Turner. Oregon. Thursday ¥. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County, Depart­ | ment No. it. Cart A. Wood, and Myrtis K. Wood, Plaintiffs, Notte* is hereby given that by vs, SHI' RIFF'S NOTICE OF SAIF. O r KF.AL PROPERTY ON FORE- CLOSURE M«y 28. 1929 9. Sou>lri(. Editor virtue o f an execution and order o f Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon Entered .« th. M r f d S U B S C R IP T IO N S I.25 PER Y E A R . st Turner, Oregon, ss second-class matter, under the __ _________ *•___ A#t of March 9, 1879. | “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States | and the country for which it stands. One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” p , ¡ . K.rriwan x,Mrv n . - i . - W i,. ¿ f t & « f t Ä 'W = Ä S ! H S |. John McGonigle, James McGonigle. judgment which was renilered tn the 1 Susan McGonigle Coigan, Daniel MsUonigle, the Gospel Chureli, a Mid Circuit Court on the 10th day of corporation, the unknown heirs o f ril, I9 i0 , and enrolled and docaer-i April, 1929, doeket- Michael Dougherty, deceased; also m the office o f the Clerk o f said ‘ all other persons or persons or par- I court on the 11 th day o f April, 1000, . ties unknown, claiming any right, in a certain suit then pending in said title, estate, lien or interest in tin- I court wherein the Federal I juh I Hank real estate described in the com­ ‘ o f Spokane, a corporation, was plain- j plaint herein, Defendant. tiff, mid !{. Lionel Howe, same per- i son as Richard L. Rowe, and Edith I To Fatrick Kerrigan, Mary Rieley, Maud Rowe, husband and w ife; H on , William McGon.gle. Cornel,us Mc- tirultural National Farm l oan Asso­ Goniglo. Catherine McGoni.d1' Mur- ! ciation, a corporation; O. K. Mellotte phy, John McGonigle, James Me-1 Gonigle, Susan McGonigle Coigan, and Mrs. O. E. Mellotte, his w ife ; and Daniel McGonigle, the Gospel Church, Earle N lieniberger, trustees, were de a corporation, the unknown heirs o f i l'endants, a judgment was rendered in Michael Dougherty, deceased; also all favor of the above named plaintiff other persons or parties unknown. and against the above named defend- ¡ cU|mil* Mny right, title, estate, lien M 5 v S Lionel Rowe, M m v ^ r s o n as #|p in th(, , , u „. , , „ crjbotl i 1,1 'S ' complaint hsrvm, the above | State o f Ore- rvqulrvtl to ap- compiaint filed entitled suit, on or before the last day o f the time ! prescribed in the orvler for publication ■ o f this summons, vis - on or befor\- the expiration weeks , ; . . . o f four „ ... _ from . the . . , ' J1* * ' publication of this j C amel You can bank on the quality of a ciga­ rette that continues to be the biggest success in smoking history CIGARETTES hundred seventy-five and 71/100 ($3,375.71) dollars with interest [thereon from the 11th day o f April, _________ -_________ l 929, at the rat«- o f 8 per cent per 0 annum and for plaintiff's costs o f an,wo»*; «»d if you fad so to answer W H Y CAM ELS „ „ , , ... , , , _ , dorvd that all o f the riehts o f the de- the saK' complaint for want thereof.1 C Baker, a former Turner boy, but now in the post offica service in fendanU. R. Lionel Rowe, same p e r ' P o n t iffs will apply to said Court ARE T H E BETTER C IG A R E T T E Portland, appear» in the February runnier of the Vetran Crusader, son as Richard I~ Rowe, and Edith 1 *"** a decre-- against you for the . . , . .. . ... ... ... , . ... . ' Maude Rowe, husband and w ife : rvlief prny.-d fo r in saw! complaint to- pubMabed bv the Vstrans o f Foreign W ars. W e would like to repriol Horticultural National Farm l oan « *: «hat you, the said defendants, tbe entire article but ry-ace prevents . Association, a corporation; O. E. Mel- " » y ho required to set forth the . . . _____, ..... , . ., lotto an J Mrs. O. K. MeMotte.' his nature o f their claims in and to the The arttc.e starts- Liautenent Lolapei Alvin t Baker, for anj Karle N. Genxberger, trus following described real property to- pUsf twenty years employed in the United Htates Railway H ail Serv. toe, therein and to. if any. be forever | w it: >,.