o Hi THE TURNER TRIBUNE Turner, Oregon. Thurslay Jul/ 11. 1929 3F. y. lUuulrg. Cdttnr Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County. Qregon I |iro|Hnv on Ilio (lujo ot i-jiiil juiTir molit, ,ium> 19, or which said ! defendant nn]iiii\xl in or to the amo i th. ivnttrr, ia nnjrr, to satisfy said ! i'M' mi ' nut, imlui.ii'iit, interest, ousts I ai il m cniiug i osts. fintoti June 12th, 1 «9 . U I». Iti UYRK, Sheriff o f Marion Comity, Orntoii. Iluto lint publication .limo lit. I929. SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR. Entered at the I’ostolUce at Turner, Oregon, as seco-.d-clu'-i matter, under the Act of March S.- 1879. -------------.--------------------- ------------------------— -------------------------- — ; . In thè Circuit Court uf thè biute o f ! Ortfim l'or ilio Counts of Marion. ! lVpHrtin.nt No. 2. ; Patu-rson, (ìo u ir o r ; Hai U. Hors, SioreUry of St do, nini Thom..." 0. Kay, Stato Tivù un r, ! cotnprising Hlo Stato l^.ml II vini ot tho Stale o f Ore- ’ pon, Plaintiffi, Mrs. Rachel Stewart, who has been the house guest of her sister, Mrs .1*. E. Thomason, for several weeks has returned to her home at Amity. vs, î *‘I nledge allegiance to the Flag o f the t nited States atul the country for which it stands. Qne natiou, Edw. C. Judd ami Geo. b. Judd. a* rv oc ut ora o f th? botato o f t urrìe j |„ Ju.iil, «leceasod, ltefeiplantx. To Kdvs. C. Judd ai'rt Geo. P. Judd. u* oxi'cutor? i>l the ostate o f Carne j 1« J uiìu, iRciasctl, thè sbovo nani od u.fondai.'.s: In t'u Baino o f tho Stato o f OroirOB, yoy ari' roouimt to you a tv required to appear and an- — tsrx ----- r ~ — % --------- :— i--------- r ------- ra s a r I W A S W V V N V W A V V A W A N N W V W M ^ W W i m W W n W V i - V ^ EARLY FALL PUMPS . John Rainier spent several Uni, l.-.n I' llioHtion .Infs ij, IWAf days visiting relatives at 0 o i gon City. MJMMONS I :;t..ti- of O ni*n -I. I- -m ----------------------------- 7 — 7 Mr. and Mrs. H. O. V. itze! and daughters, Helen a n d 1 Helena, Harvey Wilson and . oiu, and Mr. and Mr... Ray­ mond Titus spent the Fourth at 1 Groon’s Bridge. I Oxfords and Straps L o w S h o e s For The ¿adiep in Lizaid, Nut Brown, Royal Blue, Black K id, Sueje nnd Patents 4 r ■ »* " Mr. and Mrs. l.lovd Graven and baby daughter. l\iltieja Louisb, of Bend spent several days visiting M rs. ('raven's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Little. Low Hpels, Cuban Iieels antf Spike ffeels Mr. and M«V Then as Little you and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. A t R e a s o p a b je P r ic e «? ¡n the above . .ut.id conn : nd cause L lo y d C ra v e n , m o to re d to P o rt- % I indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” 1 , 1 ot he for»* four weeks from thy . , g .t.iVtlnv to v U il i-.d ». i ,— J cation ot t tana, s*aiu ra«jr, • v *w ’ " * • ^ It P a y s T q T r a d e A t . < : ■ tu B« wer, tives. T h e ir m o re , M ias D o r o - 1 ireof the plaintiffs will Hoffman, . accompanied ■ .. . . .apply tp the court lor the rein l pray V- thy * . . . . . . rie f v is it an d tv . . * ... „ ; , . i h t . if «K a ) lit «! i for in their coriphnr.t; i ar\-i>. th e m h o m e f o r a b ► r ie B.IC tutor j uevor learn I .r Jti? .ot us give lhA«i«*. for >1 * ” 0,U, « « la t e r le f t w ith M r. a n d M rs. S tronaruhs could 'earn, freedom rrculd >a Iced btcuico a ianlat'f. Now t for" th«‘ sum o f four thousand dollars 220 N. Liberty Street Salem,Oregon. , ,v , .. . ,, , , i | ,| .. ’ , > H*t>t».oe«, toneth«r wnh ir.ti rest C ru ven f o r a visit at B end, ts Mu^sOiini, the uncrowned emperor ol Ita ly . _ th e r m Ttom t h e fourth day u f Sep-, > A R O U N D THE CORNER FROM DOC" LEW IS DRUG STORE Student» of tho t’ liiie ra itj of Tur n have been tcparfvd or eort tp j teiuber, 192*. at the rute o f six per — — ’ . . . the p-ii.il isiands-will: >ut a trial ar.d w ith o .l any legal rights w h a t » - c inn ont / ! ' , i.ii.sr ‘ r ; sum ... ........ Uier— l o r i a r i r g to iign a statt nient ü iía jt rin ° - with i * fucisni Members ,$300.001 aa special attorneys fees. and -the ft w who for p.uint f(> cost.- and A.-burse , and officials officials of of Masonic Masonic loIttW lolges-th e l«w who have survived the d icla to i’ a ' sud moti meats incurreti in this suit; that plnin diap’ c iruie-aro being hunttd di wu bv r«*i»t M r nnd Mrs. L. K. Hennis . . . . . . . , , i v . i firs; Inn upon the following tlescriDeii the cheif of tbs blacksmits kerns tin.re wiic have e m p g e em ugh to premie, s. to-wii. were in Salem, Saturilny, on Beg.nninir ivt the quarter section disagree with him. corner cn the line between Sections business. * » » * Groat has boon jhe ri»o of Mussolini Under the arbitrary rule. It 23 ami 2C. Tywoship 8 South, . „ , , Mr. nnd and Mrs, Mrs, Jay Jav Ccok and n . 2 West of tho Willsmette Mr. aly has prospered a v it e iiilly just as Fran.-o prospered during the days Mcruiian; running thence South fiO daughter and Mrs-. Robot tsoii The iviiter and Albert .Given of Napoleon's triumphs chains; thonco \^f$t 3o.32 chwns 1 « » » . ^ ** r c* 1 to ith- corner of Frank U wis’ land; and daughter, Grace, of Salem left t.Y Wakiport, on tr.e A Lea Bu*, Dictators never learn. Tbejr a lw iv s kindle and feed the fires' t". nec North -O il chains to tho spent th e Foujrth at G r e e n ’s bay, at 8 o’clock p. m. rrriving that eviu '.u tlly consuiu? them S. ut'' Hr- of Chiu. Van Nuys land; » . . . thence East 7.23 chairs • to the I'liilgt. •it the camp ground at midnight. Mussolini cannot destroy liberty in Ita ly He muy hur t J .wr.. | I he pro- he may deport or imprison all who t t l eve the So ith line o f Char, and son of Washington are v is- prietor of the camp we spread man liberty. But he cannot assassinate an idea, a principle The ideal 1 ? ^ «mimi« *p«’d mr.iu- II r i n ;t i l n l i jj, lias 7 ; itteXi 11 ■ V th Mr. and Mrs. Arthur tttr blankets cn me beach I w ii, live; i l will still be c flag arouu t which the oppressed tna? rally j nruieil Olili rmilijf 1 ì«k tlié Em t 2 U . 2 Q chair Jkie, ^aid Craft's Kunke. . and camped there for the night. long ag-.s after Mussolini has became merely one ol the great tyrants' I 1 1 filllrtl (tmlcruliiin uviiilulil*' 411 mu ? of h istbry.-------- ?ortian i Daily N<-ws. !,? ¿ - 1 ° corner‘'.'-i «’hiVu.‘ Mr. and Mrs. George Sher- By 5 o’clock in the morning the e l»w-priiT(l oli. Ai# fur |M»«l*ri N o . -<4 ( Reuben L e w - thence man were in Salem, Mondav, Were scores of people out on the I'lMtliac i« Ihr tiKHif |M»Hi*rfn| of iloath SSf-G** chains to the Section ull 1 1 »H - kiirn, II wit Irli on business. beach taking advantage of tho line between Section." 