THE TURNER TRIBUNE Turner, Or gon. Thursday . < !y lb, 192P p . Kntatrit. tiVltur Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon w rr«'io «tu a r 'J Iß h.Mir*. H nv'iotîM *n I ' r . c ml.-, n r ed i t; »h-* ! pN'vtouf reninl t>v 72 hour.-, t .1 min it«.i an ! atoond«. Tilt* hiin r* ; i;t! ¡ • in : un ?« trt.ittmjr ut ¡lirttn *T i :: »¡« in ai d .Yn v n ct, «n I l.o A n s .V cou nty t., i I h fu .n l io «ir ! ttal hcijiitnl, Po’ th rd the • i i record*, for in ci:r elation nt our >« al ilio, ’s rom rJ h « mu t i I f ir¿.* i vxiunge l son Ronnld will sotit» i Itimi hi* com panion ia ciu ilc-l tu ««¡.tal li >nor- io t hi j r?co:d h .ra k iry lt\i; h high siclieol. Ho is art tu?- ( om pl h ni muciiciutt. I * 'h « i venirti t. NOUCK TO CWBDITOR3 Notice is h.-o'b) |t ven that th» u.i- NOTICE TO C itroiT O R S ler»i|tn--d, hv an onli-r o f the County Notif* t, hereby ghwa tt«’ the tin I Court o f , , Mui ion . County, . . . Stal, ut ,!uly m uto und entered on tit* the t -.I.Tiv n, et.f-r * f th* CnnMty Orvion, Ort .oit, duly nm d -und Cv o f Mu -i Comuy, Sint.- . 3r«l liny bf July,- I *#:*, weiv uppeint- O.x m, duly made a -J entered e\ 'd executor« o f tbC e-tut* oi l'«onn.' ■ 1 1th day « f June*. I b i» , \v..s nc ! l-c>'P> 1 . d.-c- ase I. and thaï U p y *“» '« ; > h" st : i!::-, itmtor o f the \ tute or j irjly Ouall.ied u< »urh. ,ttii en Hilt., ilece.i-ivl, ami thm I ' » P' i>o is having chi in.« nyulnst > 1, ..... .lulv ijua’ i f . «nei' AH u p aid e-tal* urv hereby i.oiUnul 10 pn,- ¡ • avin - c . i. t li.l . tate1 • •’< V," ? u¿> v**/»^* « V' |„ ,. v»v h >,¡»¡.-.» 10 p>. -id th Muiml by luw « t th o i fie s oT R. H. x, i .., r, U|W(| i,, ¡ Hassett, 5 0 1 Salem Hank of C .«n : ,H • lin» OH . li , o S- 'h 'i, 'iiHge Duildiug in the City nf Suh i.i, l> >«:. >i b i ik of l'oint-'-r.- IJ\ » Marón County, Oregon, wifhin «ix In t'se c;t. f .V a , M..: „11 Comity. 1 months from the ilote o f this notice, On • ., i* thin s ' ont''* from th • >> wit: July lb, Al ICI; MINNIE It ANC ROUT, «tate ex thin natice, to-w :: June 20. CHI V141 K°- W. I td ’ t K. J51JP,. « cut?. « of tlu' Mutato o f 1 'uulin > W ild JAM H. UAl-L. I ee|- .. Administrator o f the IM ate o f l.lli. n. h . f * ' trr r. J u 4 . hu > Hall. Uecea .1. At» ncy for Fxecutors. i ' " ’ of Commerce Uhi*. Snleui. N07 ICE OF IIFAr.lNi OF FINAL 503 Oretro«. v j I ACCOUNT 1 !■' C» ( n t ntrt of tne tit.atv .■f i'-, a h «for th-’ Countv o f Manon, j In the i.-, itti • o f the «v ate 01 Ku* I bt n --. H a -tir«'. deco..»'-«!. Nette? ti h 'r bv ,«:» that th, I (■. d ace ion: o f tic;*«- Hastiiu ; Zosol. | ■em !1 ■: of tl.J e»l t# o f Kcttb« 1» ; A. H:i •it": . «! -c is. d. tu : h-, .1 file*!] minty C*>urt o f Min ion Coin»- * T*to momb?ra «»Í ^urprw* and 27ih d iy o f ‘ V. O.- “ i < ~ t*üit t ! ' ; Î’ -'•*• t tie' he - ‘ o f to o’clock A ulciu'v file n i» ,a huil u p^cnL \ t i n «¡¡i ainte«l by s ; «1 * "■ , . . . . . ., ... . -r r »rin«: ob .