* witli ho-iilon ,rter at Portland i , n m n liim u w:. barred and foreclosed, and it is a d -1 Boginning at a point in a northerly 1C». «HU Headquarters at Fort and. is one of those quiet, pniistaltu>| juJ)f ^ ,hat pW ntifr, mortgage to continuation o f the west line o f Block - • ll'.cirnt. falthfui public servants whoso innate m odesty has withheld and upon said real property is a first | number one ( I ), in the city o f Bub-nt, from the general public the favorable publicity his m any sterling ! * nd suPtrio r.,f " 'h vn o n and super- Marton Countv. Oivgon. said point . 5 . , ' 7 J -»lennig, |or to ttw, njr|)la cf tbe defendants being 2US's feet northerly in said often qualities auu proficient and unobtrusive service to the government so and each o f them ; continued west line o f said Block number one f i t from the northwest Met er y o u r ricoly deserve«” And wh , it was further or- corner o f said Block in said city; T b ir tv years ago C o l. Baker en isled for the duration o f th* War 1 8*‘ rvd and decreed by said court that thence northerly with the continua­ should be sold tion o f said we«t line o f said Block ilh Spain as a privste in Battery B. Oregon Light Artillery Upon b ^ m e 't^ ^ s fr^ .V íx e c lecut u tio n , I will number one t i l 44 H feet; thence Saturday, the 25th his discharge he returned to Portland and continued in the service as on ,...... . llf> V the "/Vo day i easterly and parallel with the north 19-9, at the hour o f 10 o clock, A.M. ¡¡no 0f ^ ,¡,1 numb,.r ,,ne (11, a member in the Oregon National Guards. He axepied a position as o f said day, at the front door o f the to_ its intersection with the alley o f county court house at Salem. Marion railway mail clerk with a run from Portland to Corvallis, and has said block extended; thrnco souther­ County, Oregon, sell at public auction rapidly lioen in th- seryice until he now has charge of tha pervonsll to the highest bidder fc-r cash in hand ly parallel with the continuation o f the west line o f said b'oek 4 4 '» feet; of the railway mail service operating out of Purtlaud. Hs offered hit on day o f sale, all the . . right, . .. title ., and , thence westerly parallel with the f ' h >*"* >fr. ^ aaid block to th- place services to the government at the outbreak of the world war and was femlants. R. Lionel Rowe, " » m e per- o ort f h,,KUin„ That by sufh to ^ assigned as lieutenant in the coast artillery. Upon arrival oyer seas he' son 115 Richard L Rowo and fcslUh Maud Rowe, husband and w ife ; Hoi- ' J ‘ , J* . , was detached and scut to artillery school for intensive training from tirultural National Farm l oan Associ- 1 S SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE OF SUMMONS ation. a corporation: O. E. Mellotte | , n or ln,t ri ta whatever tn or to, or which he rcon graduated with high honors and was ordered to duty REAL PROPERTY ON and Mrs. O. E. Mellotte. his w ife ; and 1 Uen “ P0" . 0 »« “ ,d ro,L P">P<-'rty or In the Circuit Court o f the State of the 101st Trench M"tar Battery. He cjmmaaded the battery through Earle N. Geniberger. trustee, have | anv P » * thereof, and that the title of FORECLOSURE said plaintiffs thereto is good and Oregon, for the County o f Marion, Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ tbs tit. Mihiel acd Cateau Thierry campaigns and was twice cited for in or to the hereinafter described valid. That you. be foruver enjoined B. F. Givey. Ftaintiff, tue of an execution duly issued out o f premises or any part thereof. sufficiency tnd ai illtry in acLtn At the c o.s i f the war fce returned V9- the Circuit Court o f the State o f Said property is described as fo l­ and debarred from asserting a n y ! The high schuol piny “ C y­ claim whatever in or to said real John Sonnen, Defendent. Oregon, for the County of Marion, to Portland and again became active in the O. N (s. anJ has gone lows, to-wit; clone Sally” given on Friday property, or any part thereof adverse To John Sonnen, defendant: and to me directed on the 20th day Beginning at the southeast corner t to __ > ________ _____ ........ . _ may _ through rapid promotions until he has reached the grade of Lieutenant- plaintiffs, aud ____ that _ ^.. plaintiffs j n thc naroc c f the State o f Ore- o f May, 1929, upon a judgment and evening, May 17th, was a great f the Abram Ohnger donation land have such i other further” relief as to _ ^ on you - >n. r e hereby further relief hen by required to ap- np- decree duly rendered, entered o f rec­ Colonel and Assistant Cheif cf Staff in charge of the intel­ o claim, township right south, range the said ___ — ___________san- >uu. “ r 1 H “ v ., The total nmount of am, tte Meridian- ' * .---- honorable court may seem lind n„ * wcr the complaint filed ord and docketed in nnd by said court success. ligence department 41st division, composed of troops of Oregon, Wash ^mttie^Menoian, an.l agreeable w itb equity. • - - on the 10th day o f May, 1929, in a money cleared was $111.30. theOnree*no°rthth0 ^ e g n ^ ^ 16 e” ^ * « ^ “ n'' a8Tooabl/: « 'U i eguity. I ig a .r .t you in the above Entitled ac- north 0 degive. 16 minutes minuU* This summons, summons by an order o *” of f the tion w „ h j„ four 4 4 > weeks after tt- certain suit then in said court pend­ ing ton Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, under Bridgadier General Geo. thence east along the east line o f the said W e wish to thank every one Honorable L U. McMahan, circuit lUto o f ^ (t n t publication o f this A. White. We concur absolutely with the Crusader iu the following Olinger donation land claim 369.5 judge, o f the State o f Oregon, made summons, which date o f first publica- ing, wherein l.ad.l St Bush, a cor­ poration was plaintiff and Churl. - II. who attended the play nnd feet to an tvon pipe; thence north “ Under all circumstances we rate Colonel Baker a most versatile and 0 degrees 14 minutes east along the at his chambers in the city ut Salem, | tion ¡, May 23i 1929. I f you fail so l-omus and Myrtle L. Lomas, his wife, helped us out; also the women u.P°n -lay s f May. to Bpp 4 ,nr ttnj answer, for want there- valuable cit ren of whose splendid military and civic achievements the east Tine o f the said Olinger donation 1929, is directed to be served upon o f thc p l,inU (i wUl take ju.lgment Orvin J. L. Potter un.l Bam Schirinnn were defendant» m fa vor nS plaintiff who made candy for ua. land claim 1673.8 feet to an iron City of Portland may justly feel preud.” Not only Portland, every pi,*., the ......u , hut ou. m n j pipe, me point o or f beginning Beginning o oi f land you, by the publication thereof, once antl app;y to th„ „ . „ k f or an order and against said .1. f.-mlajiG Chnrks lrius play will be produced f f P T directing the sale of the real property B. Lomas and Myrtle I- Lomas by city and community that ever knew Colonel Baker should (sei the to be described; thenc- north « « de- . . grees 58 minutes west 370.6 feet to * n **l**pc.rr P“ ^**-^**1 attach 'd in this action and described which execution I uni commanded to at Marion on Thuntdny, Mny rame as Portland. With Portland we hop« that the tim s w ill eoon fiT iron pipe; thence north 0 degrees Turner in said county. The date o f as follows- sell the property in said execution 2-'lrd, for a benefit fund for the first publication o f this summons _ . .' . __ come when he will receive the recognition due his zeal and merits. 08 minutes west 1212.0 feet to an is May 9. 1929. The time in which . neg.nmng at aj»>.n t on the north and hereinafter described to pay thc sum due the plaintiff o f $1744.63 HaVold (C a p ) Smith, who met __________ , iron pipe on the north line o f a cer- you are required to answer said com- i {»«undar.v o f th« II R- • _ J “ tfll, with interest thereon nt thc rate of 0 tain 100 acre tract o f land deeded with an automobile accident a plaint, as prescribed in said o r d e r . 