TH F# T H I I U W hen Boohs M ildew Tht* I library of Cangiata «n,vi limi If llm nilltlaf«v un b<»>ki In alili oni 11 ||t III» cari leni Jewtsh krri|i turco. I t lt r llo M w »r» «una al rrrtallt festival» In II'« i » iii | i U i al Jeruaulem grlor lu Ila ilpalrurllon by T in i«. Il waa tirai il»« lu m i .'»tinnirai by lb» Mynoil of Juinlilu UU A. D. T ypical A m erican G irl Th a “lìlimoli girl" a l» « ! fot a typa of lioullliy, vlgoroua, l>»uutlful ami re tln»i) youug «oinniiliooil. lu fari, Citarle« Daita Gibson mini» a piare for lilmarlf aa llie dallnralor of III« Am*r- Irun girl, al varimi» occupatimi», pur- Urularly oal of doora. N a u tica l M easu rem en t g A knot la a uiruaure of «|i»»il the equivalent of one naullral mile nil Imur. T h e untilIrul mile la O.IXW.T f»»l. II la iti><>ui M i«-r mm i M g l Hum a land mile. T ill« mukoa l»n knot« an Imur ibo equivalent nf H H rnllea an hour. English C ourt Officer In England a burrlaler la a mum t>»r of Ihe legal profnaaloii qualified lo plead al the bar. 11» undertake« the public Irlnl of euuaoa lu Ibn au pcrlnr itturla of the law « » dlatln- gulabed from un atlonipy or aollrllor V arious A lp h ab e ts Th e world'« loligual nlplntbel, the C h ib »«». I “* over »1.111*1 clmrarlrra. each reprt enllng not a aouml bill a ayllable. The Kunakrll olplmbel baa AU characters. Ihe I'eralun 43, lb « French 23 and lb « Spanish 27. C o m bating A voirdupois •To bant," Ihe bumoroua name for dieting wllh Ihe purpoae of loalng weight, originated In lha making nf a verb from the name "Ranting." Ilanl- lng wna ihe advocate uf curb a eye tern, which benra hla name. O ld a n d Neu» C om bined Inalde lit» |M‘deatal on which Cleo palra'a aeedle «landa are aererai Jura containing Itrlttali mina, a railway guide, a number of children'« toy«, coplea of newapapere and a map of I-ondoo. U p th e Sleeve The expr-eiulmi, ''laughing up one'« aleeve,“ linrka buck lo the lime when aleevca were cut very full and beany litugba « » r e deemed bad milliners. So p» hnu«»wife ure like a child's pranks, renlly comical, and cun he seeu so later.— American Magazine. The Double Cross By A . E. T H O M A S Copyright, Hy iK.tlU, «itti l inn W. N. U. TH E lac. S TO R Y Jim StiiliDy; Naw York bust- naa« man, orilara la Is daak «udl- phona tnkan lo hla homa, Inland- log to Dolah hla dictation Uiara Iloilo Wularman, hla tmrtn.r. oomaa In. liolb nra In lova wllh Dorla Colby, Hlnnlay propose» loaalna a cola lo dalarmtna wlil'-h ab«ll Drat prop«»» In Dorla. Wa- larman wlna. Nina Morgan, Wa- tariuan'a «aeralary and nilnlra««, hna ovarbaard hla nonvaraallnn wllh Hlanlay and raaanla Wa- terman a plan lo daaarl liar Wa- laroian eaye ha la pannlla«« and mue! muka a rich ni«rrl«aa. II* urgaa Nina lo tail Dorla lhai HI .inlay baa wronged bar I Nina) Dorla admit« lo bar falhar hai lularaal In both MML blit 1» un­ able lo darlde which lo marry Nina tell* Dorla bar alory, »«a ct­ ing a prnmlaa that Dorla will not la|| lha aourra of bar In­ formation. Dorla la convinced of Mtanlejr*e duplicity and la brok- anhaartad, raallalng that II la Mauley alia Iowa Waterman propoaaa and Dorla acrapla him. Manley aocapta Iba alluallon. and aa a wadding praaant glvaa hla ahara of lha liualnaaa lo Wa- larman, lla arrange» wllh hla »• 'iria ry, Prank Wllaon, lo taka charge of hla olhar bualnaaa In- taraata. fta la going lo India Dorla talla Waterman part of Nina'« atury and ha promlaaa to "try” to find tha girl. I'reeaad for payment of a big gambling debt by Hromllald, Waterman qulata him 'wlilt nawa of hla en­ gagement lo tha wealthy Dorla Colby. CHAPTER VII—Continued "In the drat place to gel the news. In Ihe second pine« (o have a lltlle undvralandlng with you." “ Such as?" "Much aa (hla. Stunley and I are a good deal «like lo one respect. We're lioth of ue tick of liualneaa He's go­ ing (o retire, and ra am 1.