The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, March 29, 1928, Image 2

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    T H E T R IB U N E . T U R N E R . O R E G O N
all your walls
For sleeping rooms — formal
parlors and reception halls —
dining room and living room
— for the library — and fo.-
public buildings. Properly
applied it won’t mb off.
the handsomest spring
there are certain type*
which are distinctive because o f their
styling which emphasises an exagger­
ated rimpilolty. Such Is the distin­
guished afternoon gown In this pic­
ture—a classic, as It were. In matter
of simplicity and fabric elegance. It
Is just such a costume as the woman
of discriminating taste will select In
preference to types which stress a
more elaborate noie. This patrician
model is fashioned of a tlrst-«tnat!ty
gray crepe, gray being one of the out­
standing colors for spring.
While at first glance this lovely frock
gives the Impression of being "so aim-
the Idea o f wearing bracelets, neck
laces, earrings and shoulder pins to
harmonise wllh the costume.
One little, two little, three little
ribbon bows, four llllle, five little. !
six llllle and larger ribbon bows, thus
In Increasing number are Ivows of rib
bon api-caring on the millinery horl
According lo the chapeaux
emerging from I he ateliers of such
artists as Alphonalne, Keboux, Agnes
and others, I'arls modistes are cer­
tainly turning their attention ribbon
ward for spring.
The ribbon most used Is a double
faced dre aallu type. Alphousliie ei*
ploys two odors of tide ribbon, twist
W rite to us also for our beau­
tiful f r e e b o o k “ A r tis tic
H om e D ecoration ” by our
H om e Betterment Expert,
Miss Ruby Brandon, Alabas-
tine Company. 222 Grandville
Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.
■ | -A
Alibattine — a powder in white and
tints. Packed in 5-pound packages,
ready for uae by mixing with cold
or warm water. Full directions on
every package. Apply with an ordi­
nary wall brush. Suitable lor all
in terior suria^os — plaster, wall
board, brick, cement or canvaa.
J ^
*6 « W r i t e f o r
o— «
*!“ C A T A L O G
ofcvwtkOTs W M flD f
»pp*a*i ind r.d;n*
e q a f p m f tt
»•*».<** of ftTiTfeOV».
Sat $**c*oo
ar Saar; l i f « M
8T IK R M A > - t \K M K U BIT P P L Y CO.
D «n v(> r, C o lo .
at home— spare time. Experience un­
Dignified work.
weeVly easy. Send 2c stamp for partic­
ular*. Mnzelle. Dept. Z24, Gary, Ind.
! « ■
Im gPHWm . r t , 1LS « rtOFtSSIOM
E n ro.! Aiijr tim r.
ts«*n \ fo r Iiirn b iu r*.
11. C . A . llU ig .
Pu rtbkud, O iv ju n
To Stop Fire in Chimney
When the chimney catches fire. It
cab be stopped by closing doors and
windows, says Nature Magazine. II
an open fireplace, bold a wet blankel
In front to stop the draft.
G athering of Actors
“ What’s the excitement on Broad­
“ Old ham week.”
Lcvely Spring Frock.
pie” In the final analysis one discov­
ers that Its apparent simplicity has
been arrived at through a most so­
through a very Intricate manipulation
of the fabric Such details as (be
labot drapes, one on the skirt and one
at the shoulder, sunburst tucks at the
hipline, also sleeves which dare just
so. bespeak to a nicety the very latest
style points.
Considerable Interest Is manifest In
f~ocks which accent expert fabric
treatment rather than lavish trim
tilings. Newest styles feature smartly
draped satins for both daytime and
evening wear which have not a vestige
of trimming In sight. Moire silk and
taffeta styled in this way are Inviting
the attention of women of fashion
These weaves, which indicate an In
coming of silks of stilTer texture,
often. In their making, hint at slightly
princess lines with a single huge bouf
fant drape at one side.
The beauty of the frock sans trim­
ming is that It opens the way for
wearing elaborate accessories If one
so chooses, and accessories are the
hobby of the mode at present. For
Uirtanee If one is the fortunate pos­
ing It around the crown of exotic straw
shapes in most alluring fashion
A most fascinating outlook is pre­
sented In the present ribbon venture.
