BILL BOOSTER SAYS Explosion Like Forest of Lombardy Poplars H* KAAU WHO THIUR* O « iv u u x , u jw m u * AUO PlSHÜJÔ « a s AU A WACTV OP YUM UHU ÛO tw ôou ôH u r t without sw .o. JOHN CLARENCE FUNK REAirtUJG TV4W M U tn e iA U ir 't'r 'r 's 'r 'f's 'r 's Ir 'f'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 's 's -V 'r 'r ','^ Kfftety or Pf uxAcnoM * A BIG B U G A B O O DO H i m AFRA© t o PlAMe s o u CAM WORK HAROVL LOP In altering the rourae o f a brook for tha construction of a golf count« near ML Klseo, N. Y „ 8,500 pounds o f nitroglycerine wer« exploded and the blast created wbat looked like u foreat o f Lombardy poplars, aa shown by this remarkable photograph. THE CHEERFUL CHERUDI • — — il il — — — — — — Through the Pansy Ring Means an Engagement Altkoogk I’m not import vnt kere.. I’m y ovng find pifijn tnd 3rrtt.l I , I like m y job I fsel 5o cK vm n ry witk yov vll. U T C *«! HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS A CfHTMAN AK kuNL BOB r MAS 'P o A t> t DRI NK, R I « H T W HITE CM KUNL B o b LAK ON DAT A COUNT e x - c e p * RAH SOM sh o a im * B I T .............. HE i t ' MIDDLE aged man the other day went to See bis doctor, lie was sick. There was no question about It lie couldn't eat, ba Couldn't sleep. Indeed, be admitted that It kept blm busy to ihlnk In a straight line la hla own words he wa* “all shot lo piece*." Here was a man who had beeo splendidly protected against disease by modern scientific methods. Ills town boasted of one of the best ni­ tration system* and consequently a pur* water supply. The community wa* also the proud possessor of a modern sewage treatment works. He lived In a line street and a fine house; he had good and safe food to ea t; be exercised dally by taking a brisk two mile walk. He slept with bis window open all had been Immunized against diphtheria, scarlet fever, ty pbold and paratyphoid, he had been vaccinated against smallpox, but with It all he wa* a wreck. No, be was not a fanatic. Health preservation hadn't gone to hi* bead Hot worry had! In this re»|iect be was something like the rich man of biblical fame who hadn't at much chance of getting to heaven as a camel bad In passing through the needle's eye. He had everything In the world to maintain health. lint worry kept lilm out o f III Worry la a bugaboo. It Is usually bused on the flimsy foundation of a disordered Imagination. Worry Is the dark cloud of life. Worry, In fact. Is one of nature’s very meanesi tricks. Take your own worries, for ex­ ample. Be honest with yourself. Check buck on them. Tabuluie the things that have kept you awake at night; that have disturbed your di gestion; that have at one time or an­ other shaken you And what do you find? Nothing. That's what I And “ nothing" Isn't much to worry abouL much less lose sleep over, la It? Then why persist I d doing It? If a chap la In a trance awaiting the command to go “ over the top," that's something to worry about If one baa been caught stealing and aen fenced to five year* in the pen. that also Justifies worry. But the every day fears about this and that which are going to happen and never do— isn't It slinon pure foolish to gel sick for sucb llltle reason as that? Don't let worry make a fool of yon Kick It out Ihe first time It shows Its nasty, cowardly head. Tramp It down, step on It and kill IL Don't forget. If worry stays long, life goes. Take your choice! • • • A APYIRWAilDS * C A I N 'T !! ! Twelve brldes-to-be, membera o f the senior class o f the University o f Southern California at Lo* Angeles, divulge«) their engagements at the annual ‘Taney llreakfaat" given by the D elu Delta Delta sorority In honor of the graduating class. The pretty custom require* that at a given signal during the breakfast each engaged senior must arise and pass through the ring o f pansies. OLD SOAK IS HAPPY Liverpool Police to Use Shields THE DEATH FLOWER I a beautiful flower that T HERE belles its looks Its power to cre­ s One of Most Important Points in Growing Pullets. j Clean ground for ranging Is one of the moat Important points In tha growing o f healthy pullets which will become vigorous and profitable lay­ ers. It Is pointed out by the poultry husbandry department of the Ohio State university. “ A large percentage o f the mortal­ ity In the growing flock, as well a* In the matured laying Hoi k, la caused either directly or Indirectly by Intes­ tinal parasites,” P. B. Zuiubro, poul­ try specialist, says In a recent exten­ sion service publication. “These par­ asites, as well as many disease germs, ara carried over from year to rear In the soil." Zumbro urges that chick ranges be on land on which no other chicks hav* been raised or old hens ranged, for at least two years Alfalfa, he says, makes one o f the beat chick ranges. Clover la almost as good, and blue grass