“ “You're going to leave Ihe office}“ “That's right. Why should I go on working at a Job I hate now that I'm going to buve a steady Income?" Waterman considered. “All right," ha said. “ Probably It's Jual aa well. Thu leas I see of you lo Ihe future ihe safer It will be for both of us. Now listen lo this. I taw Mias Colby Hdr morning. She swallowed your story last night, but today alie'a not so sure about It. Kite wants the thing Invesll gated.“ “ And who's going to do UT" “1 am.” Nina laughed. “Gee." she said, “you're a w it.“ “ All the tame.“ raid Walermun. “Ihe sooner yon change your address lbs bottor.” ••Right," agreed Nina. “ I'm tired of the Urous anyhow. I'll hunt up nn apartment tomorrow. And now we've got to come down to vulgar mercenary details." ^•ShooL How muchv“ “Dot anything lo write with?" He detached a silver pencil from tils walch-chaln and tossed It acroaa the table. Nina wro'q briefly upon the back of (he menu card, and dipped It over to him. T im ." said her victim as he gnzed upon Ihe statement. “ You're doing yourself rather well, aren't you?" "Aren . you?" anld she. Stanley left the Grand Central sta­ tion Hie following Wednesday after neon, jou id for Tibet lie snll-'d from 8an Francisco at ten o'clock the fol lowing M -iu o y morning. Ue did not see Dorla Colby again. He called at her house on the Tuea day before he left N »w York, at an hour wheti he knew she was almost always In. IT« was a little surprised when the butler (old him that she was not at home. "I'm aorry not to see hi# Barker.” he said, “lie sure to tell her that I shall not have another chance, as I leave New York tomorrow afternoon for a long Journey." Stanley was. on the whole, relieved Ue had no wish fo see Doris again. For him the flnnl Interview was bound to he a painful thing. He could have no notion that It wonld also have been painful to her. He wua glad that he was able to avoid It. From San Franclaco be sent her a farewell telegram: “Good-by," It read, “and all the good luck In the world to 3otb iny pals." America, (liken aa one continent, la (be only one the shores of which are wnalietl by Ihe Allantlc, Pacific, Arctic and Antarctic ocean-t. That waa on a Monday morning. On the following Tuesday morning W il­ son, running hastily over the pages of hla morning paper, came upon the following paragraph: “ Mr. Alexander Colby of lOsff Fifth avenne, announces the eugngeinent of hla daughter, Miss Dorla Colby, to Mr Rollln Waterman, of 387 Park ave­ nue." C osm opolitan J o u rn a ls CHAPTER VIII A m eric a’s D istinction At Cairo. Kgypt, newapupera arc | imhllahed In muny langungea. Includ | It ahould have become fairly obvloin by now that Jim Stanley's conception ;ng Arabic, french, English, Italian of Hollln Waterman a* simple, direct Circek. and Armenian Ingennoua sportsman, hnd mnny points not consonant with the truth. Water This Life th e Test man'* life. In fact, had for go long Th e mini tvho In lids world ran keep been filled with twlatlngs and turnings the whlteneae nf hla soul la nor likely of vnrloua aorta that for him the lo Ione II In any other.— Alt rander shortest distance between two points Smith. bad become the devious route nf a corkscrew. The Impulsiveness for which Stanley admired him nod on account of which he made *o mnny excuses for him wna wholly on the surface. No sooner hnd Jim Stanley sailed from Snn Francisco Hum Waterman Infoimcd Doris that Nlnn Morgan hnd left the office, removed from her for­ mer address, and that the private de teetlvea whom he culled lu hnd been unable fo trace her. The Waterman Colby wedding was what la called a Society event. T I ih I 15-year* surer« In (reeling Rectal and Is to any. It took plnce In St Barthol­ Colon troubles by the Dr. C. J. Dean omew's church under the sasplces of NON-SURGICAI. m»tl,nd ctw »Nrt ut to