Some milliners are making ft a point
to match the ribbon perfectly to the
felt or straw It trims. Others take
great Joy In producing startling color
contrasts and combinations.
There Is exceeding great charm ex­
pressed In the felt shapes whose rib­
bon trim Is In identical coloring
Such a model Is shown at the bottom
of the group In the picture. It Is In
the modish wood-violet shade, a color
which Is outstanding In the millinery
mode this season. The wide satin rib
bon is arranges! In a bow of many soft
loops at one ride, which insures be
comingness as It so gracefully semi-
frames the face.
The model shown at the top of the
Illustration features twe Important
fashion trends, thut of the ribbon trim
and also the widened brim. This very
chic hat has a crown of soft straw
tlie rlhbon fnrtalng an Irregular brim
line as well as an Imposing embellish­
ment at the side hack.
The other two hats shown are In a
more sportive mood. For their Ue
A fte r Colds or
See T h at Your Kidneys Get
Rid of the Poisons.
OES winter find you l»me. tired
.nd achy— worried with back­
ache. headache and dizzy spells? Are
the kidney secretions too frequent,
scanty or burning in passage?
These are often signs of sluggish
kidney action and sluggish kidneys
shouldn't be neglected.
Doan’s Fills, a stimulant diuretic,
increase the secretion of the kidneys
and aid in the elimination of waste
impurities. Door< s are ( uo'sed the
country .»ver. Ash your nctghiorl
DOAN’S p,ü;s
Futter-Mill 'urn Co M<g Chem. Buffalo *Y
It* -. -
A M istake
r '
June Bride—J would like to buy an
easy chair for my husband.
Fu lesinan—Morris?
June Bride— No, Clarence.—Watcb
man Examiner.
When You Feel a Cold Coming On.
Take L a x a tiv e BROMO Q U IN IN E T a b ­
lets to work off the Cold and to fortify
the system against an attack ot Grip
or I n f l u e r z a . ?*e—Ady.
•’Outs" In politics can't waste the
public rr'tiey. Naturally, (hey de­
nounce the "ins” for doing It.
A good pumpkin pie has a faint
flavor of mignonette. Too much gin
ger Isn’t g o o d .
sessor of a frock like the one pic
lured, one can adorn II at will with
perhaps an exquisite lace collar and
cuff set. Just now the great hue and
cry Is for costume Jewelry. Most of
the I’arl* couturiers are encouraging
velopment narrow belting
ribbon is used In each In
stance. The youthful flex
Ible cloche to the left Is
constructed of a roman
striped grosgrain ribbon
alternated with the same
weave In a solid color. Its graceful
ripple brim Insures becomingnera.
Thai Is a fell shape which you see
to the center left In the group, with
handings of narrow grosgrain rlhls-n
stitched diagonally across the crown
For L ittle Schoolgirl
The little girl who goes to school
attired In a blue Jersey skirt, and a
sweater of dark blue striped In red
and white, is a well and comfortably
dressed llllle girl.
W od rn
N .w in o o
I'n lo fl |
Cape Coat
Is a
new version of the evening cape
flared skirt section o f Ihe coat,
the top a fitted cape, with mole
edging Hie sleeve slits.
Satin Mules
A pair of aatln mules In rose color
and triiimcd with a large finir ol
ostrich feathers Is sure to delight tie
feminine heart.
The girl'» expression piiulcd him.
She seemed froien. Only her eye«
— 18—
were alive and as pitiful a» a child’».
L ife has an exasperating habit of
Ho knew »he wanted lo »ay mora
dropping Into the commonplace.
Is a pendulum swing between extremes. tli.ui the few word» wllh which »he
wished him good luck, but »he wua
For hours after Westwyn left her,
startled ami unprepared for Ibi» sud-
Rosemary, with a physical ache at her
heart, planned explanation. Walking den departure.
"W e'll have a talk when I get hack,"
about the room, or prone on the couch,
he promised, uncomfortable »1 tho
breathing deeply to crush the wild
thing that raged In her, she told her­ lutln In her eye«.