-n to aaì«l uitlll,'** tit idi* llOtlli CI u * I1. CiUl- '' • ■••t y p . ¡a n«»ar M arion P in n e r wits SUMMONS In tlu> Circuit Court o f tho St ilo of SUBSCRIPTION $Ì.2S t*KR YEAR. Urterei! at the Postoflìce On *jen for th> t'cuniy o f Marion, at Turner. Oro r o n ; a ; .• v o o u d -o l.v s m a tte r , u n d e r th e IV ¡'artinont N<>. t: Stato o f OiVfiou— 1. I- l'attcifoiv I Guw rnor; Hai K. H a «. S-.'oratary » f Sarto, ami Thomas H. Ksy, Stato Tronsurv:-, cemprvsiivj lh«> Stato Lami Biwixl o* tho State o f Oro- I y , « , t’ «mlt:T*. va. l cauio \ on or beforc four v.vcks ftorrv t’-o ‘‘ I pledge allegiance to the Fla£ o f the United States 'ili-'.o o f ttH fìr t |>u«>liculi«n oi" tìi » and the country for which it stands. One nation, I mimagoBo, r.nd ji you iati to an-wor. I, fo.- wftnt tlior -of t!>o pipiti ti (fa «ili ;indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.’ ff ; applv tu tho oourt for ih*. r* liof pray- --- ■ j n i fo* in their romrtlaintt naia !>, ' tlwt th'-y hav® jutljrn-.ont ayaiust you f 1 L r u,*' «uni o o r thc-nui :.i dottar* ì tr tOOO.nO t, too'th cr *vi*h ¡nt iv-t ! Ih-roHn. troni Cu- towrlU day ut ti. iv \\ ! I!« Pic-idex.t H oover’ s 1 ! I k t f l r i n r tr v io ” v a m c -ijy to d is­ tembor, l'G S. al tlie raic o f L\ |x- cover » h r tty re i# s< tittle rr-t^.-t for la * . you in.iv h- i>:t.*rc.-*t) d in c n l unnici. un!il |>ait . aUil for tho A c l o f M a ri !i 3 , 18 79. u atch in o ll.e anrry ai.t.’ C» ol ih ree or iou i ir *t«-rn Gwvcj.«. cr.,taie il in ll-iUp'onCr..- 1, Ì lutóim j ’- ' i o i ’trying a caso.'- * ’ “ 1 #>nd fo r p’ alntiff ¡? c ’-ty a -d di-Vai *,*- TVrh.t . reni will reo e ne reason « h y In « i « . i r r - m d t j {V- d .s o r lW ta V h * » ^ During t lit* trial o f iì etimi imi ca^c in ì;.*At',v 1 • .©*$ uh%t went odi ì iht a ' .ivi smt ; !tc*vtvl to ì ;; A d clcn fc alternai- th ou te ' Ihat Lc’d M-nn drunfc in 0 len*e stt.irrey, refused point blank chiièi.-; thenco W.*t 35.32 chcin* Tk.‘ fam e (Ilt' at.-er.ed vrheiunntlv t i u l he was » p -n th m in to thè corner o f Frank I on ia’ laav;inn:r.f;. ccntainiiiK -8 4 .7H aeu i i ruaj'uii 1:: g b l have been uppr. tick« J in :-.u e r j ?r! v v.r y. r.crcli-ni*.- c-r Ivvs; Til if newspaper liel.cve? that eu ch sad e s l.ib i'io n s hi c e u H i.o m i •r-it Ilio v-'J-l decrce tn- ruaite for t v v i'- o f -aiil promtaes ìa-t *U. .Tì do more Mi dtrhon 'r the cootta than anything 1 !