glvt WRIT I KN AH. the bishop of the diocese nnd the rec­ V l* ^ ,t .H \ S UR AN CK of PII.KH K U M K tor of tht parish. harmonised hy the n a ik d « m : rkk undi d . Sand 10 , 1 .» lo, FRKK Ilkl-eaM boy choir, beautified by the rltnnl of 1 book tit'«erll>iitg causes amt rrn p - the church and witnessed hy an as of t il.»» »llntrnit. oemhly of [arsons wlm » names were prominent In the social and business ilfe nf (be city. It was witnessed also hy Nina Mor ru n fan «« gun. Sir- Insisted on having a curd SUFFERING ELIMINATED N K . T l 'M N K M , O h K i i O N Lo* Angele» Boy Needed Help said, "I ahould like with your permit 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 slon lo sever my connection with the office at one«.“ “ And why, may I a»k?" Inquired bis employer. “ I prefer nof fo go Into that.* Leroy Young, 111ff of a din! 11 pure, and though her pres B r R IN G L A R D N C R “ Ilut my dear man you know well Georgia St., I » * An­ »nc# was not noted hy any other of geles, “Is h “regular the hundreds who wer« In the church, that It will he most Inconvenient for H m 4 4 4 4 4 » 4 m « 44444 fellow," a c t i v e I n lJi() g.-,jj,o r . «lie waa to the bridegroom Hie moat me If you quit like tills. McKone baa sports, and at the top t'onspleiioua person liter«. Despite all scarcely been here long enough to l|,,w •• *• around dlf- In his clause« at hla pole», us lie stood al the altar ¡.•an the rope«. In a monili or six ! . * j j '“ 1 lM*rU °* 0,0 ‘■"un,rJr b“ ‘ school. T o look at wllh Dorla ut hla side, he fell like a weeka you cun go without Inconver. *en,,t our «ray Ihe hoy* I. all worried nbout him now, yon'd think man who rather expects to he «hot leming m » In H»v least, but now It Blue Hiinduy and «b u t they going to __he never had a day*» In the hack at any moment. Hut will lie a nuisance." do with themself» when Hie Lord» day sickness but hla mother any«: "When “ Nevartbeicaa, I feel I must go at though# Nina's presence was noted hy ulllunce gets lo woik ou the sleeping Leroy was Jn»t a little fellow, we no on« Inalde the church, with the once." ‘Terbups you'll teli me your rea­ beauty* down In Washington and slip* found Ills stomach and bowel» were distinguished exception of Hie bride­ another do*« of bug poison to the hoys weak. He kept suffering from con- groom, II was distinctly observed hy son?” "It jon Insist I will, hut I would that still ataggers to their ft. when aHpatlon. Nothing he ate agreed with one nf Hie numerous Individual« who the bund plays the land of the fre*. him. He waa fretful, feverish and crowded the sidewalk outside the rather not,” A few of the boys take« the propo­ puny. SAME PRESCRIPTION "Insist? What'a thl*?— O f coura« I dour lo wulth the wedding party aa sition like a Joke uud suy they won't "When we atarted giving him Cali­ In a U ." It came from Hie church. HE WROTE IN 1892 "» disapprove, on principle, of the nothing come of It, that the Master fornia Fig Syrup hla condition Im­ Frank Wilson wu* not Invited lo Mlmls thut mukes our laws will knock proved quickly. Hla constipation nnd the wedding, but he went, none the way in which yoc are running lb La this one for a row of rhubarb. Well biliousness stopped a re I he has had le«a, as fur aa he could go without a oiialness.' Whan Dr. Caldwell atarted to practice no more trouble of that kind. I have “ In whal particular, may I ask. If '• * ‘® *ume thing In reganjy card of admission, and lie wua, to say medicine, hack in 187A, tha need« for • to prohibition hut you cau drive your since used California Fig Syrup with you will he good enough to tell me?" laxative ware not aa great aa today. (lie least. Interested when be aaw “ Yes sir, I will. There have been flivver up and down Main St. all day him for colds and tipset spells. Ue People lived normal live», ata plain, Nina come out. lie hud noted with long bow days without getting aid« like« It becauae It tastes so good and whoieeaae food, and got plenty of trash surprla« Hie withdrawal of that young In our posaesalon for some lime a swiped by no beer truck. air. Hut even that early there wars f like It because It helps him so won­ woman from the office, but Its ex act large number of shares of the Cana­ drastic phyaiea and pum a for the relief The boy« might «a well get It derfully !