23 and 26; ran I h - |>riDnl I*? the il?imiti*»« thence East 7.5,0 chains to the place inetrr. II uririil l»t file II «tifiti $ 7 : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunke’s extreme low tide to rake crabs o f beginning, containing 2SJ.79 , . . . , - . i •tick ft»r brake ln»r%r|i(»wrr. Tins is the lime o ’ the year when g« niU tut r.-au J ladies, too like to ?.cr»r. wer. or lc».-; daughter, Jovce, had an opera- and dig clams. W e found no place to stay rita t open Lo et and apartment hoc-.- windows, cisokiug in the cool that the uiutd decree be made for the tion on her eye I f it had not Tyrants Never Learn i » > . , , , . ...... . S ^ lo c h ’s Ciolcjen R u le S to re \ Älsea Pay Ideal For Outings b u Not Put Of The Window, Pleaser of the evening Aud when some uili.'e «o r k trs like to do the same tb irg by° the Sheriff''of Marion County, been attended to an abscess Oregon, according to law^ and the would have started. Gordon during the d a y . , p r o c u r e o t the above entitled c o u r t ; '. , . ...» * This, says the firs depirtm ent, is all riglit-p fovid rd i l i » smo k an r.willing, a applied toward ihe payment^^of p peilestrian or an auto top- Wheu the emokrr decs thst, il cert Jbove'nnrned ' ;*fe i'dah’t« and . ach c( the rest of the citile Dry mscey for robing the fi.-c sr.tgrns tsiough traffic. t h e m s u b s e q u e n t to the execution of vt'e’rc sorry if this warning hits you persopally-but p'esse bs csre -'ssid rrorteaci. iiyy pe oarrvd unu , i foreclosed for.-clcs-d oT c? a air ll' right, claim, and f 1 with cigsre's uuJ don’t toss them ir.ni w . p I j W s , ' ' 1‘oitlsnd : equity of redemption in or to said i mortgaged premise*, ard every part Diily News. ie. along josf fine. Miss Helen Katinger of Dun- dee. iIIinoii», left Monday for home after visitinvr for a n u m o iiil alter M ..ung ior a month wtih her grandmother, ( ’. H. Kunke, and other withont a tent And as we had none. W. K. Ready, the oblivge- ing proprietor , of the camp lour.- ed us a large tent and with the aid of A a wagon sheet which We we nid h « 1 with tfs we made a very c imfortable camp. After a nin.- ty break fa;t we went to the dock j ____ ... procured some clams for bait and took the ferry for Bay View and spent the day fishing. Wo made a \ery light catch that day cn ac c -unt of the high wind. The next day the luck was belter ar.d we were abie to whith some <>f our neighbors can testify. The only t ouble was we 'did not have e- n >ugh to go ( round. Weldport and the Aisea bay is one of the finest places to sflend ^ VJkta,jon# The fishing is gtod. Xhe |naill thinjf ¡8 the hospitality T r ff in n u t tv h th e u v l i i y f a r f o a in m t q f f c r v t l a i fio t n c r y u H O i n p r f r r — 8 K i:i< i i i M km t ¡ ! i ( b Mti}« • J ä ff i ’« r l u b r i c a i - i n i P* * « v « . l # (* in . . • • . • / m. h fkaliMi y u k ig a n nvn-r\w*^GM *- m o i |kipï p% MMIH I thdreof; and tha\ phunttif* have such * ‘ • fitl^ í ’a r b r a k o N tn • p i l r * t i k » f * r i l k « l II " / fr »• i other and further relief in the prom- rcluUVdo- t««r* Je . ín U. Ué r*/ <« ««U« v mini i» .. m * *.Ail mhtm in n wLr# , ises a.; may bo equitable. * , , . , . NOTICE OF HEARING OF F IN A L NOTICE TO CitEDITOkS Mrtrl»'»/ ..iW»-lkd F a n iU * has This summons is sorveq upon you Loganberry picking ACCOUNT | i« tf S i* ' / • » ( ( . . . » • • . » » rii ml tM » Notice is hereby given that the un­ by publication fn The Turner Tribune started in this community, i n r O M M **• fnirmm. Htnmlt d u w n Îîiî* C a r fi4i*l In the County Court of the State of ! •**> tnm m tkif bv ord -r of the Honorable L. M. Me- i ’ * . dersigned, by an order o f the County Oregon for the County of Marion. Mahan. jud0e o f the apove entitled Court of Marion County, State of r im * time ris r»U ^ % !£? M t» titre flmn i ’m'-mmn 1 Ptmn CAUL T. FOFh, - - been_ filed -............ has duly qualified as such. All per- »rm ilnhlm » t tnim^mnmt rm t» Intire, deceased, has in the Attorney for Plaintiffs. Miss Bessie F’latt of North ainst said estate County Court of Marion County, Ore- £crv’ ,havi^ c!a;!rts CuMitklrf II»* ftrtl»rrr*l | fV« M Place of-residence and po:tof?icc Dakota, who lias been touring present the to gon, and that the 30th day of July. are V«ril «*»- |l»l l»»kra ram* A r.il i u i;n r » H i e r _____ __ required by adilr. j, Salem, Oregon.______ ______ (M r b ig a i i l o w J . l W *»!*••*• , . • 1929, at the hour o f 10 o >’ck>ck- a . it., « O ak la n d l '« n l i k « «lr H * »r r «l law, at the clfices of Guy Q. Smith, the west on a sighiseeting trip, has been appointed by said court for H i ^ u r a d v a n c t '- p r ie r « l i ie llM l» «»n i* f r d « r n « l k NOTICE TO CREDITORS r L a r a r i f *r In tiH lIln « •*»♦! !•»# hearing object.ons to said final ac­ 403 Ssiem Bank of Commerce Bldg., stopped off >n lu m er to visit in the City ot ijaiem. Marion County, f m i n r l n « « h n i »H * U n i# T « » * count, at which time apy persons in­ Notice » hereby giv< q ih a ; Hi un- ^ ir S tan d le y '* p e o p le , w h o ntrul Pia« U «•*«!. m c n ii of tiie citizeni. The merchants terested in said estate mav appear Oregon, V'ilhiu six month» from the drrai^r n|, by aii order or tho Count> and file objections (hereto in writing dntj o l tnis notice, tfl-wift June 20, C'Turt of Marion County, Sute of w e re fo r m e r neighbors in North make it seem a pleasure to trade 1929. ' ~ - and contest same. O r e g o n , duly made and er.ter. d on the D a k o ta . M iss Flatt l's COusid- W ILLIA M E. B A U ., w.th thorn. They are pleasant OJ.IVE I STEGE. 8th day of July, 1929, was appointed t - W * Adniinbtrr.tbi* c f t.hé Estate c f Ellis Administratrix o f Estate o f Jr F. Mc- administrators o f the estate o f Aman- e ie tl on e o f th e best teachers a .d accomodating and do no^ .Jad«on Mil, Dccoatr’d. lntire. Deceased. da E. K ng, deceased, ami that they jn h e r s ta te and specializes in ‘T U R N E R , O R E G O ^ charge profittring prices as is SMITH & SHIELDS, have duly qualified as ruch. All per-1 ... . , . NOTICE OF HEARING OF F IN A L oil having Claims airainit »aid e-tate a rith m e tic , and is reported to dine at the majori.y of beach Attorneys for Administratrix. T — ACCOUNT Administratrix. are I ■ re by notified to pr* sent tj. re c e iv e a s a la r y of $2100 a year In th“ Countv Court of the State xame, duly --- ~ ed * resorts. • • • W. F. Ready proprietor p^B M M f " '” re<. “ *■*' EXECU TRIX NOTICE OF F IN A L of O r e ^ . j for the County of Marion. law, at the of Guy O. Srt th, loravhing t us subject alone. 