---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — — THE TETTER TRIBUNE • +S • *• b a ited ÿ i j t c s N ation al Hank General Banking Business > , *> tuttur Interest paid on lime deposits »ml Issued Every Thursday nt Turner, Marion County, Oregon axing» account« Cor. S iti» & Coiniiiercial St.v OREGON S U B S C R I P T I O N $ 1 .2 5 P E R Y E A R . E n te r e d a t th e I'o s to ffic e jS A L E M a t T u r n e r , O r e g o n , as s e c o n d -c la s s m a tte r , u n d e r th e ■ A c t o f ¿ la r c h 3. 1879. I>. H. MOSHER N ig h C la s s Ladle's and Gents - Tailoring - 174 Court St. * \ SALEM REVIEW OF WORK OF i OREGON IEGISLAÏURF. Organization. Governors’ Mes­ sages and Introduction of 8ills Mark First Week. Many Dill* Introduced — Practically Every Prcpoaed Budget E xpcndlture Cut—To Probe Te»:bo.*e Commis­ sion — Will C leir Statut* Book*— Speed Limit Increased — Repeal of Interest Guarantee Sought — 'Would tone. IMate Offices. t'»îom. — Organization nt the (wo pou».-*, the delivery of the ineseagee ““T pTeHge allégiafíCfc’ U) the Flag o f the United Suites of the retiring governor *ud hi* *uc- P a lm e r Chiropractor ceasor. the appointment of commit­ and the coupUj; h > l which it stands. One nation, tees and the Introduetlon of a tew 1’hono S '. Rosidonrc SCSI! indivisible, with liberty and justice for .ill.” bills n arked the first week# aossio* 2ött N. H ig h Ftrect ot the legislature. Both houses organize-' without M e ­ The legisiatiuti has passed a bill, uregd by Governor S a l e m , Oregon lton. so there will be no aftermath of Patterson, placing the penitentiary under the board of bitterness to clog the legislative ab-els H. L. Corbett of Multnomah control rather than ¡cave it under the control o f the Gov- APPOINTMENY A OF D M IN IS TR A TO R county » a * »riveted to preside ov> r is horebv g:\i-n that hy o«ler1 the senate and J. M. t trkln of Jurk- f mor as it hut- been m tne past. This a good move. The o f Notiro the Count\ C>urt o f C e Siat.' of t for Marion County, entered | son county was named speaker oi the peiiitentian should he Titular the control o f this board as 1 • Orccor. on tW St>t (ia\ o f rVcombor, 1926.' hpuse. M. Pion was .ippointod admin- j During the three and a half day» -well «t? the other institutions, it w ill be harder for tin ; Robert i.'trator o f ‘.in- v»t uo o f Frank J ! ) ! « « , dcceascd. All pereons havir.it tho legislature was in session 70 Mil* welfare and uplift organizations to’ obtain pardons for ! o*ainis affainst snid o#tr.t' shsll present; wore introduced and two Investiga­ -.TU’ to Thopttti Brown. 210 Orojron tions were erd--red. i ’. to probe the some of their special proteges if they have to go before j 1 Building, attornoy for snid admitus- .st:;u* Ils!' commission and the Other within six month» front the the state textbook commission. A ihe bont;d ot C Q n tr o l in pb.ee of one man. Under this trator, first publication o f this notice. joint resolution was adopted hy the ROBERT M. P I KM. question o f pardons there is only one man e ipable o f mak­ Administrator. house giving every member of the legislature f& dally for expenses, la Thomas Brown, ing recommends for pardons and that is thv .vardon who Attofncy tor administrator. addition to the regular pay of $3 a is in daily contact with the prisoners. The main thing day. The yttuost harmony apparently ex is to get a trustworthy man in for warden and keep him NOTICE OF H E A R IN G OF F IN A L ists between Governor Patterson and AC C O U N T President Corbett and Speaker Car- there and let him make recommendations for the board on In the Countj Court o f Uie Slate o f kin, uu pgmwork will undoubtedly Orep-on fo r the County o f Mat ion. who are fit subjects for pardons. In tho matter o f the estate o f Her­ prerail during the »es Ion. L a r g s Number of B; la lntrodu:ed. man Hentann. Pec. »sod. ----------- o----------- Notice is hereby given th u the final A larye number of hills were Intro­ account o f Mary Anni. II ¡mnn. ex­ The way the expenses ran up in some o f these primary ecutrix o f the Estate o f Herman He- duced In both houses when the leg marn. deceased, has been tiled in the Isturo reconvened Monday after (he elections might indicate that they were run on the cost County Got*rt o f Marion County. Ore- ¡veek-end recess. Bills proposing iron, and that the nth day of Febru­ salary increases for county assessors, plus plan. ary'. 