-e. by tho Shcruf o f Marion Couaty, A* k n g u courts are 6 ) i-JiicteJ is in u .lrv il'e shows ihey will U t i r ‘17011, accoMin^ to law anu thè regarded as such by the. rest o f uj N r c it u m cart— «or shoul I ■ l>e es * prart-co of thè sbovo entitled court: thr.t thè procreo.' o f sani sale oiay be I*ected— to r*epect sotseth ieg that m.iv*s him t >.rrir«i i,- laughter. applied towani thè paytnent o f thè amount «lue plahttiffs, and thut thè As it* first w ove ne sugiest iba'l Mr H c o v c i’ a 11 l«w v «r i . m ubo . e itatMil dofemlants ami i neh - f Compjiieion star, house, leauing in the U ysi profe-si.n . incluifii g, ;-*r-. m, end all peracns-claimin,* umhr haj>s, a hint that instead of bawling about br:n ijt lieiiiJ ’ gt1 t .n iifii,’ ’ Home ' *’ ■’ ttiiouyn ibem or any or - .l.t-r *>f v‘ th-m . ubjoqucnt to the ixecuboa of law iera learn manners. -Portiand l»a ly News. said mort '.'y ", rr.*y I.o i arr--1 cn-I nd t • ob V • th.-reio lu dirvçil uttucr an oTpor made of J ROUND TRIP .* . a ... Accourn Siindav, luly 21 st *S|'|iÌcÌAL tí I a ? avej Turfii r 7:10 A. U. f FA.*u\e> Crt'suent Lake Stafion - 6 :*S 0 p. m O lo 'l lutko Stlition'- - p;df» p. rtt, Cascade Summit Statioii 5:10 j». m. P!*»n t«> picn ic at Od run t te dairy, th * d t ighter Mur- Obtained. Send nipilel or nkrtcli and wc will protnp’.ly t«od yr>«i * repoft. Our boote Oo Patent* and Iradr-mark* will bc »«nt lo yo.i on regnest. America's mest unique parade A11-Noi thu'esi air da by Industrial Oregon in review fs-' 'iti pi .ite»t pio« rr rp|rbr«|lon cv. 1 hPl.t In Cn*s< 11 wi't 1.1 Kii-p « li .» islmti.itli.n forMli* lira ve d e l » (•f itili«« ivtin u tili- 1 th 1 c?tu| nr«*a • - ’rii*- |’ti"iP«-r |).«,:*-.*nt. wilii » (Xfl ; 8 . 5T ,* i l !'. di va» ¿i* S v i ! ' f,«ir r r y Cfv««««*•• • i 4i ' .¡,!i will * I* r i t i yr.u 11« i.Otli lig 1 ve; hnx lipfor«1. Tl>. p o nitr |i«ri.ili- ulti li.- Hi. moti md •1"0 unti novrl *-vi ut »1 -r li-Iti 1 1 \iu' . - i .. I » ry idi.-« ol 1,1 t.n li:i:iln<-« (tu') ImlbUry vv,;i I, in ilio Indivi rial n a r r i » '("••• r 1 tlarhy «ili l>. th«- oittxtsr.d'ii.t «Qrrv i • ■ 1 li- 'I v ..........• 1 i.'nrlhwi il , '* Pw»d In r» 1 -rvtti.t.: fa. tr f- n r ii Tra i I' -.i,| t<, P imi i*1pS,| In ml'lhai I 1 r '•-t < C. F. B R EITN A Ü P T f i l i .Sitilo S treet Mf w B ligh B u ild in g . F LO R IS T 305 Srvttifh St., Wellington, D •!■ Ov*r M Y n n ’ E «p», 1*1101 1 7 fic ¡Vest's greatest pageant D. SWIFT 5 CO. I — — PATENT I.A W Y F R 3— i . •-j PATENTS R. U. BASSETT. the Heine, or* ;i large rlairy farm, \tL«,i lii-y fer I in**** air. ari'l Alts. Hail lived in Turn­ (»:: Itank o f Conti)' Itld'.i 1 h< cntintry a t lárge has parsed through H.v#r:i> rfn-lfi c|"**!ati'u, Fa! m, Ori-go’i. er lor several year , Mr. Hall • v ir e r # » * ccb**ÍTi*:rir-nU in l|»a a¡r, T r a n .-A l'n t .t ie .! in cîçd in . C.,| having charge c f t!te ! >cal cream ;.'iidl**PR, fi.aht« t o, e n lur«r»n» record , «nil r^ -fuelhg record. station 11 cy wish d to be re­ • 'I in 'h a '.p a r a of a year. At 2:11 P. * (, J -jly 12 the worftj n .n ;„ * ro! membered to their Turner Give Th» Triti in* erxflt for what d :.v I to ai other are o l the air when B-d-u .1 P. i{. ir .ic r f, «fV u lrju nr.l friend t. There ton Thomas helps, yeu buy fror.) our advertí**.». ’ 1 - - • " I «m a n flier. J. ,:er. W M endell. ,,f |.nc Angele« rom id et-d th.