The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, March 01, 1928, Image 2

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    T lIK T R IB U N E . T U R N E R . OREGON
C H A P T E R V I— Continued
the Rlfllan leader signaled hla guest
to a chair, the only one In the mom,
but the Kngtlshman seated himself
cross legged on the floor. A map was
spread between them and AM el
Krlin, Ignoring hla attendant, drew hla
Anger along the French front,
"I have news that an offensive I*
pending.“ Though he spoke Spanish
fluently, the sultan generally Insisted ;
on using the Shllluh dialect, which '
had to be Interpreted to stranger»,
but with this one friend who, alone
among Europeans, he trusted, he !
stroke Arabic. "There la to he a si­
multaneous attack right along the
"A feint," said Westwyn. "They
won't push It home."
"How can we tell?" asked the sul- !
tan. his eye« narrowed and anxious
Here was no legendary hero, no reck­
less preacher of Jehad, hut a shrewd
man. cunning and deliberate, unwill­
ing to take great risks If leaser ones
would serve.
"W e can't," retorted Westwyn. j
“We've got to chance I t " He tapped ;
the northern edge of a map whore
the red dots marked the Spanish out- |
“1 want to wipe these eut and. to I
do so. I must have every available !
man. Leave a few snipers on the
south. They can harass the French
and put up f good enough show to
give retain an excuse for delay |
Meanwhile we'll smash these fellows -
once for alL"
“Whet Is your plan?" asked the j
Riff, and there was sudden keenness
In his eyes. The outlines of his face
seemed less heavy. The biting, con- :
centrsted Intelligence of the nun
gleamed through the unwieldy flesh.
"The Spaniards have crossed the
river. It's taken a fortnight of every j
Inducement we could offer. Rain has '
been heavy In the hills and the dam j
Is already swollen. In a few weeks, i
when the wet season sets In. we shall j
have a new ally I The wall can be
Thomas Hardy’s Ashes Are Placed in Westminster
— 14—
“Had to see the padre offl The
poor fellow wiu worried blue as to
what might tinvp happened tn hi* ab­
sence. Awfully plucky to run that
ahow alone, eh?" but Itnsemary Ig­
nored his effort to make conversa­
A drum began beating In the vil­
lage. and Weatwyn turned to look
After temporary Interment at Wo­
down the path. “A messenger from
king. the remains of Thomas Hardy,
AM-el Krtrn," he said. “That'll mean
fatuous English novelist, were Incin­
erated and the ashes were placed In
The girl was glad to escape from a
Westminster abbey. The Illustration
mood of foreboding. “Why Is AM-el
shows the funeral procession at Wo­
Krim coming here?"
king, and the flower-covered spot lu
"There's been several attempts to
the poets' corner of the abbey «here
The whole workl knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for
assassinate him lately, and Alt-el Ka-
the ashes »ere Interred.
pain. 1'ut it's just a s important la know there is only one
roarn. which has been hta headquar­
genuine Payer Aspirin. The name Ilaycr is on every tablet, and
ters since he organized his first gov­
ernment. Is a bit too near AJdlr and
on the box. If it says Haver, it’s genuine; and if it doesn’t, it is
the Spaniards. Airplanes bomb It
not! Headaches arc di>|>ollrd hy Haver Aspirin. So are colds,
about once a week, and there are sev­
and the j>ain that tfocs with them; even neuralgia, nrurifix, ami
eral thousand Spanish prisoners there.
rheumatism promptly relieved. Get Haycr—at any dtu»;slore—
This Is a small place In touch with
with proven directions.
both fronts—a good center for gueril­
la operations, and It's easier to Iso­
la te Spies would have no chance
here. I don't blame the sultan for get­
ting sick of Alt-el Kam ara!”
“Is he coming alone?"
4«> trU U tn« tr»d * mark o f lU / cr U«»ufa<tu<v o f
mt IUtt<>y!!e«rt4
“Lord, no. his old mother—«he's
about seventy and she used to ride
M idget Photograph
W arm D rink Is S a id
through the country unveiled—Is In­
Tilt stimile*! photograph In th*
separable from him! I believe she's
to B anish Insom nia world, bo tiny as to tie Invilitile Id
his best counselor. Then there’s his
Imbater armed to (lie teeth, grinning the miked eye. was exhibited recently
brother, Mohammahdi. who is tbe
si the Itnynl I'lintcgraplilc society In
dervishes, relentless Rudolph In pur
real commander in chief, and half a
Bull ou a bicycle.
A dream tour lam don. England.
dozen wazirs—ministers, you know.
through the Klyslun fields harp* gold
They’ll all have to pack into Menebb-
winged cupida. Ice creimi for dessert
The Reason
he’s house and they'll want this one
"Take your rtndce of dreams." said
“You're moving ngeln?"
for the servants."
