The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 06, 1927, Image 2

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Completing tha World’s Largest Monument
Work ITIMI «i-» here w n putting the
finishing louche* to the central statue
o f the K ill« Victor Emanuel li inolili
nient In Horn*, the largeat In the
world. Work on the monument »• ««
started In ISTH. The Mutue o f Victor
KtiiHtiuel Is of hronte plate «tul gold
ivkj, t » j | . W
m iv iii
N d w a y i t ^ r I'lilu u \
71 : H A V E with us, under latest
filshloii. Dial once upon a time (a
loríate, Ihe hell alcove. Il hid* fair lo
rr|M*at Ila former triumphs, for not
only do our ( n u l i ältest to It* revival,
tun also our coni* belli cloth ami fur
The Idea o f the hell sleeve lunes
in moat harmoniously with today's
trend toward feminizing Ihe styles
There Is something most charming In
I In* frock w hich has graceful hell
sleeves cunningly bo-rufllval with con
trusting material, to the depili o f the
- ! V\
ttu Ion« sa man shall ha on earth
Thara w ill ha taaka for lliaiu
to do.
Soma wav for thsin to show Ihstr
woi ih.
Kach day shall bring Its prob­
lems »aw
And man shall dream of mtghttse
Than aver ha vs bean dona be­
T h era
a lu a y s
s h a ll
h u n ts *
F o r m an la w o r k and a lr u s g la
Help Kidneys
By Drinking
More Vvater
III regurd to this subject.
out the styling o f mil on y dresses but
suit* as well, Hu* bolero Is taken as u
m ailer of fact. Designer* arc n e s tin g
many versions In the name o f bolero
some o f which employ the all around
treatment, some with open hack*,
ether* much linger ihnn those we liNve
been accustomed to seeing
Advance reporta from abroad are to
the cIToet that the bolero, which at
present la playing so Imporlunl a role
not only afleruoou but evening
Taka Balta to Fluah Kldnaya and
Halp N eu trali!* Irri­
tating Acida
Kidney and bladder Irritations often
result from aridity, aaya a noted au­
thority. The Sidneys help filler thla
udd from Ihe blood and pans It on to
the Iduildv-r, where II may sematn t*
Irrltatn and liifluiiie, causing a bun»
Ing, acaldlng sensation, or aelllng up
an Irritation at the neck o f Ihe blad­
der, obliging you to seek relief two
I or three Mine* during (lie nlglih Tho
aulTcrcr la In constant dread; tl.* wa­
ter paaae* sound lines with a scalding
■ensallon and la very profuse; again.
1 there la dlfllculty In voiding IL
Bladder weakness, most folks rati
It because they can’t control urlna
1 Mon. While It la extremely anuoylug
and aomcMiiie* very paluful, la
often one o f Ihe mosl simple ailment#
to overcome. Begin drinking lot# o f
■oft water, also gel about four
ounces o f Jail Nulla from your phar­
macist «m l take a tahlespoonful In •
glass o f water lie fore breakfast. Con
Mnue this for two or three days. Thla
will help neutralise the acids In th#
system so they uo longer are a source
o f Irritation lo Ihe bladder and uri­
nary organ#, which then act normal
Jad Halts la Inexpensive, and I#
made from the acid o f grape# an.
lemon Juice, combined with Hilda, aud
la used hy thousand* o f folk* who are
subject to urlnury disorder* caused
hy acid Irritation. Jad Suits cause#
no bad effect# whatever.
Hero you have a pleasant, efferves­
cent Hilda water drink which may
quickly relieve your bladder Irritation
— 1 Cd«nr Oueat.
F ig u re s in th e C risis in R u m a n ia
l.cti to tig h t:
K ing Ferdinand o f Kuniania; and ITincess Helen, deserted w ife o f Friuce Carol, with her
son, Brince Michael. who was declared the legal successor to the throne.
