% T urner T ribune VOL XIII. NO. TtJKNKR. OREGON, THURSDAY. tf CLEARANCE SALE Brand New PO N TIA C S IX E S NOV. 22, Maples is sure a going fool. Ore­ gon’ » Flying Dutchman never flew very far at any time, seem­ ed to have lost hiH wing*. Ore­ gon’s line was too heavy for O. A. C. The game ended with Ore­ gon 14 to 0 . A. C. 0. Let’* hope 0 . A. C. trims them next time. FORMER TURNER BOY MARRIED AT JENNINGS LODGE 102». H U B d cm ru oN $i.iw the farmer is staggering under. • ■ The above paragraph which was suggested by one of our readers is one o f the things that effects the producer, whether he be farmer or manufacturer. The heaviest burden of taxes seems to be on the land owned by the farmer. per yea * Clough-Huston Company Formerly Webb’s Funeral Parlor* Funeral Directors A N D L IC E N S E D E M B A L M E R S Reliable Service. Lady A ssistan t k. 20b So. Church St.—-Pay or Night Phone 120 The remtdy for this would be an income tax with a property Reduced To ofTse. provision. P ans are al­ ready on foot in the state treas- John Irving Gale, a former surers office to have the next ses­ Turner boy and graduate of 2-DOOR SEDAN, sion o f the legislature enact such furrier High School and Mis* COUPE, OR a law. Lola Elisabeth Ross were married Hunting Clothing . . . Guns ROADSTER at Jennings Lodge, Wednesday, The sun is shining again this PETERS I GH VELOCITY SHOT SHELLS November 14. M r. Gale was pop­ week and Sips has come out of ular with the younger set o f , seclusion and is again on the Turner and leader in the achool front page of the Salem Capital liuy.r. h»d .u^K »n opportunity to on- To rrduro our »lock of Pontiac Six»*, joy • i»-cylin«l.r performance «nil Fithar activities. Whiie in this vicinity Journal. No wonder the world wo luv* lowrrad the p rii«i of all current bodU. >t such Mn.ationally low co.t I modal« $150, making it po««ibl* to buy he was associated with his mother seems so much brighter, a brand naw Pontiac for a« lit 11 w a« Small down paymant»— aaiy monthly and brothers Robert and Rich- .. . . ... . . , A N D E R S O N ’S $595. farm*. Your old car tahan in trada. ard in the operation o f the S all right Sips. We re glad to Como in and chooM your car today! Navar bafora has «ucti a «ix bran offarad Meadow View dairy. The bride back again .f you do pick T H E S P O R T IN G G O O D S S TO R E Such bargain, can't last long! at «uib low )>rKcil And novaf have tn.. popular ____io. „ young „ ____ | ua to peaces once in a while. Go was one o o f f Vie Salem, Ore. 167 No. Commercial St. lots of peices people of the Jennings Lodge ahead' We have New Price Old Price 1 left. w r r /A V .v w .v /.v .’.v .v /r /.v /A V /A V /w .w ^ W A v j section and a leader in the social $595 /■ ~ ■" ' h .— — $745 activities. After a wedding trip 2-Door Sedan Any way the Gervais girls through southern Oregon and feel better if you are on the 595 . 745 Coupo California. M,r. and Mrs. Gale again 595 Sport Roadster 745 will be at home after December 1 at the Tiddledywink Farm on 625 ...... 775 SMOKER A T MILL CITY Phaeton ....... Route 3 out o f Oregon City, 645 795 Cabriolet where Mr. Gale will be associ­ Mill City, Or., Nov. 21.— ated with his mother and bro- 675 825 4-Door Sedan | there in the 'Operation o f this (S p ecia l.)— The Mill City Fire­ 725 875 Sport Lanudau Sedan farm, the home o f the famous men w ill hold their first smok­ We carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, Tiddledywink herd o f purebred er o f the season Tuesday eve­ ning. November 27, and have Jerseys. T*e Tribune joins with Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select All price* f.o.b. Pontiac plu» delivery charge* their many friends in extending lined up a corking good card. from, also Wall Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, hearty congracunlations. For the main event, Frankie Burnell o f Portland will clash Cedar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and Slabwocd in MILK TRUCK ARRIVED with Spud Murphy o f Salem MONDAY four foot lengths. for ten rounds. Both o f the TURNER, OREGON. boys