5andi Story Dorothy Scbaatian Famous American Zouave Drill Team in London By Taking Lydia I . Pink ham'• Vegeta l>le Compound Martha Martin “ We want yon. of course we warn yon. ’ said King Snow. So P rim » Storm .Joined the part». OMR on. Sir Frtete-ihc-Pomfc'* "And we want Mr. Freezing Is Fun, to»».* King Snow added, "lie Is always Mr. Wind.* ho aihlcsL such s n l»» on* to have at a party. “ We’ro waiting fv»r you. too, Lowly Sum* creatures go to s party and Snowflake children'* he called. never say a word and don't make the "And we hope you'll uot he late. * he shouted to the Jeweler Brothers slightest effort to help have a goinl .time. known as the Diamond-Snow Jewelers. “ For those whi don't get into the "I want to have a storm party.** fun of things don't enjoy themselves King Snow said, "and I'd like l » hare either. That Is only ratr. of course. you all come. Hut It Is so much nicer when they do “ Of course the Vw.>tt*rs don't hare to come right away. But I hope enter Into the fun of a party and tie y ’ll come aeon after the party and »njoy It themselves and help others have a good time won't be late in taking their places “ Mr. Freexing-ls-Fun la a splendid In the great winter reunion. creature at a party. "You all know that a reunion means *And we must ask Prime Sleet. a gatherfnT together once more so we Prince Sleet would help a great deal." all want to gather together to show “ Pm her» “ said Mr. T waatw | <*■ A !at« picture of handsome Dorothy that Old Man Winter Is here.” Fun. for Mr. Wind bad offered him a Sebastian, the featured motion picture “ I’m hen*," Old .Man Winter shouted five ride to the party and Mr. Freez­ actress. Miss Sebastian is appearing And Mr. Wind blew through his ing is-Fun had accepted with great in ths leading feminine role in "The eagerness and pleasure. Frontiersman.* “ Well, well, well, this la nice to see the old friends again. "How do you do. Snowflake ctill Iren? Why. hello. Old Man Winter. I might have known I would have seen you here. This Is nice. ha. ha. b*. this Is nice. “ And I'm powerfully pleased to see you. Sir Freese -1 he-Ponds. I'm sui-h THE LU CKY AGE an admirer of yours." So Mr Freesing-ls-Fun went around tq VISION of the nilllenlura formed greeiing all his friends and they were 1 *n the Fifteenth century could all glad to see him, too» have equaled the realities of 19CT. Then along rame Prince Sleet. A great part of the things which “ I met some one on the way who wants to come to the party.* said people were most hopeleasiy trying to accomplish then has been doue today. Prince Sleet. People who talk about "the ip*od old "Tell me who wants to cotne," said j days" are either Ignorant or silly. King Snow. Civilisation has t>eeo set back la "It’s the whole Blizzard family. Old j Boy Blizzard wanted to know If he j its progress from time to time. The Dark ages succeeded the grsn could cotne and bring the others. "H e ' said It was the nurse's day out and deur of Home, which, after all, was there was do one with whom to leave only the grandeur of the nobility. The the children If all the older ones went coiumuo people of that city did all the work, got all the cufPs and kicks, off. too» "As a matter of fact I think they and shared all the poverty. But children born today flud the sent that word as an use to bring the whole family, but t- »y don’t mind i world ou the upgrade, and. as far a.* So Old Prince Storm Accepted the If > t>CKKI C-*OOtKHiCHJCKKKKKKKya day* of witchcraft and black magic. GERANIUMS SEARCH FOR HAPPINESS Poverty there will be a, long a* there I, Idletica» in the world. HERE is a rather common belief Crime there will be a, long as res- AUST hears at Easter dawn the In the rural districts of the Unit­ callty exists, and rascality will be music of cathedral b elli Thought» ed States that snakes will not go long in exterminating. of the immortal life brine him no Joy. where geraniums t.re growing and With suicidal intent he presses a vial geraniums growing In a window box But the general standard of conduct of poison to his lips. £:..an appears will prevent flies from entering the la higher today than It has ever been, promising him happiness if he would window. This superstition attache« and more safeguards ir e thrown by be his subject. Satan enabled Faust to the plants cultivated In -ardent the nations around the foolish peo­ to drink deep from the cup of power, and as house plants, which are not ple who fall easy prey to designing only