1927, at the hour o f 10 o’clock sheriffs and county treasurers are lu a. m., has been appointed by said Court for hearing objection. - to said preparation and will bo introduced final account, at which time any per­ this week. Speaking of color schemes they are now trying to en­ sons interest d in said estate may up- The Indications are that Governor pear and Hie objections thereto in Patterson’s proposal to place the itinn force the. Blue Laws in Orange, New Jersey, while the writing and contest same. mo ment of the state penitentiary un M A R Y A N N IE II EM ANN. Executrix. ■1er the stato board of control will majority o f the population is trying to paint the town meet with the approval of the legl?lvi NOTICE OF H E A R IN G OF F IN A l turc. Approval will undoubtedly to red. ACCOUNT giv, n to the governor's suggestion In the County Court o f the State o f that tbs office of state parol officer Oregon fo r the County o f Marion. In the matter o f the Estate o f John be abolished. There would have been some excuse fo r dancing the The chairmen of the ways and Nicholson, Deceased. Notice is her. by given that tne final aicana committees. Senator Staples Gharleston and Black Bottom ip tpe days whtpi we wore . . , A a La « . 1« . ¡account o f Arthur Nicholson, admin- gnd Representative Gordon, are ex .strator o f the Estate o f John Nichol­ red flannels. son, deceased, has been filed in th - ÿcrlenred In handlln« appropriations County Court o f Marion County. Ore'- and they are expected to hold down gon, and that the 8th day of Febru­ expenditures for the various state In ary, 1927, at the hour of 10 o'clock stltutions to the lowest possible fig a. m., has been appointed by said Court fo r hearing objections to said tire. Tho session will have to wrestle final account, at which time any per­ sons interested in said estate may ap­ With the incom-- tax question as Sen­ pear and file objections thereto in ators Butler- and t’arsner have (uth writing and contest same. cred tho old-time rrango lj.( ome tnx A R TH U R NICHOLSON. bill in tho „ennto und Representative Administrator of the estate r -C-----f f - V l 4— ^ --------- * . o f John Vcholson, deceased. Hazlett has introduced a measure In the house. Gu.. O. Smith, Propszed Budget Expenditures Cut. Attorney fo r Administrator. lTncticclly every budget of pro­ posed expenditures for 1927 and 192k. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S with the exception of thnt providing Notice is hereby given that by an j for the payment of salaries of the Order o f the County Court of the present legislature, was cut at the State of Oregon for the County of first meeting of tha Joint ways and Marion, duly made, rendered and en-j mean* commute«. *Ki \ tered of record In the said Court on , Th-* action of tho committee fol­ the 8th dsy of December 192b, Msrgx ' lowed a brief addr- sa by Thomas II ; ret M. Armstrong was duly appointed Kay, state treasurer, in which he ex­ Administratrix of the Estate of j plained the stat- a finances, ivu.u, ( h S h g —f u* : ------- A '----r— »H-----m Thomas LI. Armstrong, Deceased. he said, were in an unsatisfactory < * « colti , aa l kw»oÀTÌc»4 A ll persons havingciahtis against the condition. The state treasurer dee ¡The value of grains and gra n largest receiver of American grain. | estate of said decedent are hereby re- dared that the exi- ttng deficit aggre­ products exported from the United This Is due to the fact that much of i quired to present the same with pro­ gated approximately (932.009, and that States In the fiscal year, ending June the grain Is shipped via the Great per vouchers to the said Margaret M. this would be Increased to nearly (1,- Sl'j 1920. Is placed at $202 'Ofl.iiOO by Lakes and the St. Lawrence river and Armstrong as such Adniinlsratrlx at ¡iOO.OOO by th# end of the year 1927. tin; ¿ears Roebuck Agricultural Foun­ ir cleared to Canadian ports. The j Post Office Box 4«, Sal, ;u, Oregon, In event there were legislative appro­ dation In a survey of the situation Just Issued. Wheat and flour topped bulk of it, however. Is destined for within Six (6) Months from the date priations oth-r than those contained the list, making np nearly two-thirds Europe. The lea-ling buyer of Ameri­ of this