have a reputation o f be­ The new’ truck to be used by ing “ fighting fools” and will We desire to serve the public with Promptness the Portland-Damascus Milk Co. furnish a world o f excitement. and Efficiency. to pick up milk and cream for the The semi-final will be six Turner station, arrived Monday LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL PHONE 875 rounds between Will (R ed ) OREGON WINS OVER 0 . A. C. in charge o f Mr. Harold Paul, Hayes o f Stayton and Sig Ben­ 14 to 0 who will be t!;p driver. George nett of Portland. Hayes is back (By Willie Pearson) Morrell, field man is here to as­ in his old form again and ex­ sist Mr. Paul in working up the pects to knock Bennett for a In the first quarter of the Ore- Mr. Used Car Buyer route. The Damascus company’ is row o f ash cans in order to re­ gon-O. A. C. football game, play­ handling sweet milk as well as deem himself in the eyes o f the Christmas Is Coming ed at Corvallis. Saturday, No- cream and expect to work up an sport fans of this city. vemlwr 17. Oregon starter! with We Will Give You 1929 License extensive business. The curtain raiser will be a kick-off. O. A. C. exprienced between Jack Wilson and Pat difficulty in breaking through the C. Webster o f Salem, 4 rounds. Oregon while Oregon, by using New Bligh Building Other events will be Don Ma­ With Every Used Car Sold Before New ^ ear’s Day 512 State Street a few lateral passes, invaded O. son and Floyd Sumpter o f Mill A. C. territory rapidly until No Raise in Prices City, 1 rounds; Rex Harlan o f within two yards of the O. A. Mill City and Byron Davis o f ' - Phone 8S0 - Oregon. Salem, C. goal. One line play was all The sendees last Sunday were that was needed to put over the well attended with good interest Camp 17, 4 rounds. The promoters have a sur­ Many o f you have visited our Used Car Depart­ first touch dow n and the extra throughout. prise event up their sleeves ment and might be interested in one of our used point was made. The mid-w’eek meeting was TRY THE DRUGSTORE FIRST! cars and you will be pleased to know that you In the second quarter O. A. C. giyen over to the quarterly con­ which they claim will be worth FILMS BOOKS BULK DRUGS STATIONERY the price o f admission alone. can now buy that car and get a 1929 license free. made the kick-off to Oregon who ference and sermon by the new GLASS SUNDRIES FAMILY MEDICINES John J. Leahy o f Albany will Why worry about the License Fee— N'uf Soil. received,the ball and was downed district superintendant. Dr. Tem­ KORINEK VETERINARY REMEDIES referee. in his tracks. With a few passes ple, who spoke from the subject. GOODRICH RUBBER GOODS CAPITOL MOTORS INC. and line bucks they neared the The Esentials o f a Growing Russian Mineral oil 85c pint 350 North High Street O. A. C. goal line but was unable Church. Dr. Temple js a forceful WILLIS CECIL VAN NUYS Reliable Druggist Every Day • > to go farther. 0 . A. C. carried and interesting speaker. The new- Open till 9 P. M. A largo gathering o f sympathizing TU R N ER : OREG ON the ball for three times without stove. which was recently pur­ friends and relatives gathered at the much avail; they finally kicked chased was innitiated on that First Christian church in Turner, at E. S. PRATHER 1 o’clock, Monday, November 19th, to ,V.,tm ,.*AV.VMW.,.V.V.,.%W.V.S%W.,AV.W.,.W .VAW the ball to Oregon’ s 10 yard line night. pay their last respects to the memory and Oregon’ s man was immedi­ A cordial invitation is extend­ of Willis Cecil Van Nuys. Rev. Con­ ately downed. By a few more ed to those w ho not going else fer conducted the sen-ices and a quar tet sang “ Rock of Ages." The ser­ line bucks and lateral passing where to attend our services. vices at the grave were conducted Oregon scored again making the Salem’ s Square l)enl Jewelers & Opticians. ^ by the Masonic Lodge, of Turner, of 3 Ct>re 14 to 0. which he was a member. He wai Diamonds Watches CIcoks Jewelry & Silverware. J In the second half O. A. C. also a member of Turner Lodge Wood men of the World. i 379 State, St. Salem, Oregon. ^ carried the ball most of the time. Willis was bom on his father’s A. groat attack was made by pas­ VETERINARIAN farm near Aumsvillc, February 4th, AW AV.W iViViV.V.'