0[ Camp, is one of the H E A TIN G In th. m iller » f the estate of Kue- 4 'j-i Salem Bank of Commerce BMg., She has been sightseeing in '. . ¡ „ I _’n,t uccomiKlatinv cami» i . , ben A. Hastings, deceased. in the Ct“. nf Salem, Manor, fo u rty, * genial and accomouating tamp Iw>tico i» herehy given that tlic un Notice ¡ 3 hereby given that the in the Citv of Salem, Marion County, ( «in.ida and Washington, com- ground owners ‘along the coast ■leraigned executrix ol the e-tate of final account of Grace Hasting.? Zo-cl, liobeit K. Coeliran, deceasiil, has fileil edn-’n1 'ratr - of t’ne estate of Reuben Or. gon, - thin six month? from th« jng to Tun,wr for a brief visit a:,d because of this fact alone his lunt as such eiccutriv unty Court of Marion Coun- Alonu,° for a visit with a be crowded all the time. o ’clock A. M.f a» the trine .nd tie ! sons interested in said < rtate may are n o t ic e io c r ed ito r s | brother and then to Minnesota, There is a fine rood from Phi- Notire . hereby given that the un- , .. ’ 1 litre IS (1 line roau ip>m rr.l Court lootu ol said Court *^in ?h P "^ and ble objection? thereto in r«.gneu, by o n n d -r o f the County ' ’ ‘ *Pr Q « si.stei lives, aitei Jomah to Waldport. The road is Court House at Salem’, in Marion JTOt,n* GRACE HASTINGS ZOSEL. Court Of Marion County, State of whic h she V/Ul return to her oiled from Lhilomah to Aisea and ( oun*x , Stitt d f Oregon, as the place' _____________ Administratrix. Oregon, duly made and entered on the h and 8 ch o o l_ for 'leafiiig of -al-i i-Yial \eeount. r - r from there down the Aisea river 5th day o f June, 1929, wa* appointed All persons havihg ohjcffikaS' to the; NOTICE OF SHEF.IFFF tí SALE ndminUtrator o f the E.state of John - -------- there is a fine gravel road to allowance to void Final Amount and | ' Z. Larron, deceased, and that he ha.; j No. ialiM settlement c f said cetatc are notified! . t ' dulÿ qunlttied as buch. j ^ rj • 1 Waldjxirt for 41 miles, and from In th- ( :> ut Court o ft!.» State of ■ All persons having claim* against' to upjicnr and tile objections o ti’ ofj there a fine beach drive to the Oregon I'oFMarion Co-.iT.ty: * * ' »u:»l estate are hereby notiti«;«! to; before the 4rfV £f,f fur hepfirTg ofi -------- new camp site of San Marine and Edith M. lloví, i present the same, duly verified aa re- , »aid Final Account and settlcuicut o f Exc .I'lrti-iV fa * >13 |p, Sin Fj^ncisco, $ 2 h n««q(W ,«( tram mo-ilhs fr6m the date o f this notice Cream Sociul at t!.e home of Cochran. Defendant. V »-U III1 II^ T\L {ravel, witii die . JiicJ aJvuqUgv .pved By virtue ni un < x«s ¡,tion i-- «-»I n it to-wit: July 4, 1929. Mrs. L. M. Umall. There will be ; J. W. Gll.MOLR, J’lcnry of rciorji ij i.x and rel.ix or walk Twkcu of the kisa , <'litllle»l Court in the Adminiftrator u jirogram consisting of a “Com- * / xk i arc goocj jj\>l ja room“ .