T H E T R IB U N E . T U R N E R . O REGON eeeeeeeeeceeeewoeeecwceceecee W h a t ’s t h e f A n s w e r — ;— + B ell - a n s FOR INDIGESTION Q u e .:io n t No. 21 Oregon & California Directory o n rf? > . I — When wae Uiicolu's Qetlyehurg address delivered? %— What Indian Invented an alpha­ bet for hla per.¿>le and lo what tribe did he belong? # -What Is psychologyT 4- What horse won tha lilue (¡rasa slakes In lirjil? iNwetsnoN ag P JS S ffO , ' û , r . n % i .>•« N o M o re Distress Cat, Soomeaa, Heartburn Sick Headache, Dizziness after eating or drinking K BT I N G ’ j t R O S IT A CH APTER 1 2 Be m nj T i e f'ockagtm HetiJ / t .i > ii /i... •I’ m not aure that I want you to irlri." an Id ilia girl. M\Vg always win In tho end. It's In •vifnldr." rflurofd the man, and. from thg look In hla eye* It wna olivloug tm referred (o many kind« of hgitle*. “ It la a poor sort o f war,” grunt on hla companion, unlumdlng. "Wlirn you've had enough you retire Into win­ haa been r«ll«vlng roughs duo to cold* ter quarter* wlfh all flu* comforts of clvlllftgtlon, while your enetnlre starve for «laly^on« yoara. In the mountain*.*' Captain de Vrlea act tied lilmaelf toossna ths |>hl«gtn, prtimotsa saparto- j comfortably In a hollow of the old ration, give* a g>«>d night's real fr«« •tone wall which surrounded the gov­ front coughing SOo and BOo bottles Huy It st your drug store. G. u. Green, ernor's palace lit Keg. “ Ill flirt, Abd •1 Krlm haa your entire sympathy,“ he Ini., Woodbury, N. J, remarked, aa h«» studied hla compnn lon'a profile. It was very effective, he de­ cided, against the blue of n Moroccan •ky Hun»hln«i warmed (In* [>n It* linlr In bonny color »lid du»tud fr«*.-k 1,-w. hue ■■ pu!l»n, over a »kin which had the taxturv kmt flush of petal». Th« fnee wna attractive, >••«, but too tocldcd. redacted Ih» Frtiiihftnn Th» regu larlry of feature anil determined aweep “ Cutting teeth ii made easy” of tha Jaw left nothing lo the linngl nation. 11« waa alien! aa ho thought o f auotlier woman, (lie laat! She liad bwn Tory »lender, pale, a little and. T\m /*/««#•’ mmJ CktUrmn'» Rmpmlmêmm aha d had Ilia moat ln•llu(lful hunda In At ell drufiteU tha world. I ’uforlunalely »he *1 alao N ob -W oilo «*. Nus» Akuàolk had £ huahand with c**nalderahle In Oakland. NrU . Feb M. IV» fluanc* In the aenatol Thai wna why AngUv Amerk an l>tug Co., Oaaton de Vrlea. boulevardler at heart, I’arlalan to tha laat cell of a ao- I «m mor« then |itdto tell tou l the eaprr tern • and trail! «-Named phlatlcatad brain, waa an eille In Fei. from your w<»mt*tful lUby MnlkU "Ua, I hata tha colonies!" he told him­ Ihir eiKoml beby n tv » eat -u month« old and has never give« ua -t inxnml a self for lha thousandth lime. Il wna trouble The rtiat ami t*?.y thing »ha tha habllual end of all hla reflections. bee aver taken wu Mr i Wmalm's Syrup she ha« four teeth end la al> " I f you look at the mountains any ua>» • * * mlftms M •» m+4* rear by the ua* of Mra more, mademoiselle, I shall begin lo W uuiow a Syrup. Iloat aimerely, Baapect you of an Interest In lha (.Vees# mm rwtfmmt) Staid." ANGLO AMEBICAN DRUG CO. Tha girl turned, her eyee, apecula- l l k - J I 7 r utami S u e *«. N e « Yeah tlra. "Tha Kald la your local mystery. What would yon do without him? It Would ho ns If we In Knglnnd were deprived of our weather—we should have nothing left'to talk about I" lb* Vrlea propped hla exceedingly food looking head on tils hand, an el­ U w H A N F O R D ’S among the atones, "lie lends us B a l s a m o f M y r r h bow by tha nose. Hint man, providing he i lit mi 4 la iitaaf mm aaaey hr ike salats nt all I Hornet line» I Imagine tm b lifM M a U tha Kald la a composite character evolved from all tha—what do you Horne Rant tny—scallywags who surround AM el The «trunti' fighting (hai Ime bevi Krlm. There are a score of Europeans going on In Nlcurnguu led (¡ou. Ilugi up there In the mountains—one cannot suppose It la (he IIIITs who do such (•rom lo any nt n Wantilnglon Ion : "They don't tintila dowu there. Tin work with their guns. There la a mod. robot» metlux] I, more like n elm o em Napoleon among those crags, and