61 • ,‘ n 4: K 6 per cent per annum from the 20th The disasterons fire-if last Friday m orning demonstrated mare j i by E l ™ Wilson and^Victoria.Wilson, W d,^m^ north . M^ 71 dr degrees ^ . , 2r m i n u ^ day o f December, 1928, until paid and short time ugo. while cuming . l ______ i . .. . , . . . . . . „ . his w ife, to Waldo Hills Orchard Co shall begin to run from the date o f chains man ever before the need of an organized and trained volunteer fire de- and recorded on page 163 o f Deed the first publication o f the service of the further o f f .. 150.00 . attorney's . . sum ... . . home from the Muaic Tourna- 7 * 1 * , fees, . together with the costs and dis- , „ . _ partmt nl for Turner The citizens turned out well and did the Lest ®ook 113 o i County Records. Marion this summons and shall be deemed Wl rt o t ,th". ¡ " f t completed at the expiration o f the I e.orn' r 0,f r^ ' il cl* ,m'• bursementa of said suit taxed a t' nient a t Forest C.rove, Oregon. ¡County, Oregon; thence north 89 de- they could uoder the circumstances. It is hard to handle any kind of ^ ...j 03 minutes 15 seconds east $27.25 and costs and expenses o f said °* | grees The baccalaureate .sermon I will on Saturday, the a job without some system and some one at the bead, much less a fire along n«r the north line o f said Ezra W il­ degrees 30 minutes west 4.55 chains; execution. 22nd day o f June, 1929, at th.- hour will be delivered by I’rofeiwor son land 378.33 feet to an iron pipe L D. BROW N. thence south 45.35 chains to the Wbat Turner needs is a volunteer fire department with regular times at ° n the *an northeast * 3,S'*53 *tct to o an *ron Ezra corner f said Attorney for Plaintiffs. south boundary o f said claim; thence o f 10 o’clock A. M. o f aaid day at Matthew from W illam ette Uni­ for drill with every man oo the job. A bell located near the h osj house Wilson land and on thc East line o f Residence and postoffiee address: ,.ust on said south boundary 6.20 the west door o f the county court the said Olinger donation land claim; Salem Bank o f Commerce Build-, chains; thence north 47.24 chains to house in Manon County, Oregon, sell versity of Salem, in the Chria- would he a good thing. Th s is the first fire for serersl years Tomer thence south 0 degrees 14 minutes ing, Salem, Oregon. the place o f beginning, containing at public action to the highest bidder tian church next Sunday eve­ for cash in hand on the day o f sale, p has had, but one never knows when a fire is going to happen so le i ’s be west along the east line o f the said ______________________________________ 29.3 acres o f land. all the right, title, interest and estate j ning, May 2filh, at K o’clock. , Olinger donation land claim 1224.9 prepared for (he worst with a drilled fire department. * ■ Also, beginning at the most easter­ j feet to the point o f beginning, con­ which aaid defendants ami all persons ' Harold Smith ia back home taining 10.47 acres. Also commencing SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE OF ly northeast com er o f the W. H. Rees claiming under them subsequent to . — ■ o----------- D. !„ C. No. 61. in T. 4 8. R. i W. REAL PROPERTY ON at the southeast corner o f the Abram the execution o f plaintiff's mortgage again now and will soon be o f the Willamette Meridian; thence FORECLOSURE Olinger donation land claim in town- in. o f and to said premises herein- m hereby given, that „ by vir­ . . . . north 71 degrees 25 minutes west on beforo mentioned and described in able to be out again. • ship eight south, range- two west o f Notice is an execution duly isaued out tbp nortb boundary o f said cGiin 6.83 , _ | , . . . . . Willamette meridian; thence tue o f said execution as follows, to-wit; The semester exams will be Community Clubs are one of the big arsete in the d evelopm en t of north 0 degrees 16 minutes east 389.5 o f th4 1 circuit court o f the State o f chains; thence south 47.24 enains to Lots numbered twenty (2 0 ), twen­ the south boundary o f said claim; . any community. If.organised on the righ t plan they are a valuable ad ?*** t0 a" iron _ p,pe: thenfe north Oregon,' fo r the County pf Marion thence east on the south boundary ty-six (2 6 ) and twenty-seven (2 7 ) in given on Monday and Tuesday .. . . . . . 