-ir Sswites You ,25,28,27 on the w e ll side o f t M tret k. i Exi il. Marion County Claims Air Ace *r« Y * S alem , Orr jfr n ,on lL; cording to p la n ; o f the If. S. is v e r y e lig n tly . jw Bloch's Golden Rule Store . -t i' . o f 1' ;t"-u o f T " ) ! ;1,, J l here are now t-jven cottages 'H ijg c h a n g e w ill p r o b a b ly n o t 1 liti ,i!c •• !. e d * • 1 . duly p ro v id in g room for 140 ch ild re n t a k e e f f e c t u n til after the first ••itali f i< i t.r eh. AI! a 1 . Lut there ¡3 always a waUïnjj list o f August, nix claim.« iain.t n«-,-'-by itoti! d to i m t!" am- 'Judge Evans, o f Portland, p r e s i - ------------------- * > *1 ! v verified, «min t». n. _ n, ........ ........ ' i . ' ’ lent o f the » ■ I o t ài ton, t < ' - k F'-iid'i' 1 th<- City o t nresided, and Judge Coshow, of Holr-bl, M ; in Nit mon(Hf L m !.i;/',*;,; " ’. ' m í " ! tíul‘ :rn- wa * the principal speaker. io»wit : J » .<• 10 . n : J A call was marie at the home i \ Bf» ..ND UUSII TRUST C •. c. ■ r. *Kqt Uie un- 0JJ bu ildin g. A giow ing spirit o f cooperation on the part o f the public, better or- ’ «ler.iigneci, uy an older or flu- County sections o f one and two that g a cirstien , and qu icker action are r e s p o n s e s ’ for this exeelient show­ Court of Marim County, Gtr.t ■ c f lie on the west aide o f the track ing, local f< rest officer-, st :!e. A t tl.e same F .so they point cu t th it Oii-yon, duly n a d eon d < rter.-d on the iih 'day of Jut«», li'2 wn« appointed will comprise one route and the even TO.CtX) burned over Bores j er yexr is tii hi,-h Propj !.-•/: m ’(p ; iilrrinistrntnr o f th- t tale *,f John ¿actions o f one and three on the of ,or*,,,t fifl" a»*’ t»«n c s u ? -d . nr..! cam pers -n il.*:, ..h r * head the - list /.. Larson, ilecua -• h r.rut thar he l,;«.- • Inly «(Ua'itie l as sac!». east side will comprise the o t h -1 of man-causes If these m a t ,-c iu « d firi c< i!il b • entirely eiltninat J All pei'.un- having claiir.a again, t er route. F. C. Gunning, pres- the lofal burned trculd be i v tp t u s liar, it fa e ht.-------w , :,{«•'«, Out-1 vn I 1 I', t:: aro le :<-by notified to Mr. and Mrs. C A Bear and »nt carrier on routa one, and l>ei* ent the same, duly verified a:; r. - O f-D o o m . •.’■'.•.L'V-Vni b , j r I' , !’ i ° ns Kenneth p.r.d WilM'rvi at- possibly the oldest carrier from Even though this re:!u«iicn cf fire boss 1 -) our forests In ? U en 1 : v, in t City ot ' -n, ¡tended church Sunday morning point o f service in' the United !o, I ,J , 1 a ieu t. we shoLld not c a s e p i, i to o r ir t, Marion • ..Ki n ,x 1 *n (,'on’allis, after which they Staten, will probably be asaign- i montât» from t ’n* «!