TMP. T R IB U N E . T U R N E R , O R EG O N HOUSE-WORK TIRED The Cream o f the obacco Crop Senatorial Investigators in Coal Strike Region HoweAboüt- — Find« Aid in Lydia E. Pink- ham’s VegctabI« Compound S r A Plymouth. Wl».—"I am on« o f th . wonit’n taking Bylin M. Plnkhnm'. V e g . t a b l e Com­ p o u n d »»'I am proud to any It la Kootl. 1 wna no run­ down that I didn't ft>nl llko doing any- t h i n s and my mother told tnn to try ttm Vegetal!» | Compound and I did. It did mo Rood. I do my tiouaeworkand nlao do «11 my garden j work and I havo a llirr«* yrar-old Rlrl to Itnik after. I hava told qu it. a few other« to try tlio Vegetable Compound and I am wllllUK U> anawor latter* I about It."-M an Gu lit-uu, It, i, Ply­ mouth, Wisconsin. ED H O W E lu l l S y n d t '.l .. W N U Service. A country wherein the newly rich are numerous Is a good country; It has opportunity. 1 like to ese the rich change every five or ten year*. This Is Justice, equality. It la meanness to abuse the newly rich. We should all be more or less guilty; otherwise we are not getting along properly. We are all newly rich In the enjoy­ ment of blessings men didn't enjoy a few years ago; It Is the newly rich who enjoy the electric light, the tele­ phone, the radio, and dozens o f other things. We are all newly rlcb In being men | rather than a;>ea. Take advantage o f your opportu­ nities; there are riches for everyone. I If you do not get yours, you are fool­ ing around with foolish things. G a r fie ld T e a W at Your G ran d m oth er's Rem edy * For every atomarh and InteaHnal III. | Mendiera o f Ike aenntortul aubroininlttee Inveallgatlng coudllloua In Hie bituminoli« eoal field of Pennaylvarila, Thin good old funh- 1 talking to Hie fumlly of a nonunion iiiliicr at i'rlcedule. Senator Wagner of New York, oeelug one o f the little toned ln-rb hum«* girla wna wllhoul aboea und atocklnga, gava lier u Ave-dollar bill. rrim ily for mimll- putlon. atomarh Ilia nod otlirr derange­ ment« o f the aya- trm no prrralrnt the«« ilnya la In even greater favor na a family tnedlrln. than In your grandmother'« day. Will Take His Medicine, Come Back and Repay B a b el a la Radio 1,1 ke all rndlo funa they delighted In "ItaliliiR" for atatloua fur away and wliru they aurraodad In ImidliiR u for | elgn ala lion, aurh aa lluvuna. It » 11 « a I'ttUKr for rrlrbrutlon. One uftirnoou Mra. It rualird oral d o o r |o ti ll tier nelghber In »xcited tutn*a Hint alio hnd aom« foreign atn Hon. but couldn't nmk« out what It wna. The nrlRtdMir turned In on lb« aiim« number mid. aur« enough, a rolre wna ratlllni off a apreeb In a forrlRii tun Runs«. Itoili wnllrd br«atbli*aaly for th« announcamcnt at Ibo «ml of tba talk. It waa n arnrlr* in the German lan­ guage In a cburrb 'll l.'hlengo. * * Quickly Relieves Rhejmatic Pains Je»»e Itoblnaon. ntlorm-y o f Oakland, Calif., accused of losing In «peculation $.V),000 belonging to his clients, pleaded guilty and was sent to Sun Quentin prison for one to ten years. I!e said he would fake bis medicine, then come back nml repay those who bud lost through his acta. Above are pictures of ltobluson nod bis handsome home In Clurvinottt Mnuor. 12 Day*’ Free Trial To i*f»t relief wlirn pnln torturr«! joint« tuiti mu*« h * kt t p ytiti in con­ stant mUwry ruts on Joint K him \ It It t|iiU kly nbsorhotl urn! jrou run nib It In oftrii and expect n**ulta more *|»«T«|i|y. iiriinrp and unking Hint Hie ring tie returned ahould It be found She hna ln«t heard from n correapond «lit In Italy, who reported Hint the ring fell out when Hie lctl«r wna o|H’ii«d nml promlaed to rrturn It. ! { Sir William Tyrrell, who has been selected to succeed the marquis of Crewe in the British ambassadorship at Baris, considered the “ blue ribbon post" o f British diplomacy. He has held the post of permanent undersec­ retary of the foreign office, and Is considered one o f Great Britain's ablest diplomats. ! ! Here Is the greut Sperry searchlight o f 480,000,000 caudle power that lins been Institlled on the roof of St. (¡eorge hotel In Brooklyn to serve os a Itecrulla for the army In rumi dia- beacon for air mall flyers and ships. It throws its bea n fifty miles. tríela o f firent ltrltiiln »re being held back by higher wngvn for furm labor j nml by Maler Ptiilgrntlon. INHERITS A FORTUNE Enjoying His First Real Meal P May End in Flu I Check it Today mm I rhere’ aa way todoit—HILL'S. I>oca I tin* loor R N H W f th ta n in oat. 1 Stops the cold In twenty four hours, checks thr fryer. M M the !