The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, May 06, 1926, Image 1

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voli. x.
Agreement in Effect When Coolidge!
Signs Measure.
Wualilngton. II. C
Aa negotlatlona
Bits of Best News Items From
provai lo the agreement with lielglum
General Walkout of Trades
Seems Likely.
for thn funding of Its fll7.7S0.OOO war
The agreement provides that Itel-
glum shall repay Ih » United States
Events o f Notasi People, Governments
pro armistice
fle e of all accrued or future Interest,
Sophie’s Princess
I Trades Congrraa Also
beginning with an annual payment of
f 1.000.000 and
avow Overt Acta Against Gov-
Co f* riq
D > 1 W #
—21 —
In Which a Murderer Is Mur­
dered at Maybrick Hall
“ You appear to have a wonderful
Hood Hirer. Prospects for an apple faculty for remaining »live, my young
rrop were never better In tbe Lyle, 1 friend," remarked I’eteraon two min­
’Thing» Worth Knowing.
eminent U ad u n Calm.
The post armtatlre debt waa fixed
W ash, section, according to W. J. utes later, gazing benevolently at
at 9246.000.000, Including Interest, but
Havener, grower and shipper. Ti-o Drummond over hla clerical collar.
“ You can't Imagine tbe unpleasant
a part of the Interest will be foregone
bloom wus tbe heaviest and most reg­
Mr« Murlln Flood, t>f*. killed ha>r for the first ten year», bringing a
leindon. Any hope of averting a ular of years, according to Mr. Have­ surprise It gave me,” I’eteraon con­
tinued gently, "when your charming
mot bar iu her Hama In Woat Fork. material reduction. The firat year'» general strike that hung upon Sun­
ner. and the fruit la setting well.
w ife hailed uiy car. So unexpected:
I ll'll r F ayi'tlrvlllc, A r t , Kuudny
Mho payment on this debt will bo f2.S40.OOO
day's negotlatlona between the gov­
And when I realized
Salem. Motor vehicle operators In so delightful.
hail r«'< i-ntly been a patient at tho and payments will Increase thereafter.
that you were running about in our
alala lompltnl fur liu* Itiaailv at Little The debt la to be wiped out In 02
grounds here Instead >d being drowned
gress vanished al 1 o’clock Monday fees and gasollna taxes approximately
aa that fool No. 10 lold me over the
99.500.000, or nearly twice aa much
The American debt commission
telephone. . . . By the way. where
Mr» A. W all, TO. I'ortland, Or , waa
aa the total direct property tax. Thla
Is No. i o r
k llli'il tn<nr W »al Hid«. Iowa. Inal Sal found some of the major provisions nounced that the negotiations had
was revealed In a statement Issued ,
He turned snar'lnj on the Russian,
urtluy Hi«lit
Hhe plunged from tho o f the French proposal unacceptable broken down.
Tho government Im­ by the secretary of state Saturday.
but It wus one of Ihe men behind
vestibule of a sleeping rar on an east and directed Chairman Mellon to com mediately Issued a statement refualng
Eugene. — Baker * Scharacbmidt, Drummond's chair who answered.
hound t'lilrago A Northaroatorn rail- munitale thla decision to Allibasse
"H e's dead. This guy threw him on
lo resume them unless the congress contractors on the Roosevelt highway,
road train.
the live wires."
Franc* In the renewed negotiation».
were fined 925 and costs and sen­
“ Do you mean to say,“ said the Rus­
Thu steamer II T. McCormick ri-a
and repudiated other overt arts, which tenced to serve 10 days In Jail at sian In his harsh voice, “ that It was
lut’d two IftdlywoiHl aviator». Howard
the government desrrlbes aa challeng­ Maplrton Thursday on a charge of only this man Drummond outside
llatt and "Hplder" Matlock. otter tliry
cruelty to animals, made by C. Robert there F'
ing the constitutional rights and free­
Ituil been fon i’ll down at a«*a f t nillva
“ You have guessed It. Adolph,” an­
Wade, field officer of the Oregon Hu- j
Winston Churchill, chan­
» i ’l l of San I'edro at t o'clock Sat
dom o f the nation.