.V/AVAVA'i’.V iW i'A 'A SW .W .V .V .V sing and they came to within 1893, and was 35 years, 9 months and Day and Night Servie* 12 days old. five yards of a touch down, when Regular services will be held About two years ago he went to OREGON STAYTON Oregon intercepted a pass and next Sunday as usual. Sunday- Southern Oregon and has spent most «m il • ■ • ...................... - •’ - then kicked the ball back for O. School at 10 and preaching at 11 of thia time in Medford, where h( mas ' S3 A. C. to start all over again. In A. M. Christian Endeavor at 6 worked as a carpenter. Besides his wife Bertha and step­ the third quarter the ball was ¡3 ) and evening sermon at 7:30 son Clarence, he leaves his father and PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X -RAY W ORK ctrried hack and fourth over the P. M. mother Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Var Nuys of Turner, members of a well All W ork Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices field until O. A. C. made a later­ The Indies o f the church will known pioneer family of Marion Coun Use Your Credit Come in and talk it over al pass which carried them with­ hold their annual bazarr Decem­ ty; two brothers Edwin M., of Port­ in 10 yards o f the goal and was S A l EM ber 6, Dinner and supper will be land and Loyd T., of Turner. M A S O N IC T E M P L E . brought down on a pass, Oregon Residence 758-R served. There will be candy for Phono 440 a aMwiiu—M receiving the ball dropped it. An sale also many useful things that CARD OF THANKS n aaM r^M m uM K w limilimill* 0 . A. C. man picked it up and We wish to thank our many friends will make fine Christmas pres­ it was a very close call but as for their kindly expressions o f sym­ ents. he picket! it up he was brought to pathy for us, in our recent sorrow and NOTHING TAKES THE M. E. CHURCH NOTICES The Revival services will start for the many lovely floral offerings. earth, O. A. C. l>eing offside was PLACE OF LEATHER for win- Sunday morning service. Novem- Mr. and Mrs. Charlts E. Van Nuys tor coats. W e have them at penalized five yards. The ball, of next Sunday night. The services her 20th: Edwin M. Van Nuys lof one of the beat evangelists in Srrmon Theme "The Ministry of very reasonable prices. F. E. course, was taken back. Four Loyd T. Van Nuys Healing.” Shafer, 170 South Commercial downs failed to bring them any Oregon have been secured for Text: “ The Tree o f I-ife also in thg street, Salem, Oregon. Head­ closer so Oregon received the these meetings. A cordial invita­ Midst o f the Garden. Gen. 2:9. BUY YOUR L E A T H F, R quarters for harness. ball. In a punt formation play, tion is extended to every one to Sunday evening service, a Thanks­ attend. GOODS at a Leather Store. F. Oregon fumbled the ball but re­ giving sorviep. E. Shafer, 170 South Commer­ covered and was downed by O. Text for sermon: “ Whcro arc Have your envelopes printed with cial Street, Salem, Oregon. the nine? Lu. 17:17. SHOTS AT RANDOM your return address. The Tribune A. C. lack o f Oregon’s goal line Harness o f all kinds. A cordial invitation to all. can do the wort:. but again O. A. C. was o ffside su I The Tribune »hop can print your the ball had to be taken back. O. There is no greater farm re- The Tribune shop can print your Give The Tritarne er «dit for what A. C. sure showed the old fight, leif than lower taxes and lower butter wraps, letter heads and en­ ^ t u buy from our advertiser». I ynt} buy from our advertiser*. they pounded all the time That' freight rates than those which velope*. - Salem - Turner Lumber & Mfg. Co. BONES BROTHERS LOOK -F R E E F. BREITHAUPT METHODIST ------------- READ-------------- FLORIST I Pomeroy and Keene G. F. KORINEK, V.S., B.V.Sc. Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist I ------ -------------------------i \ 4 % Paid on f six months Time Deposits Fire and Turner State Bank > m m -í Automobile Insurance Written