Mr* Mary W hi trac re In n tulk beh re
"Yea; tlie neighbors have seen all
“What r exclaimed Rosemary. “Am
the Amerlcun Holm Health and Wei
my wife » h a ts"
I going to be turned out?“
fore league of St lamia "Dreama are
“Well, they naturally expect you to
regulated by diet. Good »III triumph
Important Point
Join me down there." lie nodded to
even In the drenti! world If the dream
a mnd building which straggled across
you refuse I'll love another
rr will avoid rich (ondo al night lie
the hillside on two levels.
girl" M m "D M i that alio apply If
strulul In eating, and a warm auolh
"You didn't tell me th a t"
Ing drink nl bedtime will place even i «burnir
“I didn't think It was of any Im­
the relentless Rudolph among Ihe re
portance. It’s a good large place. You
Foul—or V eal
and Zarifa can have what used to be
"Oountlng «beep wouldn't put *»»
i "bichen croqueta, please.
the harem and barricade yourself Into
one hui a publie accountant lo sleep
Walter—Fowl hallt
complete solitude." He smiled at her,
A warm drink before bedtime both
with a return to his normal careless­
winter and auiniiier. Is both a cure
The mme gas Hint hakes plea In the
ness. "There are several rooms look­
for nightmare and a preventive of In
ktteheii oven I« now used to carve In­
ing onto a court. You'll even have a
B a b l e s dream happily over a
tricate pat terns In steel plate and cut
•cperetfe front door.”
bottle of warm milk Ileal I« )u«l a* steel billet* 20 Inches thick.
The girl found no words to volee
Fire drill aboard the C. S. 8. Concord, one of the navy's newest and fastest cruisers, which I* part of the
soothing to the stomach of an adult
her objections. Discouragement was
scouting fleet at Huai tanamo bay, Cuba, for the winter maneuvers. Note the seaplane on the girder like catapult. It to, of eouise. not advisable to take
Thera are too many Indira and
replacing the wild excitement of the
“What It Your Plan”* Asked the Riff,
stimulating drinks at bedtime. A »farm gentlemen In Ihe world and not
mognlng. She felt Inert and incapable
and There Wae Sudden Keenness in
beverage Is the passport to Ihe Elyslno enough women and men.
of argument
Hie Eyes.
flelds of sleep."
“You'd better come down some time
Free aa a ir; air la free. Which
this afternoon. I'm afraid you haven't
Poor Shot
may necouni for so much automobile
many belongings to move, have you?" done at night and In an hour tbe
Spanish force w-ill be cut In half
Clerk—Did you get rid of any lincha horn blowing.
"I must give you back one of
with those moth bulla you Mugliti
yours.” said Rosemary, holding out Then we mast attack—no half-meas­
Mrs. Dun—No. I Irled for live
If yon think a small boy li feeble
the ring. “What a gorgeous motto. I ures, mind you! We're got to smash
hours, but I couldn't hit a one.—tt|ien In hla tiffed Ion», buy litm a pup and
wish It were mine."
"It means leaving tbe north de­
change your mind.
Tbe nan stifled a smile. “L et’s con­
sider it yours for the moment. You'd fenseless."
"String the Arab tribes along there
Success cornea to the man who
If a rich man Is stingy people say
b ett^ keep this sign of our bargain
he hai hla generous Impuls.-* under makes up tils mind to do a thing—
un'/l tbe iUffs have got used to I t I and back your lock, Sldl." Westwyn
then does It.
perfect control.
strTipose It’s much too big." He took smiled. “We must make a bid for
b fr hand and moved the signet up an»! peace while there Is still food in the
Riff. Next year famine will be a
£>wn the third Anger. What lovely
worse enemy than France or Spain."
bonds she had. They reminded him of
I T O B t C O N T IN U E D )
a picture he’d seen somewhere, a
woman offering a cup to some Italian
fellow, and the wine was poisoned, S tain ed G lass M akes
would It mattpr very much from such
A p p eal to C onverts
a hand? Westwyn grinned at the re­
In the center of a Christian settle­
flection. Marriage put odd Ideas into
ment tn the jungle at Medak, Hydera­
a fellow's head, but—he pulled him­
bad, India, stands a Christian church '
self together—It wasn't a real mar­
of the proportions of a cathedral
riage. He was still twisting the ring
This Is the central place of worship |
when Rosemary spoke.
for the great community of Indian
“It won’t fall off,“ she said. “I'll
Christiana, numbering over 50,000
wear It for a few days and then give
who have gathered around Itev. C. W
It hack to you.’’
Posnett, a Wesleyan missionary, as a
“Keep It while you're In Telehdi,"
result of his 30 years' work In this
replied We«twyn and, without any native state. The church was opened
Here are three of the Rhodes scholars appointed for 1328. Left to right,
Pretty Pearl Smlddy. daughter of
conscious intention, he bent and kissed
a year ago, but there seemed some­ they a rc: John McDonald, football star at the University of Chicago;
the Irish Free State minister tr the
the slender, sun burned lingers which
thing lacking in Its beautiful iifterior.