mane society. The Jail sentence was swered Drummond, speuklng mechan­
unlay nlglit.
ically. It had seemed to hlin. sudden­
The overt acta specified Include in­ suspended.
budget In the house of commona Mon­
ly. that, unseen hy the other». I’hyllls
Mr» Mollle It IHion, Klltltaa coun day and at the earns time announced terference with the freedom of the
Salem .--Prices for lime fertiliser was trying to convey some message.
ty tri'U.uri'r at Ellen ihurg. Waah . re­ provisions he had made In the way press, an obvious allusion of the strike
"Alone 1 did IL to *ay nothing of that
ceived a raril Friday from a friend of taxes to balance II and leave a of the printers and operatives of the which la being manufactured at the squib-faced bird upstair» with ihe long
that » » malted in Seattle July 7, m il. surplus The chancellor cellmates the Dally Mall becauae they objected to
arms. In fact, without wishing lo ex­
were fixed Friday at 94.75 a ton in
Aa usual lu aui'h cases tho postofflce cost of running the government for an editorial sent to them to set up.
aggerate, 1 think the total bug 1» live."
bulk and 95.50 a ton In sacks. Tbe
had no explanation to offer.
Wbat was she trying tc uiuke him
In view of the attitude taken by the
the fiscal year will be £012.041.000.
latter price la contingent upon sacks 1
understand ?
One of Mr. Churchill's outstanding trades union congress and the miners
Tho flr»t woman to bo convicted uu
being returned freight prepaid. The
And then suddenly she began to
France up to the present, there does not seem
state has 9145 a ton gross leeway laugh hysterically, und he half rose
dor tho law making It a criminal of
would begin to liquidate her war debt the least probability that they will
for expenses.
from his seat, only to sit down again
fonae lu ultor ilorogatory romarka
to 11 real Itrttaln Ibis year, the Initial adopt the course the government has
abruptly as be felt the cold ring o f a
about l‘ roiul«r Muaaollul la Malvina payment being £4,000.000. She may demanded from them, and the general
S alem — A ll state Institutions, with revolver pressed Into the nape o f his
Frog loll. Sho baa boon condemned to pay more than that, for the French strike consequently will go Into effect. the possible exception of the state in- j
aorvo eight muutha In prison.
"W a r has been declared.” J. 11 •lust rial school for girls. Oregon em­
finance minister. M. Peret. gave aasur-
"Three and two make five," said
Throo poraona dlod In a flro which ance that without prejudice to the Thomas, secretary of the national un­ ployment Institution for the adult 1’ hyllls. half laughing and half crying,
damugfil a lodglug houao ou Columbus forthcoming negotiations In London, ion of railway men. said to the news­ blind and state training school for “ and one makes six. 1 worked 1« out
avonuo. Iloalon. oarly Sunday to tbo hla government undertook thla as a paper men when leaving Downing boys, have sufficient money remain­ tonight, and It all came right."
She went on aimlessly for a while
extent of $16.»»0. Tbo victim», trapped minimum payment without conditions street. “ It Is a very aad state of a f­ ing In their biennial appropriations1
in the same strain, till the Russian
to carry them through until January
In submitting the nation's accounts
In Iholr boda, wore Joaepti Addarlo,
swung round on her with a snarl, and
Asked whether the representatives 1 of next year.
hla wife, I .aura, and their & year old to parliament, Mr. Churchill had a
told her to shut her mouth. He was
comparatively simple statement to o f the congress had made any reply
child. Joseph
Lebanon.— Workmen are now busy , talking In low tones to Peterson, and,
to the government's statement. Mr.
with one searching look at Hugh, she
Kduiuud Pennington. chairman of make. Inasmuch as the heavy coat of
the Lebanon cannery In con-
Thomas shook hla head and remarked.
relapsed Into silence. There was no
tho hoard of dlrvctora and ex president the coal subsidy had upset his plana
“ W e are now going to Eccleston
hysteria In that look, and his heart
of the Mlntieupolla, St. I'aul * Sault and converted his originally estimated
machinery Is being Installed and the begun to pound suddenly in Ills excite­
square” —trade union headquarters.