notice. ih the recommendations of the st^t« of the total. Other exports In the can grain was Great Britain, with n Dated the 28th day of December 192b. budget commission the deficit wuuid order of value were barley, corn, oats, record of IS per cent of the totgl ex. Margaret M Armstrong. be further increased. Eye and oatmeal and rolled outs. port. Next in order, following (Jan* Administratrix of the Estate of An Investigation of the affairs of Investigation of tho export figures 11». were the Netherlands, Cuba. Ger • Thomas B. Armstrong, Deceased. the Oregon fish c ¡amission, in which makes Cunada appear as the second sr.itiy, Belgium, Mexico and Italy, th re has been Internal dissension since I>ec-mber 15, when fc'd Bullagh. A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S NOTICE master fish warden, was summarily EXECUTORS NOTICE In the County Court o f the State In the County Court o f Marion TU RNER D A IR Y ASSO C IATIO N dismissed from -’the nervine, will Ixi o f Oregon for Marion County. County, State of Oregon. In the matter o f the Estate o f Eliz­ undertaken cs the result of a résolu HOLDS A N N U A L M EETING ! In the matter o f the estate o f Filda abeth Petzel, deceased. tion passed by tbe senate. It is be Zielinski, deceased. Notice is hereby given that by an Vipved that the investigation will be No'ice is hereby given that by an j order o f the Cou.ntv Court o f Marion order o f the County Court o f Marion The Turner Dairj- Association held County, State o f Oregon, duly made far reaching. It will investigate the County, Staty o f Oregon, duly made their annual meeting last Saturday.' ar.d entered on the 5th day o f Jan­ activities of the present commission, and entered o.t the 27th day Jan- ; uary, 1927, the undersigned was sp- and possibly Horne of thy fi-m -r coin- uary, 1927, the undersigned were ap- . The morning vra3 taken up by th e ; nointe-1 administrator o f the estate of pointed executors o f the estate of business session. A t noon a dinner' Elisabeth Petzel, deceased, and that m‘.:s3ior.s nn-1 the practice of the com Fii-ia Zielin xi, deceased, and that was served in the l.O.O.F. hall. In he has duly qualified as such. All cnerclal fishing Industry. they have duly qualified as su<*h. A1J drill Probe Te:.tuook Commission. the afternoon a program was given persons having claim-- against said persons having claims against said - state are hereby :.ot fi -I to pres- nt Investigation of the affairs of tho estate are hereby notified to present ¡ at the high school auditorium at which i the same duly v. rlfl • noon enjoying the OJdtime wir. ♦ he 14th day o f February, 1927, the to exceed $1 fjz per pupik per year for farm and the other along the S. P. ter fun. Their pleasure wa.; lessened following described real property, to- 1 the purpose of providing books for free distribution. 'UlM /lv* Ci.f the first tracks about a mile South o f Turner. by an accident to two o f their num­ wit: class would be -mis'wured lu c hooso Lot Seventy-two (7 2 ), Ewal-I One o f pie monoplanes in the U. S. i ber. The sled on which Mis Evelyn Fruit Farms, in Mnrion County, their owu yovk«( wl;ll^ th-- -e of tjtker ■rvice made several trips over Turn­ Archibald and Marry Wjllb were rid­ Oregon, according to the record­ clasHc-s would havj tu *»>• (lou t pro- er before the lost plane was located. ing ran into a ditch throwing them ed plat ther-of. Said sale shall be made subject to aerfbed by ihé h'.ate. The one down near tke S. P. track off, each o f them received a ’broken o f the above entitled Attempt to Clear avgU-to B ooks . lost his hearing? in the fo g and raih I arm, Mis? Archibal-I was tak-.n”to Sa- conformation Court. In the ariempt to slaughter a lot of and was forced to land. Both pl.