“ Q u e e n o f P r o g r e s s ” in M ia m i
For a luncheon dish senliopcd corn
make* a most lusty one. The follow
Ing la an old dish:
Corn a la Southern.—
T o one can o f corn udd
tw o well henten eggs, olio
teu*po<infill o f suit, one-
eighth o f u tenspoonful
o f pepper, one-half tea-
spoonful o f sugur, tw o
tableapoonfula o f butter
and one pint o f scuttled milk. Turn
Into u buttered hnktng dish and hake
In a slow oven until firm.
Corn Oystar«.— Beal tw o eggs, add
one can o f corn, one teaspoonful of
buklng powder, one lablespoonfirt o f
butter and one-half cupful o f Hour,
aeusou with salt and pepper and fry
on a hot griddle In smuli spoonfuls.
Nice served with chicken or squab.
Mock Crab.— Melt four tables|K>on
fuls o f butler, add one-half cupful o f
flour mixed with one half teaspoon fill
uf salt, three-fourths tenspoonful o f
mustard, one fourth tenspoonful o f
p ap rik a; when well blended pour on
gradually one and ene-lialf cupfuls o f
milk. Bring fo the boiling point and
add one can o f corn, one egg slightly
beaten, three tenspoonfuls o f W o rc e s ­
tershire sauce. Turn Into a buttered
baking dish, cover with cr»nlt-*ns mid
hake until the crouton* are brown.
Fried Celery. Tom ato Sauce.— Wush
and scrape celery, cut Into three Inch
lengths, dip into batter and fry In
deep fat. Drain on brown paper and
serve with tom a'o sauce. T o make
batter mix one-half cupful o f flour,
one-fourth tenspoonful o f sail, a few
grains o f pepper, one-third o f a cup­
ful o f milk and one egg well beaten.
Cooked celery served with cheese
and white sauce as an escallopoil dish
■nukes a good hot dish fo r luncheon or
Chestnuts.— Rem ove
shells from a pint o f chestnuts, put
Into a baking dish and cover with sea­
soned chicken stock. Bake until soft,
keeping covered until nearly done.
Boiled Chestnuts W ith Sauc*.— Re­
move the hurd shells from the nuts,
blanch them In boiling water ten min­
utes. then drop them In cold water and
rub off the brown skins.
Drop the
blanched nuts Into rapidly boiling w a­
ter and cook unlll lender when pierced
with a fork. Drain and let steum over
( M i l l i n g water until the sauce Is made.
Serve with a rich white sauce or a
drawn butter, or a
More Good Things.
T h e followiug is a delicious way of
serving chicken: Dress the chicken
and cot
Into serving
sized pieces, stew until
tender. I f the chicken Is
tough add two tuble-
s p o o n f u l s o f vlnegpr
when It Is cooked. Add
salt, four or live whole
cloves and peppercorns,
a bay leaf, tw o cupfuls
o f milk and one-half cup­
ful o f cream. When It boils thicken
with n tahlespoonful or two o f flour
stirred smooth with cold milk. Four
over well baked baking powder bis­
cuits split and buttered and placed
on a hot platter.
Parsnip Puff.— Boll parsnips until
Capt. Albert H. Conner, former at­ tender, put through a sieve, add a
torney general o f Idaho and a World
tahlespoonful o f butter to each cup­
war veteran, has been appointed
ful o f pulp, season with salt and pep­
superintendent o f federal prisons by
per. Beat two egg yolks, udd to one-
Attorney General Sargent.
fourth cupful o f white sauce, cool,
Conner's new post has been vacant
and add the stiffly beaten whites, pour
Miss Betty McKenny. as queen of progress, with her attendants, in the ^or Korr:e months following the death
into a well buttered baking dish and
great procession which marked the opening o f Progress week in Miami, herald- o t Supt- I-ml,pr c - "'K ite.
set Into hot w a ter; hake until brown.
Ing the new winter season.
