THF GIRLHOOD TO MOTHERHOOD J i Feu>,», L it t le # île s Iowa Woman Found Lydia E. Pink barn’s VegeUbl« C ot» pound Always Helpful Vinton. low s.—“ When I was ssrse- teen years old 1 bad to stay st homo frum school I finally had to quit school. 1 *1 1 so weak, I suffered for about two years be­ fore I took I ' dla B. l’ lnkham s Wire- table C o m p o u n d , then 1 picked up one of your books and real It. I be­ gan taking the medi­ cine Now I am a housekeeper w i t h six children, and I have taken It before each one whs born. I can­ not tell you all the good I ba r» ra­ ce I red front It. When 1 am not as well as can be 1 take It 1 hare been doing this for over thirteen years and it al­ ways helps me. I read all o f your little books I can get and 1 tell everyone I know what the Vegetable Compound does for me.”— Mas. F rank Sn in n . 610 ?th Avenue, Vinton, Iowa. Many girls tn the fourth generation are learning through their own per­ sonal experiences the beneficial effects o f Lydia E Ptnkham's Vegetable Com­ pound. Mothers who took it when they were young are glad to recommend It to their daughters For over half a century women hare praised this reliable medicine. OREGON HATS FOR THE SOCIAL WHIRL; W HAT’S WHAT IN EUR COATS FOR IDENTIFICATION "W hy the hat with the tall feather. Georgette?” asked the girl chum. Tricot In**. "That feather must be st lesst two feet high.” "Our class of 07 girls Is going to have a group photograph taken." "I still don’t understand that trick feather." “ Well. If 1 chip In. I want to he able to pick myself o u t" Tame Came "Been on a hunting trip, e h ! Did you hag anythin?" “ Oh. I got some ducks." "H uh! 1*11 bet you didn't shoot c m : bought ’em. most likely." "I did both. I'nfortunately, Just as I was putting them in my bag. the farm*?* who owned them came along.” MUST BE HIS WIFE COLDS Grippe and Fla A n y cold d may end in grippe or flu. lpt action. Take HILI HILL'S at Take > prompt once. HILL’S breaks a cold in 24 hours. Because it does the four necessary things at once: Stops the cold, checks the fever, opens the bowels, tones en­ tire system. Colds rarely develop if HILL'S ts on hand to check them st tte wait. atop quick hr when HILL S n wayc. To capture the fancy of the woman include three cloches, which is rallier significant considering we have been of today, a coat must be Individual wearing the briinless types almost to not only us to (lie fur o f which It la made, hut In munner o f Its styling as the exclusion o f others. That the midwinter dine and dance welL Three contrasting coats which hats are making a liberal use o f metal­ define "what's what" among lending lica and especially gold lace Is told at fur styles are presented In this Ulus- a glance by the accompanying Illus­ trutlon. The strl|>ed effect to the left tration. For the tiara, which graces displays the cleverness of the dyer's a t a lL ” Pippa Passe» TELL YOUR FRIENDS What You Know about B E LL-A N S fo r Indigestion 6 B ell - a n s H ot w a te r S u r e Relief ELL-ANS First Girl—And he said my face was a perfect poem. Second Girl—So It D. dear—It’s like one o f Browning's. “ Browning! Why Browning?" “ Because some of the lines are so deep." Needed Her "Tm so glad to meet yonr husband again.” she said. "H e once made an Impassioned plea for my hand." “ I don't believe It," the other wom­ an replied. “ Believe It or not, as you please. Its had fallen into a manhole.” LIKE CALISTHENICS F O R IN D IG E S T IO N 254 AND 7 5 t PACKAGES EVERYWHERE For Piles, Corns Bunions,Chilblains,etc. Try Hanford’» Balsam of Myrrh ir iW M •• tint botti* if Mt s If the statistics favor your side you believe them ; If not, you quote what Mark Twain said. A set of resolutions adopted at a mass meeting are not so greatly alarming except to a politician Mothers, Keep Your Health Up to Par San Bernardino, Calif. — “ Dr. Pierces F'arorlte Prescription Is auch a help In motherhood. I am amaied that every woman doee not take It during ex­ pectancy. Before my first child came I suffered with a . continuous pain In \ m y left side. Dr. P i e r e e'i Favorite Prescription strengthened m e and ! had a fine healthy child, with­ out the pains that most women suf­ fer. Also m> strength returned rap Idly afterwards. Dr. Pierce s Favor- Ite Prescription Is a tonic and ervlne worthy of the highest praise.” -Mrs. Mary J. Queen. *51 E 4th St All dealers. Large bottlea, liquid *1 *5 Tablets *1.86 end 85c. “ If all women were made to talk the sign language we wouldn't bear so much of their wagging toDgues." "That would never do I They'd all have broken arms." Fickle Dame Fortune 4 fickle Jade, Game Fortune; for We never know by half If abe Is smiling on us or la giving us the laugh. There’» a Way She (to young man caller)—I won­ der If you noticed In the paper that some people were poisoned through eating chocolates? Mr. Close— Yes, I