Till'. TRIBUNE. TURNER. OREGON JUST HUMANS BV QEHE CARR Eleven Months By DOUGLAS M ALLOCH T T S- well, let's see—It's very new L Eleven months, almost a year. Since you put on your hat one day And said good by and went a w a y ; And you. you smiled, and 1 smiled, too That's all one ever dares to d o; And then ! heard a door Dial doss'd And welt, whoever yet au|ipoeed Eleven months could follow thon Before that door would swing again. That Is, before that dosir would swing And really ms'au a single h ln gi— Eleven months, or maybe mors\ Before one beard a swinging door Just seem to swing some certain way. t can't describe, (hat seemed to say, "H e's here! He's home! He's ou tlw stair I Now where's my puff? and how's my hair?" Eleven months— and yet a week It was before I dared to speak. Or hardly uared to ..i. for fra? Somebody else around might hoar Me— well. n.e gulping something down Because one man was out o f town. ^hNS. Q jtlk y © MvCKn Nrtvpiytr Sint-raM -H A V E TH E L A S T 0 AN C E W IT H HIM. DEAR ?” “ I O ID I” SO M E T H IN G T O T H IN K A B O U T By F. A. W A L K E R HAVE LOFTY AIMS OO who are so often discouraged in the gray dawn, when tt takes ali your resolution to arouse yourself, ought not to lose heart. The embarrassing puzzles that con­ front you with the coming o f another day hare been the common heritage of mankind rince the first tick o f time. Millions o f men and women, long before you came to this planet passed through the same slougb o f despond, broke away from Its terrible mire and paved tbelr paths to success In flam­ ing gold. Through trying bonrs o f depression, through storming waters and tempes­ tuous winds. through lonely days when not a friendly smile beamed upon them, through heat and cold, heart­ aches and tears, these tired, timorous and anxions souls held to their lofty alms. They turned tbelr backs upon the aomher morning breeze and lifted their eyes to the fleckless blue above. L ike trustful children they clung to the hand o f Faith as she led them gently over the rough places and cheered them with encouragement. Then came the Hushing sun to light up their way- -the glorious transforme- tlon— the rebirth o f Inspiration and ambition which took them step by step straight to t t ; object o f their life ’s desire. Y T o aim high, you should do as they did and pack your heart with good resolutions. You may be east In the world's drama for a leading part I Atm high, poll hard on the bow­ string and send your arrow speeding to the mark. Let neither fear, pride nor passion weaken you. Show those around yon that you have mettle and character. Make the demonstration Imposing, bat oot offensive. Keep on t t r sfinltt highway. Make room for fellow travelers. Give swiftness to your feet as you turn away from folly. Seek knowledge and understanding. Be loyal to yonr employer, to your creed and to your God. I f you do these things you will reach the enchanted dais at the summit of the hills, waiting there for your com­ ing. Can you vision It? If you can. yon w ill feel the first thrill o f the Joy that w ill be yoors when the world crowns you as one o f Its victors. Now. Isn't this a shameless note?— The worst a woman ever wrote. But I've been thinking more and more Thai ever siuce you shut the door. That anywhere you perehanced to he. That maybe you were Just III e me. And. Just because I let you go. You didn't see. and didn't know. And didn't really understand: And wouldi 1 It be aw ful— land I— I f somehow somewhere «on etim e you W ere counting month« and minutes, too! ■ ■ He who toveth a hook w ill never w ant fo r a fa ith fu l friend, a w hole- *oinc'C'ci<>CK>->c'<><><><><>C'