• o* t.iííi iioUC' as to care of fires, tigarette, nnd cigar rtu bi and pipe s. A ferr iir- Jjily -*f lunched at the Children’ s Farm ed the route on the east side o f 1 porta nt rules are putvi-hwd |n the current issue o f the Western Out 0f J. W. Gil *IOL U, | Home and attended the aftemAon the track. Indications now are i oots under the h en d irg Rig P oles For F ile Prevention They srs ’ as Atlr. iiistrct*. p rogra m at which the new Un- that if the change goes through : fallows; I M atches Besure y ou r match !* etu Urea« it into before r L- TI. B ^aSSL IT, Attorney for A< 'iii:iii;tn tor. jruli c ttage was dedicated. It that G. A. McKay, present »ar - 1 you throw it aw ay;*. Tobacoo. V, ■ tUre that pi,s- «she? « „ d c ig .re tie • ‘.O': It inlt o f Conn.. ,cc III-;y-., w«is name 1 in honor of Mrs. Ada rier on route two, will be traits- j Sal n, Oregon. and cigar stubb are d - i d b e o r e jo n throw th«in a - . « v. N: ver throw i \\abaee Cnruh, who spent four fered to Salem to fill n vacancy ! then. t.,*o brush. J tsG s or o.-edles. 9 .' Making C am p I*, for- bu ifd irv NOTICE ’IO CRTDITOR3 years in raising *r,6ney /o r the on rputc i>, out o f Salem, nnd 11 fire, seranc av.ay ail b 'u u d b le roateital from .1 «r>.,t .',’ feet in iliaiue ;; , home In itsbeyinrartg. Ti. • I... •. I. O. Reai^on, present carrier t»-r. Uig ¡, hole in lb « cent*.: and hi il build y tu r fi'e. lU-to your Sre dor ty •on ot Vi! h!'t uri’ y, 1 1 * d l’ Vernons vtyle on route three, will by retained • Never build it nga/rist tires or logy, or near l-rti*h i. Iir, ¡-fcir g Camp Never leave a n ti! your Jr.- is out- -d p 6 | out. o I'rtish Rurnii • Never bttru slash -r brush in w iodv *.-athe. or n b iio tj.. r<* ir sh-i.teid dai.grr that the fife Will get .m ay !> If. ,7 to Put Out a Cnmp Fire Wir Ihr coals while st taking them with a a t-r T r.o tf, • -ti. !; 3,,,» | g« and drench both sides W et ground s r o u r d fire. Look f v»i*'i (he fir gers for live ember-, around the edges. The o n ly way to pir'j, out a ciirun lire is to tltown il until there i« 1 o ’ on • solitary live spirit left v. lm2 P R IC E Mr*’ Mp" ro McKinney end »j,- HonorcMe L. M. Mr- in^hv C r.-.. I x> Rowley and L Mr- nnd *Mrs’ Bayniond Titus E. IJ,etcr 2 vn, £. P. section for- Rr«nsre in Turner Sat­ “ i . a govertem«nt a l thè peopi», T-ir ih » pcaple en d by tho peonie -'u ! -r - Ju j ! ’ °* u " r “ r i', tv r tlnjf. Abraham Lincoln. r „ „ f|rsl 'pUt,:,v.i;:on o f thu eum- inan. Th*? .mticstiuns arc* .hat the ^ W*»... “ W e hoid these trulli? to he self trid en *: that all C e ’i are creati d * 'ron : *» J^1/ . l l - U '-’J- onJ th’’. U»t fire was caused from the burning1 M>- Illrry L ittle, ot of the dry gras? |on the railroid w ^ d burn. visited his brother fq u a l; that they are end jw e i by ibeir C re«lor nit*. c e it iiu inai iena ' C AÌgL*!? PÒPE," ¡ rojKrty The crasa was burned ^ <,ma3 Uittle and fmvi'lv', Sat bie righta : that to secare tli. se kithta * Ternment» are in-tituteri « - Attorti y for 5’ :ain‘ f . j - . . . " p ’ -x/*r» r»f re^.tlenc* boffice over several da vs ago but the urd,>- n.otijr m »n, dertving Ibeir just |«>»er* fr..m thè co n scct of thè govern* nndrcsii. Sater . Or«, or. ground around the warehouse is *d l- and *^r -- ^ ornas Little e d .. ” — 'H kjbcis Jtffrrson ’ a definitimi of dem ncracy. - "----- ------ -— ~ — = covered to several inches deer. and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ti- ’ Deniocracy— £ '.v er«u n n i by thè j*e< pie or hy reprceentativcschiib- * NOT1CE i O Cs.r.Di O S j led a picnic N-'tico is heretjr given hat the V i- un- ¡ j in niaces with dr:ed rotten chaft. tjs ami ani* family ‘ Aimiy atteri aticnoe eu by tlu p io .le W ebster’a D ictionary. dersigaec!, b" an or-ter o f th® ■ 'It is thought ,)iiit a spark from RC the \\. I*. Gulvin !■ omc, nu*ar Fire Damage De.creas • * ’ Staj'tp Lumber Fire t-rn>jn- the burning gra¿j got into it and , i , * . ‘ , , broke ' d d e r e d ’*•” - und If* . into a blaze It Was dibtfovére ,ered a- b>ut midnight by H. K. Peetz who ga ve: t> attention a t ‘ that r , . , , '¿me. f.atsr it broke out again r‘ when Uri'in Key. R. P. oi>erator n, „ . ro,f „ v... ... at la Americana. Fo—— » ¡t h at) «bsoiute d e m i«jf«cy ' L 1 ai,y » h o would C' ,rt o f •'V,;ion‘ S tab ni ,. * Otcrron, dulj ma.1".'.tut fctorbd on th«- ÈSakf us or.e gn to Ili« grave and he br* in .lrd ; , rckU'rrcli >n. The m ’- •• w o f Ju.v, 192** was appointed Iter. M iri: A Math-wa o f h' at 1 P o rU aù d Mi - - : inbtratoraof 7 "■ '* «.a E. ¡xin-r, n o v -U e n j tha: they Iuly qualified as such, suit pc-r- « t r having claim: c;;aiost said Cctat«* o rt arc here o y noti! ira to pres‘ nt tha I friri” , ililly i r • i as r'-juired b\ law, at tiu- Hi*.-., o f t»uy (». S t ) ii * i , 1 ke danctge 1» the tirwbec ftom fornct fires ha;« l«*»n * on the d -• (03 Salem Birtk" i •? effam. There w ere ' nt the Four o f 10 o’clock A. M„ has bora rpooinU*>l hy s ii-1 cu irt for he-ring obiectiors t-> rshl |tn«l rc- eount. ot which time any penons in- >r*-ste v »> th e tab les jC O .’ CE Cr iti AK|N’c o f f i n a l w],i r e an e la b ora ti d in n er V .18 T o- Odell and Crescent &'»?*''*■ i5a i;>^ üf Dorah-v 1 *i.üc.'Vi.-vs• ' vus z o s r i. o f n’t rrijrht, claim, nnJ rademution in or to sai«! A fire ! . a pile o f old lumber* inortfrs; ?•! itreuiisiA, ai t s u r ) pari thereof; ànd th'itt nlainUif* ha»è such near Uto old A'bers warehouse • ’ c i o»hcr und'fttrthsr ìelief in th.; prem- which might ha'vc proved riots •LVmccraej— A farai of co t» rnrr-ent !ii « h ie b ih«< p«v)p-«<, « it h r n in * a: mr.y bi- cquitablo. direelly or thruugb tUeir rcpresoatativia, are sup.'em ’ ’ *«'n — lo n r d - T f-uair.ior.-i • i up t you was »xtinguishtil Tites lav! A Pew Definitions Of Democracy ' ‘ a Picnic ai Gujvin 1 ÍIonie * Doss This Build Law Respect? i Excursion I Siile 1 hotte. ISf) • , O re g o n .