Westwyn couldn't get the matter
self that next time It would In* differ
ent Itut there was no next time. Be­ out of his mind. Women always want­
fore she woke from the strop of ex­ ed to drag things up and pull 'em to
pieces, he reflected, as Ills horse »Idled
haustion Into which she had fallen,
fully dressed, at dawn. Westwyn had along Ihe track. It was no use talking
¡iluuit things that were finished. Word*
gone Into the hills, lie did not return
never did anyone any good, hut Bos«*,
for three days, and then Rosemary
■nary's face, shadowed beyond Its
was confronted with a stranger. While
youth, went with him up the ravin*'.
he talked to her. cheerfully and a little
The old headman, who had Insistisi
formally, about tlie trend of French
politics—"The Socialists In Baris are on accompanying the party for tlie
first few mlb-s, as he would bave done
pulling every string they know to end
this war.” she twisted his signet ring a groat man o f his own faith, received
under the edge of the table to be sura short answers to his question». Wlu-rt
they draw rain on the first fiat gramul
she had not dreamed their marriage,
and Menebbhe, dismounting, preparati
lie spoke as If her freedom were as
sured. "You'll t>e out of this in a to take formal leave, Westwyn did not
month.” ho told her. "and when you’re release the hand the obi man extended.
"Siili." he sal 1. u«lng for the first
back In Fez. \ m il think It nil a
time, the title o f honor. " I leave my
He was kind and very
house In your hands. I f thing« go
thoughtful for her comfort, hut he was
busy and ho lot her see Ills preoccupa­ wrong, I count on you."
Menebbhe understood, but the Kng-
tion She used to watch him desper­
ately, while ho ate. atnoki-d or llshmnn was In no iiunm I for the polite
glanced at dispatches brought by run­ diplomacy of Islam.
ners, hut there was no chink In his
T r e a t my wife as one of your fam­
armor. Westwyn had N-en hurt once, ily," he Insistisi. “ Her safely I» on
and he had non» o f that weakness
your h«*nd."
which luxuriates In probiug
The old man replied gravidy.
wounds. He had made love to lots of
"t»n my head and my eyes I I
women and asked none to marry him. axrear she shall t>e protected here mid.
Generally ho had tired before they did, when Allah wills, go In safely out of
and now ho couldn't oven remember our country."
their name*. Rosemary had been dif­
ferent. When he thought of her at all.
For hours Westwyn and Pete
It was to remember tbo Joy o f Ids climbed steadily westward, i'lu ir rid­
leap at Martengo and the feel o f the ing boots were not as sult«*d to ilia
■nan's throat under his fingers.
mountains as Hie soft It i'll un snnduls,
That evening Martengo, occupied but (bay made good progress, drag­
w ith one o f his eternal games of chess, ging their horses after them. By mum
paused with his hand on a pawn. they wore In sight o f the dam.
“ Your king’s In danger.
In three
All that day Bosetiiury, oppressed
moves I’ll get you.”
He addressed by a foreboding which she told her­
the I’ortnguese. who sat opposite. The
self was Illogical, moved restlessly
wiry, pockmarked half caste smiled. from »ue riunii lo another. A dozen
"King’s mate?” he said; "In how many times she went on lo 1 1 1 *' roof to bulk
days, Juan? IHi you know when the down at the village, deserted exrapt
thing’s to be brought off?" ” 1 can for the women and children.
guess, thanks to FurraJ,” returned the made a poor pretense of eating tho
other, referring to Menebhhe’s slnve. cous-cnus, on which Ahmed had ex­
who, since the miscarriage of his pluns pended extra care, for he knew of
for the duel, had been at tbs mercy hut one rtire for the Ills o f mind or
o f the Spaniard’s threats and Ids own luuly—fluid f
greed. “ I can’t see why you don’t
Menebbhe rnhie to w e her In (ha
warn our complaisant enemies,” re­ afternoon.
lie was taking his re-
marked the Portuguese.
sponslbilltlcs heavily, and his mys­
"Too dangerous. I doubt If I could terious reticences were ns exns|u-rut-
get word through, and the vengeance lug ns the fervor of his n«surnm->-s of
o f Abd-el Krlm Is a bit too certain.”
Martengo’« voice was regretful as
“ I have my husband," lnter|uilated
he moved his bishop. The half caste Rosemary with mine coldness.
played carelessly.
"Yea, yes. may Allah keep him,"
“That Australian will tie In rhnrge said the old man. departing with less
of operations at the dam.” he stig- than bis usual stateliness.
"Yes. and Westwyn will go down, I
alone, at the Inst minute.
