rT * H- VOL T urner T ribune mm? X II. NO. U 'JTUNKR, OREGON, THURfjOAY. JULY U , öUB3Cim*TI0N $1.20 PBB YEAH, m ». " 1 ■ ■ Locals Get Our Prices ON Hoocjro Dip Í and Ply Spray B u ild in g : M a te r ia l Screen Doors Lime. Tile, Cement Etc. Poultry and Dairy Feeds That Urin« Result« Oregon Grain Co. Oregon. Turner, $ S u a n B n flq o i .juawaur ■ w. Bloch’s Golden 220 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon A New Department Store Where You Can Save 1-4 $ On Each Dollars W orth You Buy Everything to W ear For Men Women and Children ACROSS THE FROM P. E. P. BUILDING 4 % Paid on six months Time Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank Í The Turner State Bank LOST on tlio streets of Turin r u 8chtt/«|, corporation, etc-., Including those »in,» n in Perry Baker was a business Item« 10 slid J i j l f any__________ ____ ______________ ___J4,?>35.7« visitor in Salem Monday. ¿tucks, securities, elibu s, liens, Judgment«, etc. ................ ....... 913,00 Mearl Knsley and Tyco Larson Hanking bogar, |3,251, furniture and A lture*, >1,877.50........... ............. 8,127.50 left last week to take in the har- Cash un hand In vuult and due from hanks, hunkers and trust com­ panies desigual* d und approved reserve agent« of this honk_ }2,407.5r> yest work jn Eastern Oregon. A fter that they plan on going to Total ciuh and du« from hituks, Items 8, 0, 10 and 11, >12,107.58 Other »»sets, If s n y ----- , ---- ---------- ------------- --------------------- --------- (,’anada. Total_______________ _____ 83,03215 Nothing takes the Place of le a t h e r for harness and sad- LIABILITIES lles. F. K. Sh afer, “The Pion­ (.‘«pital stock paid in _______ ________________ _____________ _____ 1O.O00.0O eer Leather Man,” 170 South 2,000.0b l om’l St., Salem , Ore. (a) Undivided profit»______________ ______________ >3,509.01 905.70 Mr. and Mrs. If. S. Bond left (b) Less current expense», interest nnd tnses p u ld _ >2,53115 UK MA NT) DKl'OHITH, other than banks, subject to reserve: this morning for Victoria, B, C., on their vacation, Mr. Beard, of Individual deposits subject to check, Including deposits due the 1* 3A5.10 Btate of Oregon, county, cities or public funds___ _________ San Francisco, Cal., is taking his Cashier's checks of this hunk outstanding payable on d em and.__. 2 ,24 7'M place as agent for the Southern Total of demand deposits, other than hank deposits, subject to reserve, Pacific. Items 23, 24, 25, Ol,________ .$49/13.40 Harvey Wjlson, of Route? .'I, is T IM K AND SA VIN dH D E P O S IT S subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice: the newist member of the Trib­ Time certificates of dejioslu outstanding_____ ________ ___________ __ 17,352.99 une farijily. We are also favored Total of time and savings deposits payable ou demand or sub­ >vith a subscription to be sent to je c t to notice, items 27 and 2«............ £> 17,352.1)9 Miss HaJlie C. Thomas, of Port­ Bills payable with federal reserve or with other hanks or trust com panies...____ ______, _____ _____________________ __ 5,000.00 land and a renewal from our old friend, O. II. P. (Uncle Perry) T o tal_____ ______________ 83,032.15 Cornelius, of Cofax, Wash. We •STATE OK O R EG O N , County of Marlon as. «re always glad to hear from I, E. T. I’leroe, President of the above named bank, do aolemnly «year tnesc old friends of the Tribune that the above statem ent is true to the liest of m.v know ledge and belief. K. T . P I E R C E .President. who have moved to otherparts. OOItHDCT—A ttest C.A .Bear, J.E .W h iteh ead , Ursula B. Pierce Directors. Driving gloves, dress gloves, Subscribed and »worn to before me ttiia 10th day of Ju ly , 1928. harness suit cases made of gen­ Irm a C. Kpees, Notary Public. uine feather, will last longer. My Commission expiree Ju n e 11, 1929. F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Com’l SL, Salem , Ore. I. M.