Vi THE TURNER TRIBUNE VOI*. T rio n fili, oiiiCGON, t i i u h s d a v , o c t o h e r X I. HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Everywhere. PUT IN CONCISE FORM K t r a li u l N olrd l'« r | lf , l i , « W ( B f * l l and i ' t r l l r N m i I i . h I. and (M k ff T h in ,. Worth k M * l , | . The (Tty National IwiiL id III.m an k N I*. » 11 I 1 ilntMiaii, uf mor« iluta $MMi,INNi. ha* In i', ilnaad Nv rraaua » a . aaattuarmi Three persons a rra klllad aad I* Injured la law m N I t a u durian Ika automobile raras through Iba t il, stirai, ut Havana Sunday Three offic e r» of Ib » N ulharbuist Hat la ,* 6 Ita si munta nr IT lia b u ra » V a l, Is lit If bunk a a la »m a la t i Friday alahl Kr 1 mu Ilka.lMM lo IM *oa»a ut Iba bank's landa »a ta raptirl.d tala » Ina Mrs A L lisaa. *7. ot I'alsiiro l a i . and Itoberi ran. bar «rsadst.a arad I. ut tiranas, dlad Halarda, as a rasali ut an raitluaiua of saaolla» Thalr aalttmttblla aaa sat altipad la rismaa al a Illuni slalloa Thraa Haas las. uaa a st.msn oars shut Hands, It* a llagad asplttaaga la babalf of Human la ll aaa c b-rgad I h » , gara Information srsiamailt a ll, tu Iba Hamaalsa a • r offtrs raspai nag Iba bn slbia of n il arm , forros Millón M W illiam., a l rsgsat of Ib » I'nlvarsll, of Minnastda sad a srboas ariltlllaa «a r a lallbia lrl, ra lai ad to Mlaaastds. diati la Mlaao apt rila Hunda, Ha aras 7» ,aar»
idigress was t ( t-ned lust June sad I-•lily a short distant* (rum III» flower I shop of lllon OTteuioa, whsra I Its I no­ torious guninsn and gangslsr wag am- basbsd and alala Dparallag • n n -b lii. gun from lha sveuud story window of oa aparlmout building, oas p ari, of tb» gangsters .prayetl |b»lr vlrllms wllb Issd While a set ond part, riding In aa automo- bll» opened llr» simultaneously wllb rlftss sad mar bln» guns. When the slaughter was ended two men Is , la tba bluud spattered »treat, on» dead sad lb » other dying, an­ other crawled tu lb » curb and col­ lapsed. and two others limped away aad were found la a doctor's office Tha facade uf Ibe cathedral which Is lbs see uf Cardlaal Mundelein, was raked with builds A marhtue gun was found la a nearby a ll»,. T b» dead are Karl " lly m l»" W»taa, notorious gangster sad gunman who was associated with O'Bar Ion before D'Haalua'a sssa.alaallor. and I'addy Murray, gangster and brother of Will lam Murray who. with lug Tim Mur pby, was seBleated la L »av»u worth P»alieallary for partlalpatloa la a big mall robbery here a few yaart ago D Mrlen waa abtd five IImes la tb» •bdomea 11» was aa n asslslaat •isle's atloraey sad oae of Chicago's best khoa a criminal laayers A year ago with William HroM Hteararl. bs bad defended William Darting Hhep herd, who waa arqallied of lb# alay lag uf bis tualsr ana. William Nelson Mi CIlBlork. “millltiasire orphan “ l-aler be* was assurlalsd with (Hawaii la lbs defense uf Russell H<.Ml. who si III Is ailetnpllng to escap» Ibe noose for killlag of a drug rlorh beeu Ex Royalty Fares Well in Prop­ erty Settlement. The closed Hwtin for the poatuffle* ifl hat winter aeason. % The gulf links near Hwlm, which were nut quite finished this summer, will j he completed by spring. Thla will be a nine hole course. v ) /V A L L E Y . 7 V O I C E S Klamath Falla.— December I will aee the Southern Pacific $800,000 rail­ road terminal In Klamath F all* com 01 / G E O R G E M A R S H pleted, one month sooner than an ti- clpated, ll was estimated by Southern AUTH O R. OF Pacific engineers supervising the " T O I L E R S OF THE T R A I L '* Communist* Vainly Protest Allotment THE W H E L P S OF THE W O L F * work. uf fa a llr and la n J . to i COPYRIGHT Ay THE PENN PUBLISHING COi Klam alh Falla. -C onstruction has Palled Kaiser. begun on wliat promise* to ^e one of “ W h at! He's in the trap?" CHAPTER XIV— Continued the most beautiful homes of southern “ Ah— bah! He nevaire m ove; an’ — 22 — Oregon, the $36,000 colonial type resi­ he face de odder way.” “ He Jump on heem from de tre e !" dent-« which Is being erected by C. H. Ilerlln The compromise bill pro­ David Joined them. "D at Wlndlgo Michel pointed to the broken branches froze stiff! Dis (am de trap stop u « «» viding a settlement between the t o r Daggett, president of the Kwauna box or a