I have | M en of G enius O ften
friends along the road. I propose to
in P essim istic M cod
visit them tomorrow.”
The Spaniard’» hand hovered over
Some authors have had a sudden re­
vulsion of feeling, usuully brought on
a piece.
“There’s only one path down, west
by overwork, and have condemned
o f the river, and I’ll watch It night
everything they ever wrote. Lord
and day. This time the Knld won’t
Byron flew Into a rage one dny and
escape. It'll be better sport than ga­ ordered his publishers to destroy all of
zelles and no mnn could miss at that
til* poems they had In build. Those in
short range.” He moved his knight
luuikstores he tried to forestall from
with a leer. “ Mate to your king,” he literary channels by the process of
said, and the eyes of the two men met
buying every volunie he could find
hut found the ex|u-nse prohibitive.
Pete was not enthusiastic about the
John Buskin, tlie Ktigliah author, art
Job assigned to him. "Boor fun," he critic and social reformer, had u sim­
ilar morbidity overcome him while
grunted. "Imn’t I got any Innings at
sitting for Ids portrait, a writer In (lie
Kansas City Times recalls. Turning
“ It's a matter o f timing,” reiterated
Westwyn. "The men nre nil down In sudilenly to Dunte Gabriel Rossetti,
for whom he was posing, lie declared
the lower hills. I hope to God they
keep well hidden. The air plants are
he hud lost ull faith In revealed re­
ligion, that he regarded all he hnd al­
pretty blind, but there's not too much
cover near the plain. We’ll go tip to­ ready written as bosh, that lie should
write nothing for some years (one
morrow morning and have a look at
biographer suys ten), and that he
the dam. I calculate If I start from
there about sunset I ought to tie aide should then vigorously pull to pieces
all his previous writings.
to Join Ihe men shortly after midnight.
The explosion must be an hour later,
It is a fact that nearly all of Rute
see? I want time to mnke any final
kln'a b«-st books were 'fritteti prior to
adjustments and get In touch with the
the time o f this alleged change of
officers, but the flood should be work­ opinion, 18*12, but he published at
ing before dawn Tlie Spaniards don’t
least two well known works as soon
'Ike (he dark; It muddles them and
thereafter ns 1805, when "Sesame and
. can tell you, man, the more muddled
Lilies" ap(ieared, and In 1885-0, when
they are the better!"
Both men
T ’ rueterlta" saw the light. A jJlefaco
grinned. “ We’ve got to get 'em on
to a book In 1871 gave the first public
the run by sunrise," finished Westwyn
intimation o f his revised Ideals.
and smote his henchman on the shoul­
der. “ Lord. I’ll be glad to get out of |
W hat She W anted to Knou)
ilils place!" he ended to I’ete's Intense
A woman culled up the Times office
the other dny and asked the nhle and
“ I’ve kinder got used to It. What’ll
we do when this Is finished?” It never efficient young womnn In charge of the
occurred to him that they might sepa­ telephone:
"Is there a bureau o f Information
” 1 don’t know. Shoot something, I In the Tltnea office?”
“ What do you want to know?"
suppose, or grow something.
asked the obliging young womnn.
would farming suit you? I’ve g»t a
“ Thai's what I want to knovz."
place In England."
“ Well, but what do you want to
For the rest o f the day the Austra­
lian was niminntlve. "Sounded darn
T h a t's what I want to know. la
like settling down. Marriage always
there a bureau of—"
played ¡1 * h—I with n man's Job,” he
"I know, but what do you wnnt to
Next morning while a fringe of m'st
"Thnt’a what I wnnt to know!”
swirled over the village, the two men
T h ere's no bureau of Information,
started for the dam, accompanied by
but If you'll M l me whnt yon want to
a score of Biffs. Curtly, because he
was afraid o f letting himself go, West­ know I I I —"
T lin iik you. That’s whnt I wanted
wyn had told Rosemary, "I've got to
to know.
Good by.” — Leavenworth
tie off for a few days. We’re rather
expecting a scrap. If anything should
hapiien- not Hint It’s at all likely—
W orry and Insanity
you cun rely on old Menebbhe. lie'll
Insanity Is a peculiar result of civ­
stick to yon and see you safely out ot
this. Besides, you'll have Peter. He’s ilization. The moment man begins to
worry he Imperils his mind.—Dr.
get to do a lob In the mounlnlns and
t ’hartes Mayo.
