0 T he T urner T ribune VOL. X III. no . T l'IIN K It, OREGON, THURSDAY. 13 Guy Kiwling*, son in law of Mnyro McKinney, who hud to give up In* position in one of theeugle stores, in Portland and gel where he could *1)« out of doors more, caino with his fami­ ly to the home of hi* w ife’* par­ ents, Mr.end Mrs. Meyro .NK:- Locals "N o Collection. N o Charge” Clough-Huston Company l)..|in<|H< nt account» rolbcl.tl on u .ontiiuccnt basi*. Wo do Iho work, ahouMi-r the tspeni" unJ malto no chargo util« 44 collection in matte. Forim i ly Webb's Funeral Parlors Funeral Directors Reliable Service. $250,000 (led Account, turned into Cicli Since W e Marled. Jot down u trini lint of letti t .ifi ami Kinney, early in the full. Since It t u* turn them into actual money. coinming to the farm his health Suggestions For I^ate Holiday Shoppers. Breif Cases, Gloves, I’ | M, Bill Folds, Hand Bags. Mr. and Mrs. L. Demytt and Golf Bags. F. E. Shafer, Harness two children o f Salem, were cal­ and leather Goods. 170 S. lers at the Rowley home Sunday Coml. St. Salem, Oregon. afternoon. 4 1fi 1C Muonic HMe -X-Vv T lii» i» Ute Banner Month to Buy Your Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Talbott and Mr*. J W. Burge, ofCorvsIli« S. II. Baker, motored to Salem, wn« « visitor at th oj. F. Thom « Sunday afternoon nnd called on ton home one day last week. Uncle George Burnett Uncle George haa not been feeling as spry as usual this winter. The dwelling owned hy G. W. Farris formerly occupied l*y thp F,. T. Armstrong, o f Salem, Willis family has been rented to was in Turner, on business last Mr. Harrison. <* Saturday. GLASSES X At Í BEDROCK PRICES • 4. ritone O il SALEM. OREGON - Salem - i »»»H tt C lt it o i M ad « W h ile You W ait M aterial m d Workmanship F in i Clast E X A M IN A T IO N FREE DR. A. C. EATON, Optometrist O ffice Boom 7. Upstairs 281 N. Commercial S‘... S ileni Oregon 1‘ IION'E 1097 M Kenneth Petersen was a vi»i- tor at the J. R. Small home, at Marion, for the week end. Mrs. L. E. Petersen was a 8a- lem visitor last Friday. Tho new stove recently pur­ chased for the Methodist church did not prove satisfactory and nnother was brought out last Fri­ day and is being given a thor­ ough trial. j Ye Editor was a business visi- .V .W A W A m V A W V /A V .V .V .V .W .V .W .V .V .V .’.V /A V j tor at Lyons and Mill City, Sat- ■ urday. 1 *. ^ . W . V . V . W / A . V is considerably improved. Business Men’s Adjustment Company I .aily Assistant 20.*» 8«. ('hurt'll Ht.— Day or Night I'lion«* 120 $ PEC.20, Pomeroy and Keene | FLO RIST Salem, - Phone 880 - Oregon. W. JAY DENHE/n funeral Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing ; Turner, Oregon Route j . Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist A N D E R S O N ’S LOOK Mr. Used Car Buyer Christmas Is Coming W e W ill Give You 1929 License FREE WTith Every Used Car Sold Before New Year’s Day No Raise in Prices READ 1925 Packard Sedan.... $1000 1927 Olds Landau Sedan.. 700 1925 Dodge Leather Sedan 550 for V E T E R IN A R IA N Oldsmobile C o u p e ........... 300 Studebaker Light Six....... 300 1925 Essex Coach............. 250 W estcott T o u rin g ............. 200 M A N Y OTHER MAKES TO CHOOSE FROM— FORDS— A L L STYLES SHOTS AT RANDOM Buy the car you want— Forget the License Fee— W e will give a 1929 License FREE with all the above listed Cars— You will have your car paid for before you have to worry about-buying a License— PRETTY SOFT— “ N U F SED” The new bridge is completed and is a thing o f beauty in bridge construction. Capitol Motors Inc B ID D Y BISHOP Salem, Oregon That is until you look past it 350 N. High St. and get a birds eye view o f the EVERY D A Y -------OPEN EVENINGS old side walk and board fence running from the bridge to the S. P. depot. There were no evening sevices