PTP* VOL. XI. NO. T urner T ribune he T TURNER, ORKCiON, TlfURSIM V, IN OREGON'S GREATEST PU E L I « UTILITY “ FRIENDLY "J ■ 1 pound can 3 pound can National Mazda Lamps 15 to 40 W att T I T R X J C R 'S Pur present issue of First Preferred Stock is un­ questionably one of the safest and soundest in­ dustrial securities now offered the local public. h ] . j Salem, Oregon City, Gresham, Hillsboro and St. Jlelens, Ore., and Vancouver, .V <> » _ ■ ■ v r ftW I / ! L T U 1 1 fT T Locals TIRE SPECIAL Saturday & Sunday In order introduce our new and complete line o f tires, at very reasonable prices, we will give a tube FREE with every tire purchased from us for cash. Saturday and Sun­ day, April 9 & 10. Ayail yourself o f this oppor­ tunity at~ Bcjnes Brothers Turner, Oregon. TST* »-'t '1 1 ^ Andrew Baker was a visitor at the home o f his parents, Mr. and M n. E. C. Baker. Mr. Baker is manager of the Hammond Lumber Co’s store at Mill City. The W. W. Depee family enjoyed a visit from their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Max Anhoury ot Port­ land over Sunday. N O TH IN G T A K E S T H E P LA C E OF L E A A T H E K fo r harness o f all kinds. Made from high (trade leath­ er. In stock or made to your order. F. E. Shafer (The Pioneer Leather M an), 170 S. Commercial St., Salem, Ore iron. C. S. Stone and Mr. Har.ehe of Shaw were Turner visitors Sunday. Farm Loans— 1-3 value, 6 percent. 10 years, low fees. See Carl T. Pope. Attorney, Salem, Oregon. E. C. Baker was in Portland Sun­ day attending the celebration o f the fiftieth birthday anniversary o f his son Itay. He reports thnt his (trand son Lionel, who was in the hospital for on operation several days ago, was forced to return to the hospital for treatment. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. C. A. Bear Wednesday after­ noon, April 13. Delegates will be appointed to attend the county con­ vention to be held in Salem April 27. Members and friends are cordially invited. A Child W elfare program will be given and it is possible Mrs. S. E. Oliver, the county president, will be present. Those having no transportation phone Mrs. Bear or Mrs. Gunning P IA N O MUST * E SOLD Will sacrifice fine used piano for immediate sale. W ill give very easy I terms to a responsible person. For I full particulars write Portland Music Co., 227 — fith St., Portland, Ore 8-3. fit Mr. and Mrs. El wo oil Scott o f Sa- |cm spent Sunday with Mrs. Snott's N O TIC E — This cert.firs that the undersigned are the owners, puhliah- mother, Mrs. C. Bones. , , . . , , ___ _______, . . 'em, editors and managers o f the Tur- A real estate deal wr.a closed last; ' . . * .. ner Tribune, an« that there are no week whereby W. T. Riches purchaaed bond holders, mortgage,*, or ythrr the ol.l Riches home from R. D. Gray. _. ,, , . , . security holders, The residence la occupied i>* tl^ E. | • p p , F. P. and L. J. Rowley. Rev. Ira Dumas closed a suce ess­ W. Swallow family. Subscribed and sworn to before me ili: revival campaign at the Methodist this 4th day o f April, 1827. Ed. Piser, locnl manager fo r Spe >r t huivu Frida* and returned to Alvin E. Schirman, Notary Public and Company, was a Turner visitor his pastorate at Pratum. My commission expires Dec. 23, 1928 Saturday. N O T H lN h T A K E S T H E t’ V M b OF L E A T H E R — Suit Cases, Hand Bags, Gloves and Purses. Made ïtvm solid leather aud priced light. F. E. Shafer, 170 S. (¡omnierual S t , Ma­ lern, Oregon. C A S H — M — h — h — h — M JOHN M. W ATSO N. SR- Division Offices at S 324 N. Com’l St. John M. Watson, Oregon pioneer and Civil W ar veteran, was bom on April , 1S48, at Buaver Falls, Indi­ ana. and died at his home in Turner, Oregon, April 5, 1927. aged 78 years, 11 months and 2H days. to Oregon from Finlay, HO e Ohio, and has rei ided in Marion County ever since. He served in the Civil W ar during 1K64-63. He enlisted in Co. K. 108th Ohio Infantry, was honorably dis­ charged at Charlotte, N.C. He was a member o f Pearl Lodge, No. 66, A. P. 4 A. M , Turner, Ore., and Sedg­ wick Post No. 10 O.A.K., Salem, Ore. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. R. J. Watson, three daughters. Mrs. E. L. Martin, le w is »«n . Ida.; Mrs. S. L. Tunnel!, Winona, ld aa.; and Mrs. A. E. Freeden, o f Portland. Ore. Two sons ,yF. B. Watson, Boring, Ore., and John M Watson, Jr., o f Turner, Oregon. Funeral services will be held at Rigdon's Parlors, Thursday. 2 p.m., and Masonic Ceremonies, Friday at Twin Oak Cemetery, Turner, Ore, Salem, Oregon - z Pomeroy and Keene 379 State Street. Soletn, Ore^>n. JEW ELERS AND O P T IC IA N S We ere now located in our new location with a assortment of jewelry for you to choose front x Chiropractic Cures acute and chronic diseases 0 DR. H. D. REDMOND ; I Chiropractic Physician S T O R E 135 New Bligh Bldg. Salem, Oregon, Phone 163? for your appointment — Consultation free - ¥ - i n n i — ¡n ^ T T — BILL’S GROCERY G IV E T H A ” F A IT H F U L HORSE one o f F. E. Chafer*, guaranteed Solid Leather work harness. F. E. Shafer, Harness and Leather Goods, J70 S. Commercial St., Saleih, Ore­ gon. The Best Place in Town to Trade Mrs. Myra Burnett, who sj it sev- eral days last weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. W. W. Depee, returned to her home in Portland, Sunday, Follow the Crowd. * Harry and Henry Barnett took a motor trip out through the hills east o f Turner last Sunday. From the re­ port they brought back they must have found the worst roads in Oregon. Mrs. Del sell and Miss Thelma Dei- xell attended the Parent Teacher’s Convention at Liberty last Saturday. The state president was one o f the speaker’s. They report that we must have a P.T.A. with our high school next year. .. '■¡'.'f * y*- V 5 V ' * Phone 440 J. F. Thomason is confined to his of the season with Dad Watson's Old- home with a severe attack o f bron­ Tim# ( 8 ) piece Portland Orchestras. Tuesday, April 19. chitis. * Residence 758-R Dr. O, A, Olson, Dentist P A IN L E S S D E N T IST R Y Special Attention Given to Children’s Dentistry and X-Raya Work A t Reasonable Prices M A S O N IC T E M P L E . SALEM B W I C i l g } iMMEg Z a M EMMMIEBBgr ■-T ~ XjBJf— John W . Oliver companied on the trip by Albert Sav- a£e, Jr. Miss Minnie Peterson spent a few da>* the past week at the home o f her parents, near Shaw, recuperating from recent illness. She is employed in one o f the Salem banks. The silver tea announced to be held at the home o f Mrs. L. M. Small is PRESS OF SA LEM and Wiliam- postponed until April 14 on account atta Vallay together with 1400 guests o f the death and funeral o f J. M. who attended the last two Dad W at­ Watson, Sr. son dances at Salam will tell yon that Just installed, at Riches Confec­ no more qoMt, respectable dances tionery, a new A ll Rite Hot Toasted have ever been given in Salam. Every Sandwich machine. Try a sandwich guest appoint thamselvoa a committee any hour o f the day. Also hot cof­ of one to see that good time, real so- fee and chocolate. cisbility prevails. Crystal Gardens, C R Y S T A L C AR D E N S at Salem Salam, Tuesday, April 19. newly renovated for the opening danrg _ Groceries - - - - Hardware W. W. DEPEE, Prop. Turner - - Oregon F AC TS ^ £3 The first dance at Salam after the Lenten Season— Dad Wataon'a Real Old-Time Radio ( 8 ) Piec# Orchestra, Claude S. Breretton, Director; Lou Bainter, singing callar; Harp, Marim- bapkona. Chimes and Baritone solo by J. R. Bessee. who has been kept in W. c. Elliott, 10 years baadlinar, Qr- on account o f an injury from a fall pheum Circuit. Crystal Gardens, Sa­ on a slippery walk several weeks ago, lem, Tuesday, April 19. able to be out with the aid o f F. P. Rowley made a business’ trip crutches. to Mill City Saturday. He was ac- E. W. Swallow