W ay
W ith
Clean Ihe fresh vegetables and cut Into
narrow strips, put on to cook with a
tablespoonful or two o f butter for
P a c ific F le e t in B a t t le P r a c t ic e
each pint o f sliced parsnips, add no
water, cover tightly and steam, cook­
ing carefully until tender. There will
be moisture enough In the vegetable to
keep from bi'.uing. When tender add
salt arid pepper and stir until lightly
Spanish Cream.— Dissolve two fable-
spoonfuls o f gelatin In one-half cupful
o f cold water. Cream the yolks of
two eggs with one-half cupful o f
sugar. Pour over these the gelatin,
stirring ull the time, adding a pint o f
hot milk. Add a pinch o f salt and
flavor. Put hack In a double holler
and cook as thick as boiled custard.
Cool and fold In the sillily henten
whites o f two eggs. Put Into a mold
and set away to chill.
Dumplinga.— Tak e one beaten egg,
one cupful o f buttermilk, one half tea-
spoonful o f salt— If buttermilk is
sweet add no soda, If slightly sour
add a pinch o f soda— flour to make a
drop hatter, adding two teaspoon fuls
o f baking powder.
Drop Into u hot
Now what is Dr. Ruf*:- It. ton
stew o f meat or chlrkeu and rover at
Klelnsmid going to do about this? As
once; cook from eight to tw elve min­
president o f the University o f South­
utes, according to size o f the dump­
ern California he has announced that
the women students at the college
A delicious frosting fo r nny plain
M UST N O T SMOKE. And his own
cake Is a boiled frosting to which a
daughter, Miss Betty von Klelnsmid,
little cream, chopped nuts and raisins
flatly declines to agree with Ihe pater­
are added.
i he
S. s. New York In the foreground, the U. S. 8. Texas firing her nal pronouiclamento. "W om en have
monster guns, while In the background may be seen the U. 8. 8. Wyoming, a right to smoke, If they want to,” she
during the annual battle maneuvers o f the Pacific fleet.
say«. "It's a personal matter.”
P o w e r Cable U n d er Sea
Electricity at Ml.nuu vulla pro#
sure la now being carried hy a *ub
murine cable across Ihe Baltic • - »
from llelalngfora, Finland, lo l'n|>en-
hilgcil, Denmark, where It I* used for
lighting and Industrial purpose#.
A I-.fl-l-l I I . v f p r « v « n t a n r -. p r - I-— 1 « « » ' m M ,
ll- 't t
T - I . « Ill*
* r l l v » f w .< h W r l# t ll , I - i t * «
Vi#el«bl« 1*1 II« 111 IVml at
H istoric G ettysburg
W e ig h in g E le c tric ity
On November 10, 1803, the famous
E lectricity can be weighed as If It
battleground of Gettysburg field waa
were tea or sugar, according to a
N ew French postmarks urge hy­
H e has estimated
Antnres Is the largest heavenly consecrated as the National cemetery. | British scientist.
Gettysburg Is one of the most noted
body that has yet been measured.
that a small electric light bulb con­
Honolulu now has six automobile
sumes Just about on ounce o f elec­
Resembling an enlarged bottle open­ spots In America, and with It are as­
passenger busses.
er Is a new device for opening Ice sociated events of the Civil war.
tricity In a year.
In some parts o f India leopards
have destroyed all the dogs.
Bones o f cattle and sheep are an Im­
portant item in China's export trade.
Dust explosions caused $3,000,000
property damage In thla country last
cream cans.
Fostage stamps hsve been sold In
most countries throughout the world
for 8fl years.
Out o f about 43.000,000 population
In Great Britain, 28 000 000 persons
received public assistance In 1819.
