The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, September 15, 1927, Image 5

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Supplement To The Turner
T a ro tr,
Associated student* are having
OPENED ON . 1C w JAY their annual student body ticket sale.
I*a*t Friday »-vetting u guodiy num- I
The price of the Student tickets are
her of lIn.' txurona Mini ituppo flora of
The Oregon State Fair opened on
f 1.25 per year. Adult’« tickets . ill
ihv Turner leheoia nut at lha achool! Monday with a good crowd for the
be nn sale the latter part o f the week
Uoiiev to wt’iconio th*- tciiclicr* who' opening day. The exhibit space* un­
at 11.29 for the season.
tire tu have* char^*- of lit«? *chouU for practically all full. There i* a* floe
M i« p.arson and Miss Knebel
tii«* coming y«wr. All who attrndod a »bowing o f Oregoa produce a* ha*
report a vt*ry »njoy.nilt time. A good ever been shown. Practically all of ; were out of town visitor, during the
program w o rendered. followed by u the prominent live «lock breeder* arc week-end.
p ittifal pw*! tlm«^ %
N«'»rly »veryono represented this year. Mm. Florence . The high school is planning aeveral
who iitu*!ided i
this idea tm»t Kt Gale Nat, formrly of Turner, la at j large football game* to be played here
Turner nciuh )I ha* «»tie of* tli*• bout the fair with 10 head of the Prlie- this fall. Sixteen men are turning
factulti«*« Uwy have ever had.
winning Tuldk-dywink Jerseys. The: out every night.
The program opened by an attrac- i fair * u in full swing by Wrdne»day. j
live ln«Utimentai number by MU* , Ssicm day.
Wednesday wa* the day set apart
Mary M tiler, lnv<Mji!ion by Mr.
The usual "catch nicVIe” *how* and . for the Turner school pupils to attend
t lay. violin duet by tl>e Ml «at* I net | tiot dog stand* are in «vtdenee. Som- i the Fair without being counted ab­
Harr u*tt and iiindy« Given, vocal ' of the »how* are good and »time are i sent and many took advantage of the
duet by Me^damra McKinney ami freaks. The usual mechanical ««rings 1 opportunity.
Mnitin, iv J m g by Mr«. Karl and are there for the enjoyment of the
It i* reported that tho I. L. Rob­
aong by Mr, Witcraft then followed kiddle*.
ertson party, whodiave been touring
upeechv* by Mr. Clay, Prof. Wapton,
tins agricultural pavilion, the auto-
tbe East, left Washington, D. C.. last
Mr. and Mr. l*«-|*ef!s Tlie new ! mobile building and the machinery
week on their way home.
trachcra Were introduced to the audl booth* are daily attraction* to the
J. F. Jones, State Sealer of Weights by Pr»f. Wat »on. principal of ! many fair visitor*.
I and Measure* wa* in Turner Wednes
the Turner achoo), and each one at
day morning, testing out a new set
their name won called jfl^ondal by
I of scale* recently installed ir. the
a abort ajnvch. Mitt loin Robert*
I Portland Damascus Cream Station
aon played the accompaniment for the
violin duct and M«*a Mildrer Martin j The Oregon Conference o f the at Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Lewie are
f.»i the vrtcal duet. The occomptniat Methodist Church which was held In
for M r Witcraft wa* Mm. Earl Pear Salem, earn to a rlo*.* MonGy afr-r- now located at Montello, Idaho, where
cy. The program i —tiled greatly ap noon. It was an Interesting session Mr. Lewi* la working for the South­
predated for It wma heartily applaud j at which much busine*» was accom­ ern Pacific. They like their new
cd and marly every one had to re­ plished. There were aeveral good home fine.
al aid to an vneara. After the pro­ .peak, n present from outside of the
mong them wa* Or.
gram waa over the teacher« were ! conference.
Milked to come to the front of the Clarenc* Tine Wilson, o f the Hoard
¿(age and meet and become acquaint­ of Temper*nee nnd Moral*. Several
ed with the audience.. The benedic- from Turner attended the various ses­
tlwi waa pronounced by R»*v. M.. A, sion» o f th. conference and report a
Ihdighuu« refreahmenta ■ very profitable time «pent there.
There were hut few changes in the
were «Hired later.
| appointment*. Most o f the pastors
- .«I— n.|— ■ . , 4 > I— I——......
' returned to their former charge* and
| Turn, r o,opte are glad to have Rev.
Two important events rail for the , M. A. Groves returned to the Turner
attention of the member» ami friend* rhnrge for another year.
of Turner M. thodist church. First, Groves and hi* good ' f hav. Seen
the SantUm Oi.tricl 8. K. convention with us for a year ami have earned a
meets at th.. Stnyton Methodist warm place in the heart* of the
church. All who ci.n tfn ilil attend. 1 p* ople.
A good program wdl hr provided.
___ _________
Go and return with new idea» and
plan, for the eomigg y .ir. Second,
Have your envelopes printed w:th
neat Sunday la the first Sunday of
Five new high *chool studanta cn-
your return address.
The Tribune
the nrw conference year. All who . roll, d Monday morning, making a
can do the work.
cannot iro to the 8. S. Convention be j total of 74. Th.-y were a* followa:
present at home to make the first Ijiurn Stewart, West Stay-ton: Gerald
Give The Tribune cr-dit for what
Sunday o f the r .-t your a beginning Given, Turner: Tyco and Guy I-arton,
of better thing* for the lord's work Crawford District; Cuada Rolland, veu buy from our advertisers.
here by having n goo.I attendanc Marion.
The Tribune »hop can print yotir
Miss Pearson found her Biology
and lot* of enthusiasm foi* the work
during thr coming year. M. A. Groves, cla-s -o popular that she had to divide butter wraps, lct.ei heads and en­
it and make two section*.