>• wr U. tones t he entire»ystrm. That's the aid wots need. Don't hesatishefl with anythin* lr**. G o ri«ht now and get HILL'S, in the red box. 30c. Hill’s Stops Colds MILL9« X Caacara — Broosida from K idn ej an d B ladde Trouble. Don" let theae organ make a marty o f you. Heed the firs warning that "tlunga nri not right." Drink freely of wnte ami take Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Cap aulea. A world fainoua remedy for kid nry .liver, bladder and uric acid trouble aince 1696. H A A R L t M OIL (x m a n a x a A t all dnigglits. In three aiaes. Lnok for ths name on the blue and gold boa. PASTOR KOENIGS N E R V IN E Ê Nei Epilepsy vousness & Sleeplessness PRICE $1 SO AT YOUR DRUG STORE ' aA*k for \ttmpte .KOENIG MIDICINE CO I0 4 5 N WELLS ST.TMICAGO I I I Itnymond West, fourteen, o f Chicago, Is shown enjoying a real meal for the first time In his life. Due to n constricted esophagus, he had lived since birth on liquids. Surgery has made him normal, and now he knows what tooth are for. OF INTEREST T O E V E R Y B O D Y More than .TOO kinds o f cheese are made In France. The world’s wnter power develop­ ment has Increased 43 per cent In six jrenrs. X-rays were discovered by the Her ntnn scientist, l>r. Wilhelm Itoenlgen. In 1803. The Alaskan salmon pack In 1027 was about 4er cent less than the big pack o f llCfl, New York spends over $3,000.000 n year removing snow from Its streets Many families In China And rice too expensive, and eat cheaper u>ods In Its place. The dangerous carbon monoxide gas makes up 7 per cent o f automo­ bile exhaust gases. I-otus seeds 900 yenrs old are the oldest seeds that have been proved «npnble of growth. * * America's Stage Favorite “ Good old Luckies! We’t'e been pals for years. And like an old friend they treat me well. No irritation to my throat and no coughing. And I ap­ preciate Lucky Strike —the full body tobac­ co with the toasted flavor that’s been the same since that day we met.” “It's toasted" N o Throat Irritation- N o Cough» ©1928, The American Tobacco Co^ Inc. The man who has millions today « There is assuredly nutrition in tha In the old days the people were con­ stantly Indignant because taxes were doesn’t control a single minute of to- eggs, and is there as much In the salt- levied by ruler«, and not by parlia­ morrow. j cured ham? ment or congress. So, after the mur­ der o f a good many rulers, the taxing privilege was transferred to parlia­ ment or congress. And taxes have In­ creased ever since. * # # You say you don't know. If you come to a conclusion fairly and Intel­ I FORM EN, T H E NEW EST ligently. yon do know. If, heeding ex­ W OMEN AND BOYS F O R SPRING perience and sneb knowledge as Is available, yon come to a doubt, yon at ' «Am ericas least know a doubt usually Indicates Best Knowa Shoes an untruth. # # # In the average small town there Is , usually room for only half a dozen or so really smart men. TO S A V E M O N E Y ! * * # Read the follow ing statement • • • 1 do not wish to argue with anyone: that leather prices have gone up tre- a fool may annoy me, and a wise man | in the past several months W. L. Douglas convict me of folly. high quality at the same • * • Yon clamor for equality. Your nat­ ural chances In life are flfty-flftj. By behaving well, you can Increase your chances to sixty, seventy, while the Ill-behaved man's chances will be re­ amed to forty, or thirty. Information, temperance, fairness, politeness, good work, good health, give you an advantage. Everyone has a little disposition to rob the other fellow. Rob him by behaving better than he behaves. Hides increased 75% to 85% tn price during 1927. “ But**, you ask. “ if that is true, how can Douglas Shoes sell at the same prica and stiQ be as good as ever.’ “ And here’ s why—early in 1927 we foresaw this rise in prices we contracted at the prevailing low prices for enough fine leather to make the shoes we are offering this Spring in 120 W . L. Douglas stores in the principal cities and through reliable dealers ex ery- where. A fair and s*p*art retail price stamped on the soles of Douglas shoes at the factory, guarantees honest value. M en’ s $5 to $8—W om en ’ s $5 to $8—Boys* $4 to $5 Catalog of S e w Spring Styles mailed on request. in your tor catalogue and agency. A d ju s ta b le He— When Is your birthday? She— When will it be most conveni­ An editor In the East refers to me ! ent for you?