T o o Lengthy a Task
G ive T h e m telv e e A w a y
"W e see plenty o t dof stories, but
why doesn’ t some anthor write the Ilf#
o f a cat?” “ No publisher would care
to Issue nine volumes.” — Louis-m #
"Men who say It Is a wicked world,"
«aid HI Ho, Ihe sage o f Chinatown,
"only describe the part o f It with
which they are beat acquainted.” —
Washington Star.
frncks a« well. Inda fulr lo he eveu
more pmnouneed lu thè sprtng slyleo.
es|ieclally In thè fashloiilng ut youlli
fui cloth sulla.
As a m ailer o f Immediate Imper-
lance, thè bolero la un oulstundliig
tieni. It is lite bolero Idea whlcli
plqiiiiul si.vie lo tlie atlractlve rmernld
greco v e ltri iiftcrniMin flrevs frinii
Do urei, bere pitturisi
A bromi M ac«
vclvet hunil forma thè I jciii II iic
cfToctlvely detalls Ihe neckllue ol Mie
underhlouse and edges (he pocket»
and cufl».
Il Is mosl tluiely thnt Itiroe run-
nlng little Jnckct cfTcct» he Introducisi
luto Mie sclieme o f dress design ut Mila
momrut, ft-r Mia trend o f Mie mode Is
No Cold
Fover headache or grippa«*
CoUU berak in a day for the Bullion» who
UK Hill a. He«ul*chc and lever atop. La
Clnppc ia chrckej. All in a way ao reliable
that druf£i«ta guarantee! result*. fWd» « 1 «
tuo important to treat In iema way*.
Be Sure I t i g l i
C ri Rrd Bea
Prier 30e
With p o n za ti
H Y -P O W E R T I M E R
P u tt Pmp In to Your Porri
If you «ram lo ha fm# rn.m u m»r
t fi. h bim, luaiall a HY i’mJKli
Tt M B11 an«
f o o r _____ r
rtfrutar,or if run .»rdrr fn u» thle ad _
poni*««» Hr-r^w* uig ••vp.ifep« c, » 1*1
H it F u ll N am e
Tom was visiting Ills nuni In * near
hy town. When »he wu* oui o f pa­
tience with hlm khe would call him
"Young America '* Home friends call­
ing on the aunt nuked him to tell them
hi* name.
"Shall 1 tell, A mil le?" he asked.
"W hy, sure.
Tell them your full
name." the uuntle said.
“ Young In itial Stales,” Tmu re­
A l l the Same to H er
She— What Is iiieunt by ihe pipe o f
lie — I can't Imnrtne! N ever smoked
a pipe In Ihe house yet hut my wlf#
made a fuss over It.
llah lt Is a cable.
W e weave a
thread o f It each day, and at last
we cannot break It.— H Mann.
Garfield Tea
Was Your
Grandmother's Remedy
Russian Influence, not only the entire
silhouette hut from the fact that It Is
embroidered In national colors and
trimmed with flying squirrel.
Especially does the flowing sleeve
lake on exaggerated line* when tt
cornea to the afternoon frock* o f geor­
gette which are at present so very
T h e charm o f these
dainty, colorful dresses Is their flut­
tering draperies and the sleeve dims
Its share In adding grace to the pic­
ture. Not only bell sleeves but angel-
wl ng sleeves are good style.
T o have a bolero or not to have
a bolero Is not the question, for
fashion leaves no doubt In the mind
p rd tiL
a .1 *
W a r n in g !
"You boss your liushuiid a good deal,
“ Yea. he 1« like putty In my h a n d «"
"B e enreful Even putty gela burd­
ened lu Mine.”
Many o f the atlk ami crepe
afternoon frocks are Just that way.
Tills same row ami-row trimming Is
achieved for rloth coats by metina of
handings o f narrow fur. Others, both
wraps and frocks, show elaborate em ­
bellishment o f embroidery or applique
design. W h ile still other coals have
bell sleeves void o f trimming save per-
hups a turn-buck enff.
If. however, one feel* ti.e urge to
emhi-lllxh and elaborate, the hell sleeve
gives ample opportunity. In fact be­
comes Inspirational In that dire,'Mon.