brawl. Il remind, me e Vrlea was sure there were metal glints below llie surface of the fold green eyes. “ If only one conld rouse her Into enthusiasm over something more In­ teresting than these snore natives In f t / \ ¥ T h G Pour thing. •he hills. vs refleeted, while he con­ you muat do tinued hla ator>. "The IIIITs are hard to end a cold quickly. M UX'S ( ata­ firvsscd enough to he.i’ay anything and cara limai id«-Mainine doae all tour anybody, except this one conviction. at one tima. Stop# a cold in one day. Ked boi. 30 cenia. All druggiata. If (hero la roally some European di­ recting mutters, lie's safe from our spies. No doubt, they alao believe him superhuman, l'ear lady, we are not fighting a handful of Berbers, as the Quick rallaf from pain. n«wapa|*era would make you heiieve. I ’ravsnt ahoa praaaara. A f *0 drug and tkot Morsa We are fighting a country- the land Itself—where each rock Is hostile to us, where each ravine Is honeycombed with snipers’ caves. We are strug­ gling with superstition or faith, with a legend (hat Is tha breath of men’s bodies, with an epoch, with condltlona that are beyond our understanding." Inflnmad eyelid* or other ayo Irritations. You will find a aoothlng and aafa S y n theiii o f a Bore ramady In MITCHELL EYE tALVK. The following recipe for compound­ M a i . i , * HVCMML mi mil ing a bore appenreu recently m tiio Naw York City druggists. Atlantic Monthly: "Take a mass of unleavened egotism. Chop a cupful of STOP CHILBLAINS trite conversational chestnuts, ahella Ths crippling annoyaness of rhlltdafntd that IndcacrEmhls half numhnsss and and all. Add a quart of dry facts, half pain in that fsat «aimed hr axpogura from which all (ho Juice of humor line to snow or cold, qulwkly relieved hy ('arboil been extracted, a.id a cupful of dates Why sufTsr when a L0 cent bo* of Carholl will taka tha misery out of »tufted with ata.tatlca. Stir In. very walking T Gat a box at your druggists slowly, a pint .if ponnnnt anecdotes now Your money hack If not satisfied. from which all Imagination has been SPURLOCK NEAL CO- Noah* ¿ft* T a w »trained. Flnvnr with the essence of complete Indifference to anybody's Sure R elief B o s c h e e ’s S y r u p Soothes the Throat f Ä T E F O R B E S S» "Wha* good would It do you. then If you knew all about the Kald?" lie Vrlea spread out significant flu (e ra " I f we get him It la mala to th, king," he said. "A M al Klim depend» on something we can't tabulate There la some unknown factor up there Abdel Krlm la welroma to hla desert­ ers from a doxen armies, but If there Is a grrlus behind him—ilia brains of (hose Incredibly niohlla guns, ilioae ubiquitous raiders—we'va got to bava him by fair means or foul.” Ths girl swept round on him. "I finite you never get him." The blood wae red In her cheeks. A pulse heat III her throat. I *e Vrlea responded, shaken out of hla usual pose. "I told you. Franca gets everything In the end and I, ma­ demoiselle. am a Frenchman." For an '.aslant he barred her path. If he had M R S . W IN S L O W S SYRUP To Cool a Burn Bunions JD r Scholl's X in o -p a d s ) o n ’ t N egl ? ^ historic waa born In that mere domestic matters have long since ceased to trouble him. He haa a small son. William. lft—Who wae PythagorasT One evening, on returning from the 14— Who won the Indianapolis golf club, hla wife remarked, "W il­ •P* edway classic In 1 lev:? liam tells me that he waa radoyfng 15— Who was the great female star for you all this afternoon." o f the latter Nineteenth and early "la that so?” exclaimed the aston­ Twentieth centuries, and wlial was ished man. "Well, now you mention her natlor.all*y and racial descentT It, I thought I had seen that boy bo- 10—What city of the west coast la fore." (he furthest north? IT— How did Bobert Burn« earn a LE T GEORGE P A Y living? IS—What la Venus’ Flytrap and where does It thrive? IS— Who la at present secretary of agriculture and from what state does he come? 20— When waa the American Bible society organised? “ I Should Have Thought You Would Have Known All About Him. By This Time the RifT Muat Bt Full of Splat." known wlmt