— Boston Post. ns an optimist pessimist. It Is a good line. If you behave welt, and work hard, be optimistic about results; you will seldom be dlsapnointed. But If a town bum wants to borrow money of yon, be pessimistic. If a man of no ability promises great results for his community, nnd offers stock for snle, be pessimistic. Pessimism wins oftener than optimism. I am ashamed to say so, but It Is tme. * * # W . L. D O U G LA S SHOE C O . 173 Spark Street, Brockton, Mass. S tate o f Ig n ora n ce “Tour partner has a complete edu­ cation, hasn't lie?" "No. he's a bachelor." * * * That Cold L * An Englishman lately visited this country, and, when he returned home, wrote another o f those awful hooks about ua. He aald we had some good habits, but made much o f the charge that we are ao unnecessarily noisy. As a rule 1 do not agree with an Eng­ lishman In anything, but there la a good deal In this charge. Why ahould everything In white America he as noisy aa a negro church festivalT * • * If I were a god, or king, I believe I | should still have a disposition to rec­ ognize the rights o f others. I dislike people grumbling at me, and they sel­ dom do If ! give them no cause. I would make a poor slave owner, I so dislike tbelr protests. I should rathpr not he known at all than be known as a mean man. # * # There Is only one thing I can do easily and well. That la to catch mice. If old Hannah tells me there Is a mouse la the bouse, I c-n halt a trap with a little cheese, and eaten j It. Hut with all my other endeavors, I have considerable difficulty. * * # Your suspicion is usually belief (hut another may do what you would : do under similar circumstances. “ I A p p recia te L u ck y Strike^ Says G eorg e M* C o h a n Mrs. Allda Taylor Rooney o f Al­ bany, N. Y„ who lias Just Inherited nn estate worth $830,000. It was left her hy John A. Balfour, dlnmond mine owner In Africa, who died a few weeks ago. Thirty years ago when he boarded the night boat at Albany, eventually to travel to South Africa, he promised a little girl he saw—Allda Taylor—that he'd send her a “ nice doll when his ship came In.” H ealin g Stonet o f H aw aii Miraculous cures are said to he ob talned In Hawaii by visits to the fa imms "healing stones” of Wahlnwn. near Honolulu. People with seeming ly Incurable diseases go lo them and come away apparently well. A ll M en G ive Ear He that goeth about to persuade a multitude that they are not so well governed ns the\ or.ght to be shall never want a ttc on nnd fnvornbis listeners.—Rev. I. ard Hooker. Can men keep up the old pace of gnlla.'.try toward the women? Real i women are worthy of It. and properly i appreciative, hut a lot of tough ones i have grown up who deserve the police court rather than gallantry. Will It finally become necessary to revise gal­ lantry. and cut out the unworthy? # # * A man who Is making money never ' uns away. It seems to be the rule that no matter how much a man thinks o f a woman, he will not run nwny with her If he has to give up a Job or business that Is very profitable and In good condition. # * # I am often astonished at the nnm her o f clever people i . j w living. I’ rob ably we have twenty to one, ns com­ pared to a hundred years ago. And a . we know better, we should do' bet ler. Our trouble Is not Ignorance; It Is carelessness, silliness, meanness, unfairness, all qualifies that punish. # # * When s boy Is sixteen nnd hasn’t anything else, he Is pretty apt to have a girl. * * * Men have no opportunity to Judge the wisdom o f w om en; women are wisest when no men are around. * * * The thing that hampers me most In rending Is lack o f clearness, simplic­ ity: I am not able to understand what Hit, writers are attempting to say I r.iny apply to the dictionary for nn Herstnmling of their words, hut the meaning of their sentences Is beyond finding out. In talking as well as writing It Is a great virtue to be nhle to make your meaning easily under stood. # * * Sin Is being poor, and a trouble to •tilers; righteousness Is tnklny care of yourself, and helping others a little. The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. B ut it's just as important to know that there is only one genuine Bayer Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. If it says Baver, :t’s genuine; and if it doesn’t, it is not! Headaches are dispelled by Bayer Aspirin. So are colds, and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheumatism promptly relieved. Get Bayer—at any drugstore— with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Aiplrta Is the trail, mark of Barer Manufacture of kloooacttlcuclilMWr of Salic/U c k U