T he T urner T ribune 0m nia--------- KOI.. X II. NO. = TUftNKK, OttK'JO.N, TIIUBHDAV. JUNK *8. 1924. II Miss AduThomas spent Sum ay MISS BONES TAKES TEST 17th at the home o f Mr. and Miss Hazel Bones, recent M m . John Durft-e and daught­ .)/rs. Geo. Moore, in Salem. graduate o f Turner high school er Harriet, who have spent the Mrs. Hall, mother o f Mrs. now takin.? **7 "* , „ . * * course in Pacific ( hnstian hos- past two weeks at the F. C. Gun­ „ Merle I carson, is reported to be pjtal, finds her work interest- ning home, expect to move to Sa­ slightly better. Mrs. Hall was ta- mg. In a letter to her parents lem soon. Miss Harriet is attend­ ken to a Salem hospital last week she enclosed a copy o f the goes ing the business college in Salem. with heart complications. bona in a recent examination M . on the subject o f Ethics. Ih in k - House ear for sale. Call at Grant ram s, son o f Mr. and they may be interesting to the office o f Dr. A. C. Eaton, Mrs. G. W. Farris, was taken to her form er class mates we are ¿05 N. Com’l St., Salem. the U. S. Vetran’s hospital, in publishing them this week. The Mrs. Girardin is slowly conval­ Portland last Tuesday and oper- questions fo llo w : escing from an illness in a Salem 1. Define ethics. 2. Name ated on for appends itus, Thurs­ the departments o f a hospital. hospital. day. I-ast accounts are that the 3. W hat is loyalty? Personali­ An automobile accident oceour- operation was successful. ty? Good breeding? Am bition? od at the Robertson corner Sat­ J. K. Snyder, of Route one, Habits? 4. W hat do we mean by well poised ? Give some re­ urday forenoon when the Essex •ras in Turner last Friday. Mr. quirements o f a well-poised touring car driven by Mr. Taylor Snyder is planning to leave /or nurse. 5. Name what you collided with a Ford driven by ('. Oklahoma soon for a years visit. think are the greatest mistakes K. Houck, o f Marion. Doth cars made by a student nurse in an Ball Brothers unloaded a car ethical way. 6. W rite concem- were badly damaged but the oc­ cupants escaped without injury. lond of Chevrolet uutoniobihr ing a nurse’s attitude under Te­ 7. VN hat is economy, Leather goods w ear longer. lnet Thundsy, one Saturday pi'oof. ... i . i i ' ixtravagance, tact. 8. W rite Huy your leather goods and and . another will be unloaded la- toncerning the ethical phases 1 nrness from F. E. Shafer. 170 4ir. c f night duty. 9. Discuss S. Com’ l CL, Salem, Ore. Ball Brothers are having the friendships with nurses and pa- F. P. Rowley and Mervin Pear­ „ . , , . , tents. W hat are hospital ac- son were Portland visitors over finuh placed on the outside of (¡dents? W hy should we make the week end. While in Porrland the new garage building, it pre- every effort to avoid them. 10. they called on Mr. and Mrs. E. sent* a very attfutive appear— Describe your ideal nurse C. Baker and /ound them well a nee. G ILLE TT E -BEAR located in their new home. On A letter received from Mr. BU BSU Uim O N 11.25 I’ BK YKAU. Locals Baby chicks will thrive and j?row when started on Asocial ion feeds. A full line with or with­ out milk. Priced ritfht and none better, HOODRO DIP 90c per Gallon Western Grown Seed Corn Full Line Of Association Feeds K ow Kare, Salt bricks, Hess’ Stock Tonic and Panacea, Dairy and poul try minerals. I: Oregon Grain Co. Turner, Oregon. 4 % Paid on six months Time deposits Fire and jj :: Automobile Insurance Written :: Turner State Bank T R Y TH E DRUGSTORE FIR ST! FILMS noOKS BUI.K DRUGS STATIONERY GLASS SUNDRIES FAMILY MEDICINES KORINEK VETERINARY REMEDIES GOODRICH RUBBER GOODS King (’lusters for Radiator Caps 50c Single Flags. All sizes and prices E. S. PRATHER Reliable Druggist TURNER : OREGON NOTICE Ì One Fuller & Johnson Gas Engine. $90.00. W ill sell fo r $70.00. Regular price 1 second hand “ Adriance Buckeye” Mower. 