in Salem, for two weeks. Mrs. class will picnic at Hazel damage done to an old rail fence Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist , Hewitt î»assed away about I o’ Green, next Sunday after Sunday1 alongthe field. ¡clock Monday morning. School. Some of the poles belong to the G. F. KORINEK, V.S., B.V.Sc PAINLESS DENTISTRY A N D X -R AY WORK Hollis Bone« apd ilervin Pear-] Judge B. C. Small, e f Salem Pacific Telephone aud telephone A ll Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices son went t<' Portland Saturday !;• rid daughter spent Sunday at Co., caught fire. They were noti-( U«e Your Credit Come in and talk it over V E T E R IN A R IA S ] night Hollis expects to leave on j ^ Small home lied and a man was soon on the Day and Night Servie* M ASO NIC TEM PL£. S A l EM , the horse show •how circuit ' ireuit ¿.ugust Koilh Roberu, of Porttand, '* * . " i “ 1 J* Phono 410 Resilience 7S8-R OREGON S T A T IO N . . . i j ... . - to look alter them. Some ot the first, starting at Palo Alto, Cal­ spent the week end with his nro- , . .. . ,. . . . . . EÇkLL'-. RXtLSa ' , r j , ... , . - . Du hay m the field, belonging to A ifornia .therand family, L. D. Roberts. ., ' , . .. ,, ,, „ . r „i j . , , ! h. Robertson was thought for a Bill HatMdcame up from Gal-. I.. D. Roberta and family at- whiletj> ^ in danger but the iforma, last week, for a vis tendcd.the Kelley-Smiley-Roberts stubble was not heavy en0UJih t0 with hu cousin. Roy Haii eld nd 1(in at Ricrbal park last Sunday. the rtre thorebv savln/ the sister Miss Agness fiatde.d. | The icecrevm social given by ' hav “No Collection. No Charge**, Dr. O. V L. Scott V ^ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Riches, DadieJ Aid of the Methodist: ' ---- Delinquent accounts collected on a contingent basis. We do the work« iihiroprRctor Mr. nnd Mrs. U. S. lalbott ami church on the I. H. Small lawnjrpi -r^i jt i. shoulder the' expense and make no Nfuroenlometer Seryice Miss Anna Jean Hale motored to|was well attended. OverSO being X 1 1 1 0 G L l ^ y G I * S i l l l l ' L i . * ‘ ’ chawfe unless collection is made. $2i>0,000 Bad Accounts turned into Waldport, Sundftv morning and pre80nt. Phene 87. Residence '2104J Cash Since W e Started. l M t Angel-Turner spent the day at the beach. D. S. L . . ". t.r . . Jot down a trial list of bad ones and N. High Street i -,u o„r, Mrs. L. W. Robertson returned let us turn them into actual money! returned with beautifully suni . ., , , , Game , .he fiJvt of the Week from a sev- Salem, O regon l im e Deposits Business Men’s Adjustment 11110 « ace. weeks stay w ith her .daugh- Ml USTI Locals Turner Lumber & M fg . Co. VV. JAY DENHEM Î DRUGS i 4 % Paid on six months Company ; Gloves, Purses. Hand Bags. Iter, at Gbldendale, Wash. The Mt. Angel nine met the 41£-1G Masonic Bids- Phone 911 Suit Cases and many other ..rti- Four room anartment for rent. Grey Diggers on the Cloverdale SALEM. ORECON f* $$•-.* *,** |clos made of leather suitable * for Turner State Bank. diamond, Sunday atlernoon. The gilts for nil occasions. Tell usj Mrs. Geraldine Merz and son. |»»me was fast and furious and Autom obile Insurance W ritte n your HARNESS needs. K L. Bobby, of Linn county : came in resulted in the defeat of the Dig- Shnfcr, 1.0 S. Commercial St. S*- Saturday for a visitv.ith her par- tiers to a score of five to C. There, lorn. Oregon. |ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Rur- :werc three casulties two of the F. P. R O W L E Y Mrs. W. J. Gower nnd sonld.v. Miss Ruth Purdy, of Port- Payers being injured quite ser- John came up from Salem and land is also spending a few days *°usly. Cecil Martin was hit on spent the weekend with Mr. and at home. *' the arm but not badly injured. Mrs E. S. Prather and son Earl \\\ H. Purdy, machanic al the Arthur Spelbrink was hit on the Jr. Mrs. Gower has been staying state Highway garage, who has h,tad and bI^d ,,Ulte ba^‘{ fr^ m in t>een been in a sanatorium for several several, ,ne .nos,‘ a“ ' ,moutn‘, ^ ’,be *dc‘ A W W .V .V .V .Y .'