did—w? m ffb U . A»t>ula !» the If » d » mark o t IU r»r M eu u facture o t M w K M v lk M tiU U » o t M lU flk a c M CARBUNCLESI^DEATH Big School of Whale» Slranded in Scollund Tho “ falso killer" whale, mie of Ih* must myalerloua big bey» o f thè deep, uli-MM-ii lu l'uro|M'au watera for slzty- alx yeara and helleyed hy mnny sci­ entista lo he ex tini't. luta coinè luto tight. Un» hundred and twenty o f tli<-*e whali-s wandered up thè l*ornoch tirili Scollanti, ami then proot-edetl lo for get thnt thore are auoh t* 'ogs a» (Idea The tlde rttn out Mini thè whale* » e re f»uuil wlthln a lolle o f Ilio fnutous sai iuo O leup on (he Itlver Sliln, and car­ casse* o f others » t r e »«ultervd n or a dlstanco of (hlrty utili«. The Inst record o f thè false killer whale us a llvlng animai In Kuropean water» « a » thè »boni whlch ent e reti Klel harhor In lSdl and thè aererai spoetateti» whlch were foiind thè next yeur on thè coasta of Mollanti. Don- mnrk and Sweden. Sino* then thè specie* bus heen s o l i very Infrequent ly In Tasnmnln, Trnvnncore and In thè southern hemtsphcre. Italian Fatcitl» Get Chance to See World A young Italian who lale'y finished bla university course and mean» to take up architecture a* a profession tint been one o f the first to bonetti hy Mussollul'a order that every Italian merchant ship should reserve two berths fr i« on every voyage for young Italians desirous o f seeing the world They cun choose their route anti the extent o f the Journey, paying only aivout IS or 20 tire a day. This brings “ the grand lour” within the renili o f the professional classes «ml will surely serve as a Uberai educa tlon. "Book and rill* make the perfect fascist," Mussolini often reminds Ids young followers, and now he adds the traveler's compass to the emblems of excellence.—Chicago Journal. Auttralia’» Cattle King A mnn who owns so ninny h u m s that he recently destroyed of them because he cuuldn't sell them and they cost too much to keep Is nt seventy years o f age, visiting tam don. lie Is Sir Sydney Kldimin. the veternn rattle king of Auslrnlln. lie began his career as a teamster at *'.' a week. Now he owns To ranches covering more tlinn SO.lstO.iaai acre* o f land; more than 100,000 cattle and 10.000 horse#; 1 ,MK) camels aud thou sunds o f donkeya and sheep. New York for Bluebird According to n report from Mrs. Charles Cyrus Marshall, o f the New York State Federation ot Women's Clubs, to Nnttire Mnguzlne. votes taken under the auspices of the federation hnve given the bluebird first plat« In the race for slate bird. Hob white win second, and although the robin and oriole were both popular, they were left behind In deferenee to Virginia and Maryland respectively. Legisla tlon establishing the bluebird n* the official slate bird It planned. i hat F o r C rou u p p W W ould You D o ? Hera 1« a physician's prescription ua*d in mil- liona of hom«a for 85 yaara which relieve« croup w ithout vom iting in 16 minutes. Also the quickm t relief known for Cough», C olds and W hooping Cough. If there are little o n e a ‘ in your home, you should never be w ithout a bottle o f thie valuable time tried rem edy, recom ­ m ended by the beat children’# specialists. Ask your druggist now for Ur. D rake's Olsasco. SO cents the bottle. Need» No Winding A clock la operated In the I’olytech nlc Institute o f Zurich, Switzerland, which doea not need to be wound. Ita running power la provided by a merh anlsm net In motion each time there I* a variation In temperature o f two degree*. A Criticism A minister. In addressing hi» flock, begnn—"As I gaze nhout I see before me a great mnny bright and shining faces.” Just then 87 powder puffs come out. —Montreal Family lleruld. I it ula ami carbuncles causw a « l U l h . T a k e m i c h a n . « « w ill» h* l n « o r «»•|**u»ivwa*‘«r» tio s » ». < Hw» ai>|>lte« u - s » «>f ('Alinoli, (a »ciclitiAc Critichi ti«-) uuW-kly sun « l ain and d r e w « out mt*w lie « m s » » w « fiis lue U ■ n frutti y»*ur «tru gst»! t o la r an. ' ■fOkBapn » hand »V bftek if no not Mltaflcal. I kci 'I Muncy bSM-k If t »uhntH uuu ask f i s t AKIU Ml. b y l u m a • f* UN L O C K N I A L C O .. NAAMVlLhX.TgNM. 1‘ A K K I K\S » I A IK H A I -S A M „ ■ I .« 1«|. Iiu ff »1 X% k» i «t. 1 6 ■« rtO P M T O N S H A M fO O t ». ni fu r »ir II» «»ni M»k*>ethn h I ark< ' • H all a ! rtulîr a n r e r u b y ri » I al d »«^ - hair soft an.t visi* Ilk»* a*s I n f l a m e d r y e li tis o r o t h e r r>o irrita tio n s YMr*ae ; ”C»t«eare Leberatnrtea. Dept. Cuticwra S havin g Stick 2 Sc. n t all druggist*» G a rfie ld T e a C uticura Heals Irritating Rashes Ro«p2llfi. O lnlm m t 2K »nrl WV T»lriim i Ucmunl W Ulks, faUhgw, H. T . I o n Y N e g l i Compliments nre the reti fires thst light tip life’s dingy scenery. BI, Mol<*»**, Ma— " » d i ll «MttNM l uti# end • • » It m i . I * I» t.# c y end I •*]••] lini«