,\ V W W r t W W W W ^ and ent«*i*rd on the 21st day o f January, 192!», was appointed «-xocutrix o f the estate ursday at Tumor, Marion County, Oregon o f Louis Meyer and that she has duly qualified as such. All (torsoas hav­ ing claims against said estate are SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR. Entered at the Postoffico hereby noHfied to present the sifnio, at Turner, Oregon, as second-class mattur. under the duly Trrifled us required by law, at the offices o f S. M. Rndicott, 306 Hank o f Commerce building, in the City o f Salem, Marion County, Ore. iron, within six months from the date o f this notice, to-wit: January 21, 11*29. Ladle’s and Gents - Tailoring * Chiropractor SOPHIA MEYER. Estate o f L ol is Executrix o f the Meyer. NcUrocaluiuetor Service P hon e 87. Kruideuce ‘J104J \ i‘I pledge a lleg ia n ce to the F la g o f the U n ite d S ta te s and the cou ntry fo r which it stan ds. j O n e nation, jn d jvisib le, w ith liberty a n d ju stice f o r a ll.” STRONG FOR PROHIBITION The temper of the nation to­ wards the 2 tit it amend im ut and jts enforcement is fairly well re­ jected iu the senate’s vote tp in prease maximum fines for prohi­ bition law violation from 11000 Jo $10,000 for the first offense, with maximum prison senteuces gone by. through the efforts of stretched from six months to five Senator Me Nary the boa id of years, The bill passed by a vote engineers have begau the prep, of Ho to 18 , despite the invec­ aiutiou of plans lor a dredge lor tives of Senator lteed and Sena­ the river aud iu the meantime have ordered the district engin­ tor Druee. , The country, it would seem, eer to restore the depth of chan­ is uot iu the least convinced that nel either by contract or govern, prohibition has utterly failed meut plan of both. hut rather tlmt it has not been j 1 he ultimate of the engineers fairly tried. Senator Borah; is to construct a series ot wing rightfully asks that the great j dams which by being placed at ‘experiment" he fully tested be­ proper intervals-will catch the sediment aud turu the water to fore it bp gijndepied. ; Incidentally the ppiltqf votes | the ceuter ot the river thereby reveels that 30 republicans and | UoldiLg the water at a heller £9 democrats joined in approv­ depth. I bis cannot bedoue with ing the passage of this drastic out iti« establishment of regular measure. Herein is exposed a navigation ami heavier tonnage, fatal weakness of the democratic li the channel is kept aka depth party in 1928. Mr. Smith consid­ safe for navigation the year a ered that New York s experience round this mil he rapidly de­ p ith prohibition was typical and veloped. there is Looming luthe that the demands of Broadway near future the busy hum of Were those of Main street. Twen­ river navigation tlial is only ty-nine democtats . votiug for a memory with lha older resi­ Stringent increases in prohibi- 1 dents of the valley. lion penalties belie his judg- meut.— Oregon Statesman. POPULAR READING MATT kk S H E R I F F S N O T IC E O F S A L E O F K E A L B R O r L K l Y ON i- O R E - CLOSURE Notice is hereby given, that by i Every year billions of words ;j virtue of an execution July issued out flow from thousands of printing o f the Circuit Court of the State of presses—and most of them are| Oregon, for the County o f Marion, . . v atm co me directed on the 16th day forgotten 0\er night. i et til?, 000 o f February, 1929, upon a judgment 000 new Bibles were printed and an** ******* renutred, entered 01 rec- 1 ora and docketed m and by said court distributed iu America and Brit- , on the 7th day o f December, 192s, in , ; a certain suit then in said court pend- jan iu 192$ to supply tbe u e ‘ 1 ing, wherein C. C. orris was plain- [t iff and Blanche Morris, executrix with Vaaud. - ... ‘ . r»- I wiJ annexed o f the estate o f Harriet , It will surprise \OU that .H i- E. White, deceased, Blanche M. Mor- ble* are prinled-aud read-in 108 ds* J " hltev «otnetinie* known as r C. R. White and Carl R. White, and languages in our United States. Elsie White, h;s wife. Ivert Hoilist. r Al! over o v e r tn th e e worm, vvnrM tq t».e R ii.l» or nr Ernest )Vhite and VirKin“ and White, his W'hite, wife, All e t}U>le, W. White Lillian portions of it, is read in 830 his wife, and Virgil White and Mary A. White, his wife, were defendants, languages and dialects. in favor o f plaintiff and against said BI ’ - Morris, ‘ executrix Blanche In the past few years and for defendants trit h x x*!il O tinr v«/i nf with will annexed of ♦ the estate ^t of a long time before that, the Harriet E. White, deceased, Blanche M. Morris, It. C. White, sometimes Book has been subjected 10 j known as C. R. White and Car! R. White, ami Elsie White, his wife, many attacks. t. , , , Ivert Hollister White and Virginia But it lives, it has bad more White, his wife, Ernest W. White and influence on the world than any Lillian White, his wife, and Virgil White and Mary A. White, his wife, qtl-er book over written.