:hen I’ll send him back to you.
W r ite t o us or os k your dealer
fo r a copy o f our free drawing
boolf fo r children — "T h e A lahas-
tine Home Color B oolf " — and a
fre e color card.
162 7 I j h > r r n r r S c
Drink Water
If Back or
Kidneys Hurt
Bogin Taking Salta If You Fssl
Backavhy or Have Uladtisr
T« m » niueh risii flood forma acid»
whleli exelle and orerwork Ilio kld
neya In tlielr efforta lo filler II front
Iho ayatriu. binali thè kidlieya tieca-
alonully lo rallevo them llke ynu ra­
WORSE AT EVERY WORD llevo thè howelo, reiuovlng Belila,
Waste and |Hdsott, elsa ynu liiny feci
Buck and Bud had not s«-«'n each a dilli mlncry In Ilio kldney reglou,
other for several yenra when they aharp palli» In thè back or alek band-
ache, dlsilncsa, tho stomaeh «»uro,
met at a l.eglon convention
•ileII... Itiiil, old scoot I Ilo « » the tmigue Is rosi ed, ami whrii theweath-
er la laid you bave rheumalle twlngea.
•’She’s In heaven,” replied Bod sor­ Tilt' urlile la cbiudy, full nf sedlment*
tho ehantirls lift eli gel Irritali«!, nhllg-
•is that auf I’m aorry.”
Then, llig tino tu gel up (wo or Mire«» timo«
realizing thut this did noi sound quite durlng Ilio night.
To he'.p ncutrnllso Illeso Irrltallng
right. Buck added ; "I mean I'm glud
— no, that Is to ssy, I Bm surprised.' ■rida and fluid, vii Ih » Inidy'» urlinola
waslo, begln ilrlnklug walor. Alno get
— Brooklyn Fugle.
uhnut four ntincca nf Jnd Sull« fruiti
any ptiurmary, tnko a luhlc«|MMUifUl
Confiding Public
In a glaas uf walor he fura breakfast
“ You have the confidence of your
fur a few day» and yuur kldney» «uny
Mieli net fine and blndilcr dlsurdcr»
*i tint »tire of lhal." answered sen
ater Sorghum. “ I often think, bul
Thla famuli« sull» Is illude fruiti tho
never will! regret, of Ihe money I
acid uf grn|ies and lemmi Julce, cune
might hnve gathered If Insiemi o f be
Idiu-d wllli llthlii, and hus been uscii
Ing u statesman I had become n rogu
fur )eurs tu luip cicali and atlmulr.ta
man.“ —Washington
slugglsli kldueys an-l stop Idadder Ir­
ritatimi. Jnd Sulla la Inexpenslvo and
Itinkes « dcllglilflll effecvenc«-lit lltliln-
water drink wldeh minimi« nf tnen
«mi wmiieii tnko nnw sud Mica lo
help prevent serbai» kldney nini blsil-
der di sorde rs. Ily all meana. drink
lui» uf g.Hid water vvery day.
Ter tib ie
Ted—A South American esplorar
nini Inni lo live mi (liciti sa)a (bat
ani» tasta llke crlrp bacon.
Ned— Wliewl Wlial do jrou inoaB
ny telllug me Miai?
Trvl —Wliul’a Mia mailer? You dou’t
bave tu enl anta
Maybe Thi* Contnin* a
Hint for You!
S h a llo w dar* yoQ try to kl*** m*t
II«»—\V«*M, I’d b«vti In cl»* war In
Frane* imi—
Adm iring Attention
An Artl»t «alna our Kre*f *t»i»!uu«*.
Th* Kindly nudUnc« hotter*—
Not for hi* art — but Ju*t t>rtaua«
He get* * million dollar*!
The A ppeal
The second s|M-iiker on the program
nrose and with evident diamny said:
T h e u|ieaker who has Just preceded
me has taken the words out o f my
The other atieaker Jumped to his
feet, and with a drnmtlc atqs-ul to Ihe
nudlenee exclaimed: *i am accused
of petty larceny!”
W illing to Oblige
"That’s a pretty had cold you have,
old man. What are you doing for It?”