“ dian I'ai-ltlc Railway company belong­ significance he could not fathom. This California Fig Syrup has been the of constipation which Dr. Caldwell did ing to Mr. John W. Weeks, one of our In their heun that the new luw will event had occurred before the pub mot believe were good for human beings. trusted standby of mothers for over customers. The*# share* have been I » through like It was playing Yale Th* prescription for constipation that llrutlon of the Waterman Colby en­ and In a few more wks. old Mr. Mon­ 30 year*. Lending physicians recom­ used to ffnahce the purchase by this ha used early in his practice, and which gagement That announcement hnd mend It. It la purely vegetable and day, that everybody use to crab at he put in drug store« in Diltt uad>r tha Interested Wllaon even more keenly Arm of a large Mock of Hie common name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Papain, because It meant to go to work, will works with Nature to regulate, tone In view of the continued absence of »lock of lb i Kustern Oil company * la a liquid vegetable remedy, intended be a 2d Xmaa with people wnkelng and strengthen the stomach and “ Well, what of It?" Mlsa Morgan, so Hint he made hold for women, children and elderly people, up full of xip and slaplng 1 another bowels of children so they get full “Nothing, If you do not see what I one day, shortly after, to ipeak to aad they need just auch a m ild aaf« on the back and hollering merry Mon­ nourishment from their food and mean.“ bowel stimulant. Waterman about I t waste la eliminated In a normal way. day and many of them. “ I do no t You must be more ex­ This prescription has proven its worth “Ob, yes," said Waterman, “ihe'a Four million bottles used a year plicit.” and ia now tha largest sailing liquid I'ersonly 1 haven’t aaw no draft gone for good.” «how» how mother* depend on It. Al­ laxatira. It has won the conffilence of “I think yoo know perfectly well of the statue but they tell me It pro­ “ May I ask If you dismissed her?" people who needed it to get relief from that no such operation has ever be­ vide# for everybody to go to church ways look for the word “California" Inquired Wilson. headaches, biliousness, flatulence, indi­ on the carton to be sore of getting “Oh. no," responded Wnterman, fore been carried on In Hila office, at and aa far aa that la conserr.ed why the genuine. gestion, loss of app-tite and sleep, bad least not In my time. I think yon they might Just aa well because it breath, dyapepaia, colds, fevers. At your “got another Job somewhere. I be­ know perfectly well that It Is a thing also provides tbat they wou’t be no druggist, or «rrit* “ Syrup Pepsin," lieve. Glad she's gone. Been getting Um that Mr. 8tanley would never bare movies or no ball game or no Sunday Dept. BB, Monticello. Illinois, fur fre« a little rarelesa lately.” trial bottle. “What did she sue her husband puper and you can't dance or go ride- Now Wllaon reflected to himself, aa countenanced. “Are you done?” lug or swimlng or picnicking *»r shoot for?” ho stood on the edge of the crowd “ Yea. air.” C “ Ndnxnpport.” craps or play card» and etc. with pen­ that gathered about the striped awn “Then let me say this. This la no alty's all the way from 30 days to a “ I thought she was getting plenty Ing that led from the portals of 81 longer Mr. Stanley * business. I am couple of minutes In the electric of th a t” W A N T S Y O U R FLIPS responsible for the operation to which easy chair. you object 1 am arconntable to Mr. Well friends when this come» they’* » " T * " » t o p -n o ic n p r i c n gor jti y t a r i . r u r m*rÍE«t b o o m in g . Sond today for prico H it . Week» for the atock of which yon Ju«t 3 way» th take I t You can pack have *|«>ken. and I «hall meet my re- your tooth brush and night gown and l f x È K r D . r ^ S b ì u iz jz z iL 'Z ’um aponxlblllty.