neighboring s| nice. company. “ That’* what happened!" groaned khowl queek!” But as they approached, eminent and the lloheuxollern fam ily I .a Grande - L a Grande is to have Steele. "H e waited for Pete to come three rifles covered the black shape vs ttli regard to the property of the ex in tbe snow. a modern, seven story hotel next up. and drop|>ed on bis back. Game Steele’s heart beat high. Now that ruler haa become law, thereby remov spring Such Is tbe announcement old P « ie ! lie gave a good account of the crazed beast with tbe evil voice log on* of the dlaturblng factors ot made last week by Mrs. Frank Phy, himself before lie went.” “ W e not tell de Injun dis," advised lay atiff in d eal’ now that there waa Herman pul Him. proprietress of tbc Foley hotel, who hope for Walling R iver— and for her, David. T h e bill traa adopted by the Prua dc'larva finances for the work are al­ "No. but they're stampeded by this the bellied scientist in Hteele clamored elan diet Friday a fle r n iM m , 268 volea ready assured. What time. We can’t hope to bold any for the key to the riddle. breed o f beast, mad or normal, could lo 17. with U abstentions. a fle r three I_i Grande.— Union county teachers. Portage lake hunters after last night. It be? leadings attended by rowdylam un In annual Institute here, Friday In­ I gucsf we're licked." First at the trap. Michel turned to Hu. burying bla »launch friend In equaled In Herman parliamentary his­ dorsed the propos'd eastern Oregon tbe snow, Steeie turned back, bitter Stvele with a wild oath. tory A strong pollcw guard was nec­ normal school and tuberculosis hospi­ with defeat, for hi* hope o f aiding tbe "B y g a r! Look, look w’At w* bunt essary lo protect the diet's officers, tal, union high achixils. and free text HI. Onges bad lessened as tbe Novem- all dis tarn'!" And the infuriated Iro­ and a reserve o f luu men was ready quois slashed savagely at the carcass books. More than i!l>0 educators at­ t»er days wore on. for any emergency. tended the two-day session. On their return Steele and the In­ gripfied by the" Jaws o f steel, till tbe The session hardly hail got under dians found the camp o f tbe ojibw ayx knife blade snapped In hit band. Then Hprtngfield. - - Without controversy, way when tbs communist» li«gan their already deserted. On a blared birch with a heave he turned over the hairy body with tbe trap, and Steele stared, obstructive la d le s They Introduced the board o f education o f'S p rin gfield s i . .ue tnesMige: all sorts of amendments, which had Saturdry adopted a resolution order­ “ We are going up the valley. You dumbfounded, into the twisted fea ­ lo he voted down, and volead s sharp ing tbe reading of tbe Iilble In tbe have not driven away the Wtndlgo tures. horrible iu the grimace of death, of— I'lerre ! Provisions re­ nnd » e have fear to remain." protest against tbs presence ot the local public acbools "Good G— d ! I’ ierre from Ogoke— They crossed the river to their police. President Hnrtels. however, stricting comment or doctrinal Influ­ Iatflumme!“ succeeded In getting a vote on the ence by the teachers were Injected camp, where David, from whom no In amazement. David and Steele calamity, however dire, could banish separata paragraphs after a lengthy before the reeolntlon waa adopted. appetite, was speedily cooking break­ l>ent over the distorted face etched debate Kugene.— The new 3,000,000 gallon fast. There, alao. they found Little with tbe frenzied despair o f the mo­ Hy Ibe terms o f the bill |3.«0V.V0U ment when the steel fangs snapped, water reservoir on Skinner's butte, Jacques spumed of face, for with the crushing the bones, and tie measured Is lo be paid lo tba Hohenitjllrrn fsm built for tbe city water system, has return ot the others, hla courage bad revived. Hy. which will also receive 1*7.non been finished and an official test will Kqtlng the warm meat which David at res of the former kaiser's estates be made this week, according to an­ hud cooked, the tired and sleepy men A t aatle at llotnlmry is to be set aside nouncement by members o f the water turned Into tlielr blankets. In the for the ex kaiser aad bis w ile Priwces. board. The Seydel Construction com­ aflermxin David and Steele waked, to Ilertnlne pany o f I’ ortland built tbe structure. learn from Little Jacques that Michel Four provlsloaa of Ijie measure had taken Ills rllle and ax and left l*a Grande Union county voters ra used popular criticism, but the IT us the camp. Aa they sat by a huge tire, wilt have a chance to vase on one in­ ■Isa s ad fe d e ra l lokrllam en i. apparent for the trees were suapping with the ly were so worn out Ibal they seemed dependent candidate at the November ' strengthening frost, like a shadow, 3 rlw tlu n Mose Klledge has filed a the Irr.