0 degrees 14 minutes east 1673.8 feet j and to me directed on the 11th day o f Hanshuw Fruit Farms in Marion d iiio n to anv com m u n ity, tu rn er tiled the venture some years ago to an iron pipe; thence north 88 de- May, 1929, upon a judgment and de- 4.-92 chains to an angle in said line; County, State o f Oregon, a» shown of next week. thence west 26 degrees east LOO and apparently failed but some of the former m-mbars have retained Kre^s 58 we.at. 87®'.6 to cre<' ,lu|y rendered, enter. 1 of reeonl Mrs. I’earcy entertained the by the recorded plat o f said Fruit . ‘ .... . . . . . , . an ,ron P'P*. the P0,nt of beginning and docketed in and by said court on chains; thenc- north 47 degrees west Farms on file and o f record in the Senior class to a theater party tha community spirit and feel that a rightly organized club would be of land to be described; thence north the 30th day o f April, 1929, in a cer­ 1.86 chains; thence north 61 degrees office o f the County Reeor.l-r for tain suit then in said court pending, 30 minutes east 2.84 chains to the said Marion County, State o f Oregon. in Salem Inst Thursday eve­ aben efittoth ecom m u n ity.Th ecin h tb .it was organised in Turner 88 degrees ..8 minutes west 1 •' . , " feet to a point 4 >8 feet east o f the wherein Inez B M ill-r ivua palintiff southeast com er o f said claim ; thence Said sale being muTle subject to ning. functioned nicely for a time and then died a national death A fter L o ld - west line o f a certain 100 acre tract and Lila Irvine and J. W. Irvine, hus­ north on the east boundary o f said claim 41.66 chains to the place o f redemption in the manner provided band and w ife, and Lila Irvine Dol- by law. ing an inquest over the remain* of Turner Boosters, as this club was Victoria wuion ^ ¡ / ’ w Tfe^ o ^ a ^ d o phina and William Dolphins were de­ beginning, containing 29.6 acres o f Dated this 20t'n day o f May. 1929. called, we found three cause- for itz death . Hills Orchard Co., and recorded on fendants in favor o f plaintiff and land. G R A D E STUDENTS O. D BOWER. Also, beginning at a point 170.52 against said defendants, Lila Irvine 1st. IU plan of organization. It wa. organized too much on «be t ^ c o r t ? M S o n ^ u n J ? . O re g o ii Sh eriff o f Marion County, Oregon W IN A W A R D S J. W. Irvine, husband and wife, chains south 71 degrees 25 minutes By W. RICHARDSON, plan of a commercial club. That Iran w ill not werk in a email town or thence north 0 degrees 20 minutes and and Lila Irvine Dolphina, by which cast and 3.35 chains east o f the south­ Deputy. emmunity. It resolves itself onto the sh ou ld er, of a few t> carry on the ^ o/Vher « ¡ d W i l s o n " ^ execution I am commanded to sell the west com er o f the W. H. Rees D. L. property in said execution and here- 1 C. said beginning point h-ing 3.35 work. The community as a whole fe.-ls it has no interest in the organi- 429 feet east o f the northwest com er inafter described to pay the sum due chains east o f the corner at an angle NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL The following penmanship ACCOUNT thereof; thence north 89 degrees 03 the plaintiff o f $610.00 with interest in the south boundary o f thc above •a tion. .minutes 15 seconds east 1112.91 feet Notice is hereby given that the aw ards have been made during 2nd. Second when the Turner boosters were orgonized the women to an iron D^e thence south 0 del therpon at the rat* o f 8 l*-'r cent per name,I claim; thence east 13.33 finul account o f R. D. Gray, as ad- the year by the A. N. Palm er inut-'<. t o i ? /. , - i annum from the 30th day o f April, chains; thence north 45.36 chains; c f the community were given no part in the organization. In these erees 08 minutes thence south 16 degrees 30 minute- ministrator de bonis non o f the -stat- Co. to pupils in the intermedi­ west 46.25 chains to the place o f be­ o f II. L. Earl, deceased, has been filed 30.41 acres. o i * ,5 °-00 attorney’s fees, together days ol woman’s right* any civin organization in a small town