.V .V .W A V .V V .'.V .'A '.Y .V .V .Y .'.S W .V A V at the homo o f her brother, m Salem, since coming from the days, is expected home soon. i Calhster was hit in the eye and i a ^McMinnville hospital where she . . . . - . taken to the hospital where five , , . .. . Mrs. Henry Barnett entertain- stitches w e re taken above the 'recen tly u nderw ent an operation. , n KV . , , ni. smenes were laxen aoovc me ■d at id a birthday dinner, ^eve eye an(j f four our below. It was — Mrs. Eific McGov ¡Govern visited • s-unday. /or husband and his bro-1 thought the eyeball was injured. her fath >r Dr. J. W. Ransom Kansem and ther. Harry Barrett ________ • | w ife last week. „ „ „ Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Mickey J. It. Rosso, who has been sick1 and Mrs. E. i -arcy, Gf Salem. Saviour :ind the Bible as the word WAYAV.mvVA'AVYA'AYA'A'A'AVAV.'AVVAYtWWW A V S Y V \\Y .V W .'.V W .W ,\,.VvA'-V,W .V-VVYVSW .y o f G od. i for some time is n. t doing as well a'tended the ice cream social at After tne business meeting af­ the past few days.-' ! tfie home of Mrs T. H. ¡fmall, Formerly nt Cryrdal Garden Now Al ter the evening service it was de­ .SALEM ARM ORY FOR RENT-Two 2 room apart- KridaY ni» ht- ckled to have a revival mebting Î «• - \ , . m ments and Two 1 room apart­ Mr. and Mrs. Chas Giilett, of in August. The members receiv­ AAVVAWAVWVYWAVu AbVY.VVW AVYAVAYAW Portland, visited at the home of ed the.resignation of Earl Confer! A * 4 . ( ments. Enquire Tribune office. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bear. Pun- as minister, with regret. He has W A N T E D -Five cords of 1 (5 Strictly Old Time Dancing every Wednesday and Knots. | day evening. inch fir wood Free from fulled the pulpit of the Turner , Saturday Night at 8 :B0. Inquire Tribune office. Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Craw.'ord for nearly two years. He has ac- i Admission: Ladies 25c; Gentlemen, 5dt. S ^V.%V.W.V.V.V.SW.V.V.V.W..V^»V.V.W.%W«V and daughter Harriett, of Salem, copied a call to a field nearer his 7 * v .« ' * * . • .* " ' » - 5 Free parking space in our Nursery for the baby. You ¡s Clifford En^ley loaded a car of spent Sunday at the services at home, in Eugene, to commence bring a pillow and blanket. W e furnish a cot and a , hay at Marion. Saturday, fi r the the Pleasant Grove church. September 1st G lassw are, H a - r d w a r e nurse to care for him* 5 Oregon Feed and Flour Co. V , ; Mrs. Orr n Key is working as Noxt s » nday morning the ser- J Dean Tucker of Salem, was in mon topic will he “ To Every Man Boots and Sfioes .VW W W A W A W A W W .V.VYA 'A V.W .-A V.A YY Tumer Sqnday. Deán formerly in ;,supply stenegrapoer t the Wes- His Work.” (Mark 13:34) In the tern Union Telegraph Co., at the wood business, hauling from evening the topic w ill be "The i Salem. «W , .VAVAWVV.YA'-VAVAVVWWWWVW^W Marion to Salem. Little Dogs.” (Matt. 15: 2fi>;27. Maxwell McKay and Elmer • j y: ;+4 Webb w ho rrr working on the H igh est prices for fa rm pro­ The Tribune shop cun print youi i Hi-leary bailer, near Halsey, and butter wraps, letter heeds and an- 1 Lloyd . Hilleary, owner of the duce velopes. • New Bligh Ijuildjng 512 Hint* Street I Bailer, were home over Sunday. The usual Bible study and f ,i * •* * I Miss Ada Thomas of Portland, church service was well attended F L O R IS T i spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. last Sunday. The night sermon H a rriso n ’s G eneral Store Phone. 880 • Oregon. Salem, |H. W. Snjith on, “ What Must I Beleive to be Have your envelopes printed w ith1, Turner, Oregon I A lv:n Bond, ad writer on the a Christian?" was an earnest ap­ • aur leturn address. The Tribunt i] 'Oregonian staff, spent Sunday at peal to beleive in God. Christ the can do the work. V V .’ A V A V / W A Y / A ’ A V home. .-A -Fire and Turner State Bank Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Salem’s Popular Old Time Bauces Turner, Oregon. H arriso n ’s G eneral S to re . ^ for Drygoods-Groceries C. F. BREITHAUPT CHRISTIAN CHURCH