* move to i'arls or you can stay here “ Very good, air," retorted Wllaon. and obey the law or break I t Now W E PAY YOU ■ S P O T C A S H “Then I take I t It will suit your con­ wile many books and songs ha» been venience If I leave on Saturday wrote about the glory» of gay I'aree CALIFORNIA 5c night?" h r iU la liO o M M m l » l 3* tur I «o m h a'trul I seen enough of (l so as 1 would ad­ Bays Backache Often Mean* You ¡M>f#Tl[*t««. OuMtlnn# u m r M ir##. Unte ram a “ Leave at once. If yoo like." vise my readra to stay here even after «• auia#. 190 B r a u » » Art#»#. La» Aaaatea. Calli. Have Not Been Drinking “ Very good. air. I ahall write yoo the Master M indj passes the next Enough Water a letter of which I ahall keei a amendment witch Is comelng after copy staling In detail my reasons for this one and witch will provide that T r « « .* Im tUJIXESS. T I A O U a. fXOflUlO NS Xnroll * 0 7 tlua. Send for lttenalora. retiring." yon can’t eat meat or have corn». When you wake up with backache O R C S O N I N S T I T U T E O f T E C H N O L O G Y "Aa you please.” - As for obeying the law they’« no and dull misery In the kidney region X. M. C. A. Bia«. So Wllaon retired to the anlte of of- use obeying the letter unlest you also it may mean yon have been eat­ flee» he had already engaged In • , . , . ... __. . . . ... P A R K E R 'S ing foods which create adds, says a neighboring akyacraper for the con- ? * J , H A IR B A L S A M law la to see that everybody has a well-known authority. An excess of Bíaove» I H tops H Air Failli duct of the affairs of Stanley i rotten time Sunday, yourself inclu­ auch adds overwork» the kidneys In R ealoras C olor ao» Now, when Waterman told Wllaon B e a u t, to C # * r « u t F edo« H e ,, sive. This ain't as easy as it sounds tbelr effort to filter It from the blood aw. «ad l l at et .iro n is a « he would hold hlmaelf responalble for H I fo x (Tifa. W hi, pou-h# TH». N. T, like, ao for the benefit of my renders and they become sort of paralysed and the aecurltle« left In bl* car« he F L O R E A T O N S H A M P O O —D eal fo r o u la meant exactly what he »a id He had I have figured out an Ideal program ioggy. When your kidneys get slug­ connection w ith P ark er's H eir Ba eam Make« the gish and dog yon must relieve them, h«ir «oft «nd fluffy. «0 cent« by m«il o r «1 drag- no feeling of dishonesty about It. He for a blue sabbath as follows: gists, iliac ox Chem ical Work«« Patchogv«, N . f . 0 A. M. Get up and take a cold like you relieve yoor bowels, remov­ wna using Mr. Week»' property for ing all the body's urinous waste, else bath. Shave with Ice water and find hla own purpose*. It t* true, but be W. N. U., PORTLAND. NO. 44-1928. you have backache, sick headache, wonld And a way tc make good when your own clothes. dizzy spells; your stomach sours, 7 A. M. Breakfast. Burnt toast with the lime came to do It. He found A ctiv e C ig ar B u tt tongue Is coated and when the weath­ hlmaelf for the moment In ooe of hla any good coffee substitute. When a lighted cigar butt was er Is bad yon have rheumatic twinges. 7 :30 to # A. M Don’t smoke. tight corner«, and be waa merely hot" “ All th# Sams,” Said Watarman, “tha tossed out of an eight story window 9 A.M. to 1 D. M. Sabbath school The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, Sooner You Change Your Addrasa rowing the 0. I*, atock to help him In a Pittsburgh building It first struck channels often get sore, water s c a ^ out of that corner. He had been tn ' and church. tha Batter.