£5tout, a former rpaidenf of Turner, now living at Route 1, Arlie, Oregon, was ip Salem, Monday- H q reports that his son Urban, who was in the Deaconess hospital, in Salem, for an opera­ tion, is home and doing fine. The regular services will be re­ sumed at the Methodist phurch next Sunday. Prayer meeting as usual to night Hollis Bones was helping J . R. Davis with his hay bailing this week. Leather goods wear longer. Buy your leath er goods and larness from F . E. Shafer. 170 S. Com’l Ct., Salem , Ore. It was a pleasure for many Turner folks to greet Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Miller, of llarcola, ast Sunday. They are one time Turner folks every one seerps to miss. Mr. and Mrs. Hanr«, o f Pay- ton. were overnight visitors in the Delzell home this week. TWO Fresh cows for sale. E, T. Peirce. Ralph Isaacson, former pastor of the Turner Christian church, was a visitor in the Delzell hoi He js a returned missionary from Japan, and has many interesting things to tell of life in Japan. He will deliver a sermon in the Christain church, before he re­ turns to his labors the Orient. Dr. S. Ralph Dipple— ex tra r- lon Specialist, also dental X- ay Hnd exam ination. 81 5 1st National Bank Bldg., Salem , Yregon. CARD OF THANK8 Wp are grateful beyond words to all friends for their sympathe­ tic understanding, helpfulness and for the beautiful floral trib­ utes in our great sorrow, the loss of our beloved son. Mr. and M a». M. T. Miller. Turner. Oregon. Jav !$. Baker was a Turner visitor Sunday afternoon. J . R. Davis started hailing hay Tuesday, Maxwell McKay and M. Town­ send are helping Llovd Hilleary with his bailer this year. Jam es Pioijter and wife were dinner guest of J . M. Bones Sat­ urday. M ra. Barzee hopes to have the cast removed from her foot, on Friday, of next week. For the past week she has been staying at the home of her daughter. Mrs. G. A. McKay. The invulnerable Ralph Hus­ sey became a benedict, last week, marrying a Mrs. Adeline Stur­ geon. of Portland. Mra. Wes Sm ith entertained at luncheon for the pleasure of Mra. H. L,. Earl, who 1 .-aves for Washington D. C. e r., .ther points Monday next. The table was con tered with a bowl of nasturtiums which is Mrs. E arl's favorate flower. Guest were Mrs. G. A. Booth. Mrs. G. W. Farris and the honor guest, Mrs. H. L. Earl. BRASH ER’S ON VACATION AT BEACH POINTS A recent realestate deal was completed whereby Mra. Ida Ba­ ker. of Route One became the owner of the Woods property in the North end of town. Omar Estes spent Sunday with bis aunt, Mra. Arlita Steele. Chas. Brasher and wife enjoy­ ed a motor trip to Yachats, Wal- port. Newport. Seaside and As­ toria. over the Fourth, returniug by the way of Portland. They found some muddy detours Hazel M. Bones came down through the mountains but other­ from Eugene on the early morn­ wise the roads were good. Thit> ing train, Tuesday to spend the was Mr. Brasher’s first visit to day with home folks Astoria since the big fire and he House ca r for sale. Call at he office of Dr. A. C. Eaton, *65 N. Com’l St., Salem . Special attention DR. A. C. EATON Optometrist Oregon The Sunset Circle Round the rim of the U n ited States. F irst on th> "S u n se t L im ite d ,' fam ed 'round th e world, via 0 Paso and the old South to quaint, romantic New O r­ leans. Then by rail, or at uw more .cost (rueal* and bert£ included in your rail fare) enjoy 100 golden hours i f sea to New York by Southern Pacihc Steamship. The Golden State Circle from Los Angeles to Chicago "Golden Stare Lim­ ited' in its 6 i y 4 hours, spreads before you the histone Southw est; a glim pse o f O ld M exico ¿ t Ju arez, j minutes from El Paso. Thence to Kansas City, Chicago & midwest points. The Overland Circle From San Iran Cisco follow the Overland Trail of '49, via Lake Tahoe, the scenic Sierra, to your Colorado or Utah destination. Or direct to Chicago on the "San Francisco Overland Limited,” in 6 IV4 hours. Low Roundtrip Fares Summer excursion fares on and after May 22. Return limit October 31. Stopovers anywhere. Your choice of routes. Let your local agent help you plan your trip via Southern Pacific H. S. BO N D , A G E N T TRY THE DRUGSTORE FIRST! FIL M S BOOKS BU LK DRUGS STA TIO N ERY G LA SS SU N D RIES FA M ILY M EDICINES KOR1NEK V ETE R IN A R Y R EM ED IES GOODRICH R U B B E R GOODS For Tired Aching Feet DeWitts Foot Tablets 35c TURNER ^ E. S. PRATHER Reliable Druggist : OREGON was impressed with the wonder­ ful improvement that had taken place since this catastrophe. They Aw y% w *.