Handsomely I » the decorativo though!
expresstnl In the development o f tie*
striking coat model In the picture.
Throughout Its design It reflects tho
N r
decidedly toward elaboration, and the
bolero always Invites an Intricate
style accompaniment.
In Ihe under­
hlouse which necessarily must he w ill)
every bolero, a wealth o f opportunity
Is presented to smuggle In all sorts of
frills and furbelows and ornate hand
For Instance, he It a velvet,
satin or crepe frock, If Is becoming fur
the bolero to open over a while satin
bodice, heavily encrusted with all-over
gold and silver embroidery. This ur,
ilerblouse could Just as acceptably he
mude o f gloaming melnl cloth, o f luce
or o f georgette hundsomely tucked or
I d . t i l l . W ««t«rn N «w «p«p«r U * lo n .|
Belts o f Suede
Two Better Than One
Just as suddenly as belts disap­
Double bells are being exhibited In
peared from all our gowns, so hove Paris. One belt Is placed about six
they returned. T h e suede belts In Inches below the other, both being be­
bright colors vary In width from quar­ low the normal waistline. The lower
ter o f tin Inch to three Inches. Suede one eon flues a puff sash from the up.
hatbands often match the belts.
per one and gives the effect o f a pan­
nier or drape.
For every stomach
and Intimtlnnl III.
This good old-fasb-
V f
y A l
loncd herb honia
< T r 8 l t femedy for consU-
pillion, stomach Ilia
and other derange-
incuts o f the sys­
tem so prevalent these days Is In evnn
greater favor as a fam ily medlclna
thnn In your grandmother'« day.
C u t ic u r a S o a p
Pure and Wholesome
Soap, Olwtmwwt* Talcum sold T try w h a
F'rr* Auto Spring Information. Hprlng» ara
Ufa of car
limiten or »<iuuaky Springs
•hotild bo unknown Writs today, Homs
thing worth while j n Psttlt. Pomona.« allf
IKSII P A Cinc MAIMON A l l o t T
10 Iba, «hipped to nenr«»! ripn-Bi office for
92 90 Freight prepaid
P A C IF IC HAI.MON CO. ftoattlo. Wash
*9 A N T T O I I K A R F R O M O U M K o f g. no»
f a r m o r r a m h f o r »a ls . F . K ö r n t . 6 4 1 It los-
w e l l , (.'ret s. N e b .
V>rl*«| rrmif», I'rnm, I’wirhaa, Hg», HiiUhi.
Walnut», Almond», 6 lbs nnnoriml ».«mpls
pout paid 60c Homar Wright, rallatoga, Calif.
A4 1 F. V I'S M A K I N G B IG UO.NKV »r ilin g won
di-rful m m h a c k »aw blud*»
Mrntl f o r a s m *
io a n d c i p l a n a i Inn. P Y R A M I D I I M f M A W
O . 6626 W o o d s t o c k A v a , . P o r t l » n d , T l r » g o n .
P A R K E R 'S
I ItmtoTM I >andruff Ho,pa Hair Falling
K wet or a g Color
Jerkina of Colored Suede
Jerkins o f colored suede are Ideal
For Coat Lapel
for sports wear. They are particular­
T in y boutonnieres o f colored crys­
ly smart when there Is a knitted tur­ tal flowers are worn on the lapel »♦
tle neck collar and close-fllMng culls. the tailored su it
M t y to G ra * and F a d rd H a ir
r a n d |1 00 at Drugglaia
lh»w Ì L f l g » i
I Ltit-vx
k m »*«,
muí , »to p »
a ll pain, *n » n r* a c o m fo rt lo rfe»
in »* * « walking *a »r
f lo u .
w T
firm er*« Gom». dal«
Ito hy mali o r a i !>m»-
H lso n a Ubataleal W o rk ». PawItugwo. 16. ¥.