last Sunday but the regular ser I f some way could be devised vices will be resumed next Sun­ to have that removed and a new F. P. Rowley and E. A. Rosen­ day. walk to meet the one on tne baum, Dr. M. F. Lewis. A. A. The mid-week prayer service bridge things would look differ- Dean and Olaf Harold, o f Santi- am Tribe No. 72, Order o f Red will be held f the F. C. Gunning ent. Men. motored to Portland nnd home again mis week and will visited with the Chiefs, o f Wil- p*obably continue in some o f the Wonder if Frank Delzell has homes during the cold weather. lainétt Tribe No. 6. ■managed to “ get even” with M. Let us all be present to greet T. Miller for a joy ride he took M. T. Miller spent a dav our J/rtO pastor next Sunday morning the * * last • | out VU* »»' morning after Hallo­ week at the coast, in the vicinity an(j evening we’en. You’ l have to hurry, o f Hebo, fishing. He reported Frank, it will soon be next year. cold weather but no fish. He said it had froze harder there than it has here. A man in Salem recently was ______ fined for not holding out his hand. Several in this vicinity are vic­ We remember one time when we tims of the flu in a light form- The new concrete bridge across ! held out our hand and got it slap- Day and Night Service OREGON STAYTO N Nothing Takes The Place Of Leather for Christmas gifts. I-arge selection o f leather specal- ‘ ¡es to select from. Shafer’s Leather and Harness Store. 170 So. Commercial St. Salem, Ore- gon I ----- ~ — - -------- | 4 % Paid on i six months Time Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance Written | Turner State Bank Mrs. L. J. Rowley and Mr. nud Mrs. Arthur Edwards .at­ tended a White Shrine cere­ monial, in Salem. Monday night. Len Wilkerson, of Salem, was a visitor with A. L. Bones Sun- day. the mill ditch, in Turner is com- pleted. Part o f the forms have, been removed and the bridge op­ How times change. ened for traffic. It is built o f con- crete re.inforced with ateel and | ¡s v e ry attractive and substantial. It is the first o f three bridges to | A woman has applied for a di- b<> built in this vicinity. The sec- vorce because her husband corn- one will be the one at the taber- polled her to cook a rabbit. Many nacle. which, it is reported, will a family would be glad to cook also be o f concrete. The piling even a rabbit. bridge at the John -Duncan farm j ____________ will also be rebuilt, in the spring. Reports are that the island in j This will be a dull Christmas the middle of the creek at that f ° r niany a family. place will be blown out and a : ________ <> - fill made at the Nbrth end and | the bridge shortend. It is rumor­ ed that this bridge will also be j o f concrete construction but noth-1 ing definete has been given out j as yet. The county crew are now working on the Pudding River bridge that recently broke throng J. F. Thomason who has been with the grader and a car. A i ou the sick list for several days, steel bridge will be built at this poinL is able to be out again. Mrs. C. W. Sloan entertained Mr. and Mrs. S. Talbott nt sup­ per, in Salem, Friday evening, after which they all took in a movie. 1926 Hudson Brougham.... 650 1927 Ford Truck “ Ruxtal” 450 1926 Olds DeLux Touring 450 NEW BRIDGE COMPLETED G. F. KORINEK, V.S., B.V.Sc. 1928 E 30 Olds Landau S e d a n ............................ $825 1925 Hudson Coach.... ..... 553 1925 Studebaker “ V ic ” Coupe ........................... 525 1925 Olds DeLux Sedan.... 