he wnnted he would have played for I t hut he was undecided The girl's aunt that admirable luiily Tregnrthen. who wna on her uaunl lei­ surely and luxurious progrea« In aenrrh of winter sunshine, had spoken of her niece's dot. De Vrlea hesitated. He wna not cer­ tain that he hnd any use for mnrrlage, hut money wna essential to hla scheme of life, and this girl hnd It nnd ahe would be desirable If ahe were more pllnnt No, by O— . ahe waa desirable now, with n smile Just lifting the cor- ncra of her lips, nnd thnt gleam of drowned copper In her eyea. Hla hnnd touched her arm. He bent to any nomethlng—he didn't know wlint—per- hnpa to klaa her, hut footnteps noun« ed on the pnth below them. Tlio governor nnd Lady Tregnrthen appeared between the orange treea. “ We were looking for you. Itoaemary. General I.ynutey auggeata a drlvb." a motor took the two Englishwomen aouth -eat toward Meknon The high road wna perfect. Ita aurface wna the pride of France and a drain on the puppet aullan'a exchequer. Helen Tregnrthen'a keen brown eyea, that did not even trouble to hide how much they took In. Ignored the view. She wna too active a woman to enjoy anything (hat waa not chained with concentrated ptirpoee. Her mind waa aa well arranged aa her life. Shr wna quite decided that her niece, whom ahe liked, admired and under­ rated. aliould disturb the balance of neither. So ahe determined to talk. ’T lie captain,” ahe began with what ahe conaldered tact, "la a marvelous man. He le the moat attractive crea­ ture I have ever seen." “ Quite," returned her niece dryly. "Ilae he proposed to you?” “ Oh, auntie I Doea anyone In these days?" But Lady Tregnrthen waa not to he put off. "Frenchmen do,” ahe said heavily. "Well, then, the henutlful captain's Intent Ions must be nearly as dishonor­ able aa mine I” (T O OB CO N TIN UE D * True nobility la exempt from fear. 12.00 to $3.80. HOTEL WILTSHIRE, San francitcft * St , nrftf l.'nion Kqoftf*. Mu “ “ IIA H H T B o Y l.g M *n*tf«r Haft a Ih tMtr. X! (Ai •tagl*. f} m «o«“ - OnUtd* Co art r __ « __ with batb. atncl* «3. A Am bi*. U rtKkfM U 36c. Ute, Ok Huai*«!? « S C H O O L F O R M EN T f a * * t I i BUSINESS. TRADES •* F t O f IAS IONS K u roll any tiona. Mead fo r litera tu re. OREGON INS ITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY I Y . M . C. A . B l d f . I'o r iL a n d ,O r a g o a Haagag E A R N B IG M O N E Y S n r w NOW »»«Wparaaat paid "bila w , , n le a rn in g Ponitlon secured, Wnta for FRET. SAMPLE BOTTLE W db k RjcharfMa Ca.. lot j L e c tu re * »raekly .Itco ileg ce. W rite fo r c a ta lo g. • V S T IM OF COLLESKS F la pper’t Clock d«r. UJM ? W< »-NEHH—a»trtng-nr soothing.Mf*. 8«ml for circular. $1 bx . C O D. W u -N i laboratory. Hoi. »«6, 8ta.C, Lo* An *•!•*. Cal If. MOLER W i i . ' , who . » . < ! - 1?—- tl v . S o a c h . p o v - I "W e have all beard of the old fash­ ioned woman who sang one or more versee of ’Nearer, My God to Thee,’ to determine the exact moment when tha boiled eggs were properly done," writes Pansy of Urbans, "hut It re­ mained for a modern flapper to give ua a brand-new and practical Idea on the subject “ Kecently married, she waa being ’razzed’ about her Inability to cook, I and her brother remarked: ‘ Why she can’t even boll egg »!’ “ T can, too,’ she said. T smoke one cigarette for soft two for medium ’ and three for hard-boiled!’ " —Cleve­ land Plain Dealer. P A R K E R ’S H A IR B A L S A M iM B O TN laatinff Ru,p«H*iyfaiUa« Slaty to Gray mmd F «W Hair •or and |i « at DragfUU. fTaro_x>h^rfi^4Nt a Lai, h g»« N T FLOttESTON 5HAMFOO-M—J for a»« la naaKtwa «ufe t-uto-. Ufeir Rs feaw MUntfee kslr sob fend a«ffr- « «nia by mail or at dm*, ernia, iliaco* Cbaaical Worka, PUcfeogaa, N. T. — 11 II Ml M I I Rd-aa.u «i.D derfai aad tar*. Onaeuiupiet* box o f K K C M O L 6 adii convine* lb * n u t ak*ptl cal. Alao «arra Uetmmm. Prie* 91 » A M roar •mmlrr l t * * u t y | «o o h l* t F K K K . Dr C H. Barry Co.. Dap«. B. VTi Michigan A r a . Cbbago. Garfield Tea Was Your Grandmother's Remedy I f K id n e y s A c t B a d T a k e S a lts ftgyg Backache Often Meant You Have Not Been Drinking Enough Water Brainy to D o It taste but your own. Pour Into a mold stamped with your own linage and Ism onto a platter garnished with plenty of thyme."