% w .ssv.ssw .% v.v.w .% w .v.v.sv.w .sv.ssw .v NOTICE left the first of the week on an­ £ other trip taking in Siletz, Taft S One F uller & Johnson Gas Engine. Regular price and Cutler City with strong hopes £ $90.00. W ill sell fo r $70.00. of getting a good supply of fish, Celebrated W hia Fly Spray will be sold at §1.25 per clams and oysters. Mr. Brasher gallon as long as the supply on hand lasts. is enjoying his vacation. He is 1 second ban dRange Stove and boiler for sale, mail carrier on Route Five out of cheap. Salem. % The Capital Food Company’s stock sa lt at 10c per Have your envelopes printed with pound is thn cheapest as well as the most profitable your return address. Tke Tribune tonic to feed a dairy herd to keep them in prime con­ can do the wort:. dition. Call and try it. H. L. EARL HARDWARE Turner, Oregon. '.• .W .V .W A W V ,V A ^ V W W V 5 V A V .V .V .% V W .V .W .V A V » V % W ¡a talw ♦ IK W Ii Phone 440 Residence TÓI-K Dr. O. A. Olson. Dentist It \yjll pay you to Ret our P rices Phone 1170-W 265 N. Com’l St. This summer get more for your travel funds. No mat­ ter what your eastern destination go one way, return another. You can seethe whole Pacific Coast and much pf the United 5l*res at only sliglyly higher fare. First toCalifornia over the spectacular S hasta R o u t e . Enjoy cosmopolitan San Francisco, I .os Angeles, Holly­ wood, San Diego,—world-famed beaches and resorts— can be in the enchanted circle of your trip east. From California, go eastward over any of the follow­ ing routes, with choice of routes returning via norther^. United Scares or Canadian lines. House & Barn Paint- Enamels - Varnishes • Brushes Classes made while yeu wait — Kryptocks, $8 per pair — Reading lens, $8 to $-1.50 per mir. Office hours 8-12 and l- St* i l l Salem through California and circle b a c k over No r t h e r n lines. Glenn L. Miller was bom at Turner, Oregon. October 24, 1900. He graduated from the Turner high school jn 1918. In 1920 he entered Oregon Agricultural Col­ lege, where he took up the study of Civil Engineering. Graduat­ ing 1924 he secured employment with the State Highway Com­ mission. which place he held un­ til! his death. He was connected most of the time, with the Roosevelt Highway construction. He rose rapidly in his line of work and was given places of greater responsibility as he earn­ ed them. He endeared himself to all by his goodnatured freind- ship to all who knew him. He was a member of the Lamba Phi Lamba honorary fraternity, also the Elks Lodge, of Marsh­ field. Glenn met his death in an automobile accident near Reeds- port, Oregon, Saturday, June 30, 1928. Funeral services were held from the Rigdon Chappel, in Salem, Thursday July 5, with burial in Twin Oak cemetery, at Turner. The funeral was con­ ducted by Jam es Pointer, a min­ ister of the Christian church, who was an old friend. His for- picr schoolmates and friends bore him to his last resting place Besides his parents and other rel­ atives he leaves scores of friends who feel the loss of a good friend. Paint Up-------r to children .— i f you go via Southern Pacific, GLENN L. M ILLER PA IN LESS D EN TISTRY A N D ERSO N ’S 1 N atural Flesh Color Plates th at will uot break T H E S P O R TIN G GOODS STORE s At Reasonable Prices 167 No. Commercial St. Salem , Ore. X % % W « W .S % N S % V N % S % S % % W ,S V sV eV > % V V W S W .'.W «V s% W .*.V 9 . A ny trip East can be a Circle Trip R E P O R T OK T H E CONDITION OK A W / V W / / W V W A W / / A W < 9W W I - he asid X-Rays Work Í MASONIC TEMPLE. * *i * SAuEM - a tv ■«! 1.. 4 .'