-Port- by which execution I am commanded to sell the property in said execution flaud Daily News. and hereinafter described, to pay the NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court o f tin- t»tatc o f Orvgon for the County o f Mariqn. In the matter o f the estate o f Klifu- beth Engle, deceased. Notice is herein- (riven that the final account o f Lloyd T. Higdon, ad­ ministrator o f the estate of Flitubx-th Engle, deceased, has been filed in the Countv Court o f Marion County, Ore­ gon. and that the 4th day o f March, U* 2 ;>. at the hour o f 10 o'clock a. m., has In-en appointed by said court for hoarijig objections to said final a e count, at which tin c nn> persons in- t ere «ted in said estate may appear and file objections thjrotq in writing and’fontcst same. 1.L0YD I KltJDON, Administrator. K. H BASSETT, Attorney for Administrator. 503 Bank lit Commerce Bldg., Salem, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned, h> an order o f the County Court o f Marioti County. State of Oregon. duly made and entered on the 15th day o f February. 1929, wua appointed administrator o f the estate o f Estelle Howard and that he has duly qualified a.- such. All persons having claims against said estate art* hereby notified to present the same, duly v -rified as required by law, at the offices o f R. H. Bassett. 502 Sa­ lem. Bank of Commerce building. in the City o f Salem. Marion County, Orcjcon. within six months from the date o f this notice, to-wit : February 21, 1929. If. S. HOWARD. Administrator. R. H. BASSETT. Attorney for Administrator. ¿>03 Bank o f Commerce pudding. Salem. Oregon. NOTICE OF HFARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court o f the State of Oregon fur the County o f Marion. In the matter o f the estate of Emma Davis, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the final account o f Grant Bon< ll, execu­ tor o f the Estate of Hmma Davis, tie- ceased, has been filed in the County- Court o f Marion Countv. Orejron, and that the 26th day o f March. 1929, at the hour o f 10 o ’clock a. m., has been annointed by said court for hearing objections to said final account, at which time any persons interested in .-aid estate may appear and file objec­ tions thereto in writing and contest same. GRANT BONELL, Executor. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, for the Countv o f Marion. Department No. 2. Case No. .—. Lois E. Greenup, Plaintiff, vs. George C. Greenu, Defendant. To George C. Greenup, defendant above named: - ...........r-----. — .............. 7 - you are hereby summoned and re- quired to appear and answer the com- plaint o f the plaintiff in the above entitled suit now on file with the clerk N. High Street Salem. Oregon “ No Collection. No C har*«” x » a * Delinquent accounts collected un a contingent basis. We do the work, shoulder the expense and make no charge unless collectien is made. $230,000 Bad Account, turned into Ca.h Since W . Started. Jot down a teial list o f bad ones and let uj turn tnem into actual money. Business Men's Adjustment Company 415-lf> Masonic Bldg. Phone 911 SALEM. OREGON Pure silk dresses in Plain Crepes and Flowered l ; r> ‘ ) ' :t i . t ’ , 1 Crepe silks o f best quality. These dresses are just the 1 newest, snappiest dresses ever shown for the ^ ' $ A. • * * ^ * money. We guarantee you that they are absolutely t • * ' * ’! ^ f % t b Vl i ,1 brand new direct from New York. ¿V • v . U i : . c I. .* ** * * ‘ Salem, Oregon 220 N . Liberty St. Around the corner from Doe I^otvis* Dru# Store TiiU •*T*u( pu» u »v.« ív .\ *>4» )o »cd ¿{Uutcs • $c¿ 'tjpHnptr* *3 v P ia ao^un|a ^\v dJiÿO JU¿tfeu¿3.\OQ |»3|spjtfir» jo uxaw.li ,M*sj .ïi*uirîi,5)X ¿s* 04 ÍUWV7J 341 jo «JlOCvtl >Otp$ •puotx Mrs. A. L. Denyer received the sad news of the death o f her daughter, Mrs. Eva White. Mrs. White will be remembered as Eva Bruce. Her funeral was held at Kalispell, Montana last Fri­ day. Big Car Power, Speed and Smoothness at a price yrturc glad to pay 9M\{ piOpfcUJS SU Aj*Ul llAlp c£¿S| 5 po^opff cab if jc; [i •?;-:$ u v •jjrtu p !