— Boston Transcript. Tolera tion ’» Great Value Tolerance la the moat lovable qual­ ity men nnd women can (Hisaean. its vision enables thrill to see things from others’ viewpoints Its generosity con­ cedes to others right to their own opinions. Its very bigness wishes oth­ ers to lie happy In their own wiry.— Grit. Cause In ju ry to T re e » Gasoline and oil have been known to injure and cause the death of tree«. If such substances come In contact with the hark, particularly In (he ease of ti,. -oots, says a writer In the Washington Star. The oil apparently penetrates to the eanihtum region, which 1» a particularly sensitive and actively growing tissue. Injuring It be­ yond repair. It Is not necessary that there i*e toxic substances In (he mix­ ture other than the oil and gasoline themselves. An excellent coat for hoarding u-hool or college girla la a straight, well tailored model of the new simili patterned tweed, lined with dyed .-oney nnd collared with Au.tr»»Ibin opossum. A new evening coat takes brocaded rose holre for an upper section lhal Mouses slightly over (he wulstllne of the Irnnspiirenl black velvet bottom Velvet ruffs extend to the rlhowa. Painted Accessories Ra-f'-r’ Evaporation Eton Suit ■ v e r y room with bath or fthow*r. J o t s a t Eddy. For every stomach and Intestinal LU. Tbla good old-fash­ ioned herb homa remedy for consti­ pation. stomach Ilia and other derangw- iiit-nts of the sys­ tem so prevalent these days Is In avsft greater favor aa a family tnedldna than In your grandmother's day. SAY “ BAYER ASPIRIN” B ig T :g er M oth Fam ily A smartly youthful sull la navy blue iiiffctn with n broken dhiinnnd design, fashioned with a elreiitnr skirl and elon Jack* I over nn organdie vesti r HOTEL ROOSEVELT SAN FRANCISCO'S NEW FINE MOTEL Don't blame the feed or the eru­ dition of your »lock if marl :t men grade you low and custom­ ers complain on account of the color of your butter You can keep your butter always that golden June color which bnnga lop prices by using Dandelion Butter Color Its purely vege­ table and meets all State and National Pure Food Laws-used by all large creameries for years. It's harm less, tasteless and doesn t color buttermilk. Large bottles. 35c at all drug and gro­ cery stores. G lessco J Epilepsy Nervousness b Sleeplessness KOENIG MEDICINE CO to «»lit ym rr j 'in *. (f Belonging to a large family, there are many Interesting species of tiger moths ........ red over the world, says Nature V trine. In this country somethl.it! like 120 different kinds are recorded I 1045 i f W f U S ST CHICAGO. ILL flaUafaettn« r.umrmntmmd * ALL-WOO!. SUIT. Don't Risk Croup/ Jacket Influence I s p e n d e on YO U J A n tw e rt No. 20 Fur-Lined Coats I l ’n /C fOI Jrct f t o o n h t WhnlMgi« Tailor« H * v * n «r local d*ol*r lak* ymjr m o a iir * fo r g 1— It Includes all young animala tliat When yon wake np with backache are horn In the water. and doll misery In the kidney region 2— C. X Dodgaon. It may mean you have been eat­ ing food« which create adds, says a 8— The Connectlcnt. well-known authority. An excess of 4 — Jemes M Nell Whistler. auch adds overworks the kidneys In 5— Gertrude Ederle In W-’fl. their effort to filter It from the blood S¿»modle crono ft—In 1770. coomb sudòm ly and they become sort o f paralysed and night—without wi are mg. loggy. When your kidneys get slug­ 7— In 170«. Custom Insi>ector— Have you any Haw_‘__ ~ _ 1 • . physL . c is n 'i prescription w hich iW , v gish and clog you most relieve them, 8— I’ rof. \V. C. Roentgen. thing to declare? | often brings r e lie f hi 15 like you relieve your bowels, remov­ The Brldo (blushing)—Only that I J not**t/Ww*m/ ; nz. ft—Seventy-five thousand dollars. «■t known rat taf for eoug ing all the body's urinous waste, else •till love George. - In ca»e 36 years. * -th iartre*t •».