-mes I !em Mon-lay and placed. A. W. SMTTHER, the Admini-trntor o f the F tate e f useless laws on tho book- und clear took to thy nir and left before night | care of Dr. Carnjobst. j l. - - r \ j Willard Hr cor, deceased. .he «tlllcl«nhl.r'•. a comm live« on ro- Or. Ó. L. Scott $262,896,309 Grain Expoit'-^ Wheat and Flour Top Liât JB L pesi of litws wnc named umiur a house rcsolutlon iBtDslucod by Melndl Spelilo r riarkln named H*»n. Lewta Pmlii-, t.ouergnu and llszlell mont ber* of tho commi'teo. The eommit teo w ili seok expr- csiyu of sentl ueiit from all aactioii f Orv-gou ani *p peata to all Judg ¡., state, rounty and munii Ipul officiai» and ritir ici geli nally, to peport to tt wlthout delay nny laws or sertlons 1 1 la» » on tho Oregon statuto bis'ks tlint » ' dremed obsolete or that ob»trv. t ndmln ztrn Itoli ot buvtness or Just Ice. Sull-Inutliil Inrrease* li, (ho snlnr Ira ot conniy aherllf» nr* provtibsl In n bill Introduce il hy F n; t r l'pton Under tho provlslons of tliia bill th* adito would l>o dlvtdod luto si* olassea basod ou tho registrai log of legai votela. Shortffs In eountle? havlng « po|*- ulallon of moro tlnin 10(1.000 woulu n-culve («ouo por annum, w|ille »ber iris m counllos havlng troia 10.000 lo lofi litio popuiatlon would recai ve (.Uso por ycar. In countlrs huvlng n popuiatlon o( frolli 10,000 to 20.000 tho -horlffs would ho puld (3300. Shorllf* In emulili i haiiui{ a popuiatlon of from 6000 to 10,000 would rooelve (3120, whllo In countlrs havlng a popuiatlon of freni 2000 to 6000 tho shcrif.s would bc poni $2910. In th oy countlrs havlng a popuiatlon of less than 2000 tbe aherift* would r*calvo $2940, Auto Spead Llmit Incroased. Tb* (irsi bill to bu paased by ¡ho sonate thls sesslon would lucrroao tho legni speod llmit of nut nobile» troni LO to 35 uitios un hour. Abollkbmout of the officiai rnndt datea’ pamphlet, now puMlsh I and distribuii d to ziti voterà of tho stato under direction of tlie si or.-tury of .-tate, is pr<*p.-«ed in a I di inproduced by Sciuitor lluntor of Union coupty Ah oU ago penai on hRi w u Ini rie dqced by liouu^or Unti, by rv*guest TLu bill would cr,-.li uu old ago pon- slou conimi -deu lo b" usmed by thè povero or wltbiu 9 dnyu after \l|t* gc'. tcCOO-c* etieotlve 1 ouslons. op 'assls^Niiro,*' a* ttn. Idll deorritiea ip. would bv- puld pnly to persoli* over U5 who bnd been tvsl deuts ot Oregon f< r ut lenst 16 year, and In no Instnnoe would the assist «m e gè glv.u when a bl-d tn othor Incomrs of Ih» api :laint» exceedod ( I per day. Would Repeal Intvrsst Outrantse. You Shorten Your Life When You Rpmovo Your Totmilg Save Thom und Live Lotiffor Chiropractic Cures Tonsilitis DR. H. D. REDMOND (¡liiropructic Hhysician 135 Now BliRh Hltlt*', Snlom, OrcKoq Phone 1 <».iH for your appointmrnt — Consultiition froo C. F. BREüTHAUPT 51*2 Stato ÿIrret New liliali I’iiiMinj; ¡ FLORIST Snlom, • Phono 38U » Orogon. G. F. KORINEK, Y.S., B.V.Sc. STAYTGN VETERINARIAN Day and Night Servivo — OREGON •C-SC-vv s--^w ->W W - ■ *** t v v W v V e K 8 V r * W * » m « W tt»» t»4 4 % Paid on six mouths l ime Deposits ! i 1 | Fire and : Automobile Insurance Written T u r n e r S ta te B a n k oiiit we«k for ii»«: prWftt» otiu» sored by the governor passed both Repiesontattve Jame* lt Ifaslott of houses wUh lltilo opposition. llood River Introdured In the houx^ They provide for the transfer ol s Jolnt resolution whieh wouh* r«*posl Jurisdiction over tho prl»on from the that auctlon of the Inw providlng thnp governor to tbe board ol control and iIle state iiay guarunte« and puy m for the head • ! tho prison to be known lerost on hotel« Usuaci by the Irriga. , m« superintendent iustead of w .ird* n tlon dlstrlcts for • p-Ktxl of flve tbe second official to be known a« year* fremi dato of Issuanre. Thls ' resolutloii fedina « out the suggcstlon warden. This *?»slon may set a record for inaile by Governor i’atterson In blu | proposed Investigations. During tl^i uldres* lo Ih* legislature. To ropea^ first week reaolutlon* were offered ti tho lnw lt wlll I h * neoesssry for the investigate the fish and text book ponple to vele on thè proposil'un, q , commissions, also to make a survey pns.trd bv thè legislature, nt thè nrxt of the state government, and the past generai or special clectlon. w presentatlve I). C. Lewis, llsbcd in newspapers und notice given Multnomah county. that petitions are on file in the office Children under IS years oi age of county clerkM where they may bo would be prohibited from driving mo signed by Interested pontons. It 1» tor vehicles under a house hill Intro­ forbidden for anyone to aollclt signa­ duced by Repruscntatlvo Claude Bu­ tures for pny. chanan. Ib-nton county. Under the Tho bills propose a tnx of 5 millH present law minors 16 years old may per annum en intangibles, anil a tax obtain drivers’ ll< -jujee. Of 16 mills per annum on corporate excess. Both these imposts have boon Prison Bills Recommended by found productive of much revenue In other states. Governor Pallerson Pass The measures contemplate reassess­ ment of property throughout tho state With Little Oiticiation. so that existing Inequalities may be sniouthod out and a new dctermlna Telephons lnve»tig»tIon Proposed — tlon of va|ues bad. To that end the Tax Bills _ Int-oduscd — Petition atato tax commission is given added Methods Changed — Members Pay authority over taxation and assess- Increased— Instalment Dealers H it - ment laws of tho state and It rmiv ft* State Apiarist Wanted. ths value of property in arrlvlug a, uniformity of Ass,- imiu.. Jalem.