500 jj will remain in Los Angeles seme time. ■ PAINLESS DENTISTRY A N D X-RAY W O R K The editor o f the Tribune re­ A ll W ork Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices ceived a nice long letter from Use Your Credit Ccme in and talk it over Hollis Bones, who is now in Mil­ S A l EM M A S O N IC T E M P L E . waukee, Wisconsin, parts o f Residence 751-11 Phone 440 which we are passing on to his friends in Turner. He says;” I sure am having a wonderful time on my trip. R igh t1 at present 1 am staying with Guns Hunting Clothing - - some friends o f mine, here in^ PETER S HIGH V E L O C IT À SHOT SH E LLS Milwaukee, who were in Stayton last fall. I will be here until a f­ ter the first of the year. Then I plan to go on to Denver, Colora­ do and follow the show fame back to the coast. I sure enjoy gelling the paper from you. A person really don’t T H E S P O R T IN G G O O D S S T O R E reuii/e how much news it hus Salem, Ore. 167 No. Commercial St. until lie gels uwuy for awhile. “ Here you can get used cars •.V .V .V W V .V .V / A V / / / .V 1 C. F. BREITHAUPT . ' J1 . I. Äfc-T latter Received From Hollis Bones curs for a song: I was looking over a 1927 (Jhov. couch with good rubber and a smooth run uing engine in it for $100 oi $15 more and they would put on a new paint job. You can buy Fords from $ 10 up.’’ “ 1 have run across lots of peo­ Three More Shopping Davs ple who have friends and rela­ Till Christmas. You want gifts tives in Oregon and they sure that last. Leather Goods are ap- ask u lot of ijuestiuus.'’ nropriate and lasting gifts. F. E. Shafer The Harness Man. 170 S. Successful farmers with low Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. and poorly drained cereal fields _______ _____ are providing surface draina*« Mrs. 0. Bones went to Port­ w ith profitable returns, according land last week to visit her to the Oregon experiment sta­ daughter, Mrs Winkler, who tion. Furrows following the con­ was in the hospital. Mr*. W ink­ tour of the land in the low areas remove much of the surface wa­ ler i* reported to he recovering ter and prevent much winter and has been taken to her home. killing by drowning. The drain­ age ditches need to be opened from time to time i-s they usually become clogged readily. Pete Davis, o f Route 2. was In Turner, Saturday. He reports his Sunday School and Preaching Diamonds Watches Clcoks Jewelry Silverw are. £ family nearly all down with the service were held in the morning tin. last Sunday. Sunday School we » 379 State, St. Salem, Oregon, £ well attended. The church was .V .V .V A V .V /W .V .'A V /A W W .V .W .V .V A V .V /.W .W .V The Delzell family, w Ijo are warm and comfortable. home, will have Christmas din­ ner with Mr. Delzell's cousin, Owing to the sickness and Mr. Curran, o f Oregon City. death o f her mother, our pastor w as not with us again last Sun­ day and Rev. John Trachsel, o f Miss Thelma Delzell will not be M2 Slut« Street New Bligh Building Salem, brought ua nnother fine home for Christmas. Having an message. excellant position teaching, she Salem’N Square Deal Jewelers & Opticians. bUttaCUIPTlON $1.-4» FEU YEAR 1928. PATENTS r=¿ Some last suggestions for gifts that are useful: Clocks $1.50 to $3,75. bookends $1 50, books 25c to 75c, perfumes and toilet sets 10c to $5.00, albums 75c &$1.00 military brushes $1.50 to $3.75, bridge sets 50c & $1.00, atomizers 65c to $2.00, toys and games, bath salts, station­ ery and any number of other suitable gifts. Try the drug store first-and last- E. S. PRATHER Turner, - - Oregon. Reliable Druggist Turner Lumber & Mfg. Co. W e carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select from, also W all Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, Cedar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and Slabwood in four foot lengths. V and we will promptly sand you S Report. Our bo« !'cn Talents and Trade-marks will be »ent to you on request. W e desire to serve the public with Promptness and Efficiency. D. SWIFÍ a L E T US FIGURE YO UR B IL L _____P A T E N T L A W Y E R S ------- 305 Scvc-nth SL. Washington. D C- O r tr 34 Years' Esperirne» PHONE 875