Sto. Mario tSoo l.lnel railway, dlod surplus Into a deficit. Thla. however,
A J, Cook, secretary of the miners' old conditioned for the season's run. ment. For 3230 Mayfair was the num­
from heart dlaoaae at hla homo In he had been able to overcome and by
Indications are now excellent for a ber of Peter Darrell s telephone, and
federation, said:
Mlnnoapolla, Minn., Saturday night,
she could only mean one thing—that
"W e are now going to discuss mat­ large berry and fruit crop this year
lie waa 77 yoara old.
she had got through to Peter l>efore
This necessarily precluded any remis­ ters together. The premier has de­
she stopped the car. And If that was
Dr. William J. Mayo, famoua aur sion of taxation.
clared war; we must prepare for the
so there wus still hope. If only he
goon, baa confirmed a recent Horlln
Salem.—The Portland Electric P ow ­ could gain time.
report that ho lias formally urgod re NEW B ILLS ROUSE
First—how long did he want? Two
er company, with headquarters in
Inalalomont of Herman and Auatrlan
Portland, has filed with the state engi­ hours at least: three If possible. To
aurgoona In tho Intornatlonal Society
B ILL BECOMES LAW neer here application covering the round up sit the gang and get cars iu
Washington. I). 0.-: Another batch of
the middle o f the night would take
o f Surgery, wltlr full equality In every
Washington. I). C
President Cool- appropriation of water from tbe Clack-1 time— two hours Ht the very least.
reaped with other member».
strengthen the federal arm of prohi­ idge late Saturday signed the bill to amas river, tributary o f the W illam ­ Secondly —and there was the c ro »—
A fte r a aummery April In Calgary. bition enforcement was presented Increase pensions of Spanish war vet­ ette river, for the generation o f hydro­ how was he going to get such »
Alta., May atarted Saturday with Monday to congress.
erans and their dependents nearly electric power. The estimated cost of respite? For this (line he could not
hope for another mistake. It was the
anew. Before noon the fall waa two
They supplenn nt measure» recent­ 919.»00.000 annually.
the development It $1.500.000.
end. und « - knew It.
Inchea. but It melted aa It touched ly Introduced and are regarded by (leu-
At the same time, in a formal state­
Salem. — W hether Salem's street­
No trace o f mercy showed ,n the
the ground The mercury waa 33 above oral Lincoln C. Andrews, In charge ment, he said his approval was not to
faces of tbe three men opposite 1.1m.
Xero Wcdtieadny and Thuraday. Fri of prohibition enforcement, as essen­ be taken "as an encouragement to car system is to be anbandoned in
favor of motor busses will be deter­ He caught occasional remarks, und
day the wind waa 30 m ile» an hour.
tial to a full effort by the government further lawa for large continuing ap­
mined at a series of public meetings after a while he realized what the
He gave a warning
matter under discussion was.
I'ubllcatlon of the San Frandaco to dry up the liquor supply.
to be held during the next few weeks.
Chairman Cummins o f tho senate that It might be necessary to Increase
dently the red-headed Russian was In
Herald will be temporarily »impended
The street car lines are owned by
ue a ineuna of atablllxlng other Van Judiciary committee became sponsor taxes If government expenditures are tho Southern Pacific company. P eti­ favor of killing him violently, und at
once— and It wus Count Endow* who
for the measures, which deal with greatly Increased.
derlillt newapapera, Cornellua Vander­
tions asking permission to replace the was advocating caution, while P eter
The president waited until late in
bilt, Jr., head o f the Vanderbilt news- review of liquor permits, thu search
street cars with busses are now before son sat betweeu them listening Impas­
pnpera. Inc., announced Friday night und selaure of ships within the 12- the Inst day on which, under the law the council.
sively, with his eyes d ied on Drum­
through hla counael, Dudley Field
made It clear that he had delayed his
Scio.- The explosion o f a brooder
“ I know the Black Gang,’’ Zadowa
coast guard officers and men by the decision solely on account of the gov lamp In a house belonging to A. L.
was saying. “ You don't. And they
The radio corporation of America
prohibition unit and authorise cus­ em inent financing Involved.