was down from Or- e; on City to spend the week-end with his family. L. C. Mo. and w ife have resigned their positions at the Oregon Tuber­ culosis hospital. They are as yet un­ decided as to what they will do. They expect to leave soon fo r a visit with Mr. Moe's brother in Seattle. Phone 356 The Only Plac ' of Its Kind in Salem Sub-slation for Center Street Valeteria The Pressing Service That Shapes Your Clothes Portland Electric Power Co. i WE BUY AND SEL L 4 for 92c h lì ;U K i ; ECONOMY t e l us tell you more about it, without obligation on your rV ~ ' /I t K t 49c $1.44 Startling Reduction IN f i .We are offering to all of our patrons and customers ns well us to the prudent ipvpsting public an unusually attractive op­ portunity to become profit-sharing partners in this company. ) O. F. Franklin STAR EXCHANGE Because these services are indispensable it is inevitable .hat these communities develop this great public utility enter­ prise must also prosjnir. Wash. 362 N. Com i St. New and used Men’s Clothing, Watches, Guns, Rifles, Touts, Pistils, Musical Instrumente, Bicycles, Tents, Etc. T h e services that we are rendering to about 415,000 people f t this rich empire are essential to their grinyth, well-being and pnjoyment of modern necessities. \ “For Better Appearance” STANDARD CLEANERS & DYERS H z BUY NOW Maxwell House Our service takes In such metropolitan and thriving centers ail Portland and its suburbs, Salem, Oregon City, Vancouver (W ashington), St. Helens, Gresham, Hillsboro, Oswego and pver three score other communities. INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT 237 N. Liberty St. p*--------- COFFEE! ,Thc wealthiest and most rapidly «rowing region of the entire State o f Oregon lies within the operating urea served by the f o r t land Electric Power Company. l~ v ëUBâCRfPTJON 11.2» PER YEAR, -H — H — H — H — H — H — H — H — H — H — H z (This Company Serves i Oregon’s Richest Domain É flpftlLl lHW Teacher o f Violin From beginning to concert appearance TE A C H IN G E V E R Y TH U R SD A Y STU D IO ; Res. o f Mr. Depee Turner, Oregon l i t i I M H 4 4 4 H I 144 I M H i H t H v t H « W « 8 8 8 8 8 8 t 4 4 8 t 8t- C. F. BREITHAUPT 512 State Street New Bligh Building ; ; FLORIST Salcm, - Phone 380 - Oregon. H 4 f » » ♦ ♦ ♦ » + » >♦ * « » I t M M » 8 8 4 K 8 4 8 M H M 8 8 8 4 88 H M TRONO as the S T R O N G E S T M ETH O D IST CHURCH (le t you protection In the Northern Assurance Co. Ltd., o f London, The revival services closed Friday- F .P.R ow ley, Agt. Turner evening with several deciding fo r the Lord. There was a splendid spirit in the Sunday services. The testimony meeting in the evening was especially helpful. Several o f our members at­ VETCRINARTAN tended the S. S. convention at Pleas Day and Night Servie« Chiropractor ant Point, Sunday. The discussion about the “ Second Mile Christians” Nvtuocalometer Service OREGON 8TAYTON were very inspiring. Phone 87. Residence 1471R The “ Busy Bees” lessened the lead 253 N. High «Meet o f the “ Workers” in the S. S. contest Sunday by 12 points. Come a id Salem, Oregon Our regular services are Sunday month's best seller -the Bible?. help make this more interesting. School 10 A.M. Morning Worship 11 «- Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, the Epworth League 7 P.M. and day which commemorates Christ’s A.M. Triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Let ¡Evening Service at 8 P.M. V you H . v . your envelops.-, printed wi** Wanted— To hear from tlu do not worship elsewhere you are cor- your return aedress. The Tribune every member and friend work a n d , . . , , can do the work. owner of land for snle. D. M. pray to make next Sunday a real day ¿¡ally invited to worsh.p with us. Have you read this I,eight, Alzado, Montana. o f triumph fo r His causo in Turner. I ^ thought Dr. O, L. Seott 0. F. KORINEK, Y.S.. B.V.Sc.