United States Dr. Timothy A. Htnld-
tried to withdraw themselves from his
despite the marbles and many tinted j from Arkansas.
dy, and a popular member of the
clasp. “You can count on me, you
tiles. There was no stained glass In
younger set In the natlonnl rapltul,
know." he said, a little awkwardly,
the windows. Six thousand Indian
Is to marry MuJ. Alfonso Reyes of j
and strode away before the girl could
Christians have given the money for i
the Spanish army.
a window, designed by Frank O. Sails- j
bury, a well-known British artist. The I
subject Is the Ascension, and Mr. j
Salisbury says of the window: “The ;
Abdel Krim rode Into Telehdi
desire of the donors was that their |
amidst scenes of the wildest enthusi­ church should lie us beautiful as any
Mohammedan mosque or Hindu tem- j
Menehbhe and his son traveled to pie, and I trust that my work will I
the edge of their district to meet the
help them to realize their Ideal of
great man and escorted him back to
beauty as an aid to worship."
the village, riding one at each stirrup.
Westwyn met the sultan where the
Emphatic N egatives
path widened above a hamlet. The
The redundant negative of which ■
riflemen padding ahead opened out to
Sir Walter Raleigh made a spirited
let the Englishman pass. The sultan,
defense In his essays “On Writing and
a small, sturdy Riff, dark skinned,
Writers,” never is so daringly used In
with s slight mustache and an edging
literature as in real life. A la borer,
of wlrv hairs on his chin, bent down,
relates the Manchester Guardian, be­
ing given credit for groceries with a
“With pleasure—with blessing." he
said. "Inshn-Allah, you are in good caution not to talk about It, replied:!
'"If no one didn't tell no more about i
healthY' Their hands met and West­
It nor what I do, they'll know no
wyn tombed Ids with his lips in Arab
more nor what they do." Tbe result i
fashion. The sultan made a gesture
Is cumbrous hut Intelligible. So also j
of so doing He signaled to a servant
was the Inquiry of a sailor seeking a
® Int«-rn*iIona!
to bring the Englishman's horse and
after further greetings from Mohnm-
Harold A. Cunningham, lately rom-
"I s'pose. mate, you don’t know no­
mahdl. a more inttseular edition of his
mnndcr of the George Washington,
body wbat don't want nobody to do
brother, the cavalcade continued Ita
Representative Roy G. Fitzgerald of Ohio, right, the undefeated cham­ has been promoted to anereed Her­
nothing, do you?"
pion of congress at the chess table, giving Representative Clyde Kelley of bert Hadley, resigned, as commo­
“ In my concert w ork, I m ust, of course, give
When they reached Menchhhe's
who holds the horse shoe pitching title of Capitol Hill, a few dore of the United Slates lines fleet
house Westwyn took his leave, for few
Largest Lump of Silver
first consideration to m y voice. N a tu ra lly , I
and commander of the Leviathan.
pointers on the game of maneuvering the chess men.
people and uo foreigners see Abd-el
It is said that th#* largest lump of j
am very carefu l about m y choice of cigarettes
Krim afoot. I .a me from a wound oc
pure sliver ever discovered was found
Call for a Genius
ctirred In eaeaplng eight years ago by an Indian In Sonora Mexico, when
a s I m ust have the blend w hich is kindly to
A British scientist has .nvented a
from a Spanish prison In Mellila and
that province «as still a possession of
y throat. I smoke Lucky Strikes, finding
sensitive of the disfigurement, he re­ Spain
The lump of silver weighed
reproducing the motion of a railway
ceives his counselors seated and hla 2.750 pounds
Kerause of a dispute
th at they meet my most
çy. , , , ^
Electric signs are becoming popular
The oldest known coins date back
train. And now will some one else
warriors In the saddle
over Ita ownership the entire mass was V) almost 700 B. C.
In Italy,
When Westwyn returned for a for
appropriated by the Spanish crown. J In 11123, Greece had a population of
Thomas A. Edison's first pntpnt, ob­
mal audience he found the sultan e».
Earl V Shannon assistant curator of 5,000,000 people; since then 1.400,000 tained In 1S08, was for an electric lull occupants to sleep hy reproducing
the motionless comfort of a bed?—
tahllshod on 4 mattress covered with
geology in the National museum states ' refugee* have poured Into the rountry. vole recorder.
Toronto Daily Star.
carpets, a rifle and cartridge (»inch
that this Story is not Impossible. He | The oldest existing textbook on the
Western red cedar trees that fell In
hanging on the wall shove 'dm. n black
ha* authentic record of a lump of all
rye dates back to the early Eleventh past ages still provide wood for mak
servant behind him After the n«unl
ver weighing ton pounds a lump of rentury, and was written in Bagdad. ing durable shingles.
Second Place in Height
greeting* and Inquiries as formal »• pure silv er f.,0 nd In Peru weighed SOD
kloiinl Aconcagua, Chile Argentina
Two men unloading pig Iron with
Electric lamps under water have
If the two had not met for months
founds Pathfinder Magazine
been found a good method of reducing a magnet can do ns much work ns 128 Is the second highest mountain In the
world. Its elevation Is 23 0811 feet
accidents In swimming pool* at night. men minus the magnet.
Navy Fire Drill During Winter Maneuvers
Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin;
it does NOT affect the heart
Three of Year’s Rhodes Scholars
The Cream
of the
Two Champions of the Lower House
Werrenrath, Concert Star,
Finds Lucky Strikes Kindly
To His Precious Voice
“It’s toasted”
No Throat Irritation- No Cough.