T he T urner T ribune TURNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, m m m - 1W7. SUBSCRIPTION 11.25 PER YEAR, »|» —a - jHfiil-i- wl II K O R IN E K S T O C K REM ED IES more CaliCortila-bound to m eet the dem and for Oakland and Rmtiac Sixes Four Ijn«* truii is daily to San Francisco ;md I os Anttvlrt. Hundreds enjoy this inviting service. 1 ligy tell with enthusiasm o f the Shasta Route laurpey. Appointments tud«-light the most exacting. Observation and club car accommodations! standard and tourist slccptfi), coaches. Dc« (icious meals. T rav,'l on ihe train. Ride rttti||lly and in fomfort. Winter excursion ticket* nt low cost, Scarcely tw elve m onths Silenced Chassis. A n d ia ago Oakland was only one o f % Increase every section o f the land, many manufacturers striving o in O akland sales leaped up. for p reem in en ce. T od a y it 134,0*9 ward, necessitating the un­ ran k s a m o n g th e largest precedented prod u ction c f builders o f motor cars in the 5 7 .5 6 6 O a k la n d S ix e s— world. Responsible for (his tremendous nearly 15,000 more than in 1925— and growth have been a continuous series surpassing any previous record in Oak« o f trium phs resulting in a record« land’s twenty year history. Now, with its position securely es. breaking 212% in c r c fie in business tablished, O akland-Pontiac bids for over 1925. W ith the advent o f the past year, new and greater heights— for over fif­ came the introduction o f the Pontiac teen millions o f dollars are being in. Six. So great was the demand it created, vested to provide for greater production. that in six months Pontiac Six produc­ In the strictest sense, this huge in­ tion had exceeded the greatest full year vestment represents more than an ex­ record previously scored hy a new make pression o f co n fid e n ce by G eneral o f car. And by the end o f the year, with Motors in Oakland principles o f design, P ontiac p rod u ction reaching 76,521 manufacture and distribution. cars, that record had been surpassed hy It stands as a tangible pledge to the m ore than 100 .! In July cam e the public at large that in fundam ental Greater O akland Six w ith 77 refine­ goodness and fundamental value Oak­ ments, featured by that epochal engi­ land Six and Pontiac Six «vih continue neering d evelopm en t— the R ubber- supreme in their fields! 212 Southern Pacific H. S. BOND Agent, Turner. P on t____ toe Six. t * .’ 5 to $975. O akland Si*, coattan am to Pontiac Sis, 1102 5 (o (S9S. AU y n u l Motors Tim « Payment Rian. • Most dairymen are familiar with these products of !! o f an Oregon firm, though new users art* coming in each week for the various remedies. Each are tried and proven preparations and all are guar- : I anteed, |\ Udder Balm Is an effective treatment for garget ,. and Kow Konditioner will prevent milk fever and ! • other troubles at calving time. For unexpected ! cases o f milk fever, Korineks Milk Fever Outfit i ! yields quick results. ;; We are pleased to announce that we are now ;; able to supply you with the new Korinek ;; MINERAL. :: GIVE KORINEK REMEDIES A TRIAL E. S. P R A T H E R ;; Reliable Druggist * • Turner, O regon FARM LOANS Minimum Expense No Commission P.H. BELL 2i9 U. S. Bank Building Salem, Oregon. at factory elo ry . lioM tt by Fither. E asy to pay on dU liberal Q n a « i BO N ES BRO TH ERS, TURNER John W . Oliver J "■ >. * OAKLAND -PONTIAC ^ Y IC K S O H E R B C O . Established 18 yean in Salem »+ ♦ ♦ ♦ »»♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i M t n u n s ♦ ♦ ♦ »»+ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ »♦ ♦ i Soy Bean, Cotton Seed and Cocoanut Meal Salt Licks and Dairy Mineral Priced Right W e Deliver Oregon Grain Co. Turner, - - Oregon. 'b'■ Ü “LV4jJFj7tïï i ;iîrj'Y. ■idtfifht&ÎfflFlài’l m i o c m s r a l J. H. Lvonc, Mg.