Godwin southeast of Scto, set fire to know me." Then he heard the word
and the Marconi Wlreleaa company of
toms collectors to refuse to register
Although he had been o f the opin­ the structure Wednesday and it was “ accident" repeated several times, and
England inuiiguruted a commercial ra
craft that they believe are designed ion that the Increased outlay would destroyed with all the contents. The at length Yulowski shrugged his shoul­
dm picture aervlre Saturday.
ns rum runners.
raise the expected deficit for the brooder had been placed in the attic ders und lealusl back In his chair.
firat photograph aent waa n photo­
"H ave tt your own way," he re­
coming fiscal year to approximately of the house to provide a warm place
graph of tho apeukora' table at the
Long-Bell Firm Sued.
for some young chickens. The loss marked. " I don’t care how they're
I'llgrtma' m idety dinner In London
killed, as long ns they are killed. If
Jefferson City, Mo.—A quo warranto undoubtedly could he devised to meet is estimated at 91200 or $1500, with you think It's necessary to pretend
Wedncailuy nlglit.
Insurance of $500.
suit to oust the Long Bell Lumber the increase carried in the bill.
there has been an accident, we'tl have
The franc, refualng to react fuvor
company. Kansas City, and asking for
Baker.— A yearling Aberdeen-Angua an accident. The only point is whut
ably to the conclualnn of the Frauco- the forfeiture of Its franchise and
Diver Seeks Bandit Car
pure bred bull was received Saturday sort of an accident."
American debt aetllement, continued court supervision of Its properties,
It was left to Carl Peterson to de­
Joplin. Mo.- A deepsea diving suit by W. B. Riley & Sons, livestock men
Ita ateady decline lliroughout the day was filed In the state supreme court
was used Sunday lo explore a huge, of McEwen, from the Harrison Stock cide matters.
Friday, and cloned at 3tM'J to tho dot here late Monday. The petition, which
"Nothing Is easier," he remarked
water-filled cave at Webb City In a Farms of Woodland. Cal. The animal,
lur, a new low record. A fter cloalug was prepared nnd filed In the name
suavely, and his eyes were still lived
vain effort to locate a motor car. It which weighs over 600 pounds, was in
o f the llourae, the franc Improved, of N. T. «e n try , attorney-general, al­
on Drummond. "W e ure discussing,
was reported the automobile had been fine condition on his arrival, but tt
my young friend." he continued, rais­
going (o 30.37
the dollar.
leges that the lA>ng-Dcll company vio­ pushed Into the cave by bandits in
shivered In the cold. A n Uve son of ing hts voice slightly, “ the best way of
dnllam. la auffering from a phyalcal lated Its charter rights In going out­ making escape after a robbery In Her California, he displayed n
h us las ill
getting rid o f you and your charming
breakdown at hi» home In Terre side (he scope for which It was organ­ ryvllle. Ark., nnd If found, might con­ for the cooler Baker wenth,.
wife. I regret that she must share
Haute, Ind.
T ill» wit» dlarloaed In ised. It cltea the promotion of tho tain the body of a woman who dis­
your fate, but I see no way out o f It.
Marshfield.— A new logging camp to To keep her permanently about the
Pittsburg. I'll., Sunday In a telegram townslte o f laingvlew. Wash.
appeared from Berryvllle about the
from Delia to the national convention
time of the robbery. The water Is he opened on Big Creek, In the vicinity premises would be too great an Incon­
of Bridge, will cut 35,000.000 feet of venience; nnd since we enn't let her
Stock Profits »486.000.
o f the socialist party of Amerlra and
more than 100 feet deep.
timber In four yeara. It Is estimated, go without involving ourselves In un-
read at a man» meeting, whore Delia
(•Irani. Kan
E. Hnldeman Julius.
lotlrd nnd (larratt have the .allroad pleasunt notoriety, I feur— as 1 said—
waa to have been principal apeaker. «Ir a n i publisher, made a profit of
Bull’s Attack Fatal
that she must Join you. My friend
and camp work under way.