comes next. “ Many poultry men think an alfalfa or clover field la too valnabl* for rearing chicks This Is a mistake. Pooltry grown on good range will give a return equal to that from any live stock, or better. Good re­ sults can be obtained by having two or more ranges, and a crop can be grown In the meantime. This meth­ od will provide clean range and will enable the owner to bave tbe brooder boose near the farmhouse, saving time In going to and from tbe bouse. When this method la used, one acre o f land should be provided for each 500 ch ick s" Wonderful Feats With Turkeys Are Reported Really wonderful results with turk­ eys are reported from tbe Ontario government turkey farm In Norfolk county. Years ago this province used to raise turkeys by tbe thousands but disease got in and flocks bave been diminishing to such an extent that each year thousands o f birds are brought in from the West. Tbe dis­ ease puzxled people and except where there was unlimited range the rais­ ing o f turkeys languished. Even In the places where there wa* plenty of range, such aa in tbe rocky districts on tbe edge o f forest landa, difficul­ ties In the shape o f foxes and wolves were encountered. It looked for a while as If there would be practical­ ly no turkeys raised In Ontario. But Prof. W. R. Graham took hold o f the thing and he soon found out that the disease came from the ground and the germs were so hardy that they could live over In the coldest weather. He adopted the plan of feeding every­ thing In troughs and moving these troughs each day and his results bave been unusually successful. Losses have been light on tbe experimental tnrkey farm and some excellent birds raised. SAME PRESCRIPTION HE WROTE IN 1892 When I)r. Caldwell started lo practice medicine, back in 1875, the needs for • laxative were not aa fpreat aa today. People lived normal lives, ate plaia, wholesome food, and got plenty of fresh air. But even that early tnrre were drastic physics and purge* for tha relict of ronctipation which Dr. Caldwell did not believe were good for human beings. The prescription for eoiutipatioa that he used early in hie practice, and which he put la drug stores ¡a 1 xW under the name of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, is n liquid vegetable remedy. Intended for women, ehildren and elderly people, and they need just such a mild. *afa bowel stimulant. This prescript ion ha* proven its worth and is now the largest selling liquid laxative. It has won the confidence of people who needed it to get relief front headaches, biliousness, flatulence, indi- don, lose of nppetite and sleep, bad gesti« ith, dyspepsia, colds, fever*. At your brest druggist, or writ* “ Syrup Pepsin," Dept. BB, Uooticello, Illinois, for free trial bottle. Effort of the Artist Not Always Understood The artist who recently told how, when painting a landscape at the foot of the PentlaDds, he was asked by tha occupants of a cottage nearby not to paint tbe cottage windows till dead curtains were put up, now tells of am other Incident which occurred to blm. He was painting a landscape when a man appeare«J on tbe scene and looked over nis shoulder in the annoying man­ ner o f passers-by who silently criticize —or maybe admire—the incomplete picture. The man produced a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles, through which his eyes ogled at the canvas. Then he removed the “ headlamp*” to ob­ serve In a marked American accent: “ You'll excuse me for saying so, but I'm curious to know jest what makes you fellers paint these things, when there are to many to be bought up easy and cheap.” —Montreal Family Herald. C hange in French F eelin g ate human misery Is unbelievable. The rack and ruin for which Ibis bit of horticulture Is responsible Is per haps the greatest single Instance of unhappiness pain and suffering In the world today. China and India grow It commer daily. Tbe whole world Is its mar- keu Its slaves are numbered In tbe millions and Its despotism Is definite­ ly cruel. Such Is the poppy, the pro­ ducer of the drug known as opium. In tbe pharmacopeia, this narcotic S co re On# f o r tho M osquito has a perfectly legitimate standing Great Britain has a Mosquito Con­ Used ethically, and administered by trol institute which maintains a lab­ a physician only when extreme con It pays to worm the poultry, oratory on Hayllng Island for the e e e ditlons of a disease demand It, It Is study o f mosquito problems and the a beneficent InstrumenL In the hands It requires 21 days to hatch ben director claims to have discovered. In of consrienceless Individuals It be eggs. the course o f his Investigations, that s e e comes a wicked tyrant; and In this the bite o f the mosquito Is a cure for role can, and does, sink humanity In Care must be taken that chicks do