-. Mrs. Freu Stewart, who accom­ panied Mr. -.ad Mrs. Gower from Newberg Sum iv, had the misfortune to fall and brer k a bone In her wrist. Will Gower r turned from N v berg Wednesday vf last week, where he assisted his br> ther in the annual ' invoice in the Or yon Grain Co.’s «tore at that place. Consult us for rheumatism, lum­ bago or kidney trouble. For gen­ erations our herbs and roots have relieved these ailments. Dixxiness, stomach or bladder {rouble also relieved by our Chinese remedies. We treat all disorders of men, women and children. Free con- . ...uition. Call or write to 420- 426 State S t, upstairs. Phono 283, Salem, Ore. Five hundred bend power stump pullers, $30. each. Horsepower $75. Automatic gates, hand well horsrs and waterwbools... Duncrest Co., I l l Srd St., Renton, Wash. 11-25-tf FOR SALE— The South 45 acres o f the farm known as the old Ben Robertson farm, 3 1-2 miles SE of Turner. $100 per acre. Mrs. Myra Burnett, 1876 Willamette Blvd., Port­ land, Ore., or call at Bill’s Grocery, Turner. If you have ays A. C. Eaton, 282 Salem, Oregon. Paid on six months Time Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank From beginning to concert appearance STUDIO: Res. o í Mr. Depee Turner, Oregon ing officer. It was also (he thirtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lambert o f Stayt«r whicch was cele­ brated jointly with the installation of the Grange officers. W. W. Deper and family spent the week end in Portland. Mr. Oliver, who spent the past week at the Deper home accompanied them to Portland. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ransom were Salem visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Duning wen- business visitors in Salem Friday af­ ternoon. A large crowd was in Turner Sat urday for the regular monthly meet­ ing o f Surprise Grange. Mrs. L. J. Rowley was in Salem Friday visiting her niece Mrs. T. B. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. S. Talbott motored to Sulem Sunday afternoon. Mrs. S. H. Bahn who has been laid up for some time by an injury re­ sulting from a fall, is raported to be much better. The new farm home of C. A. Bear is fast nearing completion and is a credit to the community. The new plant of the Portland- Demascus Milk Co. is completed and local manager C. W. Hewf*t began re­ ceiving milk at the ne wplant Friday. Carl Duncan, the local weather prophet, says we will have no more winter. We hope he is right. The Watson’s have installed a ra­ dio to help pass the long winter even­ ings. Richard Walker was in Turner Saturday and while here dropped in un<\ renewed his subscription to the Tyihune. NOTHING TAKES THE PLACE OF LEATHER. Get a new collar for your 1927 dog license at F, E. Sha­ Mnyor McKinney underwent a ma­ fer’s, 170 S. Corn’!., Salem, Oregon. jor operation in a Salem hospital one C. S. Stone returned Sunday to the day last week. J. O. Peterson ranch near Shaw. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Little were It you , eye trouble tee Dr. Salem visitors Thursday A. C. Eaton, 282 N. Commercial, Mrs. R. 0. Witsot, Mrs. Melvin Salem, Oregon. Nipple, Mrs. Thomas Little and Mrs. NOTHING TAKhJS THE PLACE Raymond Titus attended a meeting OF LEATHER for many articles used of the. Grange Work Club \yhich was on the farm, see f . Shafre, 170 S. held a( tho home o f Mrs. A. E. Rob­ Com’l S t, Salem, Oregon. ertson. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gower and Mr. ^.oreVa underwent an opera­ son of Newherk, visited Sunday with tion for a rupture at a Eugene hos- Mrs. Gower's parents, Mr. and Mrs. >\tal last Thursday. He was reported E. C. Bake*. >as doipg nicely Tho Revival Services olsaod Sunday nlgbl with good interest. Were you tu Sunday School last Sunday? He sure to oome next Su'd-' day. Classes for all ages. I f you do out attend elsewhere, we invite you to meat with us as we study the Urealest Book iu the World. We pleu to have special tnusio tt — M— iissiii— ■ hhtw J>«8v.