I’ rlnevllle, Or. W hile pinned against
Yulowski wishes lo bayonet you both,
Lightning killed three peraona at 940&.OOO In the last 16 day* In the
Morrison has contracted to construct
lllon, N. Y., Sunday.
Clarence E. present bull movement on tho New Ihe wall o f a small pen unable to de the trucking road. There la consid­ anil bury you In the grounds. He has
Ilerkwlth, South lllon, and John S. York Stock Exchange, it was an­ fend himself. William French. 01, s erable white cedar In the area. The done a lot o f ttiat sort of thing In his
time, and I believe 1 am right in stat­
Mr. Haldeman resident of Crook county for 40 years,
I'opplo and the Intler'u on Stuarl, nounced
camp will have a payroll o f about ing that hts hand has not lost Its cun­
aged 7 year», were flailing In th. lllon Julius bought seven Issues o f stock was gored fatally Friday hy au en 910,090 monthly for the bridge section. ning since leaving Russia.
A little
roaervolr when n alorm broke. They nnd at one tlmo had a loss of 960.000. raged Jersey 'lull belonging to Lloyd
out o f practice, perhaps: hut the re­
J. I’owell. who lives four miles east
Salem.— Arrests totalling 406 for vio­ sult Is the same. On the other hand
were killed when lightning hit a ateel
plate In n concrete pier, bealde which money quickly,” Mr. Haldeman Julius o f here on the Ocho-'o project. French lations of the state prohibition laws t w i l l /.allows, whom you know of
said. "Itul I have no hesitancy about died three hours later.
old. quite rightly pointr out that (here
they »ought refuge.
were reported to the state prohibition
taking tho proflta."
department during the year 1925, ac­ are the members of your ridiculous
The ancient riot act, under which
gang, who know about him. and might
Wood Tick Bits Fatal
cording to figures given out here Sat
Sheriff Nlinnio of Paaaiae, N. J„ for
Cougar Slain on Stroat.
Klamath Fulls, Or —Bite of a wood urday by William Levena, state pro­ very easily Und out about me. And
nearly three week» hue prohibited
w hen In a few days your motor enr Is
Victoria, B. C.—A cougar was slain tick proved fatal shortly after mid­ hibition director. A total o f 74 stills
m eeting» and picketing of textile
hoisted nut o f the water, and Is traced
atrlkera In (larflelil, waa virtually set Monday on a downtown street hy Con
hy the registration number as being
liable Friday when Vice-Chancellor stable Strong, with a rifle. The ani­ of Mount Dome, Cal. Mrs. Sousa died lected in the amount of 996,151. Jail
yours, he fears that not only may 1»
llontlcy granted a temporary Injunc­ mat was In the best physical rondl In a hospital here. Mrs. Sousa waa sentences aggregated 14.694 days. Ap­ find things very awkward, but that a
certain amount of unenviable nnd un
tion. Thia legal Inatrument forhlda tlon and had evidently atrayed from bitten hy n virulent species of wood proximately 25.800 gallons of mash
Interference with lawful activities of aome mountain district In search of tick which causes spotted fever, from and liquor were destroyed. The o ffi­ desirable limelight may be thrown on
this part of the country, snd Inctde"
which few recover.
cers confiscated 21 cars.
the atrlkera.
tully on thla house.
As my friend
and I ' x l f c N o r th »* »!, and Olhrr
William J Thom ley of Milverton, has
qualified for a silver medal awarded
by Ihe American Jersey club.
Salem. — Plans and specifications
for the Oregon Linen mills lo be con-[
structed here at a cost of 9240.000.
have arrived from Belfast. Ireland. I
and have been turned over to local 1
architects preparatory to advertising
for bids. Machinery for the mills is
Dis­ on Its way hero frota Liverpool.