- W hile hunting for which the public highways may be nnd still the voice In the night held mysterious trail. yon have done." ducks on the Scofield river, Victor usetl for commerce and the charge Its silence. Could the beast be wait­ At length Steele found his voice. ■•arson. I&, met death by (he acclden which should be made for such use ing to rush them from cover, like a "T o think of all that walling and Ford E»plains Motives tal discharge o f a ahotgun Sunday ihould be left with the states, where wounded grizzly, wondered Steele. squalling being done by an Indian! Idiraon nnd a companion It now is. rather than be vested In the Separated for safety, with cooked What vocal chords! He was a m arvel! Nsw York - Ituslness «anse and not morning Must have been trained for it by La- humanitarian m otives Indnccd llen ry were In a hoal and t.arson leaped for federal government, according to a rifles, they advanced to the bear trap flamme! Poor old P e te ! W e’ve The shotgun waa dlacharg brief prepared here Saturday for the masked In the snow beside the bait. Ford to put the five-day week In force the hank squared It for you. How did he kill "W hat you see, Michel?" In his factories, be explain» In an In­ ed ami the charge penetrated the left consideration ot the Interstate com­ "H e bln here, but miss de tra p !" him, Michel?” terview with Samuel Crowther. pub­ temple, causing Instant death. Coron­ merce commission. "Shoot heem from de tree, den cut muttered tbe Indian, doubled over the lished In the current Am erican Hank­ er Hitter of Kosehurg declared death Sandy.— A fam ily reunion was held snow. Steele and David moved up to heem wid de k n ife !" accidental. Ho waa atirvlvetl by hla ers' assodai Ion Journal. "H ow he run on de snow wld dem Sunday at the Alder creek summer look at the tracks. The trail led down "T h e workingmen- -who are the father nnd three nlatera. feet beat tne," wondered David. home of Mr. and Mrs. L e v i Wilkinson the ridge ioward the second trap. ‘H e use gnowshoe 'til he wan' to The hopes of the three friends rose. largest buyers In the rountry. cannot of Portland In luuiur o f the guldeti Robbers Kill American But why was the Thing so slient? make Wlndlgo truck. He lose de shea without leisure have the tim e lo cul­ wedding anniversary o f Mr. and Mrs. Was he waiting to leap on them as lie w’en Pete get liees trail." tivate a higher standard o f living,” Phoenix. A rlx.—J. K. Spring o f Phoe­ J. J. W ilkinson of lies Moines, la., who had sprung on the hound? Then the stored hate o f weeks for he rt-aaona. nix waa murdered and robbed Satur­ are spending several months visiting With rifles loose in the crook of the master mind behind this broken Mr. Ford la a strong advocate for day while carrying a payroll from relatives at Sandy and Portland. the left arm, for the fingers o f the tool at their feet— the arch plotter, cash hii.Incss and to "h ave the banka Cullacan, Sinaloa. Mexico, to n ranch Twenty-two relatives were present rigid hand would freeze If exposed, who, with such subtlety had planned pay Interest to ua rather than pay In­ about 12 miles front that town. This and spread like skirmishers, they to turn the valley o f the low er 'Vail­ and a big dinner was served. ternal to the banka." Information was contained In a mew stalked the position o f the hidden ing Into "forbidden country" which Salem.