“ 2 I*. M. Have duck for dinner to and you are obliged to seek relief two an awning over a sixth floor window. many tlgtii corner« before now— per­ From there It bounced to a fifth floor Bartholomew's to Hie curbing, and haps not a« tight as thla one— bat he witch Is Invited a man that was in or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable phy­ awning, thence to a second floor awn­ noted the exit of Nina amid the had always found ■ way out. and he the war and his wife and 4 kiddies. ing and to the ground, leaving enough sician at once or get from your phar­ throng of wedding guests— knowing would find a way out now Mr. Weeks Ask the man about the war. ash to set fire to each one of the macist about four ounces of Jad 3 to 5 P. M. Keep asking the man that the entrance to the church had would not lose anything, and In the Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass three draplngs. >ecn strictly by card — he reflected meantime would have assisted him. about the war. No smoking. of «-ater before breakfast for a few 5 P. M. Vespers that the weddings of Wall Street Inv luntarlly to he sure, to escape C old N eed C ause 6 to 7:30 P. M. T r y and call up days and your kidneys may then act business men are not commonly at­ from thlt new dilemma. As a husband Waterman was at flra? somebody that has got a new number. fine. This famous salts Is made from tended by secretaries who have been N o In convenience the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, 7:30 to 9 P. M. Church. “getting careless lately,” and whose not unsuccessful. He devoted himself Singers can't always keep from combined with lithla, and has been 9 P. M. to bedtime. Talk nice about employers are glad to ace (hem leuve to pleasing his wife with an assiduity catching cold, but they ran get the used for years to help clean and stim­ which, considering his Innate selfish­ everybody. the office. best of any cold In a few hoars— and Th e wedding Journey wna brief, be­ ness, waa extraordinary. But there As for the boys that wants to evade ulate sluggish kidneys, also to neu­ so ran you. Get Pape's Cold Compound ing limited lo six n-eeks at I'alm came a time, some alx month* after the law. the 1st place they can't be tralize acids In the system, so they no that comes In pleasunt-tasting tablets, Beach, on account, said the society hi* marriage, when hla financial per­ ton careful as the penaltys is going longer Irritate, thus often relieving one of which w ill break up a cold so paragraphs, of the extensive business plexities became so great that he had to be mighty stiff like for 8 yrs. bladder weakness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive, cannot in­ quickly you'll be astonished.— Adv. Interests of the bridegroom. These no longer attempted to conceal them If you are caught laughing unlest Its business Interests were prartlrally In from his wife. In fact, with some pre­ at 1 of the ministers gags or some jure and makes a delightful, efferves­ L atest the hands of Wllmio during these six meditation. he allowed her to gueaa funny crack In the colic for the day. cent litbia-water drink. Drink lots of good water. them. "John, don't you know you ought week*; Hint la to any they were man But for the boys who Is willing to ; "What'a the matter. Rollln?" shs take a chance I have got up a serious j not to snooze on the beach with your aged precisely as Stanley would hnve A man may not be a political lead­ mouth open?” managed them had he been there. said to him one night when they had of substitutes for the different crimes “ All wrong aguln. Sun bath for L'pon Watertnnn-'a return he tried to returned to their Dark avenue apart­ like motoring etc., tbat can be pulled er, but If he doesn't vote he Isn't the tonsils.” replace Wilson as promptly as pos­ ment after a dinner party. “ You seem off without no fear of detecUon un­ even a good follower. sible. but the men whom he tried out awfully down." lest the people you play with and in- “Oh. nothing much," he answered. aa Wilson's successors turned out to vlte Into your home la a wolf In 1 "I know better. Anything wrong in he somewhat unsatisfactory, ever hy j cheap dothelng. Waterman'* not altogether elevated business?" Moturing.