~ J »WJ. n 341 )o DSji’jJ isjqir-» iîi msooo ffdSpnf 111.03 jo • pai pun •Cju&upty QSnVttfT AHVHOilOia 1VN0LLVXH31N! AA3N S.H31SS3M AllCOiUnV 2 ’Vill Ben Funston, of Route 3 spent a pleasant week end. in Salem, visiting at the homes of his grand­ daughter. Mrs. A. N. Drawson and family also with Mr. and Mrs. Henry R, Crawford and and family. Sunday being Mr. Funston’s birthday, he was duly feted at both homes. Mrs. Craw­ ford prepared a lovely birthday dinner and cake with candles in his honor which he extinguished with one mighty breath. Upon his return home. Sunday after­ noon accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Crawford he found that his ....... . . . . . . . . v — — ——----- - e — p - - naa uueneu law u n ites 111 m e n auu 1 _ _ r & Bush B ld g ., balcm. I h is y o u n g , , . a tto rn e y , w h o grad u ated with surPnso refreshments in , , . ... form of icecream all home TKm C m *». #7«. Ik-1, k. Cxittir »re mul «Irlvp the New Pontine Big hi*. It olTrra big rpr ¡lower, aperxl ami •nioothnvss at a price you’ re iilml to . Here, truly, l i n new idra In low co»l motoring luxury ! A car conceived, dcalrned nml built for ihuw: who want aomelhing more than the o b e ip a it — and who chooae to reveal their progressive Idea« In better ear» ax well aa better h o m o und belter furniture. \l hat a rerrp- tlon thear buyer* are Hiving t•»** New Pontiac liig Six! For tltcySe arn»cd thut it give* them u new op p ortu n ity to i t r ji u p in m otor ear «¡uality without ateppinu out o f the low -prleed field. r.t— CO .- a u>. f. u h / - rtar*. »few S JI- m A w e*. ■ > ! V * o S r e a r frm J c r « b a n ) * r r | u ia r n p t i p m e n l u l t i i j h I n l r a i w l l . U«» i-fWlkM , BONES the pro­ sawed import- pri«M«-lS*2 I n W m *U luter.l U w r»! W u I um n -%0 r%> |J||j|j S (j f| U L NUI ES FISO SOLO ILLEGALLY Tbe tireless effort the Senator and made candy. Said sale being made subject to re- i . L. MoNory has been putting demption in the manner ptovided by There will be a ■'basketball h >■( in tlxc l inierest of am an , ade r-a i > '* rt 1,1 i n e r s , ci, u , ’ game here Friday night, March B i i D a t e d this 16th day o f February, $ uate channel! in the W ulamette 1929. Mrs. Carrie Jackson, of Baker, War has ^ en declared by the 1, with Parrish Junior Hi. ver from Portland is b o zin • O. D. BOWER. Oregon Grand Conductress act- State Game Commission on the i 1 Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon The Glee club has started on ^ ng tu bear fruii. Ile has Uteri, ingas deputy for the \>orthy fisherman o f the Rogue w. RICHARDSON, river j their practice o f the Forest Deputy. utking tovfnrd getling a mobile Grand Matron of the Grand Chap. whr, contrary eontrnrv to tr, tne the ,a\\, law are; Grove „ music. . . „ r- o , wno, F. W. WILLIAMS. ^ 3 k between Portland and Sa- i writing. iC. ' ** p’ m‘ “ ne re(lu<-'sts ago took a dozen nets from the t- The people of tbe Willum- Have your envelopes printed with th a t th e »»mcers m^et with her at lower Rpgue river, and are now The sixth grade constructed i va)lev are uow aesured : your 11» » a t l l O n .I I I’ 1 (11 It O n ^ /» l r v /k l f i n L . #> ^ 4 , P _ , - , return a aiHresa. Ihe Tribune ,2 o ’cltxik in the afternoon for a keeping observant eyes on the an Oregon history scene on the i uugh Seqator McNory that . can do the wojia i FchooJ o f instruction. j stream to catch the law violator*. window-box last week. f • Bloch's Golden Rule Store sum ‘due the plaintiff of 11436.25 with interest thereon at the rate o f Recently we “ got wind’’ of a 6 r> per annum from the 7th day of story to the effect that only cer­ December, 1928, ami for the further spra o f $135 attorney’s fees, together tain clii|uea got tbair names in with the costs and disbursements of said suit taxed at $23, and costs and Mail frotu week to week, This is expenses o f said execution. I will, on not true, and to prove our as­ Saturday, the 23d day o f March, 1929. at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. o f said sertion we.invite you to seed in day at the west door o f the county- your ne•xx items and see. Get court house in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the them iu early fo for r best best possible highest bidder fo'r cash in hand on the 1Ann . ----- ------ results. Howtv er v o 11 will liAvi* «ay ot s w . all the nsrht, title, interest lication, a.s pre.serib€:ci in ::aid order, * * and estât-- which .«aid defendants an«i and th< last day lo*- year app#*arance las county. In 1922 the Oregon1 iiin il n n im n i linTTA to a i m it lliat there is n o t m ui-R l all persons claiming undrr ih«un or , , ! ! “ 1 SU-.t.* ( .airie (- r n m is s :--i U .■ . , , . I either of them subsequent xo ibe ex- igt!..,action lor a ; -blither in ocution »} plaintifr» mortgairo In. of <\c m-'d completed at the expiration cd five b s b y nioo.se from Alaska, j »/riiiting un item about someone “n<1 ?° i