-"rvvL a*'vdaJWfflMWI■lililí «— both morning aud evSBlug aervloes w in st Sunday. Iu the morning the Phone 440 Re«. 90U choir will sing an anthem, in the eve­ ning we will have other special music. B-rmon themes for the next Sunday Ueduoed Prices on all Plate W ork will he In a.m. "G o Forward." in the SA L E M M A S O N IC TE M O LE , p.tu. "E iou ses." Since next Sunday — il» i U tbs 7tb anniversary of National Prohibition tbs pastor will apeak some about this moral issue in (ha tporulng service. Dr. O. A, Olson, Dentist Pomeroy and Keene Th# auual movling of the Turner Dairy Association will ho held at the H. B. Auditorium January £3 at 10:$0 a.m. All member» are asked to attend. Business of importance on hand. Dinner at 1 .0 . O. F. Hall. Pro­ gram Iu afternoon with inspection of uew creamery. Mr. Work, of the Portland-Damaecus Milk and Cream Cb>. will he present to meet tho pat­ rons. CO WE For sale. (V F. Behnsen, IU- 3, By. 49 \V, W. Depee and Jono W. Oliver are putting on a picture chow at the Turuer high school MTvdneyd\y night, I t the attendance warrants, tbiee shows will ptobfdly he coutinvnd weekly. Bell Brothers areanuoui ppig at'~op- euieg danpe ta he held at their ball Saturday night January 15. bight Sqlern girls who are member* the Sbnbert Octette directed by Miss Miut-lla Magere will go to Tort-. 1 1 ltd next Sunday to ti,ng with the Neiiu Octette, of Portland, lu a pro­ gram of tho ° f Oregon compose­ rs which will he given jn the Porllaid audiloriutu on that day , 1 hey wi 1 sing an uraogemeut oi the Volga Boat­ man by Daulel Wllsou, of Portland.— ( apiul Jouri al, Miss Eleauor Moore, of Turner, U a mom her of the Shulert Octett and goes wiih them to Portlmd. She will also sing before the 1 1 ms Club Friday noon, Jauuary 14, in Salem. Mrs. Mary Barr, visited Friday at Mrs. Raymond Titus was called to the Robert tyitzol ho.jki iu Salop., Mr. Salem by te serious illness o f her Witzel wns reported to be quite sick mother. Mr. and Mrs. Bones aud son Keith Kenneth, Grimyr visited his mother visited Sunday at the heme of Mrs. in Salem Sunday. Bones’ uncle Robert \V:(«el of Salem. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Nipple, Mr. They reported him much bettor than and Mrs, Raymond Titus attended a lave your envelopes printed with The Trilijne shop can print your he was Friday. joint inrtnllatirn of the Stayton, r return address. The Tribune butter wraps, lçtter heads and en­ FOR, HARNESS o f all kinds or re­ Macleay, North H*>weli and Turner Give The Tribune cmdit for what do the ‘,v(>r\. velopes. pairs, see F. V. Shafer, the PIONEER Granges which was held at Stayton you buy from our advertiser*. HARNESS MAN, 170 S. Com’!, Sa- Ipst Friday. Miss Bertha Beck, State lenj, Oregon. Sqbycribji foy the Tribune Secretary o f Albany was the iustall- ^ Teacher o f Violin 'rouble teo Dr. h . Commercial, CRAWFORD NEWS 4 % m o to rs ----- Sifâ0 — ~ —■ Locals T Ü R N E R SCHOOL AU D ITO RIU M . WED. JA N U A R Y 19 Fir>t Show 7 ;00 Second Show 9 p m. o r P R O D U C T S is I - - X l -O. 379 State Street. Salem, Oregon. J E W E L E R S A N D O P T IC IA N S We are now located in our new location with a new assortment of jewelry for you to ohcose from -SHOOT- Peters High Velocity Shells--The Shell With The Longer Range. ANDERSON’S SALEM’S E X C LU SIV E SPORTING GOODS STORE | |67 N. Com’ l 9t. £ WEBB & CLOUGH CO. Funeral Directors A N D U C E N SE D E M B A ^E R S Reliable Service. Lady Assistant 205 So. Church St.— Day or Night Those 120 - Salem - CI k -Hwcrican Ratter Caretaker at Hats and Clothing Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing H I S. Liberty St. Salem, O regon.,