— Every time yon get j "Well, the fact I a I've got Into a standards. Consequently Wilson held home from church run out to the I deal which looked awfully good and on. garage and change tires. Now (hat hla word was law In Ihe does yet But It’a broadened out *o Cards, craps and etc.— Set In church much that I find I haven't quite the business. Waterman began to allow with a pal and bet on any of the capital to swing IL If I had II would hla Instincts free play. Al heart a following propositions. 1. The next gal gambler. It was not long before he he all nnd more than I had hoped, but that comes In will be a blonde. The had pretty thoroughly Identified the If I can't get It, I shall have ot sacri­ { odds against this is about 2 to 1 un­ Interest» f Hie business with his own fice everything that I’ve put Into I t ” i lest It's a ski Jumper's church. 2. “ How much do you need?" peraonsi commitments in the Street, Will the text be from the odd or even "Well, forty thousand dollars would n thing which hsd been impossible ss number chapter. 3. Who will cough see me through." long as Stanley had remained at the next a man or s woman. "I-et me do It." helm. It la true that In those days Surf Bathsing.— Fill the hath tub "No. really. I don’t want to drag yoo ! Waterman had ma-nged to Involve Into my business affaire." with water and pour Vi bbl. of salt himself In various speculative enter "But I Insist Besides, It’s only « : in IL Then you and the wife and prises which turned out badly, but temporary loan. It Isn’t as If 1 wer* kiddles put on a batheing suit and they remained Ids own. The position saying good-by to the money. This in- You duck them and they of (Be Arm was In no wny affected by will ace you through, you say, and ! squeal. them. Now ' wa different turn a losing venture Into a profitable Picnic.— rut your dinner In a bas- Wllaon hcc: ventured to (lie various ket along with some hngs and dirt. respectful protests from time to time one. That's simple." Sprtnckle the dining rra. floor with "W ell.” he said feebly, and her check aa he toD d the course which events leaves and sand burrs and set down came to him next day. were taking Ills objections hnd been What Waterman didn’t tell Doris and eaL waved aside— pleasantly at first, hut Movie*.— Put out the lights and was the fact that the forty thousand Anally In a way which silence«, him. dollars was needed to replac the shut the window curtains. Hnrtg a “ Wilson, said Waterman, on the Canadian Pacific stock which belonged sheet nt one end of the rm. and set occasion of his Inst protest, “ I have to Mr. Weeks who had suddenly, and and chew gum. Remember a l the things people used to do for headaches? Today, kept you In the office to assist me. Baseball.— Set on the Ironing board wllh entire luck of consideration, de the accepted treatment is Bayer Aspirin. It gets action t Quick, not advise me. If you're content with and keep hollering, “That a boy.” munded the possession of his property this arrangement, I shall he glad to complete relief—and no harm done. No after effects; no effect on Funny Papers.