T oiln y I'm doing what Jones fold
me to do. It's Simpson's day tomor­
row and (ho next Is Brown's. If Bm
tiol loiter tiy Sunday, und If I'tn still
alive, | ahull try your remedy. Just
write It down on this card, will you?"
I-ns Angola«, C a lli—’ lt waa my
go, iti fortuna to gel un» al l»r.
Blorca s hook» ss» ersi yoars ago sud
lt hss bs o n- a
A vJoK h
wondsrful h«lp to
ma « Id i» bringing
un my family. The
plain sdvtre «lv«n
Is Invaluable
- . * P
"T h « uso of Dr.
Brascrlptlon durlng
expectancy and
id si-
tcrwarl ws« to ma
the greatest hslp.
It gave me strength, spirit and nsrvo.
I hasa alto usad tha ’Golden Medica
Discovery' for a bad cough and MU
ousnoss. and It haa entirely rid mi
of those troubles " — Mrs. Noatnli
Ueynler ISO N Pitman St Dealers
W rite Dr Pierce, Buffalo. N. T.
for free medical advice
llltC H
nr. n r T I;**J
^ “ -vst
t s s ?-«»»
* » f tesla.
» « It* »Iss
ae ~4 «A .
A ah » _
fe ». C . « . B o r iy C m .. S * f • • * . m « - . Awe . U M Ofi»
D isjointed Trills
"Whtire Is Misi l>«-ntdlftii canary of
yours that used lo sing so sweetly ?”
" I bad to w il him. My sou left Mio
cago us Ilio radio sei and the bird
learned alitile."
Man proposes, but woman
bini stick to It.
The woman who marries for money
gels all she deserves.
lie (senlimentally—Answer me wllli
your eye«.
She—You will always he answerav
with my noes.
Responsible D etail
The ms r rh a n l said, attsmptlnn lata
W ith out a tremor of dismay.
" M y goods are not so very grant,
tint my Pu b li ci ty ’s O. K ."
U nforgetable
“ Too ray you never forget n
friend ?’’
‘‘Yes,’’ answered Senator Sorghum.
“ As a matter of fnci, the friends to
whom you nra Indebted In prnrtlrnl
politics never permit you to forget
Taking A dvantage of It
“ What Is It?”
“ Collision between automobile*.“
"Sorry, but It’a our chunee to eroas
tho atreet.”
That Settles That Lot
Ad In Kngllah paper: "For Sale,
Jazz Outfit. Terms: Nothing down;
the same weekly.”
W eil tnke Ihe lot on those terms.
Scrap metal dealers please t-nll In
(wo weeks.—Boston Transcript.
Has Two Effects
First Man—I tell you the feminine
touch adds Interest to one’s home.
Second Man—Righto I But It’s the
deuce for subtracting from one's prln
rlpal In the bank.
Dear Little Bluebetle
Rluebelle Is such an avowed hul
terfly that her father was surprised
to find her reading nn offlrlul tome
“ What have yon there, girlie?"
T h e naval program."
“ I don't think you'll find nny new
dances ' i Mint,” romrnrtried dad.
In a Department Store
“ It look you n long lime lo sell (hut
woman a paper of hairpins.”
"Well, she began by looking al
grand pianos.
No mother In this enlightened age
would give her baby mimrthlng »tut
did not know was perfectly harmless,
especially when n few drops o f pluln
Cast or la will right n baby's stomach
and end almost any little III. Fret ful­
ness and fever, too; It seems no time
uniII everything Is serene.
That's the beauty of C’astorla; Its
gentle imtnenco seems Just whnt Is
needed. It does all that enstor oil
might accomplish, without shock to
the system. Without the evil tnsfe.
It’s delirious 1 Being purely vegela-
nble, you rnn give It ns often ns
there’s a sign of colic; const Ip* l lo o ;
diarrhea; or need to uld sound, nat­
ural sleep.
Just rite warning; It Is genuine
Fletcher’« Onst.irlu Mint physicians
recommend. Other prepara I. ms may
he Just as free from all tloiilitfill drugs,
but no child o f Mils writer’s Is going
lo test Ihcm | Besides, Mie bo«ik on
care and Herding o f babies thnt cornea
with Fletcher's Custorla Is hrorth It*
weight In gold.
Children Cry for