H 0 4 4M 0 00 0 M 00S M 4 IM 0SI
llu, a Jersey heifer belonging to Mrs.
for thu aelllemcnt of France'» 94,000.-
000,000 war debt proceeded Monday,
Zadowa most Justly observed— we
want an accident: a real good bona-
Bde accident, phlch will relieve tbe
world o f your presence and will bring
no scorching glare of publicity upon
this house or any o f my confreres
who remain In England. You inay re­
call that that was my original Idea,
only you seem In the most extraor­
dinary way to huve escaped from be­
ing drowned. Sllll. as far as It goes,
we have a very g o o d foundation to
build on. Your car— duly perceived by
the gentleman of limited Intelligence
who works the bridge— went over the
edge. You were duly perceive*! In 1L
Strangely enou -ti. bis eyesight must
have been defective—or else be was
so flustered by your amuzlng action
that be was Incapable of noticing
everything at such a moment
cauae be actually failed to see that
your charming w ife was seated beside
you. In the moment o f panic when
she realized you had fainted, she
leant forward— doubtless to try and
throw out the dutch.
Y es"—hla
eyes, cold nnd exjireaalonleos, were
turned momentarily on Phyllis— "I
think that U w hat she must have done.
That accounts for tbe not very intel­
ligent gate-opener falling to see her.
But that she v as there Is certain.
Because, Captain Drummond, both
bodies will be recovered from the
river tbe day after tomorrow, shall
we say? some two or three miles
lie was leaning forward, his elbows
on the table— and for the first time
Drummond understood something uf
Drummond, and the genial look had
vanished from his face. "Douhtleee
your humor appeals to some people; U
does not to me. Moreover. 1 am In
rather a burry. I do not propose. Cap­
tain Drummond, to take you to tbe
bridge and endeavor to make yoar
head Impinge on a wall, aa you call IL
Ther* Is another fur simpler method
of producing the same result. The Im­
pinging will take place In this bouse.
As a soldier you should know the re­
sult of a blow over the head with the
butt of t rifle. And 1 can assure you
that there will be no bungling this
time. Yulowski la an expert In such
matters, and I shall stay personally
to see that It Is done.
Drummond passed hts tongue over
hts lips, and despite himself bis voice
shook a little.
“ Am I to understand,” be said after
a moment, "that you propose to let
that man butcher us here— in thla
house— with a rifle7”
'T h a t Is exactly wbat you are to un­
“ You are going to let him bash my
wife over the head with a rifle buttl"
“ I am going to order him to do so,"
said Peterson mildly. “ And very short­
ly, at that We must not have any
mistakes over the length of time
you've both been dead. I confess It
sounds drastic, but I can assure yon
it will be quite sudden. Yulowski. as
I told you. Is an expert. Ue bad a
lot of experience In Kusala."
“ You Inhuman d e vil!"
Drummond dazedly. “ You can do what
you like to me. but for Heaven’s sake
let her o ff!"
He was staring fascinated at tbe
Russian, who had risen and crossed
to a cupboard in the wall. There waa
something almost maniacal In the look
on bla face— the look o f a savage,
brut» beast, confronted with the prey
it desires.
“ impossible, my dear young friend."
murmured Peterson regretfully. “ U
affonts me no pleasure to have her
killed, but I have oo alternative. To
see you dead, I would cross two con­
tinents,” he snarled suddenly, “ but"—
and his voice became normal again—
only bitter necessity compels me to
adopt such measires with Phyllis.
You see, she knows too much."
Yulowski handled his rifle lovingly,
and bis teeth showed In a wolfish grin.
Which shall I take first, chief?" be
said carelessly.
•"the point Is immaterial." returned
think perhaps the
Drummond tried to speak and failed.