1 second ban dltange Stove and boiler fo r sale, cheap. The Capital Food Company’s stoek salt at 10c per pound is the cheapest ns well as the most profitable tonic to feed a dairy herd to keep them in prime con­ dition. Call and try it. . H. L. E A R L H A R D W A R E Turner, Oregon. V A V W .W /J Y .S Y ,V .S S V A m m \Y A \'A S W y Y .V A W Paint Up------- House & Barn Paint- Enamels - Varnishes - Brushes It will pay you to get our Prices A N D E R S O N ’S THE SPORTING GOODS STORE Salem, Ore. 167 No. Commercial St. the return trip a stop was made and Mis. John M. Watson state» at the Tiddledy wink Jersey farm, that they are having a gieat trip The marriage o f Miss Agnes for dinner. Gillette, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. ami enjoying it fine. S. A. Gillette to Mr. Earl Bear, H A Y FOR SALE -O ats and The Marlin-Knapp Advertis­ of Turner, Ore., took place Mon­ vetch and plain gray oats. Geo. ing C o, Salem, placed attrative day afternoon at 2:30 o’ clock at Given, Rou*o 2, Turner. window cards in the drug store the home of the bride’ s parents Willie Pearson met with a advertising the products of the on School ave. painful accident Monday night. Lewis Herb Co , of Salem. The rooms o f the Gillette home While returning from work at Preparations are being made « e r e attractively decorated with the Hall ranch, the car in which for the big Christain church bouquets o f spring flowers, with he was rifling ran into the ditch. conventien which conveiues a color note of pink and white Pearson received a severe cut predominating. An improvised Saturday. over the eye, lattice o f clematis and pink roses Mr. an 1 Mrs. Gerald Gower,of f orme(j the background for the Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Farris Xewberg were Turner visitors! ceremonv went to Portland last Sunday to Thursday evening. Preceeding the service, Mrs. H. visit their son Grant, who recen­ C. F- Bones was a visitor at F. Kirk, o f Waverly, sang. “ I tly underwent an operation for a- Shaw, Thursday night. Love You Truly” and "W hen” , ppendicitis, at the U. S. Vetran’s ,i . . , m The bridal party entered as Mrs. hospital. were accompa­ t LOS I - on the streets of la m e r L w Pratt of Oaksdale played nied by Ray and Leonard Farris, a Schafer Lifetim e fountain ^ weddin(r march> o f Wrenn. Grant is getting a- pen. itreen barrel. R ew ard .tm - The who entered on the long nicely. der leave at Tribune office arm o f her father, wore a gown Nothing takes the Place o f W A T N E D - 10 pounds of o f white crepe and carried a bou- Leather for harness and sad­ clean rugs. They must be large quet o f pink rosebuds and bridal dles. F. E. Shafer, "T h e Pion­ wreath. She was attended by eer Leather M an," 170 South enough to use for wiping rag Com’ I St„ Salem, Ore. Miss Selma Crowe, o f Oaksdale. 10c per pound. The Tribune. who wore figured georgette in It was repored that Fred Mo­ pastel shades. Little Miss Rosella ore had his car stolen from near Gillette, neice o f the bride, acted the Geo. Moore home in Salem. as flower girl, and wore a dress Dr. .Vassey, ofKiam ath Falls, o f pink georgette. Mrs. Millie Stimpson and Mrs. | Mr. Forrest Gillette, cousin of is recovering from a long illness. Driving gloves, dress gloves, Rachel StewaJt o f Amity, and the bride, acted as best man. The harness suit cases made o f gen­ Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kingsbury Rev. T. K. Vogler read the ring uine leather, will last longer. o f Salem, spent Sunday at the P. F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Com’ l St.. E. Thomason home. Mre. Stim- ceremony. The ceremony was followed by Salem, Ore. son. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs King an informal reception. The serv .lfrs. Alma Smith, o f .Yill City, sbury are sisters o f Mrs. Thoma-, jng wag centered with a staid Saturday night with .Vrs. son and the} enjo.\ ed a delig t- [)rass 0f pjnk roses and ha­ H. L. Earl. .Vrs. Smith took din­ ful visit. by breath, around which were ner with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. G. Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Larson tapers to match in brass candle- Moore, Sunday, leaving for home Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little and sticks. Presiding at the table that evening after several days Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus at- were Mrs. A. C. Hart and Mrs. spent in Salem visiting the Was- tended a Pomona Grant! meeting |C. \ Bear. Miss Marian McClar- sam and .Iferle Smith families. at Mcleay last Wednesday. en assisted in serving. Miss Eleanor Moore accomp­ The Misses Helen and Helena Immediately after the reception anied the Shubert Octette to Witzel were hostesses for an Er- Mr. and Mrs. Bear left on a wed- Portland where Miss Magers worth League social and lawn ding trip to Canada. They will w ill present the Nevin Chorale, party at their home Friday eve- be at home after July at Turner, o f Portland and the Shubert Oc­ ring. A ve.y pleasant evening Ore. where Mr. Bear