«• of aryei 10— No. Members of the church are hr. If you here chudren get * boctl* fro* you have backache, sick headache, "Roman Calhollco." The word “cath­ dlxxy spells; your stomach tours, DR. DRAKES A ppreciation olic" menni universal. tongue la coated and when the weath­ Mr Radio! My Radio! 11— Molly IMIcher. er la bad you have rheumatic twinges. Your music brings surprises. CSOtJP REMBDY But most of ail my love must go The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, 12— Gen. Anthony Wayne. To things It advertises channels often get sore, water scalds 13— Guglielmo MareonL and yon are obliged to seek relief two 14— Walter Hagen DEAFNESS Tale o f a Leg or three times daring the night. 15— Charlotte (feahmaa. HEAD NOISES CapL Harry H. Blrkholm wired Either consult a good, reliable phy­ RmUmted bp steamship officials In San Francisco sician at once or get from your phar­ lft—Const antlnople. as follows: macist about four ounces of Jad 17— Sir Richard Burton. * LEO N ARD “ Freighter Alaska’s ctotaln, K. L Salts; take a tah.eapoonful In a glass 18— Il frequents the lagoons and ' F A R O IL Condln, ojieraled on fur appendicitis o f water before breakfast for a few swamps on muny tropical coasts. “ Rub Back of Ear»” Stop. Second Captain Logoff In days and your kidneys may then act ’¡ f o r ' INSERT IN NOSTRILS IB— Secretary of staty. fine. This famous salts Is made from charge." At All Druggist*. Price fl 20—11,588,000. Folder «bout “DEAFNESS” on re^ueat. Came the following rep'y: “ Sorry the acid o f grapes and lemon Juice, i t. luaua, »n. n F na ion about Condln Stop Second captain's combined with lltlila, and has been leg off Is severe blow Stop Wire fur­ used for years to help clean and stlm- Device to Meaeure ulate sluggish kidneys, also to neu­ W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 47-1927. ther details."—Exchange. Molten M etal’» Heat tralise acids In the system, so they no longer Irritate, thus often relieving No thermometer could ever he ex­ U nisch y Place to Stop N E V E R S T ILL bladder weakness. pected to record the lemiierature of Aunt— Now you mustn't have an/ Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot In­ furnaces or of great musses of molten jure and makes a delightful, efferves­ more cakes, Johnnie. metal, although the development of Boy—Well, auntie— If Pm 111 It will cent llthla-water drink. Drink lota of science «long these lines haa made be your fault because you've stopped •oft water. It very necessary to determine the me at the thirteenth I—Stray Stories. degree of heat In furnaces and con­ H ow ’» Your Spelling? tained In nuisaea of metal, auch aa Caute o f Sleep huge steel billets nnd great cubes of Here are ten words with which to Scientists admit that they do not text your friends’ ability to spell. In Iron. (now what causes sleep. They might a number of tests few persons get The discovery that two different more than five correct The record try a small dose of the Congressional kinds of metal welded together pro­ Record.—Milwaukee Journal. score Is nine. Ask your friends lo duced a current of electricity was ! ’ie spell those: Liquefy, embarrass, rare­ means of Inventing n means whereby W hat H e’d Have Done there can he determined the quantity ly. supersede, naphtha, sacrilegious, tranquillity, battalion, harass, kimono. of heat, no matter how Intense. The Client—I don't know what 1 would —The Outlook. have done If It hadn’t been for you. current Is measured by the voltage Lawyer—I do—time.—Stray Storie».. nnd certain temperatures produce cer­ “ la your daughter «till at home?** Made In disk form, a new device od tain values In electrical strength, and “ No—uor anywhere else.