to leave bis heart adamant and geraniums at all. but belong to tlie schemers. his eyes like balls of steel. The world genus pelargonium of South Africa. The hours of labor are much shorter of pleasure with abundant opportuni­ The magical qualities of this plant than they ever were, and the wage# ties for happiness is next offered were transferred to ll along with the Faust, but he retires from it. satiated, are better. name from the true geranium. »he We still have much -o learn about tired and disappointed with ^atan de­ word geraDlum belag a Greek word the cause of financial depression and feated. Faust now decides not to live meaning crane's-bill, a name given to the means of removing It, but panics for himself. i»ul for others. He re- the true geranium because of the occur with less frequency, and even claimed a wide stretch of land from long, projecting beak of the seed cap great shortages of crops do not affect the ocean, which be made into a beau sule. In fact, rrane's-btll is the com the people of a nation as they aseri to tiful park where artisan > conld rest moo name for the true geranium. Mothers used to pray that their and children play. Thus c'aust disoov Now tbe crane was fo- mng uges children might be born under a lucky ered that happiness was found In serv­ a bird of mystery. At a certain s«a- ice. “In the merging of tbe interest of age. sor. the crane disappeared and at a And this age. while It Is capable of self Into tbe general good." Throogb certain season he reappeared, always Improvement. Is the best age t l* t the service, Faust found his way to re­ flying in a V shape. Tills mystery as world has ever known—more filled demption. Margaret In shining ap­ to the crane’s place and manner of with opportunity, and more rich with parel awaits him as angels bear his breeding, and the weird dances they the fruit of human Ishor. soul to heaven. Indulge In at tie time of their love- (C o p y r ig h t .) <(&. 1*17. w«st*r* s»vo»p«r Cahm. i making caused a wealth of mythology and folklore to grow up around them. It was not nntll ISftf that It was dis­ covered that the crane sought the shores of the Arctic sea to lay Its egg» and rear its young. Among the ancients there was t be­ lief that forms of plant life were In some cases transformed Info forms of animal life. In the mystery which hung over the propagatlor of the crane the peculiar form of H e seed- capsule of the geranium caused It to be looked upon with suspicion, and to the plant were assigned some of the mystic attributes which pertained to the crane which was known to he antagonistic to snake* and flies. When the pelargonium came to be called In popular parlance "geranium" —rrane’a hill—the superstition went THE STORM P A R T Y "A neighbor advlurd me to try l.yd'a I'inkhain « Vegetable Oooi pound. ' ' eh Ich ehe said had helprd her e<> mucb. ÀS a ÌM t'" 1 • i *, iik I i I » few i< W 'Ü B h,'l t ¡ ic . UI 1 .I tile I It ¿ T I Í P V v Í h I 11 e beinoli Sf * me »I'li'l' I f li I. V t ■ at frit I letter. ■ Mr work «a s mi ^ v longer a ilroail to \-»e- me If I hear of any ona »In» u Iroulileil ^ L ‘ *" JM the « a » I «laa, I m V « ¡ I will gladly mend Hie Vegetable Compound to them ami I will anawer any letten In regard to the sattle.“- « Ma». Ilaania M u c in a . 1134 N. Pena. A va, Lanelug. Mirti. "1 hail been sickly ever elnre I wea fifteen irate old After taking l.ydle K Pltikbani'e Vegetable <’oin|iouiid I got so I ruuld do all my betiaework amt I am In gee I bealili ' Maa Maare K, WILLIAMS, Ketchikan. Alaaka. From Michigan to Alaaka.from Maina to Oregon and front Conneri Irut to California tetlera ara continually being wrlllrn by grateful women recom­ mending l.ydla F Plnkham e Vegetable Compound. The Outs pound la made (fo n roots and herhi an t for mora Iban flftr years haa been helping to restore run down, over worked women to health. Are you on the guniti Hoad to Det­ ter Health? K ¡ í fr* sr The celebrate«! American drill team of Zouaves from Jackson. MU'h., has been giving exhibition« In London tu lid of the funds of the British Legion. The Zouaves are here shown lined up at the cenotaph with wreaths. Constructive Thought in Schooling Children Uncommon Sense T o o M u c h Science **Yoitr wife look« rattier tired." "Yea, she’« been using a lot of new labor saving devierà."