or com­ Progress pins, the c - I , , ■ , . . . . I with the costs and disbursements o f ginning (except one acre o f Innd in the County Court o f Marion Coun­ ate room. Saul sale being subject to redemp- Ruit Uxe(| at |2R_6_- C0(U munity th st ignores the ladies is doomed to death It is thc women in - „ulv c » . « deeded by Elizubeth Stauffer to Will ty. .Stale o f Oregon, nnd that the 10th highest aw ards in the first six ¡am Stau ffer on March 9, 1906, fo r a j day o f June. 1929, at the hour o f 10 the iu the small communitiej who back any movement for making the th e "p r V e e d s ^ h e ^ ' »"¡J * 1 * * ™ . * ^ . , 7 ^ .° " .: A i will on Saturday, the 15th day o f road, said deed being recorded in o'clock A. M. has been duly appointed grades: Elton Ball, Ellen Piser, community more attractive I the payment of the aforesaid judg June, 1929, at the hour o f 10 o'clock Book 91, page 431, in the office o f by such court fo r the hearing o f ob­ Frank Sacks, Delmer Barber, ment A. M. o f said day at the w-st door o f thc County Recorder fo r Marion jections to such final account, ami the 3rd. Commur.itv Development The Turner Boosters began by try Edwin Burch, Carl Cain, Sam­ settlement thereof, at which time any Dated this 23rd dav o f Anril. 1929. the county court house in Marion County, O regon), containing 28.5 person interested in such estate may ing to obtain industries for Turner. That was a worthy m ivs but be­ County. Oregon, sell at public auction acres o f land hereby conveyed, and uel Smith and M ildred Bones; 0. D. BOWER, appear and file objections thereto in gan »little too early in the gam-. In the dr«t place they were cot able to the highest bidder fo r cash in hand being in T. 4 S. R. 1 W. S heriff o f Marion’ County. merit buttons: John Petersen, writing and contest the same. on the day o f sale, all the right, title, All o f the above described Innds to give tbe indocyuaents ne-e-’ iry to get any laage industry to locate. E. K. P1ASECKI, Dated this 9th day o f May, 1929. interest and estate which said de- being situated in the County o f Mar- Attorney. Bert Peterocn, M arjorie F ow ­ R. D. G R A Y , . - The batter plan w>>nld hare been that to have worked towards making First issue Thursday, April 25, fendants and all persons claiming un- ion, State o f Oregon, Administrator de bonis non o f the ler, Barbara Robert«, Philip 1929. der them subsequent to the execution f.’or tj,e SUm o f four hundred eighty- the community a belter place.for those already here and make the Turn, Estate o f H. !.. Earl, Deceased. McKay, Albert Robertson, Rob­ Last issue Tbur.eiay, May 23, 1929: o f plaintiff s mortgage in, o f and to five ($4R.,.00) dollars together with er community fO attractive that people would want’ tw locate here/ ‘ su'd premises hereinbefore mentioned interest thereon at the rate o f 6 per JAS G. H K LTZK L, ert Edwards, Deane Roberta Attorney for the Estate. # and described in said execution as fol- r ,,nt p,,r iinnirm from the 7th day o f W h y not follow the plant of o'.hsr com ounities, such as Hubbard, NO TIC E OF H E A R IN G OF F IN A L lows, to-wit: and Jim M cG ow an ; Palm er ¡October, 1926; and fo r the further Salem, Oregon. and organize a cornu.unity club with every man, woman and child a AC C O U N T The south ' i o f northeast quarter sum o f one hundred ($100.00) dollars Date o f first publication, May 9, buttons: Varncl Denhem, Alico Notice is hereby given that the and the northeast quarter o f the attorney’s fees and for cost.t and dia- 1929. member and charge no dues, or very low o-iesst least. If some money Fowler, Tom Myers, Frank final account o f Mary M. Staple., as northea«t quarter o f section 16, town- hursemonts made and expended hen- Date o f last publication, June 6, is needed raise it by giving socialsor entertainments. If the people re< administratrix o f the e.