His tongue was clinging to the roof of
his mouth: everything In tbe room
was dancing before his eyes. Dimly
he saw the red-headed brute Y’ ulowskl
swinging his rifle to test It: dimly he
saw Phyllis sitting bolt upright, with
“ You Appear to Have a Wonderful a calm, scornful expression on her
Faculty for Remaining Alive, My face, while two men held her by the
Young Friend,” Remarked Peterson. arms so that she could not move. And
suddenly he croaked horribly.
the diabolical hatred which Peterson
Then he saw Yulowski put down the
felt for him. He had never shown it rifle and UsteD Intently for a moment
before: he was far too big a man
“ What’s the matter?" snapped Pe­
ever to betray his feeling unneces­ terson Irritably.
sarily. But now. as he sat facing him,
“ Do you hear the different note to
gently rubbing bis big white hands to­ that dynamo?” said YulowskL
gether. Drummond understood.
“ What the h— l's that got to do with
Thank you a thousand times." he It?” roared Peterson. 'TJel on with It.
repeated In tbe same gentle voice. d—n you— and attend to the dynamo
"And since you are so concerned about afterward."
the matter, I will tell you my plan In
Yulowski nodded, and picked up hie
some detail. 1 need Imrdly say that rifle again.
any suggestions you make on any
“The last time," he sahl. turning on
points that uiny si.ike you will receive Drummond with a dreadful look of
my most careful attention. When the evil In his face, “ that this rifle was
car crashed Into the water it carried used by me was In a cellar In Russia—
you and your wife with it. You were on even more exalted people than you.
both hurled out as the car plunged 1 brought It specially with me as a
into the water, and somewhat naturally memento, never thinking I should have
you were both thrown forward. Head the pleasure o f using It again.”
foremost, you will note. Drummond,
He swung It over his head, snd
you left the car— and your heads Drummond shut his eyes—to open
struck tbe stonework of the opposite them again a moment later, as the
pier with sickening force. Just before door was flung open and a man dis­
you reached the water.
In fact. ■ traught with terror dashed In.
marked fenture of I lie rase, when
"The Black Gang!” he shouted wild­
this dreadful accident Is rejiorted In ly. "Hundreds of them— all round the
the papers, will be the force with house. They've cut the wires.”
which you both struck that pier. Your
With a fearful curse 1’ etersoe
two heads were terribly battered. In leaped to his feet, snd the men hold­
fact, I have but little doubt that the ing Drummond. luinfounded at the
coroner will decide, when your bodies sudden turning the tables, let go his
are recovered some few miles down­ arms. Yulowski stood staring foolish-
stream—that you were not In reality ly at the door, and what happened
drowned, but that the terrific Impact then was so quick that none of the
on the stone pter killed you Instantly. stupefied onlookers raised a finger to
Do you think It's souud up to date?”
prevent IL
“ 1 think It's d—d unsounu.” re­
With the howl of an enraged beset
marked Drummond languidly. " I f you Drummond hurled himself on the Rue-
propose to take me and endeavor to 9inn_ b lin d mad with fury. And when
make my head impinge on a stone two seconds later s dosea black-
wall, someone Is going lo get a thick cowled, black-hooded figures came
ear. Besides, the bridge Isn't open, swarming In through the door, for one
and even your pal, the not too Intel­ Instant they paused In sheer horror.
ligent gulekeeepr, might stick in Ills
Pinned to the wall with hts own
toes a bit. O f course” —he added hope- bayonet, which stuck out six Inches
might say you were doing beyond his back was a red headed,
fu ID —"you
or the movies. Tell hlin you're rail bearded man gibbering horribly In
lt foi
Charlie Chaplin, hut that you dressed a strange language; whilst creeping
In such a hurry you've forgotten your toward a benevolent-looking clergy­
man. who emnehed In a corner, was a
The red headed Russian was snarl­ insn they scarce recognised as their
leader, so appalling waa the look of
ing venomously.
“ me get at him. clilet He won't malignant fury on hla face.
cro as coMTisrunD >
try being funny again.”
The Russian half rose to hts feet,
G o lf B all S/ices Bird
his teeth hared, and Peterson pulled
Driving off the first tee at Ksyr
hlin back Into tils chair.
"You’ll gel your chance In a imrient golf course, near t'erdlff. Wales. W. A
or two. Yulowski." he remarked sav­ Evans hit a swallow with his bell sad
agely. Then he turned once more on cut tbe btnl In two.