in engaged tette. of Salem, in a joint con­ was spent with games and later in farming, cert in the auditorium o f the roasted weinies. ' Mrs. Bear is well known in Lincoln high school’ in Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus Walla Walla, having attended lo- .Monday evening. Miss Moore is and family visited friends near cal schools. She graduated from a member of the Shubert Octet­ Kingston, sundav. Whitman college with the class te. • Harvey Wilson was elected di- of 1924. And has been a High Dr. S. Ralph Dipple— extrac- rector and Chas Little was re. ; school teacher for four years be- j t on Specialist, also dental X- elccted clerk at the annual school ' nR located at C ehadron. i\e >. r iy and examination. 315 1st last year. Mr. Bear is a former 1'ntional Bank Bldg., Salem, meeting. student o f O. A. C. ¡Oregon. ______ Miss Roberta Wilson, who has Out-of-town guest at the wed- C. W. Hewitt reports that his made her homo in this commu- (jjnp included Mrs. C. A. Bear, of sister, Mrs. Carver, is recovering nity for a number o f years, w as 'purner Mr and Mrs. Charles nicely from an operation she re­ married to E. L. Evrson, in Sa- (^¡nette, and daughter o f Port- Mrs. Eterson ]an(j. Miss Marian McClaren. o f cently underwent in a Portland lom, Saturday. graduated from the eighth grade Spokane Mr. an(j Mrs. H. F. hospital. at Crawford and finished her ed- ^ jrk Gf Waverlv, Mr. and Mrs. Hob Robertson has been added ucation from the Turner high g w Pratt aml Mr end Mrs. to the saies force o f Ball Bro school with the class of 1920. | c< w Crowe, o f Oaksdale.— thers, Turner Chevrolet agents Walla “ Wash.” Walla Union. Mr. Powers, o f Tillamook, is CHRISTIAN CHURCH preparing to move his family into Last Sunday the Santiam the Davis property, opposite Ball convention held in the M etho­ Special attention to children Brother’ s garage. Mr. Powers dist church was so full full o f DR. A. C. EATON will be employed as bookkeeper interest and so w ell attended, Optometrist that few were out fo r Sunday for the Oregon Grain Co. “ Glasses made while you wait night. The C.K. was good, and Geo. dfoore and family W’cro the young people pfan to have — Kryptoeks, $8 per pair calling on the former’s parents, a picnic dinner during Taber-1 Reading lens. $3 to $4.50 per nacle week, on the camp Fair. Office hours 8-1- and 1- Sunday. grounds. Grange Work Club had a pic­ No more services in the Tur-1 265 N Comq St. nic on Tuesday, Juno 25, near ser Christian church until after Oregon Salem Denver's woods. the ramp meeting. They S Enjoy the '“Sliver Grays” ft T h e s e are th e fin est o f m o to r coach es b u ilt and equipped to give the utmost in com fort and safety fo r highway travel. For Safety: Drivers with Southern Pacific responsibil­ ity. 4-wheel air brakes—rigid inspection and supervision. Safe. For C o m fo rt: Scats air- cushioned— interiors immac­ ulately clean, plate glass win­ dows, rich mahogany trim. W e ll v e n t ila t e d but n ot drafty. Lights at night you can read by. Restful. For Economy: Buy 10-ride tickets for use only on motor coach and save a third in travel costs. They are good for tSftg^ys. Rail tickets un­ less s e ria lly restricted are good on the motor coaches. S o u te si Pacific II S. BOND, Tu rner, Agent. Oregon. Clough-Houston Co. Formerly Webb’s Funeral Parlors Funeral Directors AN^UCENSEDEMBALMERS Reliable Service. Lady A s s is ta n t 205 So. Church St.— Day or Night Phone 120 - Salem - Turner Lumber & m g . Go. W e Carry in Stock Rough and dressed lumber S H IN G L E S (highest quality) S grades to select from Old Growth Slabwood, 4 ft long W e desire to serve the public W ith Promptness and efficiency Let us figure yonr bill. ’■ " - Phone 8 75 -: - • • > Phone 440 ' 7-, Residence 758-R Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist PAINLESS DENTISTRY Natural Flesh Color Plates that will not break a:*d X-Ray. Work A t Reasonable Prices MASONIC TEMPLE. SA l EM Celebrate July The Fourth STAYTON, at OREGON. Big street parade at 10:00 a.m. The famous Albany Legion Band with 60 pieces, w ill lead the parade. Fine patriotic program, short and full o f pop. Jamo:; Mott, one o f Oregon's lending orators, w ill bo the speaker o f the day. Ball game, w ater sports, log rolling contest, field meet. Aeroplane stunt flying. Dancing afternoon and evening. Music by fee A l- bany Legion Band. Also a dance on the evening o f the third. i | j I