-:tate o f G. M. shin 9 south o f range 3 east o f the in. Shilling, Geneva Barber, Frank 1929. This summons is published by order | that tbe money so raised is Iwing used for the briirfit of tbe cotnmuni- Staples, deceased, ha« been filed in Willamette meridian, Manon County, Sacks. the County Court o f Marion County, Oregon, containing 126 a tr r,. o f the Hon. L. H. McMahan, juilg. ‘ ty will patronize these aclivitiet. Il should be made itrictly a cotg- State o f Oregon, and that the 5th day Said sale being made subject to re- o f the above entitled court which ¿J™ - - !■ - at th^ hour o f 10 demption in the manner provided by order bears date the 15th day o f ‘C Y C L O N E S A L L Y ” u,unity oigai.ization and not commerci ilized by large dues. Lets try it. i i April, 1929, and which order directed on two dramatic presentations, D R E W LARGE CROW D the service o f summons upon you by the first being “ The Gypsy o f objections to such final account 1 „ _ ..... publication as aforesaid. and settlement thereof, at which time _. ... , „ D BOWER, Rover,” by thc Glee Club, and The annual high school play, I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mundin- any person interested in such estate Date o f first publication Mny 23, Sheriff o f Manon County, Oregon, Mrs. J. W. Burge spent a few 1929. the annual play "Cyclone Sal­ ’’Cyclofie Sally,” which was ger and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. may appear and file objections there- By W RICHARDSON, Date o f last publication, June 20, lays, recently, at the J. F. to in writing and contest the same. Deputy. ly,” staged by the high school. presented by the Turner high .. . . Scott, of Salem, spent Sunday 1929. Dated this 2nd day o f May 1929 [•homaaon home She is now vis- with their mother M rs. a The closing of school this school, at the high school audi­ GORDON R. W A T T , M A R Y M S T A P I ES Attorney for Plaintiff. |ting in Portland. Bones. Administratrix of the Estate of G. M. J. VV. Thomason, of Grass Val- year closes the three years’ torium, last Friday night, drew Residence and postoffiee address: AlVin C. Baker Camels contain the choicest tobaccos grown expertly blended for matchless Lute and fragrance. They bat e a welcome mellowness and m ild ness I bat you w ill fin d in no other cigarette. Smoke them as as you like, Camels tire taste. The quality of Camels is never perm itted to vary. Only a superior cigarette could b a it won and held world leadership for all these years as Camel bas doue. HICK SCHOOL VOTES T Xnbuo*‘. r s “ “* ! SXS^.ST£SirSX.“2iSri5 Community Clubs .k, pom. rf-KeSh.¿* 2 «S 2 i£ - Nr* Ä Many Turner people attended Harris and son placed a new |hp funeral of M. T, Miller, at | screen door at the entrance of .igdon's parlors, at Falem. Tues the Harrison General Store, Tues­ ay afternoon. day. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Prather Glenn Wilkenson and Mr. nd son. were Salem visitors, Daune, of Salem, were visitors nday evening. at the A. L. Bones homo Sunday. jr *■»».?* “■ ...... .... . '■— ™ ...... S w' 9th**- r T aPCRAWFORD ' ley’ ^ al‘fornia' spent a few days Vernonla,'Oregon. Attorney for E-ta’t». this week with his parents, Mr. I. add & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, and Mrs. J. F. Thomason. ■-------- i _ i ---------=='r_- - Ore non. « ---------------------------------- ------ . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell' Mr. and Mrs. Artnur Edward« Have your envelopes pnntad with arM* family. of Mill City, spent a and Mrs. L. J. Rowley attended _ . .. The Tribunr few days in Turner, this week the regular meeting of the Wite can ao u,, work j visiting relatives and friends. Shrine, in Salem, .Monday right a large nnd appreciative audi­ ence. Turner high school has bad a reputation, thc past sev­ eral years, for putting on good plays, and the present effort was said by some to top the record. The Turner high school this year centered their efforts i • » ’■ / * » V . » . « « b .0 ». « 4 •• • > * » principalship of Professor John M. Watson. Mr. W atson is a Turner boy and son of thc late John M. W atson Sr., and grew up in this community. John Cox of A lbany College has been hired as principal for the coming school year.