“ which to record the gasoline and oil A liking tor nice manners, fine ap­ that Is the way the amount of heat purchased for an automobile can be pearance and good sense In others ht Is measured In degrees o f heat, and The Sum o f L ife carried on the steering wheel. not snobbishness. this has been found to h# accurate. Life \n earnest. The principle Is applied In a de-do» Life la real— known aa the radiation pyrometer. It (Like to Hlnnom, can stand at a considerable distance Like to Sheol!) from the funiaca or itiaaa of molten metal that Is being tested and It will The V ita l Point record the Internal heat conditions “ I’m going to ask Maud her age." accurately. It Is an aid to better steel “ But how are you going to find out and Iron product», and as tha world how long she'» been the age she gives progresses It will he recorded as one your of (he great agencies of man to enable him to delve Into the mysteries of Taking a Big R itk nature'» laboratories. — Washington His Friend (a diamond expert) — Star. Pretty poor stone In this engagement ring, old man. Suppose your girl The P o o r M a n ’s Sport finds out Its quality? Track athletic», especially distance Jack Poore— I don't thluk she will. running. 1« the poor nian'e eport. He She knows her onions all right, but needs only his shoes, hie cheap run­ »lie's not so famlllnr with carats. ning suit and a place to atretch a leg Most distance men have no trainers, Be Sure to M eet H im l nnd must prepare themnelves until First Rural t’lllxen—Ain't ye ever (hey enn nuike a reputation. They usually work hard all day. either In going to take the trip t' New York. SIT Second Ditto—Nope, I borrowed $5 «hope or at desks, and muat perforce Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for use tlielr leisure for training.—Her­ of a fellow once and I e moved there- bert Reed In the Onttook. Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago IPASTOR KOENIGS N E R V IN E j PRICE $1 SO AT YOUR' DRUG STORE G ET TO G ETH ER (V What American artist's portrait “ Have you heard the laleal scandal of Ills mother Wx! purchased by a for­ about Grayce nnd her husband?" eign government? •’Ien't It dreadful I* ft—Which la the largest lake In the “ Awful r ‘ ¡rest (main? "By the way, vhut la II about?” T— What la the moat famous book “ Why, 1 (bought you knew all about on Ashing? III 1 haven'! the falnleat Idea." "Let's go right over to lleleoe'a 8— flow long Is the giant python She’ll know.” and on what does It feed? "Yea, let's I I'm aure It muat be 0—What la Ibe «alary of the vice frightful r president of the Untied States? “ Hideous!" 10—How many Christiana In North America? G o lf Fever I I — Who wrote the e»ng. “ Hall Co­ Thera Is a certain golfer who Is so lumbia." and when was II Unit sung? completely absorbed In Ids pastime 12—What I’real dent New Hampshire? 5ELIG BROS., San Francisco te r C o l o j llnnil painted «carves. Imgs. hats ami other ncceasorlcs add a decora live note to ninny costume». The Intest nre sheer chiffon hosiery with liiind painted flower designs Under th . Ilea .at cloudless sklea of the upper v l’ - »alley In Kgypt, nt Wadi H a lf « Nature M...xaxluc. the dept! water evaporated amounts lu ... .iv than 19 feet a year. Pain “ Yes, l'm working outside of col lege hours so as to have a little uest egg when I finish my philosophy course.” "A h ! Putting something away tor a brainy day. so lo speak." Neuralgia DD LS NOT AFFECT K nocked H im Cold Rltnks— What happened to Tlmktns? I hear he suffered some sort of shock. Jinks— I'll say he did. He went Into a drug store for hla lunch and they told him the restaurant wa* In the next block—they handled only drugs The W ay Today "Can you take my wash?" "Have you a car?" “ Y et." “ I’ll take your wash If you leave It an C call for IL” Rheumatism ir it, H ìl à k i . Accept only “ Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Prou d o f It “Do you see all these books In real calfskin?" “ Yea." “ Well. I killed all tlie cHlvea my- aelf."—Sondagsulsse Strlx, Stockholm. Toothache and INSIST! Handy “ Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottle* of 24 and 100— Druggist*. Aa>irl* I* th« trwte Mart of Barer Iftnafactare of MoaoaretlcacldMter of «alleyllcacM S a f ^ Cuticura Comforts Tender Aching Irritated Feet Bathe (be fcet for several minutes with Cuticura Soap and warm water, then follow with a light aikpiication of Cuticura Ointment, gently rubbed hi. This treatment is moat successful In relieving and comforting Bred, hot, aching, burning feet. Soap Be 0(n*mont B *nd Me. Talcum !5c 8cM ererywbt rv. Sample each free. Addreaa: 'CaUeura Lahoratortoa, Dap* ■ 1 galfea Mam" m r L utkur* Ska via« Stick 25«.