paralysis. The Insect was used as a to abysmal depths not crowd in corners and smother. means of conveying tne malaria germ m o o The drug habit la a fact to be reck­ to the paralysis patient and according oned with In America. America baa Shut the sheep In at night allow­ to the reports the fever was Invariably money and narcotic* follow gold. Con ing them to bed In the corral or shed lessened and In several cases com­ • • • sequent!.?. It Is not surprising that plete cure was effected. the number of addicts in the North Ooecidlosla usually occurs In young American continent have Increased to chicks from two to six weeks of age. Early Written Works • • • an alarming degree within recent Illuminated manuscripts are thoee yenrs When the poults are about elgbt Less than 1 per cent of the hun weeks old, they can be removed to whose texts are brightened and height­ ened by vignettes and otherwise deco­ dreds o f tons of narcotics annually the rearing ground. rated In colors or In gold and silver. • • • produced are actually required for medicinal purposes The remainder Is Tapeworms have been named as Fifteen centuries before Christ the deliberately used to demoralize as the cause of death o f 50 per cent of papyrus rolls o f the Book o f the Dead were Illuminated with brilliantly col­ much of the human race as csd be the chickens In some flocks. ored scenes. Later, as writing became • • • brought under Its Influence. It is not a pretty subject But It Changing breeds every year has alphabetic, the Important letters wer* does not pay to remain silent. When never yet been found a safe founda­ Illuminated. one's friend hands out s habit form tion for a profitable poultry business. Q uestions and Answ ers ing headache powder and a peddler • • • reaches high school students the “ You bave shown a remarkable fa­ A month lost In growing out pullets problem hns assumed sufficient Itn means the loss o f a month's produc­ miliarity with public questions.” portance to Justify an open discus "I have heard every question that tion next fall when eggs are a good slon even If these Instances are ex can be asked,” said Senator Sorghum. price. “ What worries me Is that I don't know • • • ceptional. Opium and Its derivative, heroin Any variety o f wheat is good for any answers." are becoming entirely too popular poultry. I d fact, small undeveloped They Invnile Ihe homes of the rich shriveled wheat If dry Is even better Many find Russ Ball Blue good tonic and the poor, the good and the bad for chickens. Large package at Gro­ than the fully developed kerneL hut they usually make hopeless cers.— Adv. • • • The farmer who produces eggs of wrecks of everyone. ■ uniform color, weighing an average Here are the “ don’t*" on the drug Must Study S a fe ty evil: 1. Never lake any medicine of­ of 23 ounces per dozen, and which are Seven states now bave safety In­ fered you by any person, friend or ' held in a cool cellar, can ship to east­ struction as a part of their school cur­ foe. Your physician Is the only one ern markets by express to advantage. riculum. They are New Jersey, North • • • to trust on this Important question Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsyl­ narcotic or no narcotic. 2. Teach The profit from the farm flock de­ vania, Illinois and Indiana. your children never to accept any pends to a large extent on the number powder or pill from stranger* or o f eggs tbe hens lsy. Perhaps Both • • • friends These rule* are plain and Geòrgie (ordering dinner for tw o)— easy ones Fight shy of "dope" as Hens cannot lay eggs without pro­ Walter, let me know when It is eleven- you would of death Itself. tein. Skim milk Is one o f the best thirty. (CL 1*1» W .s te r n N s w s p a p ri t l n l o s t forms o f protein for use with all Waiter—The time or the check? classes o f poultry. Or A ay O ther Place • e • Any summer girl Is willing to com­ A writer says that the «log fills an Mongrel geese plucked regularly promise by returning the young man's empty place In man's life. And hot yield one pound o f feathers a year. heart and keeping tha ring. dog kennels fill many an empty plact Pure-bred geese yield twice as many In roadside scenery.