- Ansa era. N For Meditation A physician who reaches out to benefit humanity leave* » record behind him Out is worth while. Such a nun was Dr. l< V Pierce. [ W . '5 ■'Wt, JPm i j j f - v Photograph shows some of the children, with their parents, at the Bcboul for i'ouatructlve Thought In Phila­ delphia. being conducted by Winifred Sackvllle Stoner of the International Natural RducatlOQ association. I- lower*, toys, music, picture books, radio, etc., are used In the natural educating of the rhlldrer along constructive lines of thought. Coolidges Enroll in Red Cross Again GRACE COOLIDGE fB fr 11 iv study «long ntrdi. vl lin e s , «»»*1 hi* hnowl- edge th e itiaa "i barbs and plants led / /H B r W of rry f lr ol In. wuo- der'ul h e r b a l irmrvly. Doctor Pierces Favor­ ite Prescription It is just live tonic re­ quired if a woman is borne down by pain and sufferings at regular or ir­ regular intervals, by nervousness or dirry spelts, headache <>r backache. Favorite Prescription can be had in tablet form as well as liquid at your neighborhood store. F ir a t T i m a K n o w n "Congratulate me I I '» » Ju.t thou|ht of somethin! rtevrr “ "Beglnoer'u lurk."—Stray Stories. H ra da chra fro m S l i g h t C o ld a ! . . i a t i V . P R O M O Q t 'I N I S K T a M .t a r a ­ il. V . th. H r.a., h* by Mariti Ih. Culli, l»»4i. for al.n.tu r. of l: W atreve on th. boa. lo e — Adv. CTHE W H Y of SUPERSTITIONS BABY The T F The “Onice r o o lid lt" bloom, which was olio of the »tar exhibit« «t tlie annuii! “ mum" »how in Wuahlnjf* ton. It wan named after (tie wife of the I'renMent. BARNARD IS PRESIDENT The President and Mrs. Coolldge were enrolled ns members of the Amer­ ican Red Cross at the beginning of the organization's annunl membership drive. In this photograph Judge John Barton Puyne, president of Hie Red Cross. Is watching Mrs. Coolldge pin a lied Cross huilón on Iho president. Premier Baldwin as GlOUGMaJ? rrlfh "Men sometimes forget how dear to them their wives are." says Flippant F!o, “but never on the first of the month." ?Iin noniA T h !* !* « M trln n j oar. ample of a superstition surviving by means of a name though the name I* m * given to an entirely different ob- leet from that hy meana o f which th# -uperstitlon had birth. i© bv llrOlur# N*w»t>«P*r Byn|t»|ll In nnM Hint for Charle* “Charley, denr," exclaimed young M r* Torklns, “ I am convinced that Holomon a reputation for extraordl- nary wiadom was deserved." “ Why?" "Although yon read of his spending money recklessly you don't see any suggestion that he ever placed a bet on a race borne." What ever became of the old fash­ ioned banquet flashlight photo with a group of lop aided faces down In the lower right-hand corner? A great deal o f trouble and unhap­ piness would be avoided If fe «e r pro- pie meant self Indulgence when talk- Ing about self-expression. Who remembers the old fashioned dude who carried a wldakhroom around under the buggy seat when the white mare was shedding? A l m o a t T o o R e a lia tie Prime Minister Stnnley M. Baldwin, without any rehearsal time, had to enact the part of "Ben llur" during a «Indents' "rag" at Birmingham uni- versify, which he visited In order to open Rome new buildings of the biologies! department. JOTS FROM HERE AND THERE Electric brakes for automobiles are predicted. The blue color of Hie snake's blood Is due to copper. About 10 per cent of our lumber goes Into crates and boxes. Fountains that ».yeti rose water were a luxury of Ithy Romans More than 100 n -a of Harks of the Bowl hem railway ’ England »re to be electrified. Fnlconry still Is a popular sport In China. The apple crop this year la likely to he below average. firngon files hunt mosquitoes files and other Insects Texas has more cotton acreage than all tlie slates east of the Mlaalsrippl. Twenty million bushels of wheat were shipped abroad from fan a da In a recent month. Frank Bonner, .in aetor In a I.oa Angeles play, lind a sincere compii meni pali! to hi* troike tip. Bonner started from tire theuter for a res­ taurant at lunch lime, forgettlng that he wns dressed ss a Iratnp, and wlthln a hlock wns grreried hy a pollremail, wlio look hltn for thè reni thlng. Children Ci in n o v a tio n How true It Is that much which passes at first glance for progress prove* to bo merely Innovation. Much reform might well move backward In atead of forward. Dr y eat Place in America The dryest place In Ihe Culled Stales, so far as Is known. I» proh ably In the onatem part of Ihe Mo hove desert, In California. There the average annual rainfall la esllimitef a* about two Inches « ^ roa COLDS J J ASTHM A B R O N C H IT IS .