—Whllo no Important meas­ Tax Levy Appeal Favored. ures had passed both houses during Speaker Larkin Introduced in the the second week of the session when k -u»e his measure allowing appeal to the legislature adjourned over Sundny, v. state board of control from the' yet mbsi of Iho Important measures tax levy made by counties and other of state wide Interest have been in municipal corporations, and to allow tflidoced and referred to committees. appeal when tho Issuance of bonds or This week It is expected the commit­ othor evidences of indebtedness shall tees will settle down to work and give have been determined upon by coup serious consideration to the Important ties and othor municipal corporations The bill, which generally Incorporates bills. The spirit of harmony which pre­ what is known as the “ Indiana plan," vailed between tho governor and tho Is similar to one introduced by Uarkin leglstaturo at the opening of tho ses­ at the Inst b el If,tlv ' <• • sion wns Jn evidence during tho sec- paused by tho house but killed la th<; WE ARE REAQY F O R THE N E W W ir h Sch ool Equipment, YEAR sju p i’lies, l„utf ttook* O d ie * *tul S ta tio n e ry . ('all on us for j*>M^ Supplies ATLAS •W5 Slut« St. BOOK STORW FuUm, Ora, Typswriters • Kub)>*r PUmpq An ln< ¡-mi- tux blit with a property yffsel made Its appearance lu tag Souse with ropronoA's'lve Mark M e falHsier us Its sponsor. 3 1*, bill 1« » duplicate of that turned down by, thu p--< pl-> at tho last uiectlun •"<11* Is tho second Income tax m r t » ti to appear In tbn ho «no Reprw- .tultve James It. Ifatiett of Hood vor introduced n duplicate of thu onu pat bn.'oro thu people by the state grange nt thu hist election and voted lows. It la understood that still snot be i Income tsx measure Is schednlsd 19 make Its appearance. Senator Bell's bill providing for abolitiou of tho state emergency board, which will probably have tho support of a majority of the members of the Joint committee on waye snd means. It was Indicated tn a discussion of tho proposed bill In thnt committee. Would Encourage Reforesting. Withdrawal from the tax roll» of ap^ proxlmately *,600,000 acres of private­ ly owned cut over and burned over fiircMt hinds which are largely unpro­ ductive. so that tho owners gisy bo encouraged to hold the landt^ difftng tho time necessary to mature forest crop» now growing or to be grown upon Huch lands, Is provided for In n bill Introduced In the house by Repre­ sentatives Mott, Chlndgren Peterson, Winslow and Stewart. A reaolutlon providing for »ubml*r »Ion to the people of u proposed con- utitutlonal amendment Increasing com­ pensation of members of tho legisla­ ture from (3 to (in a day was pro- Bonted to tho senate. Tho rcsolutlon followed tho passage by tnc senate of tho hotiHo resolution providing for payment of (5 a day expense money to all 90 members of tho legislature. Tho measure does not require tbr^ govern« r'a signature. It wlll Increase, the cost of tho session by upproxi mately (11,000. Would. Repeal Auto Title Law. Repeal of tho stnte motor vehicle certificate of title Inw Is. »ought by n bill introduced \'j Senator Jay Upton.' Henalor IIpL/u nLo Introduced a hill chnnglng tho county allotment of fund» revolved uy the gtalq from all motor vehicle license fees from 26 per cent, aa at Jiresont, to 3« per cent. According to Upton'« plan, 25 per cent of tho county fund would bo used for, road purpose*, whlli; (Jie remaining W per cent would go for whatever pur nose» the countv «aw fit. Mr. Willis anij fjm ilv motored to Portland Friday, Ralph Hussy ru nr home Friday from Oak rrhere hy is em­ ployed on a road in fr a c t . The job. is closed down on nccount o f the »now. ............... ........... *C“J