—Cincinnati E d and, besides the good prices o f feath­ quirer. ers obtained, the goose Is worth as much as It ever was. S N O T one that leaves you w ith e • • D ivided Treasure tired, sching feet. T h ey will spoil en y d a y , bu t i f you shake A llen’s Tight floors should be provided to In Roman law, “ treasure-trove," F oot—Rase in to your shore in the m oraine you will w alk all d a y or called "thesaurus" and defined as an protect the ducks from attack by rats dunce ell night in perfect ease. It ancient deposit ol money found ae and other rodents. takes the stiny o u t o f corns, b u n ­ • • e io n s and calluses Sold everyw here. eldenlally. was divided, naif going to Ground oats and ground barley are the flqder and half to the owner ol of equal value in a ration for chick­ the land upon which It was found ens. Roth o f these feeds run rather high In crude fiber. To Conjure With • • • The expression, "a name to conjure Egg production cannot he Increased F o r F roo trialtmokada and a F o c t~ with." harks hack to the time when by crossing two high-producing egg F a se W a l k i n i D o lt, mddroam eon hirers claimed lo perform fheli strains, nor can vigor and vitality Allan i F o o i ^ B a — , L o R o j , IV. Y. tricks hy uttering some "name of be Increased when both parent stocks t * ------ — i < power," such as Solomon. possess these qualities to a high d« *V. N. U„ PORTLAND, NO. 27-1921. »re«. Poultry Notes EXPCRItH C LOT T O R F l t l O W S T H tS E DAYS, P U T THAT ISN ’T A N M Kl.K \l iMthoe rn- iM n ut lo *lv, WKITTKN AS- k * Send today for I OOfw«* i iw iH ifT ft lM fm iii treatment of such sihr rALYi COLON ciiW ii a --------- -- * •< ‘ - * ^ - - TsiT » fiS omriWG “ You aay Tom la studying wrest' lln « r “ Yes." “ My I What a potter ha’ll m aktl" Terrible “ Did the sorority girls baia Ma­ fie!!*?" “ Yee, and cruelly, too." “ Huh?" “ Made her go through the depart­ ment stores asking for red donnai petticoats." Business Bad* Mother—That young Mr. Rnllsmnn fiat been paying you a lot of attention lately. Do you think he means busi­ ness? Daughter—I’m sure he does; he rep­ resents a motor drm, and wants daddy to buy a new car. Round and Round n is W ife—Did baby finally go to Sleep In your lap? Mr. I.nncsnlTer—Yep. the four hun­ dred and thirty second lap. Tha hamlet o f Rahway, N. J., pos­ sesses a man o f myatery who re­ sent hies Trader Horn In appearance and who can discuss with ease affairs o f the world, although ha haa not been away from the town In twenty years. Ilia houae Is a shamble o f old wood and hla front porch la a garbage heap. Ill* one hobby le to read and that he does extensively. Ilia neigh­ bor* know very little about "Billy Llpplncoit.” M ens’* Triumph The flrtg new* o f a Presidential nomination sent by telegraph wna transmitted by Samuel F. B. Morse from Baltimore, Md„ to Washington, on Mny 20, 1844. James Polk was nom Inn led on the Democratic ticket Ha* Many Rivals “ He who seek* riches," sold HI Ho, the snge of Chinatown, "must not he surprised It he loses his own purse to those \\ hose quest la similar.”— Wash Ingtoo Slur. The first Rockefeller foundation contribution to the cause o f Japanese education Is this new building which forms part o f the greatest private uni- verslty o f Japan, the Kelwo university. The building Is constructed o f doable reinforced concrete and represents the new type o f earthquake-proof architecture. AROUND THE WORLD Wyoming loads the atatea In coal reserves. Talking fllma are to be produced In Australia, starting with nows reels. There are almost 800 leper patients at the National Leper home In Louisiana. A man who weighs 210 pounds on enrth would weigh only 35 pounds on the moon. A large herd o f wild buffalo has been discovered In Canada In the Pence river district. Increased use o f automobiles In F.gypt Is expected to have a pro­ nounce«] eflect on road Improvement. New York city has a firm founda­ tion for Its skyscrapers, because the rigid crust o f the earth where Man­ hattan stands Is 00 miles thick. German brewers report England and France consura« more beer than Germany. In Portugal political arrests out­ number those for criminal offenses two to one. The Statne o f Freedom which tope the Capitol at Washington weighs 14,- 985 pounds. The Amaion river was first discov­ ered and ascended hy Vicente Vanes Pinson In the year 1500. Dynamiting o f flsh is annoying the Rraxlllnn government, which bus no laws prohibiting Ibis slaughter. The foremost museum collection of stulne«l glass In the world Is at the Victoria and Albert museum. London. Tlie Italian lizard, now hunled for It* popular leather, Is valued In India because It feeds on the eggs and young o f venomous snakes. «, Frenchmen are abandoning the old sugar bowl, the loose brick on the hearth and tbe woolen sock for sav­ ings backs, figures published by L’Offlciel, the Congressional Record o f France, indicate. On deposit In the savings banks o f France Decem­ ber 31 was 17,961,604,203 francs, which Is almost $1,000,000.000, representing an Increase over 1927 o f 3,355,406,280 francs. The number o f accounts was 9,251,791, of which 608,888 were new ones. These statistics are regarded as Interesting In view o f the belief entertained universally that tha wealth o f France could not be re- vealed statistically because most o f It was hoarded and hidden from the eya of the governmental calculators. A Perfect Day I ‘"‘Allen’* Foot «Ease