— Tho Arnold Irrigation com­ bear trap. no hunter dared enter— a land under sage received here hy H. I. Sprlgg pany o f Bend has filed with the state Through the blue shadows, Steele a taboo, spirit-ridden, shunned; was Tw o Hundred Indiana Klllad his father. engineer an application covering the strove to locate the position o f the loosed In Steele. Nogales. Aria. The H erald'* corres- "That crook at Ogoke shall pay for Mexico City W ord reached the construction o f the Arnold-Crnne Pfral- fox-set beyond them. Then the warn­ pondent at Magdalena Monday tele­ United States embassy Sunday from rle reservoir for storage o f 120.000 ing arm of the Iroquois held him tense all this— pay with his skin, with graphed the newspaper that 200 Ynqul the American consul at Mazntlan that acre feet of water from the west fork in Ills trucks. H e slipped Ills right- every cent lie owns," he stormed. hand from the mitten to the grip of "G ive me your hunds, you tw o !" Indiana and about 80 federal soldier* J. K. Spriggs had been murdered. The of the Deschutes river and tributaries the Mannlleher. What had Michel Slipping off 'their mitts the three for irrigation, power and domestic frtend3 gripped over their victim. had been killed or wounded In an en- embassy has made rcpresentatlona to seen? the foreign office, asking (he Mexican purposes. The coat o f the develop­ “ W e swear, here and now, that we As If carved from stone the Indian counler near Corral alatlon. Sonora, government to Investigate the affair. ment was estimated at $‘> 0,000 kneeled, rifle leveled, while Hteele will run I.nllamme and his crowd out Mexico, the night of October 6. Corvallis.— By selling Ice cream at waited breathless for the explosion. o f this country. If we stay on the The correapondqnt at Magdalena, snow until spring. Prom ise!" Last of Clataopa Diet the state fair at Snlent last week dairy Then to the surprise o f the man with • m ilitary t-onvoy, baaed hla ea- " N o !” objected David, withdrawing whose right hand was fast stiffening students cleared more than $100. Aberdeen, Wash. The Clatsop tribe llniate on official communiques re­ on his gun grip, Michel suddenly rose Ills (1st. “ He ees for me— de odder* o f Indians Is believed to have passed which w ill be used to help defray the to his fe«'t. ceived by the commanding officer. Joining Michel, where for y ou !” Into history with the death near hero e x p en d s of sending a judging team "R ig h t! He belongs to D avid—the the view was unobstructed, Steele Tacoma.— Request that 60-hour*paa | Saturday of Hob Hulikee, 100. known (o the east and to the Pacific Interna­ gasped In amazement. There in the police can’t have him !" tional exposition at Portland. The snow, by ibe fox-set crouched a black And the three half frozen men left aenger service be Installed by the us Us Inst full blooded member. the thing In the trap and snow-shoed transcontinental railroads between Ta | The Clatsops emigrated to this dis­ students made the ice cream through bulk. "Shoot, M ichel!” he whispered, lev­ back to their camp where they found coma nnd Chicago haa been made by trict from Oregon 40 yenrs ago. All use of the creamery equipment at the Little Jacques huddled hy the Are be­ eling his Mannlleher. college anil from products purchased of them except Sallkee, It is related, tho traffic bureau of the T acom a, moaning the fate ot his misguided "N o use,” came the muttered an­ from the college dairy. chamber o f commerce. | mnrrled Into more populous tribes. swer. " I ’ete, lie rest eesee— tonight." friends, who so rashly had followed DIET S C EN E STORMY j j Mr the voice of the Wlndlgo to their doom. "W hat's the matter Jacques? Think you see ghosts?" asked Hteele of the frightened Cree. "Y ou — you not eat up?" lie asked. "You nevaire shoot de gun. ] bad fear de Wlndlgo get you." “ No, we got him— In tbe bear trap. In tbe morning I want you to go up and see him so you can tell tbe people at W alling River." “ No. n o ! I weel not look at heem I” protested the Uttle half-breed, his face picturing the horror aroused hy Steele’s suggestion. “T b e Wlndlgo, Jacques, we found to be an old friend o f yuurs, sent by Laflamiue to frighten the Indians— Pierre, who was at the post lu Sep­ tember. You must have a look at him for yourself before you take tbe news to St. Onge. In the morning we'll send for all tbe people in the district to come and see him.” "Pierre, from Ogoke. he mak' alt dis troobl'?” “ Yes. He won't scare sny more hunters in this valley.” CHAPTER XV In the morning Steele with difficulty persuaded fearful