— Your wife gets In This he received, thanks to Doris hnve you stay until I can -eplnce the heart; nothing in a Bayer tablet could hurt anyone. (Your bed and you pretend like its 2 A. M. check. Waterman met hit responsl you. If not you had better go at hlllty to Weeks, as he had assured and you are Just getting home. She doctor will verify this.) For any sort of headache, neuralgic pains, one*.” says where have you been. You say Wilson that he would. But his dlffl rheumatism j'ust try Bayer Aspirin. Taken soon enough, it can Wilson accepted the rebuff and cullies with reference to the Eastern you been to a lodge meeting. She head-off the pain altogether; even those pains many women have stayed. He thought vaguely Hint pos Oil deal remained as great as before. breaks off a bed post and hits you alhly Ms continued presence might In thought must be endured. At all druggists. This was a fair example of the rort over the head with It. You say “Bam." some way be useful to the absent Asplrf« is th» trad# mark of Bayer Manufacture of thing that now became frequent In Golf.— Hide a couple of halls X Sun­ Stanley. But there a time when of Moooecot icactdeater of Salleyllcactd the Waterman household. Waterman day and look for them the next. he felt that merely from the stand (id by th« Bell Syndicate. Inc.> was too clever ever to ask his wife point of self protection he mnst get for money, but the time came when out. That moment came when he the technique which he employed In Lonely M an realised that Waterman'* business the Week* matter grew a little thread­ If he has no faults what doe* the foolhardiness hnd become something bare. poor fellow do for congenial com­ worse. He dlscoveret that aecurltlea It « III have been obeerved that belonging ,o customers, and left In Doris wus no fool. She admired her panions?— Toledo Blade. rare of the Arm for safekeeping.- had husband. 8he had an affection for been hypothecated hy Waterman as him. If he did not thrill her as she N ot Visible to A ll collateral for certain speculative ven The north or pole star ts visible hnd hoped nnd ex[«-cted. she wns not (tires of his own. This did not shook unrensomihle Stic M L It Is true, a from tire earth only In the Northern him. for hy this time he thoroughly vague disappointment hut rhe brought hemisphere. To people living north understood Waterman’s character- her common sense to hear She said of the equatot the pole star never seta hut It surprised him For Hie risks tn herself that her nito«iirir Ideals Person* any considerable distance j of this sort of thing were so great so hnd perhaps been based loo much «tilth of the equator cannot see the f o r A lly y e a r« pregnant with disaster. Hint ne had upon her youthful fancy that per north star not thought the man would hare ns haps there wa* really no such thlm- T h e S o a p t o rlra H M e , p u r i f y a n d b e a u t i f y s imed them However, there It was out «Id» Hie world ot titlry tab** am • N am ed for D iscoverer T h e O i u t u i e n t t o e o f t e u , n o o th e a n d h e a t Wilson mad* tip his mind that It «-ns dreams At «11 events she c-mbl autk, The l'ilio- May lo-iiiiiaiila in New A world famous and dependable treatment for the sk i« and 1-air high time to he gone t » o n t | i a r d l v » sucres,- .,f tie. m a r r ia g e w h s niitntMl fo r h M u lc h s a i l o r So one morning he entered Water S..I.I — roroterro. Sosp 2 .V. (li-,tm .nl I V .m l SIV. T i l n a l k .«•«•»!• #•-!. fro*. * 1 . 1 - to . , • -veil If It tt; to d >*i|t -i 1 ». rwt ■-\-si-tI t 'o r n o l i u s M»*> s in » e x p lo r e d t h e lo w a t lr n r a ,-' Itr p t. « .X , M a id # « , W a ... l u l l . n r « MhArtteg H llrk f V . man’s private offh-e and took the hull • briltii u • -'d , - > ........ ... e r r e n c h e s *»f t h e I v l i i u n r e In 1 C »14 hy Ihe horn* "Mr Waterman hr* T aking the Blue O ut ! ! of M onday M Mlu LA N j If Kidneys Act Bad Take Salts S C H O O L F O R M EN J 1 0 minutes SPIRIN Cntieura D istin ffn ish e d fop E x c e lle n c e