->(1 itc»-! enuhn .md in above ^nKllcij canee to me <1 j r»»»-tc-vt NOTICE TO CREDITORS R. H. BASSE T», and d.ited .lun- b. J929, u|< a jud Notice is hereby given that the un­ innnity Song'’ and other features, V » 'I l l . r C n At*orn«-y for A«lmin;strator. dersigned, by an order of the Coun­ meat rendered ami < i ti *-e Rev. I). A.! h -r.-b/ notified to praOUnt the «am- 1 192.1, until paid, pin* the farther sum ' P o e ilu < t i l ‘ o i a l i ,<»/./ l o t h e t o i l . ' V.. < j duly verifiod, as required by law, at o f .<»60.00 attoriKM £o s an»l $21.00 Thompson D. I)., of Portland who Morning Service, 11.Op am th» office of IL H. Bassett, 03 Bank ,.0 t . w „j t||t, f n t of and u | ioii tins Mr. and Mrs. F’ c r r y Temple- • is superintemlent of home miss­ o f Commerce Building, in the City of menage; ‘ Tho ^ingdom of Sabm, Marion County, Or»-gon, with­ , , ton of Halsey were Sunday vis-1 ion work in Oregon and Rev. I dul on .Inna 10, I O , le w urion ; . Heaven is like a Drag Net.” 1 in six months from the «late of this M r. ,i I,r'*2 1 , 1 - Warren H. Wilson D. I). of New and nxe »11 the R o w in g de^ribed ltors W,th t h e ,r notice, to-wit: Jun«- 20, 192*. It. H. BOND, Agent Matt 12 : 1 , «pworl ..... ........ i ■“ «.iguo «*” - , ’ < York City, one ol of the .'secretaries >;ecre LADD AND BUSH TRUST COM­ real property, to-wit: T»t .1 in Block j and Mrs. Thomas Little. m . 1 1 V.L. 111 , *»»itic: *1 ■-* the - - Bdard * - of National Missions PANY, I in McCoy’s addition to the ( ity of i « 0 l*-,,|b nnd Bl"* . , lowaiup How with Nature. This isone 1 ip is is o n e o of i Orrm i rig o n^i n s historic msioric R. II. BASSETT. I. will on S. lui.uiy. July 2 ii|i. 1929. W aterloo Sunday, spending the Attorney for fcx. cut or. Of 19:00 19: oVInrk witii triend*. Kvcujng Service 8:00 p m. A t spotsandis the oldest Ilfc.by- at t. <- hour 1 of o ’elork A. A. M.. M., n at t »lay day w ith Irietid a 603 Bank o f Commerce Bldg il" Mi t front door o f the Marion j this service 0. F. Atcliley will terian church building in c« ns- Salem, Oregon». (•«. "'G (-m u IfouM i,i Sah ',1 in Mrs. William Love and chil-, k in ,,i0 inUregU of the tant use west of the Rocky hits. Mrs. M E. Adams, of Portland • " ' n Co'inii, Or»;-on, f-c-U at publir Uren of hugene visited Mi-s., . , .. . p ;«» i « j i . « » «V ¡„i Mr. mid Mrs. Joo i ’ iser section, Kiibi-s-t to red(iupiion) to i a ,,nt Mi-« p 11,, „ ., Anti-Cigarette-League. I icmc dinner at npon. A coici.il was up ¡sundry ^o »ittcrui th«» m e »ken BONES BRO THERS 5 to San Francisco m ow \ *'<■]£ H i M ■ y f ^© @ 4 o n 4 t r a in s ice Lre^m qOCl^j i.adie? Aid »in give ... ice LT()me Comimr At Pleasant Grove 'Tv/tJsi Sleepers tiRflW FDRO SeijitiacrMi P aciS io aunt, Mrs. P. K. T homa il'«' hi^hr-t bnMii for cash m hand! Love’s ‘ ’ 1 ; (¿»lie n number froip Turner | »11 the right, title an«l inl«r»-.-t which recently, *' pltended the air circus anddedi cslioii of the air port at Silver- ton, Sunday afternoon All cordially invited. nr<^ [invitation is extended to all to , M meeting of the McKinncy-Darb* rpioicipg over the arrival of an , . . l>re*ent but «^»cimlly tho.s, who tU „. she I the within nnmcil !:i hbd i in and to saij r«al j port for the Fourth. 1 home Sunday. Rev. .1 Y. Stewart. until TucadaJ qjglil nnd one half pound boy. born July fill,, lie has been sister, Mrs. Clinton named Theoiie Joseph.