Idttle Jacques to accompany him to the bear trap on tbe ridge. The Cree. with much mur­ muring and many misgivings, cast a hurried look at tbe twisted feature« o f the thing In the trap and turning, led Hteele a mad pace back to camp Then Jacques started with his dog- team for W alling River with the news o f the victory. Before dawn, Michael and David bad left for the scattered camps at the head of the lake to dispatch dog- runners east, south and west with the word that the dreaded Wlndlgo lay frozen In a bear trap at Portage lake for tbe eyes of all who would Jour­ ney there to see. But what, after all. did this victory — this thwarting o f Laflamme'a scheme to terrorize and depopulate the val­ ley— mean to him, Steele asked him­ self as he sat beside hla fire of birch logs that late November morning. There was no doubt that the Indiana, once they looked at the body of Pierre and learned that the Ogoke trader was at the bottom o f tt all— had loosed In their country a madman with order*, not only to drive them from their hereditary hunting grounds, but to kill— would be keen for ven­ geance. There would be no lack o f volunteer* among the trappers for a campaign against the free-trader. But there would be no help from the gov­ ernment until spring, and the situa­ tion at W ailing R iver demanded Im­ mediate action. No, there was noth­ ing to do but pull Laflamme’a teeth at once, and notify the government later. Bur then tbe defeat o f Laflamme did not mean the salvation o f the pout— . far from I t Lasce'les could close the post, even In the face o f a profit­ able future, for the loss o f the fo r canoe had put the place badly In debt to the company. So, with Laflamme eliminated, Denise St. Onge seemed n> nearer. Whether he kept the post in operation or not, the Inspector would never release her from her promise. Tbe only solution was her father’s breaking with HevUlon Frerei«— but would he do It? Would she allow him to. knowing the hopeless alternative he wonld face? Then the wind-burned features o f the man who sat thinking by the fire contracted with pain as he realized the presumption, the futility, so far as he was concerned, of his solicitude fo r the future o f those at W ailing River. Already she had thrust him from her. She had condemned him without hearing. In the end, if they won out for St. Onge, and, owing to what had been told the Revlllon people at Montreal, Lascelles dared not close the post, he, Steele, would have her gratitude— her gratitude! when once she had come to him with her heart in her eyes— had vibrated like the string of a violin to his touch, had turned instinctively to him In her despair! In two days Michel and David re­ turned with hunters from the bead o f the lake keen for a look at the body o f the masquerader who had left a trail of terror throughout the valley o f the Walling. And when they saw the thing which had been sent by Laflamme to drive them from their trap-lines to new and strange hunting country In the upper valley where their trade would go to Ogoke, there was a clamor for vengeance. Later when dog teams, from Uie L ittle Cur­ rent to the Medicine hills, had an­ swered the call of runners from P ort­ age lake. Michael marshaled the OJlb- ways at the trap on the ridge and ad­ dressed them dramatically in their na­ tive tongue. (T O B B C O N T IN U E D .» Tide» in Inland S«a» There are tides in botli the Mediter­ ranean sea and the Gulf o f Mexico. In the Mediterranean they are lo slight as to be almost Imperceptible; In the Gulf o f Mexico they run from two and a half to four feet. A delta Is an al­ luvial plain formed by a deposit ot sand and mud carried down n river. As the stream enters qnieter waters the deposit falls to the bottom and In­ creases In area and height until It reaches the surface and Is raised hy floods and tides shove the high-water murk. The delta o f the Ganges and the Brahmaputra lias an area of 50,000 square miles and that o f the Nile 1» 200 mile* wide and 100 mites long. Tbe Mississippi delta, which encroaches at a rate o f 200 feet a year, has an are« o f 12,300 square miles. Great deltas are only found In comparatively ttde- less aeaa, because the deposits would not otherwise have a chance o f accu­ mulating. I